東洋水産、厚切り豚角煮入りのカップめん「マルちゃん 黒みそとんこつ」を発売
マルちゃん 黒みそとんこつ
2007年2月26日 新発売
東洋水産株式会社(本社:東京、社長:堤 殷)では、カップ入り即席麺「マルちゃん 黒みそとんこつ」を平成19年2月26日(月)より全国にて新発売致します。
め ん:なめらかな口当たりとコシをあわせ持った、やや幅広のノンフライ麺。
具 材:炭火で香ばしく焼いた厚切り豚バラ角煮1枚とメンマを醤油ベースのタレでじっくり煮込んで味付けしたレトルト調理品。
商品名:マルちゃん 黒みそとんこつ
荷 姿:12食入り1ケース
販売ルート:CVS・量販店・一般小売店 等
発売地区:全 国
【 この件に関するお問い合わせ先 】
東洋水産株式会社 お客様相談係 TEL.03-3458-3333
● 関連リンク
マルちゃんのわんたん麺 醤油味
2007年2月13日 リニューアル新発売
東洋水産株式会社(本社:東京、社長:堤 殷)では、平成19年2月13日(火)より全国にて、カップ入り即席麺「マルちゃんの味噌チャーシュー」を新発売し、「マルちゃんの長崎ちゃんぽん」「マルちゃんのわんたん麺 醤油味」「マルちゃんの担担麺」をリニューアル新発売致します。
「味噌チャーシュー」は、豚骨と野菜の旨みを利かせた味噌スープに、たっぷりコーンとジューシーな肩ロース焼豚を合わせた味噌ラーメンです。「長崎ちゃんぽん」は、ボリュームのある太麺に、たっぷりの具材を使用した、あさりの旨みと野菜の甘みが利いたコクがあるちゃんぽんです。「わんたん麺 醤油味」は、チキンとポークの旨みが利いた醤油スープに、肉入りワンタンをたっぷり8個入れました。「担担麺」は、チキンとポークの旨みと練り胡麻と味噌でコク深く仕上げた芝麻醤に、ラー油の辛みを利かせたスープが特徴です。いずれの商品も定番メニューでありながら、具材やスープにこだわりを持たせた商品に仕上げております。
* 関連資料 参照
* 関連資料 参照
東洋水産株式会社 お客様相談係 TEL.03-3458-3333
● 関連リンク
富士重工業 2006年11月度 生産・国内販売・輸出実績(速報)
2006年11月 2006年累計(1月~11月)
台数 前年比 台数 前年比
登録車 26,118 84.0% 300,436 100.0%
軽自動車 12,657 111.5% 141,925 108.5%
計 38,775 91.3% 442,361 102.6%
登録車 9,994 96.4% 102,459 92.5%
合計 48,769 92.3% 544,820 100.5%
2006年11月 2006年累計(1月~11月)
台数 前年比 台数 前年比
登録車 6,111 83.6% 85,702 85.7%
軽自動車 12,965 112.5% 139,375 100.8%
合計 19,076 101.2% 225,077 94.5%
2006年11月 2006年累計(1月~11月)
台数 前年比 台数 前年比
完成車 16,703 64.6% 217,235 109.9%
海外生産用部品 10,523 98.5% 96,848 87.3%
合計 27,226 74.5% 314,083 101.8%
● 関連リンク
東洋水産、香ばしいコクのあるカップめん「マルちゃん 極屋 コク塩ラーメン」を発売
マルちゃん 極屋 コク塩ラーメン
2007年2月19日 新発売
東洋水産株式会社(本社:東京、社長:堤 殷)では、カップ入り即席麺「マルちゃん 極屋 コク塩ラーメン」を平成19年2月19日(月)より全国にて新発売致します。
め ん:なめらかでスープとのなじみが良く、コシのある中細ノンフライ麺。
具 材:FDねぎ、FD白ねぎ、香ばしい金ごま、唐辛子輪切り、ローストガーリック。
商品名:マルちゃん 極屋 コク塩ラーメン
荷 姿:12食入り1ケース
販売ルート:CVS・量販店・一般小売店 等
【 この件に関するお問い合わせ先 】
東洋水産株式会社 お客様相談係 TEL.03-3458-3333
● 関連リンク
東洋水産、カップ入り春雨スープ「マルちゃん 春雨厨房 中華風とろみスープ」など発売
マルちゃん 春雨厨房
中華風とろみスープ 新発売
チゲ風ピリ辛スープ・四川風酸辣湯スープ リニューアル新発売
東洋水産株式会社(本社:東京、社長:堤 殷)では、平成19年2月26日(月)より全国にて、カップ入り春雨スープ「マルちゃん 春雨厨房 中華風とろみスープ」を新発売し、「同 春雨厨房 チゲ風ピリ辛スープ」「同 春雨厨房 四川風酸辣湯スープ」をパッケージリニューアル致します。
東洋水産株式会社 お客様相談係 TEL.03-3458-3333
● 関連リンク
東洋水産、カップ入りワンタン「マルちゃん チゲ味スープワンタン」を発売
マルちゃん チゲ味スープワンタン
2007年2月5日 新発売
東洋水産株式会社(本社:東京、社長:堤 殷)では、カップ入りワンタン「マルちゃん チゲ味スープワンタン」を平成19年2月5日(月)より全国にて新発売致します。
サイドメニューや間食・夜食として購入する幅広い年齢層をターゲットに、デザインは『ワンタン』シリーズの主力品である「ワンタン しょうゆ味」と連動させ、「ワンタン しょうゆ味」のブランド力を活かし、『ワンタン』シリーズ全体の活性化を図って参ります。
スープ :ポーク・チキンエキスをベースに、あさりと魚醤の旨みを利かせた、キムチ風味のチゲ味スープ。
具 材 :椎茸、たまごとじ、ねぎ、白ごま、赤唐辛子。
商品名:マルちゃん チゲ味スープワンタン
荷 姿:12食入り1ケース
販売ルート:量販店・CVS・一般小売店 等
【 この件に関するお問い合わせ先 】
東洋水産株式会社 お客様相談係 TEL.03-3458-3333
● 関連リンク
日立製作所 情報・通信グループ(グループ長&CEO:篠本 学/以下、日立)は、このたび、ICクレジットカードに必要なICチップとOS、セキュリティを保持するための暗号鍵などをワンストップで提供する「MULTOSパッケージ」のメニューに、MasterCard/VISA/JCBの3つのクレジット用アプリケーションを搭載した「ICクレジットカード向け低価格チップソリューション」を追加し、ICクレジットカードを発行する金融機関向けに12月26日から提供を開始します。
【 ICクレジットカード向け低価格チップソリューションの特長 】
国内外の金融機関や国民ID証として多くの実績があるMULTOSに、今回開発したVISAのクレジットカード用アプリケーションを搭載します。3ブランドとも共通のICチップを使うため、金融機関におけるICチップの評価やシステムテストにかかる負荷を軽減できます。また、欧州の民生用途のセキュリティ基準ITSECで最高のLevel E6 Highを取得した高いセキュリティ性と信頼性から、国際ICクレジットカードとして最適です。
価 格:個別見積
出 荷 開 始 :2006年12月26日
・MULTOSは、MAOSCO Ltd.の登録商標です。
【 お問い合わせ先 】
株式会社日立製作所 情報・通信グループ
セキュリティ事業部 スマートカードビジネス部
〒212-8567 神奈川県川崎市幸区鹿島田890 日立システムプラザ新川崎
TEL:044-549-1755 (ダイヤルイン)
● 関連リンク
超薄型モバイルプリンタ MPrint(エムプリント)シリーズ MW-260
製品名 MW-260
発売予定日 2007年3月
価格 オープン価格
■A6用紙対応で、さらに幅広い用途で活躍! コンビニ振込用紙も発行可能に
*1 電波を利用した無線通信規格の一種。Bluetooth無線対応の機器同士でケーブルを使わずに接続し、データをやりとりできます。機器間の距離が10メートル以内であれば、障害物があっても利用することができます。
*2 赤外線を利用した無線通信規格の一種。受発光部を向き合わせることでケーブルを使わずに接続し、データをやりとりできます。
*3 MW-260では、NTTドコモ社のiモード端末との赤外線接続(IrDA)、M-1000やhTc-zといったビジネス端末とのBluetooth接続(無線接続)に対応しております。KDDI社のau携帯電話とは、BREWを使ってソフトウェアを開発して頂くことによってA5504T、W21T、W31T、W32T、E03CA、W41T、W44TとのBluetooth接続(無線接続)に対応しております。または、ケータイカスタムキットに対応しています。ウィルコム社のPHSとは、W-zero3 esとのUSB接続に対応しております。ソフトバンクモバイル社の携帯電話とは、ソフトウェアを開発することによってモデルごとに赤外線接続(IrDA)で接続可能な端末、Bluetooth接続が可能な端末(Symbian端末)がございます。詳しくは、または最新の対応機種につきましては、当社ホームページにてご確認ください。
*4 企業へのコンピューターシステム導入をサポートする事業者
■主な特長 (※添付資料参照)
■主な仕様 [PDF/ 80KB] (※添付資料参照)
<お客様 お問い合わせ先>
お客様相談室 TEL : 0120-590-385(フリーダイヤル)
FAX : 052-819-5904
● 関連リンク
● 関連リンク
当社はこの度、オランダ、アムステルダムでコンテナターミナルを運営している当社関連会社セレス・コンテナターミナル・ヨーロッパ社(Ceres Container Terminals Europe B.V.)の全株式を取得し、完全子会社化しました。
現在、同社の運営するセレス・パラゴン・ターミナル(Ceres Paragon Terminal)(注1)には、当社が所属する共同運航組織「グランド・アライアンス」の東アジアと欧州を結ぶサービスのうち、EU1、EU2(注2)の二つの航路が寄港しております。
【Ceres Container Terminals Europe B.V.社概要】
(1)社名 : Ceres Container Terminals Europe B.V.社
(2)本社 : オランダ、アムステルダム市
(3)社長 : ピーター・バス・ブレディウス(Pieter Bas Bredius)
(4)従業員数 : 207名(2006年9月30日現在)
(5)資本金 : 170,704ユーロ
(6)売上 : 9百万ユーロ(約12億円、2005年度実績)
(注1)セレス・パラゴン・ターミナル(Ceres Paragon Terminal)概要
総面積 : 550,000m2
岸壁総延長 : 615m
取扱い可能コンテナ数 : 120万TEU/年間
運営会社 : Ceres Container Terminals Europe B.V.社
(注2)EU1 : 6200TEU型コンテナ船8隻による週一便定曜日サービス
EU2 : 5800-6700TEU型コンテナ船8隻による週一便定曜日サービス
● 関連リンク
株式会社アイ・エム・ジェイ(本社:東京都品川区 代表取締役社長:樫野 孝人)のグループ会社である株式会社IMJモバイル(本社:東京都品川区 代表取締役社長:廣田 武仁 以下、IMJM)は、先日リリースの「ケータイSEO」の新サービスとして、携帯サイトのデータベースなどから生成される「動的ページ」に対し検索エンジン最適化(以下、SEO)を行うサービスである、『ケータイPOSITIONジャック』の販売を開始いたしました。(http://keitai-seo.jp/)
所在地:東京都品川区西五反田2-28-5 第2オークラビル
代表者:代表取締役社長 廣田 武仁
所在地:東京都品川区西五反田1-7-1 住友五反田ビル9階
代表者:代表取締役社長 青島 伸幸
― スクラップ・産廃処理業に適した高耐久型クレーン ―
当社(社長:吉野 哲夫)グループの中核事業会社である古河ユニック株式会社(東京都中央区日本橋室町2-3-14 社長 中村 晉)は、オーストリア「EPSILON社」からのOEM製品である、トラック架装用折り曲げ式クレーン『E110L80V』、『E95L76V』の販売を、12月26日より開始します。
《 本体価格 》 東京店頭標準価格(シャーシを除く)
型 式 E110L80V
価 格 600万円
型 式 E95L76V
価 格 540万円
《 販売目標 》
年間 各100台
《 主な特徴 》
《 主要諸元 》
(※ 関連資料を参照してください。)
以 上
【 アットマークテクノ社の製品群 】
(※ 関連資料を参照してください。)
PALTEKでは主にPLD、アナログ半導体およびASSP(Application Specific Standard Product:特定用途向け標準品)に強みを持ち、堅調に業績を伸ばし、1998年には株式を公開した。PALTEKは、「多様な存在との共生」という企業理念に基づき、最適なハードウェアおよびソフトウェアのソリューションを提供することで、ユビキタスネットワーク社会の発展に寄与していく。
株式会社PALTEKに関する詳細は、ウェブサイト http://www.paltek.co.jp/ で公開している。
アットマークテクノ社に関する詳細は、ウェブサイト http://www.atmark-techno.com で公開している。
スズキ 2006年11月 四輪車生産・国内販売・輸出実績(速報)
● 生産
11月実績(前年比) 2006年累計(1~11月)(前年比)
国内生産 101,938(101.9%) 1,105,028(110.9%)
海外生産 113,457(122.8%) 1,039,028(109.3%)
世界生産 215,395(112.0%) 2,144,056(110.1%)
・ 国内生産は、輸出向けが増加し、11月単月では過去最高となった。
・ 海外生産は、 主にハンガリー、パキスタンなどで増加し、11月単月では過去最高となった。
・ 世界生産は、11月単月では過去最高となった。
● 国内販売
11月実績(前年比) 2006年累計(1~11月)(前年比)
軽四輪車 49,318( 94.4%) 569,603( 99.2%)
登録車 6,411( 95.1%) 77,821(106.6%)
合計 55,729( 94.5%) 647,424(100.0%)
・ 軽四輪車は、乗用車が新型セルボの投入により4ヶ月ぶりに前年超えとなったものの、商用車の落ち込みをカバーすることができず、4ヶ月連続で前年割れとなった。
・ 軽四輪車市場での占拠率は29.6%(前年同月差-3.5ポイント)であった。
・ 登録車は、SX4の投入効果などがあったものの、他の車種が前年割れとなり、5ヶ月ぶりの前年割れとなった。
・ 登録車市場での占拠率は2.2%(前年同月差±0ポイント)であった。
● 輸出
11月実績(前年比) 2006年累計(1~11月)(前年比)
輸出 33,270(131.8%) 335,337(132.7%)
・ 輸出台数は、2ヶ月ぶりに前年を上回った。
・ 地域別では、スイフトの増加により欧州向けの台数が増加した。
● 関連リンク
~『携帯SEO研究所』からのフリーツール リリース!~
株式会社アイ・エム・ジェイ(本社:東京都品川区 代表取締役社長:樫野 孝人)のグループ会社である株式会社IMJモバイル(本社:東京都品川区 代表取締役社長:廣田 武仁 以下、IMJM)は、最大7つの検索エンジンを、同時に、横断的に調査し、自分の携帯サイトが指定したキーワードで検索結果の何番目に表示されるのかを簡単にチェックすることが出来るWEBベースのフリーツール『モバッチョ』(http://keitai-seo.jp/mobacho/mobacho_le.php/)の提供を開始いたしました。
IMJMは既に、同じくIMJのグループ会社である株式会社ミディシティ(本社:東京都品川区 代表取締役社長:青島 伸幸 以下、MC)と、携帯サイト専門のSEOサービス研究プロジェクト『携帯SEO研究所』を発足しており、今回発表する『モバッチョ』はそこで蓄積されたノウハウによりパッケージされたサービスになります。
所在地:東京都品川区西五反田2-28-5 第2オークラビル
代表者:代表取締役社長 廣田 武仁
所在地:東京都品川区西五反田1-7-1 住友五反田ビル9階
代表者:代表取締役社長 青島 伸幸
~RFIDとSOAの連携による「Event Driven Architecture」の導入を促進~
伊藤忠テクノソリューションズ株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:奥田陽一、 以下CTC)は本日、日本オラクル株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:新宅 正明、以下 日本オラクル)と協業強化し、RFIDビジネス分野に本格参入すると発表しました。
