デジタルコードレスファクシミリ fappy(ファッピィ)
品名 愛称 形名 希望小売価格 発売日 月産台数
※1 第三者が特殊な手段を講じた場合は、傍受される可能性があります。
※2 <UX-D16CL>は、増設子機<JD-KS15><JD-KS21><JD-KS11>を増設した場合。
お客様:お客様相談センターフリーダイヤル 0120-663-700
● 関連リンク
楽天KC、リンクアップビューティと提携し「PIU 5R HEALTH/楽天KC VISAカード」を発行
「PIU 5R HEALTH/楽天KC VISAカード」発行について
楽天KC株式会社(本社:福岡市博多区、代表取締役社長:関 榮一、以下:楽天KC)は株式会社リンクアップビューティ(本社:東京都新宿区、CEO:櫻木 邦裕、以下:リンクアップビューティ)と提携し、「PIU 5R HEALTH/楽天KC VISAカード」を発行、12月11日より入会受付を開始致しました。
リンクアップビューティは、美容と健康を目的とした簡易ヘルス&ダイエットジム「PIU 5R HEALTH」(ピュウファイブアールヘルス)を全国に6店舗展開し、今後も随時店舗を拡大予定です。
「PIU 5R HEALTH/楽天KC VISAカード」は、PIU 5R HEALTH 月会費のカード決済や通常カードショッピングにおいても利用可能です。申し込みは各店舗で受け付け、初年度2,000名の会員募集を予定しております。
【提携ブランド】 VISA
【入会費・年会費】 750円(ただし、PIU 5R HEALTH月会費をカード決済している会員は無料)
アイシン精機株式会社(本社:愛知県刈谷市 社長:山内康仁)は、生産技術力の向上を図るため、「生産技術センター」を本社隣接地に新設し、2007年8月より稼働する予定です。
1.施設名 : アイシン精機 生産技術センター
2.所在地 : 愛知県刈谷市朝日町2丁目1番地
3.延床面積 : 約3万8千平方メートル
4.階数 : 地上4階(一部吹き抜け)
5.着工 : 2006年12月4日
6.竣工予定 : 2007年7月末(稼働は2007年8月予定)
7.投資額 : 建屋、開発設備、移設費用などを含め、3年で約100億円を予定
8.要員数 : 約550名(2007年8月稼働時点)
9.役割 : 生産技術のグローバル展開の中核としての機能
● 関連リンク
産科・婦人科領域において圧倒的なシェアを誇る当社の超音波診断装置ソノビスタシリーズに、使いやすさを追求した新しいラインナップ「X class」が加わりました。
当社では今後、超音波診断装置の新しいシリーズとして「X class」を展開してまいります。その皮切りとなる「ソノビスタX500」が、産科・婦人科領域はもちろんのこと、内科、循環器科、外科など幅広い診療科においても高く評価いただけるものと期待しています。
【 特 長 】
*1 DIMAQ-IP:超音波のデジタルデータを総合的に管理・処理できるワークステーションの固有名称。
*2 DICOM(Digital Imaging and COmmunications in Medicine):「医用デジタル画像と通信」に関する標準規格。医療用画像のファイル形式の1つで、TiffやAvi形式以外にDICOM形式で書き出すことができる。
【 ソノビスタX500の概要 】
以 上
● 関連リンク
日立ソフト(代表執行役 執行役社長:小野 功、本社:東京都品川区)は、GIS(地理情報システム)で管理・運用される業務データを携帯電話から参照・更新するGIS商品「GeoMation(ジオメーション)/ケータイ」を本日より販売開始いたします。本商品は地図を利用した設備管理や、営業情報・顧客管理が行える日立ソフトの統合型GIS商品「GeoMation」*とシームレスに連携し、携帯電話を活用して、いつでもどこでも簡単にGIS業務データにアクセスできる商品です。
<価 格> 100ユーザの場合、680,000円/月額(税込み 714,000円)
<出荷開始日> 2007年3月1日
GeoMation Server
GeoMation WebMapEngine
DBMS(Oracle,HiRDB,PostgreSQL,SQL Server)
Webサーバ(Macromedia JRun,Apache Tomcat,WebSphere)
*Oracleは、米国Oracle International Corp.の登録商標です。
*WebSphereは、米国International Business Machines Corp.の登録商標です。
Tel: 03-5479-8831 Email:sales24@hitachisoft.jp
● 関連リンク

