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Heidrick & Struggles Opens Office in Chongqing, China
December 19, 2006

First Global Executive Search and Leadership Consulting
Firm to Open a Third 
Office in Mainland China

    SHANGHAI, China, Nov. 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Heidrick & Struggles 
International, Inc. (Nasdaq: HSII), the world's premier
executive search and 
leadership consulting firm, has announced the opening of
its third office in 
mainland China, strategically located in the heart of
Chongqing, a major 
industrial base in southwest China.

    Chongqing has attracted many multinationals in recent
years, including 
ABB, American Standard, Rockwell, Honda, Suzuki, Isuzu,
Yamaha, Mobil, 
Samsung, and Sony Ericsson. In 2005 Chongqing had a nominal
GDP that grew 
11.5 percent to 310 billion yuan (US$38.75 billion).
According to a 
spokesperson from the Chongqing Municipal Development and
Reform Commission, 
Chongqing is expected to double its per capita GDP in 2007,
three years ahead 
of the timetable set in China's 11th Five-Year Plan

    "With the demand for highly qualified senior
talent in fast developing 
regions across Asia, Heidrick & Struggles has
consistently moved with our 
client organizations into new markets. Our strategy is to
invest ahead of 
other executive search firms in opening new offices and
offering innovative 
leadership consulting services such as assessment and
talent management. In 
line with our growth strategy, we were the first foreign
executive search 
firm to be granted a JV license to operate in China, and we
were also the 
first to open multiple offices across China," said
Gerry Davis, Regional 
Managing Partner, Asia Pacific at Heidrick & Struggles.

    Added Steve Mullinjer, Managing Partner of Heidrick
& Struggles 
China: "Following the central government's China
Western Development 
strategy, many multinational companies consider Chongqing
to be 
China's 'Gateway to the West,' particularly with the
extensive infrastructure 
and transportation works currently underway in the city and
the completion of 
the Three Gorges Dam project in 2009. We have chosen to be
physically located 
in Chongqing as it is strategically important to many of
our clients. 
Initially, this office will focus on industrial, consumer
and technology 
clients who are investing in Chongqing and nearby Chengdu.
A central theme of 
our China strategy is to be where our clients need us

    About Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc.

    Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc. is the
world's premier provider 
of senior-level executive search and leadership consulting
including talent management, board building, executive
on-boarding and M&A 
effectiveness.  For more than 50 years, we have focused on
quality service 
and built strong leadership teams through our relationships
with clients and 
individuals worldwide. Today, Heidrick & Struggles
leadership experts operate 
from principal business centers in North America, Latin
America, Europe and 
Asia Pacific.  For more information about Heidrick &
Struggles, please visit 
http://www.heidrick.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Jennifer Tow 
     Manifesto Ltd
     Tel:   +852-2526-1972
     Email: jennifer@manifesto.com.hk

     Eric Sodorff
     Heidrick & Struggles
     Tel:   +1-312-496-1613
     Email: esodorff@heidrick.com 

SOURCE  Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc.

    For more information, please contact:
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