有限会社グッドウェブコム(代表竹中 久悦:金沢市)では、小規模ホテル
■リアルタイム予約機能 ■日にち別料金設定機能 ■商品詳細説明画面機能
■オンラインキャンセル ■fax通知(オプション)
有限会社グッドウェブコム 一般第二種電気通信事業 D-13-255
石川県金沢市増泉2丁目21-25 TEL 076-247-4110 FAX 076-247-5519
グッドウェブコム代表竹中 久悦
代表取締役 堀江輝一
しょうか? 日本情報コンサルタンツ?蠅任蓮⊂?資金で創業・独立開業を容易にでき
? ヽ?式会社、有限会社の設立を格安に代行(SOHOの司法書士と提携)。
?? 事務所代行を秘書システム(事務所、電話、FAX、PC完備)で行う。
?А ̄超肇汽檗璽函淵謄譽沺▲謄譽▲檗⊆・躑般魁▲ぅ鵐拭璽優奪半霾鷦・検?
所 在 地:東京都港区南青山1丁目26-16-506
資 本 金:1,000万円
代表取締役:堀 江 輝 一
業務 内容:? “觸颯轡好謄燹撻札哀譽織螢◆曚留娠?
?? ロシアの宇宙開発関連先端技術の仲介
E-mail:hisyo@segre21.com 担当者:堀江輝一
Hard Hat Linux デジタル家電製品に浸透
MontaVista 双方向デジタルTV、セットトップボックス製品向け
SoCデバイス メーカーZarlink Semiconductor社と協業
英ロンドン発―2002年1月8日―MontaVista Software, Inc.(以下、MontaVista&
リーディングカンパニーである、Zarlink Semiconductor (NYSE/TSE:ZL) (以下、Za
れたSoCデバイスの新しいファミリにHard Hat® Linux®を移植します。この
Linuxは、デジタルTVシステム設計においてますます採用されています。Hard Hat Li
を組み合わせた、統合した対話が可能になります。Hard Hat Linuxは、マルチメディ
Zarlinkのビジネス開発マネージャ、Richard Crossleyは以下のように述べています
MontaVistaのEMEA(ヨーロッパ、中東アジア)担当副社長のCees Boshuizenは次のよ
MontaVistaは、TV Linuxアライアンスの設立メンバです。TV Linuxアライアンスは、
Zarlink Semiconductorについて
Zarlink Semiconductor(本社:カナダ、オタワ)は、アメリカ、極東、ヨーロッパ
MontaVista Software, Inc.(本社:米国カリフォルニア州サニーベール)は、組込
。リアルタイム オペレーティング システムの先駆者ジェームス・レディ(James Re
ady)によって 1999 年に設立され、組込みシステムに特化したLinuxオペレーティン
グシステムとクロス開発ツールを提供しています。MontaVistaのHard Hat® Linu
x® は、x86/IA-32、PowerPC、StrongARM/XScale、MIPS、SH、ARM等のマイクロプ
トリビューションです。Hard Hat Linuxは、通信インフラからシンクライアントやエ
トウエアジャパン株式会社は、MontaVista Software Inc. の100%日本法人として20
Linux は Linus Torvalds の登録商標です。Hard Hat は MontaVista Software, Inc
.. の登録商標です。MontaVista は MontaVista Software, Inc. の商標です。Zarlin
kは、Zarlink Semiconductor, Inc.の商標です。その他のすべての名称は、各社の商
標、登録商標、またはサービス マークです。
TEL: 03-5469-8840
Email: akemi_tsubota@montavista.co.jp
株式会社クリーク・アンド・リバー社がインテル株式会社の世界最速プロセッサ、インテル(R) Xeon(TM) プロセッサの『Director's MAGAZINE特別レポート: Xeon』サイトを公開。
インテル(R) Xeon(TM) プロセッサの『Director's MAGAZINE特別レポート: Xeon』サ
インテル株式会社(以下インテル、東京本社:東京都千代田区丸の内 3-1-1、代表取
締役社長 ジョン・アントン)は、デュアル・プロセッサに対応した高性能ワークス
テーション向けの世界最速のプロセッサ、インテル(R) Xeon(TM) プロセッサを2001
ナスダック・ジャパン4763、本社:港区赤坂、代表取締役社長:井川幸広 電話:03-
エイター向け専門雑誌『Director's MAGAZINE』(ディレクターズ・マガジン)の誌面
irector's MAGAZINE特別レポート: Xeon』サイトを12月30日2001年に公開しました。
Intel Xeonプロセッサは、高速のマルチメディア処理に必要な浮動小数点処理能力を
コンパック、デル、富士通シーメンス、HP、IBM、NEC をはじめとする、世界中のワ
ムを出荷。IDC によれば、インテル・ベースのワークステーションは 2001 年第 2
四半期において、ワークステーションの全出荷台数の 68% 以上を占めています。
or's MAGAZINE特別レポート: Xeon』サイト(http://www.broadnet.or.jp/magazine/
ポートをお届けしています。また今後『Director's MAGAZINE特別レポート: Xeon』
世界最大の半導体メーカであるインテル コーポレーションは、パソコン・ネットワ
ーク / コミュニケーション製品の世界的なメーカでもあります。インテルおよびイ
ンテルXeonプロセッサーに関する情報は、http://www.intel.co.jp/jp/xeon/ で入
TEL:03-5474-3477 FAX:03-5474-3476
担当者 遠山
米サニーベール発―2002年1月22日―MontaVista Software, Inc.(以下、MontaVist
伸びであったことを発表しました。2001年、MontaVistaは、その過半数をFortune 10
0およびGlobal 500の企業が占める、250社以上のデザインウインを獲得し加えて、昨
MontaVistaのCEO、Jim Readyは次のように述べています。
また、MontaVistaは、第3ラウンドの投資において、US Venture Partners、Alloy Ve
ntures、RRE Ventures、およびWR Hambrecht & Co.のようなベンチャーキャピタル、
2001年、MontaVistaは、東芝、日立製作所、IBM、Intel、ARM、MIPS、Alchemy Semic
MontaVistaのワールドワイドセールス担当副社長、Trent Winegarは次のように述べ
MontaVistaのCFO、Dave Warnerは次のようにコメントしています。
2001年4月、MontaVistaは、その主力製品、Hard Hat® Linux®のバージョン2
さらに、MontaVistaの製品群には、強力なJava開発環境:MontaVista Linux用Visual
Age® Micro Edition、CompactPCIやその他の業界規格に基づいたフォールトレジ
したオープンアーキテクチャのプラットフォーム:MontaVista High Availability F
。2001年、MontaVistaのリアルタイムプリエンプティブカーネルは、Linux Journal
のEditor’s Choice Awardを受賞しました。
プに伴い、MontaVistaは、Hard Hat LinuxをMontaVista Linuxとして、名称を新たに
MontaVista Software, Inc.(本社:米国カリフォルニア州サニーベール)は、組込
。リアルタイム オペレーティング システムの先駆者ジェームス・レディ(James Re
ady)によって 1999 年に設立され、組込みシステムに特化したLinuxオペレーティン
グシステムとクロス開発ツールを提供しています。MontaVistaのHard Hat® Linu
x® は、x86/IA-32、PowerPC、StrongARM/XScale、MIPS、SH、ARM等のマイクロプ
トリビューションです。Hard Hat Linuxは、通信インフラからシンクライアントやエ
トウエアジャパン株式会社は、MontaVista Software Inc. の100%日本法人として20
Linux は Linus Torvalds の登録商標です。Hard HatはMontaVista Software, Inc.
