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 株式会社リクルート(本社:東京都中央区 代表取締役社長兼CEO:柏木斉)は、
(エルーカ)』(http://eruca.jp/ ※携帯のみ)を開設致します。







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担当:飯島 友美(広報部 社外広報G)
 スターティア株式会社(東京都新宿区 代表取締役 本郷秀之 証券コード3393)は、ネットワーク通信機器をレンタルするサービス『Digit@link(デジタリンク) マネージドゲートウェイ』を6月1日より開始した。

 スターティア株式会社(東京都新宿区 代表取締役 本郷秀之 証券コード3393
『Digit@link(デジタリンク) マネージドゲートウェイ』を6月1日より開始した。


『Digit@link(デジタリンク) マネージドゲートウェイ』






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田区 代表取締役社長:野村虎之進、以下MBJ)は、MBJが運営する携帯電話向け




◆ 花くま ゆうさく(はなくま・ゆうさく)


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○『つや缶ありマス』 Softbank公式サイト

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式サイト、au WIN端末向け/EZweb公式サイト、Softbank公式サイト)、『つや缶
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株式会社データクラフト(本社札幌市 高橋昭憲社長)は、
2007年6月8日、「素材辞典Vol.186 CGバックグラウンド-シーズン&フラワー編」を発売いたします。


株式会社データクラフト(本社札幌市 高橋昭憲社長)は、
2007年6月8日、「素材辞典シリーズ」 の新製品を発売いたします。
「素材辞典Vol.186 CGバックグラウンド-シーズン&フラワー編」は、


▼素材辞典シリーズ 商品仕様(共通)
【標準価格】 8,190円
【メディア】 CD-ROM (Windows&Macintosh ハイブリッド)DISC1枚
【対応OS 】  Windows:Microsoft Windows98/Me/2000/XP/Vista
Macintosh:MacOS8/9/Mac OS X
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 プレスリリース                  2007年6月4日



















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担当:南 敦子(経営企画室 広報担当)

Majority of Executives Believe They Can Outperform Their Boss, Global Korn/Ferry Survey Finds
June 04, 2007

- Nearly Two Out of Every Three Executives Aspire to Obtain
Their Boss' Job -

    LOS ANGELES, June 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Nearly
three-quarters (73 percent) of executives believe they can
perform their boss' job better than their current manager,
according to the latest Executive Quiz from Korn/Ferry
International (NYSE: KFY), a premier global provider of
talent management solutions. Moreover, nearly two-thirds
(65 percent) of executives surveyed indicated that they
aspire to attain their boss' job. 

    Nevertheless, when asked to rate their boss'
performance, the largest percentage of executives (42
percent) marked it as either "excellent" or
"above average," while another 23 percent cited
it as "average."  Fourteen percent of executives
ranked their boss' performance as "below average"
and 11 percent deemed it "poor."

    Additionally, when asked if they trust their boss,
almost two-thirds of executives (65 percent) indicated that
they did, while the other 35 percent said they did not.

    "These results suggest that many of today's
executives are feeling 'underemployed' -- or in other
words, that their employers are not making full use of
their backgrounds and abilities," said Bob Damon,
president, North America for Korn/Ferry.  "The secret
for companies is to identify their high potentials and give
them strategic developmental opportunities in order to keep
them challenged and satisfied, and best leverage their
drive and ambition."


    The Korn/Ferry International Executive Quiz is based on
a global survey of executives registered within the firm's
online Executive Center, ekornferry.com. Respondents from
more than 70 countries, representing a wide spectrum of
industries and functional areas, participated in the most
recent Executive Quiz in March 2007.

    About Korn/Ferry International

    Korn/Ferry International, with more than 70 offices in
40 countries, is a premier global provider of talent
management solutions. Based in Los Angeles, the firm
delivers an array of solutions that help clients to
identify, deploy, develop, retain and reward their talent. 
For more information on the Korn/Ferry International family
of companies, visit http://www.kornferry.com .

    For more information, please contact:

    Asia Pacific:

     Shireen Nisha
     Korn/Ferry International
     Tel:   +65-6231-6123
     Email: shireen.nisha@kornferry.com

     Maggie Habib
     Korn/Ferry International
     Tel:   +1-310-556-8532
     Email: maggie.habib@kornferry.com

    North America

     Amy Jaick
     Tel:   +1-212-576-2700
     Email: ajaick@goodmanmedia.com

    South America

     Marcel Dellabarba
     Tel:   +55-11-3017-5300
     Email: marcel.dellabarba@edelman.com
U.S. Preventive Medicine(R) Commends His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum for his Commitment to Human Development
June 04, 2007

    DALLAS, June 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --

    Today U.S. Preventive Medicine(R), a company working to
organize and advance a culture of prevention throughout
America and the world, commends the efforts of United Arab
Emirates Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, for establishing the
MBR (Mohammed Bin Rashid) Foundation.

    His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum,
world-renowned for his charitable contributions, has
donated $10 billion to start the MBR Foundation; one of the
largest donations in world history. Sheikh Mohammed stated
that the MBR Foundation will work to improve education and
research as well as promote human development based on
knowledge and education.

    Christopher T. Fey, Chairman and CEO of U.S. Preventive
Medicine(R) and its subsidiary, Preventive Medicine
International(TM), supports Sheikh Mohammed's establishment
of the MBR Foundation for the purpose of human development
and the potential advances this gift can create for
furthering knowledge and solutions for world health.

    "The MBR Foundation's mission to promote human
development can be enhanced through the use of preventive
medicine and personalized healthcare," said Fey.
"We believe preventive medicine will contribute to
solving the world's healthcare challenges and the MBR
Foundation can be a leader in this effort. His Highness is
to be congratulated for his forward thinking and support of
a knowledge based society as it relates to world

    About U.S. Preventive Medicine(R):

    U.S. Preventive Medicine(R), a privately owned company,
is organizing and commercializing the market for proactive
preventive health services in the U.S. and internationally
through its subsidiary, Preventive Medicine
International(TM).  The company works in partnership with
established health systems, hospitals and physician groups
to deliver clinically appropriate preventive services that
have been shown to enhance health and productivity while
reducing health care costs. The Company licenses its
proprietary methodology, technology and branding assets
including its Centers for Preventive Medicine(R) and The
Prevention Plan(TM), a groundbreaking new health benefit
focused on prevention. For more information, please visit
http://www.USPreventiveMedicine.com .

    For more information, please contact:

    Rachael Adler +1-212-455-8037
    Aprill Turner +1-212-455-8016
New Brand Aims to Inspire Everyone to Embrace the Olympic Spirit - and Make 2012 'Everyone's Games'
June 04, 2007

    - New brand and vision revealed for London 2012 Olympic
Games and Paralympic Games

    - With Picture

    LONDON, June 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The new brand and
vision for the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic
Games was launched in London this morning by Sebastian Coe
and a team of London 2012 ambassadors.


    The new Olympic emblem is based on the number 2012 -
the year of the Games -- and includes the Olympic Rings,
one of the world's most recognised brands, and the word
'London' -- the world's most diverse city. The same 2012
image, with the Paralympic agitos, symbolises the
Paralympic Games.

    The powerful, modern emblem symbolises the dynamic
Olympic spirit and its inspirational ability to reach out
to people all over the world.

    "London 2012 will be Everyone's Games, everyone's
2012. This is the vision at the very heart of our brand. It
will define the venues we build and the Games we hold and
act as a reminder of our promise to use the Olympic spirit
to inspire everyone and reach out to young people around
the world. It is an invitation to take part and be
involved," said London 2012 Chairman, Sebastian Coe.

    "We will host a Games where everyone is invited to
join in because they are inspired by the Games to either
take part in the many sports, cultural, educational and
community events leading up to 2012 or they will be
inspired to achieve personal goals," he added.

    London 2012 will encourage active participation
involving people in a whole range of Games activities from
community activities and volunteering to sporting and
cultural events. It will inspire young people and connect
them to sport by putting the inspirational values of the
Olympic and Paralympic Games on the school curriculum.
London 2012 will be a Games for a connected world making
the most of exciting new technology to get people closer to
the action they want to see, when, where and how they want
to experience it.

    The new emblem is dynamic, modern and flexible
reflecting a brand savvy world where people, especially
young people, no longer relate to static logos but respond
to a dynamic brand that works with new technology and
across traditional and new media networks.

    It will become London 2012's visual icon, instantly
recognisable amongst all age groups, all around the world.
It will establish the character and identity of the London
2012 Games and what the Games will symbolise nationally and

    For the first time for a Host City, the new emblems for
the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games are based on the
same core shape, reflecting London's commitment to hosting a
truly integrated Paralympic Games.

    Commenting on this milestone event, London 2012
Chairman Sebastian Coe commented:

    " The Olympic Games and Paralympic Games are the
greatest sporting event on earth - but they are about more
than sport. When Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the
modern Games he saw sport as an integral part of education,
culture and the values of life, and this is still true
today. Our Games in 2012 are for everyone who wants to
engage in sport, and in life. Our vision is for everyone to
be inspired by the Olympic spirit.

    The Games are a competition to find the best athletes
in the world - the Olympic spirit is about all of us
finding the best in ourselves. London 2012 will be
Everyone's Games. There will be more opportunities than
ever before to participate, be inspired by and be part of
2012. Our new emblem is an invitation for people everywhere
to participate, and make this a Games for the whole nation

    The launch of the new brand took place at The
Roundhouse in Camden, North London. The new London 2012
film, 'Everyone's 2012' was screened for the first time,
highlighting how the Games are already capturing the
imagination of people around the country, inspiring them to
make positive changes in their lives on the road to 2012.
The film was released simultaneously on the internet to
thousands of bloggers who signed up to a blog-based online
'tease' campaign.

    The new emblem will be the symbol of a nationwide
'pledge' campaign, developing the 'Everyone's Games' theme,
to be launched during the London 2012 Summer Roadshow, which
starts on 15th June in Greenwich, London, and will visit
every nation and region throughout the UK in a ten week

    The 'pledge' campaign will encourage people to use the
inspiration of the Games to make a positive change to their
lives and challenge themselves, or others, to be inspired by
the Olympic spirit.

    The inspirational nature of the Games was endorsed by
sporting and political leaders. Messages from the Prime
Minister, Opposition leader David Cameron, Leader of the
Liberal Democrats, Sir Menzies Campbell, Olympics Minister
Tessa Jowell, the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, and IOC
President Jacque Rogge and IPC President Sir Philip Craven
were aired at the launch, alongside footage capturing the
excitement and enthusiasm of the British public,
celebrating their hopes for their personal dreams, inspired
by London 2012.

    The Prime Minister, Tony Blair, commented:

    "We want London 2012 not just to be about elite
sporting success. When people see the new brand, we want
them to be inspired to make a positive change in their
life. London 2012 will be a great sporting summer but will
also allow Britain to showcase itself to the world."

    IOC President Jacque Rogge commented:

    "This is a truly innovative brand logo that
graphically captures the essence of the London 2012 Olympic
Games - namely to inspire young people around the world
through sport and the Olympic values. Each edition of the
Olympic Games brings its own flavour and touch to what is
now well over a century of modern Olympic history; the
brand launched today by London 2012 is, I believe, an early
indication of the dynamism, modernity and inclusiveness with
which London 2012 will leave its Olympic mark."

    IPC President, Sir Philip Craven commented:

    "The new emblem for London 2012 is youthful and
exciting. The Paralympic Games and the Olympic Games will
have the same generic image. This is a first in the history
of the Games and the Paralympic movement enjoys being
connected with firsts "

    The new London 2012 brand was designed by Wolff Ollins.
The design brief was for an emblem that represented the four
key 'brand pillars' of access, participation, stimulation
and inspiration, culminating in the brand vision of
'Everyone's Games'."