両社は2006年5月にRFIDビジネスを推進するために発足した「CTC Oracle RFID Initiative」の活動を強化し、オラクルが推進するイベント駆動型アーキテクチャ(以下 EDA:Event Driven Architecture)を活用してRFIDビジネス市場を開拓してまいります。なお、本協業の具体的な事例として、平成18年度経済産業省の物流プロジェクトが既に開始しています。
このたびCTCが、オラクルの業務システム間の連携を可能にする「Oracle Event-Driven Architecture Suite(以下Oracle EDASuite)」を採用し、本格SIサービス提供を開始することはRFIDビジネス発展に大きく貢献すると考えています。
1.CTCはSOA基盤によるRFIDシステム構築を推進するために、日本オラクルが2006年11月29日に発表した「Oracle EDA Suite」をRFIDビジネス分野の本格参入のキーテクノロジとして他社に先駆けて採用します。
2.CTCと日本オラクルは新たに千代田区紀尾井町にある「フュージョンミドルウェアコンピテンシーセンタ」内にRFID導入を支える技術検証機関を設置いたします。その中でお互いの技術者を約30名確保し、RFIDハードウェアの検証、また「Oracle EDA Suite」をはじめとする各種ミドルウェアの検証等を実施いたします。
3.両社のRFIDメンバーを結集して2006年5月に発足した「CTC Oracle RFID Initiative」を中心に、平成18年度経済産業省の物流プロジェクトを開始しています。同プロジェクトのシステムは、両社の協業によりEPCglobal Networkの下に、SOA基盤上でのRFIDシステムが構築されるという最先端の体系を採用しております。
この観点から、CTCは、RFIDに関するサービス全体を、「CTC RFID ビュッフェサービス」と名づけました。セルフサービスレストランの利用者が、自分の好みや体の要求に合わせて、多くの選択肢の中から最適なものを選べる姿をイメージしています。
「CTC RFIDビュッフェサービス」のメニューは以下の通りです
日本オラクルは「Oracle EDA Suite」をはじめとする、豊富な実績に基づいたRFID/SOA関連製品により、RFIDイベントデータの感知、リアルタイム分析・アクション、スケーラブルなデータリポジトリ、SOAによるシステム間連携、リアルタイムなビジネスモニタリング機能を提供することでCTCのRFIDトータルソリューションを支えます。
■EDA(Event Driven Architecture)とは
日本オラクル株式会社は、オラクル・コーポレーションの日本法人として1985年に設立されました。国内を拠点とした情報システム構築のためのソフトウェア製品、ソリューション、コンサルティング、サポートサービス、教育の事業を展開しています。1999年2月5日に店頭市場へ株式公開、2000年4月28日に東証一部上場。従業員数1,530 名(2006年5月末現在)。
*Oracleは、米国オラクル・コーポレーション及びその子会社、関連会社の米国及びその他の国における登録商標です。 その他のブランドまたは製品は、それぞれを保有する各社の商標または登録商標です。
以 上

BETHESDA, Md., June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Chindex International, Inc. (Nasdaq: CHDX) announced today that its Board of Directors has adopted a Stockholder Rights Plan through the adoption of a Rights Agreement. The Rights Agreement is designed to preserve long-term values and protect stockholders against unfair tactics to acquire control of the Company. It has not been adopted in response to any major purchase of CHDX common stock, and the Company is not aware of any such major purchases. Rather, the Board of Directors has adopted the Rights Plan at this time in order to safeguard the interests of the Company's stockholders. In connection with the adoption of the Rights Plan, the Board of Directors has declared a dividend distribution of one Right for each outstanding share of CHDX common stock, regardless of class, payable to stockholders of record at the close of business on June 14, 2007. The new Rights will expire on June 14, 2017. Each Right entitles stockholders to purchase from the Company one one- hundredth of a share of junior participating preferred stock at an exercise price of $58. The Rights will become exercisable only if a person or group, other than certain current control persons, acquires 15% or more of CHDX's common stock (an "Acquiring Person"), or commences a tender or exchange offer which, if consummated would result in the person or group becoming an Acquiring Person. Prior to that time, the Rights will not trade separately from the common stock. If a person or group becomes an Acquiring Person, each Right will then entitle all other stockholders to purchase, by payment of the exercise price, CHDX common stock (or a common stock equivalent) with a value of twice the exercise price. In addition, at any time after a person or group becomes an Acquiring Person and prior to the acquisition by such Acquiring Person of 50% or more of the outstanding common stock, the Board of Directors may, at its option, require each outstanding Right (other than Rights held by the Acquiring Person) to be exchanged for one share of CHDX common stock (or one common stock equivalent). If a person or group becomes an Acquiring Person and the Company is acquired in a merger or other business combination or sells more than 50% of its assets or earning power, each Right will entitle all other holders to purchase, by payment of the $58 exercise price, common stock of the acquiring company with a value of twice the exercise price. The Company may redeem the Rights at $.01 per Right at any time prior to the time that any person or group becomes an Acquiring Person. Details of the adoption of the Rights Plan will be outlined in the Company's Form 8-A filing with the SEC and in a letter that will be mailed to all stockholders. About Chindex International, Inc. Chindex is an American healthcare company that provides healthcare services and supplies medical capital equipment, instrumentation and products to the Chinese marketplace, including Hong Kong. It provides healthcare services through the operations of its United Family Hospitals and Clinics, a network of private primary care hospitals and affiliated ambulatory clinics in China. The Company's hospital network currently operates in the Beijing and Shanghai metropolitan areas. The Company sells medical products manufactured by various major multinational companies, including Siemens AG, which is the Company's exclusive distribution partner for the sale and servicing of color Doppler ultrasound systems. It also arranges financing packages for the supply of medical products to hospitals in China utilizing the export loan and loan guarantee programs of both the U.S. Export-Import Bank and the German KfW Development Bank. With twenty-six years of experience, over 1,000 employees, and operations in China, Hong Kong, the United States and Germany, the Company's strategy is to expand its cross-cultural reach by providing leading edge healthcare technologies, quality products and services to Greater China's professional communities. Additional information regarding Chindex International, Inc. may be obtained by visiting the Company's web site at http://www.chindex.com. Forward Looking Information "Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Statements in this Press Release relating to plans, strategies, economic performance and trends, projections of results of specific activities or investments and other statements that are not descriptions of historical facts may be forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward-looking information is inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors, which include, but are not limited to, risk factors discussed in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K and in other documents filed by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time. Forward-looking statements may be identified by terms such as "may", "will", "should", "could", "expects", "plans", "intends", "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "predicts", "forecasts", "potential" or "continue" or similar terms or the negative of these terms. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. The Company has no obligation to update these forward-looking statements. Contact: Lawrence Pemble Judy Zakreski Chindex International, Inc. (301) 215-7777

