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「ナレッジ"アセット"マネジメント製品:KAM」Version 1.00 発表!
ー株式会社(所在地:東京都渋谷区、社長:久保木 康浩)は、2007年春、
ナレッジマネジメント分野の新製品「ナレッジアセットマネジメント:KAM 」
アセット・マネジメントソリューション(DAM):Image Portal をこれまでに
販売してきましたが、今回発表するKAM はDAM で培ったノウハウをベースに、

KAM はImage Portalを土台に作られ、従来得意としていたイメージ等の管理


KAM とは企業発展の目的の為に、誰でも簡単/便利に知識資産を有効活用で
です。KAM を導入する事によりTCO の削減に貢献し、知識資産の公開・共有・



【KAMの特徴】 http://www.netx.net/jp/02_kam.jsp
・ 100,000円(1,000ファイルまで管理可能)(注1)
・ 500,000円(10,000ファイルまで管理可能)

ネットエックスポージャー株式会社では、今回の「KAM 」発表に伴い、
廉価版バージョン「SMALL EDITION」を提供いたします。

・2007年 5月21日~ 2007年 7月20日まで

・Vector: ソフトウェア・ライブラリ&PCショップ
URL  : http://www.vector.co.jp/

・価格   :100,000円(税別)
・保守   :無し(注2)
・販売方法 :ダウンロード販売のみ


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(Mail) infojp@netx.net
【Webサイト】 http://www.netx.net/




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社 名: 株式会社ジュライ
所在地: 〒151-0053 東京都渋谷区代々木2-33-1 フラット熊沢ビル2F
代表者: 代表取締役社長 安東 真太郎
資本金: 1,000万円
U R L : http://www.july7.co.jp/

担 当: 営業部 木村
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Green Gas International and New World Resources Create Methane Gas Management Group
May 24, 2007

-- New Joint Venture Company, Green Gas International B.V.,
Becomes a Leader in Gas Management for Coal Mine and
Landfill Sites

    LONDON, May 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Green Gas
International Limited, a company that reduces harmful
greenhouse gas emissions through methane utilisation, has
agreed to merge with OKD, DPB a.s., a Czech coal-bed
methane company which is wholly owned by New World
Resources B.V. (NWR). The new joint venture company is
called Green Gas International B.V. and has also raised EUR
15.5 million of additional equity capital. NWR is a Dutch
coal, logistics and energy holding company that is the sole
shareholder in the Czech Republic's largest hard coal mining
company, OKD a.s.

    Green Gas International B.V. becomes a leader in
methane gas management and utilisation for coal mine and
landfill sites. This new group brings together project
development and financing expertise, a project pipeline,
and more than 30 years experience in underground methane
gas capture, ventilation and utilisation, as well as the
ability to deal with projects under the Kyoto Protocol. It
has established businesses in the Czech Republic and
Germany, countries known for their high standards of
safety, especially in their coal mines and has projects in
development in the USA, Ecuador, Chile and Ukraine.

    Chris Norval, Executive Chairman and co-founder of
Green Gas International Limited, will lead the new group.
Commenting on the merger he said:

    "Our new joint venture has a compelling offer for
coal mine and landfill site operators. It provides a safe,
commercially attractive and environmentally-friendly
solution to their methane gas management problems.

    With the additional injection of new equity capital, we
now have the resources to accelerate the development of our
exciting project pipeline."

    "In little more than two years, Green Gas
International has grown through acquisition and organic
means to become a real force in the dynamic climate
mitigation industry. We are now uniquely positioned to
develop our potential project pipeline of 350 MW
electricity generating capacity, in global emerging
markets, over the next five years."

    Zdenek Bakala, a member of the Boards of Directors of
NWR and OKD, said: "The Kyoto Protocol has created a
whole new industry to manage climate change, which is
growing rapidly. By combining our coal mine gas management
business with Green Gas International and its management
team, we have created a  leader in coal mine and landfill
gas mitigation, which is ideally positioned for further
rapid growth."

    NWR has a shareholding of approximately 70 per cent in
Green Gas International B.V. Former shareholders in Green
Gas International Limited and the French private equity
fund Demeter own the balance of the shares.

    Citigroup is acting as sole advisor and placement agent
to Green Gas.

    For further information, please contact:
    Green Gas International (UK)
    Chris Norval
    Executive Chairman
    Tel:   +44-20-8614-9590
    Fax:   +44-20-8948-3536
    Email: info@greengasinternational.com
    Bill Spears
    Tel:   +44-20-7796-9999
    Fax:   +44-20-7796-9950
    Email: bspears@waughton.com
Nike Resumes Soccer Ball Production in Pakistan
May 24, 2007

Goal is to set new standards for workers' rights

    BEAVERTON, Ore., May 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- NIKE,
Inc. (NYSE: NKE) announced today that the company is
resuming Nike brand soccer ball production in Pakistan with
a vendor committed to setting new standards for workers'
rights in the industry. Nike's agreement with its new
contract factory, Silver Star Group, requires all workers
to be registered as full-time employees who are paid hourly
wages and are eligible for social benefits. The agreement
prohibits the use of part-time workers paid piece wage
rates per ball produced without access to health care and
other social benefits, a standard industry practice.

    The agreement also requires that workers have full
rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining,
as mandated by International Labour Organization (ILO)
conventions. The contract factory also must comply with
Nike's labor compliance standards and with all requirements
of the 1997 Atlanta Agreement and any identified successor
agreements that establish labor and compliance standards in
Pakistan's soccer ball industry.

    "Our decision to resume soccer ball production in
Pakistan is the result of extensive work with stakeholders,
based on a collective desire to help move the industry in a
more competitive direction that strongly supports workers'
rights," said Mark Parker, Nike, Inc.'s President and
CEO. "Silver Star has committed itself to realizing
this vision. We hope this is the beginning of broader,
positive systemic change for workers, and that the example
Silver Star sets will help Pakistan's soccer ball industry
create a new model of responsible, globally competitive

    Nike expects to place its first order with Silver Star
this summer, with production to begin in the fall. Initial
and ongoing production with Silver Star will be contingent
upon the factory's ability to comply with Nike's product
and compliance standards and follow-through on its
commitments to support workers' rights.

    The decision to work with Silver Star comes about six
months after Nike announced in November 2006 that it would
cease placing orders with its primary hand-stitched soccer
ball contract manufacturer. That decision was due to the
factory's inaction on correcting significant labor
compliance violations and a fundamental breach of trust
with factory management. Among the violations was
widespread, unauthorized outsourcing of Nike production
inside homes in the surrounding area. Although home-based
production is common in the Sialkot-based soccer ball
industry, Nike has a long-standing policy against such
practices because of the potential for using under-age
workers and the inability to verify safe working conditions
in home-based settings.

    Following its decision, Nike engaged with a diverse
group of governmental, non-governmental and industry
stakeholders to secure support for affected workers and to
jointly explore fresh approaches to soccer ball
manufacturing that could lead to improved working
conditions and greater protection of workers' rights. The
company is working with the ILO, the World Federation of
the Sporting Goods Industry, and other stakeholders,
including Pakistan government officials. 

    As part of that process, in February Nike requested
proposals from 20 vendors for manufacturing hand-stitched
soccer balls in Pakistan. The company received 13 proposals
from Sialkot-based manufacturers and narrowed the list to
four finalists. Those finalists were reviewed in-depth by
Nike and by third-party organizations in Pakistan. Silver
Star Group was selected as Nike's new contract manufacturer
through that process and the successful completion of Nike's
standard evaluation procedures for new vendors. 

    Nike's request for proposal outlined nine workplace
conditions that must be met, including hourly wages for
workers, full benefits and rights to freedom of
association. All production must occur within Nike-approved
facilities, and technology must be installed to
electronically track all Nike production and inventory. 

    More broadly, Nike's request for proposal also outlined
the company's five key objectives for soliciting a new
manufacturer in Pakistan: to remain in Pakistan despite the
company's cessation of orders from its prior contract
manufacturer; to build a better manufacturing process which
empowers workers, supports the community and enhances the
local manufacturing process; to bring systemic change for
workers in the soccer ball industry; to see a transformed
business model develop for soccer ball manufacturing that
accesses Nike's global supply chain and enhances the
company's brand offering; and to further stimulate a
broader and deeper stakeholder dialogue about supply chain

    Nike will continue to participate in industry forums
and other discussions to help transform local soccer
manufacturing models in Pakistan and help create
sustainable development.

    NIKE, Inc. based near Beaverton, Oregon, is the world's
leading designer, marketer and distributor of authentic
athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for a
wide variety of sports and fitness activities. Wholly owned
Nike subsidiaries include Converse Inc., which designs,
markets and distributes athletic footwear, apparel and
accessories; NIKE Bauer Hockey Inc., a leading designer and
distributor of hockey equipment; Cole Haan, a leading
designer and marketer of luxury shoes, handbags,
accessories and coats; Hurley International LLC, which
designs, markets and distributes action sports and youth
lifestyle footwear, apparel and accessories and Exeter
Brands Group LLC, which designs and markets athletic
footwear and apparel for the value retail channel.

    For more information, please contact: 

     Nike World Headquarters
     Alan Marks
     Tel: +1-503-671-2673

     Nike EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa),
     Massimo Giunco
     Tel: +31-35-626-6980

Startech Environmental Sells Three Plasma Converter Systems to EnviroSafe Industrial Services for New Recycling Facility
May 24, 2007

    WILTON, Conn., May 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Startech
Environmental Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: STHK), a
fully reporting company, announced today that it has signed
the contract and received a 10% cash down-payment from
EnviroSafe Industrial Services Corporation of San Juan,
Puerto Rico for its purchase of three Plasma Converter

    The combined capacity of approximately 50,000 pounds
per day for the new EnviroSafe Recycling Facility in Puerto
Rico is scheduled for start-up in 2008.

