

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。





【プロモーションサイト】 http://www.pitta.ne.jp


<サービス名> Pitta!(ピッタ)
<プレオープン> 2007年6月18日
<登録開始日> 2007年6月29日 ※グランドオープンは今秋を予定




有限会社ターゲット・エンタテインメント(代表取締役:高濱祐輔 本社:東京都中野区)は2007年6月14日よりKDDIのEZwebの公式サイト「○×様から電話です」のサービスを開始しました。






■防災機器・遠隔制御機器・開発販売の株式会社計測技研(本社:秋田市 代表取締役 田代 義曠)は不審者の侵入など異常の際、センサーが感知、携帯電話から緊急自動通報のできる安価な「自動通報機能付き新防犯警報器」3機種の販売を開始しました。

要   約

■新防犯警報器はマグネットセンサーを付属、センサーが侵入など異常を感知すると、携帯電話を介して緊急自 動通報を行う警報器です。対応携帯電話キャリアはSoftBak / NTTドコモの携帯電話で平行プラグのイヤホンマイクでワンタッチ発信できる機種に対応しています。

P ・ ボイス ・ アラーム

パワー ・ サイレン ・ アラーム

サイレン ・ アラームⅡ

秋田市寺内字イサノ92-1  株式会社計測技研  担当者 田代 ・ 遠藤 ・ 木内
☎ 018-862-1139 FAX 018-862-1964 HP http://www.acnavi.ne.jp/~keisok Eメール y-t@k-giken.com

 小学生のうちから社長を体験する画期的なプログラム『社長になりたい☆こども塾 マイ・ドリーム・カンパニー』 開催

株式会社キャリアコンサルティング(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役:室舘勲)は7月に第2回『社長になりたい☆こども塾 マイ・ドリーム・カンパニー』を開催致します。







『社長になりたい☆こども塾 マイ・ドリーム・カンパニー』
塾の生徒:小学校4~6年生 定員8名

密着する社長:株式会社アップラインズ 代表取締役 滝川徹 社長 

・ 「食べ物やさんをつくるなら」をテーマにお店の名前やデザイン、一押しメニューを発表
・ お店を見学しながら滝川社長のこだわり、社長学を学ぶ
・ 家で考えてきた「オリジナル餃子」を作り、滝川社長が審査

・ 自分たちが考えた餃子を2グループに分かれて販売体験!!
・ 2日間のまとめ 等


『社長になりたい☆こども塾 マイ・ドリーム・カンパニー』
 URL: http://www.kodomojuku.com/

 URL: http://www.up-lines.com/

 社長室広報課 綿引・高橋
 Tel: 03-3320-7419
 E-mail: info@c-consul.co.jp




『バイヤーズショップ』(http://www.buyers-shop.co.jp/)を運営する株式会社サンフィニティー(東京都品川区  代表取締役社長:村松弘敏)は、ドロップシッピング事業を手がける株式会社もしも(東京都渋谷区 代表取締役:実藤裕史)の『もしもドロップシッピング』(http://www.moshimo.com/)と、ランキング参加ショップの誘導面で事業提携を致しました。








担当 :株式会社サンフィニティー 村松

株式会社サンフィニティー  http://www.sunfinity.co.jp
バイヤーズショップ     http://www.buyers-shop.co.jp/
株式会社もしも       http://www.moshimo.com/

1. 商号 :株式会社サンフィニティー
2. 代表者:代表取締役 村松 弘敏
3. 所在地:東京都品川区東五反田5-24-10 テラサキ第3ビル2階
4. 設立 :2002年9月12日

第23回「I.M.press Live!」 リピート購入率5割以上を誇るECサイト「ZOZOTOWN」の魅力に迫る

◆  第23回「I.M.press Live!」はネット通販事業者の方必見! 

会、「I.M.press Live!」。

スタートトゥデイ 取締役 マーケティング本部 本部長の前原正宏氏をお迎


●ゲストスピーカー:(株)スタートトゥデイ 取締役 
             マーケティング本部 本部長 前原正宏氏

●日時:2007年6月28日(木)Live! 午後6時30分--午後8時
              懇談会   午後8時--午後8時45分

●会場:東京八重洲ホール 9階902会議室(東京・八重洲)


【定  員】36名(先着順)
【参 加 費】年間定期購読者・回覧購読者:3,000円







東京都文京区本郷2-3-6 聖台ビル5F
株式会社 アイ・エム・プレス 編集部
電  話:03-3815-8991(月~金曜日、午前10時~午後6時)





 リクルートのエンジニアのための『仕事・職場・転職』応援サイト 「リクナ
ビNEXT Tech総研」(http://rikunabi-next.yahoo.co.jp/tech/)は、

 施されています。また無線の世界では、IEEE 802.11nは来年春にも正式に標準














NEXT」やプログラミングによる複雑な調査にも対応できる「CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH」

Yahoo! JAPANユーザーの膨大なアクセスログや購買データの活用など、インターネ


1. 社名

本社:東京都中野区中央1-38-1 住友中野坂上ビル1階                                       
資本金: 金700,000,000円


5. 代表者および役員(予定)
取締役会長 大谷真樹 (現 株式会社インフォプラント 代表取締役社長 兼 CEO)
取締役副会長 藤根 淳一 (社外役員 ヤフー株式会社 事業推進本部 本部長)
代表取締役社長 田部 信 (現 株式会社インタースコープ 代表取締役社長)
取締役副社長 橋本 孝一 (現 株式会社インフォプラント 取締役 兼 COO)
取締役 井上 雅博 (社外役員 ヤフー株式会社 代表取締役社長)
取締役 喜多埜 裕明 (社外役員 ヤフー株式会社 取締役 兼 COO)
取締役 佐野 吾郎 (社外役員 ヤフー株式会社 Yahoo!リサーチ事業室 室長)


Yahoo!リサーチ 135万人、 mpack(インフォプラント) 37万人、 
スコープNet(インタースコープ) 28万人

社 名 : 株式会社インフォプラント http://www.info-plant.co.jp/
所在地 : 東京都中野区中央1-38-1 住友中野坂上ビル1階
設立日 : 1996年7月10日
資本金 : 5億9,368万円
社員数 : 219名(2007年6月末現在) 
代表者 : 代表取締役社長 大谷 真樹(おおたに まさき)
事業内容: マーケティング・リサーチ事業 http://www.info-plant.com/
        生活者情報データ・コンテンツ事業 [C-NEWS] http://c-news.jp/
        メディア・サポート事業 http://user.mediapark.jp/

社 名 : 株式会社インタースコープ http://www.interscope.co.jp/
所在地 : 東京都目黒区大橋1-6-2 ダヴィンチ池尻大橋
設立日 : 2000年3月9日
資本金 : 5億5,197万5千円
社員数 : 71名(2007年6月末現在)
代表者 : 代表取締役社長 田部 信(たなべ しん)
事業内容: インターネットリサーチの企画・設計・実査・集計・解析
        インターネットリサーチASP(Quick Scope)の提供

社 名 : ヤフー株式会社 http://www.yahoo.co.jp/
所在地 : 東京都港区六本木6-10-1 六本木ヒルズ森タワー
設立日 : 1996年1月31日
資本金 : 71億8,700万円
社員数 : 2,331人 (2007年3月31日 現在)
代表者 : 代表取締役社長 井上 雅博(いのうえ まさひろ)
事業内容: インターネット上の広告事業


株式会社インフォプラント 社長室 広報 
TEL: 03-3367-1959  FAX: 03-3367-1966
お問合せフォーム http://www.info-plant.co.jp/inquiry/

株式会社インタースコープ 広報担当
TEL: 03-5728-6100  FAX: 03-5728-6105
お問い合わせ press@interscope.co.jp