    Olympics Minister Tessa Jowell commented:

    "This is an iconic brand that sums up what London
2012 is all about - an inclusive, welcoming and diverse
Games that involves the whole country. It takes our values
to the world beyond our shores, acting both as an
invitation and an inspiration. This is not just a marketing
logo, but a symbol that will become familiar, instantly
recognisable and associated with our Games in so many ways
during the next five years."

    Mayor of London Ken Livingstone commented:

    'The new Olympic brand draws on what London has become
- the world's most forward looking and international city.
That message of welcome and diversity was one of the main
reasons for London's success in winning the Games. We offer
the world the same exciting message that in 2012 every
athlete, and every visitor, will feel at home in our city.
London has the unique privilege and thrill of staging the
Olympics but we want everyone in the world to also feel
that they are participating in their games.'

    Chairman of the British Olympic Association, Colin
Moynihan commented:

    "Standing alongside the Team GB logo, the new
London 2012 brand represents the passion, inspiration and
achievement which encapsulate Britain's Olympic Ambition.
Together, I have no doubt that they will inspire those
athletes who are aiming to compete as part of Team GB at
the London 2012 Olympic Games, and capture the imagination
of generations of future Olympians."

    The new London 2012 brand has been approved by the
International Olympic Committee.

    The emblem will be available in four colours - pink,
blue, green and orange.

    It replaces London's 'Candidate City' logo which was
established in November 2003.

    The unique new emblem already enjoys legal protection,
offering London 2012 and its sponsors protection from
copying and ambush marketing.

    Note to Editors:

    A picture accompanying this release is available
through the PA Photowire.  It can be viewed at
http://www.mediapoint.press.net or
http://www.prnewswire.co.uk.  It is also available on AP
Archive: http://photoarchive.ap.org (PRN4)

    Find out the latest from London 2012 HQ on our Work in
Progress blog http://blog.london2012.com .

    For further information, please contact:

     the London 2012 Press Office 
     Tel:   +44-203-2012-100 
     Web:   http://www.london2012.com 

Canadian Solar and City Solar AG Partner on Large-Scale Solar Farm Projects in Germany and Spain
June 04, 2007

    JIANGSU, China, June 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -¨C Canadian
Solar Inc. ("the Company", or "CSI")
(Nasdaq: CSIQ) has commenced delivery of solar modules to
City Solar AG, Germany for a series of large-scale,
ground-mounted solar farm projects.  The deliveries are
part of an annual project sales contract CSI signed with
City Solar in January, 2007 to supply approximately 31 MW
of solar modules to 7 specific projects in Germany and
Spain.  About half of the projects are expected to be
completed before December 31, 2007.  The contract is worth
approximately 80 to 90 million Euro.  CSI expects to
deliver 4.2MW solar modules by July 2007 for the first
project in Germany.  Deliveries for the other projects are
expected to start in June and July, 2007. 

    Dr. Shawn Qu, CEO of CSI, commented, "We continue
to execute our two-leg strategy in sales, which emphasizes
long-term partnerships with both tier-one regular
distributors and top-notch project-based companies. Our
collaboration with City Solar clearly demonstrates the
success of this strategy. Project-based channel sales like
this one allow us to plan our production several quarters
ahead, in order to provide stability to both CSI and its

    Mr. Steffen Kammler, CEO of City Solar, AG, commented,
"City Solar's vast experience in multi-MW scale solar
project development, planning and implementation, brings
turn-key solutions to commercial renewable energy
investors. We have developed unique mounting and panel
matching technologies. Combining our expertise with the
outstanding quality of CSI modules will help us to provide
the best-performing and the most cost-effective solar
systems to the market place."

    About Canadian Solar Inc. (Nasdaq: CSIQ) 

    Founded in 2001, Canadian Solar Inc. (CSI) is a
vertically integrated manufacturer of solar cell, solar
module and customer-designed solar application products
serving worldwide customers.  CSI is incorporated in Canada
and conducts all of its manufacturing operations in China. 
Backed by years of experience and knowledge in the solar
power market and the silicon industry, CSI has become a
major global provider of solar power products for a wide
range of applications.  For more information, please visit
http://www.csisolar.com .

    About City Solar, AG

    City Solar AG is a leading player in the field of
industrial scale photovoltaic power plants. The company was
founded in 2003 and has its headquarters in Bad Kreuznach,
Germany. City Solar&acute;s core business is the
design, construction, and operation of solar power plants.
In addition to activities in Germany, City Solar is
becoming increasingly involved in Europe -- particularly in
Spain, Italy and Greece. In Beneixama, Spain, the company is
currently building the world's largest PV power plant with a
nominal power of 20 MW which will be completed in August
2007. The company directs a great part of its efforts to
its own R+D activities. This department has developed and
patented a new process to produce solar grade silicon. For
more information, please visit http://www.citysolar.de .

    Safe Harbor/Forward-Looking Statements

    Certain statements in this press release including
statements regarding expected future financial and industry
growth are forward-looking statements that involve a number
of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results
to differ materially. These statements are made under the
"Safe Harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In some cases,
you can identify forward-looking statements by such terms
as "believes," "expects,"
"anticipates," "intends,"
"estimates," the negative of these terms, or
other comparable terminology. Factors that could cause
actual results to differ include general business and
economic conditions and the state of the solar industry;
governmental support for the deployment of solar power;
future shortage or availability of the supply of
high-purity silicon; demand for end-use products by
consumers and inventory levels of such products in the
supply chain; changes in demand from significant customers,
including customers of our silicon materials sales; changes
in demand from major markets such as Germany; changes in
customer order patterns; changes in product mix; capacity
utilization; level of competition; pricing pressure and
declines in average selling price; delays in new product
introduction; continued success in technological
innovations and delivery of products with the features
customers demand; shortage in supply of materials or
capacity requirements; availability of financing; exchange
rate fluctuations; litigation and other risks as described
in the Company's SEC filings, including its registration
statement on Form F-1 originally filed on October 23, 2006,
as amended. Although the Company believes that the
expectations reflected in the forward looking statements
are reasonable, it cannot guarantee future results, level
of activity, performance, or achievements. You should not
place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.
All information provided in this press release is as of
today's date, unless otherwise stated, and CSI undertakes
no duty to update such information, except as required
under applicable law.

    For more information, please contact:

     For Canadian Solar Inc.
     In Jiangsu, P.R. China
      Bing Zhu, 
      Chief Financial Officer 
      Canadian Solar Inc.
      Tel:   +86-512-6269-6755
      Email: ir@csisolar.com

     In the U.S.
      David Pasquale
      The Ruth Group
      Tel:   +1-646-536-7006
      Email: dpasquale@theruthgroup.com

     For City Solar
      AGStephan Brust
      Head of Public Relations
      Tel:   +49-671-889-0917
      Email: stephan.brust@citysolar.de

K2 Launches the Underground Community Site and Insiders Program
June 04, 2007

    REDMOND, Wash., June 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- K2 today
launched the Underground, http://www.k2underground.com , a
community-driven Web site designed to empower K2 users and

    "K2 built this site and will continue to support
it, but the Underground will really evolve at the direction
of our community," says Chris Geier, K2 global
evangelism program manager. "The users own it. In a
lot of ways, we are turning it over to them, and we are
sure there's great value in that."

    The new K2 software platform, codenamed
"BlackPearl," enables developers and business
users to use information that already exists within their
systems and processes that have already been built to
rapidly create flexible applications that span employees,
departments, organizations and line-of-business systems.

    The Underground gives new and experienced K2 users a
place to discuss ideas, ask questions and share solutions.
The site will feature blogs, forums, special interest
groups, articles, tips and more. The site will also host K2
calendars, events and user group information.

    "The Underground was established to give our
customer and partner community new ways to connect and
share so that those who have made an investment in K2 can
take it to the next level," Geier says.

    With the Underground launch, K2 also announced its
Insiders program. K2 Insiders, about 20 people chosen from
around the world based on their advanced K2 platform
expertise and historical work in the K2 community, will
drive much of the content on the Underground site. Insiders
are not K2 employees, but through their community
activities, they will help others solve problems, discover
new capabilities and get more value from their K2

    K2 provides the platform for a new generation of users
to collaboratively assemble dynamic business applications
from reusable items. K2-based solutions are deployed by a
growing number of the global Fortune 100, and since the
release of its first software in 2000, K2 has helped
clients in more than 40 countries increase productivity. K2
is a business unit of SourceCode Technology Holdings, Inc.,
based in Redmond, Washington, and has offices all over the

    Copyright (C) 2007. SourceCode Technology Holdings,
Inc. All rights reserved. Patents pending. SourceCode and
K2 are registered trademarks or trademarks of SourceCode
Technology Holdings, Inc. in the United States and/or other

    For more information, please contact:

     Chris Tomeo
     Communications Manager of K2
     Tel:   +1-303-482-2189
     Email: ctomeo@k2.net

Platts Seeks Nominations for 2007 Global Energy Awards
June 04, 2007

    NEW YORK, June 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Platts, the
world's leading energy information provider and a division
of McGraw-Hill (MHP), is currently seeking nominations for
the 9th annual Platts Global Energy Awards, which
recognizes excellence of companies and individuals in the
global energy industry.

    On Thursday, November 29, 2007, Platts, along with
principal sponsor Capgemini, and co-sponsors Bracewell
& Giuliani LLP and Standard & Poor's, will host the
annual black-tie dinner and awards ceremony in New York City
at the Cipriani Wall Street. The Platts Global Energy Awards
has become the most recognized awards program in the

    Platts is seeking nominations in 18 categories,
including Energy Company of the Year (2006 winner:
Iberdrola), CEO of the Year (2006 winner: Ignacio Sanchez
Galan, Iberdrola), Lifetime Achievement Award (2006 winner:
Paul M. Anderson of Duke Energy), Downstream Business of the
Year (2006 winner: Anonima Petroli Italiana SpA (API)), and
Energy Transporter of the Year (2006 winner: PJM
Interconnection), among others.

    New or updated categories for 2007 include, Engineering
Project of the Year, Energy Efficiency Initiative of the
Year, Green Energy Innovator of the Year, and Risk
Management Innovator of the Year. 

    Other categories to be awarded include Commercial
Technology of the Year, Community Development Program of
the Year, ENR Energy Construction Project of the Year,
Hydrocarbon Producer of the Year, Industry Leadership
Award, Marketing Campaign of the Year, Petrochemicals
Company of the Year, Power Company of the Year, and Rising
Star Award.

    Any company doing business in the energy industry is
eligible for these awards. Nominations may be submitted by
the energy companies themselves, from clients, from
vendors, and other associates. To submit a nomination,
learn more about the award categories, and see past winners
and photos, visit www.globalenergyawards.com. All
nominations must be received by September 7, 2007, to be
    Fast Facts about the Platts Global Energy Awards:
    -- Platts receives more than 200 nominations each year

    -- Nominations have come from more than 30 countries
       India, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa,
Spain, Russia, 
       Switzerland, Argentina, China, Bangladesh, Thailand,
       Kingdom and the United States
    -- This is the fifth year in a row that Capgemini is
the principal
       sponsor of the Platts Global Energy Awards; this is
the second
       consecutive year that Bracewell & Giuliani LLP
is a co-sponsor
    -- Platts is proud to count former OPEC energy
ministers, national 
       regulators, former heads of major energy companies
and leading 
       academics and legislators among its judges, past and
    -- Each category has 4-5 key criteria against which the
judges will
       evaluate each nomination
    -- The Platts Global Energy Awards have been described
by past 
       entrants and winners as both the "World
Series" and "Academy 
       Awards" of energy 

    About Platts

    Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE:
MHP), is a leading global provider of energy and metals
information. With nearly a century of business experience,
Platts serves customers across more than 150 countries.
From 14 offices worldwide, Platts serves the oil, natural
gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical and
metals markets. Platts' real time news, pricing, analytical
services, and conferences help markets operate with
transparency and efficiency. Traders, risk managers,
analysts, and industry leaders depend upon Platts to help
them make better trading and investment decisions.
Additional information is available at
http://www.platts.com .

