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Dr Margaret Chan Takes Office as Director-General of the World Health Organization
January 04, 2007

Impact on Health of Women and People in Africa to Be
Measure of Success

    GENEVA, Jan. 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Dr Margaret Chan
of China today took office as Director-General of the World
Health Organization (WHO) following her election in
November.  She pledged that her term of office and the
effectiveness of the Organization would be judged by the
impact they have on two specific populations.


    "I want my leadership to be judged by the impact
of our work on the health of two populations: women and the
people of Africa," Dr Chan said.  "WHO has a long
history of commitment to those in greatest need, including
the most vulnerable groups."

    Dr Chan has set out six priority areas on which she
intends to focus the work of WHO: development for health,
health security, building the capacity of health systems,
developing better information and knowledge, enhancing
partnerships and improving the performance of the

    Speaking to staff, Dr Chan said that the priorities she
has emphasized during and since her election will not mean a
major restructuring of WHO.  She said she would be looking
for ways in which different parts of the Organization can
work better together.  She told staff, "I will stick
with my promise.  Reform, yes.  Upheaval, no."

    She took the opportunity to praise the work of Dr
Anders Nordstrom, who has been acting Director-General
since the sudden death of the former Director-General, Dr
Lee Jong wook, in May, 2006.

    Dr Chan told staff, "I believe these are
optimistic times for health.  Never before has our work
enjoyed such a high profile on the political agenda."

    Dr Chan said one of the key challenges now facing WHO
is to "manage all this vigorous interest in health in
ways that ensure lasting improvements and do not overburden
recipient countries.  ... As the acknowledged leader in
public health, we need to ensure that the growing number of
health initiatives meets comprehensive health needs, in a
coordinated way, in line with the priorities of countries
and their populations."

    She also said that the period of transition would
continue until the end of 2007, with a key statement on her
vision for the Organization coming at the World Health
Assembly in May.

    Dr Chan was appointed by the World Health Assembly in
November 2006.  Her term of office will run until 30 June

    For more information, please contact:

     Iain Simpson
     WHO Communications Department
     Tel:    +41-22-791-3215
     Mobile: +41-79-475-5534
     Email:  simpsoni@who.int

     WHO Medialine
     Tel:    +41-22-791-2222
     Email:  mediainquiries@who.int

SOURCE  World Health Organization

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