日本テキサス・インスツルメンツ(本社:東京都新宿区、社長:山崎俊行、略称:日本TI)は、ワンセグや携帯電話向け音楽配信サービスなどに使用されている音声圧縮規格「HE- AAC」向けの符号化技術(エンコーダ)・ライブラリを発表しました。音楽CDからオーディオ機器へのリッピング(注1)を、世界初の最大25倍速で実現します。なお日本TIでは同時に、MP3の超高速エンコーダ・ライブラリ(最大44倍速)も発表しました。
2つのエンコーダ・ライブラリはいずれも、日本TI筑波テクノロジー・センターで開発されました。符号化に要する内部処理をすべて32ビット浮動小数点で演算し、最高の音質を提供します。いずれもTIの高性能オーディオDSPプラットフォームであるAureus(TM) (読み:オーリアス)のDSP製品に搭載し、ミニコンポや車載オーディオ機器等の各種アプリケーションでのリッピング用途に使用します。Aureus(TM)ファミリーは、車載向けに設計されており、自動車環境の厳しい要求条件を満たす高品質のDSPです。
HE-AAC(high-efficiency advanced audio coding)は現在、地上デジタル放送のワンセグサービスや、携帯電話向け音楽ダウンロード・サービスなどで使用されている音声圧縮規格です。
同規格はMPEG-4 AAC(以下AAC)の拡張仕様であり、AACやMP3などの他の規格と比べて圧縮効率が高いのが特長です(対MP3で2.7倍*注2)。技術的には、AACにSpectral Band Replication(SBR)技術を組み込むことで再生帯域を拡大し、主に低ビットレートでの圧縮効率を大幅に向上しています。同規格を採用した場合、より少ない格納容量でより多くの楽曲を高音質で保存できるため、NANDフラッシュやHDDを使用したオーディオ機器でのさらなる採用などが期待されています。
今回発表された2つのライブラリは、いずれもTIのTMS320TM DSPアルゴリズムスタンダード (注3)に準拠しています。従って、現在TIのDSPとTMS320TM DSPアルゴリズムスタンダード準拠のTI製コーデックを使用しているお客様は、既存のライブラリを今回発表の新しいライブラリと置き換えるだけで、より高速処理へと簡単に移行できます。
テキサス・インスツルメンツ(本社:米国テキサス州ダラス、社長兼CEO:リッチ・テンプルトン、略称: TI)は、グローバルな半導体企業であり、デジタル家電、ワイヤレス市場などに向けたDSP(デジタル・シグナル・プロセッサ)とアナログICを中核とするトータル・ソリューションを提供しています。そのほか、E&PS(教育関連)事業を展開、世界25ヶ国以上に製造・販売拠点を持っています。
FAX:(0120)81-0036 URL: http://www.tij.co.jp/pic/
● 関連リンク
オリンパスソフトウェアテクノロジー株式会社(社長:天野常彦、本社:東京都新宿区、以下 オリンパスソフトウェア)と日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社(社長:大歳卓麻、本社:東京都港区、NYSE:IBM、以下 日本IBM)は、このたびオリンパスソフトウェアの組み込みソフトウェア開発プロセスを改革し、開発生産性の向上、および技術力の向上を目的とした協業を行います。具体的には、日本IBMからオリンパスソフトウェアに業務改革を支援する専任のエンジニアを出向させ、組み込みソフトウェア開発業務を支援します。併せて日本IBMからオリンパスソフトウェアに資本参加すると共に開発業務に関し長期にわたる業務変革支援サービス(BTO*=ビジネス・トランスフォーメーション・アウトソーシング)を締結いたします。
日本IBMは2002年から、IBM (R) の幅広い先進技術と知的財産を活用してお客様に電子機器等の設計・開発・製造業務の支援およびコンサルティングサービスを提供してきました。2005年にはデジタル家電に特化した、組み込みソフトウェアおよびハードウェア等の開発を支援する新しいサービスも提供開始しています。さらに2006年4月には、このようなサービスをより長期に渡って継続的に行い、お客様の業務プロセスの変革・イノベーションを目的としたBTOサービスとして「R&Dイノベーション」サービスを発表しました。今回のオリンパスソフトウェアとの契約は、「R&Dイノベーション」サービスの複数年にわたるBTO契約として初めての事例となります。
IBMは、IBM Corporationの商標。
代表者:代表取締役社長 天野 常彦
本社所在地:〒163-1414 東京都新宿区西新宿3-20-2 東京オペラシティタワー14F
代表者:代表取締役 社長執行役員 大歳卓麻
本社所在地:〒106-8711 東京都港区六本木三丁目2番12号
URL: http://www.ibm.com/jp/
株式会社カカクコム(東京都文京区 代表取締役社長 田中実 東証コード:2371、以下カカクコム)は、同社が運営する価格比較サイト『価格.com』に蓄積される各種データを、一橋大学、東京大学、京都大学の研究者グループによる合同研究プロジェクト「日本経済の物価変動ダイナミクスの解明:ミクロとマクロの統合アプローチ」に提供することを報告いたします。
【 株式会社カカクコム 会社概要 】
所在地:東京都文京区後楽1-4-14 後楽森ビル13F
代表取締役:田中 実
・情報コミュニティの運営 など
【 合同研究プロジェクト概要 】
東京都国立市中2-1 一橋大学マーキュリータワー 3609
● 関連リンク
建設業に特化した業務関連システムの開発や販売、ならびに各種ITサービスを展開している、あさかわシステムズ株式会社(本社:大阪府泉佐野市/代表取締役社長 三宅 安幸)は、2,400社を超える建設業者が頼りにする経営事項審査シミュレーションソフト「経審マスター」の最新版となる「経審マスター Ver.4.1」を開発、11月1日より購入受付を開始しました。
「経審マスター Ver.4.1」は、平成18年7月から施行された建設業法施行基準改正に伴う新財務諸表様式変更に対応した最新バージョンです。強化機能は、『自己資本』、『総資本』、『キャッシュフロー』等の定義変更と、関連する評点の計算方法の一部変更に対応した点です。
購入は、FAXまたはホームページ( http://www.a-sk.co.jp/ )で受け付けます。
価格は、前バージョン(Ver.4.0)からのバージョンアップは特別価格の3,150円 (税込)で販売します(平成19年3月31日お申込受付分まで。通常税込10,500円)。Ver.3.0、Ver.3.1からのバージョンアップ価格は15,750円(税込)、それ以外のバージョンからは22,050円(税込)です。当社の直販、ならびに全国SIベンダを通じて販売します。
■「経審マスター Ver.4.1」のバージョンアップ内容
FAXまたはインターネット(URL: http://www.a-sk.co.jp/ )
OS:Microsoft Windows(R) 95/98/Me/NT4.0/2000/XP
URL: http://www.a-sk.co.jp/
● 関連リンク
また、本特許技術は弊社帳票印刷ツール「PrintStream(R) Core」及び「Biz/PrintServer ver 2.5.5」に同梱される印刷エンジン「PrintStream(R) ver3.0」に搭載されており、アクシスソフトは今後更に帳票印刷シェアの強化/拡大を図ってまいります。
【 アクシスソフト株式会社について 】
社 名:アクシスソフト株式会社
本 社:〒170-0013 東京都豊島区東池袋3-23-5 ダヴィンチ東池袋ビル
設 立:1987年11月
代表取締役社長 永井一美
【 商標注記 】
● 関連リンク
シマンテック、世界初の総合オンライントランザクションセキュリティ ソリューション ノートン・コンフィデンシャルの販売開始
シマンテックコーポレーション(Nasdaq:SYMC、以下シマンテック、日本法人所在地:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:木村裕之)は本日、世界初の総合オンライントランザクション(オンライン取引・決済)セキュリティソリューション、ノートン・コンフィデンシャル(Norton Confidential)を11月2日(木)より「シマンテックストア」( http://www.symantecstore.jp/ )にて、また12月1日(金)より全国の店頭にて販売を開始すると発表しました。
2005年10月にシマンテックがHarris Interactive社に依頼して実施した調査によると、回答者の71%がオンラインでの個人情報発信が不安だと答え、また53%がオンラインでのID(個人情報)盗難が非常に心配だと回答しています。個人ユーザーにも、オンライン上のセキュリティについて事前の対策を取る必要があります。クライムウェア(マルウェアの一種で、個人情報などの情報を盗むもの)は、オンライン取引を行なう個人ユーザーにとって大きな脅威となってきました。シマンテックが2006年9月に発表したインターネットセキュリティ脅威レポートによると、2006年1月1日から6月30日までの間、悪意のあるコード上位50種のうち30種までがユーザーの秘密情報を暴くものでした。
Yankee Groupのアナリスト、ジョナサン シンガー(Jonathan Singer)氏は次のように述べています。「現在インターネットを利用する個人ユーザーにとって、オンライン詐欺の被害を引き起こすフィッシングとクライムウェアの両方に対抗する総合的なトランザクションセキュリティ ソリューションは、まさにユーザーが必要とする製品です。インターネットやオンライン取引に対するユーザーの信頼感が薄れてきている中、ノートン・コンフィデンシャルは拡大する市場のニーズに応える製品であり、これによってインターネットに対するユーザーの信頼も回復するはずです」。
シマンテックのコンシューマー事業部門 グループプレジデント、エンリケ セーラム(Enrique Salem)は次のように述べています。「個人ユーザーは、ユーザーをだまして金銭を得ようとするサイバー犯罪者の攻撃を受けています。シマンテックではこの危惧すべき現実に対処すべく、ノートン・コンフィデンシャルを開発しました。ノートン・コンフィデンシャルはユーザーをサイバー犯罪者やハッカーから守り、オンラインで安心してショッピングやバンキング、その他保護を必要とする取引を行なうことができるようにします」。
ノートン・コンフィデンシャルは、個人ユーザーをインターネット上の個人情報盗難や詐欺から守る総合的なオンライントランザクション セキュリティを実現します。パスワード、口座番号などの個人情報を盗もうとする既知・未知の攻撃をブロックし、主なショッピングサイト、バンキングサイトを認証します。そしてオンライン取引に伴うリスクを最小限に抑えます。
ノートン・コンフィデンシャルは、わかりやすいオンライントランザクション セキュリティを実現し、オンラインでの個人情報やデータ保護を容易にします。ノートン・コンフィデンシャルのツールバーは常にブラウザのツールバーと並んで表示され、オンライン取引の安全性を常時ユーザーに表示します。ノートン・コンフィデンシャルは、ウェブブラウザ上のシンプルな表示で、詐欺の脅威レベルを示します――安全なサイトの場合には、「詐欺は検知されませんでした」の文字を記した緑の表示が現われます。さらに詳しい保護状態はビジュアルなアイコン(パソコンの絵と地球の絵)で表示され、コンピュータとウェブサイトそれぞれの安全を示します。
ノートン・コンフィデンシャルはWindows(R) XP Home/XP Pro対応製品であり、Windows Vista(TM)に対応する無償アップデートが受けられます。
ノートン・コンフィデンシャルの販売価格は、標準パッケージが6,195円(税込み、本体価格 5,900円)、シマンテックストア ダウンロード版は4,935円(シマンテックストア価格 税込み、本体価格4,700円)です。
< 製品に関する読者の方からのお問い合わせ >
【 シマンテックについて 】
シマンテックは、個人および企業ユーザーに、情報のセキュリティ、アベイラビリティ、および完全性を実現するためのソリューションを提供する世界的リーダー企業です。カリフォルニア州クパティーノに本社を置き、世界40カ国以上に拠点があります。詳細は www.symantec.com をご覧下さい。
*Symantec社の名称、ロゴは、米国Symantec Corporationの米国内およびその他の国における登録商標または商標です。
● 関連リンク
新キャタピラー三菱株式会社(本社:東京都世田谷区用賀4丁目10-1、社長:広瀬 正典、資本金:231億円)は、舗装幅2.3~6.0mのホイール式三菱アスファルトフィニッシャ、MF61WE SERIES IIと、同じくクローラ式のMF61E SERIES IIを本日から発売します。
三菱MF61WE SERIES II/MF61E SERIES IIアスファルトフィニッシャの主な特長は以下の通りです。
(1) 二段目伸縮スクリードの伸縮ロッド径やロッド間隔の拡大、上部フレームの強化により高い剛性と耐久性を確保し、仕上げ精度がさらに向上しました。
(2) スクリードのデフレクタカバーをスプリングで固定。タンパ振動音を低減するとともに合材の浸入を抑制し、エッジの偏磨耗も低減しています。
(3) 上下調整が容易な合材ゲートは、合材の種類に応じて、作業中でもゲートへの流入量を微調整可能。より高品質な仕上がりが得られます。
(1) 二段目伸縮スクリードのステップマウント部をスプリングで支持。防振ラバーとの相乗効果で振動を抑え、オペレータ(スクリードマン)の疲労を軽減します。
(2) 新型の着火コントロールボックスを採用。スクリードごとに着火スイッチとバーナ作動状況を表示する燃焼モニタランプを装備し、着火と燃焼を容易に確認できます。
(1) 国土交通省第二次基準値排出ガス規制対策型建設機械
(2) 国土交通省低騒音型建設機械
4.三菱 MF61WE SERIES II/MF61E SERIES II アスファルトフィニッシャの主な仕様
* 関連資料 参照
MF61WE SERIES II-V 46,510,000円
MF61WE SERIES II-TV 50,000,000円
MF61E SERIES II-V 48,460,000円
MF61E SERIES II- TV 51,850,000円
以 上
● 関連リンク
ソニー、軽量化と堅牢性を重視した12.1型ビジネス向けVAIO「type G」7機種を発売
軽いのに強いビジネス用途向け12.1型VAIO「type G」発売
ソニーは、軽量化と堅牢性を重視したビジネス用途向けVAIO「type G」7機種を発売します。軽量かつ剛性の高い素材であるカーボンを筐体に採用することにより、12.1型液晶搭載PCとして世界最軽量※1の約898g※2を実現しています。
「type G」は、ビジネスの場でモバイルパソコンを使用する際にストレスと感じる事象を、弊社が独自に約1,300社に調査、そのデータを元に、ストレス要因の解決を目指して企画、開発したモデルです。その調査の中でも「出張および外出の際に重い」「プレゼンテーションの途中でバッテリーが切れる」などの解消に重点を置き、軽量化を図りながらバッテリー駆動約12.5時間※4のスタミナ性能を実現しています。また、本体に堅牢な素材の採用や衝撃に強い構造を施し、落下や振動に対してビジネスシーンでの取扱いを考慮した試験を実施することで、高い信頼性を確認しています。
型名 発売予定日 希望小売価格
※1 2006年11月1日広報発表時、12.1型液晶搭載パソコンにおいて(ソニー調べ)
※2 VGN-G1LAP,およびVGN-G1AAPSで光学ドライブなし・バッテリーパック(S)を選択した場合
※3 先行予約エントリーをされたお客様向けの先行受注開始日
※4 VGN-G1KAP,VGN-G1AAPSA,VGN-G1AAPSB,VGN-G1AAPSCの場合、およびVGN-G1AAPSでインテルCore Soloプロセッサー及びバッテリーパック(L)を選択した場合