の登録商標です。 MontaVista は MontaVista Software, Inc. の商標です。その他
のすべての名称は、各社の商標、登録商標、またはサービス マークです。
TEL: 03-5469-8840
Email: akemi_tsubota@montavista.co.jp
報道関係者様各位 2002年12月23日
株式会社カグー(所在地:千葉県香取郡、代表取締役:花香 公寿)が200
株式会社カグー 代表取締役 花香 公寿は、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア
できました。今も尚、自らが管理する「ABOUT U.S.A.」は、
KAGOO COOL SELECTIONは、インターネット上で今までになったショップを造ろ
URL: http://www.kokugai.com/kagoo/
URL: http://www.kagoo.jp/
□会 社 名:株式会社カグー
□代表取締役:花香 公寿
□設 立:2002年9月6日
□資 本 金:1,000万円
□事業 内容:インターネットにおける家具・インテリア販売
□URL :http://www.kokugai.com/kagoo/
□TEL :0478-80-3240
□FAX :0478-80-3241
<※ 電話業務時間:10:00~18:00頃迄 >
株式会社カグー 担当:花香 孝彦
E-Mail: hanaka@choshinet.or.jp
URL: http://www.kokugai.com/kagoo/
※ 本広報資料は、ご自由にご転送・ご引用ください。
株式会社ピー・エー・エル(所在地:渋谷区 / 代表取締役:永嶋俊哉)は、
予想対象: JRA(中央競馬)開催の全競馬場、全レース。
予想形式: 各レースごとに、最も注目に値する「推奨馬」一頭を指名。
予想提供日: 土曜開催分は、前日・金曜日の午後6時より、
平日番組: 推奨馬の結果成績と、レース分析による次走の注目馬を提供。
情報料: 無料
通話料: 10円でかけられる秒数は、一般電話で60秒、携帯電話で20~25秒。
株式会社 ピー・エー・エル 永嶋俊哉
Tel: 03-5428-0044
E-mail: nagashima@pal21.com

-- Shanghai best location in China for expatriates -- Chinese and Indian locations show most significant improvement in living standards HONG KONG, March 14 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Shanghai is the most favourable location in mainland China for expatriates, followed by Nanjing, Beijing, Tianjin and Guangzhou, according to a survey conducted by ECA International, the world's leading knowledge and solutions provider for international HR professionals. Undertaken annually, ECA International's location ranking survey compares living standards in 254 locations globally according to categories including climate, air quality, health services, housing and utilities, isolation, social network and leisure facilities, infrastructure, personal safety and political tensions. Overall scores are used by ECA Member companies to establish allowances which compensate expatriate staff for the difficulties of living in their assignment location. Ranked 76th in the world and 11th in Asia, Shanghai justifies its position as the best city in mainland China for foreigners because of the superior infrastructure and facilities it boasts and its more cosmopolitan make-up. "Shanghai, like Beijing, provides foreigners with better housing, health services, schools, goods and services, recreational facilities and transport links than most other cities in China, which explains its top spot," comments Lee Quane, General Manager, ECA International Hong Kong. "Beijing, however, drops to 3rd place in the China ranking because of high pollution and a less favourable climate than Shanghai," adds Quane. While living conditions in Xi'an have improved at the fastest rate of all Chinese cities surveyed, it remains the least favourable place in China for foreigners due to the lack of suitable facilities and its harsh climate. Chengdu, Wuhan, Chongqing and Shenyang make up the bottom five out of the 13 Chinese locations included in the survey. Although not in the bottom five, Shenzhen is perceived to be the least safe city for expatriates. Living standards improving most in China Comparing this year's ranking with five years ago, living standards throughout China have improved significantly in recent years, reflected by a 28-position rise up the rankings, on average, across the country -- double the average increase across Asia. Locations which have improved the most include Chongqing, Dalian, Wuhan and Xi'an, which have all moved up the rankings by more than 40 places since 2002. Shanghai remains the most favourable location in mainland China and has moved up ECA's global ranking from 103 to 76 in the past five years, overtaking Seoul, Bandar Seri Begawan, Cape Town, Panama City and Santiago amongst others. Furthermore, a number of China's second tier cities have moved ahead of major Asian cities such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and, Manila. Improvements have been slowest in locations such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenyang and Tianjin. "Such an overall rise in the global ranking reflects significant improvement throughout China, with more cities than ever benefiting from economic development and investment. Only India and some Eastern European locations can match China's improvement in living standards during this period," comments Quane. "However, the rate of improvement is not consistent across all of China's cities. Beijing's movement up our rankings has been hampered by consistently high levels of air pollution. Furthermore, although locations such as Xi'an have improved dramatically in the past five years they still remain in the lower half of our rankings and require high hardship allowances to encourage expatriates to accept assignments there." Trends in Asia Within Asia, Wuhan and Xi'an have shown the biggest improvement in living standards, both moving up 46 places in the rankings. Outside of mainland China, locations in India, such as Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai and New Delhi have risen by more than 20 places over the past five years, as have Macau, Phnom Penh, Ulaanbaatar, Vientiane and Tokyo. Out of the 48 Asian locations in the survey, only eight locations have fallen down the rankings between 2002 and 2007, with Port Moresby, Jakarta and Bandar Seri Begawan deteriorating the most, in terms of living standards afforded to foreigners. Hong Kong has fallen from 18th to 23rd during this period. It is not all good news for Asia, however, with a five year comparison highlighting that some aspects of living standards, such as air quality, are deteriorating. Air pollution in a number of locations, such as Beijing, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Port Moresby and Jakarta has worsened in recent years, which has led to an increase in the associated health risks. Such a deterioration reflects some of the more negative impacts of economic development in Asia. Implications on mobility An improvement in living standards in China's first and second tier cities should encourage mobility to locations historically considered 'hardship' postings. As a result, multinational companies should find it easier to encourage their internationally mobile employees to undertake assignments in these locations, while assignment costs may also be reduced. "With the general improvement in living conditions in China over the past five years we now recommend lower 'hardship' allowances in many places, particularly amongst second-tier cities such as Nanjing, Wuhan and Xi'an", adds Quane. "This is making a number of assignments to China more cost-effective for companies since 'hardship' allowances, which can be a costly component of an expatriate's salary package, are being reduced." Global and Asian rankings Locations in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Canada, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Ireland and Switzerland join Singapore to make up the top ten favourable locations for Asian expatriates to live. The least favourable place in the world to live is Baghdad, followed by Kabul and Karachi. Looking at the 48 Asian locations included in the survey, Macau, Taipei, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur and Georgetown join Singapore, Kobe, Osaka, Tokyo and Hong Kong to make up the top 10. Karachi, Pyongyang, Islamabad, Dhaka and Dili are the locations in Asia which afford foreigners the worst quality of living, largely due to the risk to personal security and lack of suitable expatriate facilities. Locations in Africa tend to be situated in the bottom half of the rankings. Cape Town, ranked 95th, is the most favourable location in Africa for Asians to live, while locations in Algeria, Angola, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Guinea Republic, Niger, Nigeria and Sudan all fall into the highest 'hardship' allowance banding and attract the maximum 'hardship' allowance that ECA advises. The best locations in the world for Asians to live RANK 06/07 Location 1 Singapore - Singapore 2 Australia - Sydney 3 Australia - Melbourne 4 Japan - Kobe 5 Australia - Canberra =6 Canada - Vancouver =6 Denmark - Copenhagen 8 New Zealand - Wellington 9 Netherlands - Amsterdam =10 Japan - Osaka =10 Japan - Tokyo =10 Belgium - Brussels =10 Germany - Bonn =10 Ireland - Dublin =10 Switzerland - Basel =10 Switzerland - Geneva Asian locations shows most significant improvement in living standards Location Asia rank Global rank 06/07 (02/03) 06/07 (02/03) Singapore - Singapore 1 (1) 1 (1) Japan - Kobe 2 (2) 4 (10) Japan - Tokyo 3 (5) 10 (33) Japan - Osaka 3 (3) 10 (16) Hong Kong - Hong Kong 5 (4) 23 (18) Macau - Macau 6 (10) 56 (80) Taiwan - Taipei 7 (8) 58 (63) Thailand - Bangkok 8 (9) 60 (68) Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur 9 (7) 63 (60) Malaysia - Georgetown 10 (12) 74 (99) China - Shanghai 11 (13) 76 (103) Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan 12 (6) 80 (58) Korea Republic - Seoul 13 (11) 89 (95) China - Nanjing 14 (17) 91 (126) China - Beijing 15 (14) 107 (110) China - Tianjin 16 (17) 108 (126) China - Guangzhou 17 (15) 116 (116) China - Xiamen 18 (24) 117 (154) China - Shenzhen 19 (21) 119 (147) Vietnam - Hanoi 19 (16) 119 (122) China - Dalian 21 (28) 124 (166) Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City 21 (19) 124 (129) Indonesia - Denpasar 23 (22) 130 (148) Philippines - Metro-Manila 24 (20) 132 (142) China - Chengdu 25 (26) 136 (163) India - Chennai 26 (31) 138 (179) Laos - Vientiane 27 (33) 144 (183) China - Wuhan 28 (35) 147 (193) Sri Lanka - Colombo 28 (23) 147 (151) India - Bangalore 30 (31) 150 (179) China - Chongqing 31 (36) 154 (196) China - Shenyang 31 (30) 154 (170) India - Mumbai 33 (33) 158 (183) China - Xi'an 34 (40) 160 (206) Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar 35 (37) 162 (197) Myanmar - Yangon 36 (25) 164 (159) India - New Delhi 37 (42) 174 (217) Cambodia - Phnom Penh 37 (39) 174 (204) Indonesia - Jakarta 39 (27) 190 (165) Nepal - Kathmandu 40 (40) 196 (206) India - Kolkata 40 (38) 196 (201) Papua New Guinea - Port Moresby 42 (29) 210 (168) Indonesia - Surabaya 43 (44) 214 (221) East Timor - Dili 44 (43) 225 (220) Bangladesh - Dhaka 45 (45) 227 (230) Pakistan - Islamabad 46 (47) 240 (240) North Korea - Pyongyang 47 (46) 248 (236) Pakistan - Karachi 48 (48) 252 (249) About ECA International ECA International is the world's largest membership organisation for international human resources professionals, serving a global network of over 4000 HR professionals in 71 countries. The