Fully Integrated Kits Greet Users of 27 Newly Announced Integrated Communications Stellaris MCUs AUSTIN, Texas and CAMBRIDGE, England, June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Luminary Micro ( http://www.luminarymicro.com ), creators of the award-winning Stellaris(R) family of Cortex(TM)-M3-based microcontrollers (MCUs), and ARM [(LSE: ARM); (Nasdaq: ARMHY)], today announced the immediate availability of two Stellaris Evaluation Kits with ARM RealView(R) Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK) evaluation software. Designed for the new class of Stellaris integrated communication MCUs, these compact and versatile evaluation kits take advantage of the capabilities of the new Stellaris microcontrollers with more memory, more GPIOs, enhanced power management, and the addition of integrated 10/100 Ethernet MAC and PHY communications and integrated CAN communications. Both kits include an evaluation copy of the ARM RealView Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK) software, limited to 16K code size. The RealView MDK includes the ARM RealView C/C++ Compiler, Assembler, and Linker, the Keil(TM) uVision IDE, Debugger and Simulator, together with examples and templates and the RTX real-time kernel. "ARM's RealView Microcontroller Development Kit is very popular with Stellaris microcontroller users, and we're pleased to be able to offer the evaluation version in our Stellaris evaluation kits," said Luminary Micro chief marketing officer Jean Anne Booth. "The RealView MDK's specific Stellaris-aware debugging and simulation support, along with the well-loved uVision IDE, provide MCU users with the capabilities they need to rapidly deliver embedded software applications with our Stellaris microcontrollers." "Luminary Micro has set an extremely aggressive schedule for device introduction and customers have been quick to adopt their Stellaris MCUs," said Wayne Lyons, director, Embedded Solutions, ARM. "Breaking the cost barrier between 8/16-bit and 32-bit by providing that $1.00 entry into the ARM development world was a significant milestone for embedded developers, and Luminary's latest generation of technology represents another breakthrough for embedded communications applications." The Stellaris family of microcontrollers currently contains 51 feature-rich microcontrollers targeted at embedded and industrial applications, such as building and home automation; factory automation; motion and motor control; industrial controls; electronic point-of-sales; remote data acquisition; test and measurement instrumentation; fire and security; network appliances and switches; medical instrumentation; and gaming equipment. Stellaris LM3S6965: Fully Integrated 10/100 Embedded Ethernet The EKK-LM3S6965 features fully integrated 10/100 Ethernet capability and includes two examples of an embedded web-server demonstration application. The quickstart application that runs out-of-the-box includes an embedded web server utilizing the open source lwIP Ethernet stack. The kit also contains a web server application with FreeRTOS.org(TM) RTOS and the open source uIP Ethernet stack. Each Stellaris LM3S6965 Ethernet Evaluation Kit contains: -- EVB-LM3S6965 Evaluation Board with 50MHz LM3S6965 (fully integrated 10/100 embedded Ethernet controller, 256K flash, 64K SRAM) -- 128 x 64 pixel monochromatic OLED graphics display -- User LED, navigation switches, and select push buttons -- Magnetic speaker -- All LM3S6965 I/O available on labeled breakout pads -- MicroSD card slot -- Retractable Ethernet cable -- USB cable (power and debug) for simple set-up -- Standard ARM(R) 20-pin JTAG debug connector with input and output modes -- Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library, which provides a convenient, no-hassle method of initializing, programming, and controlling peripherals on Stellaris microcontrollers -- Evaluation version of ARM RealView Microcontroller Development Kit tools supporting up to 16KB code size -- Stellaris CD packed with datasheets, schematics, applications notes, and programming examples Stellaris LM3S2965: A Fully Operable "CAN Network in a box" The EKK-LM3S2965 features integrated CAN (Controller Area Network) and includes a separate Stellaris LM3S2110-based CAN device node board, providing an example fully functioning CAN network out of the box. Each Stellaris LM3S2965 Evaluation Kit contains: -- EVB-LM3S2965 Evaluation Board with 50MHz LM3S2965 MCU (fully integrated CAN controller, 256K flash, 64K SRAM) -- EVB-LM3S2110 Evaluation Board with 25MHz LM3S2110 (fully integrated CAN controller, 64K flash, 16K SRAM) -- 128 x 64 pixel monochromatic OLED graphics display -- User LED, navigation switches, and select push buttons -- Magnetic speaker -- All Stellaris MCU I/O available on labeled breakout pads -- USB cable (power and debug) for simple set-up -- CAN network cable to connect the two boards -- Standard ARM(R) 20-pin JTAG debug connector with input and output modes -- Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library, which provides a convenient, no-hassle method of initializing, programming, and controlling peripherals on Stellaris microcontrollers -- Evaluation version of ARM RealView Microcontroller Development Kit tools supporting up to 16KB code size -- Stellaris CD packed with datasheets, schematics, applications notes, and programming examples Stellaris Evaluation Kits with RealView MDK Software Ordering and Availability The EKK-LM3S6965 Stellaris LM3S6965 Ethernet Evaluation Kit with RealView MDK software is available now at a resale price of just $79 USD (buy online at http://www.luminarymicro.com/products/ekk-lm3s6965-buy.html ). The EKK-LM3S2965 Stellaris LM3S2965 CAN Evaluation Kit with RealView MDK software is available now at a resale price of just $89 USD (buy online at http://www.luminarymicro.com/products/ekk-lm3s2965-buy.html ). Luminary Micro's global sales channel can be reached through http://www.luminarymicro.com/sales . About Luminary Micro and Stellaris Luminary Micro, Inc. designs, markets and sells ARM cortex-M3-based microcontrollers (MCUs). Austin, Texas-based Luminary Micro is the lead partner for the Cortex-M3 processor, delivering the world's first silicon implementation of the Cortex-M3 processor. Luminary Micro's introduction of the award-winning Stellaris(R) family of products provides 32-bit performance for the same price as current 8- and 16-bit microcontroller designs. With entry-level pricing at $1.00 for an ARM technology-based MCU, Luminary micro's Stellaris product line allows for standardization that eliminates future architectural upgrades or software tools changes. Contact the company at +1-512-2790-8800 or email press@luminarymicro.com for more information. About ARM ARM designs the technology that lies at the heart of advanced digital products, from wireless, networking and consumer entertainment solutions to imaging, automotive, security and storage devices. ARM's comprehensive product offering includes 16/32-bit RISC microprocessors, data engines, graphics processors, digital libraries, embedded memories, peripherals, software and development tools, as well as analog functions and high-speed connectivity products. Combined with the company's broad Partner community, they provide a total system solution that offers a fast, reliable path to market for leading electronics companies. More information on ARM is available at http://www.arm.com . Stellaris is a registered trademark and the Luminary Micro logo is a trademark of Luminary Micro, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. ARM and RealView are registered trademarks of ARM Limited. Keil and Cortex are trademarks of ARM Limited. All other brands or product names are the property of their respective holders. "ARM" is used to represent ARM Holdings plc; its operating company ARM Limited; and the regional subsidiaries ARM INC.; ARM KK; ARM Korea Ltd.; ARM Taiwan; ARM France SAS; ARM Consulting (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.; ARM Belgium N.V.; AXYS Design Automation Inc.; AXYS GmbH; ARM Embedded Solutions Pvt. Ltd.; and ARM Physical IP, Inc. For more information, please contact: Company Contact: Jean Anne Booth, CMO Cell: +1-512-917-3088 Tel: +1-512-279-8801 Email: JeanAnne.Booth@luminarymicro.com Media Contact: Karen Johnson Cell: +1-512-632-9636 Tel: +1-512-858-9598 Email: Karen@karenjohnson.biz ARM PRESS OFFICE: +44-208-846-0797 Haran Ramachandran Text 100 Tel: +44-208-846-0727 Email: londonarm@text100.co.uk Michelle Spencer ARM Tel: +44-1628-427780 Email: Michelle.spencer@arm.com Claudia Natalia ARM Tel: +1-408-548-3172 Email: Claudia.natalia@arm.com

