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AU Optronics to Signify New Direction of Technology and Products, with Full Range of Panel Sizes at FPD International 2006
October 17, 2006


    HSINCHU, Taiwan, Oct. 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- AU
Optronics Corp. ("AUO" or the
"Company") (TAIEX: 2409; NYSE: AUO) is scheduled
to participate in the FPD International 2006 exhibition in
Yokohama, Japan from October 18th to October 20th,
introducing its latest products and technologies.  AUO will
be showcasing its latest TFT-LCD innovations, including
Advanced MVA (AMVA) technology with low color washout and
super high contrast ratio of 2500:1; HiColor technology
with the achievement of high color saturation; AUO
Simulated Pulsed Driving (ASPD) technology with the
solution of blurred motion problem; and AUO Picture
Enhancer (APE) technology featuring natural color images
and clear depth of view. 

    On the agenda for large-sized panel applications, LCD
TVs and Desktop PC monitors in wide format with completely
new "MoniTV" concept as well as power-saving and
environmentally-friendly LED backlight module will be on
display.  For small to medium- sized products and
technologies, the main limelight will be placed on
audio-video display as well as mobile phone applications,
with the features of high resolution, wide viewing angle,
light weight and lower power consumption. 

    AUO's technologies displayed at FPD International 2006

    During the exhibition, AUO's showcase area will include
"TV Technology" and "Mobile Technology"
sections.  In the "TV Technology" section, in
addition to the advanced version of four key technologies
for High Definition TV (HDTV), AUO will be demonstrating
some pioneering innovations, including: Full HD LCD at
120Hz frame rate to reduce motion blur images and reach a
CRT-like quality image in motion picture response time at
4ms equivalent gray to gray; AMVA Alternate Frame
technology to achieve super wide viewing angle and improve
color washout problem; APE technology showcased by means of
37" TV panels to enhance the contrast ratio to above
10,000:1 and save up to 50% in power consumption by
utilizing LED backlight to control luminance depth and

    In the "Mobile Technology" section, the
products and technologies that will be displayed include:
ATR-MVA (Advanced Transflective MVA) technology showcased
to the public for the first time by means of 4" LTPS
panels emphasize sunlight readability and super wide
viewing angle, which provides an optimum solution for
mobile device applications; APE technology displayed in
2.2" mobile phone panels to achieve a high contrast
ratio of 14,000:1 and save up to 45% in power consumption;
a new self-developed 1.9" mobile phone panel with a
super slim 1.3mm module thickness; and the 180-gram
easily-carried 12.1" notebook PC panel, equipped with
the advanced 0.2mm thin glass substrate technology and
white-LED backlight.
    AUO's exhibits demonstrate the mainstream products in

    Large-sized products will place emphasis on AMVA
technology with super wide viewing angle, HiColor
technology with the achievement of color saturation, and
ASPD technology with great motion picture quality; while
medium-small sized- products will focus on high resolution
and wide viewing angle.

    -- LCD TV panel products have been largely equipped
with AMVA technology, 
       featuring wide viewing angle and high contrast ratio
above 1200:1. With 
       AMVA technology, Full HDTV can achieve the contrast
ratio of 1500:1.

    -- AUO unveils the completely new "MoniTV"
concept for its Desktop PC 
       Monitor products.  Following the market demand of
wide screen and 
       larger-sized panel, AUO's Desktop PC TFT-LCD
specified with Full HD   
       high resolution and AMVA technology can be applied
to home TV! At 
       present, AUO's 26" and 24" wide screen
panels equipped with AMVA 
       technology with wide viewing angle, HiColor
technology with the 
       achievement of color saturation, and ASPD technology
with the solution 
       of blurred motion problem, are appropriate choices
for MoniTV 
       applications.  Additionally, the 19" panel with
CCFL can reach 92% NTSC 
       while the 20.1" panel with LED can raise the
color gamut to 105% NTSC 

    -- As for Notebook PC products, future demand will
continue to focus on 
       wide screens.  Meanwhile, high-level products will
begin to pursue the 
       same-level equipment as LCD TVs', aiming to
demonstrate the equivalent 
       high-qualified characteristics. Also, Notebook PC
products will be 
       equipped with HiColor technology to reach 92% NTSC,
or environmentally-
       friendly white-LED backlight module.

    -- High resolution and wide viewing angle will be basic
equipment for 
       high-level mobile phone panels.

