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Discovery Channel's The Lost Tomb of Jesus Reveals New Scientific Evidence Supporting Possible Find of Jesus Family Tomb
February 26, 2007

-- Award-Winning Filmmakers James Cameron and Simcha
Jacobovici Chronicle Investigation of 2,000-year-old
Artifacts Related to Jesus of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene

    SILVER SPRING, Md., Feb. 26 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Scientific analysis of limestone ossuaries (bone boxes) and
physical evidence found in a 2,000-year-old tomb in Talpiot,
Jerusalem, provide credible new information that the tomb
once may have held the remains of Jesus of Nazareth and his
family.  A new Discovery Channel documentary THE LOST TOMB
OF JESUS, from executive producer James Cameron and
director Simcha Jacobovici, exclusively reveals what might
be the greatest archaeological find in history.  The film
presents the latest evidence from world-renowned experts in
Aramaic script, ancient DNA analysis, forensics, archaeology
and statistics.  Among the major discoveries chronicled in
the program is new evidence that Jesus and Mary Magdalene,
also known as "Mariamene e Mara," may have had a
son named Judah. 

    A press conference will be held by Discovery Channel on
Monday, February 26, at 11:00 am in New York City.  At that
time, what are thought to be the ossuaries of Jesus of
Nazareth and Mary Magdalene will be unveiled. (To register
for the press conference and receive location information,
please call +1-212- 751-3342.)

    In attendance will be Jane Root, president and general
manager of Discovery Channel; James Cameron and; Professor
James Tabor, chair of the Department of Religious Studies
at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Dr.
Shimon Gibson, archaeologist with the Albright Institute;
Professor Andrey Feuerverger, professor of statistics and
mathematics at the University of Toronto; and Dr. Charles
Pellegrino, co-author of The Jesus Family Tomb.

    THE LOST TOMB OF JESUS, which premieres on Sunday,
March 4, at 9 PM ET/PT on Discovery Channel, follows an
investigative journey into the identities of and
relationships among 10 ossuaries, which originally were
discovered more than 25 years ago but never were connected
conclusively.  In conjunction with the film,
HarperSanFrancisco is publishing a companion book, The
Jesus Family Tomb, co-authored by Jacobovici and Dr.
Charles Pellegrino, with a foreword by Cameron.

    The Talpiot tomb originally held 10 ossuaries, nine of
which are still within the Israel Antiquity Authority's
domain.  Six of the limestone bone boxes that served as
First Century Jerusalem-area coffins include inscriptions
of names found in the New Testament - "Jesus son of
Joseph," "Maria," "Mariamene e
Mara," "Matthew," "Yose" and
"Judah son of Jesus." 
    "This has been a three-year journey that seems
more incredible than fiction," says Jacobovici.
"The idea of possibly finding the tomb of Jesus and
several members of his family, with compelling scientific
evidence, is beyond anything I could have imagined."

    "It doesn't get bigger than this," says
Cameron. "We've done our homework; we've made the
case; and now it's time for the debate to begin."

    "Discovery Channel brings our worldwide audience
the latest information about life's enduring mysteries
through the network's extensive funding of scientific
research and analysis," says Root.  "It is an
honor to be part of what might be the most important
discovery in history.  This program provides viewers with
the latest forensic evidence, information about the Talpiot
tomb, and important historical context.  We invite viewers
to review the facts, engage in discussion, and come to
their own conclusions."

    Could this have been a holy tomb for Jesus and his
family?  Evidence shows the following: 

     - Leading epigraphers agree about the text

     - Expert archaeologists confirm the nature of the
finds and their
       historical relevance; 

     - The tomb contains a mysterious symbol over the
entrance found on 
       other Christian artifacts; and 
     - A statistical study concludes that the odds - on the
       conservative basis - are 600 to 1 in favor of this
being the 
       Jesus family tomb.

    Dr. Carney Matheson from the Paleo-DNA Laboratory at
Lakehead University in Ontario, Canada, conducted a
mitochondrial DNA analysis on microscopic bits of matter
recovered from the "Jesus son of Joseph" and
"Mariamene e Mara" ossuaries.  The test
genetically concludes that the two were not maternally
related.  Given that this was a family burial place
reserved for spouses and blood relations, it is possible to
deduce that they were a couple.  

    As shown in the film, Jacobovici and his team use
robotic cameras to locate the tomb, which was believed to
have been destroyed but is actually in the center of a
modern-day apartment complex.  After briefly entering the
tomb, the filmmakers follow local regulations and seal the
tomb with the hopes that they will return to conduct
further analysis.  

    A special Web site, http://www.discovery.com/tomb ,
will provide in-depth information to allow viewers to make
their own decisions about these extraordinary findings.  A
virtual evidence kit, with the latest scientific analysis,
can be examined first hand.   The original map of the tomb
drawn by Dr. Shimon Gibson in 1980, exclusive Web
interviews, and detailed images of the inscriptions will be
online for the world to explore.  The site will feature a
forum for debate and conversation with several experts
sharing their thoughts and answering questions in message
boards and blogs. 

    THE LOST TOMB OF JESUS is produced for Discovery
Channel worldwide by Associated Producers, in cooperation
with VisionTV Canada and Channel 4, UK.  James Cameron and
Simcha Jacobovici are executive producers for Associated
Producers.  Phil Fairclough is executive producer for
Discovery Channel.

    THE LOST TOMB OF JESUS airs in the U.S. on the
following networks:

    'World Premiere' on Discovery Channel:  Sunday, March 4
at 9pm ET/PT
    Discovery Times Channel:  Monday, March 5 at 8pm ET/PT
    Discovery en Espanol:  Sunday, March 18 at 9pm ET/PT
    Discovery HD Theater:  Wednesday, March 28 at 9pm

    Discovery Communications, Inc. is the number-one
nonfiction media company reaching more than 1.5 billion
people in over 170 countries. Through TV and new media,
Discovery's 100-plus worldwide networks include Discovery
Channel, TLC, Travel Channel, Animal Planet and Discovery
Health.  DCI is owned by Discovery Holding Co. (NASDAQ:
DISCA, DISCB), Cox Communications Inc., Advance/Newhouse
Communications and John S. Hendricks, Discovery's founder
and chairman. For more information please visit
http://www.discovery.com . 

    For more information, please contact:

     Tel:   +1-571-262-5170
     Email: tomb@discovery.com

SOURCE  Discovery Channel
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