    About The McGraw-Hill Companies

    Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP)
is a leading global information services provider meeting
worldwide needs in the financial services, education and
business information markets through leading brands
including Standard & Poor's, McGraw-Hill Education,
BusinessWeek and J.D. Power and Associates. The Corporation
has more than 280 offices in 40 countries. Sales in 2006
were US$6.3 billion. Additional information is available at
http://www.mcgraw-hill.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Shiona Ramage
     Tel:   +44-207-176-6153
     Email: Shiona_ramage@platts.com

     Casey Yew
     Tel:   +65-653-06552
     Email: Casey_yew@platts.com

     Kathleen Tanzy
     Tel:   +1-212-904-2860
     Email: Kathleen_tanzy@platts.com

Stora Enso's Closed Period Changed
June 04, 2007

    HELSINKI, June 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Stora Enso has
changed the duration of its closed period. From now on, the
closed period will start immediately after a reporting
period ends and last until the results are announced. Stora
Enso will therefore not comment or meet capital market
representatives or the media during the closed period.
During the closed period, insiders are not allowed to trade
in the Company's securities. Until now the closed period
lasted two weeks. 

    Stora Enso's closed period before announcement of the
second quarter results will start on Monday 2 July 2007.

    For more information, please contact:

     Keith B Russell, Senior Vice President, 
     Investor Relations
     Tel:   +44-7775-788-659

     Ulla Paajanen-Sainio, Vice President, 
     Investor Relations and Financial Communications
     Tel:   +358-2046-21242

     Web:   http://www.storaenso.com
Conde Nast Traveler Places
June 04, 2007

Le Royal Meridien Shanghai on its 2007 Hot List

    SHANGHAI, China, June 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Le Royal
Meridien Shanghai made it in the annual "Hot List"
of Conde Nast Traveler magazine, the only five star hotel
cited in China's most stylish city.  Conde Nast Traveler
Eleventh Annual Hot List is the world's wealthy traveller's
passport to the hottest new hotels and restaurants around
the world. After opening for seven months only, Le Royal
Meridien Shanghai was selected in three out of four
"hot list" -¨C The 2007 Hot List, Hot Spas 2007
citing Le Spa and Hot Tables 2007 mentioning Ai Mei Chinese

    The Conde Nast Traveler 2007 Hot List features 138 new
hotels and resorts, 95 new restaurants, 25 new nightclubs,
and 75 new spas whose design, service, and amenities
transcend industry standards. To develop the list, the
magazine's editors checked out hundreds of new properties
around the globe, rigorously evaluating each one on a
standard set of criteria. The result is a definitive guide
to the world's most exciting new establishments destined to
become instant classics.

    Located in the heart of the city as the tallest
building in Shanghai Puxi, Le Royal Meridien Shanghai
stands between the historic Nanjing Road East and the
greenery of People's Square.  Dominating the skyline with
66 floors, it offers unparralled views over the Shanghai
Museum, Grand Theatre and Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA)
in the Puxi district and Pudong with the Huangpu River and
the Bund. Le Royal Meridien Shanghai boasts 770 luxurious
rooms and suites with floor-to-ceiling glass windows and an
ultra modern design. Le Royal Meridien Shanghai features 10
restaurants and bars offering a variety of cuisines from
around the globe with authentic Cantonese cuisine plus
Shanghainese and Sichuanese signature dishes available at
Ai Mei Chinese Restaurant.  Eight private luxury treatment
suites at the property's Le Spa offer a welcome
counterpoint to the frenetic energy of Shanghai. 

    For more information, contact Le Royal Meridien
Shanghai at Tel +86-21-3318-9999 or visit the website at
http://www.lemeridien.com/royalshanghai .
    Le Meridien

    Le Meridien Hotels & Resorts, with its portfolio of
more than 120 luxury and upscale hotels in 52 countries
worldwide, is owned by Starwood Hotels & Resorts
Worldwide, Inc. The majority of Le Meridien properties are
located in the world's top cities and resorts throughout
Europe, the Americas, Asia Pacific, Africa and the Middle
East. In the 2005 Luxury Brand Status Index survey Le
Meridien was recognised as one of the top 15 luxury hotel
brands. For more information, please visit
http://www.lemeridien.com . 

    Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide

    Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. is one of
the leading hotel and leisure companies in the world with
approximately 850 properties in more than 95 countries and
145,000 employees at its owned and managed properties.
Starwood(R) Hotels is a fully integrated owner, operator
and franchisor of hotels and resorts with the following
internationally renowned brands: St. Regis(R), The Luxury
Collection(R), Sheraton(R), Westin(R), Four Points(R) by
Sheraton, W(R), Le Meridien(R) and the recently announced
AloftSM. Starwood Hotels also owns Starwood Vacation
Ownership, Inc., one of the premier developers and
operators of high quality vacation interval ownership
resorts. For more information, please visit
http://www.starwoodhotels.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Judith A. Los Banos (Ms.)
     Director of Marketing Communications
     Le Royal Meridien Shanghai
     Tel:   +86-21-3318-9999
     Fax:   +86-21-6361-3388
     Email: judith.losbanos@lemeridien.com
Kelly Services Enters Mainland China with Acquisition of P-Serv
June 04, 2007

Company Expands Global Network to 33 Countries and

- EMBARGO: Please Do Not Publicize the Following Contents
Until 12:00 Hong Kong/Bejing Time Today -

    TROY, Mich., June 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Kelly
Services, Inc., a leading human resources solutions
provider, today announced it has acquired P-Serv, a company
specializing in temporary staffing, permanent staffing,
outsourcing and executive search with operations in
Mainland China, Hong Kong and Singapore.  The acquisition
increases Kelly's global footprint to 33 countries and

    Established in 1990, P-Serv has offices in Hong Kong,
Singapore and seven China cities, including Chengdu,
NanChang, Shanghai, Beijing, Suzhou, Guangzhou, and
Shenzhen.  P-Serv has a stellar reputation for providing
customized solutions in human resources and outsourcing for
temporary, contract and full-time positions.  P-Serv also
provides overseas placement, business process outsourcing
and call center management services. 

    In 2006, China's staffing market was estimated at $2
billion.  It is expected to reach $2.5 billion in 2007.  As
foreign investment in China increases, rapid growth in the
staffing market is projected due to high demand for
specialized, credentialed talent and efficient human
resources solutions.

    "We're excited to have the talented employees of
P-Serv join our Kelly family.  With the acquisition of
P-Serv, we will further expand our reach into Mainland
China and are able to tap into the large pool of talent
that we need globally," said Dhiren Shantilal, Senior
Vice President, Asia Pacific of Kelly Services.  "We
look forward to a successful partnership that will further
enhance our comprehensive human resources solutions and
will provide our clients with the talent they need to
enhance their operations and effectiveness."  

    As part of the transaction, Paul Ng, P-Serv's managing
director will join Kelly Services as Senior Director and
General Manager for Greater China.  Wong Poh Swan,
P-Serv's, General Manager, Singapore will join as Director
and General Manager of P-Serv Singapore.

    "We are delighted to join the Kelly organization. 
Employees of P-Serv will tap into the resources, learning
and experience of a world leader with more than 60 years of
solid performance," said Paul Ng, Senior Director and
General Manager of Greater China for Kelly Services. 
"Through Kelly's global network and comprehensive
human resources solutions, P-Serv will successfully meet
the evolving needs of our customers. It is truly a win-win

    About Kelly Services, Inc.

    Kelly Services, Inc. (Nasdaq: KELYA; KELYB) is a
Fortune 500 company headquartered in Troy, Mich., offering
staffing solutions that include temporary staffing
services, outsourcing, vendor on-site and full-time
placement.  Kelly operates in 33 countries and territories.
 Kelly provides employment to more than 750,000 employees
annually, with skills including office services,
accounting, engineering, information technology, law,
science, marketing, creative services, light industrial,
education, and health care.  Revenue in 2006 was $5.5
billion.  Visit http://www.kellyservices.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     James Polehna
     Tel:    +248-244-4586
     Email:  james_polehna@kellyservices.com	


     Renee Walker
      Tel:   +248-244-4305
     Email:  renee_walker@kellyservices.com


     Jaquilin Ang 		
      Tel:   +65-9758-6282
      Email: jaquilin_ang@kellyservices.com.sg
Avastin(R) Significantly Prolongs Progression Free Survival in Advanced Kidney Cancer
June 04, 2007

- Patients Have a Chance to Live Almost Twice as Long
Without Their Disease Returning

    CHICAGO, June 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Adding Avastin
(bevacizumab) to interferon offers patients with advanced
renal cell cancer the chance to live twice as long without
their disease advancing ("progression free
survival") compared with interferon alone. This is
according to results from the pivotal phase III AVOREN
trial presented today for the first time at the 43rd annual
meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
in Chicago. 

    The results of the AVOREN trial showed that by adding
Avastin to interferon, a current standard of care in
advanced renal cell cancer:

    -- Progression free survival was almost doubled from a
median of
       5.4 to 10.2 months
    -- Tumour response was significantly increased from
12.8% with
       interferon alone to 31.4% when Avastin was added to
       treatment regimen

    "These results are significant because there is a
real need for more effective treatments in advanced kidney
cancer, where chemotherapy and radiotherapy are not as
effective as in other cancers" said Professor Bernard
Escudier, Head of Immunotherapy and Innovative Therapy
Unit, Institut Gustave-Roussy, Paris, France and Principal
Investigator of the study. "Avastin has been shown to
be efficacious and well tolerated and is an important new
treatment option in the fight against this cancer."

    The study also showed a trend towards improved overall
survival; however, the overall survival data are still
pending. No new or unexpected adverse events were

    On an annual basis, in excess of 200,000 people
worldwide will receive a diagnosis of kidney cancer and
more than 100,000 people worldwide will lose their lives to
the disease.(i) These figures can be expected to increase as
the number of people suffering from cancer rises 50%, as
recently estimated by the WHO.(ii) Roche submitted a
Marketing Authorisation Application (MAA) to the European
Medicines Evaluation Agency (EMEA) based on the landmark
AVOREN study in April 2007.

    About AVOREN

    The AVOREN study is a randomised, controlled,
double-blind Phase III study that included 649 patients
from 101 study sites across 18 countries. In the study
patients received treatment with either Avastin and
interferon alpha-2a or placebo and interferon alpha-2a, a
standard of care in advanced kidney cancer.

    The primary endpoint of the study was to demonstrate
overall survival when Avastin was added to interferon
alpha-2a therapy. The study protocol specified an interim
overall survival analysis be performed at approximately 50
percent of events. Secondary endpoints included progression
free survival (PFS), time to progression, time to treatment
failure, overall response rate and safety profile. A final
progression-free survival analysis was specified in the
Statistical Analysis Plan to occur at the time of an
interim overall survival analysis and was presented at the
ASCO 2007 conference.

    The benefits of Avastin shown during the trial were so
positive that based on earlier interim results in December
2006, the Drug Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) recommended
that the trial was unblinded and all patients were offered
treatment with Avastin. The study demonstrated, for the
first time that Avastin also benefits patients in
combination with an immunotherapeutic.

    In the US, in prior consultation with the FDA, the
primary analysis endpoint of the AVOREN study was revised
to assess improvement in PFS, defined as the length of time
the tumour did not grow or patient death did not occur.

    About Kidney Cancer

    Kidney cancer is more common in men than women
(approximately 62% of renal cell carcinoma occurs in males)
and incidence increases with age(i,ii).

    Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most common type of
kidney cancer, accounting for nine out of ten cases. Within
this cancer type, there are several types of cancer based on
looking at the cells under a microscope. Clear cell renal
cell cancer is the most common type. If RCC is diagnosed at
an early stage when the cancer is still confined to the
kidney, the 5 year survival rates are relatively good at
60-75%. However, if diagnosis is made at a later stage and
the cancer has already spread to distant sites the 5 year
survival rate is less than 5%(iii). Unfortunately, because
kidney cancer is often asymptomatic, the majority of
patients are diagnosed at later disease stages.

    Treatment options for patients with kidney cancer are
limited. Surgical removal of part or the entire kidney
forms the mainstay of treatment but is only really
successful in early stage disease. In later stage disease,
treatment is more often employed with a view of controlling
the cancer and improving associated symptoms.

    About Avastin

    Avastin is the first treatment that inhibits
angiogenesis - the growth of a network of blood vessels
that supply nutrients and oxygen to cancerous tissues.
Avastin targets a naturally occurring protein called VEGF
(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor), a key mediator of
angiogenesis, thus choking off the blood supply that is
essential for the growth of the tumour and its spread
throughout the body (metastasis).

    Avastin has now demonstrated a progression-free and/or
overall survival benefit for patients in four cancer types,
namely: colorectal, breast, lung and renal cell cancer.

    Roche and Genentech are pursuing a comprehensive
clinical programme investigating the use of Avastin in
various tumour types (including colorectal, breast, lung,
pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer, renal cell carcinoma and
others) and different settings (advanced and adjuvant ie
post-operation). The total development programme is
expected to include over 40,000 patients worldwide.

    About Roche

    Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Roche is one of
the world's leading research-focused healthcare groups in
the fields of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. As the
world's biggest biotech company and an innovator of
products and services for the early detection, prevention,
diagnosis and treatment of diseases, the Group contributes
on a broad range of fronts to improving people's health and
quality of life. Roche is the world leader in diagnostics
and drugs for cancer and transplantation, a market leader
in virology and active in other major therapeutic areas
such as autoimmune diseases, inflammation, metabolism and
central nervous system. In 2006 sales by the
Pharmaceuticals Division totaled 33.3 billion Swiss francs,
and the Diagnostics Division posted sales of 8.7 billion
Swiss francs. Roche employs roughly 75,000 worldwide and
has R&D agreements and strategic alliances with
numerous partners, including majority ownership interests
in Genentech and Chugai. Additional information about the
Roche Group is available on the Internet at

    All trademarks used or mentioned in this release are
protected by law.

    Additional information

    -- Roche in Oncology: 

    -- Roche Health Kiosk, Cancer:
    -- Avastin: http://www.avastin-info.com 


    (i) Parkin DM, Bray F, Ferlay J and Pisani P. Global
cancer statistics 2002. CA Cancer J Clin 2005; 55; 74 -

    (ii) WHO Information sheet on cancer
(accessed 24th May 2007)

    (iii) Medline Plus
(accessed on 23rd October 2006)

    For more information, please contact:

     Erica Bersin, Roche
     Tel:    +41-61-688-2164
     Mobile: +41-79-618-7672

     Jon Harris, Galliard Healthcare
     Tel:    +44-207-663-2261
Next Generation of Investigational Anti-Cancer Agents Unveiled at ASCO by AstraZeneca
June 04, 2007

    ALDERLEY PARK, England, June 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
AstraZeneca (LSN: AZN; NYSE: AZN) today announced details
of two new investigational cancer therapies at the American
Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting.

    AZD2281 (KU-0059436) is a small molecule inhibitor of
Poly-ADP Ribose Polymerase (PARP). PARP is an enzyme
involved in Base Excision Repair which is a key pathway in
the repair of DNA single-stranded breaks. Inhibiting this
DNA repair mechanism, in tandem with a defective DNA repair
gene like BRCA1 or BRCA2, is thought to lead to
double-stranded DNA breaks that tumour cells are unable to
repair, resulting in tumour cell death.

    AZD2281 has been studied in a range of tumour types in
Phase I studies.  The study presented at ASCO showed that
treatment with AZD2281 led to inhibition of PARP functional
activity in both surrogate and tumor tissue, and reported
that strong signals were detected in hereditary ovarian

    Between 5% and 10% of all breast and ovarian cancers
are believed to be associated with mutations in the BRCA1
or BRCA2 mutations. Women with BRCA mutations are reported
to have up to an 87% risk of developing breast cancer, and
up to a 44% risk of developing ovarian cancer by the age of

    Professor James Carmichael of AstraZeneca said:
"We are delighted to be working with The Royal Marsden
Hospital and Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) on this
study, which is at the forefront of research into new
targeted treatments for cancer. We have seen promising
early results in patients with hereditary ovarian cancer,
which have encouraged us to move rapidly into the next
phase of development for this compound."

    AZD0530, another investigational compound in Phase II
clinical development is an inhibitor of Src in tumours. Src
was the first cancer-causing gene to be discovered in the
1970s. Src kinases are a family of molecules that play an
important role in cancer growth, spread, apoptosis and cell
proliferation. By inhibiting Src it is hoped that cancer
progression may be delayed.

    Preclinical studies have identified AZD0530 as a
selective inhibitor of Src activity. In the study data
presented today, biomarkers confirmed inhibition of Src in
human cancers for the first time.

    Principal Investigator for the study(1) presented at
ASCO, Jose Baselga MD, Chairman and Professor of Medicine,
Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain
commented: "Through inhibiting Src in preclinical
studies, AZD0530 has shown promise to target a wide range
of tumors and has the potential to be used in patients with
either early or advanced cancers.

    AZD0530 offers a `multi-mechanistic' approach to
fighting cancer, meaning it not only delays tumour spread
but has additional potential to treat tumours that have
spread to patients' bones, enhance the efficacy of many
standard cancer therapies and to treat leukemia. "

    Highlighting the advantage of this study for patients,
he added, "The AZD0530 clinical trial program was
exceptionally well-designed allowing full evaluation of the
optimal methodology for measuring Src activation prior
measuring its inhibition by AZD0530. By collecting as much
information early on in our clinical trials we give
ourselves the best chance of identifying those patients who
could benefit most from treatment with AZD0530 in the

    Notes to Editors:

    -- Both of these studies were presented at oral
sessions at
       ASCO 2007.

    -- An ASCO merit award was given for the AZD2281
       (First in human phase I pharmacokinetic (PK) and
       pharmacodynamic (PD) study of KU-0059436 (Ku), a
       molecule inhibitor of Poly ADP-Ribose Polymerase
       (PARP) in cancer patients (p), including BRCA1/2

    -- AstraZeneca is a major international healthcare
       engaged in the research, development, manufacture
       marketing of prescription pharmaceuticals and the
supply of
       healthcare services. It is one of the world's
       pharmaceutical companies with healthcare sales of
       billion and leading positions in sales of
       cardiovascular, neuroscience, respiratory, oncology
       infection products.  AstraZeneca is listed in the
Dow Jones
       Sustainability Index (Global) as well as the FTSE4
Good Index.

    -- For more information about AstraZeneca, please

    - KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Ltd is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of
      AstraZeneca.  AstraZeneca acquired KuDOS
Pharmaceuticals in
      Feb 2006. KuDOS research is focused on the discovery
      molecules to treat cancer in the area of DNA repair

    (1) Phase I study of AZD0530, an oral potent inhibitor
of Src kinase: first demonstration of inhibition of Src
activity in human cancers

    For more information, please contact:

     Carrie Deverell, AstraZeneca
     Tel:   +44-7929-845-108
     Email: carrie.deverell@astrazeneca.com
Avastin(R) Significantly Prolongs Progression Free Survival in Patients With Advanced Lung Cancer
June 04, 2007

-- Only First-line Treatment to Demonstrate Extended
Survival in Over a Decade

    CHICAGO, June 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --

    Avastin (bevacizumab), significantly improves the time
patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
live without their disease advancing ("progression
free survival") when added to cisplatin/gemcitabine
chemotherapy, compared with chemotherapy alone. NSCLC is
the most common form of the disease and accounts for more
than 80 percent of all lung cancers(ii), with histology
other than squamous cell as the most common subtype
accounting for approximately 60 percent of NSCLC cases.
These findings were presented for the first time, today at
the 43rd annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical
Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago.

    The results of the Avastin in Lung ("AVAiL",
BO17704) trial showed that by adding Avastin to a
cisplatin/gemcitabine regimen:

    -- Progression free survival was significantly
prolonged by 20 to
       30 % over chemotherapy alone 
    -- Tumour response rate was increased by up to 70%
compared with
       chemotherapy alone 
    -- Duration of tumour response was increased from 4.7
to 6.1
       months compared with chemotherapy alone 

    "Avastin is the only treatment in over a decade
which has extended survival for patients with previously
untreated advanced NSCLC as demonstrated by the pivotal
E4599 trial. AVAiL now shows that Avastin is also effective
when administered with a different chemotherapy
regimen" said Professor Christian Manegold, Professor
of Medicine, Heidelberg University, University Medical
Center, Mannheim, Germany and Principal Investigator of the
study. "Lung cancer is an extremely difficult disease
to treat and this will give real hope to many

    Two doses of Avastin were investigated in the study
(7.5 and 15 mg/kg) and both demonstrated similar benefits.
No new or unexpected adverse events were observed. Overall
survival data are still pending and will be presented at a
future oncology conference.

    Lung cancer accounts for 1 in 3 cancer related deaths
in men and 1 in 4 in women. Worldwide, there are more than
1.2 million new cases of lung and bronchial cancer
diagnosed each year, (i) and new treatment options are
urgently needed as the disease has a very high mortality

    About AVAiL

    The AVAiL study is a randomised, controlled,
double-blind Phase III study that includes more than 1,000
patients with previously untreated advanced NSCLC, the most
common form of lung cancer, with histology other than
squamous cell. The primary objective of the study was to
demonstrate superiority in progression-free survival of
both Avastin containing treatment arms versus the control

    In the AVAiL study patients received treatment with
either Avastin at 7.5mg/kg or 15mg/kg +
cisplatin-gemcitabine or placebo + cisplatin-gemcitabine
and a similar treatment effect was observed between the two

    About Lung Cancer

    The majority of NSCLC cases are still diagnosed at an
advanced stage when the cancer is inoperable or has already
spread to another part of the body. In spite of the use of
chemotherapy as the first-line treatment option, less than
five percent of people with advanced NSCLC survive for five
years after diagnosis and most die within twelve

    About Avastin

    Avastin is the first treatment that inhibits
angiogenesis - the growth of a network of blood vessels
that supply nutrients and oxygen to cancerous tissues.
Avastin targets a naturally occurring protein called VEGF
(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor), a key mediator of
angiogenesis, thus choking off the blood supply that is
essential for the growth of the tumour and its spread
throughout the body (metastasis).

    Avastin has now demonstrated a progression-free and/or
overall survival benefit for patients in four cancer types,
namely: colorectal, breast, lung and renal cell cancer.

    Roche and Genentech are pursuing a comprehensive
clinical programme investigating the use of Avastin in
various tumour types (including colorectal, breast, lung,
pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer, renal cell carcinoma and
others) and different settings (advanced and adjuvant ie
post-operation). The total development programme is
expected to include over 40,000 patients worldwide.

    About Roche

    Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Roche is one of
the world's leading research-focused healthcare groups in
the fields of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. As the
world's biggest biotech company and an innovator of
products and services for the early detection, prevention,
diagnosis and treatment of diseases, the Group contributes
on a broad range of fronts to improving people's health and
quality of life. Roche is the world leader in diagnostics
and drugs for cancer and transplantation, a market leader
in virology and active in other major therapeutic areas
such as autoimmune diseases, inflammation, metabolism and
central nervous system. In 2006 sales by the
Pharmaceuticals Division totalled 33.3 billion Swiss
francs, and the Diagnostics Division posted sales of 8.7
billion Swiss francs. Roche employs roughly 75,000
worldwide and has R&D agreements and strategic
alliances with numerous partners, including majority
ownership interests in Genentech and Chugai. Additional
information about the Roche Group is available on the
Internet at www.roche.com.

