MBVax Bioscience Revives Century-Old 'Coley's Toxins' Cancer Therapy

October 02, 2006

ANCASTER, Ontario, Oct. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- MBVax Bioscience ( http://www.mbvax.com ), a biopharmaceutical company, announced today the availability of Coley Fluid (Coley's Toxins) for authorized clinical trials and MB Fluid for immunology research. Coley Fluid, developed by William Coley in 1893, was a mainstream cancer therapy for 60 years. Since the advent of chemotherapy in the 1950s, there have been improvements in 5-year cancer survival, but mortality rates have remained virtually unchanged ( http://www.seer.cancer.gov ). High cancer mortality rates have generated new interest in Coley Fluid because it was effective against advanced cancer. More than 100 scientific publications describe cases of advanced cancers including breast, colon, kidney, liver, sarcomas, lymphomas, myelomas and leukemias that were successfully treated with Coley Fluid. MBVax Coley Fluid is equivalent to the historical preparation responsible for the largest number of successful treatments. For authorized clinical trials, the company will supply Coley Fluid and a complete set of clinical trial documentation without charge. MB Fluid is equivalent to the best historical preparation used in animal models of cancer and for in vitro research. MB Fluid is not suitable for human use. MB Fluid will be of particular interest to researchers studying the innate immune system. About MBVax Bioscience MBVax Bioscience is a biopharmaceutical company with proprietary technology for manufacturing complex biological products such as Coley Fluid and MB Fluid. For more information, please contact: Don MacAdam Tel: +1-905-304-8680 Email: donmacadam@mbvax.com SOURCE MBVax Bioscience
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