ヤフー株式会社 広報室
TEL: 03-6440-6103 FAX : 03-6440-6235
e-mail: ycompany-pr@mail.yahoo.co.jp



NEXT」やプログラミングによる複雑な調査にも対応できる「CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH」

Yahoo! JAPANユーザーの膨大なアクセスログや購買データの活用など、インターネ


1. 社名

本社:東京都中野区中央1-38-1 住友中野坂上ビル1階                                       
資本金: 金700,000,000円


5. 代表者および役員(予定)
取締役会長 大谷真樹 (現 株式会社インフォプラント 代表取締役社長 兼 CEO)
取締役副会長 藤根 淳一 (社外役員 ヤフー株式会社 事業推進本部 本部長)
代表取締役社長 田部 信 (現 株式会社インタースコープ 代表取締役社長)
取締役副社長 橋本 孝一 (現 株式会社インフォプラント 取締役 兼 COO)
取締役 井上 雅博 (社外役員 ヤフー株式会社 代表取締役社長)
取締役 喜多埜 裕明 (社外役員 ヤフー株式会社 取締役 兼 COO)
取締役 佐野 吾郎 (社外役員 ヤフー株式会社 Yahoo!リサーチ事業室 室長)


Yahoo!リサーチ 135万人、 mpack(インフォプラント) 37万人、 
スコープNet(インタースコープ) 28万人

社 名 : 株式会社インフォプラント http://www.info-plant.co.jp/
所在地 : 東京都中野区中央1-38-1 住友中野坂上ビル1階
設立日 : 1996年7月10日
資本金 : 5億9,368万円
社員数 : 219名(2007年6月末現在) 
代表者 : 代表取締役社長 大谷 真樹(おおたに まさき)
事業内容: マーケティング・リサーチ事業 http://www.info-plant.com/
        生活者情報データ・コンテンツ事業 [C-NEWS] http://c-news.jp/
        メディア・サポート事業 http://user.mediapark.jp/

社 名 : 株式会社インタースコープ http://www.interscope.co.jp/
所在地 : 東京都目黒区大橋1-6-2 ダヴィンチ池尻大橋
設立日 : 2000年3月9日
資本金 : 5億5,197万5千円
社員数 : 71名(2007年6月末現在)
代表者 : 代表取締役社長 田部 信(たなべ しん)
事業内容: インターネットリサーチの企画・設計・実査・集計・解析
        インターネットリサーチASP(Quick Scope)の提供

社 名 : ヤフー株式会社 http://www.yahoo.co.jp/
所在地 : 東京都港区六本木6-10-1 六本木ヒルズ森タワー
設立日 : 1996年1月31日
資本金 : 71億8,700万円
社員数 : 2,331人 (2007年3月31日 現在)
代表者 : 代表取締役社長 井上 雅博(いのうえ まさひろ)
事業内容: インターネット上の広告事業


株式会社インフォプラント 社長室 広報 
TEL: 03-3367-1959  FAX: 03-3367-1966
お問合せフォーム http://www.info-plant.co.jp/inquiry/

株式会社インタースコープ 広報担当
TEL: 03-5728-6100  FAX: 03-5728-6105
お問い合わせ press@interscope.co.jp

ヤフー株式会社 広報室
TEL: 03-6440-6103 FAX : 03-6440-6235
e-mail: ycompany-pr@mail.yahoo.co.jp

各 位

                        会社名 株式会社ウェブクルー
                        代表者名 代表取締役社長 青山 浩
                       (コード番号 8767 東証マザーズ)
                        会社名 株式会社小肥羊ジャパン
                        代表者名 代表取締役社長 寇 志芳



■待望の2号店「小肥羊 赤坂店」の特徴


<小肥羊 赤坂店>
【住  所】東京都港区赤坂2-14-5 プラザミカドビル1階
【電  話】03-5549-1777
【仕  様】店舗面積61坪、88席(貸切可/8名様VIPルームあり)
【営業時間】平日 AM11:00~PM11:30(LO PM10:30)
  【最 寄 駅】東京メトロ・赤坂駅(所要時間:徒歩2分)



<会 社 概 要>
【会 社 名】株式会社小肥羊ジャパン
【所 在 地】東京都港区六本木一丁目4番33号 六本木21森ビル2F
【代 表 者】寇 志芳(内蒙古小肥羊餐飲連鎖有限公司 董事副総裁)
【設  立】2006年7月20日
【資 本 金】2,500万円

※赤坂店のデザイン設計:戸井田晃英氏 ATTA Co.,Ltd.(http://atta-design.com/)

株式会社小肥羊ジャパン 広報担当 小野田
株式会社ウェブクルー 企画IRグループ 担当 小林

月刊『アイ・エム・プレス』にゆかりのある方をゲストスピーカーとしてお招きする勉強会「I.M.press Live!」。
今回は(株)スタートトゥデイ 取締役 マーケティング本部 本部長の前原正宏氏をお迎えします。


今回のLive!では、アパレルを中心にセレクト商品を販売するインターネット・ショッピング・タウン「ZOZOTOWN(ゾゾタウン)」を運営する(株)スタートトゥデイ 取締役 マーケティング本部 本部長の前原正宏氏をお迎えします。

前原氏には、わずか6年間で売上高110億円(流通高ベース)の企業に成長した秘話や、 “情報発信基地”としてeコマースからメディアサービスへと拡充する今後の事業展開について語っていただく予定です。

日  時:2007年6月28日(木)
      Live!/午後6時30分~午後8時 懇談会/午後8時~午後8時45分
会  場:東京八重洲ホール9階902会議室(東京・八重洲)
定  員:36名(先着順)


東京都文京区本郷2-3-6 聖台ビル5F
株式会社 アイ・エム・プレス 編集部
電  話:03-3815-8991(月~金曜日、午前10時~午後6時)

Award-winning Report Praises China for Tackling Poverty but Urges Nation to Reduce Inequality
June 20, 2007

    BEIJING, June 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- China's 2005
Human Development Report, an assessment of the nation's
progress in confronting the destabilizing development gaps
that have emerged between urban and rural communities,
coastal and interior regions, women and men and other
segments of society, is one of five Human Development Award
winners whose authors will be honored by the United Nations
at a ceremony in New York this week.

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061107113358-34.jpg )

    The independent Report, commissioned by the United
Nations Development Programme and entitled Development with
Equity, is the first of its kind by China-based researchers
and scholars to take a hard look at some of the most
critical human development issues facing their nation,
including inequality between urban and rural dwellers and
between men and women. Experts say that the China study is
remarkable not only for its findings but also its frank
discussion of obstacles to reform in China, such as

    "This Award is a great honour not only for the
authors but also everyone else who made the tremendous
effort to make this research work, accomplished
independently by Chinese scholars, a success," the
Report's main authors Li Shi and Bai Nansheng said in a
joint statement.  "We believe the analytical results
and policy implications provided in this Report have
brought about a significant influence on reforming the
national development strategy in China."

    Since the report was released, the Chinese Government
has taken a number of measures in recent years that reflect
the vision of human-centred development that the report
embodies. Agricultural taxes are now being abolished,
compulsory education for the rural poor is being promoted
through the renovation of school buildings and distribution
of free textbooks, and more than 150 million farmers are now
enrolled in a pilot medical insurance scheme for rural

    The Report states that while the number of people
living in absolute poverty in rural China has dropped from
250 million to 26 million since the late 1970s, in many
rural areas the public health care system is near collapse,
maternal mortality is nearly twice as high in as in cities,
and women are 2.6 times more likely to be illiterate than
men. These challenges, according to the authors, could
undermine the country's rapid advances, which have seen GDP
increases of approximately 10 percent per year over the same

    The authors also cite the traditional Chinese 'Hukou'
system -- a nationwide household registry that restricts
where a person may work and live-which they say discourages
people from pursuing jobs and education opportunities
elsewhere and fosters discrimination against China's 140
million rural migrant workers. 