    The EnviroSafe contract was coordinated by the
PlasmaTech Caribbean Corporation, Startech's exclusive
distributor for Puerto Rico, the Territories and the Island
Nations of the Caribbean. 

    Contact: plasmatech@era-pr.com

    About Startech -- The Environment and Energy Company

    Startech Environmental is an environment and energy
industry company engaged in the production and sale of its
innovative, proprietary plasma processing equipment known
as the Plasma Converter System(TM).  

    The Plasma Converter System safely and economically
destroys wastes, no matter how hazardous or lethal, and
turns most into useful and valuable products. In doing so,
the System protects the environment and helps to improve
the public health and safety. The System achieves
closed-loop elemental recycling to safely and irreversibly
destroy Municipal Solid Waste, organics and inorganics,
solids, liquids and gases, hazardous and non-hazardous
waste, industrial by-products and also items such as
"e-waste," medical waste, chemical industry waste
and other specialty wastes, while converting many of them
into useful commodity products that can include metals and
a synthesis-gas called Plasma Converted Gas (PCG)(TM).

    Among the many commercial uses for PCG, is its use to
produce "green electrical power," Gas-To-Liquid
(GTL) fuels such as ethanol, synthetic diesel fuel and
other higher alcohol "alternative" fuels. 
Hydrogen, for use and sale, can also be separated and
recovered from the PCG synthesis gas mixture.

    The Startech Plasma Converter is essentially a
manufacturing system producing commodity products from
feedstocks that were previously regarded as wastes. 

    Startech regards all wastes, hazardous and
non-hazardous, as valuable renewable resources.

    For further information, please visit
http://www.startech.net .

    Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements

    This press release contains forward-looking statements,
including statements regarding the Company's plans and
expectations regarding the development and
commercialization of its Plasma Converter(TM) technology. 
All forward-looking statements are subject to risk and
uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those projected.  Factors that could cause
such a difference include, without limitation, failure of
the customer to obtain appropriate financing for the
project, general risks associated with product development,
manufacturing, rapid technological change and competition as
well as other risks set forth in the Company's filings with
the Securities and Exchange Commission. The forward-looking
statements contained herein speak only as of the date of
this press release. The Company expressly disclaims any
obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates
or revisions to any such statement to reflect any change in
the Company's expectations or any change in events,
conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is

    For more information, please contact: 

    Steve Landa
    Startech Environmental Corporation 
    Tel:   +1-888-807-9443, +1-203-762-2499, EXT 7
    Email: sales@startech.net

Options Group Establishes Partnership with English First in China
May 24, 2007

    SHANGHAI, May 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Options Group,
a leading global executive search and strategic consulting
firm, announces an extensive partnership with English First
(EF), the world's largest private education company that
specializes in language training, educational tours and
cultural exchange. 

    Options Group Vice Chairman Gene Shen and Vice
President Loran Fredric will speak at EF events in both
Shanghai and Beijing and sponsor  "Dress for
Success" segment during the launch party for EF's new
Shanghai center this week.

    "Chinese professionals realize the importance of
learning the English language and EF and Options Group
understand this demand," says Shen, who is leading the
Firm's effort into the fast-growing Chinese market. "We
believe this will be the start of a growing global
relationship with EF," adds Ike Suri, Co-COO of
Options Group.

    The events will give Chinese professionals the
socializing and networking skills, as well as the language
and vocabulary required, to succeed in the "New
China". EF recently announced their selection as the
exclusive language-training provider for the 2008 Beijing
Olympic Games.

    The announcement comes shortly after the opening of
Options Group Shanghai, the Firm's ninth office globally
and fourth in the Asia-Pacific. For the past two years, the
Firm has fulfilled client needs in both Shanghai and
Beijing, covering the mainland market out of both Hong Kong
and New York, and has native Chinese consultants situated
throughout the world.

    Options Group and EF recognize the tremendous value-add
this partnership brings to EF's students in China, many of
whom are studying English specifically to improve their
career opportunities.  Options Group will leverage its
experience in executive search and strategic consulting to
provide an additional level of training and insight.

    "Options Group continues to expand its presence in
emerging markets such as China to meet this growing demand
for local professionals globally," says Options Group
CEO Michael Karp. Options Group, which is headquartered in
New York, also has offices in London, Hong Kong, Newport
Beach, Sao Paulo, Dubai, Sydney and Tokyo.

    About Options Group

    Options Group is a leading global executive search,
market intelligence and strategic consulting firm with a
focus on the financial services industry. Founded in 1992,
Options Group has always prioritized maintaining an
intimate relationship with the financial services industry
and its key participants. Our geographic reach continues to
expand to cover both established and emerging markets in the
Americas, Europe and Asia. Since 2000, our search
consultants have placed thousands of financial services
professionals in Global Markets, Alternative
Investments/Hedge Funds, Investment Banking, Quantitative
Research and Technology.

    About English First 

    English First is the world's largest private education
company that specializes in language training, educational
tours and cultural exchange. English First was founded in
1965 by a young Swedish entrepreneur named Bertil Hult. Our
first office was modest and our concept was straightforward:
take Swedish high school students to England to learn
English. Four decades later, EF Education is a group of ten
subsidiaries and non-profit organizations centered around
language learning, educational travel and degree programs.
Today, EF has over 26,000 employees, teachers and
volunteers. With offices and schools in 51 countries, EF
has turned the world into a global classroom. 

    For more information, please contact: 

    Gene Shen
    Vice Chairman
    Options Group Shanghai
    Tel: +86-21-6122-1205
    Shanghai Main: +86-21-6122-1211
    New York Phone: +1-212-982-3120
    New York Main: +1-212-982-0900
    Email: gshen@optionsgroup.com

    Eric Moskowitz
    Tel:   +1-212-982-8405
    Email: emoskowitz@optionsgroup.com

Gus Atiyah to Join Fried Frank's Financing Practice in Washington
May 24, 2007

    NEW YORK, May 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Fried, Frank,
Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP announced today that
Ghassan "Gus" M. Atiyah will join the Firm as a
corporate partner in the Financing practice in Washington. 
Previously he was at Hogan & Hartson LLP.

    "We are delighted to welcome Gus to our firm. 
Fried Frank's financing practice continues to grow at a
very rapid rate.  Gus has broad-based financing expertise
that will serve the needs of this practice well," said
Valerie Ford Jacob, Fried Frank's Chairperson.

    "The addition of Gus in our Washington office also
demonstrates our commitment to having the full configuration
of practices present in each of our offices.  He is a strong
addition to our corporate department and will provide
support across a broad range of financing transactions and
practices," added Justin Spendlove, Fried Frank's
Managing Partner.  

    Mr. Atiyah's practice focuses on all types of private
finance transactions and private equity matters primarily
representing private equity sponsors and portfolio
companies in leveraged financing transactions.  He has
worked on numerous merger and acquisition transactions in a
range of industries on behalf of private equity funds and
hedge funds.

    Prior to joining Hogan & Hartson, Mr. Atiyah served
as the General Counsel for International Affairs at the
National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) in Kuwait.  He began his
legal career at Shearman & Sterling LLP in New York, as
part of their banking and finance group. Mr. Atiyah received
his JD, with honors, from Columbia Law School, where he was
a Stone Scholar.  He received his B.S.F.S., magna cum
laude, from Georgetown University, School of Foreign
Service.  He is admitted to the bar in the District of
Columbia and New York.

    Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP is a
leading international law firm with more than 600 attorneys
in offices in New York, Washington, D.C., London, Paris,
Frankfurt and Hong Kong. Fried Frank lawyers regularly
represent major investment banking firms, private equity
houses and hedge funds, as well as many of the largest
companies in the world.  The firm offers legal counsel on
M&A, private equity, asset management, capital markets
and corporate finance matters, white-collar criminal
defense and civil litigation, securities regulation,
compliance and enforcement, government contracts,
environmental law and litigation, real estate, tax,
bankruptcy, antitrust, benefits and compensation,
intellectual property and technology, international trade,
and trusts and estates. The firm has an association with
Huen Wong & Co. in Hong Kong.  More information on
Fried Frank can be found at http://www.friedfrank.com .

    For more information, please contact: 

    Matt Cobey
    Communications Manager
    Fried Frank
    Tel:   +1-212-859-4052
    Email: matthew.cobey@friedfrank.com
Ogilvy & Mather Ranked No.1 Agency in Asia By Media Magazine
May 24, 2007

    HONG KONG, May 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Ogilvy &
Mather topped the MEDIA's 2007 Agency Report Card, the
region's annual leading overview of the industry, for a
second consecutive year, with a score of 9 (outstanding)
out of 10 (unparalleled).  No other agency achieved a score
above Ogilvy & Mather against the criteria for top
creative agency:  new business won and lost in 2006,
initiatives (as submitted by each agency), a TNS compiled
creative ranking and the results of independent R3 Agency
Image Research conducted in China and Singapore.

    Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific Chairman, Mr. Miles
Young noted, "Importantly, MEDIA's report stated that
Ogilvy & Mather moved up a notch this year and
recognized that although Ogilvy & Mather is already a
formidable force in the region, we proved it yet again in
the last 12 months.  This was due not only to continued
creative excellence but also a focus on putting
effectiveness on the industry agenda.  Investment in
planning and thought leadership also led to unmatched new
business wins."

    Also recognized by MEDIA was Ogilvy & Mather's
industry leadership in China with significant creative
hires, groundbreaking work for its clients, as well as key
acquisitions that expanded geographical and industry reach.

