Xinhua Far East China Ratings Downgrades the Issuer Rating of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. to CC

October 24, 2006

HONG KONG, Oct. 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua Far East China Ratings (Xinhua Far East) today downgraded the issuer credit rating of BOE Technology Group Co Ltd ("BOE" or "the Company", SZ A 000725, SZ B 200725) to CC from B. Its rating outlook remains negative. The CC rating indicates the Company is very likely to default in the foreseeable future. As predicted by Xinhua Far East's downgrade in April, BOE's vulnerable credit profile has been further weakened by a harsh operating environment and high capital expenditures. Sharply falling product prices have overwhelmed the competitiveness of the Company's 5th generation TFT-LCD production line and resulted in a negative profit margin with heavy losses reported in the first half of this year. Meanwhile, the Company's tremendous capital expenditure requirements, together with its negative operating cash flow, pushed its debt burden to an extremely high level. Thus, Xinhua Far East considers BOE's credit strength has been severely impaired and has rendered it highly vulnerable to default on its financial commitments. In the first half of 2006, adverse market conditions for the Company's major products have plummeted BOE's gross margin and EBITDA margin sharply to negative 23.9% and negative 14.9%, respectively. The considerable negative EBITDA means that it could not even meet its variable costs of production. Despite enhanced cost savings by local sourcing and increased sales of its 5th generation TFT-LCD products, improvements in operating efficiency could not offset the impact of diving product prices, particularly in 2nd quarter of this year. As BOE expects to report a net loss in the first three quarters of 2006 and the competition in TFT-LCD sector is very intensive and globalized, Xinhua Far East considers BOE's heavy losses stemming from its core operations can hardly turn around in the foreseeable future. In addition to the Company's poor operating results, the downgrade action has factored in the highly risky nature of the TFT-LCD sector and BOE's limited resources against operating and financial volatilities. In particular, BOE faces heightened competition from its large international peers which are flooding the market with 6th and 7th generation products, and accordingly are dampening the market demand and product prices of BOE's 5th generation products. As the sector is highly capital intensive and characterized by shortening product life cycles, BOE has very limited flexibility in holding back its capital expenditures. Xinhua Far East anticipates it will be difficult for BOE to sustain its development in the long run given its constraints in capital and technology, operating experience and risk control relative to its international peers. The downgrade also reflects BOE's extremely weak financial profile and very limited solvency and financial flexibility. Following an aggressive financial policy, the Company relies heavily on bank loans for expansion and capital expenditures, the Company's debt level kept climbing since 2002, and it has reached to such a seriously high level with its gross debt to total capital ratio increasing to 84.5% in mid 2006. On the other hand, BOE continued to generate negative operating cash flow in the first half of 2006. It also exhibited negative EBITDA/interest coverage ratio, far less than adequate liquidity ratio of 0.63 and limited cash reserves in hand, compared with its mounting debt burden of RMB13,409 million as of mid 2006. In addition, the Company's wholly owned subsidiary in Korea, BOE Hydis, has entered into bankruptcy after years of losses, although it is not consolidated in BOE. These all indicate BOE's extremely vulnerable creditworthiness. Xinhua Far East noted BOE has completed funding of RMB1,860 million in October through a private placement. However, the funds are mainly for producing product components for its 5th generation production line, its direct contribution to BOE's financial flexibility is limited. Historically, Xinhua Far East has downgraded BOE several times to reflect its worsening credit profile, as a result of its aggressive acquisition for Korea companies and its construction of 5th generation production line. Although BOE has raised four rounds of equity financing since 1997, with total amount of RMB5,117.9 million, adverse operating conditions and huge funding requirements have overwhelmed the growth of its capital base and hindered the Company from materially reducing its financial and liquidity pressure. BOE is one of the largest display device manufacturers in China. Its main products are TFT-LCD panels used for PC monitors and TV sets. In 2005, BOE's turnover reached RMB13.450 billion. BOE is a constituent of the Xinhua/ FTSE China 200 and B35 Indices. As of market close on October 23, 2006, its total A-share market capitalization and investable capitalization were RMB3, 078 million and RMB616 million respectively. Its B-share market cap totaled USD186 million, of which all is investable. For the rating report summary, please visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com/creditrating . Note to Editors: About Xinhua FTSE China 200 and B35 Indices Xinhua FTSE China 200 Index is the large cap index in the Xinhua FTSE China A Share Index Series and includes the top 200 companies in China by market cap. It is designed as a tradable index and is calculated in real-time every 15 seconds. Xinhua FTSE China B 35 Index is the large cap tradable index in the FTSE Xinhua China B Index Series, covering `B' shares listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges. It provides international investors with exposure to the mainland Chinese market. For daily data and further information, see http://www.xinhuaftse.com . About Xinhua Far East China Ratings Xinhua Far East China Ratings (Xinhua Far East) is a pioneering venture in China that aims to rank credit risks among corporations in China. It is a strategic alliance between Xinhua Finance (TSE Mothers: 9399), and Shanghai Far East Credit Rating Co., Ltd. Shanghai Far East became a Xinhua Finance partner company in 2003 and the first China member of The Association of Credit Rating Agencies in Asia in December 2003. Capitalizing on the synergy between Xinhua Finance and Shanghai Far East, Xinhua Far East's rating methodology and process blend unique local market knowledge with international rating standards. Xinhua Far East is committed to provide investors with independent, objective, timely and forward-looking credit opinions on Chinese companies. It aims to help investors differentiate the credit risks among the corporations in China, thereby, cultivating their awareness and promoting information disclosures and transparency in China market. For more information, see http://www.xfn.com/creditrating . About Xinhua Finance Limited Xinhua Finance Limited is China's unchallenged leader in financial information and media, and is listed on the Mothers board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399) (OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions, corporations and re-distributors through four focused and complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial News and Investor Relations. Founded in November 1999, the Company is headquartered in Shanghai with 20 news bureaus and offices in 19 locations across Asia, Australia, North America and Europe. For more information, please visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com . About Shanghai Far East Credit Rating Co., Ltd Shanghai Far East Credit Rating Co., Ltd. is the first and leading professional credit rating company with comprehensive business coverage in China. It is an independent agency established by the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences with the mission to develop internationally accepted standards for capital market in China. The company is a pioneer in conducting bond-rating business in China. For years, it has been authorized by the Shanghai branch of the PBOC to undertake loan certificate credit rating. Since establishment, it has rated over 1,000 corporate long-term bonds and commercial papers, based on the principles of objectivity, fairness and independence. The company has also maintained over 50% market share in the loan certificate-rating sector in Shanghai for three consecutive years. With its strong local presence and knowledge, it provides investors with unique and the most insightful credit opinion. For more information, see http://www.fareast-cr.com . For more information, please contact: Hong Kong Joy Tsang Corporate & Investor Communications Director Xinhua Finance Tel: +852-3196-3983 / +8621-6113-5999 / +852-9486-4364 Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com US Ms. Ishviene Arora Taylor Rafferty (IR/PR Contact in US) Tel: +1-212-889-4350 Email: ishviene.arora@taylor-rafferty.com SOURCE Xinhua Far East China Ratings
Psoriasis: Skin Symptoms May Be Just the Tip of the Iceberg

October 24, 2006

-- International Psoriasis Council Issues a 'call to action' Following a Collaborative Consensus Meeting to Review Implications for Clinical Practice NEW YORK, Oct. 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- World Psoriasis Day will have a more poignant focus this year as the International Psoriasis Council (IPC) issues a 'call to action' to medical experts to elevate psoriasis on the public health agenda by undertaking a more thorough therapeutic approach. Recommendations include the need to review current guidelines to ensure a more holistic approach to the management of psoriasis, taking into account the many potential co-morbidities, to prevent this significant health burden escalating. It is essential that physicians are vigilant about monitoring patients for signs of co-morbid conditions and are educated on all the therapeutic options available. These recommendations come following a collaborative Consensus Meeting convened by the IPC held at the 15th European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) Congress earlier this month. Multi-disciplinary medical professionals from around the globe reviewed the inflammatory nature of psoriasis and how it might be linked to co-morbid conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular disease (including hypertension, and myocardial infarction), type II diabetes and liver disease. Dr Bruce Strober, assistant professor in the department of dermatology at New York University School of Medicine, commented, "Mounting data suggest that psoriasis is a component of an inflammatory state that nurtures significant co-morbidities. It is likely that in some patients both psoriasis and obesity are co-dependent manifestations of an underlying dysfunctional pathophysiologic state. It is important that the overall management of psoriasis is significantly improved to ensure that patients are diagnosed early, appropriately treated and regularly monitored for signs of co-morbidity." Among the data presented at the meeting was a statistical study of over 10,000 patients in clinical trials conducted over the past 5 years, showing that psoriasis patients are more likely to have body mass index (BMI) measurements in the overweight and obese ranges than members of the general population. Building on this point, Dr Gerald Krueger of the University of Utah presented a study which indicated that psoriasis and obesity are endpoints of a shared etiology in which one may promote the other. Important data indicating an increased risk of cardiovascular disease was presented for the first time at the meeting. A large study by Dr Joel Gelfand of the University of Pennsylvania, recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, highlighted that psoriasis may be an independent risk factor for heart attack, particularly in young individuals with severe disease. Patients in their 40s with severe psoriasis were more than twice as likely to suffer a heart attack than people without the skin disease. Dr Gelfand's findings also shed light on potential health risks for overweight psoriasis patients. These data are supported by a case-control study presented at the meeting showing that twice the number of psoriasis patients (60%) had coronary artery calcification than non-psoriasis patients (30%). Other studies presented at the meeting indicated that patients suffer from their skin disease much more than previously understood. One trial showed that almost half of 1,000 psoriasis patients tested were likely to be clinically depressed, and another demonstrated an increased tendency to use alcohol and tobacco among psoriasis patients. The consensus group agreed there is overwhelmingly sufficient data supporting the linkage of psoriasis to increased co-morbid risk and to mandate future investigations funded by both government and industry. Professor Wolfram Sterry, a board member of IPC who chaired the consensus meeting concluded, "Psoriasis is a serious condition in its own right that is exacerbated by its association with co-morbidities. It is essential that physicians understand the severity of the disease and all its manifestations and integrate therapy in a way that provides a treatment that is as broad as possible to cover all the ongoing pathogenetic events." Asked about the outlook for the future, Dr Menter, President of IPC is optimistic: "The hope is that now that we understand better the systemic inflammatory nature of psoriasis, we can work closely with our colleagues in medicine and research to improve the general health of our psoriasis patients by using the full spectrum of medications, including the new biologic agents." Drs. Sterry, Menter, and Strober are currently working on a paper that will summarise the consensus of the IPC meeting, investigate the relationship between psoriasis and co-morbidities, discuss important areas for research on these issues, and issue recommendations for clinical management of psoriasis patients at risk of developing co-morbid conditions. For now it is important that everyone touched by psoriasis recognises the severity of the condition and the profound lifelong impact it has on health. About IPC The International Psoriasis Council (IPC) is a global non-profit organization dedicated to advancing psoriasis research and treatment by providing a forum for education, collaboration, and innovation among physicians, researchers, and other professionals interested in psoriasis. About Psoriasis Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory disease that may affect up to 100 million people worldwide with an average age of onset between 20-35 years. Seventy-five percent of all cases occur for the first time before the age of 40 years. As an immune-mediated disease, psoriasis usually requires long-term treatment for control. The annual cost of psoriasis to our society is an estimated US$3 billion dollars in the U.S. alone. For more information, please contact: Claire Jacques, Ketchum Tel: +44-7611-3856 Mobile: +44-7811-336684 Email: claire.jacques@ketchum.com Malia Tee-Lewin, International Psoriasis Council Tel: +1-212-566-3477 Mobile: +1-646-234-1362 Email: Malia.tee@psoriasiscouncil.org SOURCE International Psoriasis Council
Cyprotex Adds MDR1-MDCK Permeability Screening Service to the Cloe(R) Screen Range of In Vitro ADMET Assays