leading provider of online data, software solutions and advice for more than 1500 international companies, ECA's innovative approach has been providing cost-effective solutions to international HR management since 1971. For more information, please visit http://www.eca-international.com . About ECA's Location Ranking Survey The Location Ranking Survey is carried out on an annual basis. The rankings above and below are made by comparing the factors listed above for 254 locations worldwide on an Asian base. ECA's Location Ranking Survey is delivered through ECAAdapt, part of its Assign suite of HR information tools. ECAAdapt offers a transparent and detailed system for calculating location or "hardship" allowances for expatriates relocating to a new country. ECAAdapt allows users to select region-to-city allowances or city-to-city allowances, so that depending on your policy the system reflects the level of detail that required. ECA's system provides an immediate "banding" for the host location, based in part on the circumstances of the home location. With the banding comes ECA's recommended allowances, expressed as a percentage of home gross salary. ECAAdapt also gives breakdowns of the scoring given to a number of different categories contributing to the overall score which translates to banding and allowances. Categories include climate, health services, isolation, social network and leisure facilities, infrastructure and political tensions. For more information, please contact: ECA International, Hong Kong Lee Quane Tel: +852-2121-2388 Email: lee.quane@eca-international.com ECA International, London Sam Matthews Tel: +44-20-7351-5000 Email: sam.matthews@eca-international.com EASTWEST Public Relations Jay Sim Tel: +65-6429-0302 Email: jay@eastwestpr.com EASTWEST Public Relations Nellie Wang Tel: +86-10-5869-7335 Email: Nellie@eastwestpr.com

WUXI, China, March 14 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd. (NYSE: STP), one of the world's leading manufacturers of photovoltaic (PV) cells and modules, today announced fourth quarter and full year 2006 financial results. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611091225.jpg ) Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2006 Highlights -- Fourth quarter 2006 total net revenues went up 144.8% year-over-year to $217.9 million. Non-GAAP Suntech Group net income attributable to holders of ordinary shares grew 101.4% year-over-year to $35.5 million, or $0.23 per non-GAAP(*) diluted American Depository Share (ADS). Each ADS represents one ordinary share. -- Fourth quarter 2006 production output was 55.3MW; full year 2006 production output was 160.1MW, representing 136.5% year-over-year growth. -- Full year 2006 total net revenues went up 165.0% year-over-year to $598.9 million. Suntech Group net income attributable to holders of ordinary shares grew 275.6% year-over-year to $106.0 million, or $0.68 per diluted ADS. -- Annual capacity grew from 150MW at the end of 2005 to 270MW at the end of 2006, representing an increase of 80%. * All non-GAAP measures exclude share-based compensation expenses and the amortization expenses incurred from purchase price allocation related to the acquisition of MSK Corporation as of August 11, 2006. For further details on non-GAAP measures, please refer to the reconciliation table and a detailed discussion of management's use of non-GAAP information below. "We exceeded our initial fourth quarter output and revenue guidance for our core business as we increased our sales of PV modules, achieved sequential average selling price increases throughout 2006 and ramped up recently installed production lines ahead of schedule," said Dr. Zhengrong Shi, Suntech's Chairman and CEO. "Our operations are the healthiest they have been since our IPO as our low cost per watt strategy combined with our strong technology capabilities, expanding sales network and successful silicon procurement keep us on track to achieve industry leading growth." "During the quarter, we cemented our silicon supply for 2007 and beyond by signing additional long term, fixed price silicon supply agreements. In fact, we have secured more silicon than we require to meet our upwardly revised projected 2007 PV cell and module output target," said Dr. Shi. "This ability to secure silicon, despite the global shortage, is one of the key reasons we have been able to increase our 2007 production output target from 250 megawatts to 280 megawatts and our year-end capacity target from 390 megawatts to 420 megawatts." Commenting on Suntech's international sales development, Dr. Shi said, "In the fourth quarter, we continued to diversify our sales geographically and extended the reach of our global network. In addition to partnering with SunEdison, we continued to build momentum in the U.S. market and our current pipeline indicates that we will be able to more than triple our sales to this region in 2007. With the integration of MSK's sales network and the establishment of Suntech Europe, we have set the foundation to further expand our selling channels in key European markets such as Spain." Recent Business Highlights -- In February 2007, Suntech closed an offering of $500 million convertible senior notes, more than 60% above the original offering size. Suntech plans to use the net proceeds to expand production capacity, procure raw materials, repay a bridge loan related to the MSK acquisition and for other corporate purposes. -- Multi-year silicon supply agreements were entered into with REC, Comtec and Sunlight Group in the fourth quarter of 2006. Combined with existing agreements with MEMC and several leading China-based silicon suppliers, Suntech expects over two-thirds of silicon supply in 2007 needed for its projected output will come from long-term silicon supply agreements, which will ramp up over the year and have average wafer costs measurably below 2006 wafer purchase prices. -- After winning the contract to supply over 23MW of solar modules to the world's largest solar farm in Spain, Suntech continued to achieve steady sales wins in Spain. In the fourth quarter of 2006, Suntech sales to Spain increased four-fold above the nearly 10% of total revenues in the first nine months of 2006 and it is currently expected that it will grow to be approximately 20% of total revenues in 2007. -- In February 2007, Suntech made the strategic decision to halt MSK's module production activities in Japan and initiated immediate actions to focus MSK on its three strategic goals. MSK will concentrate efforts on BIPV product development and expanding BIPV sales into key geographies beyond Japan, growing Japan-based sales and utilizing MSK's sales organization to expand Suntech's customer base. -- Suntech recently entered into multiple sales agreements with Conergy AG, a leading global solar system integrator, to supply PV modules with a value of approximately $270 million in 2007. -- Suntech established Suntech Europe in January as part of a natural evolution to expand its customer base as well as to deepen the service and support offered to its customers in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). The headquarters for Suntech Europe will be in London with sales offices expected to be opened in key cities in the region commencing in 2007. -- Suntech recently joined the Global Roundtable on Climate Change (GROCC) to raise the profile of solar energy and encourage governments worldwide to develop effective policies on climate change. Suntech Group Consolidated Results for the Full Year 2006 Including MSK Suntech Group's net revenues for the full year 2006 were $598.9 million, an increase of 165.0% year-over-year. For the full year 2006, Suntech Group derived approximately 20.8 % of total net revenues from sales of PV cells and 78.8% from PV modules. Gross profit for the full year 2006 was $148.9 million, an increase of 117.2% over the full year 2005. Gross margin decreased to 24.9% in 2006 from 30.3% in 2005. Suntech Group's income from operations for the full year 2006 was $103.2 million, an increase of 142.0% year-over-year. Operating margin was 17.2% in 2006, down from 18.9% in 2005. Net income attributable to holders of ordinary shares for the full year 2006 was $106.0 million, an increase of 275.6% from 2005. Diluted income per ADS was $0.68 in 2006, compared to $0.26 in 2005. Capital expenditures were $52.3 million in the full year 2006. Depreciation and amortization expenses in the full year 2006 were $11.9 million. As of December 31, 2006, Suntech had cash and cash equivalents of $225.5 million compared with $314.2 million at the end of the third quarter of 2006. Short term debt rose to $288.2 million at the end of the fourth quarter of 2006 from $221.7 million at the end of the third quarter of 2006, primarily as a result of continuous leverage of banking facility to support expanding production scale and capital expenditures and cash flow management needs related to PRC foreign currency controls. Outlook for First Quarter and Full Year 2007 Based on current operating and other conditions, Suntech expects its first quarter 2007 total production output, including contribution from MSK, to be in the estimated range of 60MW to 62MW and its total net revenues to be in the estimated range of $220 million to $228 million. As the Company will have carryover spot market priced silicon supply from 2006 and as its silicon supply from its long term supply contracts will not become a majority of its silicon supply until the second quarter of 2007, the Company will likely have a slight decline in the gross margin in its core business in the first quarter of 2007 with stabilization and improvement expected in the gross margin of its core business thereafter. Such guidance takes into account the assumption that Suntech's total PV cell production capacity will remain constant at 270MW until the second quarter of 2007 when additional capacity is expected to become operational. In addition, the first quarter 2007 guidance also takes into account the shorter month of February and the Chinese New Year holiday. Suntech has increased its total PV cell production output target for 2007 from 250MW to 280MW. This target takes into account third party PV cell purchases originally contracted by MSK. Suntech has also raised its expected 2007 year end PV cell production capacity target from 390MW to 420MW. Suntech expects capital expenditures for the full year 2007 to be in the estimated range of $80 to $100 