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100% Free Asian Dating Site Requires No Bank Cards To Ensure Only Hearts Are Stolen
April 23, 2007

FriendsAsia.com has become a completely free Asian dating
site that requires no bank card or credit card information
at all

    SINGAPORE, April 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Asian Dating
Site FriendsAsia.com and its sister site FriendsAsia.com.cn
announced today that they are now completely free Asian
dating sites.  "Making FriendsAsia.com a 100% free
Asian dating site was the best way we could think of to
thank the members of our online community for their
continued support," says Mr. Lee H. Teo, Director of
Friends Asia Pte Ltd.  (Visit the websites at
http://www.friendsasia.com and
http://www.friendsasia.com.cn )

    As a completely free Asian dating site that requires no
bank card or credit card at all to make full use of the
site, FriendsAsia.com makes it 100% risk-free for Asian
singles to find love.  Lots of dating sites "insist
that their members submit their bank card or credit card
information," observes Mr. Teo.  "And that can be
risky for the members."

    Information Cannot Be Stolen

    Not only the members have to worry about the dating
sites mishandling their card details, they also have to
worry about not receiving the service after making the
payment.  "At our 100% free Asian dating site, there
are never any dubious charges or the need to dispute a bill
because there are no charges to begin with," says Mr.

    In light of recent credit card security breaches,
people are again concerned about online security, fearful
that hackers may break in and steal their numbers. 
"Since our members don't enter their bank card or
credit card information at all to use our site, they never
have to worry that it may be stolen and misused,"
reports Mr. Teo.  "At FriendsAsia.com, we make it safe
and simple."  

    Every Member Deserves a Good Match

    "There's nothing to keep anyone from enjoying our
system," explains Mr. Teo.  "Members are able to
create profiles, upload photos, browse profiles, and
contact any members that interest them...all without paying
a fee or entering any card information."  Mr. Teo notes
that while membership fees have been eliminated,
FriendsAsia.com continues to provide a high quality
experience for Asian singles as before.  Profiles are still
screened and reviewed prior to posting.

    "All members on our site enjoy all our privileges
completely free," says Mr. Teo.  This is in contrast
to other Asian dating sites that limit full access to only
premium status members.  "They make it difficult; we
make it easy."

    Free Membership Information

    FriendsAsia.com is a 100% free Asian dating site for
adults age 18 and older.  For information and to enroll as
a free member, you may visit http://www.FriendsAsia.com
(English), http://www.FriendsAsia.com.cn (simplified

    Press Contact:

     Lee H. Teo
     Tel:   +86-21-5129-2068 (Shanghai) / +65-6559-9079
     Email: press@friendsasia.com

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