October 24, 2006

MANCHESTER, England, Oct. 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Cyprotex today announces the launch of a new screening service to add to their range of permeability assays. The Cloe(R) Screen MDR1-MDCK is a valuable tool for drug discovery researchers for investigating drug efflux by the transporter, P-glycoprotein. The addition of the MDR1-MDCK permeability assay to the Cloe(R) Screen family of in vitro assays further enhances Cyprotex's reputation as a market leader in the provision of ADMET screening services. As with the majority of Cyprotex' high quality ADME screens, the MDR1-MDCK permeability assay uses mass spectrometry as an end-point and employs Cyprotex' state-of-the-art automation capabilities. The MDR1-MDCK assay highlights early potential issues with drug permeability and is a useful predictor of brain permeability and, as such, is of particular relevance to drug discovery groups producing compounds for the treatment of central nervous system disorders. Unlike some other permeability measurements the MDR1-MDCK assay avoids the complexities of multiple transporters by focusing specifically on P-glycoprotein, one of the most well recognized efflux transporters in many tissues including the brain and intestine. Additional permeability measurements available at Cyprotex include Caco-2 permeability, the parallel artificial membrane permeation assay (PAMPA) and an in silico model designed to predict human intestinal absorption. Together with the existing assays the MDR1-MDCK assay provides researchers with a comprehensive selection of methods for assessing permeability. Commenting on the launch of this new assay, Dr. Darwin Cheney, Cyprotex' Chief Scientific Officer, said: "Investigating the interactions of drugs with key transporters is essential in our recognition of how drugs are absorbed, distributed and eliminated by the body. By developing cost effective in vitro screens to identify and quantify these interactions, it enables potential issues to be detected at an early stage of the drug discovery process, so reducing the risk of late stage failure". The Cloe(R) Screen range of in vitro assays are recognised across the drug discovery industry as providing high quality, highly reproducible data with an impressive turnaround times to fit with early make-test cycles in drug discovery. The services offered by Cyprotex are invaluable in enabling partner companies to make informed decisions when selecting potential drug candidates. For further information regarding Cloe(R) Screen and other Cyprotex services, visit http://www.cyprotex.com . For more information, please contact: Francesca Sadler, Marketing Manager, Cyprotex PLC, Tel: +44-1625-505-100 Email: f.sadler@cyprotex.com SOURCE Cyprotex PLC
Tele Atlas Continues Aggressive Expansion of Asia Pacific Operations with Appointment of Shinya Banno as Managing Director of Japan

October 24, 2006

TOKYO, Oct. 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Tele Atlas (FSE: TA6, EUNV: TA), a leading global provider of digital maps and dynamic content for navigation and location based solutions, announced today the appointment of Shinya Banno as Managing Director of Tele Atlas Japan. In this role, Banno will be responsible for all business operations in Japan, including sales, customer support and marketing. He reports to Asia Pacific Chief Operating Officer Mark Steele. "Tele Atlas has made significant investments to expand its map coverage and operations in the Asia Pacific region this year, and looked to secure a leader with unparalleled navigation industry experience in our core market, Japan," said Steele. "Banno's highly successful track record in the navigation and automotive markets in both North America and Japan made him the best candidate to ensure our Japanese customers' successful expansion across North American and European markets." Most recently, Banno served as Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Japan for automotive systems and facility management and control giant Johnson Controls Inc. In this role, Banno was a member of the XLP/Extreme Learning Process, an exclusive development program for senior management. Before that, he was General Manager of Global General Motors (GM) Sales at automotive parts leader Denso. While with Denso, Banno was based at the company's Denso International America operation in Michigan and was instrumental in securing the navigation systems contract with GM. "This appointment gives me the opportunity to work with Japan's top navigation system suppliers. I'm looking forward to supporting their industry expansion goals with Tele Atlas' high quality products, content and business support," said Banno. Banno holds a bachelor of business degree from Doshisha University in Japan. He is based at Tele Atlas' Japanese headquarters in central Tokyo. About Tele Atlas Tele Atlas delivers the digital maps and dynamic content that power the world's most essential navigation and location-based services. The information is the foundation for a wide range of personal and in-car navigation systems, mobile and Internet map applications that help GPS system users find the people, places, products and services they need, wherever they are. Tele Atlas also works with business partners that deliver critical applications for emergency, business fleet and infrastructure services. Founded in 1984, the company employs approximately 2,300 full-time staff and contract cartographers at offices in 20 countries around the world and uses a sophisticated network of professional drivers, mobile mapping vans and more than 50,000 data sources to continually update its maps. Tele Atlas is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (TA6) and on Euronext Amsterdam (TA). For more information, visit http://www.teleatlas.com . For more information, please contact: Yasuko Kimura of Tele Atlas Japan Tel: +81-0-3-5212-8181 Email: yasuko.kimura@teleatlas.com SOURCE Tele Atlas
Aplix Develops a Unique Virtualization Technology to Enhance Secure Execution of Native Code Applications

October 24, 2006

A New OS Independent User-Space Virtualization Technology - Allows Better Control Over the Access of Resources in A Multi-Tasking Environment, and Supporting the Security Needs of the Next Generation Information Appliances
TOKYO, Oct. 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Aplix Corporation (TSE: 3727) today unveiled its newly developed patent-pending user-space virtualization technology that can dynamically generate virtual execution spaces for native applications running on information appliances. (Image 1.1: Dynamically generate virtual execution space for any user applications. Please visit http://www.aplixcorp.com/en/images/release/usvm-1.jpg to view diagram.) In recent years, computer viruses and spyware have proliferated in the mobile space via the Internet, which has prompted the industry to develop different security mechanisms based on the platform it has targeted. Compared the solutions available thus far, this new user-space virtualization technology is unique in several aspects: -- It automatically creates a virtual execution space for any native application, restricting the application from directly accessing the underlying operating system, thus providing a secure environment for the running application. -- While it is as secure as the Java(TM) execution environment, it is lightweight with fast execution speed as it traps only a limited number of instructions. -- It is OS independent as it does not rely on the underlying architecture of the operating system, thus can support Linux, Windows Mobile, Symbian, BREW, and many others. -- Compared to the conventional OS, where means of permission is limited to statically preset file access with an associated user-id, user- space virtualization allows for a very flexible configuration to control the usage of any system services/resources (e.g. communication bandwidth, file usage, display access, etc) per application, and can be easily modified by downloading a description file. -- It operates in "user-mode" to enable application-level deployment, making security policies modifiable via OTA. -- It does not need to call any security functions nor be pre-processed with the security systems already in place, thus current applications can be executed without any modification. In today's mobile networks, Operators often enforce a set of pre-defined rules for the access of system resources on the network devices when distributing applications over its network. In light of this, user-space virtualization technology aims to bring a common security platform by providing a reference implementation that is coherent across different system platforms. Architecture (Image 1.2: Architecture Diagram. Please visit http://www.aplixcorp.com/en/images/release/usvm-2.jpg to view the diagram.) The user-space virtualization technology is comprised of a number of different functions, such as user-space virtual machine, state machine and security manager. When an application is executed, the user-space virtual machine scans the binary code to detect any security-sensitive code. If any dubious code is found, the user space virtual machine generates the safe code. The generated safe code calls to the security manager that to check whether the code should be granted the access to the system resources. The reference implementation and architecture of this technology is applicable to any CPU architecture, and compatible to Java runtime environment, BREW, Linux, Symbian platform security, and others. Aplix plans to license this technology as part of its platform solution and also provide technology license for a broad range of devices. Aplix CTO Ryu Koriyama says, "In the next generation of data device platforms, the question of how we can ensure security is an extremely important issue. I think the security technology we provide for the execution of innovative applications may prove to be the basis of a solution. Our user-space virtualization technology can be installed in almost all data device platforms currently available, creating value by enabling the construction of a safe environment for application execution." About Aplix Corporation Aplix Corporation is the global leader in deploying Java technology in mobile phones. Aplix was first established in 1986 and has been a Sun Java licensee since 1996. Aplix was publicly listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (Mothers) in 2003. On August 24, 2004 Aplix and the Taiwan based company iaSolution finalized the integration of the corporations. Headquarters: Tokyo Other offices: San Francisco, Munich, Taipei, Shanghai, Beijing, and Seongnam and Seoul For more information, please visit: http://www.aplixcorp.com/ and http://www.iasolution.net/ . -- Java and all other Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. -- All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Maggie Zhang Aplix Corporation Tel: +86-10-5869-5837 Email: maggie@aplixcorp.com Web: http://www.aplixcorp.com SOURCE Aplix Corporation
German Testing and Certification Institution Provides Support for Chinese Manufacturers of Fire Protection Products

