

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。










【 店舗情報 】


 モンブランGINZA Bldg.4階~6階
 TEL&FAX :03-6215-7630





 株式会社アドバンスト・メディア〈本社:東京都豊島区、代表取締役社長:鈴木清幸、以下アドバンスト・メディア〉とグローバル・バリュー株式会社〈本社:東京都新宿区、代表取締役:中村 憲生、以下GV社〉は携帯電話向け音声認識ソリューションで業務提携いたしました。提携の第1弾としてアドバンスト・メディアの子会社、株式会社ボイスドメインサービス〈本社:東京都豊島区、代表取締役社長:鈴木清幸、以下VDS〉の音声入力ツールをGV社の運営する携帯電話向けポイントサービス「バリュー・ポイント」において活用することとなりました。





< 利用手順 >
(1)「バリュー・ポイント」携帯サイトTOP画面( http://www.vpoint.jp/ )へアクセスします。

< 株式会社アドバンスト・メディア 会社概要 >
 社 名:株式会社アドバンスト・メディア
 代表者:代表取締役社長 鈴木 清幸
 本 社:東京都豊島区東池袋3-1-1 サンシャイン60 48F
 設 立:1997年12月
  ・当社自身が AmiVoice(R)を使い、企業内のユーザや一般消費者へサービス提供を行う「サービス事業」


< ボイスドメインサービス会社概要 >
 社 名:株式会社ボイスドメインサービス
 代表者:代表取締役社長 鈴木 清幸
 本 社:東京都豊島区東池袋3-1-1 サンシャイン60 48階
 設 立:2005年7月27日
   *海外におけるVDサービス など

■ボイスドメインサービスとは http://vd-s.jp

< グローバルバリュー会社概要 >
 社 名:グローバル・バリュー株式会社
 代表者:代表取締役 中村 憲生
 本 社:東京都新宿区新宿2-1-4 御苑ビルディング3F
 設 立:1993年4月

■バリュー・ポイントとは http://www.vpoint.jp

【 一般の方のお問合せ 】
 株式会社 ボイスドメインサービス (株式会社 アドバンスト・メディア内)



イーフロンティア、3Dキャラクタデザインツール「Poser 7」を発売

Poser 7発売のお知らせ

 株式会社イーフロンティア(本社:東京都新宿区、社長 安藤健一)は、3Dキャラクタツール「Poser」の新バージョン「Poser 7」を、税込16,800円で2007年2月16日(金)より発売します。 Poser は、簡単な操作で人体の動きや表情を設定できる3Dキャラクタデザインツールとして、世界中で業務や医療をはじめ、学術分野でも活用されています。またホビーユーザーが多いのも特徴で、作成されたフィギュアやアクセサリがネットで取引されるなど、多数のPoserファンコミュニティが活発に活動しています。 最新バージョンの「Poser 7」ではリップシンクを実現する「トークデザイン」機能や、より表現力を増したプレビュー表示、大幅な高速化を実現したレンダリング機能、さらに充実した人物や動物のフィギュアや医療用コンテンツサンプルなどを新たに搭載。より幅広い表現が可能になりました。


名称:Poser 7 日本語版 for Windows

名称:Poser 7 日本語版 for Mac OS X

名称:Poser 7 日本語版 for Windows 優待パッケージ

名称:Poser 7 日本語版 for Mac OS X 優待パッケージ


コピーライト:(c) 2007 e frontier, Inc. All rights reserved.




● Poser 公式サイト
● Zygote Anatomy for Poser 製品情報サイト

TEL: 03-3347-1126




~ 高まる禁煙客室のご要望にお応えしてまいります ~

 東京全日空ホテル(東京都港区赤坂/総支配人 清田 甚/総客室数873室)では、2007年4月1日(日)より禁煙客室数を大幅に増設いたします。




 【 全873室 29フロア 】

 <現 在> 313室         35.9%  10フロア

 <増設後> 475室(+162室) 54.4%  15フロア

【 読者からのお問い合わせ先 】
 東京全日空ホテル TEL:03-3505-1111(代表)
 ホームページ http://www.anahotels.com/tokyo



■3.0~6.0MHz セラミック発振子



・負荷容量(C1, C2)が不要

・各種マイコン用基準信号発生器(各種家電機器、OA 機器)





ペンティオ株式会社はPentio PKI Private CAを携帯電話DoCoMo FOMA(R)903iシリーズに対応させ、Pentio PKI Private CA 903用オリジナル証明書オプションとして提供を開始します

 ペンティオ株式会社(東京都新宿区、代表取締役:長谷川晴彦、以下ペンティオ)PKI認証局アプライアンスPentio PKI Private CAが、携帯電話DoCoMo FOMA903iシリーズ(以下FOMA903iシリーズ)に対応した証明書(秘密鍵)発行機能を搭載しました。12月19日よりオプション機能でご提供を開始します。
 ペンティオは、Pentio PKI Private CAで発行した証明書(秘密鍵)を安全に利用できる証明書(秘密鍵)格納デバイスとしてPentio PKI USB Tokenシリーズ及びPentio PKI IC Cardシリーズのご提供をしてまいりました。
 この度、FOMA903i シリーズに証明書を格納し、セキュアなアクセスができるようにPentio PKI Private CAを対応させました。

(1) 証明書認証による端末認証でFOMA903i シリーズから社内へのアクセスが安全・堅牢になります。
(2) FOMA903i シリーズ用オリジナル証明書(プライベート証明書)の発行が可能になるため、自社ポリシーの証明書がFOMA903iシリーズで利用可能になります。
(3) FOMA903i シリーズからSSL-VPN などへアクセスする場合、証明書内の記述(例:OU=営業部またはOU=技術部)によってFOMA903iシリーズ利用者のアクセスコントロールが可能になります。

(1) Pentio PKI Private CA認証局側で、PC用に発行された証明書をFOMA903iシリーズ用証明書に変換させます。
(2) 発行・変換された証明書は、iモード経由でPKCS#12のファイル形式でFOMA903iシリーズへダウンロードして格納します。

 今までは自社など、組織内セキュリティポリシーに基づいたFOMA903i シリーズ用オリジナル証明書(プライベート証明書)を格納したFOMA903iシリーズによる社内へのアクセスができませんでした。
 しかし、この度のPentio PKI Private CA 903用オリジナル証明書オプションで可能になります。

 DoCoMo FOMA903iシリーズは、株式会社エヌ・ティ・ティ・ドコモが提供する携帯電話サービスでご利用頂ける携帯電話です。
 ※オリジナル証明書機能に対応したFOMA(D903i、F903i 2006年12月現在)
 ※携帯電話DoCoMo FOMA903iシリーズ製品の詳細については、株式会社エヌ・ティ・ティ・ドコモ及び製造メーカーサイトなどでご確認下さい。
 株式会社エヌ・ティ・ティ・ドコモサイト http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/

 Pentio PKI Private CAは、ペンティオが日本で開発・販売している、企業で利用する証明書発行・認証のアプライアンス認証局です。また、発行した証明書(秘密鍵)を安全に利用できる証明書格納専用キーPentio PKI USB Tokenなどを利用したクライアント認証システムです。PKI(公開鍵暗号基盤)の強力な認証と物理デバイスであるPentio PKI USB Tokenとの併用により、改ざん、なりすまし、盗聴または通信事実の事後否認を防ぎ、信頼できる環境をご提供します。

