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HKDA Awards 07 Asia-Pacific Design Biennale Calls for Top-notch Entries from the Region which Embody Professionalism in Design
May 16, 2007

    HONG KONG, May 16 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The HKDA
Awards 07, Asia Pacific Design Biennale and one of the most
prestigious awards in the profession, now calls for
top-notch entries from the region.  With a keen devotion to
promoting and recognizing works of excellence in design for
over 30 years, HKDA aims at enhancing professionalism in
design this year, as in its theme - "Design. No Junk
Food."  Award entries are welcome in four main
categories: Graphic, product, new media and spatial, with a
total of 24 sub-categories.

    HKDA Awards has earned wide recognition in the business
in Asia.  HKDA has the honour to have invited Bank of China
(Hong Kong), Hong Kong Design Institute and Leisure and
Cultural Services Department as co-organisers of HKDA
Awards 07, and a new record is expected.

    Mr. Eddy Yu, Chairman of HKDA remarked, "With its
three decades of history, HKDA Awards is widely
acknowledged by design peers as one of the most prestigious
multi-disciplinary design awards in the Asia-Pacific region.
 In its celebration of 35th anniversary this year, HKDA
targets at enhancing 'professionalism".  We would like
to show our gratitude to our co-organisers for their support
and collaboration, for achieving our goals and raising the
public"s awareness in the strategic value of design

    As in previous years, HKDA Awards 07 invites design
gurus from various disciplines across the globe.  The
judging panel this year includes Kirsten Dietz, Vince
Frost, Natasha Jen, Kashiwa Sato and Sandy Choi in Graphic
category; Pinky Lai, Michael Young and Alan Yip in Product
category; Matali Crasset, Fumita Akihito and Norman Chan in
Spatial category; Heike Brockmann¡¢Lars Cortsen and Robert
Lindstrom in New Media category.

    The entries are all original artworks from
Asia-pacific.  A new category named "Beyond the
Boundary" is added this year, which accepts creations
beyond the existing parameters of commercially commissioned
projects.  The deadline of submission is 2 June 2007.  Award
results will be announced at the Award Presentation Dinner
to be held in Hong Kong on 5 October 2007.  All winning
entries will be showcased at the Hong Kong Central Library
from 5-14 October 2007 and published in the HKDA Awards 07

    For more details regarding HKDA Awards 07, judges'
biographies, awards categories and entry details, please
refer to official HKDA website at

    For more information, please contact:

     Edith Wong, Bbluesky	
     Tel:    +852-2234-6424/ +852-6290-3801	
     Email:  edith@bbluesky.com
     Angel Poon, Bbluesky	
     Tel:    +852-2234-6424/ +852-9229-4800	
     Email:  angel@bbluesky.com

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