October 24, 2006

COLOGNE, Germany, Oct. 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- VdS Schadenverhutung, the globally renowned German testing and certification institution, is presenting its services at CHINA FIRE 2006 in Beijing. This is an opportunity for Chinese manufacturers of high-quality fire protection products to find out about the VdS certification system at first hand. It is becoming increasingly difficult for both commercial and private users to distinguish between high-quality and inferior-quality products. The VdS seal of quality provides both guidance and confidence. The benefits for manufacturers of VdS-approved products are twofold: firstly, they gain a clear competitive edge in the marketplace, and secondly, the VdS approval automatically includes CE certification, which is mandatory for all products marketed in Europe. The VdS laboratories in Cologne, Germany, are equipped with the latest equipment for the type and system testing of fire protection products. Products are tested not only for functionality and reliability but also for their susceptibility to climatic and electromagnetic influences. The VdS experts will be on hand at CHINA FIRE 2006 in Beijing (October 26-29, 2006) to answer questions concerning certification, including CE Marking, at the joint German stand (Stand 801 in Hall B). For more information, please contact: VdS Schadenverhutung GmbH Amsterdamer Str. 174 50735 Koln Germany Tel: +49-0221-776-6482 Email: presse@vds.de Web: http://www.vds.de SOURCE VdS Schadenverhutung GmbH
MEDIA ADVISORY: The City of Las Vegas to Announce Plans for the World Jewelry Center, a One Million-Square-Foot Mixed-Use Facility

October 24, 2006

DATE: Wednesday, October 25 WHAT: The City of Las Vegas, in conjunction with the prominent Probity International Corporation, will unveil one of largest jewelry projects in the world, a one million-square foot, several hundred million dollar mixed-use project. The World Jewelry Center (WJC) is slated to revolutionize the jewelry industry as well as change the economic perspective of downtown Las Vegas. The entire concept of the World Jewelry Center is progressive and will match the other pioneering, international business projects coming to the City of Las Vegas. The World Jewelry Center will forever change the Las Vegas skyline and become an important landmark for the city. WHO: Las Vegas Mayor Oscar B. Goodman; Bill Boyajian, former President of the Gemological Institute of America and Managing Director of the World Jewelry Center; and developer Robert Zarnegin; will be on hand for interviews. WHEN: Wednesday, October 25 3:45 p.m. -- Press conference with the City of Las Vegas Mayor Oscar B. Goodman, Bill Boyajian, Managing Director of WJC, Robert Zarnegin, developer of WJC and key jewelry industry officials. 4 - 6 p.m. -- VIP exclusive event for jewelry industry leaders and key Las Vegans WHERE: Union Park 1000 S. Grand Central Pkwy, across from the World Market Center Las Vegas, Nevada 89106 To attend, all working media should call Preferred Public Relations & Marketing at (702) 254-5704. (Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20061023/LAM044LOGO ) For more information, please contact: Bridget Waldman/Robert Martinez Preferred Public Relations & Marketing Tel: +1-702-254-5704 Email: Bridget@preferredpublicrelations.com SOURCE Probity International Corporation
Syncrosoft Licenses MCFACT(TM) Technology to Microsoft

October 24, 2006

HAMBURG, Germany, Oct. 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Today, SYNCROSOFT, a provider of innovative DRM, Software and IP Protection Solutions, announced it has signed a technology licensing agreement with Microsoft Corp. that enables them to integrate Syncrosoft's MCFACT(TM) Technology into future products. Syncrosoft's MCFACT Technology, which is the core of Syncrosoft's IP and Software Protection Products, is used to transform program code and data into finite automata. The security of MCFACT is based on the known problem of decomposing large finite automata. The MCFACT transformed program code is able to process encrypted data without the need to decrypt the data. That's the reason why MCFACT protected data, processed in secured hardware or insecure environments, is robust against software and hardware based attacks. Syncrosoft's MCFACT Technology is applicable for the protection of valuable algorithms, security applications and sensitive data which should never be exposed during processing or execution. "Microsoft continues to innovate and license technology that helps us achieve critical milestones and drive opportunities for partners," said Amir Majidimehr, Corporate Vice President, Consumer Media Technology Group at Microsoft. "Syncrosoft's MCFACT technology can provide additional robustness to further improve the flow of content to Windows-based PCs and connected devices." "This agreement with Microsoft represents a landmark for SYNCROSOFT, as it acknowledges our MCFACT technology to be particularly suitable for the protection of some of the most valuable intellectual properties in the technology industry." commented Wulf Harder and Bernd Peeters, the founders of Syncrosoft. Thorsten Held, Managing Director of Syncrosoft, added: "Microsoft is committed to a long-term strategy of protecting IP through innovative technologies and we are fully disposed to support Microsoft in this area." About Syncrosoft Syncrosoft develops and markets superior crypto and security solutions used for IP- and software copy-protection. Syncrosoft supplies its technologies and solutions to customers in the software and digital content industry in Europe, USA and Japan. More information can be found at http://www.syncrosoft.com . The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Thorsten Held, Syncrosoft Tel: +49-4131-872060 Email: contact@syncrosoft.com SOURCE Syncrosoft Hard- und Software GmbH
Tuesday, October 24 -- A Unique Event in Paris to Celebrate Renault's Second Double Formula 1 Title

October 24, 2006

PARIS, Oct. 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Renault F1 Team is organizing an outstanding event in France to celebrate its two new titles of FIA Formula 1 World Champion and Drivers and Constructors: the Champs de Mars, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower will be the site of a human fresco staged by 500 people on Tuesday, October 24 at 5:00 p.m. (Paris time). The event will be filmed and relayed around the world. This first event, open to the public, will be rebroadcast the following day, Wednesday, October 25 at 10:00 a.m., live from the square of the Esplanade de La Defense -- Paris, France. All the pictures from the event will be available at: http://www.renaultf1.com/championdumonde/france/press from 8:00 p.m. on (CET), Tuesday, October 24. -- event picture gallery (copyright free, high definition) -- 2 DVD quality films (MPEG-2 Multiplex format), for downloading and copyright free For more information, please contact: Valerie Duthey Tel: +33-1-41-34-21-10 Email: webmaitre-rf1@renaultf1.com SOURCE Renault F1 Team
Sidley Austin Advises Merrill Lynch on $279 Million LBO of PT Berau Coal

October 24, 2006

SINGAPORE, Oct. 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Sidley Austin LLP announced that the firm represented Merrill Lynch (Singapore) Private Limited, as financial advisor, arranger and placement agent in the US$279 million leveraged buyout of PT Berau Coal, Indonesia's fourth largest coal mining company. The deal is representative of the recent increase in leveraged buyout activity in Asia. The deal, in which Merrill Lynch's client was an existing Berau Coal shareholder, involved a buyout of other shareholders and was a complex, contested acquisition. The Sidley team structured a set of settlement agreements and financing and acquisition documents involving more than 10 companies incorporated in five different jurisdictions. The deal was financed with two tranches of secured structured debt. The subordinated tranche, denominated as Collateralised Equity Leveraged Loan Securities, is entitled to participate in gains from a future sale of the company. The team was led by Edward D. Eddy of Sidley's Singapore office. Other Sidley partners involved in the transaction included: Jim Robertson and Robert Kadlec (Los Angeles); Sarah Smith and Dennis Dillon (London); and Prabhat Mehta (New York). Sidley Austin LLP is one of the world's largest full-service law firms, with more than 1,600 lawyers practicing in 15 U.S. and international cities including Beijing, Brussels, Frankfurt, Geneva, Hong Kong, London, Shanghai, Singapore and Tokyo. In 2005, BTI, a Boston-based consulting and research firm, named Sidley to their Client Service Hall of Fame as one of only two law firms to rank in the Client Service Top 10 for five years in a row. In 2006, Sidley was named to Legal Business' Global Elite, their designation for "the 15 finest law firms in the world." For more information, please contact: Janet Zagorin of Sidley Austin LLP Tel: +1-212-839-8797 Email: jzagorin@sidley.com Jennifer Grant of Rubenstein Associates Tel: +1-212-843-8060 Email: jgrant@rubenstein.com SOURCE Sidley Austin LLP
/C O R R E C T I O N -- Kenfair International (Holdings) Limited/

October 23, 2006

For the news release, "Repeated Success of Kenfair's Mega Show Part 1", issued earlier today by Kenfair International (Holdings) Limited over Xinhua PR Newswire, we are advised by the company that in the fourth paragraph, the officiating guests should include Mr. Wolfram Diener, Vice President of Convention and Exhibition, Venetian Macao Limited. The correct second sentence of the fourth paragraph should read "Ms. Echo Chan, Acting President of Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, Mr. Wolfram Diener, Vice President of Convention and Exhibition, Venetian Macao Limited and Mr. Jing Zhongyun, President of Macao Convention and Exhibition Association, are invited to be the officiating guests for the event." instead of "Ms. Echo Chan, Acting President of Macao Trade and Investment Promotion and Mr. Jing Zhongyun, President of Macao Convention and Exhibition Association, are invited to be the officiating guests for the event." as incorrectly transmitted by Xinhua PR Newswire. SOURCE Kenfair International (Holdings) Limited
Repeated Success of Kenfair's Mega Show Part 1