VAIOカタログセンター TEL:03-5454-0700
● 関連リンク
伊藤忠商事がライフスタイル研究所『MOTTAINAI Lab』を設立。
第1弾としてエキサイトと共同で「MOTTAINAI Lab Blog」を開設。
この度、伊藤忠商事株式会社は、MOTTAINAI精神にのっとったライフスタイルを研究、発信していく研究所『MOTTAINAI Lab』を設立致します。
『MOTTAINAI Lab』プロジェクト第1弾として、エキサイト株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長:山村幸広、以下エキサイト)と共同で、コラボレーションサイト「MOTTAINAI Lab Blog」(モッタイナイ・ラボ・ブログ)を2006年11月1日(水)より正式オープン致します。
伊藤忠商事はこれまで、「MOTTAINAI」を世界初の循環社会型環境ブランドとして環境配慮を基準とした商品化などを行ってきましたが、広く一般からの参加を呼びかけるコミュニケーションチャンネルとして、『MOTTAINAI Lab』を設立するに至りました。
「MOTTAINAI Lab Blog」にはじまり、今後、伊藤忠商事と共同で『MOTTAINAI Lab』でのコミュニティ、EC(物販)やプロジェクト(日本伝統工芸とのコラボレーションによる商品開発など)毎のコンテンツを展開していく予定です。
『MOTTAINAI Lab』は「MOTTAINAIから生まれるワクワク未来」というコンセプトのもと、様々なジャンルの専門家(裏面の12名)が研究員として参加し、MOTTAINAI精神にのっとったライフスタイルを研究、発信していく新しいタイプのライフスタイル研究所です。
各研究員には、MOTTAINAIをアイデアの源と考えていただき、MOTTAINAIから発想する何か新しいこと、MOTTAINAIから気づいたちょっとしたこと、などを「MOTTAINAI Lab Blog」で発信していきます。既存の事柄がMOTTAINAIの視点を通して全く違った表情を見せたり、「もったいない」から生まれるデザイン、「もったいない」から生まれる商品、「もったいない」から生まれる新しいサービス、小さなことから大きなことまで次々に発明していきます。
○『MOTTAINAI Lab』研究員(順不同/敬称略)
6)ハセベ・ケン(渋谷区議会議員/NPO団体green bird代表)
7)ペオ・エクベリ(環境コンサルタント/One World代表)
10)島本美由紀(料理研究家/To Dear代表取締役)
○ エキサイト『MOTTAINAI Lab Blog』コンテンツ内容
『MOTTAINAI Lab』は様々なジャンルのエキスパートである「研究員」(上記12名)と、広くみんなが参加できる「研究生」(ユーザー)で構成されています。『MOTTAINAI Lab』から生まれたアイデアの実現をサポートするのは「研究所員」(スタッフ)です。
◆各界のクリエイター・著名人が『MOTTAINAI Lab』研究員としてブログをスタート!
『MOTTAINAI Lab』ならではの人選で、ここでしか見ることの出来ないコンテンツを展開します。次々に魅力的なアーティストが参加予定!
◆『MOTTAINAI Lab』研究所員(スタッフ)が活動状況をブログにて発信
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アスカネット、より高度で自由なデザイン・レイアウトが可能な写真集制作用プラグインソフト「Photoshop Plug-In」を発表
デジタルフォトサービス大手の株式会社アスカネット(本社:広島県広島市、代表取締役社長:福田幸雄、以下アスカネット)は、アスカネットの提供するオリジナル写真集の制作支援ソフト「Photoshop Plug-In」の無償提供を開始します。コンシューマ向けの「MyBook Photoshop Plug-In」とプロカメラマンや写真館など業務利用向けの「Prophotobook Photoshop Plug-In」があり、いずれも無償で、アスカネットの写真集が、アドビシステムズ社のPhotoshop上で、より高度で自由な編集により制作可能となります。
従来、オリジナル写真集を、Photoshop等画像処理ソフトでレイアウトし、専用のアップロードツールを使用していましたが、今回のPlug-In ソフトをインストールすることで、Photoshop自体がアスカネットの写真集制作のためのソフトウェアとして機能することになります。これにより、Photoshopでの高度なレタッチ機能やレイアウト機能をフルに活用できるとともに、編集から発注まで、他のソフトを使用することなく、Photoshopのみで完結することができます。その他、Photoshopのカラーマネージメントに対応しているため、モニター画面と印刷物の整合性が取り易く、より印刷の再現性が高くなっています。さらに文字情報を高解像度で保存し、従来より細かい文字でも美しく印刷できるようになっています。
使用方法は、Photoshopの次に「Photoshop Plug-In」を立ち上げ、希望の写真集の種類やページ数を指定することで、編集に必要な情報(解像度設定や塗り足し領域等)を含む基礎ページファイル(白色)が自動生成、サムネールとして展開されます。Photoshop上でこのページファイルに写真の配置や文字入力など各種編集機能を行い保存することができ、レイアウト完了後、送信ボタンを押すことで簡単に写真集の発注が可能となっています。PhotoshopElementsにも対応しているので幅広い層でご使用いただけます。
■対応OS Windows 2000,XP、Mac OS 10.2.8 以降
Plug-In 動作可能バージョンPhotoshopCS、PhotoshopCS2
【MyBook Photoshop Plug-In】
【Prophotobook Photoshop Plug-In】
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取り込めるのはホームページだけでなく、Word やExcel などビジネスの最前線で使用される各種ファイルの情報も取り込め、取り込んだ情報はワープロ感覚で編集することもできるので、自分だけの情報ライブラリが簡単に作られます。
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ホームページスクラップ(紙copi) :ユミルリンク株式会社
■製品情報URL : http://media-kite.co.jp/homepageprint/
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A 30% Migration to Energy-Efficient Lighting Cuts Worldwide CO2 Emissions by 260 Million Tons and Electricity by 460 Billion kwhrs SINGAPORE, April 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- OSRAM CEO Mr. Martin Goetzeler reasserted the lighting manufacturer giant's commitment to eco-friendly products at today's opening of the Global Business Summit for the Environment (B4E) organized by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The summit is the first major international conference focusing on business and the environment in Asia. The event aims to highlight the environmental challenges facing global business today and share strategies and best practices for corporate environmental responsibility. In 1985, OSRAM (a 100%-owned subsidiary of Siemens AG) invented the world's first energy-saving lamp, with the electronic components integrated into the base for better energy efficiency, and is today one of the world's two largest lighting manufacturers, offering a broad product range of energy-saving lighting solutions for all applications including LEDs from our production facilities in Regensburg, Germany, and Penang, Malaysia. (Photo: http://xprnnews.xfn.info/OSRAM/20070418/OSRAM.htm ) "We are facing huge challenges with accelerating climate change. Every individual should contribute to protect our planet through the use of energy-efficient lighting systems. Taking into account potential savings by replacing incandescent lamps with compact fluorescent lamps and halogen energy savers and by including savings by using more efficient office and street lighting -- while assuming that 30% of the world switch to using these energy-saving lighting products -- this roughly translates to a reduction of 260 million tons of global CO2 emission and 460 billion kWh of electricity," estimates Martin Goetzeler, CEO of OSRAM. "This figure equates to roughly the annual electricity consumption of India, half of Japan or a quarter of China." Artificial light accounts for 19% of the global demand for electricity -- and offers a huge potential for energy savings (see additional information below). "It is important to ensure that energy-saving lighting systems meet the highest quality standards and represent a real contribution to environmental protection -- and that includes their components, manufacturing process and waste disposal," Martin Goetzeler added. Asia as key growth region in lighting market -- Second plant in India to meet market demand Asia Pacific currently accounts for an estimated 40% of the global lighting market, with industry analysts predicting steady growth which will increase its global market share to 50% by 2015. "Sustainable products will play a major role worldwide -- also in APAC. As a result, OSRAM is strengthening its position in this growth region." OSRAM has already accomplished various milestones. In 2006, OSRAM set up its new pan-regional Asia organisation with its headquarters in Hong Kong. Closer contact with customers was a strong factor in the company's decision to relocate the headquarters of the Ballasts and Luminaires Division to Hong Kong and the Display Systems Business Unit to Japan in 2006. "This year, we are in the process of building a second plant in India, which is aimed at producing sustainable lighting products. And we are also delivering on our strategy to continuously expand our presence in China." OSRAM's global support for politically-backed environment initiatives Through its involvement with industrial associations, OSRAM is actively promoting public policies made in favour of energy-efficient lighting. In Asia, OSRAM is supporting the efforts of several governments for their country's transition towards energy-saving solutions. As a member of the European lamp association (ELC), OSRAM together with industry partners announced the industry commitment to support a government shift in Europe to more efficient lighting products in street, office and domestic lighting. And in the U.S., the company last week joined fellow members of the Lamp Section of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) in