    This honour follows MEDIA's award to Ogilvy &
Mather as Network of the Year in December 2006, supported
by concurrent wins as Creative Agency of the Year and
One-to-One Agency of the Year.

    About Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific

    Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific is the largest agency
network in the region. It offers the full range of
marketing communication disciplines including advertising,
direct marketing, interactive media, media planning and
buying, database management, telemarketing, directory
services, public relations, sales promotion, graphic
design, and related marketing disciplines. Ogilvy &
Mather Worldwide ( http://www.ogilvy.com ) a subsidiary of
WPP Group plc  (Nasdaq: WPPGY) is one of the largest
marketing communications networks in the world, with 497
offices in 125 countries.  

    For more information, please contact:

     Dalton Dorne
     Corporate Communications
     Ogilvy & Mather China
     Tel:   +86-10-8520-6535
     Fax:   +86-10-8520-6600
     Email: dalton.dorne@ogilvy.com
Ogilvy & Mather Ranked No.1 Agency in Asia By Media Magazine
May 24, 2007

    HONG KONG, May 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Ogilvy &
Mather topped the MEDIA's 2007 Agency Report Card, the
region's annual leading overview of the industry, for a
second consecutive year, with a score of 9 (outstanding)
out of 10 (unparalleled).  No other agency achieved a score
above Ogilvy & Mather against the criteria for top
creative agency:  new business won and lost in 2006,
initiatives (as submitted by each agency), a TNS compiled
creative ranking and the results of independent R3 Agency
Image Research conducted in China and Singapore.

    Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific Chairman, Mr. Miles
Young noted, "Importantly, MEDIA's report stated that
Ogilvy & Mather moved up a notch this year and
recognized that although Ogilvy & Mather is already a
formidable force in the region, we proved it yet again in
the last 12 months.  This was due not only to continued
creative excellence but also a focus on putting
effectiveness on the industry agenda.  Investment in
planning and thought leadership also led to unmatched new
business wins."

    Also recognized by MEDIA was Ogilvy & Mather's
industry leadership in China with significant creative
hires, groundbreaking work for its clients, as well as key
acquisitions that expanded geographical and industry reach.

    This honour follows MEDIA's award to Ogilvy &
Mather as Network of the Year in December 2006, supported
by concurrent wins as Creative Agency of the Year and
One-to-One Agency of the Year.

    About Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific

    Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific is the largest agency
network in the region. It offers the full range of
marketing communication disciplines including advertising,
direct marketing, interactive media, media planning and
buying, database management, telemarketing, directory
services, public relations, sales promotion, graphic
design, and related marketing disciplines. Ogilvy &
Mather Worldwide ( http://www.ogilvy.com ) a subsidiary of
WPP Group plc  (Nasdaq: WPPGY) is one of the largest
marketing communications networks in the world, with 497
offices in 125 countries.  

    For more information, please contact:

     Dalton Dorne
     Corporate Communications
     Ogilvy & Mather China
     Tel:   +86-10-8520-6535
     Fax:   +86-10-8520-6600
     Email: dalton.dorne@ogilvy.com
IGT Asia Establishes Strong Presence at G2E Asia Trade Show, Names New Managing Director
May 24, 2007

    MACAU, May 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The first G2E Asia
Exhibition will take place June 13-14 at the Macau Tower
Convention and Entertainment Center, with IGT's booth #201,
"The Big Picture," joining 76 other exhibitors. 
IGT will display 95 machines, showcasing Emperor's Choice,
an Asian-specific multi-level progressive, and the M-P(TM)
Series roulette/baccarat multi-player product.

    Emperor's Choice includes 20-line Asian-specific game
themes like Guardian Lions, Tai Chi and Shuang Fu Deluxe. 
IGT will also unveil Super Lucky Red Wins, another
multi-level progressive with 20-line game themes like
Double Red Magpies, Super Lucky Red 8s, Double Super Lucky
Red 8s, and Triple Red Lantern 8s.

    One of the show's highlights will be Three Kingdom
Wars, a 7-level mystery progressive theme developed in
partnership with Sega. It includes four Asian game themes:
Golden Dragon and MJ2 with MultiWay(R) betting
capabilities, and Tai Pan, Three Kingdom Wars and Ami-Gyo,
which are 5-reel, 25-payline games. 

    Additional IGT Asian-themed games that will debut at
G2E Asia are 25-line Three Pandas and Dragon Phoenix,
20-line Lotus Flower and Chinese Treasure, 30-line Chu Han
Chess God, and Feng Shui and Triple Ingot, both on the
MultiWay(R) platform.

    IGT has appointed John Gomes as Managing Director of
IGT Asia to address the rapidly expanding Asian gaming
market.  Gomes has been with IGT for three years and is the
former General Manager of IGT's Russia office.  His goal is
to supply localized IGT products and product support to the
Asia Pacific market.  Gomes' predecessor, Scott Winzeler,
has been named Director of International Markets.

    IGT ( http://www.IGT.com ) is a global company
specializing in the design, development, manufacturing,
distribution and sales of computerized gaming machines and
systems products.

    For more information, please contact:  

    Celia Chio
    Marketing Executive
    IGT Asia Lda.
    Tel:    +853-7959-606
    Mobile: +853-6636-2517
    Email:  celia.chio@igt.com
Spreadtrum Releases New Multimedia Handset Core Chip to Meet the Needs of Mainstream Consumers
May 24, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, May 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Spreadtrum Communications, Inc., a baseband provider for
mobile handsets, announces the release of its SC6600I chip,
a highly integrated multimedia GSM/GPRS baseband solution
designed for mainstream mobile phones. In order to meet
increasing demands in the handset market, Spreadtrum's
strategy is to leverage its core baseband chip technology
for mobile handsets to develop different models of chipsets
(such as the SC6600I) to address different market segment

    By utilizing its highly integrated
communication-multimedia technology, Spreadtrum has
developed the single chip SC6600I to better meet the
evolving requirements of the global handset market. This
powerful chip not only includes high integration,
reliability, and low power consumption of previous
Spreadtrum baseband chipsets, but also integrates
additional advanced multimedia functions such as an MP3
player, an MPEG4 accelerator, and a 300k pixel digital
camera, as well as USB removable memory.  

    Nowadays, there are increasing requirements from the
average consumer for more multimedia functions on their
handsets.  Functionalities such as digital cameras and
music players are no longer confined to high-end mobile
phones, but are increasingly desired as basic features of
mainstream handsets. Meanwhile, handset manufacturers are
facing the dilemma of satisfying the demand for
"higher functionality" and "lower
price" at the same time, which has led to increasing
pressure on reducing system costs and quality issues for
these multimedia phones. To deal with this situation,
Spreadtrum has successfully developed multimedia baseband
solutions that are both high in performance and cost
effective by utilizing its own unique, advanced technology
that integrates advanced hardware and critical software
into a single chip.  The SC6600I allows handset
manufacturers to reduce the cost of development and
products, while at the same time providing mainstream
consumers with high quality multimedia handsets that can
offer them a delightful high-tech experience.

    About Spreadtrum Communications

    Spreadtrum Communications Inc. is a leading fabless
semiconductor company who develops and markets innovative
wireless communications products. Spreadtrum provides
high-performance, low-cost products including 2.5G/3G
baseband IC, protocol stack software, application software,
wireless communication module and total solutions for
worldwide wireless terminal manufactures, independent
design houses, and semiconductor companies. Spreadtrum
successfully developed the world's first TD-SCDMA baseband
chip and Asia's first 2.5G(GSM/GPRS) baseband chip.
Spreadtrum's true Single-chip Solution has great advantages
such as high performance with low-cost, fast market entry
for customers, reduced time-to-market and effective local
customer support. More information on Spreadtrum
Communications Inc. could be found on its website at
http://www.spreadtrum.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     William Shi 
     Spreadtrum Communications       
     Tel£º   +86-10-6270-2988 x217
     Email£º William.shi@spreadtrum.com.cn
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Grows Its Footprint In China With The Opening Of The First Upscale International Hotel In Guiyang - Sheraton Guiyang Hotel
May 23, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, May 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Starwood
Hotels & Resorts welcomes its 23rd Sheraton hotel in
China with the opening of Sheraton Guiyang Hotel - the
first upscale international hotel in the famous Forest City
of Guiyang.  The hotel hosted an elaborate yet traditional
ceremony of fireworks and lion dances, which was attended
by government officials, Vice Governor Mr Sun Guoqiang,
Vice Chairman of GPPCC Mr Liu Yeqiang, Vice Mayor Ms Ji
Hong, Member of CPPCC Mr Yuan Liben, Vice Director of
Guizhou Tourism Administration Mr. Fu Yinchun, Starwood
representatives, hotel senior management and the general

    Centrally located in the city's prestigious business
and shopping district, Sheraton Guiyang Hotel is set to be
the leading upper upscale business hotel in Guiyang. The
hotel enjoys easy access to key transportation points to
connect to various cities in China and internationally - 15
minutes from the Guiyang International Airport and only 5
minutes from the railway station. The hotel's convenient
location is further enhanced by its proximity to the
Nanming River with its magnificent river views and the
historical monument Jiaxiu Tower which is now a popular

    "As the first upscale international hotel in
Guiyang, we are now firmly positioned as the market leader
and preferred corporate and high-end leisure hotel in the
city. With well appointed facilities as well as friendly
and attentive services, we look forward to providing each
and every guest a warm, comfortable and memorable hotel
experience at Sheraton Guiyang Hotel," says General
Manager Mr. Vincent Thong.