October 23, 2006

HONG KONG, Oct. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Presented by Kenfair International (Holdings) Limited, ("Kenfair International" or with its subsidiaries the "Group", SEHK Code: 223) the 15th Hong Kong International Toys & Gifts Show and the 14th Asian Gifts Premium & Household Products Show (collectively known as "Mega Show Part 1") has come to its last day. Acclaimed as an premier trading platform, "Mega Show Part 1" possessed the largest congregation of exhibitors of its kind in Asia, showcasting the widest range of toys, gifts, premium and houseware, and with its convenient and world-standard venue, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, the traffic of this mega event are very satisfactory and it has once again successfully attracted huge number of buyers worldwide. This year, not only the flagship event, but also Kenfair International has come to its 15th Anniversary, a special event -- "Macao's Night" which include a cocktail and dinner reception was held on 22 October 2006 at Macao Tower Convention and Entertainment Center, to celebrate this memorable occasion. Around 1,000 guests including international buyers and exhibitors, representatives of various trade associations and media joined the event to share this remarkable moment and to witness another milestone of the Group. Ms. Echo Chan, Acting President of Macao Trade and Investment Promotion, Venetian Macao Limited and Mr. Jing Zhongyun, President of Macao Convention and Exhibition Association, are invited to be the officiating guests for the event. Mr. Herbert Ip, Chairman of Kenfair International, announced that the first edition of "Mega Macao" is scheduled to launch in October 2007 at Venetian Convention and Exhibition Center soon to be opened, to capture the prime-time sourcing needs of buyers. Exhibitors and buyers have a better understanding of the city through their participation of "Macao's Night", and they have great interest in participating the upcoming "Mega Macao". About Kenfair International (Holdings) Limited Established in 1991, Kenfair International is a leading trade fair organizer in Hong Kong. Its flagship trade exhibitions are "Mega Show" series, Hong Kong Spring Fair, Hong Kong International Furniture Fair and Asia Expo in London, Las Vegas and Poland. For more information, please contact: Liz Liu/ Ezena Tang Tel: +852-2311-8216 Fax: +852-2311-6629 Email: liz.liu@kenfair.com / ezena.tang@kenfair.com Web: http://www.kenfair.com SOURCE Kenfair International (Holdings) Limited
WorldWater & Power Achieves Record Revenue for Quarter and Gives Guidance for Fourth Quarter

October 23, 2006

SHANGHAI, China, Oct. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- WorldWater & Power Corp. (OTC Bulletin Board: WWAT.OB), developer and marketer of proprietary high-horsepower solar systems, announced early this month preliminary results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2006 and provided guidance for the remainder of 2006 and for 2007. Revenue for the third quarter, a record, will be in the range of $5.8 - $6.1 million, and gross margins will also be at record highs. In addition, the company announced that it is making substantial progress toward completion in the fourth quarter of its largest instalment to date, the $7.8 million Farm ACW avocado ranch in California. WorldWater & Power expects that revenue in the fourth quarter will be between $8.5 and $9.2 million, with additional improvement in gross profits. "We are very pleased to announce that, as expected, we will post our best quarter in the company's history when we report full financial results in mid-November," said Quentin T. Kelly, Chairman of WorldWater & Power Corp. "We are on course for continued improvement during the fourth quarter and have basis to project significantly stronger growth in 2007. We also expect to close the Entech acquisition by the end of 2006 and are currently submitting joint bids on projects as large as 50 Megawatts in size. In addition, geopolitical events continue to provide tremendous growth opportunities for the solar industry." About WorldWater & Power Corp WorldWater & Power Corporation is a full-service, international solar electric engineering and water management company with unique, high-powered and patented solar technology that provides solutions to a broad spectrum of the world's electricity and water supply problems. For more information about WorldWater & Power Corp., visit the website at http://www.worldwater.com . Forward Looking Statement: Except for historical information contained herein, this document contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause the Company's actual results or outcomes to be materially different from those anticipated and discussed herein. Further, the Company operates in industries where securities values may be volatile and may be influenced by regulatory and other factors beyond the Company's control. Other important factors that the Company believes might cause such differences are discussed in the risk factors detailed in the Company's 10-KSB and its quarterly reports on Form 10-QSB both as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which include the Company's cash flow difficulties, dependence on significant customers, and rapid development of technology, among other risks. In assessing forward-looking statements contained herein, readers are urged to carefully read all cautionary statements contained in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. For more information, please contact: WorldWater & Power Contact: Jessie Sullivan WorldWater & Power Tel: +1-609-818-0700 x20 Email: JSullivan@worldwater.com Press Contact: Mike Breslin Mike Breslin Productions LLC Tel: +1-201-652-1287 Email: mbrez@aol.com Investor Contact: Jody Burfening / Chris Witty Lippert/Heilshorn & Associates, Inc.E Tel: +1-212-838-3777 Email: cwitty@lhai.com SOURCE WorldWater & Power Corporation
Accelerated Console-Quality Game Development for Mobile Phones with New Platform from Texas Instruments and Ideaworks3D

October 23, 2006

Integrated Game Development Platform Based on TI's OMAP(TM) Processor with Ideaworks3D's Airplay(TM) will Bring Gamers New Capabilities
LONDON, UK AND DALLAS, TEXAS, Oct. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- A new gaming development platform from Ideaworks3D Ltd, and Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) (NYSE: TXN) brings console-quality 3D games to mobile handsets. With the new gaming platform based on Ideaworks3D's Airplay(TM) and TI's OMAP2430 processor, developers will be able to create games targeting a broad range of mobile handsets. The OMAP Gaming Platform allows developers and publishers to create a portfolio of mobile games tied to new handset releases with significantly reduced time and monetary investments. The combined solution from TI and Ideaworks3D changes the current mobile gaming development process by allowing developers to create one game which runs on leading open operating systems, including Symbian OS(TM), Linux(R) and Windows Mobile(R). As part of this effort, Ideaworks3D will optimize and integrate its industry leading Airplay game software development kit (SDK) for TI's OMAP2430 processor which benefits TI's extensive OMAP(TM) ecosystem of leading game publishers and developers, serving handset manufacturers and mobile operators worldwide. "The case for next generation mobile games rests on the ability of our industry to provide integrated tools and platforms that help developers diffuse their content across the widest range of mobile phones, without sacrificing game performance along the way," said Alex Caccia, CEO, Ideaworks3D. "By joining forces, TI and Ideaworks3D can now offer a fully integrated software and hardware environment that provides the optimal launch pad for tomorrow's killer mobile games." TI's OMAP2430 processor integrates advanced 3D graphics hardware acceleration enabling mobile game developers to extract new levels of performance and enhance the game-play experience. The new OMAP Gaming Platform with Ideaworks3D allows developers to take full advantage of the powerful 3D graphics capabilities of the OMAP architectures for popular mobile operating systems. "Mobile games are starting to emerge as a killer app with some analysts reporting as much as 66 percent revenue growth for the mobile gaming industry quarter over quarter," said Richard Kerslake, worldwide general manager for TI's 3G and OMAP processors business unit. "The OMAP Gaming Platform with Ideaworks3D demonstrates TI's commitment to provide developers with powerful tools for creating content that unleashes the capabilities of the OMAP entertainment architecture, including cool games for consumers who want gaming on the go." TI's Mobile Gaming Development Platform TI's OMAP2430 processor-based mobile gaming platform is a complete hardware and software package that will enable developers to optimize performance-, timing- and memory-related design factors early in the game development process. Using TI's mobile gaming platform, developers will be able to create the majority of a game before new handsets are available on the market, enabling prompt availability of games on new mobile phones as they enter the market. TI's mobile gaming website provides additional resources for developers, handset manufacturers and operators. The site contains information on all of TI's mobile gaming developments and includes downloadable SDK and tools, and market and standards information. Visit http://www.ti.com/omapgaming to learn more about how TI is changing the mobile gaming market. Airplay: 3rd Generation Game Tools and Middleware Ideaworks3D's Airplay is an end-to-end software and service solution that enables mobile developers and publishers to create, connect, and deploy high performance native mobile games across multiple platforms and operating systems. Airplay, developed for over six years by Ideaworks3D Labs, is the industry's leading 3rd generation, commercially battle-tested game SDK, powering more 3D and connected mobile games than any other middleware solution in the market. Designed to speed deployment across multiple software environments and hardware architectures, Airplay SDK incorporates Airplay System(TM), a cross-platform portability technology and run-time execution environment that delivers binary compatible game code across ARM(R)-based mobile devices. The resulting game can be deployed over-the-air to multiple operating systems and run-time environments without further porting or any requirement for additional embedded software or resident game engines on the mobile device. Availability The OMAP Gaming Platform, featuring the Ideaworks3D Airplay 3.0 SDK, is expected to be available in Q1 2007. About Ideaworks3D Ideaworks3D is a privately held technology and game development company headquartered in London. Founded in 1998 with a strong Oxford and Cambridge computer science and electronic engineering pedigree, the company has an unparalleled track record of creative innovation and technical leadership in the field of high performance mobile gaming. Ideaworks3D's Studio is the recipient of multiple industry accolades including two consecutive BAFTA Games Awards in 2005 and 2004 for best handheld and mobile games. More information can be found at http://www.ideaworks3d.com . Texas Instruments - Making Wireless TI is the leading manufacturer of wireless semiconductors, delivering the heart of today's wireless technology and building solutions for tomorrow. TI provides a breadth of silicon and software and over 15 years of wireless systems expertise that spans handsets and base stations for all communications standards, wireless LAN, Bluetooth, A-GPS, mobile TV and Ultra Wideband. TI offers custom to turn-key solutions, including complete chipsets and reference designs, OMAP application processors, as well as core digital signal processor and analog technologies built on advanced semiconductor processes. Please visit http://www.ti.com/wirelesspressroom for additional information. About Texas Instruments Texas Instruments Incorporated provides innovative DSP and analog technologies to meet our customers' real world signal processing requirements. In addition to Semiconductor, the company includes the Educational & Productivity Solutions business. TI is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and has manufacturing, design or sales operations in more than 25 countries. Texas Instruments is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol TXN. More information is located on the World Wide Web at: http://www.ti.com . Trademarks OMAP is a trademark of Texas Instruments. Airplay, Airplay System and Segundo3D are trademarks of Ideaworks3D Ltd. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Alex Wood (Ideaworks3D) Tel: +44-20-7853-2255 Email: Alex.wood@porternovelli.co.uk Marisa Speziale (TI US) Tel: +1-214-480-1795 Email: m-speziale@ti.com Daniela Koeppe (TI Europe) Tel: +33-49-322-2947 Email: koe@ti.com SOURCE Texas Instruments Incorporated
IHG and ANA Announce Joint Venture to Create Japan's Leading Hotel Group