announcing a joint industry commitment to support public policies that will transform the U.S. market to more energy-efficient lighting within 10 years. With a global footprint spanning all continents and customers in 150 countries, Martin Goetzeler also emphasized OSRAM's commitment to promote energy-saving lighting systems in developing and emerging markets. "We are proud that in February 2007, after three years of continuous work, we became the world's first lighting manufacturer to receive approval from the United Nations for a `Clean Development Mechanism' (CDM) based on the Kyoto Protocol for reducing CO2 emissions." This sustainable methodology based on the Kyoto Protocol will enable millions of incandescent light bulbs to be directly replaced by energy-saving lamps over the next few years in developing and emerging countries mainly in Africa and Asia. "We invite all lighting manufacturers to adopt our publicly available CDM method and promote further energy-saving lighting." In addition, OSRAM's commitment towards developing and emerging countries is also reflected by World Bank tenders like in Uganda, where currently 800,000 incandescent lamps are being changed to energy saving lamps from OSRAM. About the company OSRAM (headquarters in Munich, Germany; 100 percent subsidiary of SIEMENS), is a member of the Global Compact and one of the two leading lighting manufacturers in the world. The birth of the OSRAM brand goes back to 1906. The company sells products primarily under the OSRAM brand name, and also under the SYLVANIA brand in NAFTA. Global sales in the fiscal year ending September 30, 2006 totalled 4.6 billion euros, 88 percent of which came from outside Germany. OSRAM is a high-tech company in the lighting sector. Around 40 percent of sales come from innovative products, with R&D focusing, among other things, on sustainable materials and products. This global player employs around 40,000 people worldwide, supplies customers in some 150 countries and has 49 production facilities in 18 countries. Background: energy saving lamps Energy-saving lamps consume up to 80% less electricity than ordinary light bulbs for the same amount of light and last up to 15 times longer. An ordinary light bulb will burn on average for only 1000 hours. And it converts 95% of the energy it consumes into heat and only 5% into light. Over its life of up to 15 years an OSRAM Longlife energy-saving lamp will save about one megawatt hour (MWh) of electricity and around half a ton of CO2 emissions. In the summer OSRAM will be launching energy-saving halogen lamps -- giving consumers even more choice. These lamps produce brilliant light typical of halogen lamps but can be dimmed without restriction. They last twice as long as incandescent lamps and achieve energy savings of up to 30%. There is also enormous potential for energy savings in the commercial and industrial sectors, as well as the public sector (street lighting, for example). Simply by replacing conventional fluorescent lamps with intelligent energy-saving systems could save around 320 million MWh and 160 million tons of CO2 emissions worldwide each year. This corresponds to the CO2 emissions of all the vehicles registered in Germany. For more information, please contact: Reglindis Pfeiffer Corporate Spokesperson OSRAM GmbH Tel: +49-89-6213-23-05 Fax: +49-89-6213-34-57 Email: reglindis.pfeiffer@osram.de Additional contact for Asia Pacific: Edelman PR, Ellen O'Gorman Director Tel: +852-2837-4735 Fax: +852-2804-1303 Email: ellen.ogorman@edelman.com
SHANGHAI, China, April 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Stora Enso will record two non-cash, non-recurring items affecting operating profit totalling positive net EUR 32 million in its first quarter 2007 results. The non-recurring items will increase tax expenses by EUR 16.7 million. There will be a positive impact of EUR 0.02 on earnings per share. As previously announced, a new five-year labour agreement was signed in January 2007 with United Steelworkers in Central Wisconsin, USA. Subsequently, the Group signed new agreements with other unions in the paper industry in the USA. Therefore, in addition to the earlier announced USD 40.8 million income, the Group is recording USD 16.9 million of income relating to the new agreements. The total non-recurring income of USD 57.7 (EUR 44.0) million will correspondingly reduce personnel expenses in the first quarter of 2007. As announced on 7 March 2007, the Company will also record a write-down and restructuring provision totalling about EUR 12 million related to closure of Sauga Sawmill in Estonia. Net impacts on operating profit by segment are: Publication Paper EUR 13.3 million Fine Paper EUR 19.2 million Packaging Boards EUR 4.3 million Wood Products EUR -12.0 million Other EUR 7.2 million Total EUR 32.0 million Stora Enso is an integrated paper, packaging and forest products company producing publication and fine paper, packaging board and wood products - all areas in which the Group is a global market leader. Stora Enso's sales totalled EUR 14.6 billion in 2006. The Group has some 44 000 employees in more than 40 countries on five continents. Stora Enso has an annual production capacity of 16.5 million tonnes of paper and board and 7.4 million cubic metres of sawn wood products, including 3.2 million cubic metres of value-added products. Stora Enso's shares are listed in Helsinki, Stockholm and New York. For more information, please contact: Hannu Ryopponen, CFO Tel: +44-207-016-3114 Keith B Russell, SVP, Investor Relations Tel: +44-777-578-8659 Ulla Paajanen-Sainio, VP, Investor Relations and Financial Communications Tel: +358-2046-21242 Web: http://www.storaenso.com http://www.storaenso.com/investors
BEIJING, April 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The press conference of the 2007 China Tennis Open was held at the Shangri-la Hotel on April 18, 2007. The sponsor discussed the competition organization and player invitations. The China Open is already honored to have confirmed the attendance of four world famous players, namely Antonio Jose Gonzalez Santos, Martina Hingis, Justine Henin-Hardenne and Ivan Ljubicic. Four World Famous Players First on the List Since 2004, Chinese tennis fans have enjoyed the opportunity to watch live competitions that have included world famous players like Rafael Nadal, Nikolay Davydenko, Marat Safin, Maria Sharapova, the Williams sisters and Lindsay Davenport. Every China Tennis Open has delivered more surprises than the last, with this one sure not to disappoint, as the four confirmed players have already got Chinese tennis fans excited. For Martina Hingis, the princess of the WTA, it is the first time she will have come to the China Open. She has a strong legion of supporters, and just as many detractors, and despite some years out of the game due to injury, her effusive personality and physique make her a focal point amongst tennis fans and media alike. Fernando Gonzalez is also attending