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Patients Begin Enrolling in Studies to Determine if Women with BRCA 1 & 2 Positive Cancer May Receive Greater Benefit From New Treatment
June 19, 2007

      - AstraZeneca Collaborates With Myriad Genetics on
Phase 2 Trials

    ALDERLEY PARK, England, June 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
AstraZeneca (NYSE: AZN) today announced the start of two
Phase II trials for a new compound being tested to treat
patients with BRCA 1 & 2 positive breast and ovarian
cancer. Myriad Genetics, Inc. (Nasdaq: MYGN;
http://www.myriad.com ), is providing the molecular
diagnostic testing (BRACAnalysis(TM)) for these trials.

    The ICEBERG (International Collaborative Expertise for
BRCA Education and Research through Genetics) studies are
intended to evaluate the ability of AZD2281 (KU-0059436), a
PARP (poly-ADP-ribose polymerase) inhibitor, to treat
patients with breast cancer or ovarian cancer associated
with an inherited mutation in one of the cancer genes,

    The BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are involved in DNA repair
and when this function is lost due to a mutation, cells are
unable to repair breaks in DNA. Research has shown that
women who inherit faults in either the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes
are predisposed to a higher incidence of breast and ovarian
cancer. It is hypothesised that PARP inhibitors work by
inhibiting DNA repair in the BRCA deficient tumour cells,
thereby overloading these cells with DNA damage and
selectively killing these cells. The trials will evaluate
the extent of patient response to the treatment and time to
disease progression amongst other indicators of clinical

    Lead Investigator for the trials, Dr Andrew Tutt,
clinician scientist at the Breakthrough Breast Cancer
Research Centre and breast oncologist at Guy's Hospital,
London, said: "Having demonstrated the potential of
PARP inhibitors through lab work carried out at the
Breakthrough Research Centre, we hope these trials will
help us confirm the results in the clinic, leading to the
development of a targeted treatment for this type of

    Gregory Critchfield, M.D., President of Myriad Genetic
Laboratories, Inc. added "There is enormous potential
for patient benefit from the synergy between the molecular
diagnosis of breast or ovarian cancer and a specific,
targeted therapeutic. Myriad's BRACAnalysis(TM) test is a
highly sensitive proven method for finding mutations in
BRCA1 and BRCA2. The individuals with breast or ovarian
cancer who carry these mutations are candidates for the
PARP inhibitor therapy approach. It may become more
important than ever to know whether a patient with breast
or ovarian cancer is BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation

    Study Details

    The two studies will enrol up to 40 patients each:

    -- Breast study: phase II, open-label, non-comparative,
       multicentre study to assess the efficacy and safety
of AZD2281 given 
       orally in patients with advanced BRCA1- or
BRCA2-associated breast 
    -- Entry criteria - measurable advanced breast cancer
       IIIB/IIIC/IV) and confirmed BRCA+ status.
    -- Ovarian study: phase II, open-label,
non-comparative, international, 
       multicentre study to assess the efficacy and safety
of AZD2281 given 
       orally in patients with advanced BRCA1- or
BRCA2-associated ovarian 
    -- Entry criteria - measurable advanced ovarian cancer
       IIIB/IIIC/IV) and confirmed BRCA+ status

    Notes to Editors:

    -- AstraZeneca is a major international healthcare
business engaged in the research, development, manufacture
and marketing of prescription pharmaceuticals and the
supply of healthcare services. It is one of the world's
leading pharmaceutical companies with healthcare sales of
US$26.47 billion and leading positions in sales of
gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, neuroscience,
respiratory, oncology and infection products. AstraZeneca
is listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (Global) as
well as the FTSE4 Good Index. For more information about
AstraZeneca, please visit: http://www.astrazeneca.com

    -- Breakthrough Breast Cancer is the UK's leading
charity committed to fighting breast cancer through
research, campaigning and education. Our vision is a future
free from the fear of breast cancer. More information can be
found at: http://www.breakthrough.org.uk or through the
Breakthrough Information Line 08080-100-200.

    -- Breakthrough Breast Cancer has established the UK's
first dedicated breast cancer research centre, in
partnership with The Institute of Cancer Research, - The
Breakthrough Toby Robins Breast Cancer Research Centre
situated in the Mary-Jean Mitchell Green Building, Chester
Beatty Laboratories, The Institute of Cancer Research.
Under the directorship of Professor Alan Ashworth, its 100
scientists and clinicians are working on a programme of
cutting edge biological research that ultimately aims to
eradicate breast cancer, by discovering the causes of the
disease, finding methods of prevention and developing new
treatments and more effective diagnosis.

    -- BRACAnalysis(TM) is a trademark of Myriad Genetics,
Inc. in the United States and other countries.

    -- Myriad Genetics, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company
focused on the development of novel healthcare products. The
Company develops and markets predictive medicine products,
and is developing and intends to market therapeutic
products. Myriad's news and other information are available
on the Company's Web site at www.myriad.com.

    -- KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Ltd is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of AstraZeneca. AZ acquired KuDOS
Pharmaceuticals in Feb 2006. KuDOS research is focused on
the discovery of molecules to treat cancer in the area of
DNA repair inhibition.

    -- KuDOS Pharmaceuticals will run the international,
multi-center clinical trial and reimburse Myriad for
provision of the molecular diagnostic testing for the
trial. Myriad will have exclusive worldwide rights to
diagnostic applications of the findings from the study and
KuDOS, all rights to its therapeutic and its applications.

    For more information, please contact: 

    Carrie Deverell
    Global Public Relations Manager
    Mobile: +44-7920845108
    Email:  carrie.deverell@astrazeneca.com
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