October 23, 2006

TOKYO, Oct. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) and All Nippon Airways (ANA) today announced the signing of a hotel operating joint venture to create the leading hotel operating company in Japan, the world's second largest hotel market. The joint venture -- to be named IHG ANA Hotels Group Japan -- will officially commence on 1 December 2006. IHG was selected as ANA's partner after a highly competitive process. The strength of IHG's family of brands, robust growth pipeline, international outlook and established operating systems made it the preferred partner for ANA, while ANA's reputation for high quality standards and service made it an attractive partner for IHG. Both companies share corporate values and strategic objectives, including a focus on China, which will help create a strong platform for a successful long-term partnership. ANA will sign new management contracts with IHG ANA Hotels Group Japan for its 13 owned and leased hotels (4,943 rooms). These hotels will over time re-brand to one of the three co-brands created for Japan -- ANA-InterContinental, ANA-Crowne Plaza and ANA-Holiday Inn. The flagship ANA Hotel Tokyo will be the first to be co-branded in April 2007 as the ANA-InterContinental Tokyo. The remaining 12 hotels will be co-branded over the following 18 months. These include four ANA-InterContinental hotels and seven ANA-Crowne Plaza hotels, with the remaining two proposed as one ANA-Crowne Plaza and one ANA-Holiday Inn. In addition, the joint venture will continue to operate ANA Hotels & Resorts' other 18 hotels (4,127 rooms) under management contracts, franchise agreements and marketing referral agreements for third party owners, who will also be offered the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of co-branding. IHG currently operates 11 hotels in Japan (3,100 rooms), which, combined with IHG ANA Hotels Group Japan's 31 hotels, gives a combined estate of 42 hotels with more than 12,000 rooms. ANA Hotels & Resorts' 500,000 ANA Hotel Members will be given the opportunity to become members of IHG's Priority Club Rewards, which is the world's largest hotel loyalty programme with more than 28 million members worldwide. In addition, ANA will sign up as Priority Club Rewards' global airline partner. With effect from 1 November, ANA Mileage Club members will be able to start earning air miles when staying at IHG hotels worldwide. IHG CEO Andrew Cosslett said: "This deal marks another significant step for IHG as we continue to develop our brands throughout Asia. We are delighted to be in partnership with ANA, which has a reputation for high standards and quality of service. This joint venture will turn IHG ANA Hotels Group Japan into the country's leading hotel operator. It is consistent with our strategy of expanding our presence in key markets and makes IHG the first international hotel company with a large scale, multi-brand presence in Japan. We believe that all three co-brands -- ANA-InterContinental, ANA-Crowne Plaza and ANA-Holiday Inn -- will benefit significantly from the arrangement and collectively have great potential to become the first choice in Japan for our guests, our owners and our people." ANA President and CEO Mineo Yamamoto said: "This is a great day for ANA Hotels and Resorts. Our joint venture with InterContinental Hotels Group, one of the world's most well-known and prestigious hotel companies, will bring our hotel guests the benefits of enhanced hotel operations under powerful co-brands and will enable our employees to take advantage of truly global training and personal development programs." "In addition, our hotel owners will enjoy the benefits of industry-leading hotel operating systems and our shareholders will benefit from the value that comes from working with a global partner. This is a superb platform from which to strengthen our hotel business, grow the co-brands and develop our people, in order to benefit our guests, our shareholders, our employees and our business partners in Japan. ANA and IHG look forward to building a successful long term partnership and exploring opportunities for other strategic alliances." About InterContinental Hotels Group InterContinental Hotels Group PLC of the United Kingdom (LON:IHG, NYSE:IHG (ADRs)) is the world's largest hotel group by number of rooms. IHG owns, manages, leases or franchises, through various subsidiaries, over 3,650 hotels and 540,000 guest rooms in nearly 100 countries and territories around the world. The Group owns a portfolio of well recognised and respected hotel brands including InterContinental(R) Hotels & Resorts, Crowne Plaza(R) Hotels & Resorts, Holiday Inn(R) Hotels and Resorts, Holiday Inn Express(R), Staybridge Suites(R), Candlewood Suites(R) and Hotel Indigo(R), and also manages the world's largest hotel loyalty programme, Priority Club(R) Rewards, with over 28 million members worldwide. InterContinental Hotels Group's portfolio in Asia Pacific includes 167 hotels and over 49,500 guest rooms under the InterContinental(R) Hotels & Resorts, Crowne Plaza(R) Hotels & Resorts, Holiday Inn(R) Hotels and Resorts, and Express by Holiday Inn(R) brands. IHG offers information and online reservations for all its hotel brands at http://www.ichotelsgroup.com and information for the Priority Club Rewards programme at http://www.priorityclub.com . For the latest news from IHG, visit our online Press Office at http://www.ihgplc.com/media . About ANA All Nippon Airways (ANA) is the seventh largest airline in the world and Japan's largest domestic carrier. It is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange with a market capitalisation of US$8.1bn (JPY932bn) as of 29 Sep 2006. Carrying almost 50 million passengers every year to 50 destinations in Japan and 23 cities throughout Asia, Europe and the United States, ANA is recognized for outstanding passenger service both on the ground and in the air. In the greatest Japanese tradition of mixing hospitality with high technology, personalised a la carte service complements state-of-the-art entertainment systems and the latest in cabin design. ANA has been in the airline business for over 50 years, and combined with ANA Group companies, its activities extend across a host of complete travel and aviation-related services. As a member of Star Alliance, the world's foremost airline alliance, ANA passengers enjoy access to a network of over 841 airport destinations in 147 countries, and reciprocal benefits such as mileage accrual and reception and lounge access. For more information, please contact: Charles Yap IHG Public Relations Tel: +65-9829-0310 Email: charles.yap@ichotelsgroup.com ANA Public Relations Public Relations Department Tel: +81-3-6735-1106 Email: r.henderson@ana.co.jp Minoru Koshida Hill & Knowlton Japan Tel: +81-3-5768-8400 Email: info@hillandknowlton.co.jp SOURCE InterContinental Hotels Group
System General ATX Power Solution Reference Design Wins US 80 PLUS Certification

October 23, 2006

TAIPEI, Taiwan, Oct. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- System General Corporation -- the leader in Desktop PC power supply controller ICs -- today announced that its forward ATX reference design has passed US 80 PLUS certification for energy efficiency. This reference design of 300W power solution adopts System General's innovative IC products, including PFC/PWM combo control chip, flyback PWM control chip, and supervisor IC. With extremely simple circuit structure and low BOM cost, this solution achieves a power factor of over 0.98, average power conversion efficiency of 82.51 percent, and standby energy consumption lower than 1W. It ideally meets the 80 PLUS and International Low Standby Power Consumption standard. To speed up the development of energy saving technology, the USA and European Union have established regulations and standards sequentially for the requirements of power efficiency. The 80 PLUS Project is administered by the U.S.'s Ecos Consulting to encourage manufacturers of high-output desktop and server power supplies to achieve a minimum of 80 percent efficiency at 20 percent, 50 percent and 100 percent loading points for improved energy utilization by incorporating the system's internal power. "It's the future trend to produce a power system meeting international energy saving regulations. However, it's hard for power supply manufacturers to fulfill the requirements of high-quality and low-cost operation simultaneously," said Tom Yang, the CEO of System General. "Through the integration of multiple innovative patent technologies, SG successfully developed the power solution that passed the rigorous 80 PLUS testing. We provide full technical support and optimal pricing to help customers develop new products with advanced marketing competitiveness." System General is one of the rare IC design companies that can provide complete forward power solutions in the industry. The forward ATX power reference design solution uses SG's self-developed & patented Switched Charge Multiplier-Divider (US6,812,769), Power Supply having Multi-Vector Error Amplifier for Power Factor Correction (US6,900,623), and PWM controller having modulator for saving power and reducing acoustic noise (US6,781,356), to enhance its total performance dramatically and make it more competitive. This solution also features an advantage of high integration that includes single chip integrating PFC & FWM and multiple built-in protection functions. Amazingly, customers only need to trade an extra cost of USD$3.0 from the original design and introduce their 80 PLUS verified models quickly, making it the ideal solution featuring the optimal price-to-performance ratio available in today's market. In the future, SG will release more revolutionary power solutions continuously, with excellent R&D capability. Introduction of SG Power ICs in this Solution: -- SG6931/2 -- The highly-integrated PFC/PWM combo-IC for forward topology of a power supply/adaptor is designed to provide current transfer operations in Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) for high output power systems rated above 150W. Its main features include: built-in green-mode function, highly integrated Over Temperature Protection (OTP), Over Voltage Protection (OVP), Under Voltage Protection (UVP), Over Power Protection (OPP), Short Circuit Protection (SCP) and Brown-Out protection. Its patent amplifier technology also improves output dynamic response. In addition, SG6931/2 allow maximum PWM cycle adjustment. -- SG6858 -- The low-watt fly-back PWM IC, its patent Green Mode technology, which realizes super-low standby power and built-in synchronized slope compensation, greatly improves system stability. In addition, it also features constant power output limits, programmable PWM frequency, Cycle-by-cycle Current limiting, and many other features. -- SG6516 -- The highly-integrated supervisor IC has overall supervising and protecting functions that can provide complete protection for power systems. The SG6516 provides two 12V Over Voltage Protection (OVP), Under Voltage Protection (UVP), and Over Current Protection (OCP) functions. Furthermore, it also features highly precise VRI & VPGI, built-in 20mS OCP timing delay protection, 300mS power good signal protection, and PSON controlling switch signals. System General can provide customers complete technical documents of this ATX power solution reference design, which includes demo-board, reference circuit, BOM list, Gerber file, etc., and real-time professional technical service. For more related information, please visit the product / desktop power solution at the System General web site ( http://www.sg.com.tw/ATX-POWER ). About System General System General was founded in 1983. Initially, the company primarily offered power system design services. In 1985, it began R&D, manufacturing, and marketing of IC programming and testing instruments. After endeavors of more than a decade, SG has earned a reputation for high quality goods and has received recognition from customers in Taiwan and abroad. In 1999, SG established its semiconductor branch, and began officially offering IC design services. Its principal products are power management ICs, which were introduced to the market in 2002. Most Taiwan IC design firms concentrate on the DC-DC field, while SG is the only IC design firm in Taiwan possessing comprehensive AC-DC power management chip production lines with products used on the power management systems of various kinds of computers, peripherals, wireless communications equipment, and home appliances. SG is headquartered in Taiwan with subsidiaries in the US and China and an office in Korea, and has established several marketing channels in Europe, America, and the Asia Pacific region, actively paving the way for globalization. The two SG business groups currently offer the following products: 1. Power control and management IC: ATX SMPS control IC; energy-saving PWM control IC; scanner analog front end control IC 2. IC programming and testing instrument: fully automatic IC programming and testing system; universal/special component IC burner; mass produced/R&D IC burner SG Web site: http://www.sg.com.tw/ For more information, please contact:¡G Ru-Ying Cheng Tel:¡G +886-2-2917-3005 x539 Fax:¡G +886-2-2911-1283 Email: claire.cheng@sg.com.tw Web: http:// www.sg.com.tw SOURCE System General Corporation
Corning Cable Systems Supplies Cabling Solution to BMW China

