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China Ritar Power Corp. Firms Up Plans for Lead Plate Factory
June 11, 2007

    SHENZHEN, China, June 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- China
Ritar Power
Corp. (Ritar) (OTC Bulletin Board: CRTP.OB) today announced
that it will be
expanding its manufacturing capabilities for the production
of lead plates, a
major component of lead acid batteries, Ritar's main

    In April, Ritar entered into an agreement with the
Committee of Songmu Industrial Park, Henyang City, Hunan
Province, to purchase
land use rights for approximately 266,667 square meters of
land at a cost of
$9.35 per square meter, for the purpose of building a
manufacturing facility
for lead acid battery plates. The project is expected to
proceed in three
phases, extended over a four-year period, which began this
past April.
Although the agreement requires investments in an aggregate
estimated amount
of $103 million over a four-year term, the first phase, now
underway, will
require only approximately $15.7 million in funding. Ritar
has already
invested $2.5 million under the agreement on April 20,
2007. Ritar intends to
finance the remaining portion of the cash necessary for the
project through a
combination of its own internally generated cash and bank

    According to Ritar, the timing of the next two phases
of the project will
depend on market demand, the price of lead and the
availability of capital.
Ritar intends to reach a point where capacity ultimately
could be as high as
85,000 metric tons of lead acid battery plates with an
annual output value
projected to be over $300 million. The four-year project
term is a non-binding
timeline and no penalties will be imposed on Ritar if it
fails to make the
investments required by the agreement within this
timeframe.  Ritar expects
that once the facility becomes operational, which is
expected to be in October
2007, the initial rated capacity will be at least 21,600
metric tons of lead
acid battery plates annually.

    According to President and CEO Jiada Hu, "This is
a great opportunity to
allow Ritar to measurably lower operating costs by backward
integration, while
freeing us from dependency on suppliers of a product that
historically has
been 60% to 70% of our cost of goods. We believe this move
to be an important
step in helping us to maintain our competitive edge."

    About China Ritar Power Corp.

    Ritar designs, develops, manufactures and markets
environmentally friendly
lead-acid batteries with a wide range of applications and
capacities, and has
a strong presence in the light electrical vehicle (LEV)
segment world wide,
with high concentration in that product category throughout
China. Ritar
sells, markets and services 6 series and 197 models of
Ritar-branded, cadmium-
free valve-regulated lead-acid or VRLA batteries. In
addition the company
offers a range of batteries for varying applications
including uninterrupted
powers source (UPS) devices and equipment used in the
harvest of solar and
wind energy.


    This release contains certain "forward-looking
statements" relating to the
business of Ritar and its subsidiary companies, which can
be identified by the
use of forward-looking terminology such as "believes,
expects" or similar
expressions. Such forward looking statements involve known
and unknown risks
and uncertainties, including all business uncertainties
relating to product
development, marketing, concentration in a single customer,
raw material
costs, market acceptance, future capital requirements,
competition in general
and other factors that may cause actual results to be
materially different
from those described herein as anticipated, believed,
estimated or expected.
Certain of these risks and uncertainties are or will be
described in greater
detail in our filings with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. Ritar is
under no obligation to (and expressly disclaims any such
obligation to) update
or alter its forward looking statements whether as a result
of new
information, future events or otherwise.

     Contact:  Mr. Sheldon Saidman

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