Next Generation of Award-Winning Stellaris MCUs Offers Ethernet and CAN-bus with World's Only Integrated 10/100 Ethernet MAC and PHY in an ARM Architecture MCU AUSTIN, Texas, June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Luminary Micro ( http://www.luminarymicro.com ), creators of the award-winning Stellaris Cortex-M3-based microcontrollers, introduced today 27 new Stellaris microcontrollers (MCUs), bringing innovative networking capabilities for real-time applications in motion control, building and industrial automation, fire and security, remote sensing, instrumentation, point-of-sales, and deeply embedded connected systems. Introduced today are 12 members of the Stellaris LM3S6000 Ethernet series and 15 members of the Stellaris LM3S2000 CAN series. These new MCUs extend the world-class benefits of the Stellaris family with real-time networking, larger on-chip memories, enhanced power management, and expanded I/O capabilities. Evaluation kits for the new MCUs are available immediately through Luminary Micro's global sales channel ( http://www.luminarymicro.com/sales ). The new MCUs are sampling today and will be available in volume production next quarter. The LM3S6000 series are the first MCUs in the world featuring a fully-integrated 100 Mbps Ethernet solution with ARM architecture compatibility. The LM3S6000 devices combine both the Media Access Control (MAC) and Physical (PHY) layers, marking the first time that integrated connectivity is available with an ARM Cortex-M3 MCU and the only integrated 10/100 Ethernet MAC and PHY available in an ARM architecture MCU. The Stellaris LM3S2000 series, designed for Controller Area Network (CAN) applications, extends the Stellaris family with Bosch CAN networking technology, the golden standard in short-haul industrial networks. This introduction marks the first integration of CAN capabilities with the revolutionary Cortex-M3 core. "Being ARM's lead partner for the Cortex-M3 has given us the opportunity to really demonstrate the strengths and capabilities of this optimized MCU core, reaching far beyond any that are currently available," said Chief Marketing Officer Jean Anne Booth. "In a year's time we've brought the ARM architecture to embedded developers for the ground-breaking price of just $1.00; we were the first to bring serious motion control capability to the ARM architecture; and now we are bringing integrated CAN and Ethernet connectivity to designers previously limited to 8- and 16-bit options." "$1 to 1 GHz" in the World's Best Development Ecosystem Stellaris family MCUs are based on the ARM Cortex-M3 processor, the microcontroller member of the ARM Cortex processor family. Designed for serious microcontroller applications, the Stellaris family provides entry into the industry's strongest ecosystem, with code compatibility ranging from $1 to 1 GHz. Additional advantages include: * Easy and cost-effective to upgrade from 8- and 16-bit applications, requiring less flash code space and delivering a 10x improvement in performance over 8051 cores and an 8x improvement in performance over PIC24F cores; * Extends ARM7(TM) family processor capabilities in critical MCU applications with a 4x improvement in control processing performance, real-time interrupt response capability, and predictable deterministic interrupt behavior, while requiring just half the flash code space of ARM7 control applications; * Greater than 50 MIPS with a demonstrable 20x performance roadmap in the Cortex processor family, allowing for a "no-worry" migration path; * Best-in-industry development environment and debug tools. Today's announced parts represent the next generation of the Stellaris family, demonstrating the far-reaching capabilities of the Cortex-M3 core combined with the real-life engineering expertise of the Stellaris MCU design team. "Next-Generation Stellaris" Means Unprecedented Integration Twelve of the new MCUs feature on-chip Ethernet MAC and PHY, making Stellaris the only ARM-based MCU to offer this useful feature. Applications benefiting from this powerful capability include remote monitoring, electronic point-of-sale machines, network appliances and switches, and gaming equipment. Features include: * Integrated 10/100 Mbps Ethernet MAC and PHY - Supports 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX/FX IEEE 802.3 full and half-duplex operation - Automatic MDI/MDI-X cross-over correction - Programmable MAC address - Promiscuous mode support - Power-saving and power-down modes - 2KB Transmit FIFO / 2 KB Receive FIFO * 25-50 MHz operation * 64-256 KB single-cycle flash and 16-64 KB single-cycle SRAM * Up to 46 GPIOs * Prices starting at US$4.61 in 10K quantities The fifteen other new MCUs include up to two integrated CAN controllers with bit rates up to 1Mb/s, offering more robust capabilities for all control processing applications. These devices are ideally suited for cost-conscious applications requiring significant control processing and connectivity capabilities such as test and measurement equipment, motion control, medical instrumentation, HVAC and building control, and transportation. Features include: * Up to 2 Bosch-licensed CAN controllers supporting protocol versions 2.0A & 2.0B - Bit rates up to 1 Mb/s - 32 message objects, each with own identifier mask - Disable automatic retransmission mode for TTCAN - Programmable loop-back mode for self-test operation * 25-50 MHz operation * 64-256 KB single-cycle flash and 16-64 KB single-cycle SRAM * Up to 60 GPIOs * Prices starting at US$3.65 in 10K quantities For detailed information on the features of each Stellaris family member, see http://www.luminarymicro.com/product_selector_guide . Evaluation Kits Have Developers Up and Running In 10 Minutes Or Less This announcement includes the arrival of two complete evaluation kits: the Stellaris LM3S6965 Ethernet Evaluation Kit and the Stellaris LM3S2965 CAN Evaluation Kit. Each feature-rich evaluation kit includes evaluation boards, all required cables, a choice of evaluation tools suites for popular development tools, documentation, the Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library (providing a convenient, no-hassle method of initializing, programming, and controlling peripherals), applications notes, and everything a developer needs to get up and running in 10 minutes or less, for a superb "out-of-the-box" experience. Both kits span the design spectrum from evaluation to prototyping to application-specific