    All trademarks used or mentioned in this release are
protected by law.

    Additional information
    Roche in Oncology:

    Roche Health Kiosk, Cancer

    Avastin: http://www.avastin-info.com 


    (i) Stewart BW and Kleihues P. World Cancer Report.
IARC Press, Lyon, pp.183-87, 2003

    (ii) Wilking N and Jonsson B. A Pan-European comparison
regarding patient access to cancer drugs. Karolinska
Institute in collaboration with Stockholm School of
Economics, Stockholm, Sweden, 2005.

    For more information, please contact:

     Erica Bersin, Roche
     Tel:    +41-61-688-2164
     Mobile: +41-79-618-7672 (on-site at ASCO)

     Jon Harris, Galliard Healthcare
     Tel:    +44-207-663-2261
New Data Show Bondronat(R) Prevents Bone Loss Caused by anastrozole in Women With Surgically Treated Breast Cancer
June 04, 2007

-- One Year Results From the ARIBON Study Presented at ASCO

    CHICAGO, June 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Bondronat(R)
(ibandronic acid) has been shown to prevent bone loss
caused by anastrozole in post-menopausal women given
adjuvant therapy for early breast cancer according to
results from the ARIBON study presented at the American
Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting in

    The study also found that Bondronat significantly
increased bone mineral density in the treated women.(1)
Whilst anastrozole is an effective breast cancer treatment,
its use is associated with a decline in bone mineral density
and an increased risk of bone fracture in some

    "These study results are very encouraging as they
demonstrate that Bondronat can prevent loss of bone in
early breast cancer patients with low bone density who are
given anastrozole," said Dr Jim Lester, lead study
investigator, Cancer Research Centre, Weston Park Hospital,
Sheffield, UK.

    "anastrozole is an important therapy against
breast cancer but we clearly want to avoid reducing bone
density and increasing the risk of fractures and
osteoporosis in our at-risk patients."

    The ARIBON study evaluated the use of Bondronat, 150mg
orally once a month, in post-menopausal breast cancer
patients taking anastrozole who were osteopenic (had mild
thinning of bones) or osteoporotic (more severe bone
density loss). After one year, results showed:(1)

    -- Women with osteopenia treated with Bondronat gained
+2.78% and
       +1.35% of bone density at the lumbar spine and hip
       respectively. Patients treated with placebo lost
-2.61% at the
       lumbar spine and -2.34% at the hip. (p<0.001)

    -- Women with osteoporosis gained +5.05% at the lumbar
spine and
       +2.62% at the hip after 1 year

    Bondronat infused over 15 minutes does not deteriorate
renal function

    Data from an additional study presented at ASCO show
that Bondronat 6mg, infused over 15 or 60 minutes, does not
deteriorate renal function in women with advanced breast
cancer and bone metastases.(4) Bondronat 6mg  administered
over 15 minutes every 3-4 weeks was well tolerated with a
safety  profile consistent with the 60 minute infusion.(4)
These data reinforce  previous  study results which
demonstrate Bondronat's positive safety profile  and good

    In March 2007, the European Commission approved the
administration of Bondronat as a 15 minute infusion in
patients with CLcr more than or equal to 50ml/min.
Bondronat is available as both intravenous (i.v.) and oral
formulations. Both formulations are indicated for the
prevention of skeletal  events in patients with breast
cancer and bone metastases.

    Notes to Editors:

    Dr Jim Lester, lead investigator of the ARIBON study,
was awarded an ASCO Foundation Merit Award for his poster.
A select number of ASCO Foundation Merit Awards are given
annually to recognize outstanding abstracts submitted for
consideration for presentation at an ASCO scientific

    About Bondronat(R) (ibandronic acid)

    Bondronat was approved by the European Commission for
the prevention of skeletal events (pathological fractures,
bone complications requiring radiotherapy or surgery) in
patients with breast cancer and bone metastases in October
2003. Bondronat has been shown to be an effective treatment
for preventing bone fractures and relieving bone pain in
breast cancer in three randomised trials. Additionally a
good renal safety profile, demonstrated in randomised
trials, means that Bondronat limits the risk of kidney
deterioration or failure that has been associated with
other i.v. bisphosphonates. Intravenous Bondronat has a
renal safety profile which gave no increased risk of renal
adverse events compared with placebo for up to four years
of treatment.

    For further information on Roche in Oncology go to:

    About anastrozole

    anastrozole is an effective aromatase inhibitor which
prolongs relapse-free survival in women with hormone
receptor positive early breast cancer, and has superior
efficacy and tolerability over tamoxifen.(6) anastrozole
use, however, is associated with a decline in bone mineral
density and increased risk of bone fracture in some
women.(2),(3) Treatment  for 5 years with anastrozole is
associated with a bone loss of 6% to 7% at  the lumbar
spine and hip respectively.(3)

    About Roche

    Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Roche is one of
the world's leading research-focused healthcare groups in
the fields of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. As the
world's biggest biotech company and an innovator of
products and services for the early detection, prevention,
diagnosis and treatment of diseases, the Group contributes
on a broad range of fronts to improving people's health and
quality of life. Roche is the world leader in diagnostics
and drugs for cancer and transplantation, a market leader
in virology and active in other major therapeutic areas
such as autoimmune diseases, inflammation, metabolism and
central nervous system. In 2006 sales by the
Pharmaceuticals Division totalled 33.3 billion Swiss
francs, and the Diagnostics Division posted sales of 8.7
billion Swiss francs. Roche employs roughly 75,000
worldwide and has R&D agreements and strategic
alliances with numerous partners, including majority
ownership interests in Genentech and Chugai. Additional
information about the Roche Group is available on the
Internet at http://www.roche.com .

    All trademarks used or mentioned in this release are
protected by law.


    (1). Lester JE, Gutcher SA, Ellis S, et al. Monthly
oral ibandronate (Bondronat(TM)) prevents
anastrozole-induced bone loss during adjuvant treatment for
breast cancer. One year results from the ARIBON study.
Poster presented at the American Society of Clinical
Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting, 1-5 June 2007.

    (2). Chien A, Goss P. Aromatase inhibitors and bone
health in women with breast cancer. Journal of Clinical
Oncology. 2006. 24;5305-5312.

    (3). R. E. Coleman ATAC Trialists' Group. Effect of
anastrozole on bone mineral density: 5-year results from
the `Arimidex', Tamoxifen, Alone or in Combination (ATAC)
trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2006 ASCO Annual
Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). Vol 24, No 18S
(June 20 Supplement), 2006: 511.

    (4). Moos R, Thurlimann B, Caspar C, et al. Intravenous
ibandronate 6mg, infused over 15 or 60 minutes, maintains
renal function in patients with breast cancer and bone
metastases. Poster presented at the American Society of
Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting, 1-5 June 2007.

    (5). Body JJ, Lichinister M, Tjulandin SA, Coleman RE,
Bergstrom B. Safety comparisons of oral ibandronate and
intravenous zoledronic acid in Metastatic breast cancer
patients: phase III data. Poster presented at the European
Cancer Conference (ECCO), Paris, November 2005

    (6). Howell A, Cuzick J, Baum M, et al. Results of the
ATAC (Arimidex, Tamoxifen, Alone or in Combination) trial
after completion of 5 years' adjuvant treatment for breast
cancer. Lancet. 2005;365(9453):60-2.

    For more information, please contact:

     Hanne Krog
     International Portfolio Business Manager
     Bondronat, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
     Tel:    +41-616-881-695
     Mobile: +41-796-988-376
     Email:  hanne_greta.krog@roche.com

Lynden International - Kerry Logistics Add Australia to Global Partnership
June 04, 2007

    SEATTLE, June 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Lynden Air
Freight dba Lynden International and Kerry Logistics have
added Australia to their growing list of international
forwarding and logistics coverage. The Seattle-based joint
venture company "Kerry-Lynden" now reaches nearly
40 countries, including Canada, Mexico and U.S. Territories
such as Puerto Rico and Guam.

    "By providing service in more locations worldwide,
our customers can also expand their own operations and
services with the assurance that we offer the same
high-quality support in new geographic areas," says
Lynden International president Dennis Patrick.

    The addition of Australia includes coverage in major
hubs such as Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth
and beyond. 

    In 2006, Lynden International entered into an exclusive
contractual agreement with leading logistics provider Kerry
Freight International Limited, dba Kerry Logistics, to
combine sales and operating resources in North America and

    "This expansion is part of our ongoing strategy to
respond to customers needs," says Kerry Joint Managing
Director Vincent Wong.  "Our customers prefer to trade
with a single global entity instead of multiple agent
partners, so we have expanded into new major world markets
like Australia to further streamline their experience with

    The Kerry-Lynden network now includes the following
locations: Australia, India, Greater China (The People's
Republic of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong SAR), South Korea,
Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam,
Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, India, United Kingdom,
Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Luxembourg, Germany,
Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic,
the Slovak Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and

    Kerry-Lynden is a large third-party logistics (3PL)
provider offering customers a beginning-to-end product.
Services include supply chain management, including
contracted logistics, freight forwarding, warehousing,
transportation and distribution, a wide range of
information technology systems and other value-added
services and customized solutions. Kerry's resources
include warehouses, distribution centers, a seaport,
container yards, container freight stations and air cargo
and rail terminals distributed throughout 15 countries. 

    Lynden International is part of the Lynden family of
companies. Together, our combined asset and non-asset based
capabilities include worldwide air and ocean forwarding,
third party logistics, trade show shipping, truckload and
less-than-truckload transportation, scheduled and charter
barges, intermodal bulk chemical hauls, scheduled and
chartered Hercules L-382 cargo aircraft, and multi-modal

    For more information, please contact:

     Dorene Kolb
     Director of Sales & Marketing Support
     Lynden Air Freight, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-206-777-5300
     Email: dorene@lynden.com 
     Web:   http://www.laf.lynden.com

Study Supports Activity of GEMZAR(R) (Gemcitabine HC1 for Injection) in the Treatment of Early-Stage Breast Cancer
June 04, 2007

Five Phase III Early-Stage Breast Cancer Studies Underway

    CHICAGO, June 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- GEMZAR(R)
(gemcitabine HC1 for injection), approved in combination
with paclitaxel (Taxol(R)) in the first-line, post-surgical
treatment of metastatic breast cancer, was the subject of a
study presented today with encouraging results in the
pre-surgical treatment of breast cancer. The study was
presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the American
Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).
    Results showed that adding GEMZAR to the current
standard-of-care treatment was a promising regimen for
patients with stage II-III breast cancer. Eli Lilly and
Company, the manufacturer and marketer of GEMZAR, also
cited five completed or ongoing Phase III trials which will
further study GEMZAR as a chemotherapeutic foundation for
the treatment of early-stage breast cancer.  

    Today's Phase II study (Abstract # 595(i)) evaluated
the addition of GEMZAR to the current standard-of-care of
epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by paclitaxel in
patients with stage II-III breast cancer. The treatment
schedule was a dose-dense sequential neoadjuvant
(pre-surgical) chemotherapy combination, meaning that the
combination was administered at shorter intervals between
treatments. Results showed a promising regimen in terms of
pathologic complete response (pCR-the absence of invasive
tumor in the breast). In addition, patients who tested
positive for the HER-2 gene also were given trastuzumab
(Herceptin(R)) and demonstrated additional response.  