SHANGHAI, May 26 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Fredy Bush, Chief Executive Officer of Xinhua Finance Limited (symbol: 9399) (OTC ADRs: XHFNY) and Xinhua Finance Media Limited (Nasdaq: XFML) yesterday issued the following statement: "My management team and I are intensely focused on running and building our business. There have been numerous inaccurate and misleading statements made about our company in recent days, but we will not allow ourselves to be distracted from continuing to execute on our business plan by refuting every unfounded claim. The fundamental strengths of our business have not changed. We continue to see strong financial performance in our business, and are confident that our unique competitive position within China will allow us to deliver value to our shareholders." £¨Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611140926.gif £© About the companies Xinhua Finance Limited Xinhua Finance Limited is China's premier financial information and media service provider and is listed on the Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399) (OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions, corporations and re-distributors through five focused and complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial News, Investor Relations, and Distribution. Founded in November 1999, the Company is headquartered in Shanghai, with offices and news bureaus spanning 14 countries worldwide. For more information, please visit www.xinhuafinance.com About Xinhua Finance Media Limited Xinhua Finance Media ("XFMedia"; Nasdaq: XFML) is China's leading diversified financial and entertainment media company targeting high net worth individuals nationwide. The company reaches its target audience via TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and other distribution channels. Through its five synergistic business groups, Advertising, Broadcast, Print, Production and Research, XFMedia offers a total solution empowering clients at every stage of the media process and keeping people connected and entertained. Headquartered in Beijing, the company has offices and affiliates in major cities of China including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Xinhua Finance Media Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Xinhua Finance Limited. For more information, please visit www.xinhuafinancemedia.com. Safe Harbor Statement This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as "will," "expects," "anticipates," "future," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates," ''confident'' and similar statements. Among other things, quotations from management in this announcement contain forward-looking statements. XFMedia may also make written or oral forward-looking statements in its periodic reports to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on forms 20-F and 6-K, etc., in its annual report to shareholders, in press releases and other written materials and in oral statements made by its officers, directors or employees to third parties. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about XFMedia's beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. Potential risks and uncertainties are risks outlined in XFMedia's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including its registration statement on Form F-1. For more information, please contact: Joy Tsang Tel: +86-136-2179-1577; +852-948-64364 Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com

NYMEX receives CFTC regulatory approval to clear DME trades DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, May 25 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Dubai Mercantile Exchange Limited (DME), a joint venture between Tatweer, a member of Dubai Holding, and the New York Mercantile Exchange Inc. (NYMEX), announced today that it has received "no-action" relief from the Division of Market Oversight of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). This relief enables US-based DME Members and their "Guaranteed Customers" to enter orders directly from the US through DME Direct(TM). In addition, the CFTC issued an order permitting NYMEX and CFTC-registered Futures Commission Merchants (FCM's) to hold DME customer positions and associated funds in US customer-segregated accounts in connection with NYMEX's clearing of futures and options on futures contracts traded on the DME. Welcoming the decision, Ahmad Sharaf, Chairman of the DME, said: "The DME has now received all necessary regulatory approvals to operate as the Middle East's first international energy and commodities futures exchange and is ready to launch on June 1. Following three years of preparation and consultation with the industry, we are confident that our historic launch of the Middle East's first international energy and commodities futures exchange will create increased transparency and provide robust risk management in the region for the first time." NYMEX President and Chief Executive Officer James E. Newsome said: "NYMEX appreciates the effort and cooperation of the CFTC. The no-action relief and ability to clear DME customers in US customer-segregated accounts will facilitate US participation in the DME markets from day one, which we believe will help establish the Oman Crude Oil Futures Contract as the world's sour crude oil benchmark." Gary King, Chief Executive Officer of the DME, commented: "All elements of the Exchange are prepared and ready to go -- most notable, the successful production testing of DME Direct(TM), registration of more than 60 Members and over 20 Market Makers and last but not least the completion of our state-of-the-art trading floor within the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)." Chief Compliance Officer, Sarah Watts added: "We recently announced that the DFSA had granted us the Authorised Market Institution licence. In addition, twelve of the world's leading strategic jurisdictions have given us their regulatory approvals and `no objections', which underscores the international confidence in the DME and its regulatory and legal environment. The additional `no action' relief granted by the CFTC provides further confidence and certainty for our customers and partners. The CFTC has been most diligent and constructive in guiding us through this process and we would like to extend our sincere thanks to them." The DME is set to launch the Middle East's first and only physically-settled energy futures contract, the Oman Crude Oil Futures Contract, on June 1, 2007 as well as two financially settled futures contracts, a Brent-Oman spread contract and a WTI-Oman spread contract. In addition, the DME, ENOC Supply & Trading (LLC) and Emirates Airline are currently exploring the development of a jet fuel futures contract in collaboration with other industry stakeholders with a view to listing the first jet fuel futures contract on the Exchange at a later date in 2007. About the Dubai Mercantile Exchange The Dubai Mercantile Exchange Limited (DME), a joint venture between the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. (NYMEX) and Tatweer, a member of Dubai Holding, aims to become the premier commodity and energy futures exchange in the Middle East, providing a financially secure, well-regulated and transparent trading environment. The Exchange will initially develop and trade an Oman Crude Oil Futures Contract. This will address a growing market need for price discovery of Middle East Sour Crude Oil while simultaneously bridging the time zone gap between Europe and Asia by providing for the trading of energy futures, options and other products. The DME will be a fully electronic exchange. However, in a unique concept, it will also bring together a community of traders that will operate from trading hubs and individual trading stations on the Exchange's floor, which will be located within the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), the region's leading financial services centre. The DME is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA), a world class, independent regulator, and all trades executed on the Exchange will be cleared through, and guaranteed by, NYMEX's AA+ rated clearinghouse. For more information, please contact: GCC John Hobday Tel: +971-50-4648706 Email: john.hobday@fd.com London Alya Shakir Tel: +44-20-7269-7165 Email: alya.shakir@fd.com Sean Galvin Tel: +44-7788-568245 Email: sean.galvin@fd.com New York Amy Rosenberg Tel: +1-212-850-5615 Email: amy.rosenberg@fd.com Scot Hoffman Tel: +1-212-850-5617 Email: scot.hoffman@fd.com Asia Julie Wang Tel: +852-3716-9803 Email: julie.wang@fd.com