design by functioning both as an evaluation platform and as a serial in-circuit debug interface for any Stellaris microcontroller-based target board. The Stellaris LM3S6965 Ethernet Evaluation Kit is exceptional for its compactness and versatility, and includes a quickstart application that includes an embedded web server utilizing the open source lwIP TCP/IP stack out of the box. Evaluation tools suite choices include ARM RealView(R) Microcontroller Development kit (MDK), IAR Embedded Workbench(R) Kickstart Edition, and CodeSourcery Sourcery G++ GNU tools. In addition, ported demos of RTOSes include FreeRTOS.org(TM), Micrium uC/OS-II with uC/Probe embedded system monitoring, Express Logic ThreadX(R), CMX Systems CMX-RTX(TM), Keil RTX, IAR PowerPac(TM), and SEGGER embOS. Stacks available include Express Logic NetX(TM) TCP/IP; InterNiche TCP/IP NicheStack(TM), NicheLITE(TM), and add-on modules such as HTTP, SNMP, and security protocols; CMX Systems CMX-MicroNet(TM); FreeRTOS.org-based open source uIP stack; Micrium uC/TCP-IP and uC/Modbus; and RTA Automation EtherNET/IP(TM). The kit also includes an embedded web server application based on the open source FreeRTOS.org RTOS and open source uIP Ethernet stack. The Stellaris LM3S6965 Ethernet Evaluation Kit is available today for US$79.00. The Stellaris LM3S2965 CAN Evaluation Kit is provided as a fully functional CAN network in a box, with both an LM3S2965-based master board and a LM3S2110-based CAN device board, and a quickstart application that demonstrates CAN communication out of the box. Evaluation tools suite choices include ARM RealView Microcontroller Development kit (MDK), IAR Embedded Workbench Kickstart Edition, and CodeSourcery Sourcery G++ GNU tools. In addition, ported demos of RTOSes include FreeRTOS.org, Micrium uC/OS-II with uC/Probe embedded system monitoring, Express Logic ThreadX, CMX Systems CMX-RTX, Keil RTX, IAR PowerPac, and SEGGER embOS. Stacks available include CMX Systems CMX-CANopen(TM); Micrium uC/CAN, and RTA Automation DeviceNet(TM). The Stellaris LM3S2965 CAN Evaluation Kit is available today for US$89.00. Luminary Micro now has 51 Stellaris MCUs available in global distribution, just 14 months after the company announced it was selected as ARM's lead partner for Cortex-M3 development. The company has hundreds of customer design wins across the Stellaris family, including the new devices announced today. About Luminary Micro and Stellaris Luminary Micro, Inc. designs, markets and sells ARM Cortex-M3-based microcontrollers (MCUs). Austin, Texas-based Luminary Micro is the lead partner for the Cortex-M3 processor, delivering the world's first silicon implementation of the Cortex-M3 processor. Luminary Micro's introduction of the award-winning Stellaris(R) family of products provides 32-bit performance for the same price as current 8- and 16-bit microcontroller designs. With entry-level pricing at $1.00 for an ARM technology-based MCU, Luminary Micro's Stellaris product line allows for standardization that eliminates future architectural upgrades or software tools changes. Contact the company at +1-512-279-8800 or email press@luminarymicro.com for more information. Stellaris is a registered trademark and the Luminary Micro logo is a trademark of Luminary Micro, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. All other products are trademarks of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Company Contact: Jean Anne Booth, CMO Mobile: +1-512-917-3088 Tel: +1-512-279-8801 Email: JeanAnne.Booth@luminarymicro.com Media Contact: Karen Johnson Mobile: +1-512-632-9636 Tel: +1-512-858-9598 Email: Karen@karenjohnson.biz

TORONTO, June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The President of the Canada China Business Council reiterated CCBC's support for the recent call by Bank of Canada Governor David Dodge for tolerance for China's pace in revaluing the yuan. Dodge said after a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs May 21 that China is making real progress towards revaluation of its currency. But the country does not have the financial markets infrastructure to manage a rapid revaluation. So, Dodge said, China's trading partners need to be supportive of measured progress. CCBC President Hon. Sergio Marchi said the Council supports the broad view the Bank of Canada has taken in considering China's global trade challenges. Following the recent Council's Board meeting, he said it is important to be mindful of the size of the task China faces in managing its economy and currency. "China's economic growth continues to race ahead. As a result, the Chinese government faces a complex and difficult task in managing its currency. It's clear, though, by the ongoing action taken, that China is committed to doing so. It's useful for China's trading partners to acknowledge the size of the task and the progress made." The CCBC President noted, for example, that China earlier in May further loosened restrictions on foreign currency holdings. For more information, please contact: Victor Hayes Tel: +1-416-994-0535 Email: victor@ccbc.com Yanmin Hu Tel: +86-10-8526-1820/21/22 x36 Email: yanmin.hu@ccbc.com.cn

TMS320F2833x DSCs Boost Performance 50 Percent and Simplify Software Development for Solar Power and Other Applications HOUSTON, June 5 /xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Helping industrial control designers increase energy efficiency and system performance, Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) (NYSE: TXN) today announced the industry's first floating point digital signal controllers (DSCs). The new TMS320F2833x devices provide 300 million floating point instructions per second (MFLOPS) performance at 150 MHz while providing the lower costs typically associated with fixed point processors. Simplified software development common to floating-point processors and the performance boost allows solar power inverters to more efficiently convert energy from photovoltaic (PV) panels, offers better power efficiency and performance to variable speed alternating current (AC) drives and provides greater performance for automotive radar applications. For more information on the new floating point F2833x controllers, see http://www.ti.com/f2833x . (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061107170439-20.jpg ) Motor Control, Alternative Energy Look for Greater Efficiency and Performance According to the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), solar capacity will grow 397 percent to 5550 Megawatts from 2005 to 2010. The world's leading solar inverter manufacturers - the majority of which use TI DSCs - maximize their systems to peak efficiency through Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms and dynamic algorithm adjustments during various load conditions, including cloudy and low light days. F2833x controllers have the performance headroom to maximize these MPPT algorithms and dynamic adjustments while also integrating additional system features like data logging, power line communications (PLC) or inverter synchronization to the utility grid. With the high integration and performance enabled by floating point F2833x controllers, robotics and computer numerical control (CNC) machines using AC induction motors will see both