his first China Open. During the final of the 2007 Australia Open, Gonzalez was honored to fight with Switzerland's Roger Federer. Even though he eventually lost the final, everyone appreciated his professionalism. It was a perfect opportunity for us to appreciate his excellent tennis skills. Gonzalez has won many honors for Chile, including in the Olympics and the World Championships. Justine Henin-Hardenne, as one of the World's best backhanders on the WTA circuit, missed the last China Open, but still must be considered one of the favorites for this year's women's tournament. Ticket Cooperation Sponsors, China Open Bookings Start During the press conference the exclusive tickets sponsor of the 2007 China Open was also announced, China Ticket Online, via http://www.piao.com.cn , and the official ticket-sales hotlines: 400-810-3721, 010-64170058, 010-64170068. A signing ceremony announced that the ticket sales for this year's China Open would start on April 18, with members of the public able to buy tickets online or via one of the hotlines. China Open Officials said the decision for ticket sponsor was made according to their brand, and technical capabilities. Choosing www.piao.com.cn to cooperate with was mainly a result of it being one of the leading Chinese ticket websites, and the leading Chinese sports ticketing outlet. The general manager of China Ticket Online, Feng Yuhong said, "It has already been a long period of cooperation between the China Open and China Ticket Online. Most customers of China ticket Online are white-collar workers, and they're mostly interested in the China Open." After the signing ceremony, the two parties showed-off ticket samples of the 2007 China Open, especially designed with a 2-dimensional bar code. Every registered customer has their information included in this code in order to prevent pirated tickets entering the market. Search for China Open Theme Song Begins In the past three years, the China Open has successfully had their logos and mascots designed via the public. This China Open will also hand the search for the theme song and singers over to the public, making this China Open even more popular and fashionable than ever before. The search for the theme song and singers is sponsored by China Open Promotions Company Limited and ZHUSHU ENTERTAINMENT LTD, and is aimed at promoting China Open brands and in supporting its development. It will be the main promotion campaign before the China Open kicks-off in September. The promotion slogan, "Sing for the China Open with Unlimited Energy," is aimed at integrating sport, music and entertainment at the China Open. No matter whether you are tennis fan or a music fan, anyone can take part in helping to find the right song and singers for the China Open. In addition, the organizers will invite famous professional musicians to produce the theme song. The search will be conducted from April 18 to May 20, 2007. Five songs will be chosen from professional artists, while another 5 will be chosen as provided by the public. An online vote will then take place, before a professional committee chooses the winner. Those that provide the best words and music could receive a RMB10,000 prize, while other selected winners can obtain different prizes, like "2007 China Open" VIP tickets. The committee includes famous Chinese musicians, like Luo Dayou, Xiao Chong, Yao Qian, Fang Wenshan, and Sanbao. For more information, please contact: Amy Jiang Tel: +86-10-5820-6667 x806 Fax: +86-10-5820-5031 Email: amy.jiang@chinaopen.com.cn
Citi's Global Transaction Services to Serve as EuroCCP's Settlement Agent LONDON, April 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, a leading provider of clearance, settlement and information services, announced today that its EuroCCP subsidiary has been selected to provide a clearance and settlement solution for Turquoise. Turquoise is a consortium of seven major financial institutions that are working to develop a new pan-European trading platform. EuroCCP will provide all clearing, settlement and risk management services to Turquoise. Citi's global transaction services business will serve as EuroCCP settlement agent. This partnership recognizes Citi's extensive pan-European securities network and its strong links with the European central securities depositories. This decision follows a request for proposal (RFP) process that has been under way for a number of months and involved a rigorous review of proposed alternative post-trade solutions. DTCC has a well-earned reputation for certainty and reliability, and more than 30 years experience in clearing and settling virtually all equity and fixed income trading in the U.S. Last year, DTCC cleared and settled more than US$1.5 quadrillion in securities transactions. In addition, they provide post-trade services to the OTC derivatives market on a global basis. EuroCCP will build upon DTCC's extensive experience and technology know-how as a central counterparty (CCP). "We are delighted that EuroCCP has been selected to support Turquoise," said Donald F. Donahue, DTCC president and CEO. "We have a long history of providing clearing and settlement solutions across the industry and a strong track record of helping customers lower transaction costs, reduce risk and improve efficiency. Over the coming months, we will be working very closely with Turquoise and we're confident that we can deliver this highly scalable, central counterparty platform within the timeframes required." "DTCC is well-known in the global financial services market, and they presented a well-thought out proposal to the consortium," said a Turquoise spokesperson. "The face of financial services is becoming much more global in nature, and as old barriers break down in Europe under MiFID and other directives, the landscape is becoming much more competitive. We believe EuroCCP and Citi's global transaction services business will help Turquoise to succeed as a new, low-cost, pan-European platform that can build the necessary liquidity to make it a major contender against existing trading venues." "We are very pleased to partner with EuroCCP as settlement agent for Turquoise," said Clive Triance, Chief Operating Officer for Securities and Fund Services, Europe, Middle East, and Africa at Citi. "Citi has settlement capabilities in over 80 markets globally, including all the European markets covered by Turquoise. Our established relationships with the European central securities depositories will ensure local settlement efficiency. We look forward to working with EuroCCP in supporting this exciting new trading venue." How the new platform will work EuroCCP will accept trades from the Turquoise trading platform and these trades will then be netted on trade date. EuroCCP will guarantee trades upon receipt and validation. For all trading members of Turquoise that are not clearing members of EuroCCP, these trades will be handled through general clearing member relationships. EuroCCP will apply risk-based