OKIの関連会社である沖ソフトウェア株式会社(社長:大坪幸治、本社:埼玉県蕨市、以下OSK)は、このたびソフトサービス事業会社として「株式会社沖ソフトウェアエキスパートサービス(本社:埼玉県蕨市、社長:宮本 国則)」を設立し、4月1日から業務を開始します。経験豊かな社員が長年蓄積してきたスキルを最大限に活用し、システム検証・性能評価・運用支援サービスなど様々なソフトサービスを提供していきます。なお、OSKがソフトサービス会社を設立するのは今回が初めてです。
会社名: 株式会社沖ソフトウェアエキスパートサービス
英文社名: Oki Software Expert Service Co.,Ltd.
所在地: 所在地 埼玉県蕨市中央1-16-8 電話:048-420-5290
社 長: 宮本 国則
社員数: 初年度30名、3年後に100名予定
設立日: 2007年2月14日
資本金: 3,000万円(出資:沖ソフトウェア株式会社 100%)
事業内容: 情報処理分野におけるシステム運用サービスおよび各種支援事業
英文社名: Oki Software Co.,Ltd.
本 社: 埼玉県蕨市中央1-16-8
社 長: 大坪 幸治
社員数: 1,100(2006年8月)
設立日: 1977年4月1日
資本金: 4億円(出資:沖電気工業株式会社 100%)
事業内容: ソフトウェアの開発ならびに販売
東芝ソリューション株式会社(本社:港区芝浦、取締役社長:梶川茂司、以下東芝ソリューション)は統合コンタクトセンターソリューション「CT-SQUARE(R)」(シー・ティ・スクエア)をサントリー株式会社(本社:大阪市北区、代表取締役社長 佐治信忠、以下サントリー)に納入しました。サントリーは新コンタクトセンタシステムを2006年11月よりお客様センターから順次運用開始していましたが、このたび2007年2月に全てのインフラ整備が完成し、全社での運用を開始しました。
サントリーでは、これまで自社で開発した「HarmoniCSシリーズ」により年間11万件以上寄せられるお客様の声に的確に対応し、情報をサービス・品質向上に役立ててきました。今回サントリーは更なるお客様対応強化を目指し、また、お客様の声を全社的に活用するVOC(Voice of customer)活動を推進することを目的に、新システム『Neo-HarmoniCS』(ネオ・ハーモニクス)の運用を開始しました。新システムのベースとなったのは東芝ソリューションのパッケージソフト「CT-SQUARE(R)」で、同社がこれをベースに『Neo-HarmoniCS』の開発を担当しました。
TEL:042-340-8501 Mail:crm@toshiba-sol.co.jp
コンテンツ保護基盤ソリューション「Webコンテンツプロテクター AE」と
「Webブラウザプロテクター AE」のVer.3.1を発売
株式会社野村総合研究所(本社:東京都千代田区、社長:藤沼彰久、以下「NRI」)は、コンテンツを権限管理することで情報流出を防ぐ、コンテンツ保護基盤ソリューション「Webコンテンツプロテクター AE Ver.3.1」および「Webブラウザプロテクター AE Ver.3.1」を4月2日に発売します。
「Webコンテンツプロテクター AE」は、Web上で配信されるMicrosoft Officeのファイル、PDFファイルの二次利用を抑制するソリューションです。「Webコンテンツプロテクター AE」で保護されたコンテンツは、万が一、メールの転送やUSBメモリなどでの持ち出し、Winnyによるファイル流出が起こっても、保護コンテンツをダウンロードしたクライアントPC以外では閲覧できないため、情報流出を防ぐことができます。また、「WebブラウザプロテクターAE」はWebコンテンツ(HTML、JPEG、GIF)の二次利用を抑制するソリューションです。印刷や画面キャプチャー、文字列のコピーや保存を抑止または制御することによりコンテンツを保護します。
「Webコンテンツプロテクター AE」および「Webブラウザプロテクター AE」は、現在使用中のIT環境にプラグインとしてインストールするだけで導入できます。また、コンテンツやWebアプリケーションのソースに変更を加えることなく利用することが可能です。
今回発売するVer.3.1では、「Webコンテンツプロテクター AE」はInternet Explorer7およびAdobe Acrobat8への対応機能を、「Webブラウザプロテクター AE」はInternet Explorer 7への対応機能を追加しました。
「Webコンテンツプロテクター AE」および「Webブラウザプロテクター AE」は、NRIグループのIT基盤ソリューション「GranArch(グランアーク)」(※)のコンセプトのもとに提供する基盤製品です。NRIは、これまで培ってきたシステム設計・構築・運用のノウハウやスキルをもとに、製品の販売から導入支援コンサルティング、実装支援、保守サポートまでの一貫したサービスを提供し、より柔軟性と安全性の高いセキュリティシステム基盤の構築を支援していきます。
Copyright (c)2007 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. No reproduction or republication without written permission.
Inquiries : webmaster@nri.co.jp
● 関連リンク
「XFP型10Gbps光トランシーバ」 「光送信モジュール」
NECは、光ファイバ伝送路中の波長分散補償なしに160km以上の光ファイバ伝送を可能とするXFP型10Gbps光トランシーバを実現いたしました。本光トランシーバは、光通信デバイスのベンチャーAzna社(代表者:Parviz Tayebati、本社:マサチューセッツ)のCML技術(注1)にNECの保有する光平面回路(PLC)技術(注2)を適用させることにより、小型かつ量産性に優れた光送信モジュールをベースにしたものであります。本光トランシーバにより、活線挿抜可能な光インターフェースにおいて分散補償の追加無しにチャネルあたり2.5Gbpsから10Gbpsまでの容量拡大を可能といたします。
NECが新たに開発した本CML型光送信モジュールをもちいた、XFP型10Gbps光トランシーバは2007年3月27日から米国、Anaheimで開催予定のOFC 2007(Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition)において、NEC FiberOptech Inc.ブース(#1241)にて展示を予定しております。
(注1) CML:Chirp Managed Laser
(注2) PLC:Planar Lightwave Circuit
(注3) パッシブアライメント実装技術:半導体レーザを発光させることなく、PLC上の光導波路と光結合が得られるように高精度に調整し実装する技術
NEC 光デバイス事業部
● 関連リンク
マイクロソフトとゼンド・ジャパン、Windows Server上のPHPサポートで協業強化
ゼンド・ジャパンとマイクロソフト、Windows Server(R)上のPHPサポートで協業関係強化
ゼンド・ジャパン株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区 代表取締役社長:鈴木義幸)と、マイクロソフト株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区 代表執行役社長:ダレン ヒューストン)は、Web制作会社など開発者向けに安定かつパフォーマンスの高い選択肢を提供することを目的に、Windows Server(R)上でのPHPサポートに対する協業関係を強化し、今後各種活動を展開します。
今回の協業により、PHPユーザーは、WebサーバープラットフォームとしてLinux/Apacheだけでなく、高い生産性を実現する統合開発環境が整備され、Webサーバーとしての高いパフォーマンスを享受できるWindows Serverを選択できるようになります。また、Windowsユーザーは、Webサイトの開発で広く使われているPHPを開発言語として選択することが可能となります。両社は今後共同で、技術情報の提供や普及啓発を目的とした開発者向けのセミナーを実施していきます。
また、本協業では、次期Windows Server製品「Longhorn Server(開発コード名)」上でのPHPパフォーマンスの維持・向上も行っていく予定です。
本協業強化は、米国において2006年10月に発表されたZend Technologiesとマイクロソフト コーポレーションのWindows Server上でのPHPサポートに関する技術提携に基づくものです。本提携により、Zend Technologiesは、Windows Serverに標準で搭載されているWebサーバー「IIS(Internet Information Service)」上でのPHP動作の信頼性・パフォーマンスを向上させるモジュール”FastCGI”を搭載したPHPの高速化エンジン「Zend Core 2.0」を2007年3月にリリースしています。2007年4月には、PHPサーバーを強化拡張するソリューション「Zend Platform 3.0 日本語版」のWindows版をリリースする予定です。
●Windows Server 2003/IIS上のPHPサポートに関するWeb開発者向け共同セミナー(5月18日)
●Linux World Conference & Expo/Tokyo 2007(2007年5月30日~6月1日)における共同ブース出展
●PHPサーバー製品・Zend Platform 3.0とLonghorn Server/IIS7の共同マーケティングプロモーション活動
*Microsoft、Windows Serverは、米国Microsoft Corporationの米国及びその他の国における登録商標または商標です。
*Windowsの正式名称は、Microsoft Windows Operating Systemです。
ユニアデックス、PC証跡管理システム「ESS REC」を販売
証跡管理システム「ESS REC」販売・導入サービス開始
ユニアデックス株式会社(本社:東京都江東区、社長:高橋 勉、以下 ユニアデックス)は、このほどエンカレッジ・テクノロジ株式会社(本社:東京都中央区、社長:石井 進也氏、以下 エンカレッジ・テクノロジ)と代理店契約を締結し、ネットワークに接続されたパソコンの操作を克明に記録し履歴管理を行なう同社の証跡管理システム「ESS REC」の販売と導入サービスを、4月1日から開始します。
このような背景の中、ユニアデックスは、ビジネス基盤の一つであるデータセンターの運用や維持管理サービスにおいてこの証跡管理システムが必須であると考え、今回エンカレッジ・テクノロジの証跡管理システムの販売・導入サービスを開始するものです。特にシンクライアント環境での適用に力を入れ、「ESS REC」との組み合わせによるハイセキュアーな環境構築が可能と考えています。
「ESS REC」の導入費用は、ネットワークに接続されたクライアントが150の場合で、サーバー、ソフトウエア、導入サービスを含め約1,000万円から(保守費用は別途)となっています。また販売計画としては、今後3年間で関連ビジネスを含め15億円程度を計画しています。
* 記載の会社名および商品名は、各社の商標または登録商標です。
* 関連URL:
「ユニアデックス」 http://www.uniadex.co.jp
大手半導体ソリューションサプライヤのIDT(TM)(Integrated Device Technology,Inc.、本社:米国カリフォルニア州サンノゼ、Nasdaq:IDTI、以下 IDT)は本日、20メガビットの高密度サーチ・アクセラレータを発表した。これは、エンタープライズ向けやメトロクラス、キャリアクラスのスイッチやルータで大規模なテーブルをサポートし、消費電力を抑えつつコスト効果を発揮する高性能パケット・ヘッダ処理ソリューションである。この20メガビットのデバイスが実現する1秒当たり10億回という高速な検索性能によって、IPv4とIPv6の両トラフィックの帯域幅を確保しつつ、音声・映像・データ・モバイルのクワッドプレイ対応ネットワーク・アプリケーション、セキュリティとアクセス制御の向上、より広範なアドレス空間への対応といったネットワーク上の複雑な課題を解決することができる。
IDTのIPコプロセッサ事業部バイス・プレジデント兼ゼネラル・マネージャであるデレク・ディッカー(Derek Dicker)は、「業界最高性能の検索ソリューション製品ファミリの成功を基盤に、当社ポートフォリオの最新製品を発表でき、嬉しく思います。多くの大手機器プロバイダは、最大40Gbpsまたそれ以上の高ライン・レートで様々な次世代サービスを実現する必要性から、テーブル規模の要件が急速に拡大していると当社に伝えています。私たちが本日発表する20メガビットのサーチ・アクセラレータ製品は、こうした具体的な要求にお応えするために開発されたものです。これによってお客様には、高密度、最高速の検索性能、低消費電力、製品ファミリ間でのピン互換性とソフトウェア互換性を提供することができます」と述べている。
【 IDTのサーチ・アクセラレータ 】
< IDT社の概要 > URL: http://www.idt.com/
システム分野のノウハウと幅広い技術を強みに、IDTはタイミング製品やネットワーク・サーチ・エンジン、フロー・コントロール・マネジメントIC、および標準規格対応のシリアル・スイッチ製品など、必要不可欠なソリューションを提供しています。カリフォルニア州サンノゼに本社を置くIDTは、設計、製造、および販売の拠点を世界中に持っています。IDTの株式は、NASDAQ株式市場(R)において"IDTI"の銘柄で取引されています。IDTに関する更に詳しい情報については、 www.IDT.com をご覧ください。
<日本IDT株式会社 について> URL http://www.idt.co.jp/
日本IDT株式会社(所在地: 東京都千代田区三番町8番1三番町東急ビル7F、資本金:1億円)は、米国IDT社が100%出資し1987年に設立されました。日本IDT株式会社は、お客様のイノベーションの加速に不可欠な半導体ソリューションの設計、開発、提供におけるワールドリーダーであるIDTの日本法人です。通信、コンピューティング、デジタル家電分野において、技術発展のために複雑化するシステム設計の問題解決を支援します。システムレベルの技術知識と、広範囲にわたるさまざまな技術を統合することで、IDTは、タイミング製品、ネットワーク・サーチ・エンジン、フロー・コントロール・マネジメントIC、また業界標準規格に準拠したシリアル・スイッチ製品を含め、必要不可欠な製品を提供していきます。
日本IDT株式会社 電話:03-3221-9823
● 関連リンク
2007年3月27日、東京発-F5ネットワークス(F5ネットワークスジャパン株式会社、代表取締役社長:長崎 忠雄、以下F5)は本日、さくらインターネット(さくらインターネット株式会社、代表取締役社長兼最高経営責任者:笹田 亮、以下さくらインターネット)が、10Gbpsのスループットと高度なヘルスチェック機能を持つBIG-IP(R) Local Traffic Manager(以下、BIG-IP LTM)により、大容量トラフィックに対応する高速ネットワーク構築を実現したことを発表します。
国内最大級の広帯域バックボーンを持つさくらインターネットでは、新たにデータのバックアップをASPサービスで展開するシステムを構築するにあたり、10Gbpsの最大スループットを提供するBIG-IP 8400の導入を決定しました。ユーザの端末に保存されているデータをバックアップする際、毎日決まった時間帯にユーザ端末上でエージェントが起動して自動的にバックアップを行うため、ユーザのアクセスが決まった時間帯に、データ量、セッション数ともにかなりの集中が予想されることから、大容量スループットに対応し、膨大な同時セッション数を高速に処理できるBIG-IP 8400を選択しました。
さくらインターネットのBIG-IP LTMの導入決定にあたり特に重視したのは、10Gbpsに対応するネットワークインターフェイスを備え、膨大なセッション数を高速に処理できることと、そして高度なレイヤ7レベルのヘルスチェック機能でした。BIG-IP LTMは、指定されたURLのレスポンスをあらかじめ指定した値と照合することでサービスの稼動状況を高精度にモニタリングすることができます。これは、ASPサービスの可用性を維持するために欠かせない、レイヤ7レベルでのアプリケーションの健全性をチェックすることが可能です。また、BIG-IP LTMが持つiRules*により、状況に応じた柔軟なセッション管理ができる高度なトラフィック処理が可能となること、そして、他のサービスですでにBIG-IP1500の利用実績があり、設定の柔軟性や安定性にも信頼感があったことも決め手となりました。
岡林 聖矢氏(さくらインターネット サービス開発室 室長)のコメント
「BIG-IP LTMを選定したのは、運用しやすいGUIと、安心できる可用性の高さ、そしてサービスレベルを維持するために欠かせないヘルスチェック機能の信頼性、こうした、いわばロードバランサとしての機能が磨かれ、そこに最新の10Gbpsインターフェイスが組み合わされた、非常にバランスのよい製品だと思ったからです。」
さくらインターネットでは今後、同一のBIG-IP 8400配下に今回のサービスと同様のネットワークを複数、並列に配置し、ユーザからのリクエストやデータの各ネットワークへの振り分けをBIG-IP LTMで行い、設計自体を簡素化することを検討しており、それによってASPサービスの費用対効果も大幅に改善することを見込んでいます。
IIJ、「IIJ SMF sxサービス」に「権限別メニュー」など新機能を追加
IIJ、「IIJ SMF sxサービス」の機能を大幅に拡張
株式会社インターネットイニシアティブ(IIJ、本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:鈴木 幸一、コード番号:3774 東証第一部)は、IIJ独自開発のネットワークサービス・マネージメントソリューション「「IIJ SMF sxサービス」(*1)において、「権限別メニュー」「トラフィックグラフ表示」など管理機能の強化や、「リモートアクセスVPN」「利用可能サービスアダプタの追加」など新機能の追加を行い、2007年3月29日より提供開始いたします。
【 主な追加機能 】
IIJ SMF sxサービスの対応サービスアダプタとして、センチュリー・システムズ社の「CS-SEIL-510」(*2)を提供開始いたします。従来、サービスアダプタとしてIIJが提供するSEILシリーズのみ利用可能でしたが、今回SEILシリーズよりも小型な「CS-SEIL-510」を新たに追加することで、お客様が選択できる機種が拡がり、インターネットマンションなどの多数小規模拠点への幅広い展開が可能となります。
サービスアダプタに、クライアントPCのアカウント認証用サーバの設定機能を追加いたします。これにより、サービスアダプタとクライアントPC間で、PPTP(*3)もしくはL2TP(*4)を利用したリモートアクセスVPNをご利用いただけます。IIJ SMF sxサービスで構築したVPN網内に接続できなかった小規模拠点やモバイルユーザなどを収容することが可能となり、VPN接続環境の統合を実現いたします。
「IIJ SMF sxサービス/アダプタレンタル」をご契約のお客様を対象に、「ウルトラセンドバックサービス」の提供を開始いたします。従来、IIJ SMF sxサービスではお客様自身が本番機とスタンバイ機の交換を行うことで、サービスアダプタ故障時にも迅速な復旧対応が可能でしたが、「ウルトラセンドバックサービス」をご利用の場合、IIJ指定のサービスドライバー(*5)がお客様の代わりに24時間365日、サービスアダプタの駆けつけ交換を実施いたします。これにより、お客様での交換が難しかった拠点においても、迅速な交換が可能となります。
IIJ SMF sxサービスでは2006年10月から、Winny通信を検知・遮断する「Winnyフィルタ」やMACアドレスリストを元に不正端末を排除する「MACアドレスリストベースフィルタ」などのセキュリティ機能を提供しています。今回新たに管理機能などの大幅強化を行うことで、より幅広い用途におけるセキュアで簡便なネットワーク管理を実現いたします。