October 23, 2006

SHANGHAI, China, Oct. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Corning Cable Systems, part of Corning Incorporated's (NYSE: GLW) Telecommunications segment, announced today that BMW has chosen Corning's tip-to-tip optical and copper solution for its China headquarters office network infrastructure. The BMW China headquarters office occupies seven floors in the Beijing Jiachen Square Building. The project requires more than 4,000 optical and CAT6 shielded copper ports. Corning Cable Systems LANscape(R) Solution with high-performance Infinicor(R) OM3 laser-optimized multimode fiber will be deployed for backbone connectivity. The products include patch panels, optical cable and UniCam(R) Quick-Mount Connectors. For horizontal connection, Corning will supply its CAT6 shielded copper low-smoke, zero-halogen cable with signal transmission based on 450 MHz technology. The combination of the OM3 optical backbone solution and CAT6 copper horizontal solution will provide BMW a highly reliable, safe and cost-effective network infrastructure. T-Systems, a member of the Corning Cable Systems LANscape Solutions Extended WarrantySM Program, will be the general contractor for the cabling installation. T-Systems has been in the local area network and data center infrastructure business for over 20 years and possesses extensive expertise in network design, deployment and services. The success of this project is a milestone as a result of the close cooperation between Corning Cable Systems and T-Systems. Both companies believe that complementary relationship will lead to more business opportunities in the future. Corning Cable Systems is an industry-leading manufacturer of fiber optic and copper communications network infrastructure solutions. For additional information on Corning Cable Systems products or services, please contact a customer service representative at 86-21-64952266, or visit the Web site at http://www.corning.com/cablesystems . T-Systems is Deutsche Telekom's business customer brand. T-Systems offers one-stop information and communications technology (ICT) solutions. That means you have one point of contact for all your needs -- for your corporate networks, IT solutions or for end-to-end business process outsourcing (BPO). T-Systems Business Services unit currently supports around 160,000 medium-sized and large customers over 20 countries. About Corning Incorporated Corning Incorporated ( http://www.corning.com ) is a diversified technology company that concentrates its efforts on high-impact growth opportunities. Corning combines its expertise in specialty glass, ceramic materials, polymers and the manipulation of the properties of light, with strong process and manufacturing capabilities to develop, engineer and commercialize significant innovative products for the telecommunications, flat panel display, environmental, semiconductor, and life sciences industries. For more information, please contact: Lydia Lu Corning China Tel: +86-21-5467-4666 x1900 Email: lulr@corning.copm Rebecca Lu Corning Calbe Systems Tel: +86-21-6495-2266 x132 Email: rebecca.lu@corning.com SOURCE Corning Incorporated
Elster Group Launches Worldwide Energy Saving Solution

October 23, 2006

LUXEMBOURG, Oct. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Elster Group, the world's leading manufacturer and supplier of metering and utilization solutions to the gas, electricity and water industries, has today launched a smart metering solution that will help address the issues of climate change and energy costs. A new business unit, Elster Integrated Solutions (EIS) based in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, will drive global programs to help utilities worldwide adopt the very latest smart metering systems. Automated Meter Reading (AMR) and Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) are designed specifically for gas, electricity and water utility customers. These smart meters can help with some of the most pressing current environmental issues. "As a world leader in metering Elster delivers advanced metering solutions to gas, electricity and water utilities that enable meters to be read remotely over smart wireless and fixed networks," said Elster Group CEO, Thomas Ganswindt. "These meters enable providers to check on an end-user's usage more frequently, in turn facilitating more frequent tariff changes including demand-responsive tariffs which enable prices to follow demand. Smart meters can send warnings to the consumer to turn on or turn off appliances. The end result is energy and resource savings. Highly accurate and fair billing will show the real use of energy and scarce resources by consumers." Research (see Berg Insight M2M Research Series 2006) shows that shortening the link between consumption and billing makes residential and industrial consumers more price-responsive and therefore more economical with their energy usage. The Berg Insight research also shows that there is a huge market for this type of technology. Some European countries are already using smart meters, especially in Italy and in some Scandinavian countries. "Metering is a fundamental business enabler for utility companies. In Europe alone there are approximately 244 million electricity meters and 101 million gas meters," continues Ganswindt. "The liberalization of energy markets requires that the utility meters of tomorrow be connected to data communication networks. Elster's investment in technology and people will help reduce operating costs, drive additional revenue streams for our customers and further improve the quality of energy usage for consumers. When installed, Elster smart meters will also help improve our environment." President of Elster Integrated Solutions is industry veteran Sharon Allan. Allan joined Elster in 1997 from IBM and most recently was chief knowledge officer of Elster Electricity. In 2002, she was named one of the `50 Key Women in Energy' for her global leadership in the area of innovation and creativity within the industry. "We deliver and integrate metering automation solutions for our customers so that they can better manage their business in the area of gas, electricity, and water usage as well as facilitate new end-customer programs," said Allan. "Whether it is AMR or AMI, we enable business and customer management from the metering information. Core to our solution is the use of intelligent mobile and fixed network communications." With a turnover in 2005 of over Euro 1.3 billion, the Elster Group is the largest metering company in the world. A trailblazer in terms of quality and innovation, the Group continues to invest in the latest metering and communications technology. Mark Munday, president and CEO of Elster Electricity, has been appointed executive vice president of the combined Elster electricity and water businesses in North America. Mark has over 26 years of experience in the industry, and for the last 6 years has headed the Elster Electricity business unit in Raleigh. "The launch of Elster Integrated Solutions will help drive our North American business forward, providing our customers with the information they need to shape strategic decisions about efficient energy use," said Munday. "Our expertise and heritage in the metering market are combined in the EIS business to accelerate the delivery of actionable intelligence to the 62,000 utilities that we work with across the region." Thomas Ganswindt concludes, "As well as the clear opportunity that Elster Integrated Solutions delivers in North America, it is a strategic first step for our global offering." About Elster Group Elster Group (formerly Ruhrgas Industries), is the world's leading manufacturer and supplier of highly accurate, high quality, integrated metering and utilization solutions to the gas, electricity and water industries. In addition, through its subsidiary Ipsen International, it is the leading global manufacturer of high level thermo-chemical treatment equipment. The group has over 9,000 staff and operations in 37 countries, focused in North and South America, Europe and Asia. Elster's high quality products and systems reflect the wealth of knowledge and experience gained from over 170 years of dedication measuring precious resources and energy. The Elster Group is headquartered in Luxembourg. For more information, please contact: Nick Chaloner, Elster Group Tel: +44-7920-597-497 Email: nick.chaloner@elster.com SOURCE Elster Group
TAXUS(TM) Performance Superior to Cypher(TM) In Diabetic Patients In Head-to-Head Study

October 23, 2006

NATICK, Mass., Oct. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) today announced one-year results from its TC-WYRE (TAXUS(TM) Express(2)(TM) Stent vs. Cypher Stent: What's Your Real-World Experience?) study, which showed the TAXUS Express(2) paclitaxel-eluting coronary stent to be superior to the Cypher(TM) sirolimus-eluting coronary stent in diabetic patients in a head-to-head study. This study of 1,558 patients was designed to retrospectively compare one-year clinical outcomes in real-world practice among consecutive, unselected patients in 19 centers across the U.S. The results were presented at the Cardiac Research Foundation's eighteenth annual Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics scientific symposium in Washington, D.C. The study's primary endpoint was target vessel revascularization (TVR or re-intervention) at one year. The two stents demonstrated comparable TVR rates of 3.2 percent for the TAXUS stent and 4.4 percent (p=0.23) for the Cypher stent. This trend towards lower TVR in the TAXUS stent group was statistically significant in the complex diabetic patient population (2.8 percent for the TAXUS stent compared to 8.5 percent for the Cypher stent, p=0.004). "These low re-intervention rates are consistent with those we've seen in the S.T.E.N.T registry in the Unites States," said Dr. William O'Neill, University of Miami, and national principal investigator in the TC-WYRE study. "The data are particularly compelling because they represent the patients physicians treat every day in a real-world setting. These patients often present with multiple complexities physicians may not see in a randomized controlled trial setting -- complexities such as diabetes, small vessels, tortuous anatomy and more." The TC-WYRE study also demonstrated excellent safety outcomes consistent with previous U.S. studies. The major adverse cardiac event rates were comparable for the TAXUS stent at 7.2 percent and the Cypher stent at 7.3 percent. In addition, the two groups demonstrated low and comparable overall stent thrombosis rates of 0.9 percent for TAXUS and 0.8 percent for Cypher, with an identical late-stent thrombosis rate of 0.1 percent reported for both stents. "While some smaller, single-center studies have suggested significant differences between the Cypher stent and the TAXUS stent, these differences have not been borne out by the broader body of clinical data and have been inconsistent with what physicians tell us about their daily practice experience," said Paul LaViolette, Chief Operating Officer of Boston Scientific. "TC-WYRE was designed to capture the real experience physicians are having with the two stents and it corroborates the positive findings on the TAXUS stent from significant studies such as the S.T.E.N.T registry and from the REALITY trial -- the two largest studies of their kind to evaluate TAXUS and Cypher stents head-to-head." Boston Scientific is a worldwide developer, manufacturer and marketer of medical devises whose products are used in a broad range of interventional medical specialties. For more information, please visit: http://www.boston.scientific.com . This press release contains forward-looking statements. Boston Scientific wishes to caution the reader of this press release that actual results may differ from those discussed in the forward-looking statements and may be adversely affected by, among other things, risks associated with new product development and commercialization, clinical trials, intellectual property, regulatory approvals, competitive offerings, Boston Scientific's over all business strategy, and other factors described in Boston Scientific's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. For more information, please contact: Geraldine Varoqui, Boston Scientific PR Manager International Tel: +49-2102-489-461 Email: varoquig@bsci.com Tracy Paul, BSC press office Tel: +44-20-7413-3101 Email: tpaul@medicalknowledgegroup.com SOURCE Boston Scientific Corporation
aloft -- A Vision of W Hotels: A New Destination Sensation in the Travel Industry