margining, with appropriate levels of margin collected on a daily basis. Any unsettled obligations will be marked-to-market each day. Citi's global transaction services business will process EuroCCP's settlement instructions for delivering and receiving securities and related payments in various currencies through its local securities network. EuroCCP will be a UK Recognised Clearing House (RCH), headquartered in London. DTCC is in the process of filing an application with the Financial Services Authority (FSA) to receive such recognition in time for the Turquoise launch date. EuroCCP will be operated on an "at-cost" basis, and any excess revenues collected beyond the cost to support the operation will be refunded to participant members. The seven investment banks behind Turquoise are Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Citi and UBS, who together generate around half of Europe's equity order traffic. About DTCC The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), through its subsidiaries, provides clearance, settlement and information services for equities, corporate and municipal bonds, government and mortgage-backed securities and over-the-counter derivatives. In addition, DTCC is a leading processor of mutual funds and insurance transactions, linking funds and carriers with their distribution networks. DTCC's depository provides custody and asset servicing for 2.8 million securities issues from the United States and 100 other countries and territories, valued at $36 trillion. Last year, DTCC settled more than US$1.5 quadrillion in securities transactions. DTCC Has operating facilities in multiple locations in the United States and overseas. For more information on DTCC, visit http://www.dtcc.com . About Citi Citi, the leading global financial services company, has some 200 million customer accounts and does business in more than 100 countries, providing consumers, corporations, governments and institutions with a broad range of financial products and services, including consumer banking and credit, corporate and investment banking, securities brokerage and wealth management. Citi's major brand names include: Citibank, CitiFinancial, Primerica, Citi Smith Barney and Banamex. Additional information may be found at http://www.citigroup.com or http://www.citi.com . For more information, please contact: Stuart Z. Goldstein of DTCC Tel: +1-212-855-5470 or +1-609-203-5220 Email: sgoldstein@dtcc.com Patrick Donovan of Citigate Dewe Rogerson Tel: +44-20-7282-2915 Email: patrick.donovan@citigatedr.co.uk Jeanette Volpi of Citi Tel: +44-20-7986-2809 Email: jeanette.volpi@citigroup.com
BEIJING, 18 April /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center (ADARC) are partnering with the National Basketball Association (NBA) on a national, multimedia HIV/AIDS anti-stigma campaign featuring NBA All-Star Yao Ming and Chinese film star Pu Cunxin. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061107113358-34.jpg ) Designed by people living with HIV, university students and members of the NGO community, the new poster shows Yao Ming and Pu Cunxin together with young people from AIDS-affected communities with the message: We have the same feelings, the same dreams, the same life. HIV/AIDS will not affect our friendship. We Are Friends! As part of UNDP's overall regional efforts to engage the arts and commercial media sector to reduce stigma and raise awareness, and in collaboration with UNICEF, UNESCO and multisector partners in China, this new and groundbreaking campaign includes the distribution throughout China of over 200,000 Yao Ming / Pu Cunxin "We Are Friends" anti-stigma posters, and the development of a HIV/AIDS resource kit containing the 10 Facts on AIDS, an HIV/AIDS discussion guide and mini-documentary. "We trust this campaign will help disseminate our common stand for positive action, care and full integration of people living with HIV and AIDS in our global society," says Alessandra Tisot, Senior Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP China. This innovative and cross cutting campaign builds on the previous public service announcement (PSA) and the "We Are Friends" poster campaign which featured both Yao Ming and NBA legend Magic Johnson. In conjunction with the Ministry of Health, NBA Cares, ADARC, local NGOs and several Chinese commercial media organizations, the previous PSA and posters were distributed throughout China and assisted in the education on HIV/AIDS prevention while dispelling misconceptions about the spread of the disease. "Important partnerships like these give the NBA an opportunity to use the international power of our brand and the celebrity of our players to have a direct impact on the critical issues facing communities all over the world," said NBA Senior Vice President Kathy Behrens. This wide-ranging campaign aims to advocate the reduction of stigma associated with HIV and AIDS among the general population, and to promote the inclusion of family members, neighbors, co-workers and friends living with HIV and AIDS and their families into our homes, schools, workplaces and communities. Dr. David Ho, Director of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center adds, "I commend Yao Ming and Pu Cunxin for using their super-star status to such a positive purpose. I am hopeful that the images in this campaign will encourage Chinese people to overcome their fear and treat those affected by HIV as friends and equals." Based on their national networks and reach into local communities, the National Population and Family Planning Commission, the China Association of Ethnic Economy under the State Ethnic Affairs Commission and the China HIV/AIDS Information Network (CHAIN), a non-governmental organization, are the national co-partners for the distribution of the posters. The National Population and Family Planning Commission will distribute posters through its network of county level maternal health centers and community health clinics across the country, as well as current HIV prevention and awareness projects. The China Association of Ethnic Economy has translated the posters into the Tibetan, Uygur and Jingbo (Yunnan) minority languages. These translated posters will be distributed to ethnic minority urban areas, minority schools, and during ethnic minority festivals in Gansu Province, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and in Yunnan Province respectively. To increase the impact and sustained use of these materials, UNICEF and UNESCO worked with the China HIV/AIDS Information Network to develop a teacher-friendly discussion guide around materials from the current and previous Yao Ming anti-stigma campaigns, including posters and the award-winning Yao Ming / Magic Johnson mini-documentary. These materials will be integrated into existing HIV prevention and awareness initiatives in China, including UNICEF and UNESCO's "Life Skills Education in a Box" programme. In 2007, this highly popular programme is expected to reach over 500,000 young