■ 商品名称と価格
 Pentio PKI Private CA 903用オリジナル証明書オプション(型番OPT-DCM)
 オプション価格 950,000 円(税別)

 ※Pentio PKI Private CAシリーズでの追加オプションです。

PKI ソリューション事業部/ 長谷川晴彦(はせがわはるひこ)
〒160-0004 東京都新宿区四谷2-4 久保ビル3F
Tel:03-5919-0971(代表) Fax:03-5919-0980 E-mail: sales@pentio.com

 ペンティオ株式会社は、PKI鍵基盤技術をご提供しております。インターネットで一般的となったPKIセキュリティ技術を運営するCA局・RA局機能のPentio PKI Private CAで発行した証明書を、使いやすいUSB Token(秘密鍵)に格納してご利用いただきます。リーズナブルな価格でご提供できるため多くの企業様の社内システムや業務システムでご利用いただいております。
 (詳細は、 http://www.pentio.com/ をご覧ください)






 その結果、大型システムを多数の小型、小容量の高速のバス・セグメントに分割できます。低オフセットを特長とするLTC4307は、Advanced TCAおよびμTCAベースのサーバ、ネットワーク機器など、不可欠なシステム・マネージメント機能のために大型I2Cバスを必要とする高可用性システムに最適です。





以 上










(注1)ナイスパフォーム(NICE Perform)の開発元はイスラエルのNICE SYSTEMS社。
(注2)VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol):インターネットなどを使って音声データを送受信する技術。





代表者:代表取締役社長 須賀井 孝夫 
本社所在地:〒102-0082 東京都千代田区一番町21番地 一番町東急ビル
創業:1972年12月2日 東証第一部(4743) 
URL:http://www.itfor.co.jp/ 電話:03-5275-7841(代表)





1.国際協力銀行(総裁:篠沢恭助)は、14日、総額6億ドルを限度とする民間金融機関13行(幹事行:みずほコーポレート銀行)によるメキシコ石油公社(Petroleos Mexicanos(略称:PEMEX))向けのシンジケートローンに対する保証契約を、同民間金融機関との間で調印しました。







PLUS コピーボード『 M-115 』を新発売

プロジェクタ投影もOK! 1台2役のスクリーン付き5面タイプ



※1:国内電子黒板全体では40%強のシェア(JBMIA 2005年1-12月統計より当社調べ)

Tel. 0120-944-086  Fax.0120-331-859




ヌメリ・カビ対策に効果的な銀イオンを使用した "風呂フタ" を新発売


 弊社が運営する情報サイト「アイリス収納・インテリアドットコム」 http://www.iris-interior.com で"風呂用フタ"に対するアンケートを実施したところ、約7割の方が不満を抱えていることがわかりました。内容としては、「掃除がしにくい」「カビが生える」「ヌメる」「すぐに汚れる」「汚れが落ちにくい」などが挙がり、「掃除のしにくさ」と「カビ・ヌメリ」に不満が集中しています。




 (※ 関連資料を参照してください。)

※1 銀系抗菌剤。長所は抗菌効果が強いことと安全性が高いこと。また、比較的広範囲の種類の細菌に対して抗菌効果を発揮する。
※2 雑菌の発生・育成・増殖を抑制すること。
※3 抗菌活性値から算出される計算値。
※4 抗菌製品技術協議会の基準。数値が高いほど抗菌性に優れている。
※5 試験機関:日本紡績検査協会 試験方法:JIS Z 2801(フィルム密着法)
※6 切り売り販売用の風呂フタ。
※7 抗菌剤の名称。細菌・カビ類などの発生を抑制し、ヌメリ、悪臭の発生を予防。他の抗菌剤との違いは、抗菌・防カビ効果が長時間持続すること。

 (※ 関連資料を参照してください。)

【 読者のお問い合わせ先 】




─ 北米、国内、ロシア向け車両を生産 ─





ISI Expands Global Presence With Opening of Tianjin, China Office
May 29, 2007

New Operation Bolsters ISI's Global Support Capabilities in
Response to Clients' Growing Presence in Asian Markets and
Increased Need for Speed

    WHIPPANY, N.J., May 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Image
Solutions Inc., (ISI), a leader in providing software and
services to streamline the drug development lifecycle,
announced today the opening of new operations in Tianjin,
China. ISI's expansion in Asia supports the company's
overall commitment to support the globalization of the Life
Science Industry.  The China operation adds to ISI's already
strong capabilities that exist in Asia through its
development center in Korea, testing and support
capabilities in India, and in Japan through an alliance
with CAC Corporation.

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070206/NYTU010LOGO )

    ISI is enhancing its global capabilities to keep pace
with its clients' needs to respond to increased regulatory
pressures, the need to reduce overall costs, and the
requirement to speed submission timetables.  In addition,
China has emerged as a preferred location for new markets
and lower-cost drug development and manufacturing.
Accordingly, ISI is well positioned for the anticipated
growth in this region. 

    The opening of the operation also represents a
strategic decision on ISI's part to blend global resources
and services providing unprecedented support for client
requirements.  For ISI clients, the foremost Life Science
organizations in the world, each day of document processing
translates into potential lost revenues downstream. 

    To satisfy this demand for speed and efficiency, ISI
can now link multiple offices located in different time
zones, and use web-based technology to provide almost 400
man-hours of production time within a single 24 hour day.
This capability provides ISI with a unique competitive
advantage to meet client timeframes and achieve their goals
quickly and cost-effectively.  

    The focus for the China operation in the short term is
CRF Processing.  CRFs are the most paper-intensive document
process in the Life Science industry with more than five
million CRF pages generated each week.  CRF processing has
been the backbone of ISI services since its inception.  To
date, ISI has processed more than 50 million pages of CRFs
for submission to the FDA.  ISI's CRF services are part of
a broad portfolio of business process outsourcing services
developed to assist companies in reducing the time and cost
associated with compiling electronic submissions, managing
data, and preparing scientific documents.

    Because of ISI's ongoing commitment to quality, the
operation in China is expected to be ISO certified later in
2007. ISO is a global, centrally managed certification given
after rigorous review of standard operating procedures and
the assurance that all processes and procedures are
centrally controlled. These methods help ISI provide
predictable project estimates and stable, high-quality
deliverables and demonstrate ISI's strong commitment to
quality by achieving the highest industry standard. 

    With record performance over the past several years,
ISI is aggressively growing operations in the United
States, Europe and Asia. This year alone, ISI plans to
expand it's presence in the United States with the opening
of operations in two primary biotechnology hotbed regions:
Boston, Massachusetts, and San Diego, California. In
Europe, ISI will have an increased presence in the United
    About Image Solutions, Inc.

    Founded in 1992, Image Solutions, Inc (ISI) is a proven
market leader in providing submissions solutions, process
services and consulting to Life Sciences companies as a way
to improve clinical and regulatory processes that bring new
medicines to market. ISI was among the first professional
services firm to deliver electronic submissions to the
industry and since has delivered nearly 1,000 electronic
submissions and 400 eCTD submissions. ISI serves the top 50
pharmaceutical and biotech organizations as well as the top
companies in other regulated industries.