    AUO's products showcased at FPD International 2006 

                    AUO will display its LCD TV panels from
the size     
                    of 26" to 42", whereas the
32" to 42" panels are     
                    all equipped with AMVA technology and
the 37" to     
    LCD TVs         42" panels are applied to both
WXGA (1366x768)       
                    and Full HDTV (1920x1080)
                    Significantly, the Full HDTV has
advantages of       
                    high contrast ratio of 1500:1 and low

                    AUO will display its 20.1",
22", 24" and 26"         
                    wide screen panels, whereas the
26" Full HD panel    
                    has been installed with AMVA and
                    technologies, featuring high contrast
ratio of       
    Desktop PC      above 2000:1, low color washout and 92%
NTSC. The    
    Monitors        24" Full HD panel has been
equipped with AMVA and    
                    ASPD technologies with the achievement
of high       
                    contrast ratio of 1000:1, and
same-level motion      
                    picture response time as LCD TVs'. Both
24" and      
                    26" Full HD panels are AUO's
latest launched         
                    MoniTV applications.                   

                    AUO will display its notebook PC panels
of 7",       
                    12.1", 15.4" and 17" in
wide screen formats.  The     
                    17" WXGA+ (1440 x 900) panel is
specified with       
                    characteristics at 350 nits high
    Notebook PCs    700:1 high contrast ratio, 8ms response
time and     
                    92% NTSC. The 12.1" WXGA panel
with the weight       
                    of merely 200g adopts mercury-free
white -LED        
                    backlight module. In addition, the
7"WXGA panel      
                    equipped with white-backlight module is
the next     
                    choice for Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC).     

                    AUO will display mobile phone panels
ranged from     
                    1.8"to 2.8", including
                    transflective and LTPS panels, all with
QVGA high    
                    resolution (240 R.G.B. x 320). The
    Mobile Phones   resolution 2.4" LTPS QVGA display
is specified       
                    with wide viewing angle and supports up
to 16.7      
                    million colors, while the 1.8"
                    LTPS QVGA panel has the superior high
                    density of 230ppi.                     

    About AU Optronics

    AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO") is one of the top
three largest manufacturers* of large-size thin film
transistor liquid crystal display panels
("TFT-LCD"), with approximately 20.9%* of global
market share with revenues of NT$217.4billion (US$6.75 bn)*
in 2005.  TFT-LCD technology is currently the most widely
used flat panel display technology.  Targeted for 40"+
sized LCD TV panels, AUO's next generation (7.5-generation)
fabrication facility production is scheduled for mass
production in the fourth quarter of 2006.  The Company
currently operates two 6th-generation, four 5th-generation,
one 4th-generation, and four 3.5-generation TFT- LCD fabs,
in addition to eight module assembly facilities and the AUO
Technology Center specializes in new technology platform and
new product development.  AUO is one of few top-tier TFT-LCD
manufacturers capable of offering a wide range of small- to
large- size (1.5"-46") TFT-LCD panels, which
enables it to offer a broad and diversified product

    * As shown on DisplaySearch Quarterly Large-Area
TFT-LCD Shipment Report 
      dated August 25, 2006.  This data is used as
reference only and AUO does 
      not make any endorsement or representation in
connection therewith. 2005 
      year end revenue converted by an exchange rate of

    Safe Harbour Notice 

    AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO" or the
"Company") (TAIEX: 2409; NYSE: AUO), the world's
third largest manufacturer of large-size TFT-LCD panels,
today announced the above news.  Except for statements in
respect of historical matters, the statements contained in
this Release are "forward-looking statements"
within the meaning of Section 27A of the U.S. Securities
Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange
Act of 1934.  These forward-looking statements were based on
our management's expectations, projections and beliefs at
the time regarding matters including, among other things,
future revenues and costs, financial performance,
technology changes, capacity, utilization rates, yields,
process and geographical diversification, future expansion
plans and business strategy.  Such forward looking
statements are subject to a number of known and unknown
risks and uncertainties that can cause actual results to
differ materially from those expressed or implied by such
statements, including risks related to the flat panel
display industry, the TFT-LCD market, acceptance and demand
for our products, technological and development risks,
competitive factors, and other risks described in the
section entitled "Risk Factors" in our Form 20-F
filed with the United States Securities and Exchange
Commission on June 1st, 2006.

    For more information, please contact:

     Yawen Hsiao
     Corporate Communications Dept.
     AU Optronics Corp.
     Tel:   +886-3-500-8899 x3211
     Fax:   +886-3-577-2730
     Email: yawen.hsiao@auo.com 

SOURCE  AU Optronics Corp.

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