    "China has made some remarkable progress in human
development. But the Report shows there is still work to be
done," said Kevin Watkins, director of the Human
Development Report Office headquartered in New York.
"When a country's economic gains are being shared very
unequally, everyone ultimately loses. Only through free and
equal access to education, health care and jobs can a
country attain its full potential in human

    The Report urges widespread reforms, including
increasing investment in public education, providing
universal access to health care, curbing corruption by
making the Government more transparent, reforming the tax
code, and widening access to the judicial system so victims
of discrimination have a better chance of obtaining redress.

    The team behind the Report will be presented with a
United Nations Human Development Award for excellence in
policy analysis and influence at a ceremony at the UN
Headquarters in New York on 20 June. They will be joined in
the spotlight by four other winning entries hailing from
India, Costa Rica and Guinea-Bissau, along with an
Asia-Pacific regional report on trade. At the event, UN
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will also present a lifetime
achievement award for contribution to human development to
the Inuit climate change activist Sheila Watt-Cloutier.

    Judges for the Human Development Awards include Crown
Prince Haakon of Norway, Princess Basma of Jordan,
President Jorge Quiroga of Bolivia and Dr. Gita Sen of
Harvard University and the Indian Institute of Management.
Previous awards were given in 2000, 2002 and 2004.

    For more information, please contact:

    Zhang Wei
    Tel: +86-10-8532-0715 / +86-139-1007-3809
IHG Signs Multi-Brand, Multi-Property China Deal with Leading Hong Kong Developer
June 20, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, June 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- IHG
(InterContinental Hotels Group) announced today the signing
of a management contract to operate three hotels and over
800 rooms in Changzhou, a key Eastern China city near
Shanghai. Consisting of one Crowne Plaza hotel and two
Holiday Inn Express hotels within an integrated city centre
commercial complex, the three hotels will be developed by
Top Spring Group, a leading Hong Kong retail investment and
real estate developer. Top Spring Group has also signed a
strategic partnership with IHG, giving IHG preferential
branding and management rights to all of Top Spring's
upcoming hotel developments across China.

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200702131431.jpg

    The three hotels will be part of the Landmark
International Commercial Center, located in the centre of
Changzhou. The integrated complex with have over 580,000
square metres of retail outlets, offices, exhibition space,
entertainment facilities, residences and hotels. The hotels
to be managed by IHG are: 

    Holiday Inn Express City Center Changzhou: 208 rooms,
scheduled to open by end of 2008 Crowne Plaza Changzhou:
288 rooms, scheduled to open in 2011.  Holiday Inn Express
Landmark Changzhou: 308 rooms, scheduled to open in 2011.  

    "Top Spring Group has significant knowledge and
expertise in China's real estate market and we are pleased
to partner with them as they grow their hotel portfolio
across China," said Mr. Tony South, acting chief
executive, IHG Asia Pacific. "This strategic
multi-brand, multi-property partnership, once again
demonstrates that IHG is the partner of choice for hotel
developers and owners in China." 

    Mr. Wong Chun Hong, chairman and managing director of
Top Spring Group, said, "We recognize the growing
needs of hotel industry in Changzhou and other parts of
China, and we are delighted to be partnering with IHG, the
world's largest hotel group by number of rooms, to launch
the new hotels in Landmark International Commercial Centre.
We are confident that IHG's world-recognized hotel brands
and established operating systems will help our hotels
provide the highest quality of products and services to our

    Changzhou is a key tourism destination, attracting more
than 20 million tourists with tourism revenues of RMB 400
million in 2006. It is also a significant manufacturing
base, home to industrial parks that house various
international and domestic companies.

    About IHG

    InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG) of the United
Kingdom (LON: IHG, NYSE: IHG (ADRs)) is the world's largest
hotel group by number of rooms.  IHG owns, manages, leases
or franchises, through various subsidiaries, over 3,700
hotels and more than 558,000 guest rooms in nearly 100
countries and territories around the world. IHG owns a
portfolio of well recognised and respected hotel brands
including InterContinental(R) Hotels & Resorts, Crowne
Plaza(R) Hotels & Resorts, Holiday Inn(R) Hotels and
Resorts, Holiday Inn Express(R), Staybridge Suites(R),
Candlewood Suites(R) and Hotel Indigo(R), and also manages
the world's largest hotel loyalty programme, Priority
Club(R) Rewards with over 33 million members worldwide.

    The company pioneered the travel industry's first
collaborative response to environmental issues as founder
of the International Hotels and Environment Initiative
(IHEI). The IHEI formed the foundations of the Tourism
Partnership launched by the International Business Leaders
Forum in 2004, of which IHG is still a member today. The
environment and local communities remain at the heart of
IHG's global corporate responsibility focus.

    IHG offers information and online reservations for all
its hotel brands at http://www.ihg.com and information for
the Priority Club Rewards programme at
http://www.priorityclub.com .

    For the latest news from IHG, visit our online Press
Office at http://www.ihg.com/media .

    About Top Spring Group

    Top Spring Group is based in Hong Kong and Shenzhen,
China. Its major businesses are retail investment and real
estate development in China, including the sourcing and
acquiring of sites to build shopping malls to be anchored
by Wal-Mart hypermarkets in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing
regions. Its major projects include: residential projects in
Beijing and Shenzhen; three commercial real estate projects
for Wal-Mart shopping centres under construction and six
more under developments, and a Holiday Inn hotel in
Changzhou, Jiangsu Province under construction. Top Spring
Group has established joint venture and other strategic
relationships with leading multinational and Chinese
companies, including Shenzhen International Trust and
Investment Company for real estate development; a joint
venture with a subsidiary of Hutchison Whampoa Group of
Hong Kong as franchisee to sell Warner Brothers' consumer
products in China; and a joint venture partnership with
China Aviation Group to run a 20-outlet Rainbow Department
Store chain across China. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Sharona Tao, IHG
     Tel:   +86-21-2893-3309
     Fax:   +86-21-2893-3399
     Email: sharona.tao@ihg.com
Leading Job Search Engine Recruits volunteers to Protect China's Environment
June 20, 2007

    BEIJING, June 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Meijob.com,
China's leading job search engine ( http://www.meijob.com
), announced a new agreement with Friends of Nature (FON),
an NGO dedicated to the protection of China's environment. 
FON was established in 1994, as the first non-governmental
organization for environmental protection in China.  

    Under the new agreement, Meijob.com will provide FON
with a professional platform to recruit volunteers for the
organization's various activities throughout China.  The
volunteers will take part in FON's "Everyone Pays for
Global Warming" program, and help raise awareness of
climate change and the negative effects carbon emissions
have on our environment.  
    Meijob.com and FON signed a cooperation memorandum,
giving FON access to Meijob.com's recruitment platform,
free of charge, for a period of one year.  "The new
agreement initiates a new mode of recruiting volunteers for
environmental causes in China," says Barak Paz-Tal,
co-founder of Meijob.  
    "Since Meijob.com's official launch in March this
year, we have seen tremendous growth to our business,"
says Paz-Tal, "China's economy is also growing at a
fast pace.  It is important to make sure that this growth
goes hand in hand with social responsibility, and caring
for the environment."
    "As China's leading job search engine, we see it
as our responsibility to lead and inspire other companies
to make an effort in this direction."