    The hotel features 346 spacious guestrooms, including
41 suites and a Presidential suite. All guestrooms are
decorated with a residential contemporary feel and are
equipped with 32" LCD television, high speed Internet
access, the Sheraton Sweet Sleeper Bed and lavishly
appointed bathroom.

    The hotel offers over 1370 square meters of meeting and
function space to meet various event needs, including
10-person business meetings and banquets for up to 500

    To cater to discerning business and leisure travelers,
the hotel also features a luxurious spa, a health club, and
the Sheraton Club Level Lounge. Six restaurants and bars
offer a variety of cuisines from around the world.

    From now until 31st July 2007, enjoy a special opening
rate of RMB768 per room per night (inclusive of one
breakfast) when you stay at Sheraton Guiyang Hotel. For
more information or reservations, please contact the hotel
directly at +86 851 5888 888, call toll free in China at
800 810 3088, email at sales.guiyang@sheraton.com or visit
http://www.sheraton.com.guiyang . 

    About Guiyang

    Guiyang is the capital and center of politics, economy
and culture of the Guizhou Province, a beautiful natural
wonderland in southwest China. It is also famous for its
fascinating history, minority customs and cultural variety.
Whether you are traveling for business, leisure or to
explore, the city provides a unique and exciting experience
full of fun, excitement and discovery.

    About Sheraton Hotels & Resorts

    With more than 396 hotels and resorts in 66 countries,
Sheraton Hotels & Resorts is the largest of the
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. brands.
Located in the world's most sought-after cities and resort
destinations, Sheraton hotels serve the needs of both
business and leisure travelers with unique programs and
unusual amenities designed to make travel as hassle-free
and enjoyable as possible.

    About Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.

    Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. is one of
the leading hotel and leisure companies in the world with
approximately 850 properties in more than 95 countries and
145,000 employees at its owned and managed properties.
Starwood(R) Hotels is a fully integrated owner, operator
and franchisor of hotels and resorts with the following
internationally renowned brands: St. Regis(R), The Luxury
Collection(R), Sheraton(R), Westin(R), Four Points(R) by
Sheraton, W(R), Le Meridien(R) and the recently announced
aloftSM and ELEMENTSM Hotels. Starwood Hotels also owns
Starwood Vacation Ownership, Inc., one of the premier
developers and operators of high quality vacation interval
ownership resorts. For more information, please visit
http://www.starwoodhotels.com . 

    For more information, please contact:

     Alice Zhou
     Marketing Communications Manager
     Sheraton Guiyang Hotel
     Tel:   +86-851-586-6005
     Email: alice.zhou@sheraton.com
China's Fastest Growing Job Index Reaches 100,000 Registered Users in Two Months
May 23, 2007

    BEIJING, May 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Meijob.com (
http://www.Meijob.com ) aggregates over 180,000 employment
opportunities from more than 40 job sites into one
easy-to-use website. In the two months since its official
launch in March 2007, the number of registered users for
the site has reached 100,000, making Meijob.com China's
fastest growing job index.

    "The ability to apply to all available jobs using
a simple, easy-to-use interface proved highly attractive to
job seekers," says Jason Pang, Meijob's Marketing
Manager. "Users prefer to save time spent on visiting
dozens of different job sites, and manage their career in
one place. Meijob's registered users can save all their
professional information, preferences, and favorite jobs in
one place. They then use this information to apply to jobs
from more than 40 of China's largest job sites using our
super simple user interface."

    Last month, Meijob launched a new blog to assist
jobseekers in maximizing their career prospects and
reaching their full potential. The new blog features
articles from international experts on creativity, career
management, and personal development. "Our goal is to
provide users with a single place where they can plan,
manage, and advance their career and find their ideal
job," says co-founder Barak Paz Tal. "The new
blog is another step in this direction, and Meijob.com's
growing popularity is proof that this strategy is
appreciated by local jobseekers."

    Meijob currently has 2,700,000 page views per month,
and more than 100,000 registered users. 95% of Meijob's
users are Chinese speakers based in Mainland China.

    About Meijob:

    Meijob ( http://www.Meijob.com ) is the leading job
search engine in China. Meijob's job crawler aggregates
over 180,000 employment opportunities from more than 40 job
sites into one easy-to-use website. As the first bilingual
interface job searching website in China, Meijob.com
employs the latest Ajax technology to process large amounts
of information and provide jobseekers with seamless access
to jobs from various sources. Meijob users can search,
save, and apply for relevant employment opportunities from
across the web, without needing to visit or register with
any other job site. Meijob's technology ensures job ads
will be viewed and applied for by relevant applicants. This
way, a job ad never gets lost between hundred of other ads
-- it is only displayed to appropriate applicants.

    For more information, please contact:

     Mr. Yang Yeqing
     Mobile: +86-139-0106-2177
     Email:  yesiing@meijob.com 

METRO Group and Checkpoint Systems Partner to Help Suppliers "Tag it Easy"
May 23, 2007

Leading Retailer Enables Suppliers in Hong Kong to
Participate in Its RFID-Driven Supply Chain

    HONG KONG, May 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Checkpoint
Systems, Inc. (NYSE: CKP), a leading manufacturer and
marketer of identification, tracking, security and
merchandising solutions for the retail industry and its
supply chain, today announced its participation in METRO
Group's "Tag It Easy!" pilot.  The pilot is part
of the initiative "Advanced Logistics Asia"
(ALA), which the METRO Group started in order to jointly
enhance the logistical processes with its Asian suppliers
by using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).  The
"Tag It Easy" pilot enables the consumer goods
industry to apply RFID labels on the shipments from Hong
Kong to Germany.  The kick-off with a solution outline and
demonstration for 30 key partners took place today at the
Hong Kong Science & Technology Park. 

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200701241626.jpg )

    METRO Group is widely recognized as a technology leader
and a driving force in international retailing.  With this
pilot, the company now is enabling its Asian suppliers to
participate in its RFID-driven supply chain. Most of METRO
Group's suppliers in this region have limited technology
capabilities at their production sites, and so require
assistance in printing RFID labels to affix to their export
packages.  Through a partnership with Checkpoint Systems,
METRO Group has established a platform to allow these
suppliers to place label order requests and receive
pre-printed labels. 

    "Checkpoint Systems is one of the technology
leaders when it comes to RFID applications," said Dr.
Gerd Wolfram, Managing Director of MGI METRO Group
Information Technology.  "For this reason we are
convinced that Checkpoint is the right technology partner
for a forward-looking pilot project dealing with RFID in an
international supply chain." The Asian suppliers of the
METRO Group will be placing RFID tags on all categories of
consumer goods, ranging from toys to office equipment to

    The METRO Group expects that the RFID pilot will
optimize efficiency and transparency in the international
flow of goods.  Access to more-accurate, real-time shipment
data will help the retailer improve control over its
international supply chain, resulting in lower warehousing
costs and reduced out-of-stock situations.  

    "Jointly, METRO and its suppliers want to
guarantee that goods are always available to our
customers," said Dr. Wolfram.  "In particular,
it's important for promotional items to be in the right
place at the right time."

    METRO Group has standardized on UHF EPC Gen 2 tags for
compliance to all regional requirements: 917 - 922 MHz for
China; 920 - 925 MHz for Hong Kong; and 865.6 - 867.6 MHz
for Europe.  The RFID tags on the labels provided by
Checkpoint will store the Serial Shipping Container Code
(SSCC), which will be read at several points along the
supply chain from Hong Kong to Unna, Germany.  The METRO
Group will receive an electronic delivery note in advance
of the shipment, detailing the container content.  The
supplier also benefits, by gaining detailed proof of
package delivery.  

    The pilot will run for three months, and the METRO
Group expects to extend the project to include several
other Asian suppliers at a future date if the concept
proves to be feasible. 

    "Metro has always been a progressive and practical
user of technology, and over the last several years, they
have developed one of the industry's most efficient global
supply chains," said George Off, CEO and chairman of
the board of Checkpoint Systems. 

    "We believe their plans for the use of RFID and
our CheckNet track and trace capabilities is the next giant
step forward for more precise supply chain management and
ultimately enhanced satisfaction for the consumers."

    About The Metro Group

    METRO Group is one of the most important international
retailing companies.  In 2006 the group reached sales of
about ? 60 billion. The company has a headcount of some
270,000 employees and operates about 2,400 outlets in 30
countries.  The operating business is performed by the
sales brands which operate independently in the market:
Metro/Makro Cash & Carry -- world market leader in cash
& carry wholesale, Real hypermarkets and Extra
supermarkets, Media Markt and Saturn -- market leader in
consumer electronics centers in Europe, and Galeria Kaufhof
department stores.  More information at:
http://www.metrogroup.de .

    About Checkpoint Systems Inc. 

    Founded in 1969, Checkpoint Systems, Inc. is a leading
manufacturer and marketer of RF- and RFID-based solutions
for identification, tracking, security and merchandising
applications.  With a presence in more than 80 countries
and a network of more than 30 service bureaus worldwide,
the company is the global leader for scalable,
sure-performing 8.2 MHz, UHF, HF, EPC and ISO-based EAS and
RFID labeling products, systems, maintenance and support

    For additional information, visit the Checkpoint
Systems web site at http://www.checkpointasiapac.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Checkpoint Systems, Inc.
     Asia Pacific    
     Natalie Chan
     Tel:   +852-2995-8350
     Email: natalie.chan@checkpt.com
     Web:   http://www.checkpointasiapac.com
BV International Ocean Holdings Ltd. Announces the Sales Launch of Four Seasons Ocean Residences
May 23, 2007

Prices Start at 2.9 Million euro ($3.8 million) for the
First Fully Residential Ship Offering Four Seasons

    MIAMI, May 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Blending the best
of oceanfront residential living with an ever-changing
array of global travel opportunities and the renowned
services and amenities of the world's leading luxury hotel
company, BV International Ocean Holdings Ltd. unveils Four
Seasons Ocean Residences.  The 48,600-ton, 719-foot luxury
vessel will feature an exclusive fully private,
international residential community aptly named Four
Seasons and will be known as the world's most prestigious
waterside address.
    "We are thrilled to be working with Four Seasons
Hotels and Resorts on this distinct and exciting ocean
residence that will deliver the caliber of luxury service
that only Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts can bring,"
said Robert Oppenheim, Managing Director of BV
International Ocean Holdings Ltd.  "Four Seasons Ocean
Residences will be the most grand and luxurious residential
community at sea."