IIJでは今後とも、「IIJ SMF sxサービス」の機能を強化し続け、お客様の多様なニーズに対応できるように尽力してまいります。
(*1)IIJ SMF sxサービス:IIJ独自の集中管理型ネットワークマネージメントシステムである「SMF」を基盤としたサービス。ネットワークの設定・管理・保守までを一元的に管理する。「SMF」は2006年3月に特許取得(特許第3774433号)。
(*3)PPTP(Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol):Microsoft社によって提唱されたVPNを構築するためのプロトコル。Windows OSに標準で搭載されている。
(*4)L2TP(Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol):PPTPとCisco Systemsが提唱するL2Fを融合させた、VPNを構築するためのプロトコル。
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一方、『Ajax実践コース』では、サンプルソースコードを用いたAjaxプログラムの演習をおこなうだけではなく、※1Active Widgets、※2DWR(Direct Web Remoting)および※3BackbaseなどのAjax開発環境を実際に利用した場合のサーバ連携や業務システム適用手法をカリキュラムに取り入れることで、企業システムへのAjax適用におけるノウハウなど、より実践的かつ本格的なAjax技術習得がおこなえます。
● 関連リンク
アロカ株式会社(本社所在地:東京都三鷹市牟礼6-22-1 代表取締役社長:吉川義博)は、同社の超音波診断装置 プロサウンドα10へのオリンパスメディカルシステムズ株式会社製 超音波内視鏡の接続対応作業を完了し、発売を開始したと発表しました。
本対応に併せ、プロサウンドα10の超音波送信駆動系統も一新。新開発Broad-Band Harmonics Technologyの採用により、画像描出力が格段に向上しました。病変部の詳細な観察、診断をサポートします。
また、これらの超音波内視鏡はプロサウンドα10搭載の新世代血流表示モードDirectional-eFLOW(D-eFLOW)にも対応しています。D-eFLOW は腫瘍内部や周囲を取り囲む微細血管描出能力が高く、組織の観察や診断に大きく貢献する事が期待されています。
日本シグマックス、ヒジ用サポーター「ザムスト エルボースリーブ」を発売
医療から生まれたスポーツ用サポーターブランド『ザムスト』より、ヒジ用サポーター「ザムスト エルボースリーブ」を新発売
日本シグマックス株式会社(本社:東京都新宿区、代表取締役社長:鈴木廣三)は、ヒジ用サポーター「ザムスト エルボースリーブ」を2007年4月2日、発売します。
テニスやバドミントンのようなスイング動作を繰り返すスポーツ、野球や陸上のヤリ投げなど投げる動作を伴うスポーツにおいては、その動作の繰り返しによりヒジに大きな負担を抱えることとなります。「ザムスト エルボースリーブ」は、伸縮性の素材でヒジ全体をホールドすることで、全体を保護・圧迫しヒジをサポートする商品となっております。
「ザムスト エルボースリーブ」は、これまで腕を入れるだけの筒型が主流であったヒジ用サポーターの構造を根本から考え直し、前腕と上腕の2ヶ所に面ファスナーを配置し開閉可能な設計にすることで、これまでのヒジ用サポーターの2つの課題であった『適正なフィット感』『着脱のしやすさ』を解決しました
筒型のヒジ用サポーターでは、個人差の大きい上腕と前腕の太さに対して、一方がきつすぎて食い込んだり、たるみが出て適切なサポートが得られなかったりしましたが、「ザムスト エルボースリーブ」は両側を開閉可能にしたことで、上腕・前腕の両方にフィットし、個人による体格の違いにも対応したサポーターとなっています。
筒型のヒジ用サポーターでは、特に汗をかいた状態など本体と皮膚の接触が大きくなり、負担も大きくなっておりましたが、「ザムスト エルボースリーブ」は両側を開くことで摩擦を小さくし、女性の力でも、利き手でなくても大きな力が要らずに着脱できるようになっています。
製品名 : ザムスト エルボースリーブ
価格 : 税込2,730円(本体2,600円)
発売日 : 2007年4月2日発売
サイズ : S・M・L・LL・3L(左右兼用)
● 関連リンク

Revenue up 9 Percent Worldwide Futures Orders up 9 Percent BEAVERTON, Ore., March 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- NIKE, Inc. (NYSE: NKE) today reported financial results for the third quarter ended February 28, 2007. For the quarter, revenue grew 9 percent to $3.9 billion, compared to $3.6 billion for the same period last year. Changes in currency exchange rates increased revenue growth by 3 percentage points for the quarter. Third quarter net income grew 8 percent to $350.8 million, compared to $325.8 million in the prior year and diluted earnings per share increased 10 percent to $1.37, versus $1.24 last year. ( Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/19990818/NIKELOGO) "We had a strong third quarter. Our mix of compelling product and premium consumer experiences drove a meaningful acceleration of futures orders," said Mark Parker, Nike, Inc. president and chief executive officer. "We continue to grow because we're innovative, disciplined, and connected to our consumers." Futures Orders The Company reported worldwide futures orders for athletic footwear and apparel, scheduled for delivery from March 2007 through July 2007, totaling $6.0 billion, 9 percent higher than such orders reported for the same period last year. Changes in currency exchange rates increased reported orders growth by 1 percentage point.* By region, futures orders for the U.S. increased 8 percent; Europe (which includes the Middle East and Africa) increased 9 percent; Asia Pacific grew 14 percent; and the Americas increased 2 percent. Changes in currency exchange rates increased the reported futures orders growth in Europe and Asia Pacific by 2 percentage points; and in the Americas region decreased reported futures growth by 1 percentage point.* Regional Highlights U.S. During the third quarter, U.S. revenues increased 2 percent to $1.5 billion versus $1.4 billion for the third quarter of fiscal 2006. U.S. athletic footwear revenues increased 2 percent to $1.0 billion, apparel revenues increased 1 percent to $371.3 million and equipment revenues increased 11 percent to $77.8 million. U.S. pre-tax income decreased 2 percent to $280.2 million from $286.2 million a year ago. Europe Third quarter revenues for the European region grew 15 percent to $1.1 billion from $980.1 million for the same period last year. Changes in currency exchange rates increased revenue growth by 9 percentage points. Footwear revenues increased 12 percent to $630.0 million, apparel revenues increased 19 percent to $413.2 million and equipment revenues increased 18 percent to $81.6 million. Pre-tax income increased 18 percent to $246.5 million. Asia Pacific In the third quarter revenues in the Asia Pacific region grew 11 percent to $589.9 million compared to $532.3 million a year ago. Changes in currency exchange rates increased revenue by 3 percentage points. Footwear revenues increased 12 percent to $319.4 million, apparel revenues increased 9 percent to $217.4 million and equipment revenues grew 8 percent to $53.1 million. Pre-tax income increased 6 percent to $126.4 million. Americas Revenues in the Americas region increased 5 percent to $212.5 million compared to $203.1 million in the third quarter of fiscal 2006. Changes in currency exchange rates did not have a significant impact on revenue growth. Footwear revenues were up 6 percent to $152.8 million, apparel revenues declined 5 percent to $42.3 million and equipment revenues grew 16 percent to $17.4 million. Pre-tax income was up 6 percent to $40.7 million. Other Businesses For the third quarter, Other business revenues, which are comprised of results from Cole Haan Holdings Incorporated, Converse Inc., Exeter Brands Group LLC, Hurley International LLC, NIKE Bauer Hockey Inc. and NIKE Golf, grew 15 percent to $522.7 million from $454.5 million last year. Pre-tax income increased 53 percent to $68.4 million for the quarter. Income Statement Review Gross margins were 44.2 percent during the third quarter compared to 43.6 percent for the same period in the prior year. Selling and administrative expenses were 31.7 percent of third quarter revenues, compared to 30.1 percent last year. Results for the third quarter included $17.8 million, net of taxes, related to the expensing of stock options, which reduced diluted earnings per share by $0.07. Excluding stock option expense third quarter net income increased 13 percent and diluted earnings per share increased 16 percent to $1.44. The effective tax rate for the third quarter declined to 32.3 percent mainly due to a European tax agreement, which was finalized in the second quarter of fiscal 2007 and the retroactive reinstatement of the U.S. research and development tax credit signed into law in December. Balance Sheet Review At quarter end, global inventories stood at $2.2 billion, an increase of 7 percent from February 28, 2006. Cash and short-term investments were $2.3 billion at the end of the quarter, compared to $2.0 billion last year. Share Repurchase During the third quarter, the Company purchased a total of 906,700 shares for approximately $91 million in conjunction with the Company's four-year $3 billion share repurchase program approved by the Board of Directors in June 2006. Stock Split On February 15, 2007, the Board declared a two-for-one stock split of the Company's Class A and Class B common stock to be effected in the form of a 100 percent common stock dividend. All shareholders of record at the close of business on March 12, 2007, will receive one additional share of common stock for each share held on that date. The additional share of common stock will be distributed on April 2, 2007. Information pertaining to shares and earnings per share does not reflect this split. Information reflecting the stock split will be presented after the stock dividend is distributed. NIKE, Inc. based near Beaverton, Oregon, is the world's leading designer, marketer and distributor of authentic athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for a wide variety of sports and fitness activities. Wholly owned Nike subsidiaries include Cole Haan Holdings Incorporated, a leading designer and marketer of luxury shoes, handbags, accessories and coats; Converse Inc., which designs, markets and distributes athletic footwear, apparel and accessories; Exeter Brands Group LLC, which designs and markets athletic footwear and apparel for the value retail channel; Hurley International LLC, which designs, markets and distributes action sports and youth lifestyle footwear, apparel and accessories and NIKE Bauer Hockey Inc., a leading designer and distributor of hockey equipment. NIKE's earnings releases and other financial information are available on the Internet at http://www.nikebiz.com/invest . * The marked paragraphs contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. These risks and uncertainties are detailed from time to time in reports filed by NIKE with the S.E.C., including Forms 8-K, 10-Q, and 10-K. Some forward-looking statements in this release concern changes in futures orders that are not necessarily indicative of changes in total revenues for subsequent periods due to the mix of futures and "at once" orders, exchange rate fluctuations, order cancellations and discounts, which may vary significantly from quarter to quarter, and because a significant portion of the business does not report futures orders. NIKE, Inc. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2007 (In millions, except per share data) YEAR TO DATE QUARTER ENDED ENDED 2/28/2007 2/28/2006 % Chg 2/28/2007 2/28/2006 % Chg INCOME STATEMENT Revenues $3,926.9 $3,612.8 9% $11,942.7 $10,949.5 9% Cost of sales 2,191.7 2,038.7 8% 6,701.2 6,115.9 10% Gross margin 1,735.2 1,574.1 10% 5,241.5 4,833.6 8% 44.2% 43.6% 43.9% 44.1% Selling and administrative expense 1,243.3 1,086.6 14% 3,756.7 3,245.7 16% 31.7% 30.1% 31.5% 29.6% Interest income, net (15.8) (8.4) 88% (43.0) (20.5) 110% Other income, net (10.3) (10.7) -4% (13.3) (22.0) -40% Income before income taxes 518.0 506.6 2% 1,541.1 1,630.4 -5% Income taxes 167.2 180.8 -8% 487.5 571.2 -15% 32.3% 35.7% 31.6% 35.0% Net income $350.8 $325.8 8% $1,053.6 $1059.2 -1% Diluted EPS $1.37 $1.24 10% $4.14 $4.00 4% Basic EPS $1.39 $1.26 10% $4.18 $4.08 2% Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding: Diluted 255.4 263.4 254.8 264.6 Basic 252.3 258.9 252.1 259.6 Dividends declared $0.37 $0.31 $1.05 $0.87 NIKE, Inc. BALANCE SHEET 2/28/2007 2/28/2006 ASSETS (In millions) Current assets: Cash and equivalents $1,879.2 $1,472.1 Short-term investments 390.5 535.0 Accounts receivable, net 2,532.0 2,351.6 Inventories 2,167.8 2,034.2 Deferred income taxes 184.4 115.0 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 486.2 536.8 Total current assets 7,640.1 7,044.7 Property, plant and equipment 3,568.9 3,283.2 Less accumulated depreciation 1,914.3 1,684.8 Property, plant and equipment, net 1,654.6 1,598.4 Identifiable intangible assets, net 406.1 406.2 Goodwill 130.8 135.3 Deferred income taxes and other assets 387.0 333.6 Total assets $10,218.6 $9,518.2 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Current liabilities: Current portion of long-term debt $30.6 $254.7 Notes payable 96.0 79.3 Accounts payable 800.9 785.8 Accrued liabilities 1,310.5 1,128.9 Income taxes payable 74.7 55.5 Total current liabilities 2,312.7 2,304.2 Long-term debt 419.4 411.3 Deferred income taxes and other liabilities 638.2 540.8 Redeemable preferred stock 0.3 0.3 Shareholders' equity 6,848.0 6,261.6 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity $10,218.6 $9,518.2 NIKE, Inc. DIVISIONAL QUARTER ENDED YEAR TO DATE ENDED REVENUES 2/28/2007 2/28/2006 % Chg 2/28/2007 2/28/2006 % Chg (In millions) U.S. Region Footwear $1,027.9 $1,005.9 2% $2,986.4 $2,838.5 5% Apparel 371.3 366.6 1% 1,278.2 1,195.9 7% Equipment 77.8 70.3 11% 232.3 224.4 4% Total 1,477.0 1,442.8 2% 4,496.9 4,258.8 6% EMEA Region Footwear 630.0 563.8 12% 1,850.9 1,782.1 4% Apparel 413.2 347.1 19% 1,321.2 1,161.9 14% Equipment 81.6 69.2 18% 259.8 231.0 12% Total 1,124.8 980.1 15% 3,431.9 3,175.0 8% Asia Pacific Region Footwear 319.4 284.1 12% 862.8 766.9 13% Apparel 217.4 199.0 9% 668.9 590.1 13% Equipment 53.1 49.2 8% 154.8 138.2 12% Total 589.9 532.3 11% 1,686.5 1,495.2 13% Americas Region Footwear 152.8 143.7 6% 510.2 478.7 7% Apparel 42.3 44.4 -5% 149.2 140.5 6% Equipment 17.4 15.0 16% 58.1 49.7 17% Total 212.5 203.1 5% 717.5 668.9 7% 3,404.2 3,158.3 8% 10,332.8 9,597.9 8% Other 522.7 454.5 15% 1,609.9 1,351.6 19% Total NIKE, Inc. revenues $3,926.9 $3,612.8 9% $11,942.7 $10,949.5 9% QUARTER ENDED YEAR TO DATE ENDED PRE-TAX 2/28/2007 2/28/2006 % Chg 2/28/2007 2/28/2006 % Chg INCOME(1),* (In millions) U.S. Region $280.2 $286.2 -2% $885.1 $897.1 -1% EMEA Region 246.5 208.7 18% 707.8 733.1 -3% Asia Pacific Region 126.4 119.6 6% 365.2 326.2 12% Americas Region 40.7 38.5 6% 148.9 140.5 6% Other 68.4 44.6 53% 210.6 107.6 96% Corporate(2) (244.2) (191.0) -28% (776.5) (574.1) -35% Total pre-tax income(1) $518.0 $506.6 2% $1,541.1 $1,630.4 -5% (1) The Company evaluates performance of individual operating segments based on pre-tax income. Total pre-tax income equals income before income taxes as shown on the Consolidated Income Statement. (2) "Corporate" represents items necessary to reconcile to total pre-tax income, which includes corporate costs that are not allocated to the operating segments for management reporting and intercompany eliminations for specific items in the Consolidated Income Statement. * Certain prior year amounts have been reclassified to conform to fiscal year 2007 presentation. These changes had no impact on previously reported results of operations or shareholders' equity. NIKE, Inc. YEAR TO DATE NET INCOME AND DILUTED QUARTER ENDED ENDED EPS RECONCILIATION(1) 2/28/2007 2/28/2006 % Chg 2/28/2007 2/28/2006 % Chg (In millions, except per share data) Net income, as reported $350.8 $325.8 8% $1,053.6 $1,059.2 -1% Exclude: Stock-based compensation expense, net of tax(2) 17.8 -- -- 78.1 -- -- Net income, excluding stock-based compensation expense(2) $368.6 $325.8 13% $1,131.7 $1,059.2 7% Diluted EPS, as reported $1.37 $1.24 10% $4.14 $4.00 4% Diluted EPS, excluding stock-based compensation expense(2) $1.44 $1.24 16% $4.44 $4.00 11% (1) This schedule is intended to satisfy the quantitative reconciliation for non-GAAP financial measures in accordance with Regulation G of the Securities and Exchange Commission. (2) This charge relates to stock-based compensation associated with stock options and ESPP shares issued to employees and expensed in accordance with SFAS 123(R) "Share Based Payment", which was adopted by the Company during its first fiscal quarter ended August 31, 2006. For more information, please contact: Media: Alan Marks NIKE, Inc. Tel: +1-503-671-4235 Investors: Pamela Catlett NIKE, Inc. Tel: +1-503-671-4589

REDMOND, Wash., March 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- K2 "BlackPearl" evolves the K2.net 2003 platform to meet customer needs for rapidly building and adapting business applications. Building software is too expensive today. It is too complex. It takes far too long. K2 "BlackPearl" is intended for a new generation of business and technical users who want the ability to actively collaborate in assembling enterprise Business Process Applications (BPAs) more quickly, with more agility, and better quality than with existing technology. K2 "BlackPearl" extends K2.net 2003 Business Process Management (BPM) capabilities to allow business and technical stakeholders to collaboratively design, execute, optimize, monitor, and report on process centric applications. It introduces new features to support business processes that are collaborative, non-linear, and serve to aggregate services, policies, and information stored across the organization -- with or without specific process automation. Specific areas of investment within the K2 "BlackPearl" Business Process Application platform include: -- Multiple design tools that allow all both business and technical users to actively participate in the creation of Business Process Applications that include processes, forms, reports, and policies. -- Tools for visually creating business entities (customer, invoice, product, etc.) that span line of business applications and can be reused across applications and processes. -- Design tools for creating reusable policies that allow for natural language and business or industry specific lexicon. -- Microsoft SharePoint support that includes an embedded web based design canvas as well as Visio and Visual Studio wizards for no-code integration with SharePoint sites, workflows, search, libraries and lists. -- Visual reporting design and execution tools that leverage SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. -- Full upgrade and backward compatibility with K2.net 2003. -- Data provisioning capabilities from existing data sources including line of business applications such as SAP and Salesforce.com. -- An event bus allowing stakeholders to subscribe to changes in business data or status. -- Powerful and flexible options for meeting scalability requirements. -- Other features such as visual process debugging, process inheritance, granular security and more. K2 "BlackPearl" has been released to a group of beta partners and customers and is scheduled for public release in mid 2007. More information on K2 "BlackPearl" is available at http://www.k2.net/blackpearl. About K2 K2 is a business unit of SourceCode Technology Holdings, Inc. K2 is headquartered in Redmond, Washington and has offices in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, South Africa, Australia, and Singapore. SourceCode and K2.net are registered trademarks or trademarks of SourceCode Technology Holdings, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Josh Swihart of K2 Tel: +1-303-552-0628 Email: josh@k2.net