    ISI is a privately held company with headquarters in
Whippany, New Jersey and operations throughout the U.S.,
Europe and Asia. ISI also remains committed to giving back
to society and sharing its success with others by donating
10 percent of annual net profits to over 20 recognized
charitable organizations. For more information, visit the
company website at http://www.imagesolutions.com

    For more informtion, please contact:

     Keith W. Ward, Associate Director, 
     Global Marketing, 
     Image Solutions, Inc.
     Tel:  +1-973-560-0404 x324
     Fax:  +1-973-560-0241
Cognosense, a Swiss High-Technology Company, Appoints Mr. Kevin Tsui, Managing Director, China & Asia Pacific
May 29, 2007

    LAUSANNE, Switzerland and BEIJING, May 29
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Erick Caron, concurrently, CEO of
Cognosense SA and Chairman & CEO of its Chinese
subsidiary, Cognosense (Beijing) Technology Co. Ltd. is
pleased to announce the nomination of Mr. Kevin Tsui, as
new Managing Director, China & Asia Pacific region.
Effective July 1st, 2007, Mr. Tsui will have overall
responsibility of the Cognosense China business operations
as well as all business development activities in the Asia
Pacific region, and will report directly to the CEO, Erick

    Kevin Tsui has lived and worked in China for over 8
years. He joins Cognosense after four years as the Managing
Director, China, for the Canada China Business Council
(CCBC), where he advised member corporate clients on their
China market entry and business development strategies. Mr.
Tsui also previously worked in the enterprise software and
online marketing/advertising industries working in business
development and sales, in both Canada and China. A Canadian
residing in Beijing, Mr. Tsui was born in Paris, France and
raised in Montreal, Canada, and speaks Mandarin, Cantonese,
French and English.

    "Kevin brings over 11 years of experience in
business development, international sales and
investment/trade facilitation with a focus on high
technology products and services in Greater China. Over the
last few years he has worked in China cultivating a vast
network of relationships across a diverse range of
industries which will be instrumental in achieving the
rapid development and goals of Cognosense in China &
the Asia Pacific region," said Erick Caron. "We
are proud that Kevin has accepted to join our team to lead
our growth and development in Asia."

    Reflecting on his appointment, Kevin Tsui said, "I
am very excited at the prospect of leading Cognosense in
China and Asia as it continues to grow into a leading high
technology firm focused on offering next generation
artificial intelligence based solutions to solve customer
analytical and profiling challenges. With over 461 million
mobile phone subscribers, 144 million Internet users and
over 17 million users accessing the Internet via mobile
phones in China there is an unprecedented opportunity to
better service these evolving niche & mass

    About Cognosense

    Founded in 2004 and headquartered in Switzerland,
Cognosense is a cutting edge artificial intelligence
technologies solutions company, dedicated to enhancing an
enterprise's value proposition and ability to generate new
revenue streams & cost savings across the entire media
spectrum. The Cognosense suite of solutions will
successfully profile your end user's needs and wants while
developing a complete understanding of their psyche. To
analyse, know and deliver is our mission.

    In 2006 the company established a wholly owned
subsidiary in Beijing, P.R. China, Cognosense (Beijing)
Technology Co. Ltd. as a base to deploy R&D and
business development efforts for the Asia Pacific region.

    For more information, please contact:

     Erick Caron
     Cognosense SA
     Chief Executive Officer
     Email:  corporate@cognosense.com
     Mobile: +41-79-648-0565
     Web:    http://www.cognosense.com

EC Plaza Launches TradeMall, World's First International Trade Open Market
May 29, 2007

    SEOUL, South Korea, May 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- EC
Plaza Network, Inc. (ECPlaza.net), one of the world's
largest and most popular B2B marketplaces, recently
announced the launch of an easier, more safe, and cost
effective e-commerce service for buyers & sellers to
trade sample products and conduct retail transaction via
the internet.

    ECPlaza.net, the world's leading B2B e-marketplace,
celebrates its 12 years' success in the international
market. On the occasion, the company has decided to
announce the launch of an e-commerce service called
"TradeMall" for its massive number of customers
all over the world. 

    TradeMall's ( www.ecplaza.net/trademall ) service
allows both buyers and sellers to trade more safely by
adapting escrow payment service to avoid fraud cases.

    The key advantage of TradeMall is that safer selling
& buying on the internet to prevent unpaid problem for
seller and item-not-received problem for buyers. TradeMall
currently offers sample & small volume transaction by
international courier for Korean and Chinese sellers. EC
Plaza will expand TradeMall selling coverage
internationally and enable logistics option for Air &
Ocean cargo shipment.

    With the trust and support of more than 500,000
registered members, ECPlaza.net has today become one of the
world's largest and most trusted business website for global
trade. The company, which has operated successfully for more
than 12 years in international market, plans to launch a
series of new services later this year to fulfill the key
requirements of their members. 

    If you have any interest or inquiry about EC Plaza
service, please contact our sales representative at
support1@ecplaza.net or 0082-3433-4227.  EC Plaza is also
seeking partnership opportunities with major Internet
companies, service providers, and new agents to support its
growing business. For more information about EC Plaza,
please visit http://www.ecplaza.net .

    For more information, please contact:

     Mr. Chang Su Yoo  
     Assistant Manager
     EC Plaza Network, Inc. 
     Tel:   +822-3433-4227
     Email: csyoo77@ecplaza.net
Texas Instruments DaVinci DSP Technologies Doubles System Performance with a $40 System BOM Reduction for Video Security and Surveillance Applications
May 29, 2007

New DaVinci(TM) Processors for Multi-channel Video Security
and Infrastructure Applications Provide Seamless Migration
Path and Codec Customization

    HOUSTON, TX., May 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Continuing
to drive innovation in the digital video market with
leading-edge silicon, software, tools and support, Texas
Instruments Incorporated (TI) (NYSE: TXN) has introduced
two new DaVinci(TM) technology digital signal processors
(DSPs) for multi-channel video security and infrastructure
applications, including digital video recorders (DVR), IP
video servers, machine vision systems and high-performance
imaging applications.  Based on TI's latest TMS320C64x+TM
DSP core, the TMS320DM647 and TMS320DM648 DSPs provide a
seamless migration path for existing video processing
applications based on the TMS320DM642, offering twice the
performance at a lower overall cost.  The new processors
integrate new functionalities leading to a $40 reduction in
video system bill of materials (BOM).  For more information,
please visit: http://www.ti.com/dm648pr .

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061107170439-20.jpg )

    Combined, these innovations give customers the power to
create highly differentiated video systems products that can
process more channels simultaneously at a lower cost per
channel. Additionally, the programmable architecture of
DaVinci technology provides a framework for supporting
highly differentiated functionalities -- including dual
streaming, video analytics, customized codecs and emerging
compression standards -- which are difficult and
cost-prohibitive to implement in application specific
signal processor (ASSP)-based solutions.

    The network video surveillance market, a key target for
the new processors, jumped significantly in 2006 with a
notable 41.9 percent increase and is expected to grow for
several years reports IMS Research in their latest market

    "The market for network cameras has the potential
to grow even faster than this, however, new technologies
generally take a while to gain acceptance as the security
industry is very resistant to change," said Simon
Harris, research director for IMS Research.  "TI is
taking a proactive step towards overcoming this challenge
by educating the market about the many benefits of network
video surveillance with the introduction of DSPs that allow
customers to create complex network video applications, such
as network DVRs and NVRs, that feature advanced video
analytic technologies and have the flexibility to process
more video channels simultaneously.  The demand for hybrid
DVRs is growing as they allow customers to record both
analog and network cameras."