    "The data released today reflects our ongoing,
aggressive research plan involving GEMZAR as a key
therapeutic foundation for the treatment of breast
cancer," said Allen Melemed, M.D., medical director,
global oncology at Lilly. "We are encouraged with the
activity GEMZAR has shown in this breast cancer

    Enrollment has been completed in one trial, and is
ongoing in an additional four, Phase III early-stage breast
cancer studies evaluating the addition of GEMZAR to
commonly-used treatment regimens. Two adjuvant
(post-surgical) therapy trials, NSABP B-38 (4,400 patients)
and TANGO (3,000 patients), will compare the addition of
GEMZAR to the paclitaxel arm of each study. A third
adjuvant trial, SUCCESS (3,600 patients), will compare the
addition of GEMZAR to a docetaxel-based regimen. Two
additional trials, which are neoadjuvant specific, NSABP
B-40 (1,200 patients) and Neo-TANGO (800 patients), will
evaluate the addition of GEMZAR to the paclitaxel or
docetaxel arm of the treatment regimen. For more
information on these studies, log on to
http://www.lillytrials.com or http://www.clinicaltrials.gov
    More About ASCO Abstract # 595

    The trial enrolled stage II-III breast cancer patients
(with a median age of 45), including inflammatory tumors, a
type of breast cancer that causes the breast to swell,
redden and feel warm. Of the 73 patients enrolled in the
study, 42 (57.5%) were classified as T2; 12 (16.5%) as T3,
and; 19 (26%) as T4, which included 13 patients with
inflammatory tumors. A T-classification represents the
stage of the tumor with T4 being the most advanced. A
biopsy was performed before treatment for the biomarker
component of the study.  

    Patients received a first sequence of epirubicin and
cyclophosphamide (90/600 mg/m squared) for three cycles
followed by a second sequence of paclitaxel and GEMZAR
(150/2500 mg/m squared) for six cycles. Treatment was
administered on day one, every two weeks, with growth
factor support. HER-2 positive patients (20 patients,
27.3%), were given trastuzumab (2 mg/kg with a loading dose
4 mg/kg) concomitantly. Afterward, the patients underwent
surgery, radiotherapy and adjuvant hormonal therapy
according to institutional practice.  

    All patients from the study showed response to the
regimen. Of the entire study group, 27 (36.9%) patients
achieved a pCR (absence of invasive tumor in the breast),
with 50% representation from the HER-2 positive patients
who also were given trastuzumab. Forty-seven patients
(64.4%) underwent conservative surgery. 

    The grade 3/4 hematological toxicities were: leukopenia
in six patients (9%); neutropenia (a decrease in white blood
cells) in eight patients (12%), and; anemia (a decrease in
red blood cells) in one (2%). Nausea (13%) and vomiting
(15%) were the most frequent grade 3/4 non-hematological
toxicities. Asymptomatic decrease in cardiac ejection
fraction was observed in one patient treated with
trastuzumab with subsequent normalization.

    About Breast Cancer

    Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among
women, affecting nearly one out of every eight women.(ii) 
The disease is diagnosed in more than 1.1 million women
worldwide each year.(iii)  Breast cancer progresses in
stages based on tumor size, how the cancer affects the
lymph nodes and whether it has metastasized to other parts
of the body.(iv)  In general, individuals with earlier
stages of disease have better chances for long-term
survival and recovery.



    GEMZAR in combination with paclitaxel is indicated for
the first-line treatment of patients with metastatic breast
cancer after failure of prior anthracycline-containing
adjuvant chemotherapy, unless anthracyclines were
clinically contraindicated.

    GEMZAR is indicated in combination with cisplatin for
the first-line treatment of patients with inoperable,
locally advanced (stage IIIA or IIIB), or metastatic (stage
IV) non-small cell lung cancer.

    GEMZAR is indicated as first-line treatment for
patients with locally advanced (nonresectable stage II or
stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) adenocarcinoma of the
pancreas. GEMZAR is indicated for patients previously
treated with 5-FU.

    GEMZAR in combination with carboplatin is indicated for
the treatment of patients with advanced ovarian cancer that
has relapsed at least 6 months after completion of
platinum-based therapy. 

    Important Safety Information for GEMZAR

    Myelosuppression is usually the dose-limiting toxicity
with GEMZAR therapy.


    Known hypersensitivity to GEMZAR. Anaphylactoid
reaction has been reported rarely.


    Infusion times of GEMZAR longer than 60 minutes and
more frequent than weekly dosing have been shown to
increase toxicity.

    Pulmonary toxicity has been reported with the use of
GEMZAR. In cases of severe lung toxicity, GEMZAR therapy
should be discontinued immediately and appropriate
supportive care measures instituted.

    Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) and/or renal failure
have been reported following one or more doses of GEMZAR.
Renal failure leading to death or requiring dialysis,
despite discontinuation of therapy, has been rarely
reported. The majority of the cases of renal failure
leading to death were due to HUS.

    Serious hepatotoxicity, including liver failure and
death, has been reported very rarely in patients receiving
GEMZAR alone or in combination with other potentially
hepatotoxic drugs.

    GEMZAR is Pregnancy Category D. GEMZAR can cause fetal
harm when administered to a pregnant woman.


    Use caution in patients with pre-existing renal
impairment or hepatic insufficiency. Administration of
GEMZAR may exacerbate underlying hepatic insufficiency.

    The optimum regimen for safe administration of GEMZAR
with therapeutic doses of radiation has not yet been
determined in all tumor types. GEMZAR has radiosensitizing
activity and radiation recall reactions have been

    It is not known whether GEMZAR or its metabolites are
excreted in human milk.

    The effectiveness of GEMZAR in pediatric patients has
not been demonstrated.

    The toxicities of GEMZAR observed in pediatric patients
were similar to those reported in adults.

    GEMZAR clearance is affected by age as well as gender.

    Patients receiving therapy with GEMZAR should be
monitored closely by a physician experienced in the use of
cancer chemotherapeutic agents.

    Monitoring and Dosage Modifications

    Dosage adjustments for hematologic toxicity may be
    Serum creatinine, potassium, calcium, and magnesium
should be monitored during combination therapy with

    Patients should be assessed with a CBC, including
differential and platelet count, prior to each dose of
GEMZAR. Modify or suspend therapy according to the Dosage
Reduction Guidelines in the full Prescribing Information.

    Hepatic and renal function (including transaminases and
serum creatinine) should be evaluated prior to therapy with
GEMZAR and periodically thereafter.

    Adverse Events

    The most severe adverse events (grades 3/4) with GEMZAR
plus paclitaxel for the treatment of patients with MBC were
neutropenia (48%); alopecia (18%); leukopenia (11%); anemia
(7%); fatigue (7%); thrombocytopenia (6%); ALT elevation
(6%); and neuropathy-sensory (6%). The most common adverse
events (all grades) were nausea (50%); fatigue (40%);
myalgia (33%); and vomiting (29%). The most severe adverse
events (grades 3/4) with GEMZAR for the first-line
treatment of patients with pancreatic cancer were
neutropenia (24%-26%); alkaline phosphatase elevation
(16%-20%); AST elevation (12%-17%); nausea/vomiting
(12%-13%); ALT elevation (10%-11%); anemia (10%);
leukopenia (9%-10%); thrombocytopenia (8%-10%); bilirubin
elevation (4%-8%); and pain (2%-7%). The most common
adverse events (all grades) were AST (72%-78%); alkaline
phosphatase (71%-77%); anemia (65%-73%); ALT (72%);
leukopenia (64%-71%); nausea and vomiting (64%-71%);
neutropenia (61%-62%); thrombocytopenia (36%-47%); pain
(10%-42%); fever (30%-38%); proteinuria (10%-32%);
constipation (10%-31%); diarrhea (24%-30%); rash (24%-28%);
and bilirubin (16%-26%).

    The most severe adverse events (grades 3/4) with GEMZAR
plus cisplatin for the first-line treatment of patients with
NSCLC were neutropenia (57%-64%); thrombocytopenia
(50%-55%); leukopenia (29%-46%); anemia (22%-25%); nausea
(27%); vomiting (23%); nausea/vomiting (39%); neuromotor
(12%); hypomagnesemia (7%);  neurohearing (6%); creatinine
elevation (5%); alopecia (1%-13%); and dyspnea (1%-7%). The
most common adverse events (all grades) were paresthesias
(38%); hyperglycemia (30%); infection (18%-28%); and
constipation (17%-28%).

    The most severe adverse events (grades 3/4) with GEMZAR
plus carboplatin for the treatment of patients with advanced
ovarian cancer were neutropenia (71%), thrombocytopenia
(35%), leukopenia (53%), anemia (28%), nausea (6%),
vomiting (6%), and constipation (7%). The most common
adverse events (all grades) were RBC transfusion (38%),
alopecia (49%), neuropathy/sensory (29%), nausea (69%),
fatigue (40%), vomiting (46%), diarrhea (25%), and
constipation (42%).

    See complete Warnings, Precautions, Adverse Reactions,
and Dosage and Administration sections in the accompanying
full Prescribing Information for safety and dosing

    About Lilly Oncology, a Division of Eli Lilly and
    For more than four decades, Lilly Oncology has been
collaborating with cancer researchers to deliver innovative
treatment choices and valuable programs to patients and
their physicians. Inspired by courageous patients living
with cancer, Lilly Oncology is providing treatments that
are considered global standards of care and developing a
broad portfolio of novel targeted therapies to accelerate
the pace and progress of cancer care. To learn more about
Lilly's commitment to cancer, please visit
http://www.LillyOncology.com .  

    About Eli Lilly and Company

    Lilly, a leading innovation-driven corporation, is
developing a growing portfolio of first-in-class and
best-in-class pharmaceutical products by applying the
latest research from its own worldwide laboratories and
from collaborations with eminent scientific organizations.
Headquartered in Indianapolis, Ind., Lilly provides answers
- through medicines and information - for some of the
world's most urgent medical needs. 


     ALIMTA(R) (pemetrexed for injection), Lilly
     GEMZAR(R) (gemcitabine HCl for injection), Lilly
     Taxol(R) (paclitaxel), Bristol-Meyers Squibb
     Herceptin(R) (trastuzumab), Genentech

    This press release contains forward-looking statements
about the potential of GEMZAR for the treatment of breast
cancer and reflects Lilly's current beliefs. However, as
with any pharmaceutical product under development, there
are substantial risks and uncertainties in the process of
development, commercialization, and regulatory review.
There is no guarantee that the product will receive
additional regulatory approvals. There is also no guarantee
that the product will continue to be commercially
successful. For further discussion of these and other risks
and uncertainties, see Lilly's filing with the United States
Securities and Exchange Commission.  Lilly undertakes no
duty to update forward-looking statements.

    (i) Sanchez-Munoz A, Duenos-Garcia R, et al.
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy with a dose-dense sequential
combination of epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by
paclitaxel and gemcitabine +/- trastuzumab in stage II and
III breast cancer. Correlation between pathologic complete
response and biologic markers. Abstract #595, American
Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting 2007.
    (ii) American Cancer Society, "What Are the Key
Statistics for Breast Cancer?," American Cancer
Society, http://www.cancer.org, (May 2, 2007).
    (iii) Pan American Health Organization,
"Guidelines for International Breast Health and Cancer
Control," http://www.paho.org, (March 21, 2006).
    (iv) American Cancer Society, "How is Breast
Cancer Staged?," American Cancer Society,
http://www.cancer.org (February 28, 2007).