SHANGHAI, China, May 25 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The9 Limited (Nasdaq: NCTY)("The9"), a leading online game operator in China, today announced it will be presenting at the CIBC World Markets China Dragon Call Conference. The conference will be held from May 30 to May 31, 2007 at CIBC World Markets' U.S. headquarters in New York City, United States. The9's Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, Miss Hannah Lee, is scheduled to present at 11:30 a.m. EST on Wednesday, May 30, 2007. About The9 Limited The9 Limited is a leading online game operator in China. The9's business is primarily focused on operating and developing high-quality games for the Chinese online game players market. The9 directly or through affiliates operates licensed MMORPGs, consisting of MU(R), Blizzard Entertainment(R)'s World of Warcraft(R), Soul of The Ultimate Nation(TM), and its first proprietary MMORPG, Joyful Journey West(TM), in mainland China. It has also obtained exclusive licenses to operate additional MMORPGs and advanced casual games in China, including Granado Espada, Guild Wars, Hellgate: London, Ragnarok Online 2, Emil Chronicle Online, Huxley, FIFA Online, and Audition 2. In addition, The9 is also working on the development of a 3D fantasy MMORPG game, Fantastic Melody Online(TM). Safe Harbor Statement This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as "will," "expects," "anticipates," "future," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates" and similar statements. Among other things, the business outlook and quotations from management in this press release contain forward-looking statements. The9 may also make written or oral forward-looking statements in its periodic reports to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on Forms 20-F and 6-K, etc., in its annual report to shareholders, in press releases and other written materials and in oral statements made by its officers, directors or employees to third parties. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about The9's beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. A number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, The9's limited operating history as an online game operator, political and economic policies of the Chinese government, the laws and regulations governing the online game industry, information disseminated over the Internet and Internet content providers in China, intensified government regulation of Internet cafes, The9's ability to retain existing players and attract new players, license, develop or acquire additional online games that are appealing to users, anticipate and adapt to changing consumer preferences and respond to competitive market conditions, and other risks and uncertainties outlined in The9's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including its annual reports on Form 20-F. The9 does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except as required under applicable law. For further information, please contact: Ms. Dahlia Wei Senior Manager, Investor Relations The9 Limited Tel: +86-21-5172-9990 Email: IR@corp.the9.com Website: http://www.corp.the9.com