    About FON
    Friends of Nature (FON) was established in 1994.  It is
the oldest non-governmental environmental protection
organizations.  It has been working in environmental
education, nature conservation, and public participation in
the environmental protection cause.  Based on environment
education and nature conservation, it has established and
spread green culture with Chinese characteristics, so as to
promote the cause of sustainable development. After a
decade's development, FON has become a well-known
environmental NGO with excellent public credit and great
influence.  It has made major contribution to China's
environmental protection cause and the development of civil
society. It has become one of the organizations in China.

    About Meijob 
    http://www.Meijob.com is China's leading job search
engine.  Meijob's job crawler aggregates over 240,000
employment opportunities from more than 40 job sites into
one easy-to-use website.  As the first bilingual interface
job searching website in China, Meijob.com employs the
latest Ajax technology to process large amount of
information and provides jobseekers with seamless access to
jobs from various sources.  
     Meijob.com enjoys more than 3 million page views per
month, and has more than 100,000 registered users, 95% of
which are Chinese users from China mainland.  

    For more information, please contact:  

     Ms. Li Jian, 
     Development head of FON volunteers          
     Mobile: +86-136-8128-3826
     Email:  lijian@fon.org.cn

     Mr. Yang Yeqing, 
     PR Manager of Meijob
     Mobile: +86-139-010-62177
     Email:  yesiing@meijob.com

WHO and UNICEF Call for Renewed Commitment to Breastfeeding
June 20, 2007

    MANILA, June 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Exclusive
breastfeeding rates in East Asia and the Pacific are just
61% at four months of babies' lives and even lower, at 35%,
at six months. And yet science has established that
exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a
child's life is the single best strategy for the infant's
survival, growth and development. 

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061102095006-51.jpg )

    This is an alarming threat to child survival, according
to WHO and UNICEF, which have urged governments in East Asia
and the Pacific to invest more in protecting, promoting and
supporting  breastfeeding. The UN organizations say more
needs to be done to inform parents of the merits of
breastfeeding and the dangers of breast milk substitutes,
to crack down on violations of the International Code of
Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes, and to better fund
public health systems for delivering breastfeeding support
services to mothers and families.

    The joint WHO/UNICEF call comes at the opening of a
three-day consultation of 70 regional and global public
health experts in Manila on how to better protect, promote
and support breastfeeding. The meeting will focus on how to
discourage a bottle-feeding culture by tackling the
influence of breast milk substitutes and effectively
promoting the evidence for why breast is still best.

    In the Philippines, the rate of exclusive breastfeeding
at four to five months fell from 20% in 1998 to 16% in 2003.
It is estimated that 16,000 deaths of children under five in
the Philippines are caused by inappropriate feeding
practices, including the use of infant formula. In
response, the Department of Health has proposed new
Implementing Rules and Regulations of the National Milk
Code to ensure full enforcement of the International Code
of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and to prevent any
violations by infant formula makers. 

    "Poor nutrition is the greatest contributing
factor to under-five mortality rates," says Dr Shigeru
Omi, the Regional Director of the WHO Regional Office for
the Western Pacific. "Breastfeeding provides a natural
safeguard for a child in the first months of life and plays
a critical role in growth and development." The Joint
WHO/UNICEF Regional Child Survival Strategy, which has been
endorsed by all Member States in the Western Pacific Region,
recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months
as one of the key components of an essential child-survival

    Breast milk contains hundreds of health-enhancing
antibodies and enzymes that stimulate the immune system and
improve children's response to vaccinations. It also helps
to prevent diarrhoea, pneumonia, and sudden infant death
syndrome (SIDS), and contributes to child-spacing.

    In addition to the short-term benefits to a child's and
mother's health, evidence increasingly indicates
breastfeeding's role in preventing chronic disease in
adulthood. A recent WHO review of global studies shows that
breastfed children have a lower mean blood pressure, lower
total cholesterol, as adults, and higher performance in
intelligence tests. Also, the prevalence of
overweight/obesity and type 2 diabetes is lower among
adults who were breastfed as children. Breastfeeding
reduces the incidence of asthma, allergies, childhood
cancers, diabetes, Crohn's disease, colitis, obesity,
cardiovascular disease and ear infections, while promoting
cognitive development and school performance.

    In many countries in the region, the combination of
weak public health systems, slick and expensive marketing
of milk formula and poor enforcement of marketing
regulations have contributed to the decline of
breastfeeding. Often, poorly funded public health systems
are failing to fully equip health workers with the skills
and knowledge to assist new mothers in how to breastfeed.
The problem is compounded when poorly paid health workers
are offered incentives and gifts by formula companies to
promote their products.

    In addition to the public health benefits of
breastfeeding, the economic savings for both families and
health systems are potentially enormous. This is especially
critical for poorer families, who are increasingly spending
a large part of their income on infant formula, convinced
that it is a way to improve their child's intelligence and
thus chances for a better life. WHO Philippines estimates
that Filipinos are spending US$465 million (21.5 billion
pesos) a year to formula-feed their infants.

    In sharp contrast to the regional trend, Cambodia has
experienced a surge in women who are exclusively
breastfeeding during their babies' first six months. The
rates have increased from 11% in 2000 to 60% in 2005 -
largely due to parents learning that giving water to their
babies is not necessary. This appears to have contributed
to a dramatic decrease in child mortality rates: falling
from 95 infant deaths and 124 under-five deaths for every
1,000 live births in 2000, to 65 and 83, respectively in
2005. Cambodia's success is in part the result of an
aggressive campaign to educate women on the importance of
breastfeeding that involved public awareness education
through the media and creating
"breastfeeding-friendly" sites in villages.

    "Within the region, child survival is affected by
poor water quality, hygiene and sanitation. Combine
unsanitary water with the replacement of breastfeeding by
infant formula and the threat becomes even deadlier,"
says Anupama Rao Singh, UNICEF's Regional Director for East
Asia and Pacific. "We need to ensure that we remain
committed to protecting, promoting and supporting
breastfeeding by helping mothers and their families
understand the benefits and also the risks of artificial
feeding. This means governments must remain committed to
enforcing the International Code of Marketing of
Breast-milk Substitutes and also invest much more in the
public health system."


    An opening press conference is scheduled for 12.00 noon
on Wednesday 20 June at the World Health Organization
Western Pacific Regional Office, on UN Avenue/corner Taft,
in Manila. Broadcast-quality footage from Indonesia and the
Philippines is available.

    Media are also invited to the screening of a short
film: "Formula for Disaster: Milk Code Violations in
the Philippines", followed by a panel discussion with
experts, from 17.30 on Thursday 21 June, at the Manila
Pavilion Hotel, United Nations Avenue.

    International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk

    In 1981, in recognition that women and their families
needed to be protected from the  inappropriate marketing of
breast-milk substitutes, the 34th World Health Assembly
adopted the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk
Substitutes. Its aim is to provide safe and adequate
nutrition for infants by protecting and promoting
breastfeeding and ensuring the proper use of breast-milk
substitutes, when these are necessary.

    Regional Data:

    Countries and territories included in the East Asia and
Pacific regional estimates: Cambodia, China, Cook Islands, 
Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Fiji, Indonesia,
Kiribati, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia,
Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of)
Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea,
Philippines, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Timor-Leste,
Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Viet Nam.

    For more information or to set up an interview with an
expert, please contact:

     Dale Rutstein, 
     UNICEF Philippines, 
     Tel: +632-901-0177
     Mob: +63-91786-64969

     Shantha Bloemen, 
     UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office
     Mob: +66-81906-0813

     Peter Cordingley, Spokesman, 
     WHO, Western Pacific Region 
     Tel: +632-528-9992 
     Mob: +63-91784-43688
     Email: cordingleyp@wpro.who.int

     UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Region webpage:
      WHO, Western Pacific Region webpage:
Offline Media Dominate China's B2B Sector with a 75% Market Share
June 20, 2007

Export Promotions Exceed Domestic Spending, Accounting for
70% of Revenue

    BEIJING, June 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Analysys
International's China's B2B Media Industry Research Report
( http://www.english.analysys.com.cn ) shows trade
publications and trade shows dominate mainland China's
business-to-business media with 72 percent market share,
while online media accounts for 25 percent.
    (Photo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200706201042.JPG

    Market shares of China B2B media platforms in 2006

    Other key findings show foreign trade-related
advertising accounts for about 70 percent of total China
B2B media revenue.  Total B2B advertising is expected to
top RMB 9.3 billion in 2007, up 25 percent over 2006.

