RSAセキュリティ株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長 山野 修)は、インターネット上の暗号化通信の標準技術、IPSecプロトコルの実装ツールに関し、組込みソリューション大手の東芝情報システム株式会社(本社:神奈川県川崎市、取締役社長:澤田 晃三)と協業します。
協業により東芝情報は、RSAセキュリティのRSA BSAFE暗号ライブラリを採用し、IKE version 2(*1)やEAP(*2)対応、ファイアウォールなどの最新の機能を搭載する組込み機器向けIPSec実装ツール、「NetNucleus IPSec」(ネットニュークレウス アイピーセック)を開発します。発売は12月とし、RSAセキュリティおよび東芝情報の両社が販売します。
「NetNucleus IPSec」は組込み機器開発に適したIPSec実装ツールキットとして、最新のIPSec version 3およびIKE version 2に対応しています。今後益々、通信機能の実装が進み、安全な通信環境が要求されるデジタル複合機や携帯電話、デジタルTV、デジタルカメラなどを代表とする様々な組込み機器へのセキュリティ機能の実装が容易かつ短期間で可能となります。ANSI Cで記述されたソースコードでの提供となり、代表的な組込みOSであるVxWorks,Linux,WindowsおよびμITRONに対応します。また「NetNucleus IPsec」には、全世界で多くの実績を持ち、様々な製品との相互運用性が確認されているセーフネット社のIPSecエンジンが活用されています。
RSAセキュリティは、「NetNucleus IPsec」の暗号ライブラリ向けにRSA BSAFEを東芝情報に提供すると共に、「NetNucleus IPSec」を組込み機器セットメーカー向けに販売を行い、初年度は5億円の売上を目指します。東芝情報は、組込み製品開発のノウハウを活用し、セットメーカーへのサポートやインプリメントを行います。
以 上
*1:Internet Key Exchange、IPSecで自動的に暗号鍵を交換する方式
*2:Extensible Authentication Protocol、コンピュータのダイアルアップ接続で使われていたPPPを機能拡張し認証方式を備えたプロトコル
【 東芝情報システム株式会社について 】
RSA、BSAFEはRSA Security Inc.の米国およびその他の国における登録商標または商標です。その他記載された社名・製品名・サービス名は、各社の登録商標または商標です。
名 称 : SBI絶対収益追求ファンド(愛称:ジェロニモ)
当初募集期間 : 平成18年11月17日~平成18年12月13日
当社募集期間 : 平成18年11月17日~平成18年12月8日
継続募集期間 : 平成18年12月14日~平成20年1月21日
当社お買付単位 : 10口以上10口単位(当初元本1口=1万円)
お買付価額 : お申込日の翌営業日の基準価額
当社お買付手数料: 2.1%(税込)
分 配 : 原則、年4回の決算時に分配方針に基づき分配します。
ご換金価額 : 解約申込日の翌営業日の基準価額
信託報酬 : 純資産総額に対して年率1.05%(税込)
委託会社 : SBIアセットマネジメント株式会社
社 名 : ジェロニモ・フィナンシャル・アセット・マネジメント社
本 社 : 米国コロラド州デンバー
代表者 : デイビッド・プロッカぺック
特 徴 : 積極的なリスクマネジメントを行ったうえで、マクロ分析・ファンダメンタルズ分析・数量分析を通して、どのような市場環境下においても絶対収益の追求をめざす、独創的な運用会社です。
● 関連リンク
Microsoft Windows XP SP2 Professional/Standard
Microsoft Windows 2000
Microsoft Excel 2000/XP/2003
Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2
以 上
コンテンツフィルタリングサービス Windows Live(TM) OneCare Family Safety
~ベータ版サービス提供の開始 コンテンツフィルタリングすることで、子供や家族をインターネットの有害サイトや急増するネット犯罪などのリスクから守ることが可能に。~
ウェブプラットホームWindows Live及びインターネット ポータルサイトMSN(R)を運営するマイクロソフト株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、以下 マイクロソフト)オンラインサービス事業部は、本日より、コンテンツフィルタリングサービス、Windows Live OneCare Family Safetyのベータ版をにて無償提供開始いたします。正式版は、来年上旬より無償で提供予定です。
マイクロソフトが2006年6月に行った「子供と親のインターネット利用意識調査」では、インターネットを利用する子供の約90%が毎日インターネットを利用し、同様に約90%の子供が、居間といった共有スペースではあるものの、一人でインターネットを利用しています。また、メール、ブログ、チャットなどのコミュニケーションサービスの利用が増加し、実際に会ったことのないインターネット上で知り合った大人とブログやチャットで会話をしていると回答した子供が、親の予測の約2倍の27.8%に及ぶなど、親子の意識のズレが浮かびあがっています。さらに、親が子供のインターネット利用で不安を感じていることとして、アダルトサイトなど有害サイトへのアクセスに74%、有料コンテンツの利用に68%、などが挙がっています。Windows Live OneCare Family Safetyは、コンテンツフィルタリングをすることで、あらかじめ子供が一人でインターネットを利用した際の不用意な有害サイトへのアクセスを防ぐことが可能となります。これにより、親が安心して子供そして家族にインターネットを毎日利用する環境をつくってあげることができるようになります。
Windows Live OneCare Family Safetyの主な製品概要は以下の通りです。
■コンタクトマネージメント(正式版から対応):家族、子供がWindows Liveメール、Windows Liveメッセンジャー、Windows Liveスペースでコミュニケーションをしている相手を選択設定し、管理することが可能です。
<MSN ( )とWindows Live(TM)について>
MSN/Windows Liveは、全世界の47市場で展開、21言語に対応し、毎月世界中の4億6,500万人以上のユーザーに利用されているインターネット ポータル サービスです。日本では、国内最大規模の614万人が利用するMSN Hotmailや、560万人が利用するMSNメッセンジャー/Windows Liveメッセンジャーを始め、MSNスペース/Windows Liveスペース、MSNコンピュータなど毎月4,400万人のユーザー(ブラウザベース)に利用されています。
Windows Liveは、インターネットサービスとソフトウェアで構成される個人向け新サービスです。PCやそのほかのデバイスへWebを経由して提供される、より安全かつセキュリティ・レベルの高い機能を活用して、ユーザーにとって最も関心のある連絡相手、情報および興味などが、ひとつに統合されます。MSNとWindows Liveは相互を補完しあうサービスとして、並行して提供されます。2005年11月1日より、Windows Liveサービスの初期ベータ版の一部が公開されています。
添付画像:Windows Live(TM) OneCare Family Safety スクリーンショット
マイクロソフト株式会社 Webサイト
マイクロソフトコーポレーション Webサイト
*Microsoft、MSN、Internet Explorer、Windows Liveは、米国 Microsoft Corporationの米国及びその他の国における登録商標または商標です。
*Windowsの正式名称は、Microsoft Windows Operating Systemです。
ケータイ専門TV局「Qlick.TV(クリック ドット ティービー)」にて、
株式会社フロントメディア(本社:東京都港区赤坂 代表取締役:市川茂浩)が運営するケータイ専門TV局「Qlick.TV(クリック ドット ティービー)」は、2006年12月1日より視聴者参加型投稿番組「Qnight(キューナイト)」をスタートいたします。2007年1月11日には番組と連動したSNSを開設し、史上初のSNS(注1)連動型視聴者参加型番組を放送していきます。
番組名 : 「Qnight」
放送開始日: 12月1日
アクセス方法: iメニュー>音楽/映画/アーティスト>音楽情報
対応キャリア: i-mode
利用料金 : 無料(パケット料金別)
● 関連リンク
株式会社アシックス(本社:神戸市、社長:和田清美)は、ウオーキング用品、ランニング用品、フィットネス用品など、健康志向に対応したスポーツ用品を取り揃えたアシックスグループの直営店「アシックス・ライフィール 柏の葉」を、11月22日、千葉県柏市の商業施設「ららぽーと柏の葉」にオープンします。
「アシックス・ライフィール 柏の葉」完成イメージ
○「アシックス・ライフィール 柏の葉」店舗概要
店名 アシックス・ライフィール 柏の葉
所在地 〒277-8518 千葉県柏市若柴175 ららぽーと柏の葉1F
電話番号 04-7168-1611
取扱品目 ウオーキングシューズ、子ども用シューズ(「SUKU2」「WAN×TEN」)、フィットネスシューズ、フィットネスウエア、バッグ、アクセサリー類
営業時間 10:00~21:00
従業員数 6名
店舗面積 43.29坪(144.43m2)
売場面積 38.15坪(125.9m2)
年間販売目標 8,000万円
定休日 不定休
運営会社 株式会社アシックススポーツビーイング
株式会社アシックス お客様相談室
<東京> TEL.03‐3624‐1814(直通)
<大阪> TEL.06‐6385‐1155(直通)
● 関連リンク
※一部の車種ではシガーライターソケットに供給される電源が、エンジンキーに連動していない場合があります。また、iPod 5G(第5世代)のビデオ再生では、キー連動機能を利用できません。
型 番:PCK-FMIP3W(ホワイト)/PCK-FMIP3B(ブラック)
価 格:オープン価格(実売予想価格7,980円)
対応機種:Dockコネクタを装備したiPodシリーズ(iPod 3Gを除く)
規 格:微弱無線機器
電 源:DC12V
外形寸法(mm):W48 × H51 × D88(折りたたみ時、突起部除く)
重 量:65g
< 上記商品についてのお問合せ >
東京都千代田区岩本町3-9-5 K.A.I.ビル3F
● 関連リンク
デジタル家電事業へ本格参入 ポラロイドが
日本ポラロイド株式会社(東京都港区:代表取締役社長 伊藤裕太)は、「ポラロイド32型液晶デジタルテレビFLJ-3235」を12月初旬より、「ポラロイド20型液晶デジタルテレビFLJ-2035」を12月中旬より株式会社コジマ(栃木県宇都宮市:代表取締役社長 小島章利)の店頭にて発売いたします。(希望小売価格:オープン)
今回の商品は、シンプルな地上デジタルテレビとしてご提案いたします。またシンプルの中にも、受信した地上デジタル信号をそのままパネルへ表現させる「デジタル to デジタル」方式やハイビジョンの音声、映像をケーブル1本で接続、視聴できるHDMI入力端子を搭載しておりますので、ユーザーは2011年以降も安心してご視聴いただくことが可能です。
【 「ポラロイド液晶デジタルテレビ:FLJ-2035およびFLJ-3235」 商品概要 】
● 関連リンク
「シーエフクラブオフ」は、CFカードのインターネットサービス「CFWebiew」へ登録(無料)をしたカード会員に向けて提供されるロイヤルティプログラムです。国内外の宿泊・レジャー施設など4万ヶ所以上で優待サービスを受けられる他、介護や育児、年金運用などのライフサポートを利用することが可能です。任意で月会費525 円(税込)を負担いただくと、通常会員価格よりさらに割安な料金でのご利用が可能なVIP会員となり、ホテルへの宿泊が1 泊100 円や500 円となる「ワンプライスキャンペーン」などの特別サービスも利用することが出来ます。
(1) 国内外の宿泊施設の宿泊料割引き
(2) 全国のレジャーランド、テーマパークの利用料割引き
(1) 映画館、スポーツクラブなどの施設利用料割引き
(1) 各種飲食店での料金割引き
(2) 美容室やエステなどでの利用料割引き
(3) 育児、介護施設などの利用料割引き
(4) 育児、介護、シニアライフ、年金・マネーなどの電話相談
160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿4-2-18 光風ビル4F
TEL: 03-3226-0244 FAX: 03-3226-0280
ゴルフグローブ『PARADISO GLA710/GLA720』新発売
ブリヂストンスポーツ株式会社は、「PARADISO」ブランドよりグリップ力にこだわった高機能グローブ「PARADISO GLA710、GLA720」の2種を2006年11月15日より全国で新発売しました。
【 安心のグリップ力と抜群のフィット感の4つのヒミツ 】
(※ 詳細は添付資料を参照してください。)
● 関連リンク
新「絹麗粋」は、ナノテクノロジーを駆使し「セリシン」を超微粒子化した「超微粒子シルクセリシン」を全てのアイテムにも配合いたしました。また、従来の「落す」「与える」という2ステップのお手入れ提案は踏襲しつつ、「与える」ステップの強化・多様化を実現しました。強化としては新アイテム(柔軟化粧液:120mL 税込み2,625円)の投入、多様化として2パターンのライン分けを提案いたします。
I.Refine【リファイン】 ライン
(使用感:みずみずしく、さっぱりとした使い心地 ・ 目指す肌:キメを整えツヤのある肌)
(使用感:しっとりとして、コクのある使い心地 ・ 目指す肌:ハリのあるつややかな肌)
通信販売のみ ※下記の番号で受け付けております。
◆セーレンお客様コールセンター 0120-469-028
2006年度 150百万円
2007年度 300百万円 【参考】05/10~06/3 売上実績 50百万円
以 上
― 鉄道構造物に適用し、品質・性能を実証、本格営業展開へ ―
飛島建設(株)(社長・池原 年昭)では、コンクリート構造物の断面修復工法として開発してきました「TDRショット工法」を鉄道構造物に適用し、平成18年5月より施工を開始し、鉄道振動下での工事において十分な品質と施工性能の確保が得られることが確認できました。今後、これまでの道路橋等補修実績を含めた結果を元に営業展開の強化を図ります。
■ 技術・資料に関するお問い合わせ
飛島建設(株) 土木本部 環境リニューアルグループ
Tel : 03-5214-7085
写真1 吹付け前の状況
写真2 1層目 吹付作業中の状況
写真3 1層目 80mmを吹付け後の状況
写真4 2層目 15mmで補修完了状況
● 関連リンク
ランドポート株式会社(東京都千代田区外神田2-2-19 MKビル代表取締役社長:傳馬綾)はソースネクスト株式会社より発売される「ぴったりホームページ印刷」(税込1,980円)の上位版「ぴったりホームページ印刷Pro」(税込2,980円)を2006年12月15日(金)よりダウンロードにて販売開始いたします。
* 関連資料 参照
* 関連資料 参照
■製品名: 「ぴったりホームページ印刷Pro」
■価格: 2,980円(税込)
■販売形態: ダウンロード販売
■発売日: 2006年12月15日(金)
■製品内容: 印刷ソフト
■開発元: ランドポート株式会社
■販売元: ランドポート株式会社
■対応OS : Windows XP/2000 (Windows Vista(TM)対応保証)
■CPU : Pentium800MHz以上(Pentium4/Athlon以上推奨)
■インストール容量: 約10MB
■対応ブラウザ: Internet Explorer 6.0/7.0
Tel: 03-3255-8388 e-mail:
Tel: 03-3255-8388 Fax: 03-3258-1089 e-mail:
● 関連リンク
【 i-mode版「乗換案内NEXT」へのアクセス方法 】
(※ 関連資料を参照してください。)
< 製品・サービスに関するお問い合わせ先 >
● 関連リンク
ダンロップ スポーツツーリングラジアルタイヤ
「SPORTMAX ROADSMART(スポーツマックス ロードスマー)」新発売
住友ゴムグループのダンロップファルケンタイヤ(株)は、モーターサイクル用スポーツツーリングラジアルタイヤ「SPORTMAX ROADSMART」を2007年1月1日から順次発売します。
「SPORTMAX ROADSMART」は、2003年10月の発売以来、幅広いお客様から好評を得ている「SPORTMAX D221」の後継商品としてグローバルで開発し、大排気量バイクをメインにワインディングでのスポーツ性能、ロングツーリングに求められる耐摩耗性と高速安定性、さらに衝撃吸収性を高次元で兼ね備えたスポーツツーリングラジアルタイヤです。
■商品名 SPORTMAX ROADSMART(スポーツマックス ロードスマート)
■特 長
○コンパウンド 『RSコンパウンド』
○構 造
● 関連リンク
ネットジャパン、デフラグツールの最新版「PowerX PerfectDisk 8 Pro」を発売
デフラグツールの新バージョンPowerX PerfectDisk 8 Proを11月28日から販売開始