    Migration Path to Outstanding Price/Performance

    Maintaining its commitment to continually drive
innovation in digital video by designing silicon, software,
tools and support optimized to meet specific market needs,
TI recently released four TMS320DM643x processors providing
a 50 percent cost reduction for cost-sensitive applications
and three TMS320DM644x processors offering greater
integration for consumer media applications.  With the
DM647 and DM648 announced today, TI extends the original
DM64x product roadmap by delivering new high performance
DSPs that also benefit from the cost reduction and
integration of previous DaVinci processors.  

    "With improvements such as higher performance and
better code density, TI couldn't have made it easier -- or
more compelling -- for us to migrate to the DM648,"
said Hu Yangzhong, general manager, Hikvision.  "The
on-chip video and imaging coprocessor, video ports, and
integrated SGMII port all contribute to an impressive
reduction in system BOM cost.  Now we are able to double
the performance of our existing products while reducing our
overall manufacturing cost." 

    Customers also have access to production-ready
application software, the industry's most comprehensive
digital video development platform, and TI's extensive
network of Authorized Software Providers (ASP) to assist
developers in getting to market faster with more reliable
products.  The new DSPs are the first DaVinci processors
enabled by XDS560(TM) Trace module, a non-intrusive,
hardware-based trace tool offering advanced visibility and
capabilities for debugging the specialized problems that
arise in high-performance, real-time embedded applications.
 Trace can be further utilized to fine-tune code performance
and cache optimization of complex multi-channel

    Unparallel Performance and Flexibility

    Several innovations contribute to the DM648 DSP's
two-fold increase in performance when compared to the DM642
processor.  The C64x+ core provides 20 percent better cycle
performance, 20 to 30 percent higher code density, twice as
many 16-bit MMACs per cycle, four times the EDMA bandwidth
and is 100 percent code compatible with the C64xTM core. 
The DM648's increase in clock speed and faster H.264
processing due to the integrated Video and Imaging
Coprocessor (VICP) increases performance at almost the same
price as the DM642. 

    The new processor reduces system BOM by more than $40
compared to the DM642 processor: two extra video ports
remove the need for a $7 video multiplexer, the integrated
SGMII port with switch interconnects up to four devices to
provide the functionality of an $8 PCI bridge, and an
approximately $25 FPGA required for video preprocessing
like color space conversion, resizing, de-interlacing, etc.
is eliminated by an on-chip VICP.  With the extended
functionality and programmability of TI DSPs, designers can
eliminate the need to consider expensive and constraining
FPGAs and can instead focus their resources on further
product differentiation.  The DM648 offers 512 KB of L2
cache and two Ethernet MACs with a switch while the DM647
has 256 KB of L2 cache and one Ethernet MAC port.

    The new processors also support dual streaming,
allowing both a monitoring and a recording stream for every
video channel.  Dual streaming is a critical feature for
digital video applications since high-quality streams
recorded to hard disk drives (HDD) or network-attached
storage (NAS) require different processing than lower
quality monitoring streams intended for immediate viewing
in the security control booth.

    The high performance DM647 and DM648 DSPs further
extend the ways in which developers can differentiate their
products through sophisticated features and functionality. 
TI and members of its DSP Third Party Network provide
leading-edge video analytics technology -- including object
recognition and tracking -- as well as support for
customizing codecs to implement security-specific
modifications, such as adjusting bit rate and quality or
providing codec information for security identification.
Additional optimized codecs and a video security media
system that offer multi-channel, high resolution and low
latency features are also available from Ittiam Systems.

    The VICP, an instruction-based engine that provides
front-end preprocessing, works in parallel to the main DSP
core and includes the VICP Functional Library with
efficient color-space conversion, image resizing and
de-interlacing functionality.  It will be available with
the release of the Beta-version DM648 Digital Video
Development Platform (DVDP), which has multi-channel
codecs, all the software necessary to build a complete
video processing system, and DM648-based hardware developed
by industry leader Lyrtech.  The DVDP also utilizes
complementary components, including the TVP5154 video
decoder from TI, and provides an efficient platform for
evaluation of DaVinci technology to jumpstart product

    Availability and Pricing

    Sampling in June, the 720 MHz version of the
TMS320DM647 DSP will cost $39.95 with the TMS320DM648 DSP
priced at $49.95 in quantities of 10,000 units.  The Beta
DVDP will be available in early 3Q 2007 and will quickly be
followed by general availability of the DVDP, through TI's
worldwide distribution channels.

    Additional Information

    TMS320DM647 Product Folder and Datasheet
    TMS320DM648 Product Folder and Datasheet
    XDS560 Trace Module Tool Folder
    DM6437 Digital Video Development Platform (DVDP) Tool
    TVP5154 Product Folder and Datasheet

    About Texas Instruments

    Texas Instruments Incorporated provides innovative DSP
and analog technologies to meet our customers' real world
signal processing requirements. In addition to
Semiconductor, the company includes the Educational &
Productivity Solutions business. TI is headquartered in
Dallas, Texas, and has manufacturing, design or sales
operations in more than 25 countries. 

    Texas Instruments is traded on the New York Stock
Exchange under the symbol TXN. More information is located
on the World Wide Web at http://www.ti.com 


    DaVinci, TMS320C64x+, C64x+ and XDS560 are trademarks
of Texas Instruments.  All other trademarks and registered
trademarks are property of their respective owners.

    For more information, please contact: 

    Tim Frost	
    Texas Instruments	
    Tel:   +1-281-274-3223	
    Email: tfrost@ti.com

    Helen Tso	
    Tel:   +1-713-513-9578	
    Email: htso@golinharris.com

Xinhua Finance/MNI China Business Survey: Indexes Slump
May 29, 2007

    SHANGHAI, May 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua Finance
(TSE Mothers: 9399) and Market News International (MNI), a
part of the news service line of Xinhua Finance, today
announced the May Xinhua Finance/MNI China Business
Sentiment Survey. The results of the survey suggest that
rising costs and government measures to slow the economy
are cutting into corporate sentiment and current business

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200611140926.gif )

    While most of the survey indexes remained well in
positive territory, key indexes showed a slowdown from the
successive record results experienced in every survey this

    Key indexes such as current and future business
conditions and current and future financial positions
retreated to levels not seen since last year. The index for
input prices hit a new record high, while the index for
order backlogs was at a new record low.

    The monthly survey was conducted May 7-23 and comes
amid rising interest rates and other measures imposed by
the government to slow what some say is an overheating

    Since its inception in January, 2005, the survey has
accurately tracked and predicted overall Chinese economic
conditions, providing important intelligence ahead of
government data. The survey has been especially important
in indicating turnarounds in the economy, such as last
summer's slowdown or the pickup in activity seen since last

    To receive a full version of the survey, or to find out
more about Xinhua Finance and Market News International,
please contact us via mni@xinhuafinance.com .