    ( Logo:

    For more information, please contact:

     Gregory L. Clarke 
     Tel:    +1-317-276-5222
     Mobile: +1-317-554-7119
     Email:  gregory.clarke@lilly.com

     Neil Hochman
     CPR Worldwide
     Tel:    +1-212-453-2067
     Mobile: +1-516-784-9089
     Email:  n.hochman@cprworldwideusa.com

Clinical Data Suggest Potential Versatility of ALIMTA(R) (Pemetrexed for Injection)-Based Regimens in Lung Cancer
June 04, 2007

Study Highlights Quality-of-Life Data

    CHICAGO, June 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- ALIMTA(R)
(pemetrexed for injection) showed additional utility in the
treatment of the most diagnosed type of cancer(i), according
to data presented today at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Results from
a Phase III study suggest that a first-line ALIMTA-based
regimen may deliver less toxicity than a commonly used
therapy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
ALIMTA is manufactured and marketed by Eli Lilly and

    A prospective, randomized, multicenter Phase III study
was conducted to compare ALIMTA plus carboplatin with the
commonly used regimen of GEMZAR(R) (gemcitabine HC1 for
injection) plus carboplatin (ASCO Abstract # 7517(ii)). The
study, conducted by the Norwegian Lung Cancer Group,
enrolled 446 chemonaive patients with either stage IIIB or
IV NSCLC. The primary purpose of the study was to evaluate
if the ALIMTA-carboplatin combination provided increased
quality-of-life benefits while offering comparable survival
data. As such, the primary endpoint was quality of life
(defined in the study as nausea/vomiting; dyspnea or a
difficulty in breathing, and; fatigue) and the secondary
endpoint was overall survival. 

    Thus far, 384 patients have been analyzed for toxicity
and there were fewer patients in the ALIMTA arm who
experienced Grade 3/4 thrombocytopenia or a low platelet
level (48 vs. 107, p < .001); leukopenia or a lowering
of leukocyte white blood cells (44 vs. 89, p < .001),
and; granulocytopenia or a lowering of granulocyte white
blood cells (78 vs. 98, p=.02). More patients in the GEMZAR
arm received transfusion of platelets (5 vs. 19, p=.02). At
this point, no difference in survival has been observed.

    "The patients in this study received a comparable
quality-of-life benefit whether they received ALIMTA and
carboplatin or GEMZAR and carboplatin," said Bjorn
Henning Gronberg, M.D. of St. Olavs University Hospital in
Norway and the study's principal investigator.
"Patients on the ALIMTA arm also appeared to benefit
from a lower toxicity profile." 

    Additional data to be presented on Sunday, June 3rd at
ASCO from a Phase II, open-label, non-randomized trial will
report on an International Oncology Network Study evaluating
the safety of a triplet therapy in which bevacizumab
(Avastin(R)) was added to the combination of ALIMTA plus
oxaliplatin (Eloxatin(R)) in patients with advanced NSCLC
(Abstract # 7700(iii)). Previous research has indicated
that oxaliplatin and ALIMTA, as single agents, have shown
activity in NSCLC, and ALIMTA has shown synergistic effects
when combined with platinum-based drugs.(iv,v) This
preliminary study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy
and safety of the combination as first-line treatment for

    "We are pleased to see that ALIMTA has a
synergistic effect with platinum agents like
carboplatin," said Richard Gaynor, M.D., vice
president, cancer research and global oncology platform
leader for Lilly. "We look forward to continued
research on ALIMTA as a chemotherapeutic foundation with
targeted therapies and other anti-cancer agents for the
treatment of lung cancer. 

    "Lilly is aggressively investigating potential
novel therapies in other tumor types, as we are committed
to providing patients with therapeutic options that fight
the cancer but do not compromise quality of life."

    Lilly also has studied ALIMTA plus cisplatin for the
first-line treatment of NSCLC. In the first quarter of
2007, a study of ALIMTA plus cisplatin versus GEMZAR plus
cisplatin met its primary endpoint of non-inferiority
relative to overall survival. Utilizing these data, Lilly
plans to submit ALIMTA for an indication for the first-line
treatment of NSCLC to the European Medicines Agency (EMEA)
later this year.

    At ASCO, researchers will also present data that show
ALIMTA as a chemotherapeutic foundation to a variety of
approved and investigational targeted anti-cancer agents,
including bevacizumab (Avastin(R)), erlotinib (Tarceva(R)),
cetuximab (Erbitux(R)) and vandetanib (Zactima(TM)).

    ALIMTA is an antifolate which interferes with a crucial
process that allows cancer cells to reproduce and spread.
The most common side effects when ALIMTA is used as
monotherapy are disorders of the blood and lymphatic
system, gastrointestinal disorders, fatigue, rash and
desquamation or flaking of skin in scales. Myelosuppression
is usually the dose-limiting toxicity with ALIMTA therapy.

    About Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

    NSCLC is the most common type of lung cancer and
represents 75-80 percent of all lung cancers. NSCLC has
five-tier staging, starting at 0 and rising to the severity
of stage IV. NSCLC can spread through the lymphatic system,
penetrating the chest lining, ribs, and the nerves and
blood vessels that lead to the arm. The liver, bones and
brain are potential targets if the cancerous cells enter
the blood stream.



    ALIMTA in combination with cisplatin is indicated for
the treatment of patients with malignant pleural
mesothelioma whose disease is unresectable or who are
otherwise not candidates for curative surgery.

    ALIMTA as a single agent is indicated for the treatment
of patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small
cell lung cancer after prior chemotherapy. The
effectiveness of ALIMTA in second-line NSCLC was based on
the surrogate endpoint, response rate. There are no
controlled trials demonstrating a clinical benefit, such as
a favorable survival effect or improvement of
disease-related symptoms.

    Important Safety Information

    Myelosuppression is usually the dose-limiting toxicity
with ALIMTA therapy.


    ALIMTA is contraindicated in patients who have a
history of severe hypersensitivity reaction to pemetrexed
or to any other ingredient used in the formulation.


    ALIMTA should not be administered to patients with a
creatinine clearance < 45 mL/min. One patient with
severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance 19 mL/min)
who did not receive folic acid and vitamin B12 died of
drug-related toxicity following administration of ALIMTA

    ALIMTA can suppress bone marrow function, as manifested
by neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and anemia (or

    Patients must be instructed to take folic acid and
vitamin B12 with ALIMTA as a prophylaxis to reduce
treatment-related hematologic and GI toxicities.

    Pregnancy Category D-ALIMTA may cause fetal harm when
administered to a pregnant woman.


    Complete blood cell counts, including platelet counts
and periodic chemistry tests, should be performed on all
patients receiving ALIMTA.

    Patients should not begin a new cycle of treatment
unless the ANC is 1500 cells/mm3, the platelet count is
> 100,000 cells/mm3 and creatinine clearance greater
than or equal to 45 mL/min.

    Pretreatment with dexamethasone or its equivalent has
been reported to reduce the incidence and severity of skin

    The effect of third space fluid, such as pleural
effusion and Ascites on ALIMTA is unknown.

    In patients with clinically significant third space
fluid, consideration should be given to draining the
effusion prior to ALIMTA administration.

    Caution should be used when administering ibuprofen
concurrently with ALIMTA to patients with mild to moderate
renal insufficiency (creatinine clearance from 45 to 79
mL/min). Patients with mild to moderate renal insufficiency
should avoid taking NSAIDs with short elimination half-lives
for a period of 2 days before, the day of, and 2 days
following administration of ALIMTA. In the absence of data
regarding potential interaction between ALIMTA and NSAIDs
with longer half-lives, all patients taking these NSAIDs
should interrupt dosing for at least 5 days before, the day
of, and 2 days following ALIMTA administration. If
concomitant administration of an NSAID is necessary,
patients should be monitored closely for toxicity,
especially myelosuppression, renal and gastrointestinal

    Concomitant administration of nephrotoxic drugs or
substances that are tubularly secreted could result in
delayed clearance of ALIMTA.

    It is recommended that nursing be discontinued if the
mother is being treated with ALIMTA.

    ALIMTA should be administered under the supervision of
a qualified physician experienced in the use of
antineoplastic agents.

    Dose adjustments may be necessary in patients with
hepatic insufficiency.

    Dosing and Modification Guidelines

    Dose adjustments at the start of a subsequent cycle
should be based on nadir hematologic counts or maximum
nonhematologic toxicity from the preceding cycle of
therapy. Modify or suspend therapy according to the Dosage
Reduction Guidelines in the full Prescribing Information.

    Adverse Events

    The most common adverse events (grades 3/4) with ALIMTA
in combination with cisplatin for the treatment of patients
with MPM were neutropenia (24%); leukopenia (16%); anemia
(6%); thrombocytopenia (5%); infection without neutropenia
(2%); fatigue (17%); thrombsis/embolism (6%); nausea (12%);
vomiting (11%); dyspnea (11%); and chest pain (9%). The most
common clinically relevant adverse events (all grades) were
fatigue (80%); thrombosis/embolism (7%); nausea (84%);
vomiting (58%); constipation (44%); anorexia (35%);
stomatitis/pharyngitis (28%); diarrhea (26%); dyspnea
(66%); chest pain (40%); and rash (22%).

    The most common adverse events (grades 3/4) with ALIMTA
for the treatment of patients with NSCLC were anemia (8%);
leukopenia (5%); neutropenia (5%); thrombocytopenia (2%);
infection without neutropenia (6%); fatigue (16%);
thrombosis/embolism (3%); cardiac ischemia (3%);anorexia
(5%); dyspnea (18%); and chest pain (7%). The most common
clinically relevant adverse events (all grades) were
fatigue (87%); anorexia (62%); nausea (39%); constipation
(30%); vomiting (25%); diarrhea (21%);
stomatitis/pharyngitis (20%); dyspnea (72%); chest pain
(38%); neuropathy/sensory (29%); infection without
neutropenia (23%); and rash (17%).

    See complete Warnings, Precautions, Adverse Reactions,
and Dosage and Administration sections in the accompanying
full Prescribing Information for safety and dosing



    GEMZAR in combination with paclitaxel is indicated for
the first-line treatment of patients with metastatic breast
cancer after failure of prior anthracycline-containing
adjuvant chemotherapy, unless anthracyclines were
clinically contraindicated.

    GEMZAR is indicated in combination with cisplatin for
the first-line treatment of patients with inoperable,
locally advanced (stage IIIA or IIIB), or metastatic (stage
IV) non-small cell lung cancer.

    GEMZAR is indicated as first-line treatment for
patients with locally advanced (nonresectable stage II or
stage III) or metastatic (stage IV)adenocarcinoma of the
pancreas. GEMZAR is indicated for patients previously
treated with 5-FU.

    GEMZAR in combination with carboplatin is indicated for
the treatment of patients with advanced ovarian cancer that
has relapsed at least 6 months after completion of
platinum-based therapy.

    Important Safety Information for GEMZAR

    Myelosuppression is usually the dose-limiting toxicity
with GEMZAR therapy.


    Known hypersensitivity to GEMZAR. Anaphylactoid
reaction has been reported rarely.


    Infusion times of GEMZAR longer than 60 minutes and
more frequent than weekly dosing have been shown to
increase toxicity.

    Pulmonary toxicity has been reported with the use of
GEMZAR. In cases of severe lung toxicity, GEMZAR therapy
should be discontinued immediately and appropriate
supportive care measures instituted.

    Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) and/or renal failure
have been reported following one or more doses of GEMZAR.
Renal failure leading to death or requiring dialysis,
despite discontinuation of therapy, has been rarely
reported. The majority of the cases of renal failure
leading to death were due to HUS.

    Serious hepatotoxicity, including liver failure and
death, has been reported very rarely in patients receiving
GEMZAR alone or in combination with other potentially
hepatotoxic drugs.

    GEMZAR is Pregnancy Category D. GEMZAR can cause fetal
harm when administered to a pregnant woman.


    Use caution in patients with pre-existing renal
impairment or hepatic insufficiency. Administration of
GEMZAR may exacerbate underlying hepatic insufficiency.