(株)ネットジャパン(本社:東京都千代田区神田紺屋町8番、代表取締役:蒋 冠成,資本金:5000万円)は、パーソナル市場向けに今年5月に発表した新ブランド”PowerX”の「Enhancement(快適)カテゴリ」となる製品で、デフラグツールの「PowerX PerfectDisk 8 Pro」(読み:パワーエックスパーフェクトディスク 8 プロ、以降、PerfectDiskと言います)を2006年11月28日から販売開始します。また、ダウンロード販売は先行して、11月17日より開始します。
【 製品の概要 】
PerfectDiskは、ディスク上の全ファイルの断片を特定して連続した状態に配置し、パフォーマンスを改善します。Windows標準の最適化プログラムではサポートしていない、システムファイル/空き領域/メタファイルもデフラグします。独自のファイル再配置方式”SMART Placement(TM)”により、ドライブのパフォーマンスを長期間維持できる他、バージョン8でサポートされた新機能、CPUスロットリング、ディスクI/Oスロットリング、スケジュール作成、電源管理などが追加され、さらにインテリジェントな機能を数多く備える使い易い、高性能デフラグツールとなりました。
【 PerfectDisk バージョン8での新機能 】
■Windows XP Professional x64 Edition対応
■システムリソースの節約(Resource Saver(TM))
【 PerfectDiskの基本機能 】
Space Restoration(TM)テクノロジーにより、空き領域を統合することで新規に作成される大きなファイルも断片化されずに済みますので、断片化が断片化を誘発する状態を回避できます。
■独自のファイル再配置方式(SMART Placement(TM))
【 必要なシステム環境 】
1.プロセッサ:Pentium(または完全互換)以上のCPUを搭載したIBM PC/AT互換のPC
2.OS:Windows XP Home Edition/Professional(SP2以降)/Professional x64 Edition, Windows 2000 Professional(SP4以降)
※Windows XP Home Editionではネットワーク機能(別のPCの最適化や設定)は使用できません。
【 Windows Vista対応版へのアップデート 】
ネットジャパンでは、PowerX PerfectDisk 8 ProのWindows Vista対応版をリリースした場合には、製品登録ユーザーに対して無償にてアップデートを行なう予定です。
【 PerfectDiskの企業向け製品のバージョン8のリリース 】
PerfectDisk 7.0 2000/XP Pro版 5/10/25ライセンス、ボリュームライセンス及びPerfectDisk 7.0 Server 2003版、PerfectDisk 7.0 Exchange Server 2003版のユーザーはこの企業向けバージョンへのアップグレードとなりますが、PerfectDisk 7.0 2000/XP Pro版 5ライセンスユーザーに対しては、PowerX PerfectDisk 8.0 Proの5ライセンスパックの優待価格を別途用意しています。
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製品名: Agilent 6000Lシリーズ デジタル・ストレージ・オシロスコープ
アジレント・テクノロジー株式会社(社長:海老原 稔、本社:東京都八王子市高倉町9番1号)は、業界で初めて、テストシステム構築に最適なLXIクラスC準拠のオシロスコープを発表します。今回発表の「Agilent 6000Lシリーズ デジタル・ストレージ・オシロスコープ(DSO)」は、小型で、ラックに搭載できる1Uサイズを実現した4チャンネルのオシロスコープです。テストシステムに省スペースでオシロスコープを搭載することが可能になります。リモート機能とグラフィカルなウェブ・インタフェースにより、航空宇宙防衛、自動車、通信、医療、コンピュータ業界向けの設計評価および機能テストシステムを構築する際、セットアップやトラブルシューティングの時間を短縮することができます。
これらの業界のテストエンジニアは、より少ないラックスペースで、より多くのデジタイザ・チャンネルを必要とするようになっています。ロープロファイルのオシロスコープ「Agilent 6000Lシリーズ」は、4チャンネル/1GHz(ギガヘルツ)帯域幅をスリムな筐体に詰め込んだ「真の1Uサイズ」オシロスコープです。これにより、限られたラックスペースの中でも、より多くのデジタイザ・チャンネルを提供することができます。
アジレントのエレクトロニック・メジャメンツ・グループのバイスプレジデント兼LXIスポークスパーソンであるスコット・サンプル(Scott Sampl)は、次のように語っています。
「Agilent 6000Lシリーズ オシロスコープ」は、100MHz(メガヘルツ)、500MHz、1GHzのアナログ帯域と、最大4G(ギガ)サンプル/秒のサンプリングレートを実現しています。全3モデルとも、8M(メガ)ポイントのMegaZoom IIIディープメモリを標準で搭載しているため、長い、非繰り返し信号を捕捉したり、優れた時間分解能のまま高いサンプリングレートを維持したりすることができます。
「Agilent 6000Lシリーズ オシロスコープ」の全モデルは、標準で、LAN、GPIB、USBインタフェースを搭載しています。また、フロントパネルにも別途、USBポートを搭載しているので、波形データや、オシロスコープの設定内容や、画面イメージを、USBメモリに簡単に保存することも可能です。
「Agilent 6000Lシリーズ」のソフトウェアは、ディスプレイ、フロントパネル・コントロール・ノブやボタンのついたポータブルオシロスコープ「Agilent 6000Aシリーズ」と互換性があります。研究開発の段階では「Agilent 6000Aシリーズ オシロスコープ」を利用することが可能です。製品が製造段階に移った際には、システム構築に最適化されたディスプレイなしの「Agilent 6000Lシリーズ オシロスコープ」を利用することができます。「Agilent 6000A」と「Agilent 6000L」のソフトウェアは完全互換のため、製造部門では、研究開発段階で開発されたテストソフトウェアをそのまま使うことができます。
アナログ回路、デジタル回路の双方に携わるエンジニアは、アナログ4チャンネル+ロジック16チャンネルのミックスド・シグナル・オシロスコープ(MSO)のユニークな機能を利用するために、「Agilent 6000Lシリーズ DSO」をアップグレードすることができます。MSOも伝統的な4チャンネルのDSOモデルのいずれも、組み込みシステムを含む設計の評価やデバッグの際にエンジニアが必要とする機能を搭載しています。
オプションのセキュア環境モードでは、National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual 第8章 情報システムセキュリティの要求に合致し、内蔵メモリには、あらゆる設定内容等が保存されないという、最高レベルのセキュリティを提供します。
「Agilent 6000Lシリーズ オシロスコープ」は、「Agilent Open」の一部となっています。「Agilent Open」は、オープンなテストシステム・ハードウェア、I/O、ソフトウェアツールにより、測定、接続性、プログラミングにおいて、拡張やメンテナンスを容易にするものです。さらに詳しい情報については、 をご覧ください。
Agilent 6000Lシリーズ オシロスコープのさらに詳しい情報は以下のウェブサイトでご覧いただけます。
*販売価格(発表日時点での参考価格です): 1,142,500円から
*販売開始日: 本日
*出荷開始予定日: 2006年11月
About LXIとLXIコンソーシアム
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比較.com株式会社(東京都渋谷区 代表取締役社長 渡邉哲男、以下比較.com)は、同社が運営する総合比較サイト『比較.com』(において、新たに「会議室・貸会場比較サービス」(を開始いたしました。
(1)商号 比較.com株式会社(東証マザーズ:2477)
(2)主な事業内容総合 比較サイトの運営およびロボット型比較検索エンジンの開発
(3)本店所在地 東京都渋谷区恵比寿1-21-3恵比寿NRビル7F
(4)代表者名 代表取締役社長 渡邉哲男
(5)資本の額 703,000千円
リニアテクノロジー、出力範囲をプログラム可能な16ビット クワッドVOUT DACを発売
±10Vまでの出力範囲をソフトウェアでプログラム可能な16ビット、クワッドVOUT DAC
2006年11月17日 - リニアテクノロジーは、6つの出力電圧範囲をソフトウェアでプログラム可能な16ビット、クワッド電圧出力DAC「LTC2704-16」の販売を開始しました。LTC2704製品ファミリには、LTC2704-16のほかにピン互換の14ビット「LTC2704-14」と12ビット「LTC2704-12」があります。
【 LTC2704-16/LTC2704-14/LTC2704-12の特長 】
・グリッチ・インパルス: < 2nV-sec
TEL 03-5226-7291(代表)
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富国生命保険相互会社(代表取締役社長:秋山 智史、以下「富国生命」)と共栄火災海上保険株式会社(代表取締役社長:田村 駿、以下「共栄火災」)は、共栄火災の100%子会社である共栄火災しんらい生命保険株式会社(代表取締役社長:堂本 正樹、以下「共栄火災しんらい生命」)の株式の80%を富国生命が取得すること、および、富国生命が共栄火災の損害保険商品を販売することについて、当局の今後の認可を前提に、本日合意いたしましたので、下記のとおりお知らせいたします。
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○共栄火災海上保険株式会社 20%
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TIANJIN, China, April 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA) announced today that invitations to the 2007 International Mobile Phone Industry Exhibition (IMIE), to be held in Binhai International Convention and Exhibition Center on May 18-20, ended recently. The exhibition area has reached 18,000m2 with 660 booths. The attendees will include China Mobile, China Unicom, Vodafone, KTF, ASPire, Motorola, Samsung, Guosen, CMC, BAK, 3M and Symbian, as well as delegations from the Korean Mobile Phone Industry Association (KMIA), Taipei Computer Association (TCA), National (Tianjin) Software Export Base, Beijing Zhongguancun, Shenzhen Bureau of Science Technology & Information and the TD-SCDMA Industry Alliance (TDIA). According to insiders, the IMIE 2007 in Tianjin is the largest one in China be it in scale, level or from the authority or variety of the attending enterprises and organizations. With the theme of "Creation, Integration, & Development of the Mobile Phone Industry, Creating Infinite Business Opportunities," the exhibition is devoted to establishing a complete mobile software and hardware industrial chain, providing a high-value industrial platform for both the upstream and downstream enterprises to display products, conduct business matching, promote business and products, and paraphrase mobile industry development trends. Highlight 1: Organization improved with support from industry authorities and administrative organs With the China Institute of Communications and the Tianjin Communications Administration as new members, and the support of China Mobile Communications Association (CMCA) and the Korean IT Industry Promotion Agency, the exhibition takes on a larger scale and becomes more authoritative. Highlight 2: Top mobile operators gather in Tianjin to demonstrate the latest applications in the service experience zone For the first time, China Mobile, China Unicom and the TD-SCDMA Industry Alliance (TDIA) gather in Tianjin to demonstrate their latest applications, the newest TD-SCDMA terminal products and innovative applications in the service experience zones, unveiling the 3G era in China. Highlight 3: Overseas buyers attend the exhibition proactively, and cross-national purchasing presents a unique glamour The organizing Committee has set up an IMIE department targeting the overseas exhibitors, covering some overseas 220 buyers in over 30 countries and regions. So far, some overseas buyers from 24 countries and regions, such as the U.S., Russia, India, Germany, Israel, Korea, Thailand, and Bengal have confirmed their attendance. There is large growth this year in terms of purchase quantity, variety and structure. The overseas purchase list for whole products range from PDAs, Smart Phones, GSM mobile phones, CDMA mobile phones, low end mobile phones, GSM wireless fixed telephones to the latest 3G mobile phones and HSDPA mobile phones, covering nearly 20 specifications and varieties. The purchase list for spare parts ranges from camera modules, chargers, connectors and parts, DC vibrators, speakers, microphone components, (crystal) vibrators, rechargeable batteries, etc., covering some 38 kinds of products. Highlight 4: Overseas authoritative