    Notes to Editors:

    About Xinhua Finance Limited 

    Xinhua Finance Limited is China's premier financial
information and media service provider and is listed on the
Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399)
(OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and
the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions,
corporations and re-distributors through five focused and
complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial
News, Investor Relations, and Distribution. Founded in
November 1999, the Company is headquartered in Shanghai,
with offices and news bureaus spanning 14 countries

    For more information, please visit
http://www.xinhuafinance.com . 

    About Market News International

    Market News International (MNI), a Xinhua Finance
company ( http://www.xinhuafinance.com ), is a financial
news and information company dedicated to the global fixed
income and foreign exchange markets.  MNI joined the Xinhua
Finance family in March 2004, bringing its niche expertise
and extensive distribution network.  Headquartered in New
York, MNI has news bureaus and offices throughout the US,
Europe and Asia.

    With more than twenty years of history, MNI is a fully
accredited news agency providing focused, timely, relevant
and critical intelligence for market professionals.  Its
press credentials are accepted by all operations of the
U.S. Government, including the White House, the Federal
Reserve, both houses of Congress, all major agencies and
cabinet departments, all similar government operations in
the G-7 countries, as well as by supranational
organizations such as the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund.

    For more information, please contact: 

    Xinhua Finance
    Hong Kong/Shanghai
     Ms. Joy Tsang
     Tel:   +852-3196-3983, +852-9486-4364,
     Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com
     Mr. Scott Zhang
     Tel:   +86-21-6113-5996
     Email: scott.zhang@xinhuafinance.com
    Mr. Sun Jiong
    Tel:   +81-3-3221-9500
    Email: jsun@xinhuafinance.com
    Taylor Rafferty (Media/IR Contact)
     Mr. James Hawrylak
     Tel:   +81-3-5733-2621
     Email: James.hawrylak@taylor-rafferty.com
    United States
     Mr. John Dudzinsky
     Tel:   +1-212-889-4350
     Email: John.Dudzinsky@taylor-rafferty.com 

     Faisal Kanth
     Tel:   +44-20-7614-2900
     Email: Faisal.Kanth@taylor-rafferty.co.uk

Vivace And IGRS Engineering Lab To Develop IGRS-Compliant Multimedia Chips, Vivace Joins IGRS Home Networking Standards Effort
May 29, 2007

Collaboration on IGRS Support in High-performance, Low
Power Devices for IGRS Smarttv, Set-top Boxes and Handheld
Media Players.

    BEIJING, May 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Vivace
Semiconductor, a leader in digital media processing chips,
today announced it has signed an agreement with the IGRS
Engineering Lab, Ltd. to jointly develop reference designs
based on Vivace's chips that can be used to develop
products that are compliant with the new home networking
standard.  In addition, Vivace announced it has joined the
IGRS (Intelligent Grouping and Resource Sharing) work group
and standardization effort. The innovative start-up intends
to develop the first media processing chips from a local
Chinese supplier that offer support of the emerging
protocol. Vivace, as a promoting member of IGRS, joins
close to 80 other electronics companies participating in
the China-specific effort to develop a standard way for
various devices (such as TVs, projectors, PMPs, mobile
phones, printers and digital media adapters) to communicate
and share resources over a common networking protocol.

    Under the agreement, Vivace will work with IGRS
Engineering Lab, Ltd. to jointly develop a reference design
with Vivace's media processing chips, targeting digital TV
and set-top box applications. The reference design will be
based on the company's VSP200 and VSP300 media processors,
which combine high-performance capabilities with robust
support of multiple media compression and data IO interface
standards, low-power operation, and a configurable /
field-upgradeable platform. One key enabling feature of the
Vivace chips, in addition to implementing the IGRS
media-sharing protocol, is the ability to support seamless
data connections for consistent high-quality video quality
between a DTV media center and any home or portable
devices. This enables low-power and low-cost portable video
players to perform on-the-fly decoding and display video
content in multiple media standards, and at up to 720p
(HD-ready) and 1080p (HDTV) quality. Additionally, the
VSP200 and VSP300 chips offer a highly-integrated SoC
architecture that will simplify system assembly and reduce
component counts. The system solution will offer
manufacturers significantly lowered BOM, as well less
difficulty and cost in PCB implementation due to its
processors' much lower clock rate. Vivace will supply early
samples, software, development systems and support to IGRS
and its member companies to accelerate the development of
IGRS-compliant products. 

    "It is important that we work with semiconductor
suppliers such as Vivace to implement the IGRS standard in
working silicon and demonstrate its utility in multi-device
environments," Dr. Sun Yuning, President of the IGRS
Information Technology Engineering Center. "Vivace has
demonstrated unique technical advantages with its processor
architecture, and their ability to support a variety of
standards quickly and efficiently make them an ideal
candidate to develop IGRS compliant solutions. We are
looking forward to working with them and the other IGRS
participants to develop systems that take advantage of the
potential of IGRS."

    Engineers from Vivace and IGRS Engineering Lab will
work together to extend the capabilities of its core
technology to support IGRS standard features into its
VSP200 and VSP300 processor designs. The companies have
formed a Joint Technological Committee, which will reside
in Vivace's Beijing-based Partner Application Engineering
Zone.  The committee will address the roles of future key
chip technologies to enable enhanced features under the
IGRS protocol. In addition to their initial work on
developing IGRS SmartTV solutions, the joint team will work
on an IGRS recommended media subsystem SoC and solution for
satellite device developers and manufacturers.  Support
will include DRM, data codec and command link standards to
the portfolio of support already part of the high-end parts
in the Vivace series.

    "Vivace's strategy is focused on the convergence
of digital applications in consumer electronics and that is
completely aligned with the IGRS vision," said Cary
Ussery, president and CEO of Vivace. "We are committed
to developing and supporting technology and standards that
enable convergence, both in China specifically and
throughout the world. We are pleased to be actively
participating in the IGRS specification and roadmap
process, and look forward to implementing the capabilities
in our products."

    About IGRS 

    Intelligent Grouping and Resource Sharing Working Group
(IGRS WG), supported by MII (Ministry of Information
Industry of China), was established on July 10, 2003. The
IGRS Information Industry Association (IGRS) was
established on May 2005 as a legal entity, which is
supported by Administrative Committee of Zhongguancun
Science Park.

    Intelligent Grouping and Resource Sharing Standard
(shortened form: "IGRS Standard") refers  to a
new network by defining a series of protocols. It enables
intelligent grouping, resource sharing and service
collaboration among terminal devices, to create smart
networking solutions especially for wireless environments,
to improve the interoperability among digital devices and
maximize the resource usage of each device, and to create
new collaborative application models for digital devices.
In addition, terminal unit suppliers, network operating
suppliers and network model/application suppliers will
benefit from this standard in the future. It will provide
high-quality IT and entertainment services for consumers as
well. On June 29 2005, IGRS Standard was formally approved
to be the Professional Standard, which is the first
Technical Standard of China 3C-covergence Industry. At
present, the IGRS standard proposal is in the stage of
Final Commission Draft by ISO/IEC.

    IGRS firmly believes in the "fair, open,
interoperable" cooperation model and has already
established liaisons with numerous international and
domestic standard organizations¡£IGRS is a Chinese standard
organization that has the fastest industrialization process
and the most intellectual properties. IGRS has owned 204
patents and launched many IGRS products into market, such
as IGRS TV, IGRS PC, IGRS notebook, IGRS projector, IGRS
Hi-Fi, IGRS printer, IGRS mobile phone and DMA. IGRS
Information Industry Association currently has 86 members,
which includes core companies and institutes in the field
of IT and manufacturing industry in China. Many
international companies from Japan, Korea, U.S. and Europe
have applied for membership.