    The optimum regimen for safe administration of GEMZAR
with therapeutic doses of radiation has not yet been
determined in all tumor types. GEMZAR has radiosensitizing
activity and radiation recall reactions have been

    It is not known whether GEMZAR or its metabolites are
excreted in human milk.

    The effectiveness of GEMZAR in pediatric patients has
not been demonstrated.

    The toxicities of GEMZAR observed in pediatric patients
were similar to those reported in adults.
    GEMZAR clearance is affected by age as well as gender.

    Patients receiving therapy with GEMZAR should be
monitored closely by a physician experienced in the use of
cancer chemotherapeutic agents.

    Monitoring and Dosage Modifications

    Dosage adjustments for hematologic toxicity may be

    Serum creatinine, potassium, calcium, and magnesium
should be monitored during combination therapy with

    Patients should be assessed with a CBC, including
differential and platelet count, prior to each dose of
GEMZAR. Modify or suspend therapy according to the Dosage
Reduction Guidelines in the full Prescribing Information.

    Hepatic and renal function (including transaminases and
serum creatinine) should be evaluated prior to therapy with
GEMZAR and periodically thereafter.

    Adverse Events

    The most severe adverse events (grades 3/4) with GEMZAR
plus paclitaxel for the treatment of patients with MBC were
neutropenia (48%); alopecia (18%); leukopenia (11%); anemia
(7%); fatigue (7%); thrombocytopenia (6%); ALT elevation
(6%); and neuropathy-sensory (6%). The most common adverse
events (all grades) were nausea (50%); fatigue (40%);
myalgia (33%); and vomiting (29%). 

    The most severe adverse events (grades 3/4) with GEMZAR
for the first-line treatment of patients with pancreatic
cancer were neutropenia (24%-26%); alkaline phosphatase
elevation (16%-20%); AST elevation (12%-17%);
nausea/vomiting (12%-13%); ALT elevation (10%-11%); anemia
(10%); leukopenia (9%-10%); thrombocytopenia (8%-10%);
bilirubin elevation (4%-8%); and pain (2%-7%). The most
common adverse events (all grades) were AST (72%-78%);
alkaline phosphatase (71%-77%); anemia (65%-73%); ALT
(72%); leukopenia (64%-71%); nausea and vomiting (64%-71%);
neutropenia (61%-62%); thrombocytopenia (36%-47%); pain
(10%-42%); fever (30%-38%); proteinuria (10%-32%);
constipation (10%-31%); diarrhea (24%-30%); rash (24%-28%);
and bilirubin (16%-26%).

    The most severe adverse events (grades 3/4) with GEMZAR
plus cisplatin for the first-line treatment of patients with
NSCLC were neutropenia (57%-64%); thrombocytopenia
(50%-55%); leukopenia (29%-46%); anemia (22%-25%); nausea
(27%); vomiting (23%); nausea/vomiting (39%); neuromotor
(12%); hypomagnesemia (7%); neurohearing (6%); creatinine
elevation (5%); alopecia (1%-13%); and dyspnea (1%-7%). The
most common adverse events (all grades) were paresthesias
(38%); hyperglycemia (30%); infection (18%-28%); and
constipation (17%-28%).

    The most severe adverse events (grades 3/4) with GEMZAR
plus carboplatin for the treatment of patients with advanced
ovarian cancer were neutropenia (71%), thrombocytopenia
(35%), leukopenia (53%), anemia (28%), nausea (6%),
vomiting (6%), and constipation (7%). The most common
adverse events (all grades) were RBC transfusion (38%),
alopecia (49%), neuropathy/sensory (29%), nausea (69%),
fatigue (40%), vomiting (46%), diarrhea (25%), and
constipation (42%).

    See complete Warnings, Precautions, Adverse Reactions,
and Dosage and Administration sections in the accompanying
full Prescribing Information for safety and dosing

    About Lilly Oncology, a Division of Eli Lilly and

    For more than four decades, Lilly Oncology has been
collaborating with cancer researchers to deliver innovative
treatment choices and valuable programs to patients and
their physicians. Inspired by courageous patients living
with cancer, Lilly Oncology is providing treatments that
are considered global standards of care and developing a
broad portfolio of novel targeted therapies to accelerate
the pace and progress of cancer care.  To learn more about
Lilly's commitment to cancer, please visit
http://www.LillyOncology.com . 

    About Eli Lilly and Company

    Lilly, a leading innovation-driven corporation, is
developing a growing portfolio of first-in-class and
best-in-class pharmaceutical products by applying the
latest research from its own worldwide laboratories and
from collaborations with eminent scientific organizations.
Headquartered in Indianapolis, Ind., Lilly provides answers
-- through medicines and information -- for some of the
world's most urgent medical needs. 


    ALIMTA(R) (pemetrexed for injection), Lilly
    GEMZAR(R) (gemcitabine HCl for injection), Lilly
    bevacizumab (Avastin(R)), Genentech
    oxaliplatin (Eloxatin(R)), Sanofi Aventis
    erlotinib (Tarceva(R)), Genentech, OSI Pharmaceuticals
    cetuximab (Erbitux(R)), Bristol-Myers Squibb, ImClone,
    vandetanib (Zactima(TM)), AstraZeneca

    This press release contains forward-looking statements
about the potential of ALIMTA and GEMZAR for the treatment
of non-small cell lung cancer and reflects Lilly's current
beliefs. However, as with any pharmaceutical products under
development, there are substantial risks and uncertainties
in the process of development, commercialization, and
regulatory review. There is no guarantee that the products
will receive additional regulatory approvals. There is also
no guarantee that the products will continue to be
commercially successful. For further discussion of these
and other risks and uncertainties, see Lilly's filing with
the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. 
Lilly undertakes no duty to update forward-looking

    (i)   Parkin DM, Bray F, Ferlay J, Pisani P, Global
Cancer Statistics, 
          2002. CA Cancer J Clin 2005;55;74-108.
    (ii)  Gronberg, BH. Pemetrexed+carboplatin vs.
gemcitabine+carboplatin in 
          the treatment of stage IIIB/IV non-small cell
lung cancer. Abstract 
          #7517, American Society of Clinical Oncology
(ASCO) Annual Meeting 
    (iii) Heist RS, Auerbach M, et al. Phase II trial of
          pemetrexed, and bevacizumab in previously-treated
advanced non-small 
          cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Abstract #7700,
American Society of 
          Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting 2007.
    (iv)  Scagliotti GV, Kortsik C, Dark GG, et al.
Pemetrexed combined with 
          oxaliplatin or carboplatin as first-line
treatment in advanced non-
          small cell lung cancer: a multicenter,
randomized, phase II trial. 
          Clin Cancer Res. 2005 Jan 15;11 (2 Pt 1):690-6.
    (v)   Zinner RG, Fossella FV, Gladish GW, et al. Phase
II study of 
          pemetrexed in combination with carboplatin in the
          treatment of advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer.
Cancer. 2005 Dec 

    ( Logo: 
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20031219/LLYLOGO )

    For more information, please contact:

     Gregory L. Clarke 
     Tel:    +1-317-276-5222
     Mobile: +1-317-554-7119
     Email:  gregory.clarke@lilly.com

     Neil Hochman
     CPR Worldwide
     Tel:    +1-212-453-2067
     Mobile: +1-516-784-9089
     Email:  n.hochman@cprworldwideusa.com
Qunar Announces Best Travel Companies in China
June 01, 2007

China's first-ever China Travel Industry Awards Ceremony
Highlights Established Players and Emerging Leaders

    BEIJING, June 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- China's largest
travel search engine -- Qunar.com -- announced today the
finalists of China's first-ever China Travel Industry
Awards Ceremony.  The finalists were chosen by over 5,000
consumers through the internet.

    "We feel this is a fantastic opportunity to
recognize the leaders of the travel industry in
China," noted CC Zhuang, Qunar's Cofounder and
President.  "The Chinese Travel Industry Awards
Ceremony recognizes not only well-established leaders but
also emerging giants within the travel space."

    The awards ceremony took place on Tuesday, May 29, 2007
at the Great Wall Sheraton Hotel, located in the heart of
Beijing's commercial center.

    The awards for the best web sites included:

    Most Popular Online Travel Agency Web Site
     -- Ctrip.com

    Most Popular Traditional Travel Agency Web Site
     -- Aoyou.com

    Online Travel Agency Web Site -- Best User Experience
     -- Elong.com

    Online Travel Agency Web Site -- Most Innovative Web
     -- Etpass.com

    Online Travel Agency Web Site -- Most "Willing to
     -- MangoCity.com

    The awards for the best airlines included:

    Most Popular Domestic Airline
     -- Air China

    Best Customer Service Domestic Airline
     -- Air China

    Most Popular Budget Airline
     -- Spring Airlines

    Most "Sunny" Domestic Airline
     -- Hainan Airlines

    Most Popular International Airline
     -- Singapore Airlines

    Best Customer Service International Airline
     -- Singapore Airlines

    Most "Sunny" International Airline
     -- Thai Airways

    Most `willing to try" International Airline
     -- British Airways & Air France

    Most "On Schedule" International Airline
     -- Northwest Airlines

    The awards for the best budget hotel chain included:
    Most Popular Hotel
     -- HomeInns, Super8, & JinJiang Inn
    Most Fashionable Hotel Brand
     -- GreenTree

    Best Customer Service
     -- YaYue

    China's first-ever China Travel Industry Awards
    Among the over 100 attendees to the Chinese Travel
Industry Awards Ceremony were representatives from domestic
and international airlines, major hotels chains, online
travel agencies, as well as senior industry analysts. 

    Winners of the awards were selected based on the
findings of a large-scale ten-day online poll conducted by
Qunar.com.  Internet users throughout China (including Hong
Kong, Macao and Taiwan) voluntarily voted for the "the
Best Travel Supplier" within seven broad categories
spanning airlines and hotels to reservation web sites and
web sites of travel agencies.  More than 5,000 valid online
votes were cast. The authenticity and tendency reflected by
the findings are widely recognized. 

    About Qunar

    Based in Beijing, Qunar is China's largest travel
search engine and third largest travel web site overall,
attracting over 5 million customers on a monthly basis.  

    Qunar offers flight search, hotel search and deals
publishing.  By using Qunar.com consumers are able to
compare prices and access other relevant travel information
in order to make the best purchase decision.  Key partners
include Air China, Accor, Hilton and Shanghai Everbright. 

    Qunar means "where are you going?" in
Mandarin Chinese.

    For more information, please contact:

     Room 511-512,Splendid Time
     NO.56 West Road of North Fourth Ring
     Media contact:
     Dixon Dai
     Vice President, Marketing
     Tel:   +86-13501274842
     Email: dixon.dai@qunar.com

サッポロ飲料、紅茶飲料「Snapple Peach & Rose tea」を発売

「Snapple Peach & Rose tea(スナップル ピーチ&ローズティー)」新発売のご案内

 サッポロ飲料株式会社は、アメリカのビッグブランド「Snapple(スナップル)」から第一弾商品として「Snapple Peach & Rose tea(スナップル ピーチ&ローズティー)」を、6月18日(月)より全国で新発売します。
 日本の紅茶市場は、前年比112%と伸長しており、中でもフルーツフレーバーは、141%と大幅に拡大し、紅茶市場拡大の一役を担っています。(2005年~2006年1月~12月 容量ベース 当社調べ)
 新商品「Snapple Peach & Rose tea(スナップル ピーチ&ローズティー)」は、ピーチとローズの華やかな香りが溶けこんだフレーバーティーです。カロリーオフなので、ヘルシーでクリアな味わいをお楽しみ頂けます。

(※1) プレミアムカテゴリー:保存料等を使用していない飲料カテゴリー


 Snapple Peach & Rose tea(スナップル ピーチ&ローズティー)



 ・ピーチ果汁 2%使用(山梨県産)


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