people through school and community peer education activities. As China's largest HIV/AIDS information resource center, CHAIN will also disseminate the materials to over 500 local NGOs and community-led peer education groups and private sector workplace education programmes. Organizations wanting to obtain the Chinese language poster and/or the discussion guide for their programmes can visit http://www.chain.net.cn . "This campaign is unique in that it relies on the joint efforts of three UN agencies, two national level government organizations, the private sector and both a international NGO and Chinese NGO to distribute and integrate these materials into existing HIV prevention and awareness programmes across China," added, Edmund Settle, HIV/AIDS Programme Manager, UNDP. The previous Yao/Magic PSA and mini-documentary was produced by NBA, ADARC, Thomas Lennon Films and CAMP in cooperation with China's Ministry of Health. For more information, please contact: Edmund Settle, HIV/AIDS Programme Manager UNDP China Tel: +86-10-8532-0775 Email: edmund.settle@undp.org
DONGGUAN, Guangdong, China, April 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Jointly organized by Messe Dusseldorf China Ltd., Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd. & Guangdong Modern Convention and Exhibition Management Co., Ltd, and co-organized by the China Chamber of Commerce for I/E of Light Industrial Products & Arts-Crafts, The 5th Dongguan China Shoes/China Shoetec (Spring 2007) exhibition, an UFI-approved professional footwear event in Asia, was unveiled today at Dongguan International Convention and Exhibition Center, Dongguan City, Guangdong, P.R. China. The show will last for three days from April 18 - 20, 2007. Exhibiting Scale Hits Its Record High Recording a growth of 13.6% and hitting its record high with an exhibition area of 25,000sqm, the fair attracted 515 exhibitors from PR China, Hong Kong SAR, Taiwan, as well as other Asian and European countries. Renowned exhibitors include Betta, Champion Wealth, Fortune, Grand Haven, Manley, Peninsula Shoes, Sancon, Turbo Shoes from Hong Kong SAR, Cortinachina, Didini, Guangzhou Mescot, Isca, Taihua, B&C, Yinsheng, Kuari from PR China, Lida Transworld, Amanda, Mitiwell, Homewell, Jerry Yang from Taiwan, LDP from Japan, Boby from Singapore, Dakkak from Syria, and other factories from Thailand, India. With the latest and trendy collections displayed, it is expected that 22,000 international & local visitors will be attracted to the show. Numerous pavilions have joined the show, including Hong Kong Pavilion, Taiwan Footwear Pavilion / Taiwan Shoetec Pavilion, Wenzhou Pavilion, the China Chamber of Commerce for I/E of Light Industrial Products & Arts Crafts (CCCLA) Pavilion and Huizhou Pavilion. Many pavilions booked larger areas than in last edition. For example, Hong Kong Pavilion, organized by the Hong Kong Footwear Association, has their largest ever floor space, covering up to 740sqm of exhibition area, and CCCLA Pavilion also has a 43% growth in area. Being the best Platform for sourcing Middle-to-High End Footwear in Asia, the show has attracted plenty of buyers and visitors from home & abroad. Many associations and organizations organized buyer delegations to visit, including FEDERCALZATURE, British Footwear Association, Vietnam Footwear and Leather Association, Guangdong Chain Operations Association, and other footwear representatives from Malaysia, Japan, Australia, and Taiwan. Fabulous Concurrent Events - Fashion Show, Trendy Shoes Display Zone, Latest Color Display Zone Daily fashion shows held onsite bring the most fashionable footwear collection to buyers and visitors. Through the professional performance of models, products features and fashion elements became alive in front of the audience. Trendy Shoes Display Zone is another focus of the show by displaying the latest collection of the renowned exhibitors and award-winning designs from the 2007 Hong Kong Footwear Design Competition. Latest Color Trend Zone, supported by Pantone Asia Limited, has been newly set up this year. Entitled "Metamorphosis", Pantone showcases Color Palettes for Fall / Winter 2007 / 08 emphasized a season of Change, Transformation, Mutation, and Shift. 4 color palettes of Winter 2007 / 08 named "Caprice", "Chameleon", "Dark Shadow" and "Natural Poetry" are presented onsite with 2 themes, "Dream" & "Escape", as a preview for Summer 2008. Together with the seminar "Pantone View Color Planner 2007 / 08", it will surely give an insight in to color trends for coming seasons. Professional Seminars to Explore International Footwear Market Trend A series of professional seminars will be held concurrently at the show. Various issues will be discussed regarding the development of local and overseas markets, and latest testing technologies, etc. The seminar topics include "Overview of Worldwide & European Footwear Data -- In Terms of Production, Consumption, Export & Import", "Overview of Chinese Domestic Footwear Market -- In Terms of Market Analysis, Merchandising Strategy and Direction", "Factory in the Future -- Less Labour is Needed", "Overview on the Developing Trend of China Department Store & Retail Industry -- Footwear", "Control of Restricted Substances in Footwear and Leather Goods", "Recent Trend of New Restricted Substances for Footwear in 2007", "Physical Performance & Hazard Substance Analysis on Footwear", creating an interactive communication platform for buyers and exhibitors. Autumn Shoes Fair Added since 2007 With great support from the industry, organizers decided to launch an autumn fair from November 28 - 30, 2007 at the GD Modern International Exhibition Center, Houjie, Dongguan. The autumn fair is going to shine with the spring fair to build up the No. 1 shoes fair in Asia! It is expected that over 700 exhibitors will participate at the autumn fair with an exhibition area reaching 30,000sqm. The show scale will grow by 20% comparing with the spring fair, expecting 25,000 international & local visitors. With the expansion in scale, the fall edition is moving to a new venue, the GD Modern International Exhibition Center, to provide better facilities and more room for the exhibitors to meet buyers from all over the world. For more details, please visit http://www.chinashoesexpo.com . For more information, please contact: Exhibiting Enquiries Ms Yen Chan / Ms Vivian Kwong Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd. Tel: +852-2811-8897 Fax: +852-2516-5024 Email: shoe@adsale.com.hk Ms. Elaine Chen Messe Dusseldorf China Ltd. Tel: +86-21-5027-8128 Fax: +86-21-5027-8138 Email: elaine@mdc.com.cn Visiting or Press Enquiries: Ms Fiona Pang Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd. Tel: +852-2811-8897 Fax: +852-2516-5024 Email: publicity@adsale.com.hk Ms Summer Chen Messe Dusseldorf China Ltd. Tel: +86-21-5027-8128 Fax: +86-21-5027-8138 Email: summer@mdc.com.cn