Digi Offers First Verizon Certified upgradeable, Commercial Grade Rev A wireless WAN router MINNETONKA, Minn. /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Digi International (Nasdaq: DGII) today announced that its EV-DO Rev A version of the ConnectPort(TM) WAN VPN is now certified by Verizon. The ConnectPort WAN VPN is the industry's first upgradeable commercial grade cellular router to be certified on Verizon's EV-DO Rev A wireless network, and is now certified by all three major U.S. carriers. With broadband download and upload speeds, it provides wireless connections to remote sites and devices at DSL speeds. "Our cellular 3G router is now certified by the three major U.S. carriers extending our product line's reach to virtually anywhere in the nation," said Larry Kraft, senior vice president of sales and marketing, Digi International. "Customers can now enjoy secure communication with remote sites and devices at broadband speeds anywhere a cellular connection is accessible." The ConnectPort WAN VPN provides a secure, high-speed cellular connection for reliable primary and backup network connectivity to remote sites and devices. It is secure, easy to use and fast, allowing companies to realize the benefits of wire-free networking such as reduced monthly costs, quicker/easier installation and more freedom to easily re-locate remote equipment. The ConnectPort WAN VPN is network independent and upgradeable, making it easier for customers to quickly migrate to future advanced platforms as networks evolve. The EV-DO Rev A version of the ConnectPort WAN VPN is now available. For more information about the ConnectPort WAN VPN, visit http://www.digi.com/products/wireless/connectportwanvpn.jsp . For more information, please contact: Caren Xiao Marketing Communications Specialist Digi International (HK) Ltd - Beijing Representative Office Tel: +86-10-6561-8310 ext 12 Email: caren.xiao@digi.com

Presence and Staff Force to be Enlarged Over Next 5 Years SINGAPORE, May 25 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- DBS Bank Ltd (DBS) announced today that its local subsidiary in China, DBS Bank (China) Limited (DBS Bank China), will commence business on Monday, 28 May 2007, a week after it received final approval to incorporate locally from the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC). A fully-owned subsidiary of DBS and headquartered in Shanghai, DBS Bank China was incorporated yesterday with a registered capital of RMB4 billion (USD523 million). DBS is one of the first few foreign banks, and the first Singapore bank, to incorporate in China. "We are a bank that is born and bred in Asia. Our new status as a locally incorporated bank in China extends DBS' ambition to be an Asia banking specialist and enables us to better serve our customers in and outside China. Through DBS Bank China, we hope to share DBS' diversity, corporate governance and risk management capabilities. These elements underpin our "AA-" and "Aa1 " credit ratings which are among the highest in Asia", said Jackson Tai, Vice Chairman and CEO of DBS Group Holdings and Supervisor of DBS Bank China. Frank Wong, Vice Chairman of DBS Bank and Chairman of DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, has been appointed Chairman of DBS Bank China. He said: "Today marks a new milestone for DBS in China. We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to the CBRC and other regulators for their support. The establishment of DBS Bank China underscores our long-term commitment to this market. We are confident that with our Asia banking expertise and local insights, DBS Bank China is well placed to meet the banking needs of companies as well as individuals." Teresa Lin, DBS' Managing Director and Joint Group Head of Corporate & Investment Banking, a veteran banker with over 30 years' experience, will also assume the role of Vice Chairman and CEO, DBS Bank China. Lin joined DBS in 2001 and has been instrumental in growing DBS' corporate and enterprise banking business across Asia. The inaugural board meeting of DBS Bank China will be held later today. The board will be chaired by Frank Wong and the other directors are: -- Mr. John Alan Ross, former Corporate Chief Operating Officer of the Deutsche Bank Group, and a board member of DBS Group Holdings -- Mr. Christopher Cheng, Chairman of USI Holdings Limited, and a board member of DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited -- Prof. Lu Xiongwen, Dean of the School of Management of Shanghai Fudan University -- Mrs. Teresa Lin, Vice Chairman and CEO, DBS Bank China -- Mr. Jethro Lau, Deputy CEO, DBS Bank China -- Mr. Andy So, Head of Risk Management - Greater China, DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited DBS Bank China will strengthen its presence in Mega Beijing cluster, Yangtze River Delta, Fu-Xia Cluster and the Pearl River Delta over the next few years. It will expand its existing branch network in Shanghai, Suzhou, Beijing, Shenzhen and Guangzhou into an integrated branch network that offers enterprise banking, corporate banking, investment banking and consumer banking services. The bank also intends to upgrade its representative offices to branches as soon as possible, subject to regulatory approval. Lin said: "At DBS, we recognise that banking is a people business. To offer quality service to our customers, we plan a five-fold increase in staff strength to 2,000 over the next five years. We will continue to invest aggressively in staff training programmes so that our customers in China can count on our expertise, professionalism and efficiency when banking with DBS." "We will adopt a holistic approach to meeting and responding to customer needs. We will complement our brick-and-mortar touch points with phone banking, internet banking and customer service centres. In addition, we will develop strategic alliances to bring our partners' resources to our customers", added Lin. DBS will leverage its Asia banking expertise and experience in corporate banking, consumer banking and wealth management to meet the increasingly sophisticated financial needs of customers in China. Upon approval from the regulators, DBS Bank China plans to roll out a comprehensive range of RMB services. About DBS Headquartered in Singapore, DBS is one of the largest financial services groups in Asia with operations in 15 markets. The largest bank in Singapore as measured by assets, and a leading bank in Hong Kong, DBS' "AA-" and "Aa1" credit ratings are among the highest in the Asia-Pacific region. DBS has leading positions in consumer banking, treasury and markets, asset management, securities brokerage, equity and debt fund raising. Beyond the anchor markets of Singapore and Hong Kong, DBS serves corporate, institutional and retail customers through its operations in China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and The Philippines. About DBS China DBS first established its presence in China with a representative office in Beijing in 1993. In 2005, DBS officially launched its consumer banking business in Shenzhen, followed by the opening of a sub-branch in Shanghai in May 2006. Today, DBS has branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Shenzhen and Guangzhou and representative offices in Dongguan, Hangzhou, Fuzhou and Tianjin. More information on DBS can be obtained from http://www.dbs.com . For more information, please contact: Karen Ngui Managing Director & Head Group Strategic Marketing & Communications DBS Bank Tel: +65-9030-8080 Email: karenngui@dbs.com Eunice Woo Vice President Group Strategic Marketing & Communications DBS Bank Tel: +65-9011-2251 Email: eunice_woo@dbs.com