million. Given the accelerated integration between Suntech and MSK's business operations, Suntech will not continue to report separate results or give separate guidance for MSK in the future. About Suntech Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd. is a leading solar energy company in the world as measured by both production output and capacity of solar cells and modules. Suntech provides solar solutions for a green future. Suntech designs, develops, manufactures, and markets a variety of high quality, cost effective and environmentally friendly PV cells and modules for electric power applications in the residential, commercial, industrial, and public utility sectors. Suntech's majority-owned subsidiary, MSK Corporation is a pioneer within the higher value-added building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) space. Suntech's customers are located in various markets worldwide, including key markets throughout Europe, Japan, China and the United States. For more information, please visit http://www.suntech-power.com . Safe Harbor Statement This press release contains forward-looking statements. These statements constitute "forward-looking" statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and as defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology suchas "will," "expects," "anticipates," "future," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates" and similar statements. In particular, the projected first quarter and fiscal year 2007 data, regarding production output, total net revenues and consolidated net income, core business gross margin, the business outlook and quotations from management in this announcement, statements regarding Suntech's beliefs and expectations about integrating the business and operations of MSK Corporation and the resulting synergies and benefits, as well as Suntech's strategic and operational plans, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Further information regarding these and other risks is included in Suntech's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Annual Report on Form 20-F. Suntech does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statement as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required under applicable law. About Non-GAAP Financial Measures To supplement its consolidated financial results presented in accordance with GAAP, Suntech uses the following non-GAAP measures which are adjusted from the most directly comparable GAAP results to exclude items related to share-based compensation and the purchase price allocation effect related to the MSK Corporation acquisition. Management believes these non-GAAP measures are useful to investors in enabling them to better assess changes in Suntech's core business across different reporting periods on a consistent basis, independently of stock-based compensation expenses and the purchase price allocation effect related to the MSK acquisition. Thus, the non-GAAP financial measures provide investors with another method for assessing Suntech's operating results in a manner that is focused on the performance of its ongoing operations. Management also uses these non-GAAP measures internally to make an apples-to-apples comparison of the business and financial performances of current and historical results, for strategic decision making, forecasting future results and evaluating the Company's current performance. Many analysts covering Suntech use the non-GAAP measures as well. These non-GAAP measures are not in accordance with or an alternative for GAAP financial data, the non-GAAP results should be reviewed together with the GAAP results and are not intended to serve as a substitute for results under GAAP, and may be different from non-GAAP measures used by other companies. For more information on these non-GAAP financial measures, please see the tables captioned "Reconciliations of non-GAAP results of operations measures to the nearest comparable GAAP measures" set forth at the end of this release and which shall be read together with the preceding financial statements prepared under GAAP. For more information, please contact: Steven Chan VP of Business Development Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd. Tel: +86-510-8531-8910 Email: ir@suntech-power.com In the United States: E.E. Wang The Piacente Group, Inc. Tel: +1-212-481-2050 Email: suntech@tpg-ir.com In China: Rory Macpherson Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Tel: +86-10-8520-6553 Email: rory.macpherson@ogilvy.com

Office Expansion Brings Private Equity and Venture Capital Expertise to China Practice WASHINGTON, March 14 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- WilmerHale announces the expansion of its China practice with the addition of Robert Woll as Co-Partner in Charge of its Beijing office alongside Lester Ross. Lauded by Chambers Global 2007 for his "vast knowledge of the venture capital business," Mr. Woll is "one of the highest profile corporate lawyers in the region." In his relocation to Beijing from Hong Kong, "Bob will build upon the widely respected capabilities of WilmerHale in bringing sophisticated private equity, venture capital and M&A expertise to our clients in a critical region of the world," said William Perlstein, WilmerHale's Co-Managing Partner. Mr. Woll has world-class expertise in mergers and acquisitions, private equity transactions, joint ventures and corporate governance issues. He advises a wide range of private equity, VC and real estate investment funds, working extensively on the organization and marketing of these funds to global investors and on their investment activities in China and elsewhere in Asia. He advises private equity clients on the full life cycle of their activities, from the formation and operation of private investment funds and other investment vehicles to downstream investments and exit strategies, often acting for portfolio companies upon exit. As a result of his considerable skill, Mr. Woll is ranked by Chambers in the "top tier" for private equity in China/Hong Kong. "Bob's experience is vital to the needs of our clients and the unique demands of the China market," said Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky, Senior International Partner at the firm and the former US Trade Representative, "His addition expands the firm's already considerable China capabilities and unique combination of superlative corporate, regulatory, public policy and government relations expertise." Les Ross, Co-Partner in Charge of the Beijing office, added, "With the important addition of Bob Woll to our Beijing office, we will further enhance our corporate and regulatory expertise. We are delighted that he has decided to join us." Prior to joining WilmerHale, Mr. Woll was former managing partner of the Hong Kong office of Morrison & Foerster. He is a summa cum laude graduate of Princeton University and holds a JD degree from Stanford University, where he was an editor of the Law Review. Mr. Woll is a member of the New York and California bars and is admitted as a solicitor in Hong Kong. He is fluent in Mandarin. WilmerHale's China practice offers a unique combination of premier in-country corporate and regulatory expertise, with prominent public policy and government affairs capabilities. The firm represents Fortune 100 and other multinational companies, as well as VC and other investment funds and their portfolio companies, across a broad range of industries in all aspects of their business dealings in China: devising and implementing sophisticated strategic approaches at the intersection of law, regulation and government policy; mergers and acquisitions, financings, and real estate and other corporate transactions; advising on a broad range of complex regulatory issues; negotiating approvals for precedent-setting foreign investment transactions; and assisting with the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. The team also advises Chinese entities on their outbound commercial and trade relations, particularly in obtaining regulatory approvals, the structuring of transactions, and defending against trade actions. About Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP WilmerHale is nationally and internationally recognized for its premier practices in antitrust and competition; aviation; bankruptcy; civil and criminal trial and appellate litigation (including white collar defense); communications; corporate (including public offerings, public company counseling, start-up companies, venture capital, mergers and acquisitions, and licensing); defense and national security; FDA; financial institutions; intellectual property counseling and litigation; international arbitration; life sciences; securities regulation, enforcement and litigation; tax; and trade. With a staunch commitment to professionalism, excellence, integrity and public service, the firm is also renowned as a national leader in pro bono representation. The firm has more than 1,100 lawyers and offices in Baltimore, Beijing, Berlin, Boston, Brussels, London, New York, Palo Alto, Waltham and Washington, DC. For more information, please visit http://www.wilmerhale.com . For more information, please contact: Kristin Brown Tel: +1-202-247-3715 Email: kristin.brown@wilmerhale.com