finer control and increased dynamic range. Systems designers using AC servo motors can now specify smaller, more energy efficient motors which, along with AC induction motors, IMS Research states, will drive an approximately eight percent yearly revenue growth for the industrial drive market. IMS Research also states that drives used in the AC induction motor segment are growing largely due to their ability to significantly lower the energy costs associated with running the motor. Demand for servo drives is linked to growth in precision applications such as machine tools, packaging machinery and semiconductor machinery, where the need for faster production cycles is leading to increased use of servo systems at the expense of mechanical ones. New Controllers Increase Performance by an Average 50 Percent The new F2833x floating point controllers will increase performance by an average of 50 percent over TI's previous leading digital signal controllers while operating at the same 150 MHz clock rate. Some algorithms, such as a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) used for complex calculations, will see a 200 percent improvement over an equivalent 32-bit fixed-point implementation. Overall system bandwidth is also increased with the addition of a six-channel direct memory access (DMA) controller that offloads the central processing unit (CPU) from servicing the ultra-fast, on-chip analog-to-digital converter (ADC) along with user-configurable 16- or 32-bit external memory interface and high-speed serial ports. Simplified Development and Complete System Integration Software developers typically begin creating algorithms in a floating-point environment for validation, and then convert the code to run on fixed-point devices. Now, however, developers can eliminate the weeks - and often months - of time spent contending with scaling, saturation and adjustment of numerical resolution required in fixed-point implementations. All F2833x controllers offer exceptional system integration for single-chip control applications from signal input to high-resolution control output. The on-chip 12-bit, 16-channel ADC operates at 12.5 mega-samples per second - the fastest on-chip ADC operation of any digital signal controller in the industry today. The F2833x controller series features up to 18 pulse width modulation (PWM) channels, six of which include TI's unique high-resolution PWM (HRPWM) technology with 150 pico-seconds (ps) resolution. Communication interfaces include CAN, I2C, UART, SPI and TI's Multi-channel Buffered Serial Ports (McBSP). Floating Point Controller Specifications TMS320 MHz Flash KB RAMKB PWM/ CAP/ SCI Sampling Suggested Resale HRPWM QEP Availability Price (1Ku) F28335 150 512 68 18/6 6/2 3 September 07 $19.95 F28334 150 256 68 16/6 4/2 3 September 07 $17.65 F28332 100 128 52 16/4 4/2 2 September 07 $13.30 Silicon and Tools Availability F2833x controllers are fully software compatible with all previous TMS320C28x(TM) controllers. Samples of the F28335, F28334, and F28332 devices will be available in September 2007 and will be fully AEC Q-100 qualified for automotive applications. Hardware and software development tools, including the Code Composer Studio(TM) Integrated Development Environment will be available with F2833x controllers. Developers can start programming today using any available F28x based eZdsp development tool and IQ Math, TI's `virtual' floating point software library. Software written with IQ Math will automatically run on the F2833x controllers. The F2833x devices will also be supported by TI's TMS320C2000(TM) Digital Motor Control and Digital Power Supply software libraries. This free, fully documented software provides aides developers in quickly prototyping a motor control or digital power system using C2000(TM) controllers and can be downloaded at http://www.ti.com/c2000appsw . About TI Texas Instruments Incorporated provides innovative DSP and analog technologies to meet our customers' real world signal processing requirements. In addition to Semiconductor, the company includes the Education Technology business. TI is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and has manufacturing, design or sales operations in more than 25 countries.Texas Instruments is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol TXN. More information is located on the World Wide Web at http://www.ti.com . TRADEMARKS Code Composer Studio, TMS320C28x, TMS320C2000 and C2000 are trademarks of Texas Instruments. ARM7 is a trademark of ARM Ltd. All other registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Stephan Beek Tel: +1-281-274-2321 Email: sbeek@ti.com Lindsey James Tel: +1-713-513-9568 Email: ljames@golinharris.com

-- Adaptive Wireless(TM) Solution Delivers Japan's Highest Performance Cellular Broadband System BRISTOL, England, June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Icera Inc., the cellular wireless semiconductor company, today announced its Livanto(R) ICE8020 wireless soft modem IC and Adaptive Wireless(TM) technology, are shipping in the SoftBank Connect Card C01SI. Launched June 1st 2007, the SoftBank C01SI, which has been developed by Seiko Instruments Inc. (SII), is the world's first Type 3 advanced receiver HSDPA data card, offering simultaneous receive diversity and MMSE equalization. Operating on the SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp. (formerly Vodafone K.K.) network in Japan, it delivers peak download speeds of 3.6Mbps enabled by Icera's Adaptive Wireless(TM) technology. Stan Boland, President and CEO of Icera, said: "We are delighted to have partnered with SII, which has contributed important integration and miniaturization expertise, to achieve the first Type 3 HSDPA compact flash data card for SOFTBANK MOBILE in Japan. This product launch is a significant milestone for Icera and strong endorsement of our leading-edge technology. SOFTBANK MOBILE wanted the highest performance user equipment for its HSDPA service and our Livanto(R) wireless soft modem technology out-performs any other commercially available baseband solution. We look forward to developing our business in Japan, the most advanced cellular market in the world, with further innovation and performance." Hiroshi Ohta, Executive Vice President, Product & Service Development Division, SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp., said: "SOFTBANK MOBILE's business relies on providing breakthrough wireless broadband performance. The SoftBank Connect Card C01SI is enabling us to bring the most advanced 3.5G solution to our customers who demand the highest speed, reliable cellular services. We are delighted to be the launch customer for the most advanced HSDPA data card in the world." Takaaki Yamamoto, Division Manager, Mobile Communication Systems Division, SII, said: "Only Icera's Livanto(R) wireless soft modem made it possible for us to create Japan's highest performance HSDPA system solution in the smallest form factor. The result is the SoftBank Connect Card C01SI, which we are proud to see successfully launched on the SOFTBANK MOBILE network." Receive diversity and equalization have been shown to significantly enhance modem performance in HSPA categories and the 3GPP specification sets out performance requirements