BETHESDA, Md., May 25 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Chindex International, Inc. (Nasdaq: CHDX) a leading independent American provider of Western healthcare services and medical products in the People's Republic of China, announced that, at a ceremony held on May 19, 2007, it signed a management agreement with International Travel Healthcare Association Wuxi Centre for the operations of the Wuxi United Family International Healthcare Center. This agreement marks the Company's entry into a new model of healthcare facilities "under management." This model will allow the company to accelerate the expansion of its already well-known brand to more cities throughout the growing prosperous regions of China. Capital investment in new company-owned facilities will continue in the largest cities in China, while the "under management" model will allow the United Family brand's network to grow at an even faster pace. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611131726.jpg ) This agreement will allow the newly-constructed center to provide the best care for residents of the prosperous city of Wuxi and the surrounding areas. The management agreement includes the licensing of Chindex's United Family brand and requires the center to adhere to the international standards of healthcare delivery for which the United Family Healthcare network is known. Chindex's Healthcare Services division will oversee the operations of the Wuxi Center, which will offer convenience to international visitors and residents of this region through premium service offerings in the fields of Family Practice, Dental Care, Pediatrics, and Obstetrics and Gynecology. Wuxi is an affluent city located in Jiangsu province just south of Shanghai with a large commercial and tourist economic base. Chindex International Board Chair, A. Kenneth Nilsson, and other members of the Chindex Board of Directors, the CEO of Chindex International, Roberta Lipson, and the CEO of United Family Hospitals and Clinics, Anne Moncure, as well as the Executive Vice Mayor of Wuxi, Mr. Gong Peixing, and Deputy Director of the Jiangsu Entry/Exit Inspection & Quarantine Bureau, Mr. Lu Yonggui, all attended the ceremony. Chairman Nilsson said, "We are very honored to be able to attend this ceremony marking the cooperation of Chindex International and International Travel Healthcare Association Wuxi Centre. We are pleased to bring our services to this important growing region of China." Roberta Lipson, Chindex International CEO, said, "The signing of this agreement represents an additional business model for our company, which will allow us to grow our brand at a faster rate and will supplement our ongoing expansion plan of building and financing our own facilities. United Family Healthcare has become a brand synonymous with the highest level of service and quality in healthcare delivery in China. We are happy to be able to extend this level of service to more people in China through a new model of cooperation." Anne Moncure, CEO of United Family Hospitals and Clinics, said, "Wuxi United Family International Healthcare Center will inherit the warm and caring patient-centered service model which is our tradition, to give the highest international standard medical care and consultation to the people of Wuxi, Suzhou and surrounding areas." As the sixth medical organization in China to be owned or operated by Chindex International's United Family Healthcare group, Wuxi United Family International Healthcare Center has been constructed, will be equipped and will operate according to the highest international standard of care. About Chindex International, Inc. Chindex is an American healthcare company that provides healthcare services and supplies medical capital equipment, instrumentation and products to the Chinese marketplace, including Hong Kong. It provides healthcare services through the operations of its United Family Hospitals and Clinics, a network of private primary care hospitals and affiliated ambulatory clinics in China. The Company's hospital network currently operates in the Beijing and Shanghai metropolitan areas. The Company sells medical products manufactured by various major multinational companies, including Siemens AG, which is the Company's exclusive distribution partner for the sale and servicing of color Doppler ultrasound systems. It also arranges financing packages for the supply of medical products to hospitals in China utilizing the export loan and loan guarantee programs of both the U.S. Export-Import Bank and the German KfW Development Bank. With twenty-six years of experience, over 1,000 employees, and operations in China, Hong Kong, the United States and Germany, the Company's strategy is to expand its cross-cultural reach by providing leading edge healthcare technologies, quality products and services to Greater China's professional communities. Further company information may be found at the Company's websites, http://www.chindex.com and http://www.unitedfamilyhospitals.com . Statements made in this press release relating to plans, strategies, objectives, economic performance and trends and other statements that are not descriptions of historical facts may be forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). Forward-looking information is inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors, which include, but are not limited to, the factors set forth under the heading "Risk Factors" in our annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2006, updates and additions to those "Risk Factors" in our interim reports on Form 10-Q and in other documents filed by us with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time. Forward-looking statements may be identified by terms such as "may", "will", "should", "could", "expects", "plans", "intends", "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "predicts", "forecasts", "potential", or "continue" or similar terms or the negative of these terms. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. We have no obligation to update these forward-looking statements. For more information, please contact: Lawrence Pemble or Judy Zakreski Chindex International, Inc. Tel: +1-301-215-7777