October 23, 2006

Innovative Design, Style and Technology to Reinvent the Current Business Segment
aloft; Adverb: in or Into a High Place; High or Higher Up
aloft; Adverb: in or Into a High Place; High or Higher Up
SINGAPORE, Oct. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- aloha! Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. (NYSE:HOT) and its successful W Hotels division have done it again. Carrying the DNA of W Hotels, aloft hotels formally launched in Asia Pacific today at the Hotel Investment Conference (HICAP) in Hong Kong. Developers and members of the media can see the brand come to life for the first time at the custom-designed aloft experience room, set at the conference venue. The aloft room offers a firsthand look at the unique and stylish spirit of the brand and experience its refreshing look and feel. As a Vision of W Hotels, aloft is conceived by the same team that created W Hotels, widely regarded as one of the most successful new brands in decades. In the same way W Hotels broke through the clutter of conformity in the upper upscale hotel arena, aloft will raise the bar in the midscale category, offering urban-inspired, loft-like guest rooms, enhanced technology services, landscaped outdoor spaces for socializing day and night and an energetic lounge scene. Design visionary David Rockwell and the Rockwell Group, whose award-winning projects include the Kodak Theater, Nobu and the W Union Square, are collaborating on the brand's design. "We are building on our success and lessons learned from W and reinventing the category," said Steven J. Heyer, Starwood's Chief Executive Officer. "aloft will offer travelers a radical departure and a welcome, refreshing alternative to what's currently out there. We intend to deliver great style, design and functionality, all at an affordable room rate, with a high comfort quotient." "Our customers are more sophisticated and they expect more than just a place to sleep. With aloft, we're shaking things up and offering something fresh, inspiring and ultimately more fun," said Ross Klein, President of W Hotels Worldwide. "We see aloft as an oasis at the end of the road, a place that's comfortable, easy and effortless." aloft will revamp the same-old, same-old, polyester and concrete experience by bringing stylish accommodations and a social atmosphere to business and leisure travelers. The aloft concept features loft-like guest rooms with generous nine-foot ceilings, oversized windows, a well designed workspace and bathrooms with spacious walk-in showers and amenities created by bliss(R) spa. In addition to the guest room's centerpiece -- a signature, ultra-comfortable bed for which Starwood's brands are well known -- guests can get connected with plug & play, aloft's signature one-stop connectivity solution for multiple electronic gadgets such as blackberries, mp3 players and laptops -- all linked to a 32" flat panel television for optimal sound and viewing. aloft's public spaces are designed to draw guests from their rooms with a variety social offerings. With relax; an open lounge space ideal for a drink with friends and the backyard; an open-air area out back, guests can socialize and gather for light meals during the day or night. aloft will also satisfy guest's needs 24-hrs-a-day with re:fuel by aloft, a one-stop area offering sweet, savory and healthy food and beverage options to grab and go. Guests can work out or de-stress at the recharge fitness center or splash, the indoor or outdoor pool. Each aloft hotel will also feature flexible meeting and function space and offer 100% wireless Internet access throughout the property. "Our mission with aloft is to bring style, convenience and a social environment to an otherwise tired, lonely experience, all at a great price," said Miguel Ko, President of Starwood Hotels & Resorts, Asia Pacific. "We have worked closely with key developers and guests across Asia Pacific to refine our prototype and signature features to create an efficient and profitable product which guests will love. We are excited to be introducing aloft to Asia Pacific and are already in advanced negotiations with numerous partners across the region." Starwood hinted that construction is likely to commence within this year in several locations, including Bangalore, Sydney, Bangkok and Singapore. Results from surveys indicate a preference for hot food options and a full service restaurant in Asia Pacific. As a result, the North America prototype has been adapted for various Asian markets to incorporate a full service restaurant that will be leased to qualified third party operators, and re:fuel by aloft will offer enhanced food offerings including a range of hot food options. Starwood anticipates the first aloft hotels to open in 2008, with 500 properties worldwide expected by 2012. The company has received overwhelming interest from the hotel development community since announcing the new brand mid last year. 10 aloft hotels are already under development in North America and Starwood is processing applications from various projects as well. Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. is one of the leading hotel and leisure companies in the world with approximately 850 properties in more than 95 countries and 145,000 employees at its owned and managed properties. Starwood(R) Hotels is a fully integrated owner, operator and franchisor of hotels and resorts with the following internationally renowned brands: St. Regis(R), The Luxury Collection(R), Sheraton(R), Westin(R), Four Points(R) by Sheraton, W(R), Le M¨¦ridien(R) and the recently announced aloftSM. Starwood Hotels also owns Starwood Vacation Ownership, Inc., one of the premier developers and operators of high quality vacation interval ownership resorts. For more information, please visit http://www.starwoodhotels.com . For more information, please contact: Hwee Peng Yeo Corporate Communications Manager Starwood Hotels & Resorts, Asia Pacific Tel: +65-6335-4837 Email: hweepeng.yeo@starwoodhotels.com SOURCE Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Unveils Its Newest Brand

October 23, 2006

ELEMENT Hotels, Created by Westin Hotels, To Transform the Extended Stay Experience
SINGAPORE, Oct. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. (NYSE: HOT) today unveiled its newest hotel brand: ELEMENT, created by the team behind Westin Hotels & Resorts. Incorporating smart design, modern style and a social environment, ELEMENT is targeted to travelers staying for an extended period of time, and promises to help guests live their best lives on the road. In September, Starwood unveiled the brand to North American developers and this week will introduce the new brand to the Asia Pacific market at the Hotel Investment Conference (HICAP) in Hong Kong during the second leg of a global road show. The brand is currently developing a custom prototype for Asia Pacific that will appeal to travelers visiting the diverse region. "With Westin, we recreated the upper-upscale segment in the hotel industry. Strategically, ELEMENT fits into this mold-it is about creating a new category from the ground up," said Starwood's Chief Executive Officer Steven J. Heyer. "We know that Starwood's guests are hungry for a new kind of extended-stay experience, and ELEMENT fills this white space in our portfolio perfectly. The name ELEMENT really gets at what we are aspiring to-a new approach that will offer guests a brand experience, not just a hotel." "With the globalization of industry, international markets have a growing need for extended stay hotels, and Starwood has identified the Asia Pacific region, including China, India and Australia as ideal markets for our new ELEMENT hotels," commented Miguel Ko, President of Starwood Hotels & Resorts, Asia Pacific." ELEMENT will feature several signature flourishes that evoke nature. A dramatic multi-story window-wall will flood ELEMENT's lobbies with natural light. Public spaces in the hotels will also include a tranquil water feature and design touches inspired by nature. ELEMENT will also incorporate an outdoor haven, with a courtyard and patio where guests are invited to socialize and relax by an outdoor fire pit and barbeque. During their stays, guests will discover smart design features that will make their stays easier, from modular furniture designed to encourage multi-tasking and productivity, to swiveling flat-screen televisions. "The name ELEMENT really evokes the spirit of the brand," said Sue Brush, Senior Vice President of Westin Hotels & Resorts. "This brand is about smart design, features inspired by nature, and creating space where guests can be `in their element.'" To bring the ELEMENT brand philosophy of "a space to live your life" to fruition, Starwood eschewed traditional hotel design shops and partnered with leading residential architect, Costas Kondylis, and interior design firm AvroKO, considered innovators in smart space living. The result includes large kitchens with stainless steel appliances, custom-designed closets, in-room offices and gourmet pantries. ELEMENT is inspired by the Westin hotel brand. Guests will sleep in the famed Heavenly Bed(R) and experience the large, state-of-the art fitness facilities for which the brand is well known. Other touches will remind guests of Westin, from the signature scent in ELEMENT lobbies to the renewing touches spread throughout the hotel. "The large market for the concept and the brand's efficient design, coupled with the strength of Starwood's marketing platform and Westin's history of innovation, have generated significant attention from the development community," said Raymond L. "Rip" Gellein, Jr., President of Starwood's Global Development Group. When complete, the ELEMENT prototype will be a fully-documented turn-key solution for owners and developers. Design development plans, pre-determined design packages and specified and sourced furniture, fixtures and equipment all add up to an industry leading development toolkit. From ground breaking to grand opening, the ELEMENT development process is supported by architecture, design, operations and marketing professionals experienced in helping developers succeed. The ELEMENT growth strategy targets locations in proven markets -- urban centers, corporate business parks, airports, resorts and lifestyle centers. The brand will be introduced in major destinations in Asia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South America, and North America, and Starwood anticipates 500 hotels worldwide. Travelers will soon be able to find the space to live their life ... wherever there travels take them. Westin Hotels & Resorts, with 127 hotels and resorts in 31 countries and territories, is owned by Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. is one of the leading hotel and leisure companies in the world with approximately 850 properties in more than 95 countries and 145,000 employees at its owned and managed properties. Starwood(R) Hotels is a fully integrated owner, operator and franchisor of hotels and resorts with the following internationally renowned brands: St. Regis(R), The Luxury Collection(R), Sheraton(R), Westin(R), Four Points(R) by Sheraton, W(R), Le M¨¦ridien(R) and the recently announced AloftSM and ELEMENT Hotels. Starwood Hotels also owns Starwood Vacation Ownership, Inc., one of the premier developers and operators of high quality vacation interval ownership resorts. For more information, please visit http://www.starwoodhotels.com . ** Please contact Starwood's new, toll-free media hotline at (866) 4-STAR-PR (866-478-2777) for photography or additional information.** (Note: This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of federal securities regulations. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance or events and involve risks and uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated at the time the forward-looking statements are made. These risks and uncertainties are presented in detail in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Although we believe the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, we can give no assurance that our expectations will be attained or that results and events will not materially differ. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.) For more information, please contact: Hwee Peng Yeo Corporate Communications Manager Starwood Hotels & Resorts, Asia Pacific Tel: +65-6335-4837 Email: hweepeng.yeo@starwoodhotels.com SOURCE Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.
Orbit E-Commerce and PureNet.TV Partner With United Wireless Ltd. in China