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, March 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Professor Perry L. McCarty, from Stanford University, California, a pioneer in the development of the understanding of biological and chemical processes for the safe supply and treatment of water, is the 2007 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate. McCarty's work has led to more efficient biological treatment processes, in particular anaerobic (oxygen-less) treatment systems for municipal and industrial wastewaters, biological nutrient removal, and the development and use of biofilm reactors. The Prize Nominating Committee wrote: Professor Perry L. McCarty is awarded the 2007 Stockholm Water Prize for pioneering work in developing the scientific approach for the design and operation of water and wastewater systems. He has established the role of fundamental microbiology and chemistry in the design of bioreactors. Professor McCarty has defined the field of environmental biotechnology that is the basis for small-scale and large-scale pollution control and safe drinking water systems. Since 1990 the Stockholm Water Prize has been presented annually to an individual, organization or institution for outstanding water-related activities in water-related awareness-raising, human and international relations, research, management and aid. The Laureate receives USD 150,000 and a glass sculpture, to be presented in August in Stockholm. H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden is the Patron of the Stockholm Water Prize. McCarty, 76, has combined deep knowledge in physical, chemical, biological and microbiological processes and transferred the results into outstanding technical development widely used all over the world as the basis for design and operation of wastewater treatment systems. By tackling the important problem of organic compounds and pollutants in wastewater and underground aquifer systems, his work has led to the development and practical implementation of methods to treat toxic chemicals in groundwater, especially chlorinated pollutants from industry. McCarty's textbooks on the chemistry, biology, and design of treatment systems for municipal and industrial wastewater are used daily all over the world. He has been an educator and researcher at Stanford since 1962. He is also a member of the National Academy of Engineering and an Honorary member of the American Water Works Association and the Water Environment Federation, and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Academy of Microbiology. For more information, visit http://www.siwi.org . For more information, please contact: David Trouba, SIWI Tel: +46-73-914-3989 Email: dave.trouba@siwi.org Stephanie Blenckner, SIWI Tel: +46-73-914-3986 Email: stephanie.blenckner@siwi.org

Pioneering prepaid personal broadband services RICHARDSON, Texas, March 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Scarlet B.V., the Curacao international network operator, has announced the upcoming conversion of Scarlet's current Navini-based wireless broadband network to the Mobile WiMAX 802.16e standard and the introduction of new services on the network. The network is scheduled for upgrade in Q3 2007 improving network performance and increasing capacity. Scarlet has offered wireless broadband services in Curacao since 2001, and in June 2005 launched its Scarlet One(R) branded personal broadband service using the Navini Ripwave(R) MX technology. In the past 6 months, Scarlet has aggressively expanded its broadband network to keep up with accelerating customer demand for reliable broadband service that is portable, easy to install, and does not require a fixed line phone. Expansion will continue throughout 2007 and will be able to serve 10,000 customers. Mobile WiMAX is the new emerging global standard for broadband wireless and is being introduced into the market in phases. Navini Networks is on the leading edge of rolling out Mobile WiMAX solutions. With a software upgrade, Scarlet's current network will be 802.16e standard (Wave 1) compliant. The system will come with Wave 2 beamforming capability via Navini's trademark Smart WiMAX(TM). Navini's Smart WiMAX(TM) is the innovative combination of mobile WiMAX with Navini's patented Smart Beamforming & beamformed MIMO, which enhances range and throughput performance. Scarlet's CEO, Eric E. Stakland commented, "We believe the effects of convergence of broadband and mobility will be substantial in the marketplace within two years. In our view, a broadband network with Mobile WiMAX technology will be a stronger delivery platform for future services than cellular will ever be." "We are delighted to provide Scarlet with the technology to deliver these exciting new services," said Roger Dorf, Navini's President and CEO. "As more and more consumers experience personal broadband, the demand will continue to grow. Personal broadband is irresistible." Scarlet is introducing new product and service offerings in early 2007. The new MyScarlet(R) VoIP service includes a choice of unlimited calling to Netherlands (fixed) or U.S./Canada at no additional cost for Scarlet One subscribers. Stakland explained, "Our enhanced density of base stations, particularly in Curacao's business centers, will support the increasing use of Scarlet One in businesses and the use of PC cards for portable broadband in laptops. Our intention is to enable business customers who are out of their office to remain connected online wherever they are." Scarlet also offers prepaid Personal Broadband, tailored to dial-up customers wanting higher performance without paying more. Robbert Willemsen, manager of Scarlet's sales teams and its dial-up services, commented, "Our dial-up customers average 40 to 50 guilders (USD $22-$28) per month in phone charges, with many exceeding 100 guilders (USD $55) per month in addition to their monthly subscription fees. For customers using the Internet for less than an hour per day, Prepaid Scarlet One will save them money while doubling their connection speed." About Scarlet: Scarlet B.V. is part of the Scarlet group of companies based in the Netherlands where the parent company has been providing long distance and data services in Europe since 1992. Scarlet, formerly Antillean Network Management N.V., has been operating in the Netherlands Antilles since 1995 on the island of St. Maarten, since 1999 in Curacao, and since 2001 in Bonaire. Scarlet has grown to be the leading alternative choice to the government-owned incumbents. Scarlet offers long distance voice services and Internet access services to corporate and residential customers on the islands of Curacao, Bonaire, and St. Maarten, and to wholesale carrier customers in the Caribbean, the U.S. and Europe. Scarlet operates a redundant and robust network with switching hubs in Curacao, St. Maarten, Miami, and Belgium, all interconnected by means of undersea fiber-optics. Scarlet specializes in post-sale customer service with a 365-day-per-year helpdesk, a retail store with repair department, and face-to-face customer service and sales personnel. For general information on Scarlet, please visit the website at http://www.scarlet.an . About Navini Networks Navini Networks is the leader in providing portable, plug-n-play broadband wireless access solutions, with the largest commercial deployments in the world, over 70 commercial networks in 6 continents and strategic partnerships with industry leaders. Navini is the only company that has the patented Smart Beamforming technology, enabling personal broadband for the mass market today, with a seamless upgrade to the Mobile WiMAX standard to deliver Smart WiMAX(TM). (Smart WiMAX(TM) is the combination of mobile WiMAX with Smart Beamforming & MIMO). Navini's Ripwave(R) MX portable, zero-install(TM), non-line-of-sight (NLOS) solution consists of customer modems, base stations, and element management systems (EMS) that run in the full range of spectrums with software upgrades to the IEEE 802.16e standard. Navini Networks is a principal member of the WiMAX Forum and the IEEE 802.16e committee. Headquartered in Richardson, Texas. http://www.navini.com For more information, please contact: Maryvonne Tubb Navini Networks Tel: +1-972-852-4247 Email: mtubb@navini.com