WASHINGTON, April 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Hess LNG CEO Gordon Shearer told the Platts Energy Podium here Tuesday that construction of new liquefied natural gas (LNG) import and processing terminals in the United States is highly unlikely over the next ten years due to community pushback and overly-restrictive laws at the state and local level. Hess is familiar with construction constraints, given the fact that one of its own LNG import projects in the northeast United States is embattled. Shearer discussed the prospects for new projects by the LNG industry at large, region by region. Referring to the Energia Costa Azul project in Baja California, Mexico, Shearer said: "I think that's it for the West Coast within the next ten years." In the Gulf of Mexico, he said no new terminals are likely beyond those already in construction. As for the East Coast, Shearer said, "Boy that one's tough; we've got one in Canada [The Canaport LNG project in St. John's, New Brunswick] that's clearly in construction, I struggle to see many more. The problem on the East Coast is the opposition is going to be tremendous. Who's got the patience, the time, the energy, and in the end, the money to get through it?" As slim as the onshore prospects are, Shearer said the outlook for offshore construction of new LNG facilities is even slimmer. And this could be a particular problem, he explained, given the fact that US and global demand for gas is outstripping supply and LNG will become increasingly important. Shearer has been the public face pressing for support for building the controversial Weaver's Cove LNG project in Fall River, Massachusetts. The proposed import terminal has already secured a permit from the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). But it continues to battle opposition from local groups and members of Congress who say LNG is too dangerous to be shipped into a port so close to population centers. Still, Shearer said he expects the terminal will be built and in operation by 2011. He expressed optimism that a federal court will uphold FERC's permit, and said the Coast Guard will support the developer's effort to use smaller ships to pass beneath a bridge that would block passage of larger tankers. All of that, he said, should clear the way for the project, which would enable 800,000 thousand cubic feet per day (Mcf/D) peak sendout. Shearer also said the LNG industry is largely in flux right now as supplies from Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Caribbean and South America continue to be uncertain, the cost of building liquefaction capacity increases, and political turmoil puts some projects at risk. From an import versus export perspective, price, demand from Europe, and the size of the US market will keep United States on the world LNG import stage. "What you'll see in the US market is a surge-and-slump type of scenario," the Hess executive told Podium attendees. "But supply is definitely going to make it here," Shearer insisted. Sponsored by Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Platts Energy Podium provides an ongoing forum for prominent newsmakers and the press to address important energy and environmental issues. Credentialed members of the media may receive complementary registration for Energy Podium events by contacting Nancy Covey at 202-942-8719, Nancy_Covey@platts.com. A recording of the Gordon Shearer session is available via podcast at http://www.energypodium.platts.com . About Platts: Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP), is a leading global provider of energy and metals information. With nearly a century of business experience, Platts serves customers across more than 150 countries. From 14 offices worldwide, Platts serves the oil, natural gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical and metals markets. Platts' real time news, pricing, analytical services, and conferences help markets operate with transparency and efficiency. Traders, risk managers, analysts, and industry leaders depend upon Platts to help them make better trading and investment decisions. Additional information is available at http://www.platts.com . About The McGraw-Hill Companies: Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP) is a leading global information services provider meeting worldwide needs in the financial services, education and business information markets through leading brands such as Standard & Poor's, McGraw-Hill Education, BusinessWeek and J.D. Power and Associates. The Corporation has more than 280 offices in 40 countries. Sales in 2006 were $6.3 billion. Additional information is available at http://www.mcgraw-hill.com . For more information, please contact: Kathleen Tanzy Platts Tel: +1-212-904-2860 Shiona Ramage Platts-UK Tel: +44-207-176-6153 Email: shiona_ramage@platts.com Casey Yew Platts-Asia Tel: +65-653-06552 Email: casey_yew@platts.com Web site: http://www.platts.com
HAYWARD, Calif., April 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Gel-Pak, a division of Delphon Industries and leading manufacturer of device shipping and handling carriers used predominantly by the semiconductor, optoelectronics, and telecommunication industries announced the launch of its new Chinese-Language website today. The site was developed in order to more effectively compete in the fast growing Chinese semiconductor and photonics markets. To access the site, visit www.gelpak.com and click on the Chinese-Language site link or visit http://www.gelpak.com.cn , http://www.gelpak.cn , or http://www.gel-pak.com.cn . "The Gel-Pak Chinese website is the brainchild of our Taiwanese distributor, Mr. Michael Yeng at Silicon Connection. Thanks to Michael's bilingual skills and thorough knowledge of the Gel-Pak products, this new website, written in Traditional Chinese characters, will enable Chinese speaking (China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore) customers to obtain product information in their native language," says Darby Davis, Gel-Pak's director of worldwide sales and marketing. Background: Founded in 1980, Gel-Pak has developed a line of device carriers and handling materials that offer solutions for applications where damage during handling must be avoided. The company's proprietary elastomer technology serves as the basis of its Gel-Box, Gel-Tray, Film, and patented Vacuum Release products. For further information on Gel-Pak's product line, please refer to their website at http://www.gelpak.com . For more information, please contact: Darby Davis Gel-Pak Tel: +1-510-576-2220 Email: darby@gelpak.com Jennifer Nunes Marketing Gel-Pak Tel: +1-510-576-2253 Email: jnunes@gelpak.com, both of Michael Yeng Silicon Connection (Taiwan) Tel: +886-988-228-561 Email: michael@si-cnx.com