manufacturers meet in the exhibition to enhance its professionalism and authoritativeness World famous chip giants, such as Qualcomm, Free Scale, INTEL, and Infineon Technologies, meet in Tianjin for the first time. Some excellent domestic chip companies such as Chongyou, Commit, and Chipnuts, present themselves in a high tone, to fully showcase and publish their latest chip technologies and solutions. Symbian, the world's biggest provider of operating systems for smart cell phones, attends the exhibition for the first time. Maode (Chongqing), China's largest mobile storage manufacturer also shows itself in Tianjin for the first time. Highlight 5: Authoritative organizations join hands in Tianjin to present colorful events characterized by high levels and high values The exhibition wins support from some authoritative organizations, such as the China Institute of Communications and CMCA. During the exhibition, many exchanges regarding technology, markets, products, capital and human relations will be launched, such as the "(International) Peak Forum on the Development of the Mobile Phone Industry in China," organized by China Institute of Communications; the "Peak Meeting for Mobile Phone Components related Technology in China," organized by CMCA; the "Forum for Heads of Domestic Mobile Phone Companies"; the "Peak Meeting for International Mobile Entertainment"; the "Forum on Technology of International Mobile Storage"; and the "Salon for Managers in the Mobile Phone Industry," etc. About Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA) Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA) was established in 1984 with the approval of the State Council of the People's Republic of China. It is one of the first state-class economic-technological development areas in the country. TEDA is located in the center of a larger area bordering Bohai Sea and the east of the Asia-Europe Land Bridge, thus serving as the gate to the two super cities of Beijing and Tianjin, and the throat connecting the northeast of China. By the end of 2005, 4,067 foreign companies have landed in TEDA. Of the Fortune 500 companies, 57 multinational companies, from 10 countries and regions, including such well-established multinational giants as Motorola, Samsung and Toyota, invested in 123 enterprises in TEDA. In 2000, "Fortune" listed TEDA as one of the most highly recommended economic areas in China. In 2002 UNIDO listed TEDA as one of the most dynamic areas of China together with Shenzhen, Suzhou, Wenzhou, Shanghai Pudong and Xi'an High-tech Park. For more information, please visit: . For more information, please contact: Ding Lei of TEDA Tel: +86-22-2520-1616 Yang Chonghao Tel: +86-22-2520-2069
BEIJING, April 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- TOM Online Inc., (Nasdaq: TOMO; Hong Kong GEM: 8282) (the "Company" or "TOM Online") a leading wireless Internet company in China, announced today the results of the Company and its controlled operating entities including subsidiaries and variable interest entities (collectively referred to as the "Group") for the first quarter ended March 31, 2007. Financial Highlights For the first quarter of 2007: -- Total revenues were US$35.14 million ("mn"), a decrease of 26.0% from the same period last year but an increase of 4.5% from last quarter. -- Wireless Internet service revenues were US$31.82 mn, representing a 28.4% decrease from the same period last year but a 7.5% increase from the previous quarter. Wireless Internet service revenues made up 90.6% of our total quarterly revenues. -- Online advertising revenues were US$2.66 mn, representing a 1.7% decrease from the same period last year and a 15.8% decrease from the previous quarter. Online advertising revenues made up 7.6% of our total quarterly revenues. -- Net income for 1Q07 was US$0.15 mn compared to net income of US$12.14 mn in 1Q06 and net loss of US$0.51 mn in 4Q06. 1Q07 net income included our share of losses from our TOM EachNet Joint Venture ("JV") of US$2.92 mn. -- Fully diluted earnings per American Depository Share ("ADS") were US$0.3 cents or US$0.003 cents per common share. -- Our balance of cash and cash equivalents and short-term bank deposits was approximately US$144.10 mn at the end of the first quarter of 2007. First Quarter 2007 - Financial Performance Review The Company's unaudited consolidated revenues for the three months ended March 31, 2007 were US$35.14 mn, a decrease of 26.0% compared to the same period year on year ("YoY") but an increase of 4.5% quarter on quarter ("QoQ"). Wireless Internet service revenues were US$31.82 mn, representing a 28.4% decrease from the same period last year but a 7.5% increase from the previous quarter. Wireless Internet service revenues made up 90.6% of total quarterly revenues compared to 88.0% in 4Q06. Online advertising revenues were US$2.66 mn, representing a 15.8% decrease QoQ and 1.7% decrease YoY. Online advertising revenues made up 7.6% of our total quarterly revenues compared to 9.4% in 4Q06. Other revenues were US$0.66 mn in 1Q07 compared to US$0.86 mn in 4Q06 and US$0.38 mn in 1Q06. Other revenues made up 1.8% of total revenues in 1Q07. Other revenues consist of revenues from online games, paid email and others. Gross profit was US$8.58 mn representing a decrease of 56.4% compared to the same period last year and a 24.6% decline QoQ. Gross margins declined to 24.4% in 1Q07 compared to 33.8% in the 4Q06 and 41.4% in the 1Q06. The sequential decline in gross margins was due to a number of factors including (a) although IVR revenues benefited from significantly increased capacity on China Mobile's centralized IVR platform, IVR revenue share by China Mobile increased from 15% to 30% (b) WVAS content and distribution costs increased sequentially due to competition for those resources (c) higher gross margin WAP revenues declined in contribution to 20.4% of total wireless Internet service revenues in 1Q07 from 24.7% in 4Q06 and (d) due to the Chinese New Year period, online advertising revenues declined relative to the fixed costs of running our portal, thereby reducing margins in our online advertising business. Total cost of revenues were US$26.56 mn in 1Q07 compared to US$22.24 mn in 4Q06 and US$27.84 mn in 1Q06. Total operating expenses were US$5.84 mn in 1Q07 compared to US$8.30 mn in 4Q06 and US$8.79 mn in 1Q06. The sequential decline in operating expenses was mainly due to reduced sales and marketing activities in 1Q07 compared to 4Q06, a US$0.41mn one-time refund of prior year's marketing expenses from a mobile operator partner and the reversal of US$0.58 mn previously accrued marketing expenses as it was confirmed that the accrual would not be required to be paid. Sales and marketing expenses in 1Q07 were US$0.56 mn compared to US$2.23 mn in 4Q06. Operating profit was US$2.74 mn, down 74.8% from the same period last year and a decrease of 10.9% from the previous quarter. Operating margins were 7.8% in 1Q07 compared to 9.2% in 4Q06 and 22.9% in 1Q06. 1Q07 EBITDA ("Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization") were US$4.74 mn, a decrease of 63.3% YoY and a 13.7% decline QoQ. EBITDA margins were 13.3% for the quarter compared to 15.8% in 4Q06 and 26.6% in 1Q06. Beginning on February 1, 2007, we recognized our share of losses from the TOM EachNet JV based on the equity method of accounting. For the two months ended March 31, 2007, our 51% share of losses from the TOM EachNet JV were US$2.92 mn and has been included in share of loss on equity investment in a joint venture in the unaudited consolidated statements of operations. Net income was US$0.15 mn compared to net loss of US$0.51 mn in 4Q06 and net income of US$12.14 mn in 1Q06. 