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Miami Honors 'Grandmother' of Erotic Art
October 12, 2006

World Erotic Art Museum Celebrates First Anniversary
    MIAMI BEACH, Fla., Oct. 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- One
of the world's most unique art collectors, 71 year old
Naomi Wilzig will be presented with the Key to the City of
Miami Beach to mark the one year anniversary of her World
Erotic Art Museum ( http://www.weam.com ). The tribute, in
recognition of her help in "enhancing the cultural
stature of Miami Beach," will be presented to her by
Tourism Director, Michael Aller, on Wednesday, October

    "I am honored and proud. This past year has been a
revelation to me. I have welcomed a wide spectrum of
visitors of all ages, and most personally thank me for
opening their eyes to this hidden genre of art -- which
they never realized existed," says "Miss

    The anniversary ceremony also marks the unveiling of
thirty new pieces consisting of Asian and European
acquisitions to be added to the extensive collection,
housed at 1205 Washington Avenue, in Miami Beach.

    "The Museum is a validation that I have done
something important for the community. Collecting erotic
art has inspired and enhanced my life as an older person. I
am convinced my passion for sexual liberation and tolerance
will benefit humanity," says Wilzig.

    It was Wilzig's son, recording artist Sir Ivan, who
first sparked her interest in erotica: "Fifteen years
ago, I asked my mother, while antique shopping, to do me a
favor and buy me a piece of erotic art for my new
apartment. Instead she wound up doing the world a favor by
purchasing 4,000 pieces of erotica and opening the
museum," said Sir Ivan. 

    Her Museum collection traces the evolution of erotica
from biblical times to the contemporary world as
illustrated by such memorable sculptures as the male prop
made famous in Stanley Kubrick's controversial 1971 film, A
Clockwork Orange.

    An avid collector of erotica, Naomi Wilzig has
published five books about her collection, and lectures on
erotic art to college students of Human Sexuality.

    The World Erotic Art Museum is open daily, from 11 A.M.
to Midnight. On Wednesday, October 18, from 11 A.M. until 5
P.M., the price of $15 will admit two for the price of one.
For information call (305) 532-9336 or online at
http://www.weam.com .	

    For more information, please contact:

     Rob Goldstone 
     Oui 2 Public Relations
     Tel: +1-212-541-5698

SOURCE  World Erotic Art Museum 
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