Ticketmaster Announces Majority Investment in Emma Entertainment Holdings HK Limited BEIJING and W. HOLLYWOOD, Calif., May 25 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Ticketmaster, the world's leading ticketing company and an operating business of IAC (Nasdaq: IACI), has expanded its operations in the People's Republic of China by acquiring a majority stake in Emma Entertainment Holdings HK, Limited, a provider of ticketing and event promotions services in China. The investment in Emma Entertainment reflects Ticketmaster's continued commitment to fostering the growth of live events in the People's Republic of China. It marks the third investment Ticketmaster has made in the market in the past twelve months, following the formation of Beijing Gehua Ticketmaster Ticketing Co., Ltd. and Broadway China Network. "What attracted us to Emma is great local management. Jonathan Krane, Emma Entertainment's CEO, has done a fantastic job navigating the complicated dynamics of the rapidly developing Chinese market," said Eric Korman, Executive Vice President, Ticketmaster. "Under Jon's leadership, Emma has established more than 30 exclusive ticketing venue contracts in five different major cities in China in just three years of operation. Equally as important, Emma has been instrumental in presenting many major events into the People's Republic of China, such as the Rolling Stones and Eric Clapton." Korman continued, "We're thrilled about the investment and we look forward to working with all of our partners to accelerate live events in the PRC." "Emma is proud to become a part of the world's leading ticketing company," said Jonathan Krane. "We look forward to working with Ticketmaster to develop our Chinese ticketing operations and bring great live entertainment to the people of China." Emma Entertainment will continue to grow its ticketing and event promotion services and facilitate advanced ticket sales to consumers in China. Emma Entertainment will change its name to Emma Ticketmaster, and become an operating business of Ticketmaster. Jonathan Krane will remain CEO and will continue to be responsible for leading Emma's business and strategic operations in China. About Ticketmaster Ticketmaster is the world's leading ticketing company, operating in 20 global markets, providing ticket sales, ticket resale services, marketing and distribution through http://www.ticketmaster.com , one of the largest e-commerce sites on the Internet; approximately 6,500 retail outlets; and 20 worldwide call centers. Ticketmaster celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2006 and currently serves more than 9,000 clients worldwide across multiple event categories, providing exclusive ticketing services for hundreds of leading arenas, stadiums, performing arts venues, museums, and theaters. In 2006, the company sold more than 128 million tickets valued at over $7 billion on behalf of its clients. Ticketmaster is headquartered in West Hollywood, California and is an operating business of IAC (Nasdaq: IACI). About Emma Entertainment Beijing and Shanghai based Emma Entertainment is a leading event ticketing and promotions company in the People's Republic of China. It currently sells tickets through distribution networks within Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and through its web service, http://www.emma.cn and national call center. Emma's ticketing client base includes major venues throughout the People's Republic of China and its promoted and ticketed events in the PRC include the Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, Christina Aguilera, Whitney Houston, Sarah Brightman, Backstreet Boys, Jay Chou, Olympic Festival concerts, China Tennis Open, Manchester United vs. Beijing match, Johnnie Walker Golf Classic, A1 Race and the upcoming Women's World Cup and NBA China Exhibition Game. For more information, please contact: Ed Stewart Tel: +1-310-360-2409 Email: ed.stewart@ticketmaster.com Bonnie Poindexter Tel: +1-310-360-2321 Email: bonnie.poindexter@ticketmaster.com