    The residential vessel, scheduled for delivery in 2010,
offers 112 wholly owned private residences providing one,
two, three, or four bedrooms with the onboard benefits and
amenities of the legendary service of Four Seasons Hotels
and Resorts.  BV International Ocean Holdings Ltd. is a
joint venture between Bayview Financial(R), and Ocean
Development Group, both Florida based companies.

    International sales of the ocean residences commenced
in May 2007. A selection of residences will be made
available in limited numbers to specific regions throughout
the world in order to offer a more diversified community on
the Four Seasons.  The epitome of oceanfront living, Four
Seasons will provide owners with an unparalleled home and
travel lifestyle.  Elegant fully furnished residences and
penthouses, designed by Tillberg Design U.S., ranging in
size from 800 to over 7,000 square feet, include
floor-to-ceiling windows, spacious living room areas with
sea views, master bedroom suites with walk-in dressing
rooms and ensuite bathrooms, expansive terraces, walk-in
closets, a full-size gourmet kitchen, and a private
entrance for staff.  Each Four Seasons residence features a
gracious entry hall that opens into an elegant living space
highlighted by the celebrated attention to detail of Four
Seasons Hotels and Resorts. 

    With 70,000 square feet of public space, the ship
offers sophisticated travelers an expansive array of
onboard activities and entertainment, including the
11,000-square-foot Four Seasons Spa and fitness facility, a
European-styled promenade offering exclusive merchandise
from many high-end and well-known retailers, a gourmet
market, a state-of-the-art business center with secretarial
and video conferencing services, wine cellar, helipad,
putting greens, driving range, state-of-the-art
communications technology and a marina facility that will
provide residents with ship-to-shore service, SCUBA
expeditions, and a launch for jet skis or sailboats. 

    "We are charting new territory, combining the
warm, friendly and personalized service that Four Seasons
provides with the extraordinary experiences that come with
living on a luxury ship," said Scott Woroch, Executive
Vice President, Worldwide Development, Four Seasons Hotels
and Resorts. "We are excited to be partnering with BV
International Ocean Holdings Ltd. to embark on one of the
most luxurious ocean residences ever to set sail."

    Whether traveling for several weeks or year-round
aboard the 13-deck Four Seasons, owners will tour some of
the world's most vibrant cities and exotic ports of call
without ever leaving home.  The design of the Four Seasons
allows her to circumnavigate the globe, visiting
cosmopolitan centers of the world and to dock or anchor
near remote habitats only accessible to a limited number of
smaller sized yachts. 

    Four Seasons can host its owners, their guests, and 220
crew members.  The first journey is scheduled to depart in
2010, with the first two years following a fixed itinerary,
guided by many of the world's most marvelous places and
events including Antarctica, the Amazon as well as the 2012
Olympics in London, The British Open, and the Grand Prix in
Monaco.  Four Seasons expects to average approximately 250
days in port each year, offering extended stays for
in-depth exploration on all seven continents.

    First-class travel is only one of the many elite
elements that Four Seasons Ocean Residences embody.  In
addition to the elegant surroundings, meticulous staff, and
exciting range of amenities, residents will have ample
opportunity to enjoy a variety of dining options featuring
a combination of the ship's specialties as well as regional
experiences.  The four restaurants onboard are designed to
accommodate groups of various sizes.  If guests wish to
spend time at home, they can enjoy intimate
"in-residence" dining prepared by a Four Seasons

    For more information, please contact:

     Marnie Goldman
     Email: mgoldman@hs-pr.com 

     Marianna Friedman
     Tel:   +1-305-534-0008
     Email: mfriedman@hs-pr.com 

BPM Microsystems Device Programming Support Now Available for Luminary Micro's Stellaris(R) Microcontrollers
May 23, 2007

    AUSTIN, Texas, May 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Luminary
Micro and BPM Microsystems announced today the availability
of device programming support of Luminary Micro's
Stellaris(TM) family of ARM(R) microcontrollers across BPM
Microsystems' entire line of production equipment.  By
adding support to the Stellaris device family, BPM
Microsystems' end users can now improve their production
fulfillment speed for devices powered by the industry's
first ARM Cortex(TM)-M3 microcontrollers.

    The Stellaris device family is supported on BPM
Microsystems' full product line of device programmers in
the 28-SOIC and 48-LQFP package styles.  

    "BPM Microsystems' world-class support of our
award-winning Stellaris family of microcontrollers provides
our customers a rapid path to production," said Jean
Anne Booth, Chief Marketing Officer at Luminary Micro. 
"We chose to work with BPM Microsystems because they
have the largest installed base of major programming
centers and an extremely wide variety of device
programmers.  BPM Micro combines technical leadership,
innovative design and state-of-the-art manufacturing
practices to enable Luminary Micro's customers to reduce
costs, improve performance and bring Stellaris-based
products to market faster."

    "By working closely with Luminary Micro, we
provide customers with support for the industry's first and
only ARM Cortex-M3 microcontrollers," said Tim Nolte,
Director of Global Marketing at BPM Microsystems. "As
the world market for MCUs continues to standardize on the
ARM architecture at an incredible pace, BPM Microsystems is
now in a great position to support 8- and 16-bit customers
in making a logical transition to Luminary Micro's
Stellaris microcontrollers." 

    Developed specifically for microcontroller
applications, Luminary Micro's implementation of the
Cortex-M3 processor in the Stellaris family offers the
following features:
    -- Always single cycle flash accesses for maximal
    -- Deterministic, fast interrupt processing -- never
more than 12
       cycles, only 6 cycles with tail-chaining
    -- Entire software code base is written in C/C++ -- no
       language required, even in startup code and
interrupt service
       handlers, making the devices easy to program
    -- Occupies as little as half the flash code size of
       family-based MCU applications
    -- Real embedded MCU GPIOs -- all can generate
interrupts, all
       have programmable drive strength and slew rate
    -- No functional pin multiplexing -- pins are dedicated
to one
       peripheral, backed by GPIO, and simultaneous use of
       peripherals is not limited by pin sharing, so
engineers are no
       longer forced to choose between on-chip peripherals
    -- Superior integration with an on-chip low dropout
       regulator, on-chip power-on-reset and
       functions, and an on-chip temperature sensor, which
       save up to $1.28 in system cost
    -- Advanced motion control support in hardware and
    -- Single cycle multiply, two cycle
multiply-accumulate, and
       hardware divide instructions -- for better
performance in
       control applications

    To find out more about Luminary Micro's award-winning
Stellaris microcontroller family, visit
http://www.luminarymicro.com .  Further information on BPM
Microsystems programming equipment and device support can
be found at http://www.bpmicro.com . 

    About Luminary Micro and Stellaris

    Luminary Micro, Inc. designs, markets and sells ARM
Cortex-M3-based microcontrollers (MCUs). Austin,
Texas-based Luminary Micro is the lead partner for the
Cortex-M3 processor, delivering the world's first silicon
implementation of the Cortex-M3 processor. Developed for
use in embedded and industrial applications, Luminary
Micro's introduction of the award-winning Stellaris(R)
family of products provides 32-bit performance for the same
price as current 8- and 16-bit microcontroller designs. With
entry-level pricing at $1.00 for an ARM technology-based
MCU, Luminary Micro's Stellaris product line allows for
standardization that eliminates future architectural
upgrades or software tools changes. Contact the company at
+1-512-279-8800 or email press@luminarymicro.com for more

    Stellaris is a registered trademark and the Luminary
Micro logo is a trademark of Luminary Micro, Inc. or its
subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.  All
other products are trademarks of their respective owners.

    About BPM Microsystems

    Established in 1985, BPM Microsystems is a global
supplier of electronic device programmers for all
applications. The company is the leading supplier of
vision-based automated programming systems and sets the
standard in device support, performance, ease-of-use, and
cost-of-ownership. The company offers a wide variety of
device programmers including Universal Programmers,
Concurrent Programming Systems(R) and Fine-Pitch Automated
Programming Systems. 

    BPM Microsystems' financial statements are audited by
Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP. BPM Microsystems is located
at 1000 North Post Oak Road, Houston, Texas USA 77055-7237.
Telephone: 713 688 4600. BPM Microsystems can be found on
the Internet at http://www.bpmicro.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     For Luminary Micro:
     Karen Johnson
     Mobile: +1-512-632-9636 
     Tel:    +1-512-858-9598 (Office)
     Email:  karen@karenjohnson.biz

     For BPM:
     Tim Nolte
     Tel:    +1-713-351-5540 (office)
             800-225-2102 extension 5540
     Email:  tim_nolte@bpmmicro.com 
UBS and Trading Technologies Enter Into Global Software Licensing and TTNET(TM) Distribution Agreement
May 23, 2007

    CHICAGO, May 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Trading
Technologies International, Inc. (TT) and UBS today
announced that they have entered into a global software
licensing agreement in which UBS will make available TT's
high-speed X_TRADER(R) order-entry software to its
customers and internal trading desks in the Americas,
Europe and Asia. This agreement will allow UBS to meet
increased demand for professional futures trading software
from buy-side firms and other high-volume derivatives
traders. UBS customers will have access to TT's X_TRADER
order-entry software platform and technology solutions
including TT's FIX connectivity and high-speed exchange

    UBS intends to utilize TT's hosting solution,
TTNET(TM), to deploy X_TRADER throughout the Americas,
Europe and Asia. TTNET accelerates customer access to
international futures markets and increases trading
platform stability through its fully redundant data centers
situated in strategic locations close to the various
exchanges. TT operates data centers in Chicago, New Jersey,
London, Frankfurt, Tokyo and Singapore with plans to open
additional facilities in Hong Kong and Sydney in 2007.