CME is the First U.S. Exchange to List Futures on the Chinese Equity Market HONG KONG and CHICAGO, March 14 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- CME, the world's largest and most diverse financial exchange, announced today it is partnering with China index provider Xinhua FTSE Index (XFI) to list CME E-mini(R) futures on the Xinhua/FTSE(R) China 25 Index, scheduled to begin trading on May 20. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611140926.gif ) The XFI China 25 index consists of 25 of the largest Chinese companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and has a total market capitalization of about $241 billion. The company behind the index, Xinhua FTSE Index, was established in 2000 in a joint venture between global index provider FTSE Group (FTSE) and Xinhua Finance, China's premier financial information and media service company. Many investors around the world are also already familiar with the index through the iShares FTSE Xinhua China 25 Index Fund (ticker: FXI), which trades on average more than two million shares a day. CME, the leader in exchange listed equity index futures products, will be the first U.S. exchange to list futures on the Chinese equity market. The contracts will be traded exclusively on CME Globex(R) and available for trading virtually 24 hours a day. "Launching the CME E-mini Xinhua/FTSE China 25 Index futures is another step in developing our Asian business strategy," CME Executive Chairman Terry Duffy said. "CME is committed to bringing products to our growing base of customers that are accessible in Asian time zones and relevant to their portfolio management requirements." "Our customers want electronic access to the Asian markets on a platform that is fast and reliable," CME Chief Executive Officer Craig Donohue said. "Last year nearly 400 million E-mini equity index contracts traded at CME, which lists some of the most actively traded equity index futures products in the world. We look forward to adding the Xinhua/FTSE China 25 Index to our suite of benchmark equity indexes." "We are very pleased to be partnering with the CME, a recognized institution in the Asian financial community," commented XFI Managing Director Norman Yen. "All of the stocks in our XFI China 25 Index are liquidity screened and individual index constituents are capped at 10% to avoid over-concentration of any single stock. The result is a liquid stock index that will now appeal to even more investors when it can be traded as a futures contract." Futures on the U.S.-dollar based cash settled index, which will be listed on a quarterly cycle, will have a tick size of five index points or US $25 or approximately HKD $194.50. For more information on the CME E-mini Xinhua/FTSE China 25 Index futures, please go to http://www.CME.com/FTSE . More information about XFI's suite of China index products is available at http://www.ftsexinhua.com . About CME CME ( http://www.cme.com ) is the world's largest and most diverse financial exchange. As an international marketplace, CME brings together buyers and sellers on the CME Globex(R) electronic trading platform and on its trading floors. CME offers futures and options on futures in these product areas: interest rates, stock indexes, foreign exchange, agricultural commodities, energy, and alternative investment products such as weather, real estate and economic derivatives. CME is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Inc. (NYSE, NASDAQ: CME), which is part of the Russell 1000(R) Index and the S&P 500(R) Index. About Xinhua FTSE Index Established in late 2000, Xinhua FTSE Index (XFI), a joint venture between Xinhua Finance Limited and FTSE Group, came into being to facilitate the creation of real-time indices for the Chinese market. The indices can be used as a basis for the trading of derivatives, index-tracking funds, Exchange Traded Funds and as performance benchmarks. The combination of FTSE's expertise in international indexing with Xinhua Finance's strong presence and capabilities in China creates a level of expertise in the Chinese market that is unprecedented. Providing the combined coverage for the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges, all of the Xinhua FTSE indices are designed according to internationally proven index methodology to ensure products are transparent, clear and consistent. For daily data and further information, please visit http://www.ftsexinhua.com . Statements in this news release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements. More detailed information about factors that may affect our performance may be found in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, which can be obtained at its Web site at http://www.sec.gov . We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Chicago Mercantile Exchange, CME, the globe logo, CME Globex and E-mini are trademarks of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. S&P, S&P 500, NASDAQ-100, Nikkei 225, Russell 1000, Russell 2000, TRAKRS, Total Return Asset Contracts and other trade names, service marks, trademarks and registered trademarks that are not proprietary to Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. are the property of their respective owners, and are used herein under license. Further information about CME and its products is available on the CME Web site at http://www.cme.com . For more information, please contact: CME Media Contacts: Mary Haffenberg Tel: +1-312-930-3435 Allan Schoenberg Tel: +1-312-930-8189 Email: news@cme.com Web: http://www.cme.com/mediaroom Investor Contact: John Peschier Tel: +1-312-930-8491 Xinhua FTSE Index Media Contacts: Jean Li Tel: +86-10-5864-5276 Email: Jean.li@xinhuaftse.com Sandra Steele Tel: +44-207-866-8987 Email: media@ftse.com Joy Tsang Tel: +86-21-6113-5999 Email: Joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com

SAN RAMON, Calif., March 14 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Achievo(R) Corporation, the leading global software and information technology outsourcing provider with a local front-end and China back-end service model, today announced that its Achievo Jeyo division in Guangzhou, China, has moved to a larger facility. The new office space, which is more than double the size of the original location, offers additional space as the company adds customers to its client list. Achievo Jeyo clients include China Mobile, China Southern Airlines, CA and Global Sources. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611291032.jpg ) "Achievo Jeyo is home to Achievo experts in several industries including manufacturing and telecommunications," said Fox Hu, general manager of Achievo Jeyo. "This division offers certified processes and expertise in wireless applications, business intelligence solutions and IT services. These are areas which are experiencing rapid expansion and require room for growth. To help us meet this demand, we are working with the Zhuhai Institute of Jilin University to train and employ qualified personnel. Moving to a larger location will help us to scale quickly and accommodate our growing workforce." "Having a strong presence in Guangzhou as well as in tier one cities throughout China is an important part of Achievo's long term growth strategy," said Dr. Robert P. Lee, Achievo's chairman and chief executive officer. "Large global outsourcing providers in India are now realizing the disadvantages of being centralized into tier one cities such as Bangalore. Achievo's presence in China extends from tier one cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen to up and coming technology centers such as Guangzhou, Dalian and Jinan. The Greater Guangzhou area is clearly on a growth path supported by a well-established education infrastructure and a deep pool of engineering talent." Guangzhou is the capital of the Guangdong Province and the largest city in South China. The new address of the Achievo Jeyo division is: Achievo Jeyo Guangzhou Sales, Services and Operations 6th Floor, No. 4 Building Jiangong Road, Tianhe Industrialized Country Zhongshan Road Guangzhou, 510665 Tel: +86-20-8554-3871 Fax: +86-20-8552-8805 About Achievo Achievo is a global offshore software and information technology outsourcing provider with a local front-end and China back-end service model. With expertise in diverse technologies including Java/J2EE, .NET and embedded platforms, the CMM- and ISO- certified company offers improved efficiencies, scale, diversification, and a combined talent pool to deliver cost-effective, quality-centric, and scalable IT outsourcing services to customers and partners worldwide. Customers include Accela, Audi, BMO Bank of Montreal, CA, China Mobile, DaimlerChrysler, Hitachi, Honda, Mitsubishi, Nomura, Siemens, Toyota and Vidient. Headquartered in the Silicon Valley, Achievo has offices in the United States, Canada, Germany, Greater China and Japan. For information on the company and its services, visit http://www.achievo.com . (C) 2007 Achievo Corporation. All rights reserved. Achievo is a registered trademark of Achievo Corporation in the United States and in other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Jayme Curtis, Public Relations Achievo Corporation Tel: +1-408-892-8661 Email: jayme.curtis@achievo.com

First Company to Offer Speculative Trading of Chinese Currency NEW YORK, March 14 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- OANDA, a pioneering foreign exchange trading and information company, today announced it has added five new currency pairs to its trading platform FXTrade. Traders will now be able to buy and sell the Chinese Yuan (USD/CNY), the New Taiwan Dollar (USD/TWD), the Indian Rupee (USD/INR) and the Turkish Lira (UR/TRY, USD/TRY) on the spot foreign exchange market. This offering extends OANDA's support for trading of exotic currencies and provides the first venue for electronic trading of the Chinese Yuan. FXTrade now provides electronic trading of 38 currency pairs, including all of the major crosses and exotics such as the Thai Baht, Singapore Dollar and Saudi Riyal, as well as gold and silver. "Since our inception 10 years ago, we've remained committed to providing the best trading experience for foreign exchange in the market," said Michael Stumm, president of OANDA. "With the growing importance of countries like China, India and Turkey on the global economy, it is especially exciting to add trading of those currencies to our system." About OANDA OANDA Corporation is a pioneer in Internet-based currency trading and a global leader in currency localization and information services. FXTrade, OANDA's Java-based foreign exchange trading platform, offers retail and institutional clients a cutting-edge platform that provides competitive, real-time access to the foreign exchange market. When it launched in 2001, FXTrade was one of the first fully automated currency trading systems. Now, clients execute more than five million market orders per month over FXTrade, have access to the narrowest spreads available in the market, and can utilize innovative tools and data for traders through OANDA's FXLabs ( http://fxlabs.oanda.com ). For more information about OANDA and its services, please visit http://www.oanda.com . OANDA is a registered Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and is a member of the National Futures Association (NFA). FXTrade and OANDA are trademarks of OANDA Corporation. For more information, please contact: Damon Leavell Forrest PR Tel: +1-973-590-5155 Email: damon@forrestpr.com