SAN RAMON, Calif., May 25 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Achievo(R) Corporation, the leading global software and information technology outsourcing provider with a local front-end and China back-end service model, today announced that Bernard (Bud) F. Mathaisel has joined the company as senior vice president and chief information officer. Mathaisel reports to Dr. Robert P. Lee, Achievo's chairman and CEO, and is a member of the corporate executive team. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611291032.jpg ) "Bud's credentials speak for themselves, and we are thrilled that an executive of his stature and experience has joined us," said Dr. Lee. "We are building a company that is based on providing clients with quality services, confidence and trust, and Bud's background and guidance will help us to raise those attributes to the next level. Bud is a visionary strategic planner who has guided and deployed strategic plans transforming organizations and creating competitive advantage. He brings to Achievo a proven track record of building and energizing competent teams of thousands of people. These are skills that will serve us well in our quest to become the premier global software and IT services company." Highlights of Mathaisel's career include CIO positions at Solectron, Ford Motor Company and Walt Disney & Company. Earlier in his career, Mathaisel was founding director of Ernst & Young's Center for Business Innovation (CBI) in Boston, a group dedicated to the conception and development of leading-edge ideas and management approaches about business innovation. "In my prior experiences as CIO and executive advisor, I saw the power of the model we have at Achievo," said Mathaisel. "I have first hand experience with several companies whereby selective outsourcing resulted in reductions in IT labor expenditures by at least half, even accounting for additional management and administration of the offshore service, all while increasing capability with highly qualified people. The total available market for software and IT outsourcing to China is enormous. Our challenge is to make sure the world knows who we are and what we do." In addition to a high profile executive career spanning 30 years, Mathaisel received bachelor's and master's degrees in science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He based his master's thesis on computer systems applications to operations research in the airline industry. About Achievo Achievo is a global offshore software and information technology outsourcing provider with a local front-end and China back-end service model. With expertise in diverse technologies including Java/J2EE, .NET and embedded platforms, the CMM-certified company offers improved efficiencies, scale, diversification, and a combined talent pool to deliver cost-effective, quality-centric, and scalable IT outsourcing services to customers and partners worldwide. Customers include IBM, HP, Sun Microsystems, CA, Cadence, Accela, China Academy of Sciences, DaimlerChrysler, Ellie Mae, ESRI, Audi, Fujitsu, Mercedes Benz, Mitsubishi, Siemens, United Way, Hitachi, NEC, Pioneer, NTT Data, Nomura, Toshiba and other Fortune 2000 companies. Headquartered in the Silicon Valley, Achievo has offices in the United States, Canada, Germany, China and Japan. For information on the company and its services, visit http://www.achievo.com. (C) 2007 Achievo Corporation. All rights reserved. Achievo is a registered trademark of Achievo Corporation in the United States and in other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Jayme Curtis, Public Relations Achievo Corporation Tel: +1 408.892.8661 Email: jayme.curtis@achievo.com

2007年05月25日 今や、欧州連合(EU)は27カ国、約5億人で構成される大きな連合体となりました。 このたび、東京海洋大学ではEUの行政執行機関である欧州委員会より、EUの漁業や海洋政策に大きな影響力をもつジョー・ボルジ委員(閣僚級:漁業・海事担当)をお迎えし、特別講演を開催いたします。ボルジ委員にとって今回は初来日となります。 日本でも、先般海洋基本法が成立した時期です。 ついてはこのような機会に、広く一般の方々にも以下の特別講演を公開いたしますので、ぜひご参加下さいますようご案内いたします。 皆様からの多数のご参加を心よりお待ちしております。
2)講演テーマ: 3)日時:平成19年5月31日(木)14:40~16:10 4)場所:東京海洋大学品川キャンパス 大講義室 |