    Clark Hutchison, UBS Global Co-Head of Exchange Traded
Derivatives, said, "This agreement highlights our
commitment to provide our clients with leading electronic
trading solutions; we are pleased to be able to offer to
our clients the high-speed trading capabilities of the
Trading Technologies interface."

    "As part of our core technology suite,
distributing Trading Technologies software through TT's
hosting solution will help enable us to meet the
technological needs of our institutional and hedge fund
clients," said Bill Templer, UBS Global Co-Head of
Exchange Traded Derivatives. 

    "We look forward to working with UBS to distribute
TT's X_TRADER(R) platform to their global customers and
internal traders via TTNET(TM)," said Harris
Brumfield, CEO of Trading Technologies.

    About UBS

    UBS is one of the world's leading financial firms,
serving a discerning international client base. Its
business, global in scale, is focused on growth. As an
integrated firm, UBS creates added value for clients by
drawing on the combined resources and expertise of all its

    UBS is the leading global wealth manager, a top tier
investment banking and securities firm, and one of the
largest global asset managers. In Switzerland, UBS is the
market leader in retail and commercial banking.

    UBS is present in all major financial centers
worldwide. It has offices in 50 countries, with about 39%
of its employees working in the Americas, 34% in
Switzerland, 17% in the rest of Europe and 10% in Asia
Pacific. UBS's financial businesses employ some 80,000
people around the world. Its shares are listed on the SWX
Swiss Stock Exchange, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE).

    Issued by UBS AG and/or affiliates to institutional
investors; it is not for private persons. This is a product
of a sales or trading desk and not the Research Dept.
Opinions expressed may differ from those of other divisions
of UBS, including Research. UBS may trade as principal in
instruments identified herein and may accumulate/have
accumulated a long or short position in instruments or
derivatives thereof. UBS has policies designed to negate
conflicts of interest. This material is not an official
confirmation of terms and unless stated, is not a
recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy or sell. Any
prices or quotations contained herein are indicative only.
Communications may be monitored. Futures and futures
options trading is speculative, involves a high degree of
risk and is not suitable for all investors.

    About Trading Technologies

    Trading Technologies (
http://www.tradingtechnologies.com ) develops
high-performance trading software for derivatives
professionals, including the world's premier exchanges,
money-center banks, proprietary traders, securities
brokers, Futures Commission Merchants (FCMs), hedge funds
and other trading institutions. The company's X_TRADER(R)
software and related services provide direct access to the
world's major derivatives exchanges. TTNET(TM), TT's fully
managed hosting solution, delivers maximum system stability
and fast trade execution via hubs located close to the major
exchanges in Chicago, New Jersey, London, Frankfurt,
Singapore and Tokyo. Headquartered in Chicago, Trading
Technologies maintains a worldwide presence with offices in
New York, Houston, London, Frankfurt, Geneva, Singapore,
Hong Kong, Tokyo and Sydney. In 2004, Trading Technologies
was named the best technology company to work for in
Chicago by Chicago magazine and ranked third among all
Chicago area employers. In 2006, TT received the
prestigious Lighthouse Award from the Illinois Information
Technology Association (ITA) as the leading technology
company in Illinois.

    For more information, please contact:

     Drew Mauck
     Tel:   +1-312-346-2005
     Email: dmauck@strategicsinc.com

     Doug Morris, UBS
     Tel:   +1-212-882-5694
     Email: douglas-o.morris@ubs.com 
Spirit AeroSystems Prices Secondary Offering
May 23, 2007

    WICHITA, Kan., May 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Spirit
AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SPR) today announced the
pricing of the secondary offering of its Class A Common
Stock at $33.50 per share. The offering will consist of
31,516,802 shares being sold by Onex Partners LP, its
affiliates and other existing stockholders. 

    The selling stockholders have granted the underwriters
a 30-day option to purchase up to 3,151,682 additional
shares at the offering price to cover over-allotments, if
any. The offering is expected to close on May 25, 2007.
Spirit AeroSystems Holdings will not receive any proceeds
from the offering.

    A registration statement relating to these securities
was declared effective by the Securities and Exchange
Commission on May 21, 2007. This press release shall not
constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer
to buy, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in
any state or jurisdiction in which such an offer,
solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to
registration or qualification under the securities laws of
any such state or jurisdiction. 

    Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC, Goldman, Sachs
& Co. and Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated are
acting as joint book-running managers for the offering. 
Copies of the final prospectus relating to the offering,
when available, may be obtained from: 

    Credit Suisse Prospectus Department, One Madison
Avenue, New
    York, NY 10010; tel: 1-212-325-2580

    Goldman, Sachs & Co., Attn: Prospectus Dept., 85
Broad Street,
    New York, NY 10004; fax: 1-212-902- 9316, or email at

    Morgan Stanley, 180 Varick Street, Second Floor, New
York, NY
    10014; Attn: Prospectus Department, or email at

    About Spirit AeroSystems
    Spirit AeroSystems is the largest independent non-OEM
designer and manufacturer of commercial aerostructures in
the world. Based in Wichita, Kan., it began operations in
June 2005. In addition to its Kansas facility, Spirit has
facilities in Oklahoma and the U.K. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Philip Anderson
     Investor Relations
     Tel:   +1-316-523-1797

     Sam Marnick
     Corporate Communications
     Tel:   +1-316-523-3330
Mobile Phone Chip and PIN Set to Cut Credit Card Fraud
May 23, 2007

    LONDON, May 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- securePay, a new
transaction security system to foil internet, mail and
telephone card fraud, is announced today by the Telsecure
Group. The launch by Telsecure, a UK-based provider of
leading-edge technology, is being made in association with
partners, Sybase365 and Ingenico.

    securePay operates as a global multifunctional platform
with a single point of integration with card issuers,
providing a single platform for mitigating fraud in
circumstances where the cardholder is not present (CNP):
internet, mail and telephone order (MOTO) transactions,
on-line banking authentication and ability for the consumer
to switch cards on and off in real time, thereby emulating
Chip and PIN levels of security in the CNP area,
dramatically reducing fraud and chargeback administration
costs.  securePay achieves all of this without any need to
modify the mobile device which is used to verify,
authenticate and confirm the transaction.

    The announcement of securePay follows four years of
research and development culminating in a product compliant
with industry standards and protocols such as PCI
compliance, ISO, APACS, ZKA, BASE 24 VisaNet and MCI. The
certification of securePay is performed by Sagentia, UK. 
Mobile connectivity is available globally through Sybase365
and the leading chip and PIN manufacturer, Ingenico. The
same platform will also provide a range of services built
around the core of consumer verification, for example to
secure multi-factor access for online banking and consumer
initiated card management.

    Rashid Qajar, Chief Executive of Telsecure Group:
"While chip and PIN has succeeded in reducing fraud in
the retail environment, fraudsters have switched to
internet, mail and telephone ordering transactions for
their rich pickings. The problem has never been bigger and
I am very pleased to announce that we have a product that
can practically eliminate such risks once adopted by the
banks and their customers."

    CNP fraud which now accounts for half of all card
payment fraud in the UK, has doubled in the last three
years rising to GBP216.6 million and growing fast. This
high level of crime involves UK banks spending GBP55 to
GBP85 per fraudulent transaction in administration, a cost
that is inevitably passed on to customers. securePay will
work with all 730 global mobile communications network
providers. In the UK, there is 99.8% coverage of the

    Lars Wallin, Director of Telsecure Group: "Our
financial models show that the banks will achieve
significant savings on the cost of administering fraudulent
transactions by adopting the technology. The banks are
looking at a return on securePay investment that is highly
geared with payback in less than a year while their
customers will be able to shop online with greater
security. In addition, securePay can be adopted by banks
for substantially less than alternatives now under
consideration such as card readers, meaning lower charges
for customers: it's a win-win situation."

     For further media information please contact:

     Telsecure Group Limited
     United Kingdom
     Tel:   +44-1794-302100
     Email: rashid@telsecure.com
     Email: lars@telsecure.com
     Email: SPearson@Bell-Pottinger.co.uk
     Web: www.telsecure.com
Bytemobile Announces New Release of Unison Multi-Service Platform, Speeding Carriers' Time to Market for Mobile Data Services
May 22, 2007

    MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., May 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Bytemobile, Inc., the global leader in multi-service
optimization solutions for mobile data networks, today
announced the general availability of its new Unison(TM)
Multi-Service Platform for network operators.  The latest
Unison release accelerates operators' time to market for
new data services by fully integrating multiple Internet
protocol (IP) services on a single node in the core data
path of the network.  

    "The Unison solution enables our customers to
provide a compelling Internet experience to any subscriber
on virtually any device," said Adrian Hall, Bytemobile
vice president of Marketing and Business Development. 
"This opens up new revenue opportunities for operators
and strengthens their position against both existing and
emerging competitors.  With the simple yet comprehensive
Unison platform in their network, they can quickly launch
new data services to increase average revenue per user
(ARPU) and build brand loyalty."