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, March 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- AerCap Holdings N.V. (NYSE: AER) today announced it has filed its annual report on Form 20-F, including its audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006, with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") in accordance with United States requirements. AerCap's Form 20-F can be accessed on the Investor Relations page of the Company's website at www.aercap.com, as well as on the SEC's website at http://www.sec.gov. Interested parties may also request a complimentary paper copy of the filing by contacting Leslie Wolf-Creutzfeldt at lwolf-creutzfeldt@frbir.com. About AerCap Holdings N.V. AerCap is an integrated global aviation company with a leading market position in aircraft and engine leasing, trading and parts sales. AerCap also provides aircraft management services and performs aircraft and engine maintenance, repair and overhaul services and aircraft disassemblies through its certified repair stations. AerCap has a fleet of over 340 aircraft owned, managed or under contracted orders and a diversified commercial engine portfolio. AerCap is headquartered in The Netherlands and has offices in Ireland and the United States. For more information regarding AerCap and to be added to our email distribution list, please visit http://www.aercap.com . This press release may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. In most cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as "may," "should," "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "predicts," "potential" or "continue" or the negative of such terms or similar terminology. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve significant assumptions, risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. For more information, please contact: For Investors: Keith Helming Tel: +31-20-655-9670 Email: khelming@aercap.com For Media: Frauke Oberdieck Tel: +31-20-655-9616 Email: foberdieck@aercap.com

HELSINKI, Finland, March 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Wartsila Corporation today inaugurated the first phase of a new reconditioning workshop in Shanghai, China. It will provide high-quality reconditioning services to owners and operators of marine engines, gearboxes, controllable-pitch propellers, thrusters and other ship equipment. "This new one-stop-shop service centre employs the latest technology, expertise and design to provide top quality and warranty for all reconditioned components. In addition to serving both customers in the Shanghai area, it will keep up with the fast-growing demand throughout China. It is also envisaged that the scope of services undertaken from this workshop will be extended and that it will become one of the biggest reconditioning workshops in the world", said Tage Blomberg, Group Vice President, Services, Wartsila Corporation. The services undertaken by the new reconditioning workshop can be summarised as: - Overhauling of engine components, and reconditioning of complete engines in the workshop - Onboard overhaul, maintenance and repair of engines, gearboxes and controllable-pitch propellers - Reconditioning of cylinder covers, piston crowns and fuel injection parts - Machining of various engine components, as well as other ship equipment - Various welding repair and re-chroming work - In-situ machining of many sorts, including crankshaft main journals, crank pins and all kinds of rotating shafts, line boring and milling of engine blocks, line boring for coupling bolts, etc. Also checking alignment using laser equipment. - Propeller repairs, as well as the repair and overhaul of thrusters. The new workshop is already in operation, building up its scope of work. It is expected to be in full operation by May 2007. At present there are about 30 employees in the workshop and this number will be increased to about 70 when in full operation. Most of these employees are recruited locally. A handful of expatriates provide specialist knowledge and skills. Extensive training of the employees guarantees the necessary very high levels of quality required in the reconditioning work. Every single employee is qualified for excellent customer service and awareness of high quality. There are three workshop buildings with a total floor area of 3600 m2 and also with 900 m2 of office space. This first phase represents an investment of Euro 2.3 million. The new Shanghai workshop joins Wartsila's network of reconditioning workshops in Canada, Italy, the Netherlands and Singapore. This workshop is the third to be established by Wartsila in China. One is in Hong Kong, and the other, opened in 1994 in Panyu, in the southern Guangdong province. They have been very successful and have pointed to the need to provide extended services in the more northern port of Shanghai which is one of the largest container ports in the world. The large fleet based in Shanghai and passing through the port represents a good market for services. It is well recognised by ship owners and operators that reconditioning is an ideal way to prolong the life of certain engine components. NOTE TO EDITORS: Wartsila enhances the business of its customers by providing them with complete lifecycle power solutions. When creating better and environmentally compatible technologies, Wartsila focuses on the marine and energy markets with products and solutions as well as services. Through innovative products and services, Wartsila sets out to be the most valued business partner of all its customers. This is achieved by the dedication of more than 14,000 professionals manning 130 Wartsila locations in close to 70 countries around the world. For more information, please contact: Marit Holmlund-Sund, Public Relations Manager Wartsila Corporation Tel: +358-10-709-1439 Fax: +358-10-709-1425 Email: marit.holmlund-sund@wartsila.com

TIANJIN, China, March 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA) announces that the organizing committee of IMIE2007 recently announced that IMIE2007, held in May every year in TEDA, has attracted the attention of a great number of foreign manufacturers and nearly 30 Korean mobile phone manufacturers will participate in the 2007 edition, covering industrial chain links such as chips, components, and value-added services, etc. The large-scale participation in the exhibition by Korean manufacturers, an important player in the international mobile communication industry, shows that IMIE2007 has become the most important international platform for cooperation and exchange between Sino-foreign mobile communication industries. The nearly 30 Korean manufacturers that intend to participate in the exhibition are all enterprises with excellent technology and marketing capabilities, including local-based Korean companies and accessory manufacturers such as MCNEX, Heyu Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd., Jinyoung, Harim Machinery Co., Ltd., GNC and SUNGHYU and Korean companies with presences in China, such as MANNA and Xixitai, covering all links of the mobile phone industrial chain. On May 1 this year, the second largest operator in Korea, KTF, introduced the WCDMA based 3G business first in Korea. Following that, the largest operator in Korea, SKT, advanced its schedule to introduce its 3G business. These two operators both target China while competing fiercely with each other in the 3G markets, hoping to purchase high-quality and inexpensive super 3G (HSDPA) equipment and terminals in China. Korean manufacturers' strong line-up and active participation in various activities doubtlessly shows the international characteristic and core competitiveness of the international mobile phone exhibition held in Tianjin, making it a real "international, brand oriented and professional" event. To that end, the organizing committee continues to cooperate with authoritative organizations and plans to introduce a series of exchanges, communications and interactive activities, including many high-value summit forums and technical seminars such as the 2007 China Mobile Phone Industry Development (International) Forum, the Mobile Entertainment Forum, the Executive Committee of China Domestic Handsets Summit, the China Cell Phone Component Summit, the International Mobile Storage Technology Summit and Procurement, and the Negotiation Meeting for International Buyers', helping to build a high-value platform for Sino-foreign manufacturers to showcase their technology and negotiate on business. According to the organizing committee, IMIE, oriented to be a "first-rate international mobile communication exhibition", provides unlimited business opportunities for Chinese and foreign enterprises and has evolved to be a significant market event thanks to their devotion to the mission of "introducing excellent Chinese enterprises to the world and the best industrial resources to China", and the efforts of elaborately designing various shows, meetings and business matching initiatives. IMIE2007 is clearly an excellent platform for Korean companies to enter into the Chinese market. About Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA) Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA) was established in 1984 with the approval of the State Council of the People's Republic of China. It is one of the first state-class economic-technological development areas in the country. TEDA is located in the center of a larger area bordering Bohai Sea and the east of the Asia-Europe Land Bridge, thus serving as the gate to the two super cities of Beijing and Tianjin, and the throat connecting the northeast of China. By the end of 2005, 4,067 foreign companies have landed in TEDA. Of the Fortune 500 companies, 57 multinational companies, from 10 countries and regions, including such well-established multinational giants as Motorola, Samsung and Toyota, invested in 123 enterprises in TEDA. In 2000, "Fortune" listed TEDA as one of the most highly recommended economic areas in China. In 2002 UNIDO listed TEDA as one of the most dynamic areas of China together with Shenzhen, Suzhou, Wenzhou, Shanghai Pudong and Xi'an High-tech Park. For more information, please contact: Ding Lei TEDA Tel: +86-22-2520-1616 Yang Chonghao Tel: +86-22-2520-2069 Web: http://www.investteda.org

