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Lincoln Institute Names China Program Director to be Based in Beijing
May 17, 2007

Rapid urbanization, Fiscal Policy Transformation to be
Focus for Economist Joyce Man

    CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- In a
major boost in its presence in China, the Lincoln Institute
of Land Policy named Joyce Y. Man of Indiana University to
be a senior fellow and director of the Institute's China
Program, to be based in Beijing.

    Man, 44, a specialist in urban and regional economics
and public finance, is associate professor at the School of
Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University. She
will begin as director of the China Program July 1, said
Gregory K. Ingram, president of the Lincoln Institute of
Land Policy.

    "For the last four years we have helped China come
to terms with rapid urbanization, the conversion of
farmland, and the beginning steps of a property tax
system," Ingram said. "With Joyce Man as a
full-time presence in Beijing, we look forward to
continuing our advisory and training role for sound
policies for China."

    The Lincoln Institute's Program on the People's
Republic of China
http://www.lincolninst.edu/aboutlincoln/prc.asp, part of
the International Studies department that also includes the
Program in the Caribbean and Latin America, has been led by
Ingram and Chengri Ding from the University of Maryland at
College Park.

    The Lincoln Institute does research and convenes
scholars and practitioners on land planning and development
issues both in the United States and abroad. China, with a
population of 1.3 billion and undergoing explosive economic
growth, has seen the migration of some 200 million people
from rural to rapidly expanding urban areas. The form that
urbanization takes, along with car ownership and energy
generation, are critical issues for China and the world.

    "I am honored to be in Beijing for the Lincoln
Institute and continue this important relationship between
China and the United States," said Man, who received
her Ph.D in economics from Johns Hopkins University, and a
B.A. in English from the Beijing Foreign Studies
University. "There is no more pressing concern for
China than a sensible and sustainable urban land

    In addition to her appointment at the Indiana
University School of Public and environmental Affairs, Man
was a visiting professor at the Renmin University of China,
also known as People's University, in Beijing. She has also
been a visiting professor at Tongji University in Shanghai.
She is co-editor of the book Tax Increment Finance and
Economic Development: Uses, Structures and Impact (State
University of New York Press, 2001) and has authored
numerous articles in such journals as Urban Studies,
National Tax Journal, Public Finance Review, and the
Journal of Urban Economics among many others. She served as
co-editor of the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management,
editorial board member of the International Journal of
Economic Development and as a member of the Property Tax
Committee of the National Tax Association-Tax Institute of

    For more information, please contact:

     Anthony Flint
     Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
     Tel:  +1-617-661-3016 x116

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