    The Unison open architecture obviates the traditional
need for operators to deploy disparate, incompatible point
products from multiple vendors in order to deliver
competitive data services to their subscribers.  All Unison
IP services are fully interoperable, enabling carriers to
unify network operations, improve network efficiency, and
simplify network management and planning.  The Unison
platform runs on highly scalable, industry-standard
hardware, and supports rapid integration of third-party IP
solutions for mobile data services.  From a single
centralized node, operators can deliver richer content on
smaller devices without requiring client downloads or other
device changes.

    The new release of the Unison Multi-Service Platform
includes powerful system management and subscriber data
storage functions, as well as centralized configuration and
support for third-party wireless application protocol (WAP)
gateways.  Embedded in the core data path, the platform
monitors all data traffic, inspecting packets once and
selectively applying IP services as needed.

    Unison IP services and their associated product updates
in the new Unison release include the following:

    -- Unison Web Fidelity(TM) Service for delivering open

       Internet access onaffordable feature phones.  
       Launched in February 2007, this service is the first

       carrier-grade, commercial infrastructure solution 
       for the adaptation of full-HTML content to mass-
       market mobile devices.  It supports Opera Software's

       popular Opera Mini(TM) browser, as well as mobile 
       browsers that are native to specific handsets.  
       Release 2.0 of the Web Fidelity Module, the product

       behind the service, is now generally available for 
       deployment worldwide in both clientless and client 

    -- Unison ACCESS Mobile(TM) Content Filtering Service 
       for providing parental controls on web access by 
       children under 18.  This service checks website 
       requests against a content categorization database 
       and authorizes or denies access to subscribers based

       on user profiles defined by operators.  An optional

       feature called dynamic rating supplements the 
       database checks with dynamic analysis and 
       categorization of newly discovered or unrated 
       websites.  Release 4.0 of the ACCESS Mobile Service

       is now available on the Linux open systems platform.

    -- Unison Optimization Services for improving network 
       capacity and performance, and reducing total cost
       of ownership.  These services constituted 
       Bytemobile's original service node in the networks 
       of more than 70 customers worldwide.  Release 4.0 
       of the Optimization Services Node (OSN) Monaco(TM) 
       Edition has been enhanced to increase the 
       performance of advanced web content and lower 
       operator costs through data reduction, protocol 
       acceleration and dynamic content caching.

    -- Unison WAP Gateway Service for optimizing mobile 
       access to operators' branded portal content on 
       WAP handsets.  This service is integrated with 
       Unison Optimization Services.  With Release 4.0 
       of the OSN Monaco Edition, it has been upgraded 
       with new data capture, personalization, content 
       translation, and content blocking capabilities.  

    About Bytemobile, Inc.

    Bytemobile is the global leader in multi-service
optimization solutions which simplify, unify and accelerate
the delivery of advanced wireless data services to mobile
handsets, smartphones and laptops.  Today, Bytemobile(R)
solutions are installed in the wireless networks of more
than 70 carriers, which serve nearly one billion mobile
subscribers in over 40 countries.  The company's customers
include leading network operators such as Astelit, China
Mobile, Cingular, KPN, NTT DoCoMo, O2, Orange, PTC, PTK
Centertel, Sprint Nextel, T-Mobile, Telecom Italia Mobile,
Telefonica Moviles, Vodafone, and Willcom.  Bytemobile is a
privately held company headquartered in Mountain View,
California.  The company has regional sales and support
offices in Bracknell, England; Madrid, Spain; Tokyo, Japan;
Beijing, China; Singapore; and Sydney, Australia; and
research and development centers in Patras, Greece;
Marlborough, Massachusetts; and Champaign, Illinois.  To
learn more about Bytemobile, visit
http://www.bytemobile.com .

    Bytemobile, the Bytemobile logo, Unison, Web Fidelity,
ACCESS Mobile, and Monaco are trademarks of Bytemobile,
Inc. and may be registered in some jurisdictions.  All
other product or service names are the property of their
respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

     Tod Bottari, Director, 
     Corporate Communications,
     Bytemobile, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-650-641-7781
     Email: tod.bottari@bytemobile.com
American Standard Announces Three More Nominees to WABCO Board of Directors
May 22, 2007

    PISCATAWAY, N.J., May 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
American Standard Companies Inc. (NYSE: ASD) today
announced three more nominees -- Juergen W. Gromer, Kenneth
J. Martin and Michael T. Smith -- to the board of directors
of WABCO as it becomes a separate, independently traded
company by early fall of this year.

    WABCO is the $2 billion vehicle control systems
business of American Standard Companies Inc.  Founded in
1869 as Westinghouse Air Brake Company, it was acquired in
1968 by American Standard, which announced plans in
February to spin it off as a separate company.

    Gromer, Martin and Smith join three previously
announced nominees to the WABCO board:  James Hardymon,
former chairman and chief executive officer of Textron, who
will become non-executive chairman; Jacques Esculier,
president of American Standard's vehicle control systems
business and who will become WABCO's chief executive
officer; and G. Peter D'Aloia, American Standard's chief
financial officer.  

    Today's nominees bring WABCO a broad range of senior
leadership experience as detailed in their biographical
profiles below:

    Juergen W. Gromer, 62, is president of Tyco
Electronics.  A 23-year veteran of Tyco Electronics and AMP
(prior to its purchase by Tyco), Gromer has served in a
variety of regional and global assignments including
president, electronic components; senior vice president of
worldwide sales and services; president of the global
automotive division; and vice president of Central and
Eastern Europe. He has also held management positions with
Procter and Gamble, ITT Components Group and Zahnradfabrik
Friedrichshafen. Gromer received both his undergraduate and
doctorate degrees in physics from the University of
Stuttgart in Germany.

    Kenneth J. Martin, 52, is chief financial officer and
vice chairman of Wyeth (formerly American Home Products). 
He joined the company in 1984 and has served in a variety
of senior leadership positions within the company's
divisions including president of American Home Food
Products; president of Whitehall-Robins Healthcare; senior
vice president and chief financial officer of Wyeth-Ayerst
Pharmaceuticals; and executive vice president and chief
financial officer of Wyeth.  Prior to joining Wyeth, Martin
was an audit manager with the accounting firm of Arthur
Andersen & Co.  He is a certified public accountant and
holds a bachelor's degree in accounting, magna cum laude,
from Hofstra University.

    Michael T. Smith, 63, retired in 2001 as chairman of
the board and chief executive officer of Hughes Electronics
Corporation.  He previously served as the company's vice
chairman and chairman of Hughes Aircraft Company; executive
vice president and chief financial officer of Hughes
Electronics Corporation; and chairman of Hughes Missile
Systems.  Smith joined Hughes Electronics in 1986 after
spending nearly 20 years with General Motors Corporation. 
He holds a bachelor's degree in political science from
Providence College, an MBA from Babson College and an
honorary doctor of laws degree from Pepperdine University. 

    WABCO is one of the world's leading producers of
electronic braking, stability, suspension and transmission
control systems for heavy duty commercial vehicles.  It
employs more than 7,000 people in 34 offices and production
facilities worldwide. After the separation from American
Standard, WABCO will become a U.S. company with executive
and administrative offices in Brussels, Belgium, and
Piscataway, N.J.  It will be listed on the NYSE under the
symbol WBC.

    American Standard is an $11.2 billion global
manufacturer with market-leading positions in three
businesses: air conditioning systems and services, sold
under the Trane(R) and American Standard(R) brands for
commercial, institutional and residential buildings; bath
and kitchen products, sold under such brands as American
Standard(R) and Ideal Standard(R); and vehicle control
systems, including electronic braking and air suspension
systems, sold under the WABCO(R) name to the world's
leading manufacturers of heavy-duty trucks, buses, SUVs and
luxury cars. The company employs approximately 62,000 people
and has manufacturing operations in 28 countries. American
Standard is included in both the S&P 500 and the Dow
Jones Sustainability North America Index, which recognizes
the top 20 percent of leaders in corporate sustainability
in North America.

    For more information, please contact:

     Skip Colcord
     Tel:   +1-732-980-3065
     Email: hcolcord@americanstandard.com

     Shelly London
     Tel:   +1-732-980-6175
     Email: slondon@americanstandard.com

     Margie Pazikas
     Tel:   +32-2-663-9801
     Email: Margie.Pazikas@wabco-auto.com

    Investors and Financial Analysts:
     Bruce Fisher
     Tel:   +1-732-980-6095
     Email: bfisher@americanstandard.com

     Todd Gleason, 
     Tel:   +1-732-980-6399
     Email: tgleason@americanstandard.com

Motorola Flagship RF Switch Enables Location Services, Enhanced Management and Security
May 22, 2007

    LAS VEGAS, May 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
    Interop 2007 (Booth #1937) -- Motorola, Inc. (NYSE:
MOT) today announced several new enhancements to its
flagship, enterprise-class RFS7000 RF Switch to support
location services, management and security services. The
RFS7000 can support Motorola and third-party vendor
services, providing operational value to large businesses
requiring a wireless LAN for their enterprise mobility

    "As Wi-Fi networks become critical to business
operations, we continue to rapidly enable more innovative
ways to utilize the networks with easy to deploy add-on
enterprise mobility services," said Sujai Hajela, vice
president and general manager of enterprise WLAN, Motorola
Enterprise Mobility business. "With the RFS7000 RF
Switch, large businesses in carpeted offices, healthcare,
warehousing and distribution, manufacturing, education,
retail and government can deploy location services to track
high-value asset and resources to increase utilization and

    The RFS7000 provides locationing capability, enabling
real-time tracking of Wi-Fi devices and active tags to help
simplify asset tracking. With this service, businesses have
the ability to locate employees for safety or track
high-value and mission-critical assets to increase their
utilization. In a healthcare setting, locationing services
could be used to track life-saving crash carts, transfusion
pumps, defibrillators, portable X-ray and dialysis machines.
Locationing can also be used to find and track inventory for
customers, providing better and faster service. 