NEWTOWN SQUARE, Pa., April 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Project Management Institute (PMI), the world's leading not-for-profit association for the project management profession, announces that it has earned the prestigious ISO/IEC 17024 accreditation for its Project Management Professional (PMP(R)) credential program from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 17024 accreditation of PMI's credential system for the PMP further validates the global recognition of this designation by an independent, unbiased accreditation body. ISO, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, launched ISO 17024 in 2002. It is now endorsed by 85 countries, and is a globally accepted benchmark for organizations that certify individuals worldwide. PMI is the first professional project management association in the world to achieve this accreditation for its system for certifying personnel. The accreditation includes rigorous requirements for examination development and maintenance, and for quality management systems for continuing quality assurance. Organizations that employ PMI certified PMP credential holders can reference the ISO 17024 certification as a qualifier for competence and capability in project management. Professionals who are considering earning the PMP credential can be reassured that PMI's certification system is recognized in the global business community as an international standard for certifying bodies. PMI uses the same development, maintenance and quality management system for all of its credentials. PMI credentials are globally recognized: there are currently more than 218,000 PMP credential holders in over 160 countries. ISO 17024 accreditation provides further validation of the PMP's status as the most globally transferable project management credential in the world. PMI offers a variety of credentials for practitioners from a entry level through senior executive: -- Project Management Professional (PMP(R)), initiated in 1984 to demonstrate to employers, clients and colleagues that project managers possess project management knowledge, experience and skills to bring projects to successful completion. -- Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM(R)) for project team members, entry-level project managers, and qualified undergraduate and graduate students to recognize their value to project team performance; -- Program Management Professional (PgMPSM) for the professional who leads the management of multiple projects and ensures the ultimate success of a program; -- Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3(R)) ProductSuite provides training, tools, and certification for those who help organizations achieve even greater value from OPM3(R). PMI professional credentials are available to PMI members and nonmembers alike, and are widely recognized and accepted throughout the world as evidence of a proven level of education, knowledge and experience in project, program and portfolio management. PMI uses the same development, maintenance and quality management system for all of its credentials. More information on PMI credentials can be found at http://www.pmi.org. About PMI With more than 232,000 members in over 160 countries, Project Management Institute (PMI) is the leading membership association for the project management profession. PMI is actively engaged in advocacy for the profession, setting professional standards, conducting research and providing access to a wealth of information and resources. PMI also promotes career and professional development and offers certification, networking and community involvement opportunities. For more than 38 years, PMI has advanced the careers of practitioners who have made project management indispensable in achieving business results. For more information, please visit http://www.pmi.org . For more information, please contact: Erica Brath, Public Relations Content Developer, Project Management Institute Tel: +1-610-356-4600 x1196 EMail: erica.brath@pmi.org Alison Cox, Account Supervisor, Edelman Tel: +1-214-443-7563 Email: alison.cox@edelman.com
CHARLOTTE, N.C., April 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Last month Northrop Grumman's RQ-4 Block Global Hawk unmanned aircraft left Northrop's Palmdale, Calif. facility and successfully landed at Edwards Air Force Base, also in Calif. The historical landing marked the first time Goodrich Corporation's (NYSE: GR) electrically-actuated braking system has flown on a production basis. Northrop Grumman's Principal Engineer Eric Lutz stated, "The landing was extremely smooth as the aircraft decelerated with remarkable accuracy down the centerline. After initial on-wing tuning, the electric braking system has performed flawlessly throughout all our taxi tests and this historical first flight." Integration of the braking system was performed by Goodrich's Troy, Ohio-based Aircraft Wheels and Brakes team. The brake includes electromechanical actuators and system control from Goodrich's Sensors and Integrated Systems team facilities in Vergennes, Vt. and Cedar Knolls, N.J. According to Larry Isenbarger, Program Manager for Goodrich's Aircraft Wheels and Brakes team, "Global Hawk's first landing with a production electric braking system heralds the dawn of new braking technology for both manned and unmanned aircraft. This milestone reinforces Goodrich's position as a technology leader and innovator. In conjunction with Northrop Grumman, we bring yet another technological advance to an aircraft that has already demonstrated its significant value to the U.S. military. Furthermore, this technology has had a very successful launch in the commercial arena as it has been chosen by many operators for the innovative Boeing 787 Dreamliner." Goodrich's Aircraft Wheels and Brakes division has been a world leader in the design, development and manufacture of commercial, military, regional and business aircraft wheels and brakes for 60 years. The division also provides aftermarket service and critical spares to the world's major airlines. It has created innovative braking systems for over 200 types of aircraft and has many more technological improvements in development. A high-resolution image Global Hawk's historic flight is available at . Simply search using key words, "Global Hawk electric brake." Goodrich Corporation, a Fortune 500 company, is a global supplier of systems and services to aerospace, defense and homeland security markets. With one of the most strategically diversified portfolios of products in the industry, Goodrich serves a global customer base with significant worldwide manufacturing and service facilities. For more information visit http://www.goodrich.com . Goodrich Corporation operates through its divisions and as a parent company for its subsidiaries, one or more of which may be referred to as "Goodrich Corporation" in this press release. For more information, please contact: Gail K. Warner Goodrich Corporation Tel: +1-704-423-7048 Lisa Bottle, Goodrich Corporation Tel: +1-704-423-7060
医療用医薬品 喘息治療用吸入ステロイド剤
帝人ファーマ株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、社長:大八木 成男)は、4月18日、成人気管支喘息治療用の吸入ステロイド剤としては日本で初めての1日1回投与製剤である「オルベスコ(R)」(一般名:シクレソニド)の製造販売承認を取得しました。
【 「オルベスコ(R)」の主な特徴 】
【 承認内容の概要 】
■製 品 名:オルベスコ(R)50μgインヘラー112吸入用
■一 般 名:シクレソニド
< 参考 > ニコメッド(Nycomed)社について
以 上