2007年05月25日 地上デジタルやBSデジタル、CSデジタルなどのデジタル放送工事で重要なことは、館内の同軸ケーブルが使用可能かどうかということです。この調査を伝送テストといいます。主にマンションの館内に使用されている同軸ケーブルには3種類あります。5C-2V(衛星未対応)と5C-FE(衛星準対応)、5C-FB(衛星対応/正確にはS-5C-FBが衛星対応で、5C-FBは770MHzまで保障されている)です。但し、5C-2Vだからといってあきらめてはいけません。5C-2Vは良いケーブルもあれば駄目なケーブルもあるのです。また、5C-FEや5C-FBも使用年数や状態によっては増幅器の台数も何台にしていいのか調べたら良いのか調べるため、伝送テストをする場合もあります。伝送テストにより、館内の同軸ケーブルの性能がわかれば、どう設計したらよいか、わかってきます。または、工事した後に「追加工事が必要です」と増幅器の台数を増やすことにはならないでしょう。弊社は、見積でいきなり外配線を提案することはありません。 |

2007年05月25日 (株)ジェイコス主催無料セミナー「Webから利益を創る!成功するWebサイトリニューアルの進め方」SEOサービス(株)フルスピード×Webコンサルティング(株)ジェイコスによるWeb戦略セミナー開催 Webコンサルティング実績600社以上の株式会社ジェイコス(代表:高畑卓 本社:渋谷)が主催する戦略的Webマーケティングセミナーにゲスト講師として国内トップクラスのSEOサービス会社である株式会社フルスピードを迎え、Webサイトリニューアルを成功へ導くための戦略を提案するWebマーケティングセミナー(受講無料)を開催いたします。
■「Webコンサルティングのトップランナー」(株)ジェイコス×「SEO業者、国内トップクラス」(株)フルスピード ■こんな方にオススメ ■セミナー概要 名称: 「Webから利益を創る!」戦略的ウェブマーケティングセミナー 日時:2007年06月21日(木) 13:30~16:30(受付:13:15~) 場所:企画塾JMMOセミナールーム(地図)・・・渋谷駅より徒歩5分 主催:株式会社ジェイコス 定員:40名様 ゲスト:株式会社フルスピード
【リリースに関するお問い合わせ】 |

2007年05月25日 国内初行動リターゲティング広告を展開している株式会社ディーパーは 今後共弊社及び弊社の展開にご期待ください! DeeperMotion 詳細は コチラ -------------------------- 本サービスに関するお問い合わせは |

2007年05月25日 シャープ産業株式会社は、この度、自社ショッピングサイト猛虎の通販限定にて プロ野球セパ交流戦で使用しているユニホームデザインのメッシュジャージ 猛虎の通販 http://www.tigersshop.co.jp |

2007年05月25日 益子の民藝を感ずる【道祖土和田窯展】 益子の民藝を感じさせるシンプルで使い勝手の良い刷毛目の器。 |

2007年05月25日 京都でホームページの研究を始めて15年の株式会社 媒体部 の 山本剛也と申します。我が社では何年も前からSEOの研究に取り組み、有難いことに、ご契約を頂いている沢山の会社の方からお喜びいただいております。そこで、もっと世の皆様にも知っていただきたい!!喜んでいただきたい!!と思い、ご案内させていただく経緯となりました。 http://www.kensakutengoku.com/area/ 【 検索天国 】で検索!!1位に表示されます!! 媒体部はお客様と共に喜びを分け合う『天使の仕事』をモットーに
地域限定!SEO 検索天国(エリア版) 検索天国エリア版はロボット型検索エンジン(Google・Yahoo!JAPAN)の検索結果にて上位表示されるよう、サイトを最適化するサービスです。せっかく、検索エンジンに登録しても、上位表示されなくては見てもらえません。弊社では、ホームページでのアクセスをアップさせるためのSEO対策「地域限定!SEO!検索天国エリア版!」を開発いたしました。 -激安!! SEO- サービス開始:平成19年 5月 28日(月)
<<このプレスリリースの連絡先>> PCサイトURL: http://www.kensakutengoku.com/area/

2007年05月25日 商業用写真、フィルムのインターネット販売を行う、世界最大規模のビジュアルコンテンツプロバイダー、ゲッティ イメージズ(本社:ワシントン州シアトル、日本法人代表取締役 ショーンF. ムーニー 本リニューアルにより、弊社の検索フローは更に改善され、また、お客様のお好みの結果表示などのカスタマイズ機能も充実し、業界最大級のコレクションから、お客様がお探しの静止画、動画をよりスムーズにご覧いただくことが可能になります。 下記の日程にて、リニューアルページの公開を予定しております。 《ゲッティ イメージズについて》 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 〔ゲッティ イメージズ ジャパン〕 |

2007年05月25日 報道関係者様各位
新コンテンツ『デンタルグッズコーナー』が新設 保険が利かない高額歯科治療の専門情報サイト3サイトも併設
◆歯科医療専門検索サイトについて <本プレスリリースに関するお問い合わせ先> |