1Q07 net income included US$0.38 mn in losses from discontinued operations offset by exchange gain of US$0.59 mn due to the effect of the appreciation of RMB upon the translation of our net non-RMB liabilities at the period end as our functional currency is RMB. US GAAP basic earnings per ADS were US$0.3 cents for the quarter. US GAAP basic earnings per Hong Kong ordinary share were US$0.003 cents for the quarter. Shares used in computing US GAAP basic earnings per ADS were 53.25 mn and shares used in computing US GAAP basic earnings per Hong Kong ordinary share were 4,259.65 mn. US GAAP diluted earnings per ADS were US$0.3 cents for the quarter. US GAAP diluted earnings per Hong Kong ordinary share were US$0.003 cents for the quarter. Shares used in computing US GAAP diluted earnings per ADS were 53.26 mn shares and shares used in computing US GAAP diluted earnings per Hong Kong ordinary share were 4,260.42 mn. Our balance of cash and cash equivalents and short-term bank deposits was approximately US$144.10 mn at the end of 1Q07. Business Review Wireless Internet Services Total wireless Internet service revenues were US$31.82 mn for 1Q07, an increase of 7.5% QoQ but a decrease of 28.4% YoY. Wireless Internet service revenues accounted for 90.6% of our total revenues in 1Q07 compared to 88.0% in 4Q06. 2G Services - SMS SMS ("Short Messaging Service") revenues in 1Q07 were US$8.70 mn, down 7.8% QoQ and a 50.1% decline YoY. SMS revenues made up 27.3% of our total wireless Internet service revenues for the quarter. The primary factors for the continued QoQ decline in our SMS business were ongoing implementation of operator policies and a further reduction in contribution from Infomax's SMS business due to a QoQ decline in interactive programming opportunities. 2.5G services MMS ("Multimedia Messaging Service") revenues for 1Q07 were US$3.20 mn, up 34.3% QoQ but down 21.8% YoY. MMS revenues made up 10.1% of our total wireless Internet service revenues in the quarter. Although our MMS business benefited from marketing activities related to the Chinese New Year period, as discussed in our previous quarterly/annual reports, we continue to believe that MMS is a transitory product category and do not expect MMS to be a key business driver to our overall business in coming years. WAP ("Wireless Application Protocol") revenues for 1Q07 were US$6.48 mn, representing a 11.4% decrease QoQ and 17.2% decrease YoY. WAP revenues made up 20.4% of our total wireless Internet service revenues in the quarter. While our WAP portal partnership with China Mobile continues to perform well, our WAP revenues declined in 1Q07 as many of the services we provide on China Mobile's Monternet portal are currently offered free of charge and WAP revenues from Infomax declined due to a QoQ reduction in interactive programming opportunities. Voice services IVR ("Interactive Voice Response") revenues in 1Q07 were US$9.80 mn, up 23.7% QoQ but down 20.0% YoY. IVR revenues made up 30.8% of our total wireless Internet service revenues in the quarter. As of January 2007, our IVR operations were transitioned to China Mobile's centralized IVR platform which resulted in a significant increase in capacity for our IVR business allowing us to take better advantage of peak hour end-user demand for our services compared to previous periods. CRBT ("Colour Ringback Tones") revenues in 1Q07 were US$3.35 mn, up 45.6% QoQ and up 36.2% YoY. CRBT revenues made up 10.5% of our total wireless Internet service revenues in the quarter. Our CRBT business continued to increase QoQ due to Chinese New Year related and other event driven promotional activities with mobile operator partners. While CRBT revenues increased YoY due to our expanding relationship with China Mobile's centralized music platform and continued declines in the average unit price of CRBT, stimulating end-user demand. Other Wireless Internet Services Other wireless Internet service revenues were US$0.29 mn, representing a 24.4% increase QoQ. Other wireless Internet service revenues made up 0.9% of our total wireless Internet service revenues and consist primarily of revenues from Java-based mobile game download services. Historically, we included revenues from our Indiagames subsidiary as part of other wireless Internet service revenues. However, due to the re-classification of Indiagames as "held-for-sale" at the end of 2006, the associated (losses)/income of Indiagames have been separately reported as (losses)/income from discontinued operations below our (losses)/income from continuing operations. Online Advertising and Portal Online advertising revenues were US$2.66 mn in 1Q07, representing a decrease of 15.8% QoQ and decrease of 1.7% YoY. Whilst our portal remains an important business area for the Company, we continue to face competitive pressures for share of advertiser budgets allocated towards our target audience, the young and trendy demographic. In 1Q07 this was compounded by a traditional slowdown in the online advertising market due to the Chinese New Year period. New Business Opportunities TOM-SKYPE JV and TOM EachNet JV At the end of March 2007, we had over 35.5 mn registered TOM-Skype users up from over 31.5 mn at the end of January 2007. Beginning on February 1, 2007, we recognized our share of losses from the TOM EachNet JV based on the equity method of accounting. For the two months ended March 31, 2007, our 51% share of losses from the TOM EachNet JV were US$2.92 mn and has been included in share of loss on equity investment in a joint venture in the unaudited consolidated statements of operations . Proposed conditional possible privatisation of TOM Online On March 9, 2007, the respective directors of the Company and TOM Group Limited ("TOM") jointly announced that on March 3, 2007, a letter was sent by TOM to inform the Company that TOM was considering making a proposal to take the Company private by way of a scheme of arrangement ("Proposal") under Section 86 of the Cayman Islands Companies Law. On March 9, 2007, TOM requested the board of directors of TOM Online to put forward the Proposal to TOM Online's shareholders. On April 25, 2007, TOM announced that the Proposal and the transactions contemplated thereunder were approved at its extraordinary general meeting held on April 25, 2007. If the Proposal is made, a scheme document (the "Scheme Document") in relation to the Proposal and the related offers to optionholders will be sent by the Company and TOM to, among others, shareholders and optionholders of the Company. As stated in the joint announcement of the Company and TOM dated March 30, 2007, the time limit for the despatch of the Scheme Document has been extended to May 7, 2007. A joint announcement will be made by the Company and TOM in relation to the despatch of the Scheme Document. For further details of the Proposal, please see the joint announcement of the Company and TOM dated March 9, 2007, the announcement of the Company dated March 28, 2007, the joint announcement of the Company and TOM dated March 30, 2007 and the announcement of TOM dated April 11, 2007, which were posted on the website of the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong on March 12, 2007, March 28, 2007, April 2, 2007 and April 13, 2007, respectively, and filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission under Form 6K on March 12, 2007, March 29, 2007, March 30, 2007 and April 12, 2007, respectively. About TOM Online Inc. TOM Online Inc. (Nasdaq: TOMO, Hong Kong GEM: 8282) is a leading wireless Internet company in China providing value-added multimedia products and services. A premier online brand in China targeting the young and trendy demographics, the Company's primary business activities include wireless value-added services and online advertising. The company offers an array of services such as SMS, MMS, WAP, wireless IVR (interactive voice response) services, content channels, search and classified information, and free and fee-based advanced email. As at March 31, 2007, TOM Online is the only portal in China that enjoyed a top three ranking in every wireless Internet segment. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This announcement contains statements that may be viewed as "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such forward-looking statements are, by their nature, subject to significant risks and uncertainties that may cause the actual performance, financial condition or results of operations of the Company to be materially different from any future performance, financial condition or results of operations implied by such forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements that are not historical fact relating to the financial performance and business operations of the Company in mainland China and in other markets, the continued growth of the telecommunications industry in China and in other markets, the development of the regulatory environment and the Company's latest product offerings, and the Company's ability to successfully execute its business strategies and plans. Such forward-looking statements reflect the current views of the Company with respect to future events and are not a guarantee of future performance. Actual results may differ materially from information contained in the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors, including, without limitation, any changes in our relationships with telecommunication operators in China and elsewhere, the effect of competition on the demand for the price of our services, changes in customer demand and usage preference for our products and services, changes in the regulatory policies by relevant government authorities, any changes in telecommunications and related technology and applications based on such technology, and changes in political, economic, legal and social conditions in China, India and other countries where the Company conducts business operations, including, without limitation, the Chinese government's policies with respect to economic growth, foreign exchange, foreign investment and entry by foreign companies into China's telecommunications market. Please also see "Item 3 - Key Information - Risk Factors" section of the Company's annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2005 as filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Non-GAAP financial measure To supplement the financial measures prepared in accordance with US GAAP, the Company uses Non-GAAP financial measure of EBITDA ("Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization") which is adjusted from results based on US GAAP in analyzing its financial results. The use of Non-GAAP measure is provided to enhance the reader's overall understanding of the Company's current financial performance and its prospects for the future. Specifically, the Company believes the Non-GAAP results provide useful information to both management and investors by excluding certain items that are not expected to result in future cash payments. In calculating the EBITDA, depreciation and amortization expenses have been excluded from the Total Operating Profit. Although the Company has historically reported US GAAP results to investors, the Company believes the inclusion of Non-GAAP financial measure provides further information in its financial reporting. The Non-GAAP financial measure may be different from Non-GAAP financial measure used by other companies, and should be considered in addition to results prepared in accordance with US GAAP, but should not be considered a substitute for or superior to US GAAP measure. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS Audited Unaudited December 31, March 31, 2006 2007 (in thousands of U.S. dollars) Assets Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents 110,993 118,236 Short-term bank deposits 25,613 25,860 Accounts receivable, net 23,473 22,148 Restricted cash 300 300 Prepayments 4,754 4,138 Deposits and other receivables 2,616 3,552 Due from related parties 170 613 Inventories 65 68 Assets held for sale 12,192 12,118 Total current assets 180,176 187,033 Restricted securities 97,729 98,213 Investment under cost method 1,588 1,603 Long-term prepayments and deposits 333 336 Property and equipment, net 15,360 13,759 Deferred tax assets 673 680 Goodwill, net 214,791 216,859 Intangibles, net 2,949 2,612 Total assets 513,599 521,095 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (continued) Audited Unaudited December 31, March 31, 2006 2007 (in thousands of U.S. dollars) Liabilities and shareholders' equity Current liabilities: Accounts payable 9,365 7,602 Other payables and accruals 14,679 16,275 Income tax payable 432 679 Deferred revenues 328 584 Consideration payable 12,037 12,153 Short-term bank loan 35,340 35,340 Due to related parties 204 282 Equity investment in a joint venture -- 2,670 Liabilities held for sale 1,131 1,317 Total current liabilities 73,516 76,902 Non-current liabilities: Secured bank loan 55,271 55,271 Liabilities for unrecognized tax benefits -- 1,386 Deferred tax liabilities 152 153 Total liabilities 128,939 133,712 Minority interests 878 864 Minority interests of a subsidiary held for sale 2,324 2,150 132,141 136,726 Shareholders' equity: Share capital (ordinary share, US$0.001282 par value, 10,000,000,000 shares authorized, 4,259,654,528 and 4,259,654,528 shares issued and outstanding as at December 31, 2006 and March 31, 2007 respectively) 5,461 5,461 Paid-in capital 322,459 323,068 Statutory reserves 11,535 11,535 Accumulated other comprehensive income 10,645 14,175 Retained earnings 31,358 30,130 Total shareholders' equity 381,458 384,369 Total liabilities, minority interests and shareholders' equity 513,599 521,095 UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS Three months ended March 31, 2006 2007 (Restated)** (in thousands of U.S. dollars, except for number of shares and per share data) Revenues: Wireless Internet services 44,413 31,818 Online advertising 2,702 2,657 Others 384 663 Total revenues 47,499 35,138 Cost of revenues: Cost of services* (27,840) (26,558) Total cost of revenues (27,840) (26,558) Gross profit 19,659 8,580 Operating expenses: Selling and marketing expenses* (1,214) (555) General and administrative expenses* (7,009) (4,659) Product development expenses* (454) (260) Amortization of intangibles (113) (364) Total operating expenses (8,790) (5,838) Operating profit 10,869 2,742 Other income/(loss): Net interest income 443 399 Exchange gain 918 586 Share of loss on equity investment in a joint venture -- (2,923) Income from continuing operations before tax 12,230 804 Income tax expenses (6) (302) Income from continuing operations after tax 12,224 502 Minority interests 6 23 Income from continuing operations 12,230 525 Loss from discontinued operations, net of income tax (95) (380) Net income attributable to shareholders 12,135 145 UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (continued) Three months ended March 31, 2006 2007 (Restated)** (in thousands of U.S. dollars, except for number of shares and per share data) Earnings/(Losses) per ordinary share - basic (cents): Continuing operations 0.290 0.012 Discontinued operations -- (0.009) Total earnings per ordinary share - basic 0.290 0.003 Earnings/(Losses) per ordinary share - diluted (cents): Continuing operations 0.280 0.012 Discontinued operations -- (0.009) Total earnings per ordinary share - diluted 0.280 0.003 Earnings/(Losses) per