    The size of China's B2B market

    Domestic and foreign trade market share
    Analysys' Sr. research analyst, Haiying Chen, said:
"Contrary to common belief, online media spending does
not dominate China's B2B media space.  Our research shows
quite the opposite, with spending on traditional media
accounting for well over double that of online

    "Another interesting finding is that foreign
trade-related B2B services accounted for 70 percent of B2B
media spending in 2006.  China's domestic B2B market is
still in its early stages.  Consequently, many companies
serving the local market are small players and have focused
on the online model, largely due to its ease of

    "However, foreign trade is far more sophisticated
than domestic trade. Just some of the hurdles that
foreign-focused B2B media help overcome include distance,
language, culture, clarity on safety standards, customs,
and liability issues - the list goes on.  Consequently,
both Chinese exporters and overseas buyers require more
robust channels to communicate.  They rely heavily on
specialized media, including trade publications and trade
fairs, and online marketplaces."
    Market shares of top B2B service providers
    The report notes that suppliers serving the domestic
market are also shifting from competing on low price to
focusing more on value-added services. This move will
intensify competition among suppliers and drive demand for
more sophisticated media solutions.

    Foreign trade-focused firms will have a distinct
competitive advantage when developing the comprehensive
media offerings that China's B2B domestic market will
increasingly require.

    The China's B2B Media Industry Report provides an
overview of both the online and offline media business,
including a detailed analysis of the current status and
future trends of the overall China B2B media market for
2006. It offers recommendations to B2B media users, service
providers and investors interested in China's B2B media

    SWOT analysis of different B2B media platforms

    A free executive summary of the report is available at 

    About Analysys International

    Analysys International is the leading advisor about
technology, media and telecom (TMT) industries in China. 
We provide data, information and advice to 50,000 clients
worldwide representing 1,500 distinct organizations,
deliver over 150 consulting engagements a year, and hold
more than 20 events that draw in over 8,000 attendees.  Our
clients include executives from companies as technology
vendors, vertical information technology users, as well as
professionals from professional service companies, the
investment community and government agencies.

    For more information, please contact:

     Karen Bai
     Tel:   +86-10-6466-6565 X324
     Email: bailingling@analysys.com.cn
Neuman & Esser Selects Birkart Globistics for International Cargo Management Project
June 20, 2007

Birkart Globistics' Global Freight Forwarding Solution
Streamlines Supply Chain, Improves Efficiency, and Cuts

    BANGKOK, Thailand, June 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Birkart Globistics air + ocean, a business segment of Thiel
Logistik AG, has announced today that the Neuman & Esser
Group, one of the world's leading suppliers of reciprocating
compressors, has selected the logistics service provider as
its company of choice for the provision of international
shipping services, with a strong focus in the Asian market

    As part of the solution provided, Birkart Globistics
Thailand, in partnership with its network of worldwide
subsidiaries, spearheaded a shipment and delivery programme
that assisted Neuman & Esser in the transportation of
compressors, motors and accessories from locations
including Germany, Finland, Italy, Korea and Thailand to
its consignee based in Melakka, Malaysia.

    The freight forwarding project, which began in February
2007, called for a comprehensive, integrated global
logistics solution that would seamlessly consolidate
essential air, ground and sea services to ensure critical
delivery times were met.

    In total, over 379 tonnes (755 cubic metres) of cargo,
estimated of more than 5 Million Euro value was transported
from Neuman & Esser's various worldwide locations, via
transportation hubs that included Germany, Finland and
Thailand, to the company's client located in Malaysia. 

    In addition, Birkart Globistics' information management
systems ensured that Neuman & Esser was able to keep
track of the progress of shipment consignments, plus
receive regular dispatch and delivery updates.

    According to Mr. James David Kilpatrick, CEO Far East
for Birkart Globistics air + ocean Neuman & Esser's
selection of Birkart Globistics resulted from the
customer's requirement for a strategic logistics partner,
with the relevant global shipping infrastructure and
technological expertise, to meet its needs for a customized
and reliable, cargo management solution. 

    "Neuman & Esser's decision to choose Birkart
Globistics as its worldwide shipping partner for this
significant project proves our proficiency in international
supply chain management, made possible by our extensive
integrated service systems, excellent customer support and
global reach," commented Mr. Kilpatrick.

    Mr. Kilpatrick also cites Birkart Globistics' personal
approach, flexibility, experience and competence in
managing large-scale logistics operations from
start-to-finish as key determinants supporting its
appointment to this project.

    Equally important, Mr. Andy Thom, Managing Director for
Neuman and Esser Thailand stated that the company had also
been searching for a single-carrier solution and considered
the Birkart Globistics' transportation solution to be the
most effective way to streamline its delivery channels and
freight forwarding systems, in order to reduce storage
costs and improve delivery times.

    "Throughout this project, Birkart Globistics
clearly demonstrated, time and time again, its wide range
of logistics capabilities and the breadth of its
international service infrastructure," stated Mr.

    "As a result, Neuman & Esser is proud of the
relationship we have developed with Birkart
Globistics," he concluded. "Given their
dedication, on-time delivery performance, and ability to
customize distribution systems to our individual
requirements, we now have a partner that is ideally suited
to Neuman & Esser's own and continually evolving
distribution and freight forwarding needs."    

    About BIRKART GLOBISTICS air + ocean and Thiel

    Birkart Globistics air + ocean, headquartered in
Aschaffenburg, Germany, is present on all continents with a
total of 200 locations, including 87 of its own company
branches. In addition to air and sea transportation, 1,500
employees also provide tailor-made and complex logistics
services. The company's international focus is on Europe,
Asia, Australia, South America and South Africa. The global
air + ocean network is strengthened by partnerships and
cooperative ventures, and the company is a member of the
sea-freight cooperation Group 99 and the air-cargo
cooperation FUTURE. Birkart Globistics air + ocean is a
business segment of Thiel Logistik AG.

    As an external partner, Thiel Logistik AG, Grevenmacher
(Luxembourg), develops holistic logistics and service
solutions for trade and industry. In 2006, the Group
generated sales of EUR 1.89 billion and currently employs
approximately 8,000 staff in 42 countries. Thiel Logistik
operates on the main markets worldwide and has some 350
locations across all continents. 
Thiel Logistik AG is listed on the Prime Standard of
Deutsche Boerse. The major shareholder of the company is
DELTON AG, Bad Homburg, which has an equity stake of 50.26

    Please refer to http://www.birkart.com and
http://www.thiel-logistik.com for more information.

    For more information, please contact:

     Mr. Axel Herzhauser
     Regional Sales & Marketing Manager
     Phone:    +852-2879-3133
     Fax:      +852-3190-2115
     Email:    axel.herzhauser@birkart.com.hk
     Internet: http://www.birkart.com
SEVEN and UFIDA Partner to Bring Mobile Email to Enterprise Customers
June 20, 2007

UFIDA MOBILE will offer Umail to more than 500,000
enterprise customers

    SINGAPORE, June 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Today SEVEN
and UFIDA announced a partnership that will provide UFIDA
Umail to more than 500,000 enterprise customers in China.
This partnership positions SEVEN as the market leader for
push email for the Chinese market.