based on these techniques as follows: -- Enhanced Type 1 defines performance for UEs, which utilize receive diversity -- Enhanced Type 2 defines performance for UEs, which utilize chip level equalization -- Enhanced Type 3 defines performance for UEs, which utilize receive diversity and chip level equalization Livanto(R) ICE8020 is the world's only Enhanced Type 3 solution for 3.6Mbps HSDPA. Icera's technology -- the Livanto(R) wireless soft modem -- is a disruptive new architecture for mobile phones and datacards. Together with Icera's Adaptive Wireless(TM) software, Livanto(R) delivers the world's highest performance cellular broadband via the latest version of the 3G air interface standard, HSDPA, enabling consumers to download large email files with attachments, speedily access web pages and download music tracks over the air in seconds. Since the physical layer and protocols are all in Adaptive Wireless(TM) software, advanced receivers and diversity support are delivering dramatic performance advantages in HSDPA, doubling sector capacity and halving baseband costs. Already supporting 2.5G standards, GSM, GPRS and EDGE, Livanto(R) will be developed for additional air interfaces, including HSUPA, which can be consolidated on the same device. The fundamental new soft architecture of Livanto(R) breaks the vicious cycle of handset availability lagging infrastructure for new standards. As well as being amongst the first to market with a 3.6Mbps HSDPA solution, Icera aims to drive the availability of faster and more complex standards through software upgrades on the same Livanto(R) device -- but without the time and cost of developing, verifying and manufacturing new silicon. OEMs can deliver the same terminal, tailored to the standards and features of different geographic or consumer markets through software instead of hardware changes, quickly and easily. After sale, they can be field-upgraded as new infrastructure is rolled-out: a revolution in handset communications technology. About Icera Icera has developed a disruptive new architecture for cellular phones, cellular datacards and cellular modems, the Livanto(R) wireless soft modem and Adaptive Wireless(TM) software. Founded in 2002, Icera is headquartered in the UK, with design locations in Bristol and Cambridge UK and Sophia Antipolis, France, sales offices in Japan and the US and representative support in Korea. For more information, visit http://www.icerasemi.com. For further information, please contact: Sally Doherty Icera Tel: +44-1454-284859 Email: sally@icerasemi.com

HONG KONG, June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Elcoteq SE's corporate responsibility report 2006 has been published in both English and Finnish. The purpose of the report is to inform stakeholders about the corporate responsibility principles applied by the company, and to describe what Elcoteq has achieved in the various areas of corporate responsibility in 2006. Corporate responsibility at Elcoteq means continuous, proactive work in compliance with the principles of sustainable development and taking into account the social, economic and environmental impacts of the company's operations. Elcoteq aims to minimize the environmental impacts of products during the whole lifecycle and to safeguard appropriate working conditions in the entire supply chain. "Offering products that meet the latest environmental requirements and providing services in a responsible way to our customers in all the main market areas are key elements of our competitiveness. In the coming years we will continue active work together with our customers and partners to further develop sustainable operation models and business practises in the whole value chain," says Ms. Sari Sarin, Elcoteq's Senior Manager, Corporate Responsibility. The report can be downloaded as a PDF file from the company's website at http://www.elcoteq.com . The printed report can be ordered through the company's website at http://www.elcoteq.com or by sending an e-mail to info@elcoteq.com. About Elcoteq Elcoteq SE is a leading electronics manufacturing services (EMS) company with original design manufacturing (ODM) capabilities in the communications technology field. Elcoteq provides global end-to-end solutions consisting of design, NPI, manufacturing, supply chain management, and after-sales services for the whole lifecycle of its customers' products. These products include terminal products such as mobile phones and set-top boxes as well as communications network equipment such as base-stations, tower-top amplifiers, and microwave systems. The company operates in 16 countries on four continents and employs some 23,000 people. Elcoteq's consolidated net sales for 2006 totaled 4.3 billion euros. Elcoteq SE is listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange. For more information visit the Elcoteq website at http://www.elcoteq.com . For more information, please contact: Judy Tsang Elcoteq Tel: +852-2486-7770 Email: judy.tsang@elcoteq.com

MIAMI, June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Masters Group is pleased to announce that it has been granted exclusive worldwide distribution rights to Mellow-Tone(TM). Mellow-Tone(TM) is a break-through premium dietary supplement made from pharmaceutical grade Melatonin. It is intended for use by persons suffering from occasional insomnia or sleep difficulty caused by restlessness, nervous tension, anxiety, mild to moderate mood changes, and jet lag as well as daytime drowsiness caused by occasional sleeplessness. Sleep researchers estimate that occasional insomnia affects over 37 million people in the U.S. and conservatively place the number of people suffering from the condition worldwide at well over 100 million people. The prevalence of this sleep disorder globally is expected to increase dramatically over the next few years. The current market is valued at USD $4.3 billion but is forecast to increase by 158% to USD $11 billion by 2012. Sleep deprivation results in a wide variety of negative health and economic consequences. In the short term, lack of sleep can impair our ability to perform routine daily activities. It affects us both mentally and physically. These effects include fatigue, irritability, careless mistakes, difficulty concentrating, slower reaction times, and increased stress. Prolonged sleep deprivation can also lead to very serious long-term health problems including an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke. The economic impact of sleep deprivation on a societal basis is staggering. Estimates of the direct and indirect financial costs of sleeplessness are in the hundreds of billion of dollars annually. Direct costs are those incurred for the actual medical treatment of sleep disorders, and indirect costs are those that are linked to peoples' sleeplessness such as reduced productivity and property damage. There is hope in addressing this looming public health crisis. Clinical studies show that the hormone Melatonin administered as a dietary supplement is effective in increasing the overall quantity and quality of one's sleep. Melatonin is an essential physiological agent that is produced in the brain by the pineal gland to regulate Circadian rhythms as well as other bodily systems. Circadian