American Depositary Share - basic (cents): Continuing operations 23.1 1.0 Discontinued operations (0.2) (0.7) Total earnings per American Depositary Share - basic 22.9 0.3 Earnings/(Losses) per American Depositary Share - diluted (cents): Continuing operations 22.8 1.0 Discontinued operations (0.2) (0.7) Total earnings per American Depositary Share - diluted 22.6 0.3 Weighted average number of shares used in computing Earnings/(Losses) Per Share: Ordinary share - basic 4,240,608,912 4,259,654,528 Ordinary share - diluted 4,291,046,914 4,260,424,095 American Depositary Share - basic 53,007,611 53,245,682 American Depositary Share - diluted 53,638,086 53,255,301 * Included share-based compensation expense under SFAS 123R Cost of services 24 19 Selling and marketing expenses 1 1 General and administrative expenses 745 411 Product development expenses 8 7 **Figures in 2006 were restated as the results of Indiagames were separately presented under "Discontinued Operations". UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Number of Share Paid-in Statutory shares capital capital reserves (in thousands of U.S. dollars except for number of shares) Balance as of January 1, 2006 4,224,532,105 5,416 312,643 11,396 Issuance of shares on exercise of employee share options 22,599,611 29 4,317 -- Share-based compensation -- -- 778 -- Unrealized loss on securities -- -- -- -- Currency translation adjustments -- -- -- -- Net income for the period -- -- -- -- Balance as of March 31, 2006 4,247,131,716 5,445 317,738 11,396 Balance as of January 1, 2007 4,259,654,528 5,461 322,459 11,535 Effect of adoption of FIN 48 -- -- -- -- Balance as of January 1, 2007, as restated 4,259,654,528 5,461 322,459 11,535 Share-based compensation -- -- 609 -- Unrealized gain on securities -- -- -- -- Currency translation adjustments -- -- -- -- Net income for the period -- -- -- -- Balance as of March 31, 2007 4,259,654,528 5,461 323,068 11,535 UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Accumulated other Retained Total comprehensive earnings shareholders' (losses)/income equity Balance as of January 1, 2006 (3,187) 2,842 329,110 Issuance of shares on exercise of employee share options -- -- 4,346 Share-based compensation -- -- 778 Unrealized loss on securities (907) -- (907) Currency translation adjustments 6,187 -- 6,187 Net income for the period -- 12,135 12,135 Balance as of March 31, 2006 2,093 14,977 351,649 Balance as of January 1, 2007 10,645 31,358 381,458 Effect of adoption of FIN 48 -- (1,373) (1,373) Balance as of January 1, 2007, as restated 10,645 29,985 380,085 Share-based compensation -- -- 609 Unrealized gain on securities 580 -- 580 Currency translation adjustments 2,950 -- 2,950 Net income for the period -- 145 145 Balance as of March 31, 2007 14,175 30,130 384,369 UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS Three months ended March 31, 2006 2007 (in thousands of U.S. dollars) Cash flow from operating activities: Net income 12,135 145 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Amortization of intangibles 181 364 Amortization of premium on debt securities 94 97 Allowance for doubtful accounts 159 155 Depreciation 2,092 2,286 Deferred income tax -- 16 Minority interests (21) (250) Exchange gain, net (918) (550) Loss on disposal of property and equipment 2 -- Share-based compensation expense 778 438 Share of loss on equity investment in a joint venture -- 2,923 Change in assets and liabilities, net of effects from acquisitions: Accounts receivable (1,480) 1,940 Prepayments 456 470 Deposits and other receivables (493) (766) Due from related parties (4) (443) Inventories (9) (3) Accounts payable 172 (30) Other payables and accruals 1,196 1,479 Income tax payable (246) 133 Deferred revenues 12 252 Due to related parties 199 79 Net cash provided by operating activities 14,305 8,735 Cash flow from investing activities: Payments for purchase of property and equipment (1,740) (2,298) Cash paid for short-term bank deposits (736) -- Cash received from short-term bank deposits -- 602 Net cash used in acquisitions of subsidiaries (17,952) -- Contribution of services to joint venture -- (87) Net cash used in investing activities (20,428) (1,783) Cash flow from financing activities: Issuance of ordinary shares including from the exercise of shares options, net of issuing expenses 4,346 -- Partial repayment of bank loan (347) -- Net cash provided by financing activities 3,999 -- Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (2,124) 6,952 Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period 99,869 111,366 Foreign currency translation 544 795 Cash and cash equivalents, end of period 98,289 119,113 Representing: Cash and cash equivalents in discontinued operations, end of the period 1,096 877 Cash and cash equivalents in continuing operations, end of the period 97,193 118,236 Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information Cash (paid)/received during the period: Cash paid for income taxes (186) (110) Interest received from bank deposit and debt securities 1,049 1,045 Interest paid for loans due to parent company and bank loans (285) (1,290) Non-cash activities: Contribution of services to joint venture -- (171) The Non-GAAP financial measure has been reconciled to the nearest US GAAP measure as follows: Three months ended March 31, 2006 2007 (in thousands of U.S. dollars) Operating profit/(loss): Continuing operations 10,869 2,742 Discontinued operations (221) (651) Total operating profit 10,648 2,091 Add back: Depreciation 2,092 2,286 Amortization of intangibles and others 181 364 EBITDA 12,921 4,741 Appendix: 1. TOM EachNet Joint Venture Pursuant to a joint venture deed signed between the Company and eBay International AG ("eBay") on December 20, 2006, a joint venture, TOM EachNet, has been formed on February 1, 2007 to carry on the business of owning and operating a mobile and Internet-based marketplace in China. TOM EachNet is jointly controlled and owned by the Company and eBay with each owing 51% and 49% interest respectively. eBay provided an initial funding of US$40,000,000 cash to TOM EachNet and the Company will provide a shareholder's loan in the amount of US$20,000,000, bearing interest at 1.3% over London Inter-Bank Offered Rate, to TOM EachNet when the remaining cash balance of TOM EachNet is only enough to finance no more than six months of its operation. If the funding from eBay and the shareholder's loan from the Company have been fully utilized, additional funding in the form of shareholders' loans of not exceeding US$10,000,000 will be provided by the Company and eBay in equal proportions if additional funding is required by TOM EachNet and as mutually agreed by eBay and the Company. In addition, eBay injected its subsidiary engaging in the business of operating an online auction and marketplace site in China to TOM EachNet while the Company contributes its expertise in the Internet and mobile industries in China and its leadership and management services to TOM EachNet. The Company accounts for this joint venture using the equity method of accounting since February 1, 2007. As of March 31, 2007, the Company had a negative investment in TOM EachNet of US$2,670,000, representing its investment cost of US$258,000, being contribution of services to TOM EachNet by the Company and was capitalized upon provision of the services to TOM EachNet, less the Company's share of TOM EachNet's losses for the two months ended March 31, 2007 of US$2,923,000 and currency translation adjustment of US$5,000. As the Company has a commitment to fund TOM EachNet as disclosed above, such amount is classified as current liability in the consolidated balance sheet. 