Funding enables partnership to continue critical battle against MDR-TB; Reinvestment brings Lilly's total commitment to $120 million for long-term, sustainable program NEW YORK, March 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) today announced plans to invest an additional $50 million in an innovative, global partnership to fight Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB). The announcement is being made in conjunction with World TB Day activities. (Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20031219/LLYLOGO ) This new commitment furthers Lilly's support of a pioneering initiative started in 2003, and brings the total Lilly investment to $120 million. The funding supports a multi-pronged strategy to increase the supply and availability of effective drugs for treating the complex and life-threatening disease; training for front-line health care personnel; and efforts to focus global resources on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of MDR-TB. Highly contagious, difficult to treat, and a growing threat to global public health, MDR-TB strikes about 450,000 people each year, with the highest rates of prevalence in China, India, South Africa and the countries of the former Soviet Union. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the average MDR-TB patient infects up to 20 other people in his or her lifetime and cases of MDR-TB have been found in virtually every country surveyed by WHO. When drugs used to treat MDR-TB are misused or mismanaged, the even more virulent Extreme Drug Resistant TB (XDR-TB) can develop. The Lilly MDR-TB Partnership is an international alliance of 14 public and private organizations, including businesses, humanitarian organizations, academic institutions, and professional health care associations. "Eli Lilly and Company understands its role in the global battle against MDR-TB and recognizes its responsibility to those afflicted by this deadly disease," said Sidney Taurel, Lilly's chairman and chief executive officer. "These additional funds will extend our commitment to transferring the technologies and improving the support systems needed to stop the spread of MDR-TB." A cornerstone of the Lilly MDR-TB Partnership is its success in influencing key MDR-TB policies around the world including introducing new treatment protocols and convincing the global health care community that treating MDR-TB is just as important as treating primary TB. More than 40 countries now have health policies addressing MDR-TB. Dr. Paul Farmer, physician, medical anthropologist and founding director of Partners in Health, was one of the first to approach Lilly about investing in this effort. He described the Lilly MDR-TB Partnership as unique among public/private efforts. "I'm not sure people understand the scope of the Lilly MDR-TB Partnership, which has reached tens of thousands directly but may also serve as an example of how we can draw on the resources of the pharmaceutical industry to address some of the most important public health problems of our times. The partnership has helped establish better MDR-TB treatment guidelines, improved care for those stricken with MDR-TB in Russia, sub-Saharan Africa, China and India and made critical antibiotics more available to save lives everywhere," Farmer said. "Lilly's continuing support is invaluable." In addition to Partners in Health, those in Lilly's MDR-TB Partnership include the International Council of Nurses, International Federation of the Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies, International Hospital Federation, Purdue University, TB Alert, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Economic Forum, World Health Organization/Stop TB Partnership, and World Medical Association. Each of the partner organizations are contributing to the success in changing the MDR-TB treatment paradigm. Over the last few years, with support from Lilly, thousands of health care workers have been trained in treating MDR-TB and thousands of community workers have helped patients and their families overcome MDR-TB and its stigma. The additional funding will enable more training of healthcare workers, support workplace education aimed at earlier identification of TB and HIV and increase the number of countries with strengthened MDR-TB control. "The emergence of the deadly XDR-TB strain underscores the urgency of stopping MDR-TB. It is a global priority," said Dr Mario Raviglione, Director of the Stop TB Department, World Health Organization. "The continued commitment of the Lilly MDR-TB Partnership to the global fight against MDR-TB has greatly helped improve proper TB treatment protocols and monitoring systems. They understood very early that providing drugs to treat MDR-TB was not enough." "Through this unique and effective partnership, the ICN and nurses on the ground aim to bring quality, dignified care to communities and individuals living with TB, improved adherence to treatment, and strengthened prevention strategies," said Judith Oulton, CEO of the International Council of Nurses. "We are convinced that the cross-sectoral, multi-disciplinary approach of the Lilly partnership will lead not only to better outcomes for TB and MDR-TB patients, but also a reduction in disease burden and drug resistance. This is an innovation that works." Another centerpiece of Lilly's MDR-TB Partnership is the transfer of technologies and expertise needed to manufacture two Lilly antibiotics used to treat MDR-TB, capreomycin (Capastat(R)) and cycloserine (Seromycin(R)), to facilities in the highest-burdened countries. Since 2003, Lilly has transferred its technology, formula and trademark to generic drug makers, including Aspen Pharmacare (South Africa), Hisun Pharmaceuticals (China), Shasun Chemicals and Drugs (India), and SIA International/Biocom (Russia). In addition to supplying the necessary manufacturing know-how to produce the drugs, Lilly provides financial assistance for the purchase of equipment and conversion of manufacturing facilities. This includes working with the Chao Center at Purdue University to provide technical expertise and training in good manufacturing practices. Today, each of the Lilly MDR-TB Partnership firms is contributing to increasing the supply of two much-needed MDR-TB antibiotics. Additionally, since 2000, Lilly has supplied more than one million vials of capreomycin and more than five million capsules of cycloserine through the WHO's Directly Observed Treatment-Plus (DOTS-Plus) program. Through the WHO, projects in 40 countries have been approved to receive concessionary-priced MDR-TB drugs for the treatment of up to 26,000 MDR-TB patients. Lilly, a leading innovation-driven corporation, is developing a growing portfolio of first-in-class and best-in-class pharmaceutical products by applying the latest research from its own worldwide laboratories and from collaborations with eminent scientific organizations. Headquartered in Indianapolis, Ind., Lilly provides answers -- through medicines and information -- for some of the world's most urgent medical needs. Additional information about Lilly is available at http://www.lilly.com . For more information, please contact: Phil Belt (United States) Eli Lilly and Company Tel: +1-317-276-2506 Frances Beves (Europe) Eli Lilly and Company Tel: +44-01276-484810