October 23, 2006

TORONTO, Oct. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Orbit E-Commerce Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: OECI), in conjunction with its major shareholder, PureNet.TV Canada Inc., today announced the signing of an agreement with United Wireless Ltd. to form a Joint Venture for the purpose of delivering Internet Protocol Television ("IPTV") products and services to United Wireless' 15 million subscribers in major cities across the Peoples Republic of China ("PRC"). Under the agreement, United Wireless will provide government licenses and permits to deliver IPTV services in the largest cities in China. The Joint Venture Company will have immediate access to approximately 15 million subscribers through its 3,000 corporate and institutional clients in China. To put this agreement in perspective, there are currently more than 123 million Internet users, over 10% of the population of China, including 77 million DSL broadband subscribers (projected to reach 140 million by 2010). Mr. Ping Cheng, CEO of United Wireless states, "The partnership with PureNet and OECI will enable United Wireless and its partners to quickly establish itself as the leading provider of digital television products and services in the world's largest and fastest growing market through its 15 branch offices in China." In commenting on the signing of the Agreement with United Wireless, Douglas C. Lloyd, President and CEO of OECI and PureNet said today that, "We are pleased to partner with United Wireless to establish a digital IPTV business, especially in a country where there are no digital cable television or satellite services available. This is an excellent opportunity for OECI and PureNet to deliver on a digital IPTV system that the companies have spent the past few years researching and developing. We take great pride in having established a close relationship with one of the most important media organizations in China. The companies are excited about the attitude of our partners and their state sponsors, who have determined that digital IPTV is the most effective means of distributing video content and are now making every effort to expedite the deployment of our technology within the next sixty days in China." About United Wireless Ltd. United Wireless, a Zhejiang Company affiliate, http://www.hzsun.com , is a registered company with the Administration for Industry and Commerce of Shenzhen Municipality. Zhejiang is a twenty-year-old ISO9001 certified manufacturer of award winning high tech products and is recognized by the Ministry of Information Industry software enterprises and by the Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province for outstanding products. The company also received a triple AAA credit rating award from the People's Bank of China. Growing rapidly, United Wireless, with over 300 employees, now serves more than 3,000 corporate and institutional clients and over 15 million individual subscribers through its 15 branches and representative offices across the PRC. United Wireless is one of the implementation units of the China Torch Program and is a software enterprise recognised by the Ministry of Information Industry of the PRC. Recently, the Company entered into a two year co-operation agreement with the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission to carry out intelligence technology reform in the main elementary, junior and senior high schools of the Shanghai Municipality. More information is available at the company's web site: http://www.unitedwireless.com.cn . About Orbit E-Commerce Inc. Orbit E-Commerce Inc. was established for the purpose of capitalizing on management's vision and expertise in the field of Internet-based communications systems, products, and services. OECI recently announced the acquisition of the IPTV business of PureNet.TV which will allow OECI to extend its communications vision and expertise into the market for IPTV video/internet services which is poised to experience rapid growth. More information about OECI is available at the company's web site: http://www.orbitecommerce.com . About PureNet.TV Canada Inc. PureNet.TV is a private company, incorporated in the Province of Ontario, Canada, formed to research and develop highly competitive IPTV technology and services and establish relationships with video content providers and equipment suppliers. More information about PureNet.TV is available at the company's web site: http://www.purenet.tv . Contact Information: Contact Mr. John Neufeld, (jneufeld@purenet.tv), 905-751-1499 for information regarding this press release. SAFE HARBOR This document contains forward-looking statements as defined by the federal securities laws which are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements may discuss our future expectations, contain projections of our future results of operations or of our financial position, or state other forward-looking information. However, there may be events in the future that we are not able to accurately predict or control. Forward-looking statements are only predictions that relate to future events or our future performance and are subject to substantial known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions, and other factors that may cause actual results, outcomes, levels of activity, performance, developments, or achievements to be materially different from any future results, outcomes, levels of activity, performance, developments, or achievements expressed, anticipated, or implied by these forward-looking statements. As a result, we cannot guarantee future results, outcomes, levels of activity, performance, developments, or achievements, and there can be no assurance that our expectations, intentions, anticipations, beliefs, or projections will result or be achieved or accomplished. In summary, you should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements. This release was issued through EmailWire.com. For more information, visit http://www.emailwire.com . For more information, please contact: John Neufeld Orbit E-Commerce Inc. Tel: +1-905-751-1499 Email: jneufeld@purenet.tv SOURCE Orbit E-Commerce Inc.
AKQA to Open Shanghai Office

October 20, 2006

SHANGHAI, China, Oct. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- AKQA, a leading interactive agency, announced today that it will expand its operations in Asia and open a Shanghai office. Mr. Ho Chee Yue, who joined AKQA five years ago in Singapore, will help launch the new office and manage client relationships in the Asia Pacific region for AKQA. (Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20061020/DCF006 ) "Our global clients are looking for greater coverage in Asia and China in particular," said Mr. Tom Bedecarre, Chief Executive Officer of AKQA. "With the rapid approach of the high-profile 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, AKQA will be on the ground for our clients, many of whom are Olympic sponsors, such as Coca-Cola and Visa," Bedecarre added. AKQA has started recruiting across Asia Pacific for the best creative and technical staff for AKQA Shanghai. Mr. Ho and his initial employees will open the office in November 2006. AKQA Shanghai's first project will be to support the implementation of Coca-Cola's global Olympics initiatives in China. "I have been delighted with the warm welcome that AKQA has received in China and I am very excited that we are opening an office in Shanghai, one of the world's most creative and dynamic cities," said Mr. Ajaz Ahmed, Chairman of AKQA. "We look forward to delivering innovative work for our clients in China." Earlier this year, the China Advertising Association appointed Ajaz Ahmed as an International Advisor for China Advertising. In accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China, AKQA has established a wholly foreign owned enterprise (WFOE) to operate in Shanghai. AKQA has leased office space in China's tallest building, the famous Jin Mao Building. AKQA hopes to contribute to the growth of the Shanghai economy by providing high quality services to meet the needs of both international and domestic clients. About AKQA: A recognized pioneer and innovator, AKQA provides ideas, insights, customer relationship marketing and e-commerce solutions to the world's leading brands, including Nike, Xbox, Coca-Cola, Johnnie Walker and Unilever. An independent agency with more than 475 employees, AKQA has offices in San Francisco, New York, Washington, D.C., London and Singapore. In the past year, AKQA was named "Interactive Agency of the Year" in both the U.S. and the U.K. More information can be found at http://www.akqa.com . For more information, please contact: PR Contact: Molly Parsley, Marketing & PR Manager Tel: +44-20-7780-4769 Email: molly.parsley@akqa.com Shanghai Contact: Ho Chee Yue, Regional Director Asia Tel: +86-159-2198-9572 Email: chee.yue@akqa.com SOURCE AKQA
WorldWater & Power Exhibits at Solar Power 2006 Conference and Expo

October 20, 2006

SHANGHAI£¬ China, Oct. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- WorldWater & Power Corp. (OTC Bulletin Board: WWAT.OB), developer and marketer of proprietary high-horsepower solar systems, recently announced that senior executives from the company's New Jersey headquarters and California offices attended Solar Power 2006 to display its solar technology and feature recently completed projects. The event was held at the San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California, October 16-20. "The Solar Power Conference and Expo is the largest business-to-business solar event in the United States and I always look forward to it. Our top executives view it as a prime opportunity to share information with industry colleagues and forge partnerships that help forward the deployment of our unique contribution to the industry, the ability to drive electric motors up to 600 horsepower on solar power alone," said Quentin T. Kelly, Chairman of WorldWater & Power Corp. Organized by the Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), Solar Power 2006 has been growing rapidly each year. More than 4,000 people are expected to attend this year's event and more than 160 companies will exhibit. About WorldWater & Power Corp WorldWater & Power Corporation is a full-service, international solar electric engineering and water management company with unique, high-powered and patented solar technology that provides solutions to a broad spectrum of the world's electricity and water supply problems. For more information about WorldWater & Power Corp., visit http://www.worldwater.com . For more information, please contact: Jessie Sullivan Tel: +1-609-818-0700 x20 Email: JSullivan@worldwater.com Mike Breslin Mike Breslin Productions LLC Tel: +1-201-652-1287 Email: mbrez@aol.com Investor Contact: Jody Burfening / Chris Witty Lippert/Heilshorn & Associates, Inc. Tel: +1-212-838-3777 Email: cwitty@lhai.com SOURCE WorldWater & Power Corporation
Valeo Announces a Project to Sell Its Electrical Motors & Actuators Activity

October 20, 2006

PARIS, Oct. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Valeo today announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the sale of its Electrical Motors & Actuators activity to the Japanese group Nidec. The parties expect to be in a position to sign the definitive agreements regarding this project once the employee representative consultation process has been completed. Valeo's Electrical Motors and Actuators activity generated sales of 253 million euros in 2005. It employs 1,800 people in five plants (Germany, Spain, China, Poland, Mexico) and four R&D centers (Germany, North America, China). Valeo is an independent industrial Group fully focused on the design, production and sale of components, integrated systems and modules for cars and trucks. Valeo ranks among the world's top automotive suppliers and employs 73,800 people in 133 plants, 71 R&D centers and 9 distribution centers in 29 countries. For more information, please contact: Alexandre Telinge, Group Media Relations & PR Manager Tel: +33-1-40-55-20-74 Matthieu de Crevoisier, Group Media Relations Coordinator Tel: +33-1-40-55-37-68 SOURCE Valeo Management Services