2. Discontinued operations In December 2006, the Company committed to a plan which was approved by the Company's Board of Directors on December 29, 2006 to sell substantially all its equity interests in Indiagames in order to focus on the China market and initiated actions to locate a buyer. As a result, the assets and liabilities of Indiagames were classified as held for sale and presented separately in the asset and liability sections, respectively, of the audited consolidated balance sheet as at December 31, 2006 and the unaudited consolidated balance sheet as at March 31, 2007. The results of its operation were also separately presented on the face of the unaudited consolidated statements of operations under "Discontinued Operations" for the three months ended March 31, 2006 and 2007. On March 5, 2007, the Company signed a binding term sheet with a potential buyer of the disposal of Indiagames and the definitive agreement was still under preparation as at March 31, 2007. The major classes of assets and liabilities classified as held for sale were as follows: Audited Unaudited December 31, 2006 March 31, 2007 (in thousands of U.S. dollars) Cash and cash equivalents 373 877 Short-term bank deposits 2,592 2,059 Account receivable, net 2,067 1,571 Other current assets 1,856 2,049 Goodwill, net 4,754 4,967 Other non-current assets 550 595 Assets held for sale 12,192 12,118 Accounts payable 104 214 Other payable and accruals 1,027 1,103 Liabilities held for sale 1,131 1,317 Minority shareholders' interest in Indiagames amounting to US$2,324,000 and US$2,150,000 were reported separately in the Group's audited/(unaudited) consolidated balance sheets as at December 31, 2006 and March 31, 2007 respectively. The unaudited results and cash flow information for Indiagames during the three months ended March 31, 2006 and 2007 were as follows: Three months ended March 31, 2006 2007 (in thousands of U.S. dollars) Revenues 1,080 550 Operating expenses (1,301) (1,201) Operating loss (221) (651) Other income 45 -- Loss before tax (176) (651) Income tax credit 66 44 Loss after tax (110) (607) Minority interest 15 227 Loss from discontinued operations (95) (380) Three months ended March 31, 2006 2007 (in thousands of U.S. dollars) Net cash provided by operating activities 708 38 Net cash (used)/provided in investing activities (765) 555 Net cash provided in financing activities -- -- Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (57) 593 Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period 1,135 373 Foreign currency translation 18 (89) Cash and cash equivalents, end of period 1,096 877 3. Earnings/(Losses) per share (a) Basic earnings/(losses) per share The calculation of basic earnings/(losses) per share for the three months ended March 31, 2007, is based on: -- the unaudited consolidated income from continuing operations, loss from discontinued operations and net income attributable to shareholders of US$525,000, US$380,000 and US$145,000 respectively (2006: US$12,230,000 of unaudited consolidated income from continuing operations, US$95,000 of loss from discontinued operations, and US$12,135,000 of net income attributable to shareholders, respectively); and -- the weighted average number of 4,259,654,528 (2006: 4,240,608,912) ordinary shares outstanding during the period and 53,245,682 (2006: 53,007,611) American Depositary Shares ("ADS") outstanding during the period. (b) Diluted earnings/(losses) per share The calculation of diluted earnings/(losses) per share for the three months ended March 31, 2007, is based on: -- the same data in Appendix 3(a); and -- the weighted average number of 4,260,424,095 (2006: 4,291,046,914) ordinary shares, after adjusting for the effects of all dilutive potential shares during the period and 53,255,301 (2006: 53,638,086) ADS outstanding during the period. For the three months ended March 31, 2007, the weighted average number of 181,145,569 stock options outstanding were excluded from the computation of diluted losses per share primarily because the exercise prices of the options were greater than the average market price of the ordinary shares making such options anti dilutive. For more information, please contact: Rico Ngai Investor and Corporate Communications TOM Online Inc. Tel: +86-10-6528-3399 x6940 Mobile: +86-139-118-95354 Skype: ricoinrio
BEIJING, April 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- From March 16th to April 24th, the management delegation of Wealth Index Capital Group had a productive business trip around London, Amsterdam, and Frankfurt. They met all the top management personnel of both Euronext and Deutsche Borse, including Mr. Erik Wenngren (Chairman of Euronext's International Department), Mr. Duco Wildeboer (Principal of Euronext's Netherlands Branch), and Alex Preysing (Chairman of Deutsche Borse's Listing Department). The management delegation of Wealth Index Capital Group includes President HuangShan, Vice President Steve Wayne, and Vice President Gerry Ge. (Photo: ) Euronext and Deutsche Borse have introduced the average PE ratio, qualification, listing process and other aspects of their markets. In addition, they catered each presentation towards the needs of investors from the stock exchanges they were addressing, taking into account individual situations. Wealth Index presented the information sheets of over ten clients to Euronext and Deutsche Borse and received positive feedback. Both parties agreed to carry on the conversation and work together to list those clients in an appropriate market. The Management of Euronext and Deutsche Borse are committed to providing the best services to the clients of Wealth Index. In the same trip, the management of Wealth Index carried out a successful road show for its clients in Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, and Frankfurt. They visited over thirty listing agencies including investment banks, funds, listing sponsors, stock brokers, accounting firms, law offices, and public relations agents. Among them are prominent international firms such as Deutsche Bank, ABN-AMRO, and KPMG. Wealth Index gave a general introduction about the Chinese market and the current situation of overseas listings in China. Wealth Index also gave a brief introduction about its clients, many of whom are interested in overseas fundraising. Moreover, they executed a term sheet and drafted a schedule on how to bring three companies to Euronext and Deutsche Borse. This month-long business visit offered Wealth Index the opportunity to talk with over forty financial institutes and stock market management. They also executed collaboration agreements with three listing sponsors in the London Stock Exchange, Euronext, and Deutsche Borse respectively. Those connections make Wealth Index one of the few Chinese financial advisors capable of assisting its customers with raising funds in some of the most important capital markets worldwide, including London, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, New York, Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore. About Wealth Index Wealth Index is a leading Chinese enterprise primarily focused on corporate finance and securitization. Wealth Index provides international investment banks and their clients timely market intelligence, and advice on offering windows. For more information, please contact: Zou Yalei Wealth Index Capital Group Tel: +86-10-8608-3131 Mobile: +86-13601194745 Email:
BEIJING, April 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay will traverse the longest distance, cover the greatest area and include the largest number of people, according to plans released tonight during a grand ceremony held in the China Millennium Monument in Beijing by BOCOG, the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of XXIX Olympiad. The planned route, revealed by Luo Gan, member of the standing committee of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee, and who was joined by International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge, would last 130 days and travel 137,000 kilometers. And the Beijing 2008 Olympic torch design was unveiled by State Councilor and BOCOG first vice-president Chen Zhili, with IOC Coordination Commission Chairman Hein Verbruggen alongside. "As the prelude to the Beijing Olympic Games, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay is one of the most important ceremonies and a major means to spread and promote the Olympic spirit," said BOCOG President Liu Qi. "As one of the grand ceremonies for the Beijing Olympic Games, the Torch Relay of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games has set its theme as the 'Journey of Harmony' and the slogan 'Light the Passion, Share the Dream'." Liu said, "The torch will be passed on in all the five continents around the world and throughout China. It is our hope that the Beijing Olympic Torch Relay will once again spread the Olympic spirit all over the world and demonstrate Chinese people's passion for the Olympic Movement. The relay will showcase the people, beautiful scenery, cultural heritage in countries, regions and cities along the relay route. It will enhance mutual understanding and friendship among people of different countries. Moreover, it will further expound the rich implication of our theme slogan 'One World One Dream'." "We are sending invitations to people all over the world to share the joy and glory brought by the Beijing Olympic Games," Liu added. "By traveling along the historic 'Silk Road', a symbol of ancient trade links between China and the rest of the world, crossing the five continents and going to new places, the Beijing 2008 Torch Relay will, as its theme says, be a 'Journey of Harmony', bringing friendship and respect to people of different nationalities, races and creeds," commented IOC President Rogge. "I have no doubt the Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay will leave many extraordinary memories and create new dreams for people around the world." Liu Peng, minister of the State General Administration of Sport and executive president of BOCOG, also attended the ceremony. And the ceremony was presided over by Wang Qishan, mayor of Beijing and executive president of BOCOG. The Planned Route Validated by IOC, the Olympic Flame will be lit in Olympia, Greece according to tradition on March 25, 2008. From March 25 - 30, the Torch Relay will travel across Greece, ending at the Panathinaiko Stadium, the site of the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. After the handover ceremony in the stadium, the Olympic Flame will arrive in Beijing on March 31, 2008. In Beijing, a ceremony will be held for the arrival of the flame into China and the Beijing 2008 Olympic torch relay will commence. The cities along the route are: Beijing; Almaty; Istanbul; St. Petersburg; London; Paris; San Francisco; Buenos Aires; Dar Es Salaam; Muscat; Islamabad; Mumbai; Bangkok; Kuala Lumpur; Jakarta; Canberra; Nagano; Seoul; Pyongyang; Ho Chi Minh City; Taipei; Hong Kong; Macao; Hainan Province (Sanya, Wuzhishan, Wanning, Haikou); Guangdong Province (Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Huizhou, Shantou); Fujian Province (Fuzhou, Quanzhou, Xiamen, Longyan); Jiangxi Province (Ruijin, Jinggangshan, Nanchang); Zhejiang Province (Wenzhou, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Jiaxing); Shanghai; Jiangsu Province (Suzhou, Nantong, Taizhou, Yangzhou, Nanjing); An'hui Province (Hefei, Huainan, Wuhu, Jixi, Huangshan); Hubei Province (Wuhan, Yichang, Jingzhou); Hunan Province (Yueyang, Changsha, Shaoshan); Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (Guilin, Nanning, Baise); Yunnan Province (Kunming, Lijiang, Xamgyi' nyilha); Guizhou Province (Guiyang, Kaili, Zunyi); Chongqing; Sichuang Province (Guang'an, Mianyang, Guanghan, Leshan, Zigong, Yibin, Chengdu); Tibet Autonomous Region (Shannan Diqu, Lhasa); Qinghai Province (Golmud, Qinghai Hu, Xining); Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (Urumqi, Kashi, Shihezi, Changji); Gansu Province (Dunhuang, Jiayuguan, Jiuquan, Tianshui, Lanzhou); Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (Zhongwei, Wuzhong, Yinchuan); Shaanxi Province (Yan'an, Yangling, Xianyang, Xi'an); Shanxi Province (Yuncheng, Pingyao, Taiyuan, Datong); Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (Hohhot, Ordos, Baotou, Chifeng); Heilongjiang Province (Qiqihar, Daqing, Harbin); Jilin Province (Songyuan, Changchun, Jilin, Yanji); Liaoning Province (Shenyang, Benxi, Liaoyang, Anshan, Dalian); Shandong Province (Yantai, Weihai, Qingdao, Rizhao, Linyi, Qufu, Tai'an, Jinan); Henan Province (Shangqiu, Kaifeng, Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Anyang); Hebei Province (Shijiazhuang, Qinhuangdao, Tangshan); Tianjin; and Beijing. One of the highlights of this leg will be the attempt to bring the Olympic Flame to the highest peak in the world Mt. Qomolangma. During the arrival ceremony for the flame into China on March 31, 2008, one of the lanterns with the Olympic Flame will be kept aside. The torchbearer team will then attempt to take the Flame to the highest peak on a day in May that presents the best climatic conditions for the ascent. Design The design of the Torch takes advantage of Chinese artistic heritage and technological expertise. The design of the aluminum torch features traditional scrolls and the "Lucky Cloud." It stands 72 centimeters high and weighs 985 grams. The Torch incorporates technological innovations to be able to remain lit in winds of up to 65 kilometers-an-hour and lit in rain of up to 50 millimeters-an-hour. And the torch can keep burning for 15 minutes. Other technological advancements prevent color discoloration and corrosion around the cone from which the Flame burns. The Torch construction is also environmentally-conscious. The materials are recyclable, and the propane fuel meets environmental requirements. "The Beijing Olympic Torch boasts both distinctive Chinese cultural features, and technical excellence and sophisticated materials. It will carry the friendship that Chinese people extend to the world and the Olympic spirit to the five continents and to the peak of Mt. Qomolangma," said BOCOG President Liu Qi. "The torch and the Olympic Flame are symbols which embody the Olympic values of excellence, respect and friendship. They inspire us to be the best we can be in all that we do," added IOC President Jacques Rogge. "The magnificent design of the torch for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay will also add a very unique Chinese flavor to the relay, as the 'Clouds of Promise' carry the Beijing Games' message to the world." The Torch casting was designed by the Lenovo Creative Center and the burning system inside the Torch was designed by the China Aerospace Science and Industry Group. Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay Worldwide Partners The Worldwide Partners for Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay are: Coca-Cola, Samsung and Lenovo, which will provide financial and service support for the smooth operation of the torch relay. They are the highest tier sponsors of sponsorship program for Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay and are granted a series of marketing rights and benefits related to the torch relay. For more information, please contact: Media & Communications +86-10-6669-3159 General Office +86-10-6669-9185 Olympic Torch Relay Center +86-10-6669-1842 OTR@