    About Vivace

    Vivace Semiconductor develops high-performance,
low-power video processing chips that are optimized for the
needs of high-growth consumer market segments. Its chips
support a full range of video and audio standards, are
based on the company's proprietary ViViD(TM) Media engine
and include a complete software suite for media processing
and a fully programmable, open platform for additional
software integration. Its initial product line is aimed at
developers of portable media players and integrated digital
display/TV products. The company is based in Beverly,
Massachusetts and Beijing, China. More information can be
found at http://www.vivacesemi.com .

    Vivace and ViViD are trademarks of Vivace
Semiconductor, Inc. All other trademarks referenced belong
to their respective owners. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Ni Weixin 							
     Vivace Semiconductor 						
     Tel:   +86-10-82358482						
     Email: marketing@vivace.com.cn					

     Mike Sottak
     Wired Island, Ltd. 
     Tel:   +1-649-941-4218
     Email: mike@wiredislandpr.com
China Businesses Are the World's Most Stressed
May 29, 2007

    HONG KONG, May 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- According to
the latest findings from the Experian(R) Grant Thornton
International Business Report (IBR) 2007, mainland China
businesses are the most stressed in the world.  More than
eight out of ten (84%) mainland China businesses are more
stressed than a year ago. Mainland China is followed by
Taiwan (82%). Among the three territories in the country,
Hong Kong (67%) is the seventh in the global rankings (see
table 1).

    Among the 32 countries/regions who took part in the
survey, two thirds reported a lower increase in stress when
comparing with last year's figure. When comparing the
results of this question this year and last year, the
stress level in mainland China has reduced by 3 percentage
points, while Hong Kong and Taiwan have reduced by 2 points
and 7 points respectively.

    "Although the percentages of stress level
increases in the three places across two shores have
reduced, they are still in the top ten among the 32
surveyed, and well beyond the global average (56%).  This
appears to be a reflection of the pace of growth in these
economies," said Desmond Yuen, partner and head of
China Services at Grant Thornton.

    In comparison, businesses in Europe are the least
stressed, with just 27% of Swedish businesses reporting an
increase in stress levels, followed by Ireland (35%) and
the UK, the Netherlands and France (37%).

    Average Working hours in a week
    The survey also studied business owners' average hours
worked in a week. It shows that mainland China and Hong
Kong business owners both work 54 hours on average a week,
followed by Taiwan with 53 hours a week (see table 2).
Businesses in the BRIC emerging markets tend to work the
longest hours, with India at the top of the league table
(57 hours). The findings revealed that the businesses in
emerging markets are striving to take advantage of domestic
and global economic expansion and thus, they are willing to
work longer hours in order to keep their competitiveness.
    "Globalisation and increasing technological
advances have increased the pressure on business owners to
'always be contactable' and this appears to be having an
increasing strain on their lives. The challenge for
business owners is how they can improve modern working
practices to allow time to 'switch off' from the strains of
increasingly demanding business lives - while remaining
competitive. However, business owners should understand
that the management of work life balance and quality of
life is very important too," said Dr. William Thomson,
Experian's global economics director.
    Table 1. 
    Stress levels compared to one year ago (% Increased)

                             2007    2006
    1	Mainland China      84      87
    2	Taiwan              82      89
    3	India               79      57
    4	Russia              76      60
    5	Botswana	         70      74
    6	Singapore           69      67
    7	Hong Kong           67      69
    8	Malaysia            64      65
    8	Philippines         64      76
    8	South Africa        64      65
    11	Brazil              62      --
    11	Turkey              62      58
    13	Luxembourg          58      49
    14	Armenia             57      -- 
    14	Thailand            57      62
    16	Greece              55      63
    17	Germany             51      50
    18	Japan               50      60
    19	Mexico              48      58
    20	Argentina           47      48
    20	Italy               47      40
    22	New Zealand         46      46
    23	US                  43      45
    24	Australia           41      48
    24	Spain               41      42
    26	Poland              40      46
    27	Canada              39      48
    28	France              37      42
    28	Netherlands         37      43
    28	UK                  37      43
    31	Ireland             35      46
    32	Sweden              27      24
          Global average       56      57

    Table 2. Average hours worked in a week

    1	India           57
    1	Argentina       57
    3	Armenia         56
    3	Australia       56
    3	Botswana        56
    6	Turkey          55
    6	US              55
    6	South Africa    55
    9	Singapore       54
    9	Hong Kong       54
    9	Mainland China  54
    12	Taiwan          53
    12	New Zealand     53
    14	Poland          52
    14	Canada          52
    14	Greece          52
    14	Germany         52
    18	Mexico          51
    19	Malaysia        50
    19	Brazil          50
    19	Japan           50
    19	Luxemburg	     50
    19	France          50
    24	Philippines     49
    24	UK              49
    24	Russia          49
    27	Spain           48
    27	Ireland         48
    27	Netherlands     48
    27	Thailand        48
    27	Sweden          48
    32	Italy           47
          Global average   53

    Source: Experian Grant Thornton International Business
Report (IBR) 2007

    Notes to editors 

    About the Experian Grant Thornton International
Business Report (IBR) 
Now in its fifth year, the Experian Grant Thornton
International Business Report (IBR) was carried out among
7,200 owners of medium to large privately held businesses
from 32 countries/territories during late 2006. Among them,
300, 250 and 150 medium to large privately held businesses
were surveyed in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan
respectively.  IBR began in 2002 and builds on the European
Business Survey (EBS) which Grant Thornton ran from 1993 to
2001.  In 2007, the survey's name was changed from the
International Business Owners Survey (IBOS) to the
International Business Report (IBR). The research was
conducted by Experian Business Strategies Limited and
Harris Interactive. For more information, please visit
http://www.internationalbusinessreport.com .

    About Grant Thornton

    Grant Thornton is one of the leading accounting, tax
and business advisory firms dedicated to serving the needs
of growing companies.  In Hong Kong and mainland China,
Grant Thornton has offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai,
Guangzhou and Shenzhen, employing in excess of 650 people.
Grant Thornton in Hong Kong is a member of Grant Thornton
International - one of the world's leading organisations of
independently owned and managed accounting and consulting
firms providing assurance, tax and specialist advice to
independent businesses and their owners. Firms operate in
110 countries in 520 offices with more than 22,600
employees.  For more information, please visit
http://www.gthk.com.hk .

    About Experian

    Experian provides an unrivalled understanding of
consumers, markets and economies in the UK and around the
world, past, present and future. Experian is a global
leader in providing analytical and information services to
organisations and consumers to help manage the risk and
reward of commercial and financial decisions.  It is also a
market leader in consumer profiling and market segmentation,
economic forecasting and public policy research, supporting
businesses, policy makers and investors in making tactical
and strategic decisions. Experian's economic forecasting
arm, Business Strategies, has operations in 16 countries:
UK, France, Netherlands, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Finland and
Hong Kong - China, Germany, Czech Republic, Ireland, Greece,
USA, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.  For more information
about Experian go to http://www.experian.com.hk .

