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Quadrem's New SourceCentre(TM) Solves Spot Buy Purchasing Pains
December 05, 2006

    AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, and SINGAPORE, Dec. 5
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Quadrem has released a new sourcing
solution, SourceCentre, that simplifies and streamlines
spot buys, which often involve high volumes of sourcing
events with high volumes of suppliers. 

    "As we deployed our sourcing solutions with
several key customers, they identified the need to support
not only strategic category management but also the 'spot
buy' process, where it's not uncommon for a company to send
thousands of requests for quotes each month to thousands of
suppliers," said Chris Haydon, Vice President, Global
Solutions. "Quadrem licenses best-of-breed solutions
to complement our own e-marketplace technology suite, but
there wasn't a simple, scalable solution that could handle
the volumes our customers were doing for spot buys and
price and availability checks. So we developed our own
application designed for this type of purchasing activity.
After deploying with several customers within our global
e-marketplace buyer community, we are now marketing
SourceCentre outside our existing customer base." 

    SourceCentre solves many of the complexities of
high-volume spot buy activity, where the focus is more on
price and availability than multi-variable optimisation and
analysis. SourceCentre integrates with SAP, Oracle and other
ERP systems and enables organizations to quickly experience
online sourcing without a substantial commitment of time or
resources. Customers can easily search a global electronic
directory of product and service information from tens of
thousands of suppliers, many from the industrial MRO
sector.  SourceCentre has a simple, intuitive user
interface to provide fast and efficient RFx creation,
response and award. 

    To support spot buys, SourceCentre provides:

     *  Access to one of the world's largest global
supplier networks
     *  Approved supplier listings
     *  Side-by-side bid comparisons
     *  Analysis showing the lowest cost provider, for each
item and overall 
        in the RFx
     *  RFx and line item attachments
     *  Open and locked bids
     *  Supplier / buyer collaboration via messaging
     *  Electronic audit trail

    About Quadrem

    Quadrem ( http://www.quadrem.com ) provides e-business
solutions that connect buyers and suppliers to maximise
supply chain efficiencies. Quadrem's global transaction
platform, vibrant international community and high-quality
content services enable customers to implement the most
effective e-business initiatives for buyers and suppliers. 
Established in 2000, Quadrem has offices in Australia,
Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Korea, Mexico, The
Netherlands, Peru, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, South Africa,
the UAE and the United States.

    For more information, please contact:
     Choon Boon Heng of Quadrem
     Tel:   +65-6550-9683

SOURCE  Quadrem
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