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200706181741.JPG )

    SEVEN, the global leader in white label push email
software, and UFIDA, the largest independent software
provider in China, will offer Umail through UFIDA's network
of 110 channel partners.
    Umail will allow UFIDA Mobile customers to access their
mainstream email accounts on their mobile phone, making it
easy for them to keep in touch.  Umail will push email to
subscribers' mobile phones allowing customers to access
their messages in less than a second. 

    "Having instant access to email is enormously
beneficial for our clients," said by James Yang, CEO
of UFIDA Mobile.  "It is easy, and reliable.  We are
very excited to be able to bring email service to our
customers' mobile phones."

    UFIDA Mobile's Umail, powered by SEVEN, will allow its
customers to access multiple email accounts at once, and
various parts of their email account.  Customers will be
able to access the contact list on their email account, the
calendar, and the archived folders without having to find a
PC, allowing customers true mobility. 

    "Mobile consumers are constantly on the go,"
said Ross Bott, chief executive officer of SEVEN. 
"Enterprise subscribers are in and out of meetings or
traveling and they're never in one place for an entire day,
and our solution can travel with them.  Mobile email means
that people can be mobile, giving them greater flexibility
in their day and where and how they work."

    UFIDA Mobile will sell its Umail email solution,
powered by SEVEN, via a network of 110 channel partners to
its 500,000 enterprise customers. 

    About SEVEN

    SEVEN is a global innovator in mobile messaging,
enabling mobile operators, internet email providers and
service providers to offer their users intuitive and secure
real-time access to business and personal content.  SEVEN's
software meets the unique needs and requirements of
enterprises, small-to-medium organizations, workgroups,
individual professionals and consumers. 

    SEVEN's mobile email solution currently ships on
devices by HTC, Motorola, Nokia, Palm, Samsung, Sony
Ericsson, including the Samsung BlackJack and the Motorola
RAZR.  SEVEN is available today for all major international
network standards, and chosen by million users and over 100
leading mobile operators worldwide including Alltel,
AT&T formerly Cingular Wireless, DTAC, Etisalat, FET,
Globe Telecom, Hutchison, KDDI Corp., NTT DoCoMo, Orange,
Sprint Nextel, Starhub, Telefonica Moviles, Telkom
Indonesia, and Vimpelcom.  SEVEN's email solutions support
corporate email servers as well as personal email accounts
and services with AIM, AOL, Gmail, Wndows Live Hotmail and

    SEVEN is headquartered in Redwood City, California,
USA, with regional offices around the globe.  For
additional information, visit http://www.seven.com .

    SEVEN is a registered trademark of Seven Networks, Inc.
 Always-On Mail, Out of the Office, System SEVEN, SEVEN
Personal Edition, SEVEN Enterprise Edition, and SEVEN
Server Edition are also trademarks or service marks of
Seven Networks, Inc. or its subsidiaries.  All other
trademarks or trade names are those of their respective

    About UFIDA 

    UFIDA Software Co. Ltd. is one of the leading providers
of management software solutions and services in Asia. 
Established in 1988, UFIDA is recognized as an outstanding
software company for its quality products and professional
services used by a vast enterprise customer base of over
500,000 across the region.  UFIDA (Hong Kong) Co. Ltd. is
the wholly owned subsidiary of UFIDA Software Co. Ltd in
Hong Kong SAR since 2003. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Angelika Quadt or Ian Purnomo 
     Red Dawn Communications
     Tel:   +65-6222-4704
     Email: angelika@reddawncommunications.com or 

     Ari Backholm 
     Vice President, Marketing, SEVEN
     Tel:   +1-650-381-2510
     Email: ari@seven.com 
3.53 Billion Shares Trade Over Thomson Financial's Order Routing Network in Record Day
June 20, 2007

Thomson's Global Expansion in Equities Strengthened by
Addition of New Local Broker Destinations in Emerging
European, Asian and Latin American Markets

    NEW YORK, June 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Thomson
Financial, an operating unit of The Thomson Corporation
(NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC) and a leading provider of information
and technology solutions to the worldwide financial
community, today announced record one-day trading volume of
3.53 billion shares on its Thomson Order Routing network. 

    "These record volumes are evidence of our growing
global network and our continuous expansion into new and
emerging markets," said Albert Lojko, Head of
Institutional Equities at Thomson Financial. "In less
than three years we've seen a 50% increase in the volumes
traded on our electronic order routing network." 

    As regional brokers in Asia, Europe, and Latin America
follow established markets in the shift to electronic
trading, they are increasingly turning to Thomson Order
Routing to connect with more than 700 leading brokers and
asset managers. 

    Recently, Thomson added GBM and Finamex, the first
local brokers in Mexico to join a growing list of emerging
market destinations on the Thomson Order Routing network,
including Turkey, Poland, Greece, Russia, India, China,
Taiwan, Korea, among dozens of others. 

    "Thomson's global reach, and reputation for
reliability, speed and value, make it the obvious choice
for us in driving local and international order flow to our
desks," said Carlos Ramirez, head of electronic trading
services at Mexico City-based Finamex Casa de Bolsa.
"Thomson Order Routing connects me to hundreds of
international buy-side firms looking to trade on the Latin
America exchanges." 

    With broker destinations in more than 50 markets, in
Asia, Europe, and Latin America, Thomson's equities network
continues to expand its global footprint by leading the
growth of electronic trading, not only in established
markets, but new and emerging markets. 

    About Thomson Order Routing

    The Thomson Order Routing, network is the largest
global hub-and-spoke network, connecting traders across
continents and time zones to any trading partner and venue.
 The order routing service is both market and
broker-neutral, transferring industry-standard order and
execution FIX messages, between institutional and broker
trading partners.  Thomson Order Routing is part of Thomson
Financial's Institutional Equities segment, which helps
equity traders optimize their performance by enabling the
buy-side to identify trading opportunities, achieve best
execution and minimize market impact.   Additionally,
Thomson Financial's Institutional Equities helps the
sell-side maximize trade volumes and better serve their
customers, with solutions that support the entire trading
workflow, from pre-trade cost analysis, market awareness
and liquidity discovery to order management and post trade

    About Thomson Financial

    Thomson Financial, with 2006 revenues of US$2 billion,
is a provider of information and technology solutions to
the worldwide financial community.  Through the widest
range of products and services in the industry, Thomson
Financial helps clients in more than 70 countries make
better decisions, be more productive and achieve superior
results.  Thomson Financial is part of The Thomson
Corporation ( http://www.thomson.com ), a global leader in
providing essential electronic workflow solutions to
business and professional customers.  With operational
headquarters in Stamford, Conn., Thomson provides
value-added information, software tools and applications to
professionals in the fields of law, tax, accounting,
financial services, scientific research and healthcare. The
Corporation's common shares are listed on the New York and
Toronto stock exchanges (NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC).

    For more information, please contact:

     Joseph Christinat
     Public Relations Manager
     Thomson Financial
     Tel:   +1-646-822-2392
     Email: joe.christinat@thomson.com
Solland Solar: Dramatic Expansion of Solar Cell Production
June 20, 2007

    HEERLEN, Netherlands, and AACHEN, Germany, June 20
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Solland Solar is planning its second
expansion within one year. The shareholders of the solar
cell producer have agreed to increase production capacity
almost threefold. From mid-2008, Solland Solar will be able
to produce solar power with a total capacity of 170 MWp per
year, instead of the current 60 MWp/a.

    With a view to the expansion, Solland Solar (
http://www.sollandsolar.com ) is constructing an extra
production hall on the German part of the Avantis
industrial park, located midway between Heerlen and Aachen,
where the company is based. According to the current plans,
the new production capacity will be put into full service
in the spring of 2008. Space has already been reserved on
the current location for another two production halls in
anticipation of further expansion.