    For further information, please contact:

    Grant Thornton

    Desmond Yuen (Partner and head of China services)
     Tel:   +852-2218-3113               
     Fax:   +852-2218-3613 
     Email: desmond.yuen@gthk.com.hk     

    Estella Tsui (Senior marketing manager)              
     Tel:   +852-2218-3207              
     Fax:   +852-2218-3707 
     Email: estella.tsui@gthk.com.hk     


     Dr William Thomson (Global economic director)
     Tel:   +44-207-355-8292   
     Email: william.thomson@uk.experian.com
    Bruno Rost (International PR manager)
     Tel:   +44-115-968-5009 
     Email: bruno.rost@uk.experian.com 

TFTM No. 3 Plant Completed in TEDA
May 28, 2007

Brand New COROLLA Sedan Rolled off Production Line

    BEIJING, May 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Today the TFTM
No. 3 Plant Opening Ceremony and COROLLA Sedan Off-Line
Ceremony were grandly held at TEDA (Tianjin Economic and
Technological Development Area). The completion and
production of its No. 3 Plant symbolizes that the strategic
cooperation between FAW and Toyota has entered a new stage.

http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/20061103123230-28.jpg )

    The No. 3 Plant of TFTM (Tianjin FAW Toyota Motor Co.,
Ltd.) is situated in TEDA (Tianjin Economic-Technological
Development Area), covering 400,000m2 of land. The Plant
aims to produce 200,000 popular sedans a year. It will
stick to the principle of "high quality, high speed,
high efficiency and low input" and shape itself into a
world-class modern automobile manufacturing plant. 

    Since landing in TEDA in 2002, TFTM has launched many
models such as: VIOS, COROLLA, CROWN and REIZ, and more
than 90 supporting enterprises have settled down
successively to support its production. As one of the
important leaders in Tianjin's auto industry chain, TFTM
has effectively boosted the development level of the auto
industry in Tianjin and provided driving power for the
sustainable economic development of Tianjin New Binhai

    Brief Introduction to Tianjin Economic-Technological
Development Area

    Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area
(abbreviated to TEDA, with "Taida" as its Chinese
transliteration) was established in 1984, upon the approval
of the State Council of the People's Republic of China.  It
was one of the first state-level economic and technological
development zones in the country. 

    Located in the centre of the Circum-Bohai economic
circle and in the east of the Eurasia continental bridge,
TEDA is a portal to two such metropolises as Beijing and
Tianjin and a vital passage to Northeast China.  So far
over 3,300 overseas-founded companies have settled in TEDA.
 Among them 93 are founded by 44 corporations of the Fortune
Global 500 like Motorola, Samsung, Toyota Motor, etc.  In
2000, TEDA was acclaimed by Fortune of U.S. as "the
most admired industrial park of China." In 2002, it
was elected by the United Nations Industrial Development
Organization (UNIDO), along with five other Chinese cities
and areas including Shenzhen, Suzhou, Pudong New Area of
Shanghai, etc., "the most dynamic regions of

    For more information, please contact:

     Ding Lei 
     Tel: +86-22-2520-1576

     Xu Hui 
     Tel: +86-22-2520-1118

     Web: http://www.investteda.org

New PC Software Videoraptor Supplies Music Fans With Free Music Videos and Music Files
May 28, 2007

    KARLSRUHE, Germany, May 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
RapidSolution Software has published the new Videoraptor
software for Windows XP and Vista as a free demo on the
website http://audials.com.  Videoraptor finds desired
music video clips for the user and enables conversion to
audio files.

    High-capacity mobile multimedia consoles. Where does
the content come

    Cell phones are developing into multi-function
entertainment consoles.
Entertainment consoles are becoming multi-functional
communication solutions. The Apple iPod offers 80 GB --
loads of storage space for music and videos. The cell
phones from Sony Ericsson and Nokia also provide lots of
entertainment, with music and videos in 320x240 resolution.
After buying these high-end consoles, the customer's wallet
is empty, and the search for content begins.

    Videoraptor supplies mobile consoles with free video

    With the "web clips" function, Videoraptor
automatically provides downloads of video clips viewed on
the web. The main function, "music clips,"
provides unlimited entertainment with music video clips.
With the currently connected portals, tens of thousands of
music video clips are available to the user. In addition,
the offer is constantly increasing through further
connected portals.

    The Web is full of freely available and legal content,
which Videoraptor, a meta-search machine, tracks down and
makes available to the user. The user simply enters the
desired artist or song title in the "music clip"
search field, and Videoraptor finds the best parts of
freely-available music video clips, e.g. from MTV or other
legal music portals.

    Video will become audio

    The video formats can also be converted to MP3, WMA,
OGG or WAV audio files, so that they may be played on
standard MP3 players, or be burnt on CD to be played in car
stereo systems.

    Technical data

    Supported video resolution: 320x240 pixels. Supported
video formats: WMV, MP4, MPEG4, AAC or FLV.

    About RapidSolution

    RapidSolution Software is a leading
entertainment-software company.  Solutions from
RapidSolution are online at http://audials.com and
available in international specialized stores. Among the
well-known brands are Tunebite, Radiotracers and RS audials

    Press Contact:

    RapidSolution Software AG
    Norman F. Forderer
    Telephone: +49-721-6633880

3SBio Inc. to Present at the CIBC World Markets China Dragon Call Conference
May 28, 2007

    SHENYANG, China, May 26 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 3SBio
(Nasdaq: SSRX), a leading biotechnology company focused on
developing, manufacturing and marketing biopharmaceutical
products primarily
in China, will present at the CIBC World Markets China
Dragon Call Conference
in New York on Thursday, May 31, 2007 at 2:30 PM EDT.

    The presentation will be webcast live and can be
accessed on the Webcasts
section of the investors page of the 3SBio website at
http://bbs.3sbio.com/en/News/ShowInfo_n200.aspx?ID=34. A
replay of the
presentation and accompanying slides will be available on
the 3SBio website
for a period of 90 days.

    About 3SBio Inc.

    3SBio Inc. is a leading, fully integrated biotechnology
company focused on
researching, developing, manufacturing and marketing
products, primarily in China.  For more information, please
visit 3SBio on the
web at http://www.3sbio.com .

    Investor Contact:
    Clara Mak, CFO
    3SBio Inc.
    +86(24) 2581-1820

    Investor Relations(HK):
    Ruby Yim
    Taylor Rafferty
    +852 3196 3712

    Investor Relations(US):
    Mahmoud Siddig
    Taylor Rafferty
    +1(212) 889-4350

    Media Contact:
    John Dooley
    Taylor Rafferty
    +1(212) 889-4350

Linkin Park Headlines Live Earth Tokyo
May 28, 2007

The 24-Hour, 7-Continent Concert Series to Combat Global
Warming Expected to Reach Over 2 Billion People on 7/7/07

Full Artist Lineup and Ticketing Information for Live Earth
To be Announced May 29

    LOS ANGELES, May 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Grammy
Award-winning band Linkin Park will headline the Tokyo leg
of the 24-hour, 7-continent Live Earth concert series on
July 7, 2007, organizers announced today. The full artist
lineup and ticketing information for Live Earth Tokyo,
which is being staged at Makuhari Messe, will be announced
on May 29.

