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Government of Vietnam Extends MoU with SICPA for Deployment of 'VIETRACE(TM) ANTI SMUGGLING & TAX ENHANCEMENT' Program in 2007
April 27, 2007

    LAUSANNE, Switzerland, April 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Inter-ministerial body, Central Committee 127 (CC127), of
the Government of Vietnam has extended its Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with SICPA Product Security SA (SICPA)
to research and deploy solutions against counterfeiting and
illicit trade in Vietnam. 

    The new agreement is the result of a detailed research
and consultation process between SICPA and the Government
of Vietnam which was defined in the initial MoU signed
between the parties last year on February 20, 2006.  Since
that time, plans are at an advanced stage to install a
state-of-the-art banderol printing plant under the
authority of the Ministry of Finance. Banderols are a key
component of what will be a nationwide infrastructure
program to track and trace products that are vulnerable to
illicit trade.  

    The VIETRACE(TM) Program provides counterfeiting and
illicit trade solutions for products which are
manufactured, imported, and distributed in Vietnam, as well
as any other downstream activities affecting tax collection.

    This development follows the recent award to SICPA by
the Government of Turkey of a contract for the installation
of a nationwide track and trace infrastructure programme
covering all tobacco and alcohol products.  This contract
is part of a growing list of complementary projects being
deployed by SICPA for governments worldwide, highlighting
the company's global leadership in the field of integrated
security solutions.

    Mr. Maurice A. Amon, Executive Co-Chairman of SICPA
Holding said, "To date, co-operation in research and
deployment of the "VIETRACE(TM) ANTI SMUGGLING &
TAX ENHANCEMENT" program has been efficient and
productive. We look forward to finalising our joint-venture
negotiations with the Ministry of Finance Printing Company
shortly and intend to have the deployment plan and
architecture in place for implementation by year

    Vietnam's remarkable economic development over recent
years, together with its geographical position bordering
various countries, explains the growth in illicit trade. 
Research carried out by international organisations such as
the WHO, cite figures ranging from 15% to 40% of tobacco and
alcohol products in Vietnam being subject to counterfeiting
and smuggling.

    Note to Editors:

    Founded in 1927, SICPA is the leader in the field of
security inks and integrated security solutions.  SICPA is
the world's leading manufacturer of banknote and value
document security inks present on most currencies of the

    The globalisation of brands has triggered an
unprecedented parallel market for illicit trade and
counterfeiting. Recognising a growing need to protect
governments against tax evasion and brand owners against
brand erosion, SICPA Product Security SA is the provider of
authentication solutions and integrated systems to monitor
products and secure their supply chain in order to protect
the interests of governments and brand owners.

    Today, SICPA is established in 19 countries on five
continents, has more than 1000 employees and products sold
to more than 190 countries.

    For more information, please contact:

     Mr Frank Barker, Managing Director  
     SICPA Product Security S.A.
     Tel:   +41-21-627-59-55
     Fax:   +41-21-620-06-21
     Email: Frank.Barker@Sicpa.com

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