Pro-poor Fiscal Reforms and Building New Socialist Countryside

November 14, 2006

The First High-Level Forum on Fiscal Reform in China
BEIJING, China, Nov. 14 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The first Annual Forum on China's Fiscal Reform was opened today in Beijing, jointly organized by the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation (SAT), the China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE) under the Ministry of Commerce, and the United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) in China. First of its kind in China, the 2-day forum serves as a platform for policy makers and stakeholders to discuss and debate how China's fiscal reforms can be made most beneficial to the poor. This high-level dialogue highlights the role of local governments in China which bear the primary responsibility of providing basic social services to the poor. "China has made enormous progress in economic and social development in recent decades," said Khalid Malik, United Nations Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in China, while delivering a keynote speech during the forum. "However, the depth and coverage of China's fiscal reform process has been uneven, and there is scope for strengthening the links between fiscal reforms and poverty reduction goals." "From growth-orientation to promoting greater equity, fiscal policy must play a central role in this shift," he stressed. Under the theme "Pro-poor Fiscal Reform and Building New Socialist Countryside in China," this forum was set up as an institutionalized mechanism under a US$10.3 million project, established between the Government of China and UNDP, with support from the Department for International Development (DFID) of the United Kingdom. Entitled "Capacity Building to Support Pro-Poor Fiscal Reforms in China," this 4-year initiative was designed to support China's pro-poor fiscal reform on both the expenditure and the revenue fronts. It aims to make national fiscal policies more pro-poor and implemented more effectively at local levels through policy research and capacity building activities. This programme will propose new options for pro-poor fiscal policy design to ensure the delivery of basic public services to the most needed. This is hoped to tackle the major fiscal challenge facing China, as local governments often suffer from restricted financial resources to provide basic social services. The project is also supporting China to develop a strategic framework to reassign taxation powers, deepen local taxation reform and formulate basic tax law. It also helps local governments set up an incentive framework for environmental protection through tax increase, and explore new options for broadening the tax base. "Taxation, as an important instrument of macro-economic management, should and will play a more active role in balancing urban and rural development, regional equalization, reducing unempolyment and environmental protection", said Wang Li, Deputy Administrator of the SAT. About UNDP: UNDP fosters human development to empower women and men to build better lives in China. As the UN's development network, UNDP draws on a world of experience to assist China in developing its own solutions to the country's development challenges. Through partnerships and innovation, UNDP works to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and an equitable Xiao Kang society by reducing poverty, strengthening the rule of law, promoting environmental sustainability, and fighting HIV/AIDS. http://www.undp.org.cn For more information, please contact: Ms. Zhang Wei Communications Officer, UNDP China Tel: +86-10-8532-0715 Email: wei.zhang@undp.org SOURCE United Nations Development Programme
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