DENVER, March 14 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- CQG is the first independent software vendor to complete FIX certification for the Dubai Mercantile Exchange Limited (DME) and is the only vendor currently qualified to route orders to the DME, the Middle East's first energy futures exchange, which is located within the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC). CQG will begin connecting traders to the DME when the exchange launches on May 1, 2007. The new connection will provide CQG customers with market data and order routing access for DME products. The DME will offer price transparency and market liquidity for Middle East sour crude oil from the world's foremost oil producing and exporting region. Upon its debut, the DME will list the physically deliverable Oman Crude Oil Futures Contract, and two financially settled futures contracts, the Brent-Oman Spread, and the WTI-Oman Spread. Traders can place orders using CQG Integrated Client and CQG Trader and can use a new API to bring CQG data and functionality into their own applications. Connectivity to the DME complements CQG's energy product offering for traders. The move builds upon CQG's recent success in providing access to electronic energy markets in New York. "We are pleased to support the rollout of the DME's exciting new Oman Crude Oil Futures Contract and other energy products to be offered by the Exchange. As the energy markets move rapidly to electronic trading, many traders have realized that the combined value of CQG's world class analytics and high performance order routing gateways gives them an edge," said Josef Schroeter, CQG's president. "CQG is proud to be the first vendor to complete certification for the DME direct platform." Gary King, Chief Executive of the DME, said: "We are delighted that CQG is the first ISV to complete certification to our match engine, DME Direct, and will provide their customers access to the DME's markets. CQG has a broad client base and has written to a growing roster of Exchanges and we are proud to be associated with them. This is an exciting time at the DME as we approach our launch. Strong progress continues to made on every front and we look forward to a successful launch on 1 May 2007." The DME is the newest exchange on CQG's growing list of tradeable markets. Customers already have access to energy products from exchanges worldwide, including CBOT, CME/Globex, NYMEX, and NYBOT/ICE. For a complete list of exchanges available for trading with CQG, visit http://www.cqg.com/trade . DME's establishment of an exchange inside the Dubai International Finance Centre (DIFC) is subject to regulatory approval from the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) to be licensed as an Authorized Market Institution to operate as an exchange inside the DIFC. Furthermore, all clearing and settlement services to be provided by NYMEX to DME are subject to NYMEX becoming recognized by the DFSA to operate a remote clearinghouse in the DIFC and subject to the review and/or approval of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Until the above regulatory approvals have been granted, no trading on the DME will be permitted and no person will be admitted as a member of the DME. About CQG CQG, Inc. is the industry's highest-performing, most cost-effective solution to integrate market data, technical analysis and order routing. CQG's data coverage includes futures, options, fixed income, foreign exchange, and equities worldwide, as well as debt securities, reports and indices. CQG is headquartered in Denver, Colorado, with sales and support offices worldwide. For more information on CQG, please call 1-800-525-7082. From outside the US and Canada, visit http://www.cqg.com for contact information. About the Dubai Mercantile Exchange The Dubai Mercantile Exchange Limited (DME), a joint venture between the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. (NYMEX) and Tatweer, aims to become the premier commodity and energy futures exchange in the Middle East, providing a financially secure, well-regulated and transparent trading environment. The Exchange will initially develop and trade an Oman Crude Oil Futures Contract. This will address a growing market need for price discovery of Middle East Sour Crude Oil while simultaneously bridging the time zone gap between Europe and Asia by providing for the trading of energy futures, options and other products. The DME will be a fully electronic exchange. However, in a unique concept, it will also bring together a community of traders that will operate from trading hubs and individual trading stations on the Exchange's floor, which will be located within the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), the region's leading financial services centre. The DME will be regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA), a world class, independent regulator, and all trades executed on the Exchange will be cleared through, and guaranteed by, NYMEX's AA+ rated clearinghouse. This press release is also available at http://www.cqg.com/press . For more information, please contact: Holly Shellner, Communications Manager CQG, Inc. Tel: +1-303-573-1400 Email: ComsTeam@cqg.com

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., March 14 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Bytemobile, Inc., the global leader in multi-service optimization solutions for mobile data networks, today announced the appointment of John Cole as vice president and general manager, Asia Pacific. Based in Singapore, Cole will be responsible for the company's field operations in all of Asia except Japan, as well as Australia and New Zealand. Cole has more than 20 years of sales, marketing, business development, and general management experience in the telecommunications industry. Before joining Bytemobile, he was senior vice president and managing director, Asia Pacific, at Tellabs, Inc. Over a five-year period, his organization achieved a cumulative sales growth rate of 100%. Prior to Tellabs, Cole spent 12 years in a succession of field operations management positions in Asia at Motorola, Inc. He holds a B.B.A. degree in Accounting from the University of Portland and began his career as a senior accountant at Coopers & Lybrand (now PricewaterhouseCoopers). "With its vast population of mobile consumers, Asia is a strategic geography for us," said Hatim Tyabji, executive chairman of Bytemobile. "Network operators throughout the region face capacity and performance challenges caused by the rapid growth of their subscriber bases. We believe that John Cole, with his many years of localized experience in various Asian country markets, will provide strong sales leadership as the region moves to 3G networks and increasingly sophisticated data services." Gartner Dataquest estimates that total revenues for wireless data services in Asia will grow from $19.8 billion in 2006 to $35.0 billion in 2009. Morgan Stanley projects that China, India and Korea will rank first, third and ninth, respectively, among country markets for mobile services by 2010. About Bytemobile, Inc. Bytemobile is the global leader in optimization solutions which simplify, unify and accelerate the delivery of advanced wireless data services to mobile handsets, laptops and PDAs. Today, Bytemobile solutions are installed in the wireless networks of more than 70 carriers, which serve nearly one billion mobile subscribers in over 40 countries across Asia, North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The company's customers include leading network operators such as Astelit, China Mobile, Cingular, KPN, NTT DoCoMo, O2, Orange, PTC, PTK Centertel, Sprint Nextel, T-Mobile, Telecom Italia Mobile, Telefonica Moviles, Vodafone, and Willcom. Bytemobile is a privately held company headquartered in Mountain View, California. The company has regional sales and support offices in Bracknell, England; Tokyo, Japan; Beijing, China; Singapore; and Sydney, Australia; and research and development centers in Patras, Greece; Marlborough, Massachusetts; and Champaign, Illinois. To learn more about Bytemobile, visit http://www.bytemobile.com . NOTE: Bytemobile and the Bytemobile logo are trademarks of Bytemobile, Inc. and may be registered in some jurisdictions. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Tod Bottari, Director Corporate Communications, Bytemobile Tel: +1-650-641-7781 Email: tod.bottari@bytemobile.com

LAUSANNE, Switzerland and BEIJING, March 14 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Board of Directors of Cognosense appoints Mr. Erick Caron as new Chief Executive Officer & Delegate of the Board of Directors. Mr. Caron also becomes Chairman and CEO of the company subsidiaries Cognosense Tech. Ltd in China and will be elected to Cognosense Board of Directors. Prior to this assignment, Mr. Caron was "Special advisors of the Board" of Cognosense since 2006. Mr. Erick Caron is of Canadian nationality and is a telecommunications executive with more than 16 years of experience at the international levels in the research, business development, and marketing of high- technology products. Over the course of these years, he has developed a significant network of business contacts. His most recent realization includes the introduction on the stock market of a Canadian high-tech company, where he successfully held during 3 years the position of President, CEO, Board Member and shareholder, leading to the sale of the company last year. Prior to this assignment, Mr. Caron spent 12 years with AT&T and its spin-offs Lucent Technologies and Avaya in North-America and in Europe, where he managed this IT Companies business development in Switzerland, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. ABOUT COGNOSENSE Cognosense was founded in 2004 in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Switzerland where is currently based the headquarters and has opened in 2006 a subsidiary named Cognosense Tech. located in China (Beijing). The company is funded by two Swiss holdings, and private investors. Cognosense is a cutting edge artificial intelligence technologies company. Cognosense has developed through the merging of different artificial intelligence outcomes some cutting edge innovations committed to understand the psyche of your end users/customers. You will find that your industry has an indisputable added value not only by forecasting change, but also by automatically generating new revenues. To access, to know, to predict and to deliver is our mission. Cognosense growth strategy consists in expanding its distribution network by identifying partners whose know-how and service offer are complementary to our technologies and whose customer approach and ethics are similar to ours, with a view to setting up long-term collaboration. For more information, please contact: Erick Caron Cognosense SA CEO and Delegate of the Board Europe Mobile: +41-79-648-0565 Asia Mobile: +86-136-211-39064 Email: erick.caron@cognosense.com Web: http://www.cognosense.com