TIANJIN, China, March 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The TEDA 2006 top 100 enterprises results were announced a few days ago. The average profits achieved by these enterprises exceeded RMB200 million, with average revenue from main business approximating RMB3 billion. According to statistics, the assets of TEDA 2006 top 100 enterprises totalled RMB156.473 billion, with total revenue from their main business reached RMB291.4 billion, representing a growth of 24.5% compared to the TEDA 2005 top 100 enterprises. Profits of RMB20.15 billion were created , and the tax paid up was RMB10.96 billion and value added was RMB60.39 billion. Of the TEDA 2006 top 100 enterprises, there were 79 industrial enterprises, 20 service enterprises and 1 building enterprise. 24 newcomers joined the election, among them 17 industrial enterprises, 6 service enterprises and 1 building enterprise. TEDA 2006 top 100 enterprises was elected by rating enterprises in all industries based on indicators for sales (operation) revenue, profit, tax, total asset (net asset for banking industry) and value added. The top 100 enterprises were elected based on their total scores. But those enterprises that have serious illegal activities, safety accident, environmental accident and labor dispute in 2006 were eliminated in line with the opinions presented by relevant authorities. Meanwhile, TEDA also elected 10 enterprises with fastest growth within TEDA. In 2006, these 10 enterprises realized an operation revenue of RMB28.449 billion, grown by RMB16.105 billion than that of 2005 and represented a growth of 130% year on year; these enterprises also realized a profit of RMB 1.134 billion, grown by RMB 851 million than that of 2005, representing a growth of 300% year on year; tax paid reached RMB381 million, grown by RMB62 million year on year, representing a growth 19.5%; value added of RMB2.236 billion was realized, grown by RMB579 million year on year, and representing a growth 42.7%. About Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA) Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA) was established in 1984 under the approval of the State Council of the People's Republic of China. It is one of the first state-class economic-technological development areas in the country. TEDA is located in the center of a larger area bordering Bohai Sea and the east of the Asia-Europe Land Bridge, thus serving as the gate to the two super cities of Beijing and Tianjin, and the throat connecting the northeast of China. By the end of 2005, 4,067 foreign companies have landed in TEDA. Of the Fortune 500 companies, 57 multinational companies, from 10 countries and regions, including such well-established multinational giants as Motorola, Samsung and Toyota, invested in 123 enterprises in TEDA. In 2000, "Fortune" listed TEDA as one of the most highly recommended economic areas in China. In 2002 UNIDO listed TEDA as one of the most dynamic areas of China together with Shenzhen, Suzhou, Wenzhou, Shanghai Pudong and Xi'an High-tech Park. For more information, please contact: Ding Lei TEDA Tel: +86-22-2520-1616 Yang Chonghao Tel: +86-22-2520-2069 Web: http://www.investteda.org

Board raises concern about elimination of quarterly guidance and focus on annual EPS range NEW YORK, March 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- PR Newswire's Disclosure Advisory Board, a 15-person council of leaders in the corporate, regulatory, investor, reporting and academic communities, expressed concern that recommendations about earnings guidance by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are too narrowly focused. (Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070321/NYW025 Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20000306/PRNLOGO ) In its report entitled, "Commission on the Regulation of U.S. Capital Markets in the 21st Century - Report and Recommendations," the U.S. Chamber of Commerce calls for eliminating quarterly guidance and relying upon an annual range of projected EPS as the primary means for forecasting performance. The Disclosure Advisory Board believes that these recommendations could stifle transparency, if implemented as a one-size-fits all approach. While sharing the Chamber's concern about "short-termism" and the false precision of single-point earnings estimates, the Board recommends a more nuanced approach. In the Board's view, companies should consider guidance relating to key qualitative and quantitative company and industry performance measures, with time horizons tailored to their own circumstances and business strategy. An exclusive focus on annual EPS guidance -- even expressed as a range -- would neglect both the market importance of short-term investors and short- and long-term objectives and risks that affect bottom-line results. The Chamber's report acknowledges the growing interest among companies in providing long-term perspectives on business fundamentals. The Board endorses this holistic approach as the proper focus of guidance, but not to the exclusion of potentially significant short-term performance perspectives. Mark Hynes, managing director of Global Investor Relations Services for PR Newswire and a member of the Disclosure Advisory Board, responded, "We at the Disclosure Advisory Board welcome the U.S. Chamber of Commerce into the debate on guidance, but we believe that its recommendation that 'all public companies should seriously consider the permanent elimination of quarterly guidance on earnings per share,' goes well beyond what is necessary. By contrast, the proposal that companies should move to 'annual guidance with a range of EPS numbers' does not go far enough. "As the Disclosure Advisory Board highlighted in its white paper, 'Guiding Investors & Analysts: How Much Information is Enough?' there are common circumstances in which companies should use short-term guidance. For instance, the thirty-five percent of listed companies on the NYSE and NASDAQ that have no analyst coverage are good candidates for using quarterly guidance to meet investor needs. "On the other hand, the Board takes a much wider view of the need for longer term guidance. Painting a picture through reviews of long-term strategies and goals, industry metrics and trends, acquisitions and innovations provides the tools for investors and analysts to better assess a company. Simply relying on annual EPS as a mark of performance is too narrow. The Board sharply delineates between mere revenue and EPS forecasts and meaningful guidance about business drivers. "It is also important that the issue of earnings guidance not be viewed in isolation. There is a growing body of surveys and research demonstrating that short-term earnings guidance can lead to management behavior that focuses on meeting short-term earnings goals at the expense of longer-term focus on R&D and other value enhancing goals." To learn more about the Disclosure Advisory Board and request a copy of the complete white paper, please visit http://disclosureadvisoryboard.mediaroom.com/ . To read Mark Hynes' blog, go to http://transparencymatters.blogspot.com/ . About the Disclosure Advisory Board The Disclosure Advisory Board was brought together by PR Newswire in June 2006 to assess and comment upon the state of corporate disclosure and transparency. Comprised of 15 individuals with a combined 450 years of regulatory and compliance experience, the aim of the Board is to debate current disclosure and governance issues, and based on the discussions, propose "best practices" for improved financial and corporate reporting. The Disclosure Advisory Board believes that communication -- disclosure and transparency -- lies at the heart of winning back public consent. Members of the panel are: John Bierbusse, corporate director and retired equity research analyst at A G Edwards; Janet L. Fisher, partner, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP; Valerie Haertel, VP/director of investor relations, Medco Health Solutions, Inc.; Jerry Hostetter, VP/director of public relations and investor relations, Smithfield Foods Inc.; Deborah Kelly, partner, Genesis Inc.; Mark Hynes, managing director of Global Investor Relations Services for PR Newswire; Jack L. Kelly, co-head, industrial research team, Goldman Sachs; Mary Beth Kissane, president and founder, Corporate Perception Research; Sam Levenson, SVP Investor Relations, Sony Corporation of America; William A. Relyea, managing director, H.C. Wainwright & Co., Inc.; Diane Salucci, SVP, Bear Wagner Specialists LLC; Kurt Stocker, member of the board of directors of NYSE Regulation, Inc. and chairman of the New York Stock Exchange Individual Investors Advisory Committee; Anna Sussman, director, Investor Relations and Corporate Communications, Pharmion Corporation; Louis M. Thompson, Jr., partner, Genesis Inc., and managing director, Kalorama Partners, and former CEO, president and board member of the National Investor Relations Institute. About PR Newswire PR Newswire Association LLC ( http://www.prnewswire.com ) provides electronic distribution, targeting, measurement and broadcast services on behalf of tens of thousands of corporate, government, association, labor, non-profit, and other customers worldwide. Using PR Newswire, these organizations reach a variety of critical audiences including the news media, the investment community, government decision-makers, and the general public with their up-to-the-minute, full-text news developments. Established in 1954, PR Newswire has offices in 11 countries and routinely sends its customers' news to outlets in 135 countries and in more than 40 languages. Utilizing the latest in communications technology, PR Newswire content is considered a mainstay among news reporters, investors and individuals who seek breaking news from the source. PR Newswire's leading services include ProfNet Experts(SM), eWatch(TM), MEDIAtlas(TM), Search Engine Optimization, MediaRoom, MediaSense(TM), MultiVu(TM) and U.S. Newswire, the preeminent policy newswire in the industry. PR Newswire is a subsidiary of United Business Media plc of London. For more information, please contact: Rachel Meranus Vice President, Public Relations PR Newswire 212.282.1929 rachel.meranus@prnewswire.com