    Released last week, Linkin Park's latest album, Minutes
to Midnight is currently number one on the Billboard 200
with the biggest sales debut of 2007. Minutes to Midnight
follows the band's 2003 album Meteora, which also topped
the Billboard charts and sold over 11 million copies
worldwide. Linkin Park debuted in 2000 with Hybrid Theory,
an album that sold 24 million copies worldwide and
catapulted the band to international stardom.

    Linkin Park has been leading the charge against climate
change with MUSIC FOR RELIEF, the foundation the band
established in 2005 to aid the victims of the tsunami in
South Asia. The organization now aims to mobilize the music
community and music fans to help with various causes around
the world, primarily disaster response and a proactive
campaign to weaken and decelerate future natural disasters
by raising awareness about the environmental consequences
of climate change and our responsibility to reduce
greenhouse gasses and develop alternate, renewable forms of

    "Climate crisis awareness could be one of the
defining issues of our generation, and we're proud to play
this show in support of that effort," said Mike
Shinoda, Linkin Park band member.

    Linkin Park joins other headliners such as Madonna, Bon
Jovi, The Police, Sheryl Crow, Kelly Clarkson, Red Hot Chili
Peppers, Kanye West, Melissa Etheridge, Beastie Boys,
Smashing Pumpkins, John Mayer, Faith Hill, Black Eyed Peas,
Foo Fighters, Fall Out Boy, Duran Duran, and many more, in
playing Live Earth.

    Live Earth was founded by Kevin Wall, the Emmy
award-winning producer of Live 8, to bring together more
than 100 of the world's top music acts to engage an
audience of over two billion people with solutions to the
climate crisis.  Live Earth seeks to inspire its global
audience to make meaningful and lasting changes in their
lives and spur action by corporations and governments to
turn the tide on global warming.

    "The goal of Live Earth is to reach the largest
audience possible with tools to tackle the climate
crisis," said Wall. "Linkin Park's participation
is an incredible boost to these efforts, and we hope their
millions of fans worldwide will tune in to Live Earth on
7/7/7 and join our movement."

    The Live Earth concert series will begin in Sydney,
Australia and continue across all 7 continents with events
in Tokyo, Japan; Shanghai, China; Johannesburg, South
Africa; London, United Kingdom; Hamburg, Germany; Istanbul,
Turkey; and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, before concluding in New
York, United States.

    Live Earth marks the beginning of a multi-year campaign
led by the Alliance for Climate Protection and other
international non-governmental organizations to move
individuals, corporations and governments to take action to
solve global warming. Former Vice President of the United
States Al Gore is the Chair of the Alliance for Climate
Protection and a Partner of Live Earth.

    Live Earth is being produced globally by Control Room,
of which Kevin Wall is the CEO. Control Room has produced
and distributed more than 60 concerts since its founding in
2005 featuring Beyonce, Madonna, Green Day and the Rolling
Stones, among others.

    For more information, please contact: 

    Yusef K. Robb
    Live Earth
    Tel:   +1-323-384-1789
    Email: press@liveearth.org
    Linkin Park Press Representative
    Dvora Vener Englefield
    Tel:   +1-310-550-7776
    Email: dvener@bwr-la.com

Supermicro Expands Industry-Leading Line of Multi-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor-Based Server Solutions
May 28, 2007

Value X7DVL-L and X7DVL-i Join Extensive Line of Supermicro
DP Platforms

    SAN JOSE, Calif., May 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Super
Micro Computer, Inc. (Nasdaq: SMCI), a leader in
application-optimized, high performance server solutions,
today announced availability of its X7DVL-L and X7DVL-i
dual-processor (DP) server platforms. These serverboards
support both dual-core and quad-core Intel(R) Xeon(R)
processors in a small form factor with an excellent
price-to-performance ratio.

    Supermicro Server Building Block Solutions(R) provide
extreme flexibility and unique application optimization.
The X7DVL-L and X7DVL-i are value serverboards with
features that make them well suited for small business
servers, cost-effective computing clusters, and server
appliances.  Both of these serverboards minimize the power,
cooling and space requirements to provide environmentally
friendly server solutions with reduced TCO.

    "These high-volume, dual-processor serverboards
offer exceptional value and further expand our
industry-leading selection of server solutions,"
asserts Alex Hsu, chief sales and marketing officer at
Supermicro.  "When loaded with two dual-core Intel
Xeon processors, these platforms combine computing density
with high power efficiency and cost-effectiveness."

    At 9.6" by 10", the micro-ATX Super X7DVL-L
supports up to 16GB of fully buffered memory along with a
PCI-Express x8 slot and legacy PCI slot. Other important
features include support for four SATA ports at 3Gbps with
host RAID and dual Gigabit Ethernet for scalable,
high-bandwidth networking. The cost-effective X7DVL-i
includes the same features in a standard ATX (10" x
12") formfactor along with one more expansion slot,
two more SATA ports and a parallel port. In addition, the
X7DVL-i provides a SIM (Supermicro Intelligent Management)
slot for IPMI 2.0 remote server management with virtual
media-over-LAN and optional KVM-over-LAN features.

    Supermicro Server Building Block Solutions(R) offer
exceptional flexibility and outstanding feature advantages.
 For more information on Supermicro's comprehensive line of
solutions, please visit http://www.supermicro.com. 
    About Super Micro Computer, Inc.

    Established in 1993, Supermicro emphasizes superior
product design and uncompromising quality control to
produce industry-leading serverboards, chassis and server
systems. These mission-critical Server Building Block
solutions provide benefits across many environments,
including data center deployment, high-performance
computing, high-end workstations, storage networks and
standalone server installations. For more information on
Supermicro's complete line of advanced motherboards,
SuperServers, and optimized chassis, visit
http://www.Supermicro.com, email Marketing@Supermicro.com
or call the San Jose, CA headquarters at +1-408-503-8000. 

    These solutions leverage Intel(R) I/O Acceleration
Technology to move network data more efficiently for fast,
scalable, and reliable networking.

    For more information, please contact:  

    Tony Keller
    Tel:   +1-719-634-8279
    Email: tkeller@sspr.com
Federman & Sherwood Announces That a Securities Class Action Lawsuit has Been Filed Against Xinhua Finance Media Ltd
May 28, 2007

    OKLAHOMA CITY, May 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- On May 22,
2007, a class action lawsuit was filed in the United States
District Court for the Southern District of New York
against Xinhua Finance Media Ltd. (Nasdaq: XFML).  The
complaint alleges violations of federal securities laws,
Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 and Rule 10b-5, including allegations of issuing a
series of material misrepresentations to the market which
had the effect of artificially inflating the market price. 
The class period is traceable to Xinhua's initial public
offering on March 8, 2007 (the "IPO") through May
21, 2007.

    Plaintiff seeks to recover damages on behalf of the
Class.  If you are a member of the Class as described
above, you may move the Court no later than Monday, July
23, 2007, to serve as a lead plaintiff for the Class. 
However, in order to do so, you must meet certain legal
requirements pursuant to the Private Securities Litigation
Reform Act of 1995.

    If you wish to discuss this action, participate in this
or any other lawsuit, or have any questions or concerns
regarding this notice, or preservation of your rights,
please contact:

    William B. Federman
    10205 North Pennsylvania Avenue
    Oklahoma City, OK 73120
    Email to: wfederman@aol.com -
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