Limelight Is Now Delivering a Wide Range of Popular TNMG Content, Including TNMG's Exclusive IPTV Coverage of the 2007 Cricket World Cup Tournament TEMPE, Ariz. and SINGAPORE, March 14 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Limelight Networks, a leading content delivery network for digital media, today announced it has been selected as the exclusive provider of streaming media services by The New Media Group, KK ("TNMG") headquartered in Tokyo. Under the multi-year agreement, Limelight will deliver TNMG's Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) offerings to audiences in Japan, Korea and other parts of the World. The Limelight network is now delivering a wide range of popular TNMG-enabled content, via its "World on Demand" IPTV portal, which has exclusive IPTV distribution rights to the 2007 ICC Cricket World Cup Tournament in select markets. TNMG currently offers more than 40 live TV channels from Great Britain, Italy, Pakistan, India, France, Germany, and Australia to thousands of viewers in its core markets. Via its "World on Demand" platform, TNMG's premium brand offerings include the Star TV suite of channels, the Fox Channel, TV5 and Ten Sports, as well as its own channels FCTV (Full-Contact TV), Century, and Sense, which it delivers in an always-on mode via the Limelight network. In addition, TNMG's Community Management Tools, proprietary middleware that includes an SMS/CMS and Billing Gateway and a flash-based user interface, all leverage the Limelight network to provide an integrated user experience. "Integrating real IPTV and easy-to-use Community Management Tools will be a revolutionary step in the user experience," said Randy McGraw, President of TNMG. "We have a vision to deliver 'digital utility' to our communities and to become a positive factor for the communities we serve -- and with Limelight Networks, we are taking a meaningful step toward realizing that vision." "Our engagement with TNMG is proving highly successful, with consistent, reliable delivery of streams to IPTV set-top boxes and PC's in Japan and their other targeted regions," said Matthew H. Sturgess, Vice President of Asia-Pacific at Limelight Networks. "Our highly scalable content delivery network was specifically designed to help companies such as TNMG to stream high bandwidth 'live' and 'on demand' rich media content via the Internet to vast audiences across the globe, and we look forward to helping TNMG deliver a superior viewing experience to their customers." About Limelight Networks Limelight Networks is a high performance content delivery network for digital media, providing massively scalable, global delivery solutions for on-demand and live Internet distribution of video, music, games and downloads. Limelight Networks' infrastructure is optimized for the large object sizes, large content libraries, and large audiences associated with compelling rich media content. Limelight is the content delivery network of choice for more than 700 of the world's top media companies, including Akimbo, Amazon Unbox(TM), Belo Interactive, Brightcove, "BuyMusic" @ Buy.com, DreamWorks, LLC, Facebook, FOXNews.com, IFILM, ITV Play, Metacafe, MSNBC.com, MySpace, NC Interactive, Valve Software, Radio Free Virgin and Xbox Live. For more information, visit www.llnw.com. About The New Media Group, K.K. TNMG is the leading digital media platform developer and community media operator in the Asia Pacific region. Partnered with the world's leading media and technology companies, TNMG developed, owns, and operates The World On Demand Network (the region's most comprehensive IPTV platform), MY-World Communities (a leading portal for the advanced formation and management of online communities and their personal media), and Factor Mobile, KK (a mobile platform development and operations group that uses the patented "1-to-Many" development tool to allow content and service providers, advertisers, and marketers to develop and launch Pan-Asian content initiatives for consumption on mobile devices). TNMG also operates Media Pay(TM), a Japan and East-Asia payments gateway that utilizes every electronic wallet and conventional payment method available in those markets from minor branded affinity cards to cash collection at 35,000 distribution points. Founded by executives in the media, technology and financial communities, TNMG is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, and maintains network operations facilities in Yokohama, Japan and a development center and post-production studio in Chennai, India. The team at TNMG invites everyone to visit www.TheNewMediaGroup.net to learn more about what the company is doing. We accept communication in Japanese, English, Mandarin, French, Spanish, Hindi, Tamil, Urdu, and Arabic. For more information, please contact: Wynne Ahern Communication Strategies, LLC Tel: +1-510-663-3213 Email: wynne@commstrat.net Ms. K. Kanazawa The New Media Group, KK, Tel: +81-0-3-6277-8251 Email: K_Kanazawa@TheNewMediaGroup.net

Limelight Is Now Delivering a Wide Range of Popular TNMG Content, Including TNMG's Exclusive IPTV Coverage of the 2007 Cricket World Cup Tournament TEMPE, Ariz. and SINGAPORE, March 14 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Limelight Networks, a leading content delivery network for digital media, today announced it has been selected as the exclusive provider of streaming media services by The New Media Group, KK ("TNMG") headquartered in Tokyo. Under the multi-year agreement, Limelight will deliver TNMG's Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) offerings to audiences in Japan, Korea and other parts of the World. The Limelight network is now delivering a wide range of popular TNMG-enabled content, via its "World on Demand" IPTV portal, which has exclusive IPTV distribution rights to the 2007 ICC Cricket World Cup Tournament in select markets. TNMG currently offers more than 40 live TV channels from Great Britain, Italy, Pakistan, India, France, Germany, and Australia to thousands of viewers in its core markets. Via its "World on Demand" platform, TNMG's premium brand offerings include the Star TV suite of channels, the Fox Channel, TV5 and Ten Sports, as well as its own channels FCTV (Full-Contact TV), Century, and Sense, which it delivers in an always-on mode via the Limelight network. In addition, TNMG's Community Management Tools, proprietary middleware that includes an SMS/CMS and Billing Gateway and a flash-based user interface, all leverage the Limelight network to provide an integrated user experience. "Integrating real IPTV and easy-to-use Community Management Tools will be a revolutionary step in the user experience," said Randy McGraw, President of TNMG. "We have a vision to deliver 'digital utility' to our communities and to become a positive factor for the communities we serve -- and with Limelight Networks, we are taking a meaningful step toward realizing that vision." "Our engagement with TNMG is proving highly successful, with consistent, reliable delivery of streams to IPTV set-top boxes and PC's in Japan and their other targeted regions," said Matthew H. Sturgess, Vice President of Asia-Pacific at Limelight Networks. "Our highly scalable content delivery network was specifically designed to help companies such as TNMG to stream high bandwidth 'live' and 'on demand' rich media content via the Internet to vast audiences across the globe, and we look forward to helping TNMG deliver a superior viewing experience to their customers." About Limelight Networks Limelight Networks is a high performance content delivery network for digital media, providing massively scalable, global delivery solutions for on-demand and live Internet distribution of video, music, games and downloads. Limelight Networks' infrastructure is optimized for the large object sizes, large content libraries, and large audiences associated with compelling rich media content. Limelight is the content delivery network of choice for more than 700 of the world's top media companies, including Akimbo, Amazon Unbox(TM), Belo Interactive, Brightcove, "BuyMusic" @ Buy.com, DreamWorks, LLC, Facebook, FOXNews.com, IFILM, ITV Play, Metacafe, MSNBC.com, MySpace, NC Interactive, Valve Software, Radio Free Virgin and Xbox Live. For more information, visit www.llnw.com. About The New Media Group, K.K. TNMG is the leading digital media platform developer and community media operator in the Asia Pacific region. Partnered with the world's leading media and technology companies, TNMG developed, owns, and operates The World On Demand Network (the region's most comprehensive IPTV platform), MY-World Communities (a leading portal for the advanced formation and management of online communities and their personal media), and Factor Mobile, KK (a mobile platform development and operations group that uses the patented "1-to-Many" development tool to allow content and service providers, advertisers, and marketers to develop and launch Pan-Asian content initiatives for consumption on mobile devices). TNMG also operates Media Pay(TM), a Japan and East-Asia payments gateway that utilizes every electronic wallet and conventional payment method available in those markets from minor branded affinity cards to cash collection at 35,000 distribution points. Founded by executives in the media, technology and financial communities, TNMG is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, and maintains network operations facilities in Yokohama, Japan and a development center and post-production studio in Chennai, India. The team at TNMG invites everyone to visit www.TheNewMediaGroup.net to learn more about what the company is doing. We accept communication in Japanese, English, Mandarin, French, Spanish, Hindi, Tamil, Urdu, and Arabic. For more information, please contact: Wynne Ahern Communication Strategies, LLC Tel: +1-510-663-3213 Email: wynne@commstrat.net Ms. K. Kanazawa The New Media Group, KK, Tel: +81-0-3-6277-8251 Email: K_Kanazawa@TheNewMediaGroup.net
● 関連リンク
マウスコンピューター 最新チップセット インテルG965Expressを採用した
Core 2 Duo搭載スリムタイプデスクトップPCを含む 新機種を発表!