CHARLOTTE, N.C., March 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Japan Airlines (JAL) has selected Goodrich Corporation (NYSE: GR) to supply wheels and electrically-actuated brakes for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft it is adding to its fleet. JAL has 30 aircraft on order and is scheduled to start taking deliveries of the new aircraft in 2008. According to Jack Carmola, President of Goodrich's Actuation and Landing Systems Segment, "The introduction by Goodrich of this technology to the global fleet is the result of over a decade of research and development by a cross-functional team of Goodrich designers and engineers who were mindful of the voice of the customer and the future demands of the marketplace. We're proud to be part of this innovative trend as the world's airlines adopt electric braking systems for use on high profile aircraft such as the Dreamliner." "JAL recognizes the operational and reliability benefits of Goodrich's electric braking system and its commitment to creating valuable support solutions," stated Yukihiko Kanda, Vice President Maintenance Material Planning & Supply Dept., Engineering & Maintenance for Japan Airlines. JAL has also chosen Goodrich to supply a traditional braking system for the Boeing 737-800 aircraft being added to its fleet. Currently 30 firm and 10 optional 737-800 aircraft are on order with deliveries already underway. Goodrich's Aircraft Wheels and Brakes division has been a world leader in the design, development and manufacturing of commercial, military, regional and business aircraft wheels and brakes for 60 years. The division also provides aftermarket service and critical spares to the world's major airlines. It has created innovative braking systems for over 200 types of aircraft and has many more technological improvements in development. Goodrich Corporation, a Fortune 500 company, is a global supplier of systems and services to aerospace, defense and homeland security markets. With one of the most strategically diversified portfolios of products in the industry, Goodrich serves a global customer base with significant worldwide manufacturing and service facilities. For more information visit http://www.goodrich.com . Goodrich Corporation operates through its divisions and as a parent company for its subsidiaries, one or more of which may be referred to as "Goodrich Corporation" in this press release. GR - Actuation and Landing Systems For more information, please contact: Goodrich Corporation Gail K. Warner Tel: +1-704-423-7048 Lisa Bottle Tel: +1-704-423-7060

BEIJING, March 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- China Fire & Security Group, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: CFSG), a leading industrial fire protection products and solutions provider in China, announced today it will release its 2006 fourth quarter and full year results on Thursday, March 29, 2007 after the market close. In conjunction, the company will host a conference call to discuss these results. The conference call will take place at 4:30 p.m. EDT on Thursday, March 29th. Interested participants should call 800-690-3108 when calling within the United States or 973-935-8753 when calling internationally. There will be a playback available until 11:59 p.m. eastern time April 5, 2007. To listen to the playback, please call 877-519-4471 when calling within the United States or 973-341-3080 when calling internationally. Please use pass code 8584439 for the replay. This call is being webcast by ViaVid Broadcasting and can be accessed by clicking on this link http://viavid.net/dce.aspx?sid=00003CCA or at ViaVid's website at http://www.viavid.net. The webcast can be accessed through April 29, 2007. About China Fire and Security Group, Inc. China Fire & Security Group, Inc., through its wholly owned subsidiaries, Sureland Industrial Fire Safety Limited ("Sureland") and Sureland Industrial Fire Equipment (Beijing) Limited ("Sureland Equipment"), is engaged primarily in the design, development, manufacture and sale in China of a variety of fire safety products for the industrial fire safety market and the design and installation of industrial fire safety systems in which it uses its own fire safety products. It also provides maintenance services for customers of its industrial fire safety systems. Headquartered in Beijing with over 30 sales and project offices throughout China, Sureland markets its industrial fire safety products and systems primarily to major companies in the iron and steel, power and petrochemical industries in China. It is developing and expanding its business in other industrial sectors including transportation, wine and tobacco, vessels, nuclear energy, and public space markets. Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward Looking Information This presentation may contain forward-looking information about China Fire & Security Group, Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiary Sureland which are intended to be covered by the safe harbor for forward-looking statements provided by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward- looking statements are statements that are not historical facts. These statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "believe," "expect," "may," "will," "should," "project," "plan," "seek," "intend," or "anticipate" or the negative thereof or comparable terminology, and include discussions of strategy, and statements about industry trends and China Fire & Security Groups' future performance, operations and products. This and other "Risk Factors" contained in China Fire & Security Groups' public filings with the SEC. For more information, please contact: Investors: Matt Hayden, Hayden Communications Tel: +1-858-704-5065 Chine Fire & Security Group, Inc. Brian Lin, CEO Tel: +86-10-8589-7509

DALIAN, China, March 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Fushi International, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: FSIN), an emerging, low-cost Chinese manufacturer of bimetallic wire used for multiple end user applications, announced today it will release its 2006 fourth quarter and full year results on Thursday, March 29th, 2007 after the market close. In conjunction, the company will host a conference call to discuss these results. The conference call will take place at 4:30 p.m. EDT on Thursday, March 29th. Interested participants should call 877-715-5318 when calling within the United States or 973-582-2852 when calling internationally. There will be a playback available until 11:59 p.m. eastern time April 5, 2007. To listen to the playback, please call 877-519-4471 when calling within the United States or 973-341-3080 when calling internationally. Please use pass code 8606701 for the replay. This call is being webcast by ViaVid Broadcasting and can be accessed by clicking on this link http://viavid.net/dce.aspx?sid=00003D02 or at ViaVid's website at www.viavid.net. The webcast can be accessed through April 29, 2007. About Fushi International: Fushi International, through its wholly owned subsidiary Dalian DPI, manufactures bimetallic composite wire products, principally copper clad aluminum wires ("CCA") and copper clad aluminum magnesium ("CCA-M"). CCA, the company's core product, combines the conductivity and corrosion resistance of copper with the light weight and relatively low cost of aluminum. It is a cost-effective substitute for single copper wire in a wide variety of applications such as coaxial cable for cable television (CATV), signal transmission lines for telecommunication networks, distribution lines for electricity, wire components for electronic instruments and devices. For more information on Fushi, visit the website: http://www.fushiinternational.com/ Safe Harbor Statement: This presentation may contain forward-looking statements concerning Fushi International, Inc.'s business and products. The actual results may differ materially depending on a number of risk factors including, but not limited to,the following: general economic and business conditions, development, shipment, market acceptance, additional competition from existing and new competitors, changes in technology, and various other factors beyond its control. All forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this Cautionary Statement and the risks factors detailed in the Company's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Fushi International, Inc. undertakes no duty to revise or update any forward- looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this release. For more information, please contact: HC International, Inc. Matt Hayden, 858-704-5065 matt@haydenir.com