    Growth in solar energy

    Solland Solar's expansion is being undertaken in
anticipation of the growing demand for solar energy.
Research by the German Photon Consulting confirmed at the
beginning of April that there is an increasing demand in
the market, stimulated by the global concern about climate
change due to the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas).
Because of this, CO2-free alternatives such as solar energy
are becoming increasingly popular. Photon estimated for
example that the current production capacity of solar
cells, 2.7 GW, will have increased fourfold in 2010.

    Solar energy is also becoming increasingly appealing to
consumers due to its significantly lower cost. According to
calculations by the EPIA, the industry association devoted
to the European solar market, cost price will amount to EUR
0.20 per kWh within the next ten years.

    Solland Solar

    Solland Solar is a Dutch-German manufacturer of solar
cells (photovoltaic cells). Solland Solar's capacity came
to 20 MWp/a at the start of production towards the end of
2005. After a recent expansion, the capacity was increased
to 60 MWp/a, with a view to reaching the level of 170 MWp/a
from mid-2008.

    Constant growth is a key objective of Solland Solar,
which strives for a production capacity of 500 MWp/a in
2010 (2007: 60 MWp/a), with relevant turnover of EUR 1
billion (2006: EUR 40 million). The number of employees
will also increase, from 160 in 2007 to 400 in 2008 and
1,000 in 2010.

    Delta Solar and Sunergy acquired a controlling interest
in Solland in February 2007.

    The achievements of Solland Solar have not gone by
unnoticed. It won "The Rising Star Award" of
Deloitte/FEM Business in 2006 and the "Euregion
Meuse-Rhine Investment Award" earlier this year.

    Website: http://www.sollandsolar.com 

    For more information, please contact:

     Wendy Kleijnen
     Public Relations Dept.
     Solland Solar
     Tel:   +31-45-8800-600
     Email: info@sollandsolar.com

Startech Environmental Receives 2007 Frost & Sullivan Technology Innovation Award
June 20, 2007

    WILTON, Conn., June 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Startech
Environmental Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: STHK), a
fully reporting company, announced today that the Company
received the Frost & Sullivan "2007 Excellence in
Emerging Technologies Award for Technology Innovation"
at the Frost & Sullivan Annual Award ceremonies in
California on June 13. Other 2007 special category
recipients at the ceremonies included Bosch Security
Systems Inc., Philips Research NA and Honeywell Process

    Award Description

    Frost & Sullivan's Technology Innovation Award is
bestowed upon a company that has carried out new research,
which has resulted in innovations that have or are expected
to bring significant contributions to the industry in terms
of adoption, change, and competitive posture. This award
recognizes the quality and depth of a company's research
and development program as well as the vision and
risk-taking that enabled it to undertake such an endeavor.

    The Awards recognize companies in a variety of regional
and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement
and superior performance in areas such as leadership,
technological innovation, customer service, and strategic
product development.  Industry analysts compare market
participants and measure performance through in-depth
interviews, analysis, and extensive secondary research in
order to identify best practices in the industry.

    About Frost & Sullivan

    Frost & Sullivan, a global growth consulting
company, has been partnering with clients to support the
development of innovative strategies for more than 40
years. The company's industry expertise integrates growth
consulting, growth partnership services, and corporate
management training to identify and develop opportunities.
Frost & Sullivan serves an extensive clientele that
includes Global 1000 companies, emerging companies, and the
investment community by providing comprehensive industry
coverage that reflects a unique global perspective and
combines ongoing analysis of markets, technologies,
econometrics, and demographics. For more information, visit
http://www.frost.com .

    Research Methodology

    To choose the award recipient, Frost & Sullivan's
analyst team tracks innovation in key hi-tech markets. The
selection process includes primary participant interviews
and extensive primary and secondary research via the
bottom-up approach. The analyst team shortlists candidates
on the basis of a set of qualitative and quantitative
measurements. The analysts also consider the pace of
research and technology innovation, and the significance or
potential relevance of the innovation to the overall
industry. The ultimate award recipient is chosen after a
thorough evaluation of this research.

    About Startech -- The Environment and Energy Company

    Startech Environmental is an environment and energy
industry company engaged in the production and sale of its
innovative, proprietary plasma processing equipment known
as the Plasma Converter System(TM). 
    The Plasma Converter System safely and economically
destroys wastes, no matter how hazardous or lethal, and
turns most into useful and valuable products. In doing so,
the System protects the environment and helps to improve
the public health and safety. The System achieves
closed-loop elemental recycling to safely and irreversibly
destroy Municipal Solid Waste, organics and inorganics,
solids, liquids and gases, hazardous and non-hazardous
waste, industrial by-products and also items such as
"e-waste," medical waste, chemical industry waste
and other specialty wastes, while converting many of them
into useful commodity products that can include metals and
a synthesis-gas called Plasma Converted Gas (PCG)(TM).

    Among the many commercial uses for PCG, is its use to
produce "green electrical power," Gas-To-Liquid
(GTL) fuels such as ethanol, synthetic diesel fuel and
other higher alcohol "alternative" fuels. 
Hydrogen, for use and sale, can also be separated and
recovered from the PCG synthesis gas mixture.

    The Startech Plasma Converter is essentially a
manufacturing system producing commodity products from
feedstocks that were previously regarded as wastes. 

    Startech regards all wastes, hazardous and
non-hazardous, as valuable renewable resources.

    Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements

    This press release contains forward-looking statements,
including statements regarding the Company's plans and
expectations regarding the development and
commercialization of its Plasma Converter(TM) technology. 
All forward-looking statements are subject to risk and
uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those projected.  Factors that could cause
such a difference include, without limitation, failure of
the customer to obtain appropriate financing for the
project, general risks associated with product development,
manufacturing, rapid technological change and competition as
well as other risks set forth in the Company's filings with
the Securities and Exchange Commission. The forward-looking
statements contained herein speak only as of the date of
this press release. The Company expressly disclaims any
obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates
or revisions to any such statement to reflect any change in
the Company's expectations or any change in events,
conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is

    For more information, please contact:

     Steve Landa
     Tel:   +1-888-807-9443 / +1-203-762-2499 x7
     Email: sales@startech.net
     Web:   http://www.startech.net  
AerCap Orders Rolls-Royce Engines for Ten Airbus A330s
June 20, 2007

    AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, June 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
AerCap Holdings N.V. ("AerCap," (NYSE: AER))
announced that today it signed an agreement with
Rolls-Royce to power ten of the new A330 aircraft that it
ordered earlier this year from Airbus with Rolls-Royce
Trent 700 engines. Deliveries of the Trent-powered aircraft
are due to begin in 2009.

    In addition, AerCap announced that it has established a
framework agreement with Rolls-Royce by which the
Rolls-Royce Total Care services provision will be offered
to AerCap's airline customers. 

    Klaus Heinemann, Chief Executive Officer of AerCap,
said: "With this order of Trent engines we are adding
a new product to our portfolio. This reflects our strategy
of further diversifying the composition of our fleet, not
just in terms of aircraft types but also with a broader
engine choice and extended service options for our

    About AerCap

    AerCap is an integrated global aviation company with a
leading market position in aircraft and engine leasing,
trading and parts sales. AerCap also provides aircraft
management services and performs aircraft and engine
maintenance, repair and overhaul services and aircraft
disassemblies through its certified repair stations. AerCap
has a fleet of over 340 aircraft owned, managed or under
contracted orders and a diversified commercial engine

    This press release may contain forward-looking
statements that involve risks and uncertainties. In most
cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by
terminology such as "may", "should",
"expects", "plans",
"anticipates", "believes",
"estimates", "predicts",
"potential" or "continue" or the
negative of such terms or similar terminology.  Such
forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future
performance and involve significant assumptions, risks and
uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially
from those in the forward-looking statements.