株式会社MCJ (代表取締役社長:浅貝 武司、本社:埼玉県、証券コード:6670、以下MCJ)は、この度、最新デュアルコア「インテル(R)Core(TM)2 Duoプロセッサ」と、インテル(R)G965 Expressチップセット、高速DDR2メモリPC2-5300など最新のテクノロジを採用したスリムタイプのデスクトップPCと、拡張性の高いマイクロタワータイプのデスクトップPCを製品化し、9月28日より受注開始します。OS無しの廉価モデルも用意し、価格は8万9880円から販売します。今後もMCJは、最新のテクノロジを搭載したPCをタイムリーに市場に投入し、幅広いラインナップでお客様の多様なニーズにお応えします。
製品ラインナップは、マイクロタワーモデルとして最新のデュアルコア インテル(R)Core(TM)2 DuoプロセッサE6400、デュアルチャネルDDR2メモリ1024MB PC2-5300、シリアルATA II 250GB HDD、インテル(R)G965 Expressチップセットを搭載した「Lm-i716」を10万2,480円(税抜9万7,600円)で、仕様そのままにプリインストールOSを省いた「Lm-i716-N」を8万9,880円(税抜8万5,600円)で、スリムタイプモデルとして最新のデュアルコア インテル(R)Core(TM)2 DuoプロセッサE6400、デュアルチャネルDDR2メモリ1024MB PC2-5300、シリアルATA II 250GB HDD、インテル(R)G965 Expressチップセットを搭載した「Lm-iS800」を10万2,480円(税抜9万7,600円)で、仕様そのままにプリインストールOSを省いた「Lm-iS800-N」を8万9,880円(税抜8万5,600円)で販売します。
■ 「新製品の主なスペック」
* 関連資料 参照
■ 製品特徴は下記の通りです
「PC環境が大きく変わる!! インテル(R) Core(TM)2 Duo プロセッサを搭載」
最新デュアルコアCPU「インテル(R)Core(TM)2 Duoプロセッサ」を搭載することで、負荷の大きい複数のアプリケーションを同時に使用するマルチスレッド環境だけでなく、純粋なシングルスレッド環境においてもパフォーマンスが向上。フロント・サイド・バス(FSB)の動作周波数を従来の800MHzから1066MHzに引き上げ、メインメモリのアクセスを高速化する「インテル(R) ファースト・メモリー・アクセス」機能を実装するなど、システム全体の性能も大幅に向上しました。
「CPUの高性能を最大限に引きだすインテル(R)G965 Expressチップセットを採用」
インテル(R)Core(TM)2 Duoプロセッサのパワーを引き出す最新チップセット「インテル(R)G965 Express チップセット」を搭載。スムーズなビデオ再生、カラー調整機能による鮮やかな発色を実現する「インテル(R)クリアー・ビデオ・テクノロジー」をサポートし、PCベースのビデオコンテンツをよりシャープで鮮やかな動画再生できます。
LUV MACHINES(ラヴマシーンズ)シリーズは幅広いBTOに対応します。大容量HDDや、ドライブへ変更、3Dゲームをサポートする高速ビデオカードの増設など、十分なパフォーマンスを発揮するBTOメニューをご用意しております。
「いつでも安心の1年間 24時間電話サポート」
● 関連リンク
日興コーディアル証券株式会社(本店:東京都、取締役社長:有村純一、以下 日興コーディアル証券)は、証券総合口座をお持ちのお客様を対象とした「日興プラチナデビットカード」を開発いたしました。当カードは、世界で初めての、円・米ドルの2通貨決済機能が付帯されたデビットカードとなります。2006年10月2日(月)より、発行を開始いたします。
<詳 細>
以 上
プジョー・パスポートを利用してプジョー1007 1.4?モデル(車両本体価格2,030,000/税込み)を購入する場合、頭金900,000円、ローン元金1,130,000円で支払い回数37回(最終月37回目に860,000円の元本据置)に設定すると、ボーナス併用払い(27,000円×6回)のケースで、月々の支払金額は4,600円(×35回)となり(初回のみ8,174円)、改定前に比べて月々の支払いは3,000円軽減される。
プジョーコール(フリーダイヤル) TEL:0120-840-240
プジョー・ジャパン オフィシャルホームページ:http://www.peugeot.co.jp
● 関連リンク
2007年 お正月プランのご案内
~ 都内ホテルでも有数の催し物内容を誇る、ご家族で楽しめる宿泊プラン ~
東京全日空ホテル(東京都港区/客室数 873室/総支配人 清田 甚)では、毎年充実したプラン内容でご好評いただいている年末年始の宿泊パッケージ「お正月プラン」の販売を開始しました。
(※ 以下、詳細は添付資料を参照してください。)
【 ご予約 ・ お問い合わせ 】
東京全日空ホテル TEL:03-3505-1111(代表) 宿泊予約係
※1 「RSS」:RSS対応ブラウザやRSSリーダーと呼ばれている専用ソフトを使うことで、RSS対応サイトから簡単に最新ニュースの見出しや記事リンク、番組情報、新製品情報、ブログの更新情報などを速やかに集めることができる。
Internet Explorer 7ではRSSリーダー機能が標準化されており、RSSは今後ますます普及することが予想される。
RSS登録者のパソコンに、「ショッピングフィード」から配信される各ショップの商品情報と、関連ニュースのページ(Internet Explorer 7で表示した場合)
ショップサーブ 利用料9,800円(税込)/1ヶ月~
● 関連リンク
1.展開期間 2006年10月1日(日)~2007年2月28日(水)
2.展開店舗 103店舗※店舗によって取り扱い品目が異なります。
・クラシコシャツ 2,990円
・ニットベスト 3,990円
・別珍ジャケット 12,900円
・スエードジャケット 9,900円
・アスコットタイ 2,990円
・ボディワイルド発熱インナー 1,890円~2,100円
・YG-X軽量保温インナー 1,575円~1,890円
・ワコールブロス調温インナー 3,150円~3,465円
・タートルネックセーター 2,990円
・ケーブル柄ベスト 2,990円
・グンゼシームレス発熱インナー 1,575円~1,890円
以 上