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Aztech Systems Selects Texas Instruments for Next-Generation ADSL2+ Residential Gateways
December 20, 2006

New Product Line Features TI's Exceptional Voice
Capabilities and G++ 
Wireless LAN Technology to Enable Triple Play Services 

    SINGAPORE, Dec. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Aztech
Systems Ltd. (Aztech), a 
global voice and data communications design and
manufacturing corporation, 
will build its next-generation of ADSL2+ gateways based on
gateway (RG) solutions from Texas Instruments Incorporated
(NYSE:TXN) (TI).  
With this new generation of products, Aztech is able to
deliver managed broadband services over an ADSL2+ network
connection while 
expanding its product portfolio to include Triple Play
services such as 
Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) and Voice over Internet
Protocol (VoIP).


    The Aztech DSL605 series will offer consumers
differentiated features 
such as high-speed ADSL2+ 26Mbps performance, hassle-free
installation and 
superior 125Mbps wireless performance.  In addition, these
new products will 
offer ADSL2+ Annex M support for increased data upstream
performance as well 
as support for (permanent virtual circuit) PVC to Virtual
LAN (VLAN) mapping 
to enable consistent Quality of Service (QoS).

    "With this new series of products, Aztech
reaffirms its continual drive 
and strong commitment to maintaining leadership in the
broadband arena by 
providing maximum value and performance to our
customers," said Michael Mun, 
president and CEO of Aztech Systems Ltd.  "TI's
flexible platform and 
interoperability expertise enables Aztech to deliver this
family of high-
performance products quickly and cost-effectively."

    The Aztech DSL605 family comprises five next-generation
products based on 
ADSL2+ technology -- from Ethernet Routers with or without
USB connectivity 
to a four-port Ethernet Router with both VoIP and WLAN
capabilities.  Each of 
these products leverage TI's market-leading DSL CPE
technology to enable high-
speed ADSL2+ 26Mbps performance.  Aztech's voice products
feature TI's 
extensive voice codec library and Telogy SoftwareTM for
VoIP.  In addition, 
the wireless routers include TI's G++ WLAN technology to
deliver highly 
robust connectivity with extended reach and range.

    "The Aztech and TI relationship is based on a
collaborative effort to 
deliver new, high-quality solutions that enable service
providers to offer 
consumers exciting new applications and services,"
said Mark Rice, director 
of TI's Asia Marketing and Business Development, Broadband

Communications.  "TI's RG solutions feature a flexible
architecture that 
allows Aztech's creative design team to leverage common
tools, development 
environments and software support packages to deliver
differentiated products."

    About Aztech Systems Ltd.

    Incorporated in 1986, Aztech Systems Ltd specializes in
the design and 
manufacturing of voice and data communications solutions. 
Headquartered in 
Singapore, Aztech today has over 2,200 employees worldwide
and strong R&D.  
Supported by its six sales offices in Singapore, Hong Kong,
China, USA, 
Germany and Malaysia, the company provides OEM/ODM,
contract manufacturing 
and retail businesses.  For more information on Aztech and
its products, 
please visit its website at http://www.aztech.com .

    About Texas Instruments

    Texas Instruments Incorporated provides innovative DSP
and analog 
technologies to meet our customers' real world signal
requirements.  In addition to Semiconductor, the company's
businesses include 
Educational & Productivity Solutions.  TI is
headquartered in Dallas, Texas, 
and has manufacturing, design or sales operations in more
than 25 countries.  
Texas Instruments is traded on the New York Stock Exchange
under the symbol 
TXN. More information is located on the World Wide Web at
http://www.ti.com .


    Telogy Software is a trademark of Texas Instruments. 
All other 
trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of
their respective 

    For more information, please contact:

     Gary Tan
     Tel:   +65-6843-1218
     Email: gary.tan@aztech.com

     Penni Chaloux
     Texas Instruments
     Tel:   +1-214-657-6967
     Email: pchaloux@ti.com

SOURCE  Texas Instruments
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