rhythms are regular changes in mental and physical characteristics that take place naturally in the course of a day. Among these natural daily rhythms is an increase in the level of Melatonin at night, making people feel drowsy. Recent research has linked numerous health problems to dysfunctions of Circadian rhythms including various sleep disorders. In a review of 28 clinical trials involving Melatonin on behalf of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, researchers found that the results were clinically and statistically significant based on sleep efficiency criteria, which is a comparison of the amount of time participants spent asleep to the total time spent in bed. In another systematic analysis of 33 clinical trials, researchers found that the use of Melatonin resulted in a clinically and statistically significant reduction in the onset of sleep. In addition, study participants given Melatonin spent more time in REM sleep, woke up less often, and reported improved sleep quality compared with those study participants given a placebo. The results of the clinical studies reviewed clearly indicate that Melatonin taken as a dietary supplement is effective in improving the overall quality and quantity of sleep. Mellow-Tone(TM) offers a unique sublingual delivery system in a strip placed on the tongue. It is doctor formulated and doctor recommended and is available through physician offices and other healthcare providers. Mellow-Tone(TM) is manufactured in the United States by KRS Global Biotechnology, Inc. The Masters Group is a premier customer-focused, full-service wholesale distribution company that ethically markets and distributes prescription and OTC pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, and equipment to the global healthcare community. The Masters Group has offices in the United States, England, and El Salvador. We proudly serve the local and national medical needs of clients located on nearly every continent, focusing specifically on niche markets in the United States, Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. For more information about The Masters Group, kindly visit us at http://www.masters-usa.com . For more information, please contact: Ms. Shawn Resch C.E.O. of Masters Medical Inc. Tel: +1-954-474-2210 Fax: +1-954-474-1395 Email: shawn.resch@masters-usa.com Web: http://www.masters-usa.com

-- Clearing and settlement platform for Turquoise taking shape - LONDON, June 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- A leading Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) senior executive, Richard R. Macek, has been chosen to serve as the interim chief executive officer (CEO) for EuroCCP, the new clearing and settlement platform that's being created to support the Turquoise pan-European trading platform. Macek has been a member of DTCC's executive leadership team since the formation of DTCC in 1999, most recently as an executive managing director responsible for Risk Management, Finance and the firm's family of Wealth Management Services. He is also chairman of the board of Omgeo, a joint venture owned by DTCC and Thomson Financial. In taking on this critical leadership role for EuroCCP, Macek will be relocating to London, and he'll be relinquishing his current responsibilities for Finance, Risk Management and Wealth Management Services. He will, however, continue to serve as chairman of Omgeo. "Rick is one of DTCC's most experienced and knowledgeable executives," said Donald F. Donahue, DTCC chairman-elect and CEO. "He has more than 35 years of experience in financial services, focusing on finance and risk management issues. Rick was heavily involved in developing our proposal for Turquoise, and he has strong international experience through his chairmanship of Omgeo. "During this start-up phase and launch of EuroCCP, Rick's appointment represents a significant commitment by DTCC to ensure the success of this new clearing corporation. We do plan, on a longer term basis, to recruit a European executive to serve as the permanent CEO for this subsidiary," Donahue said. Macek was chief financial officer and managing director for DTCC from 1999 until April 2004. In 2003, he assumed the additional responsibility for all DTCC Risk Management activities, as well as being named CEO of DTCC's Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC) subsidiary, which clears and settles U.S. Government securities and mortgage-backed securities. In addition, he was also named CEO of the Emerging Markets Clearing Corporation (EMCC), another DTCC subsidiary, in August 2003. Macek gave up the CEO positions at FICC and EMCC when he assumed the chairmanship of Omgeo in 2005. Macek joined National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) in 1998, prior to the formation of DTCC, as managing director, treasurer and chief financial officer. NSCC is now a DTCC subsidiary. He also was responsible for overseeing the financial operations of what was then known as the Government Securities Clearing Corporation (GSCC) and Mortgage-Backed Securities Clearing Corporation (MBSCC), two organizations that later merged to form FICC. Prior to joining NSCC, Macek had a 15-year career with Dillon, Read & Co., Inc., where he was managing director for the firm's finance and accounting operations in New York and London. Before that, he spent two years as a director with Morgan Stanley and 10 years with Arthur Young & Co. (now Ernst & Young) as an audit principal. Macek, a certified public accountant, earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from Manhattan College. He served in the U.S. Army from 1969 to 1971 and was awarded the Bronze Star in Vietnam for meritorious service. EuroCCP was selected to provide clearing and settlement services to Turquoise, a consortium of seven major investment banks in Europe, after a major competition and is expected to begin operation at the end of this year. EuroCCP is a subsidiary of DTCC. The objective of Turquoise is to lower the costs of trading in Europe. About DTCC The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), through its subsidiaries, provides clearance, settlement and information services for equities, corporate and municipal bonds, government and mortgage-backed securities, money market instruments and over-the-counter derivatives. In addition, DTCC is a leading processor of mutual funds and insurance transactions, linking funds and carriers with their distribution networks. DTCC's depository provides custody and asset servicing for 2.8 million securities issues from the United States and 100 other countries and territories, valued at $36 trillion. Last year, DTCC settled more than $1.5 quadrillion in securities transactions. DTCC has operating facilities in multiple locations in the United States and overseas. For more information on DTCC, visit http://www.dtcc.com . Editor's note: A high-resolution photo of Richard Macek is available for download from his biography page on DTCC's web site at http://www.dtcc.com/macek.html . For more information, please contact: Stuart Z. Goldstein, DTCC Tel: +1-609-203-5220 Email: sgoldstein@dtcc.com Freida Moore, Citigate Tel: +44-20-7282-2997 Email: freida.moore@citigatedr.co.uk Web: http://www.dtcc.com http://www.dtcc.com/macek.html