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Buongiorno, Sharp Growth for the First Half of 2006: EBITDA increased 173% Compared to 2005
September 13, 2006

    MILAN, Italy, Sept. 13 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Board
of Directors of Buongiorno S.p.A. (MTAX STAR, Borsa
Italiana: BNG), a multinational operating in the market of
digital entertainment, approved today the figures for the
first quarter 2006.

    Value of Production for H1 2006 grew by 68% compared to
the same period of 2005, thus increasing from Euro 58.9
million to Euro 99.2 million. Core business revenues for
the first half of 2006 increased 70% compared to the
previous year, reaching Euro 98.3 million. 

    The geographical breakdown shows that the sharp
increase in revenues was driven by the US, where sales
increased over 6 times from Euro 4.9 million in 2005 to
Euro 33.4 million in 2006. Growth was also sustained in the
Iberian Peninsula and South America (+26%). Revenues in
central Europe also increased 30% year-on-year, boosted by
acquisitions made in the second half of 2005. The Group's
objective of geographically diversifying its revenues has
now been completely achieved with the balanced mix among
the various regions. 

    In the first six months of 2006, the Group continued in
its internationalization process, setting up subsidiaries in
Turkey, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Chile.
Furthermore, in August, the Group's US subsidiary acquired
the US company Rocket Mobile and Mr. Fernando Gonzales
Mesones assumed responsibility for North America, Latin
America, and the Iberian peninsula.

    In terms of business lines, the most significant share
of core business revenues was represented by revenues from
Consumer Services, that grew 95% compared to the same
period in 2005, rising from around Euro 47 million to Euro
91.5 million, thus accounting for 93% of total revenues in
H1 2006.  Marketing Services revenues dropped 37% from Euro
10.9 million in H1 2005 to approximately Euro 6.8 million in
the same period of 2006. This decrease is consistent with
the Group's strategic decision to focus only on several
specific operations, relationship marketing in particular.

    Industrial Added Value calculated as core business
revenues minus the variable cost of sales and marketing
expenses, was approximately Euro 36 million in the six
months, up about 62% compared to Euro 22.1 million in the
same period of the prior year.

    The complete press release is available at
http://www.buongiorno.com/investors/investors_4.html .

    For more information, please contact:

     Monica Montefusco, 
     Global PR & Events Manager
     Tel:   +39-0258-2131
     Email: monica.montefusco@buongiorno.com

SOURCE   Buongiorno Vitaminic SPA
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