    "We needed a solution for pin-pointing the
location of cars in a parking lot in real-time," said
Joseph Owusu, partner, Mieloo & Alexander. "We
selected Motorola's Wi-Fi network infrastructure for its
ability to integrate third-party ultra wideband (UWB)
sensors that will work both indoors and outdoors." 

    Motorola's comprehensive integrated management suite --
comprised of a LAN planner and mobility services platform --
is a set of tools to help enterprises more easily and
centrally plan, deploy, manage and secure their RF
infrastructure and environment. The RF management module
simplifies a business' RF environment. In addition, the
ability to locate lost mobile devices and rogue access
points greatly enhances the value of the management suite
to enterprises.

    Motorola's integrated wireless intrusion protection
system (Wireless IPS) solution detects and locates rogue
devices, protecting the network against denial-of-service
attacks, as well as providing compliance reporting and
advanced forensics. In addition, Motorola's comprehensive
sensor-based Wireless IPS monitors, detects, protects and
prevents intrusions to a wireless network. The RFS7000
further enhances the security features to deliver mobile
client-based intrusion detection that can disable difficult
to detect rogue mobile clients and devices to help ensure
maximum up-time and peak performance of the network.

    The RFS7000 is the industry's first radio frequency
(RF) wireless switch that bridges the gap between Wi-Fi and
RFID, future RF technologies and indoor and outdoor wireless
networks. The enterprise-class RF Switch is 802.11n-ready,
capable of supporting 256 802.11a/b/g access points, and
enables a new switch clustering concept, providing
redundancy and high-performance scalability for up to 3,000
access points. 

    Motorola's RFS7000 is part of the end-to-end enterprise
WLAN product suite, enabling seamless enterprise mobility
indoors. Enterprise WLAN is part of Motorola's MOTOwi4(TM)
portfolio of innovative wireless broadband solutions and
services that complement and complete IP networks.
Delivering IP coverage to virtually all spaces both indoors
and outdoors, the MOTOwi4 portfolio includes fixed
broadband, mesh, broadband over powerline, WiMAX and
enterprise WLAN solutions for private and public networks.

    Visit Motorola at Interop 2007 in Las Vegas, from May
22 to 24 at booth #1937.

    About Motorola

    Motorola is known around the world for innovation and
leadership in wireless and broadband communications.
Inspired by our vision of seamless mobility, the people of
Motorola are committed to helping you connect simply and
seamlessly to the people, information, and entertainment
that you want and need. We do this by designing and
delivering "must have" products, "must
do" experiences and powerful networks -- along with a
full complement of support services. A Fortune 100 company
with global presence and impact, Motorola had sales of US
$42.9 billion in 2006. For more information about our
company, our people and our innovations, please visit
http://www.motorola.com .

    MOTOROLA and the stylized M Logo are registered in the
US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or
service names are the property of their respective owners. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Ed Tan, 
     Motorola Enterprise Mobility Solutions
     Tel:   +1-408-421-5132
     Email: ed.tan@motorola.com
ANADIGICS Lights Up Samsung's Thin Neon 3G Handset
May 22, 2007

Samsung's Feature-Rich SCH-u540 Calls on ANADIGICS' CDMA

    WARREN, N.J., May 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- ANADIGICS,
Inc. (Nasdaq: ANAD) today announced that they are shipping
production volumes of 3G EVDO power amplifiers (PAs) to
Samsung Electronics for its SCH-u540 mid-range multimedia
phone.  The clamshell SCH-u540 is available through Verizon
Wireless, offering VCAST Services, including VCAST Video,
VCAST Music and VZ Navigator. 

    The SCH-u540 delivers many multimedia features
available to wireless phone users today, including a 1.3
mega pixel camera with a digital zoom and Nightshot option.
 It offers fantastic viewing capabilities on a large
2.1" screen and features two speakers for an optimal
music experience in stereo.  The thin design of the
SCH-u540 also features a speakerphone, Bluetooth(R)
wireless technology, touch sensitive music controls,
instant messaging and mobile e-mail. 

    "We are very pleased with our continuing
relationship with Samsung Electronics and that we are
designed into their SCH-u540 3G handset," said Dr.
Bami Bastani, President & CEO of ANADIGICS.
"ANADIGICS' leading line of wireless CDMA EVDO
HELP(TM) products and our strategic relationships with
tier-one manufacturers like Samsung position us to be a
dominant player in the advanced multimedia 3G handset

    Samsung Electronics' SCH-u540 uses both the AWT6307 and
AWT6308 EVDO HELP2(TM) PAs for US cellular band and US PCS
band operation, respectively. ANADIGICS' HELP2(TM) PAs
provide exceptional efficiency and low quiescent current,
thereby reducing power consumption and increasing
talk-time. The highly integrated 3 mm by 3 mm HELP2(TM) PAs
reduce PCB space requirements by up to 50% while maintaining
pin-to-pin compatibility with existing 4 mm by 4 mm
amplifiers. These power amplifier modules are manufactured
using a material set consistent with the European Union's
Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS). 

    The ANADIGICS AWT6307 and AWT6308 PAs are available
now. For additional information, contact ANADIGICS by phone
(908) 668-5000 or FAX (908) 668-5132 or visit the Company's
Web site at http://www.anadigics.com . 

    About Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd

    Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a global leader in
semiconductor, telecommunication, digital media and digital
convergence technologies with 2006 parent company sales of
US$63.4 billion and net income of US$8.5 billion. Employing
approximately 138,000 people in 124 offices in 56 countries,
the company consists of five main business units: Digital
Media Business, LCD Business, Semiconductor Business,
Telecommunication Network Business, and Digital Appliance
Business. Recognized as one of the fastest growing global
brands, Samsung Electronics is a leading producer of
digital TVs, memory chips, mobile phones, and TFT-LCDs. For
more information, please visit http://www.samsung.com.

    About ANADIGICS, Inc. 

    ANADIGICS, Inc. (Nasdaq: ANAD) is a leading provider of
semiconductor solutions in the rapidly growing broadband
wireless and wireline communications markets. The Company's
products include power amplifiers, tuner integrated
circuits, active splitters, line amplifiers, and other
components, which can be sold individually or packaged as
integrated radio frequency and front end modules. 

    Safe Harbor Statement 

    Except for historical information contained herein,
this press release contains projections and other
forward-looking statements (as that term is defined in the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended). These
projections and forward-looking statements reflect the
Company's current views with respect to future events and
financial performance and can generally be identified as
such because the context of the statement will include
words such as "believe", "anticipate",
"expect", or words of similar import. Similarly,
statements that describe our future plans, objectives,
estimates or goals are forward-looking statements. No
assurances can be given, however, that these events will
occur or that these projections will be achieved and actual
results and developments could differ materially from those
projected as a result of certain factors. Important factors
that could cause actual results and developments to be
materially different from those expressed or implied by
such projections and forward-looking statements include
those factors detailed from time to time in our reports
filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,
including our annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 2006.

    Press Contact                   Corporate Contact
    Chuck Manners                   Jennifer Palella
    Godfrey                         ANADIGICS, Inc.
    40 N. Christian Street          141 Mt. Bethel Road
    Lancaster, PA 17602             Warren, NJ  07059
    Tel: +1 717 393-3831            Tel: +1 908 668-5000
    Fax: +1 717 393-1403            Fax: +1 908 412-5978
    E-mail: chuck@godfrey.com       E-mail:
    Investor Relations
    Thomas Shields
    141 Mt. Bethel Road
    Warren, NJ  07059
    Tel: +1 908 412-5995
    E-mail: tshields@anadigics.com
Leading Developer Selects Otis for Largest Mall in Bahrain
May 22, 2007

    FARMINGTON, Conn., May 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Otis
Elevator Company, a unit of United Technologies Corp.
(NYSE: UTX), was selected to provide 113 elevators,
escalators and moving walkways for Bahrain City Centre, the
kingdom's first leisure and shopping destination and its
largest mall.

    "We are pleased to provide Otis' premier products
to this remarkable shopping and leisure destination in one
of the Middle East's most popular and fastest-growing
tourist areas," said Otis President Ari Bousbib.

    Otis will provide 49 elevators, 40 escalators and 24
moving walkways for the mall in Manama. Of that, 21
elevators will be Otis' Gen2(R) systems with patented
flat-belt technology, machine-roomless design, and
energy-efficient and environmentally friendly benefits.

    With 150,000 square meters (1.6 million square feet) of
leasable space and provision for more than 300 stores,
Bahrain City Centre will include two five-star hotels, two
multi-level international department stores, the largest
indoor water park in the region, a 20-screen cinema -- the
largest in the Middle East, a family entertainment center
and a 6,000-car covered parking area. Bahrain City Centre
is a project of Majid Al Futtaim Group (MAF), a leading
developer in the Middle East, and is scheduled to open in

    Otis Elevator Company is the world's largest
manufacturer and maintainer of people-moving products
including elevators, escalators and moving walkways. With
headquarters in Farmington, Connecticut, Otis employs
61,000 people, offers products and services in more than
200 countries and territories and maintains 1.5 million
elevators and escalators worldwide. United Technologies
Corp., based in Hartford, Connecticut, is a diversified
company providing high-technology products and services to
the building and aerospace industries.

    For more information, please contact:  

     Tizz Weber
     Director, Communications 
     Otis Elevator Company
     Tel:   +1-860-676-6127
     Email: Tizz.Weber@Otis.com
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