    For more information, please contact:

    For Investors:

     Peter Wortel
     Tel:   +31-20-655-9658
     Email: pwortel@aercap.com

    For Media: 
     Frauke Oberdieck
     Tel:   +31-20-655-9616
     Email: foberdieck@aercap.com

Two Big Specialized Exhibitions Unite for the First Time
June 20, 2007

Boiler and Gas Exhibitions to Be Held Together in the
Shanghai International Exhibition Center from June 20

    SHANGHAI, China, June 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Gas
Expo Shanghai 2007 and the 8th International Exhibition on
Boiler, Heating and Energy Saving Technology will be held
ceremoniously in the Shanghai International Exhibition
Center from June 20 to 23, 2007.

    The 8th International Exhibition on Boiler, Heating and
Energy Saving Technology is sponsored by the Industrial
Boiler Branch of the China Electrical Equipment Industrial
Association, and organized by Shanghai Boiler Research
Institute and World Expo Group Shanghai International
Exhibition Co. Ltd. It is supported honorarily by the
Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, China Electrical
Equipment Industrial Association, Shanghai Science and
Technology Commission, Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality
and Technical Supervision and the Shanghai Environmental
Protection Administration and covered by the media
Industrial Boiler, Communication on Industrial Boilers and
http://www.boiler.com .

    According to the Mid and Long-Term Development Programs
for Energy Saving and "Opinions on Carrying Out Ten Key
Energy Saving Projects in the 'Eleventh Five-Year
Plan'" promulgated by the State Development and Reform
Commission, the average operational heat efficiency of
existing industrial boilers must be increased by 5% during
the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" and 25 million ton
of standard coal saved every year. Meanwhile, combined heat
and power generation and the technologies for supplying heat
centrally and using remaining heat should be energetically
promoted. Use of clean and renewable energy sources should
be encouraged. Today when coal-burning industrial boilers
(furnaces) rank first among the ten key energy-saving
projects in the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan,"
priority will be given to development and use of
energy-saving and clean burning technologies and boilers
and new energy-saving technologies and equipment for
industrial boilers will be developed rapidly. Seven
sessions of the biennial Shanghai International Exhibition
on Boiler, Heating and Energy Saving Technology have been
held successfully since 1993. It has drawn wide attention
from industry insiders and outsiders due to the constant
expansion and advancement of its scale and level and
manufacturers from such countries and regions as America,
Germany, Britain, Italy, Finland, Switzerland, Japan, South
Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan, who all participated in each of
its past sessions. This demonstrates its exhibition scale
has been raised gradually and that it has become the most
influential specialized boiler exhibition in China. Various
boilers, completing products and technologies, auxiliary
boiler devices, relevant products and technologies and
energy-saving technologies and equipment will be shown in
this session. In light of the aims of holding this
exhibition, i.e. "maintaining characteristics,
adapting to the market, satisfying visitors and serving
exhibitors," this session will try to innovate,
further expanding the coverage of the exhibition. It will
try expanding its international and domestic influence to
make full use of Shanghai's leading position and radiating
function. The exhibition will centrally show new
technologies and new products of relevant domestic and
foreign companies in connection with boilers, heat
supplies, energy-saving technologies and equipment;
environment-protecting technologies and equipment; and
development and use of new energy resources. The exhibition
expects to enhance exchange between domestic and foreign
counterparts and provide good business opportunities for
Chinese and foreign manufacturers. 

    The receiving units of Gas Expo Shanghai are Shanghai
World Expo (Group) Co. Ltd. and CCPIT Shanghai Branch. It's
sponsored by Shanghai Gas Association and World Expo Group
Shanghai International Exhibition Co. Ltd., especially
supported by Shenneng (Group) Company Ltd., Shenneng
Company Ltd. and Shanghai Gas (Group) Co. Ltd. and covered
by http://www.gasshow.com . This exposition will exhibit
combined cold, heat and power generation and supply;
natural gas and LPG-exploiting and processing equipment;
construction of gas networks, tubings, anti-corrosion
technologies and equipment; gas transport and distribution
technologies, equipment and maintenance; management
technologies; gas measurement, detection, control,
automation technologies and equipment; safety equipment and
technologies; industrial gas equipment for supplying heat
(hot water) by gas; various gas appliances and gas
application technologies; gas-driven and assisted vehicles;
devices for replenishing vehicles with LPG and CNG; display
of gas dealers' images and brands; and introduction to
related associations, research institutes and media. 

    With the increasingly strict requirements for
environmental protection and the enhancement of people's
environmental protection awareness, clean energy sources of
natural gas will have an increasingly big market share and
broad prospects. Driven by the demand for energy resources
in Shanghai and other areas, the demand for natural gas in
China will be great in the next ten years. It's expected
that the demand for natural gas will reach 100 billion m3
in 2010. Based on this, it's predicted that there will
still be a gap between the demand for natural gas and the
future potential and producible output of natural gas in
China. Such a gap will have to be filled by imported
natural gas and LNG conveyed by pipelines. Our government
encourages foreign businessmen to participate in the
exploration and development of natural gas, construction
and operation of infrastructure projects, natural gas
projects, power station projects, gas projects for large
and medium-sized cities and other projects. Terminal sales
markets for natural gas will be continuously opened up in
our country and have plenty of room for development.
Projects such as conveyance of gas from the west to the
east and from the sea to the land; importation of LNG; and
the introduction of Russian gas from Russia in the north
are in full swing and preparation. They are bound to
provide reliable guarantees, rare opportunities and
wonderful room for the imagination in the exploration of
gas development in our cities. Meanwhile, this endows the
exhibition with a special significance.

    For more information, please contact:

     Chen Xiaocong
     Show Manager
     Tel:   +86-21-6279-2828                 		
     Fax:   +86-21-6545-5124
     Email: ricesong@siec-ccpit.com 		
     Web:   http://www.siec-ccpit.com 






 健康に対する意識が高まる中で、40~74歳の男性の2人に1人、女性の5人に1人がメタボリックシンドローム(内臓脂肪症候群)もしくはその予備軍であるとされ(出典:厚生労働省 平成16年国民健康・栄養調査)、その予防・改善に向けた取組みが注目されています。一方で生活習慣の改善は個人が単独で自己管理し、努力するだけではその実現も継続も困難であることから、何らかの支援が重要となっています。
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・NTT東日本 フレッツ・スクウェア ガイド:http://flets-square-guide.com/
・NTT西日本 フレッツ・スクウェアアクセスガイド:http://www.flets-square.info/



以 上

《 補足 》

(*1)【 NTTレゾナント 】 http://www.nttr.co.jp/

(*2)【 デューク更家 】

(*3)【 株式会社日本食生活指導センター 】

(*4)【 goo 】 http://www.goo.ne.jp/

(*5)【 NTT東日本 】
 代表取締役社長: 高部 豊彦

(*6)【 NTT西日本 】
 本社所在地: 大阪府大阪市中央区馬場町3-15 
 代表取締役社長: 森下 俊三


(*8)【 デューク更家公認 ウォーキングスタイリスト 】








 平成19年1月15日     株式交換契約書承認取締役会
 平成19年1月15日     株式交換契約書締結
 平成19年2月28日(予定) 株式交換契約書承認臨時株主総会
 平成19年4月1日(予定)  株式交換の日(効力発生日)
 平成19年4月2日(予定)  株券交付日

 会社名     三共生興株式会社(完全親会社) 三共生興ファッションサービス株式会社(完全子会社)
 株式交換比率      1                  0.5

( 注 )
  普通株式 794,800株





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