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R. W. Beck's Singapore Office Celebrates Two-Year Anniversary
September 15, 2006

    NGEE ANN CITY, Singapore, Sept. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/
-- Today marks the second anniversary of management
consulting and engineering firm R. W. Beck's Singapore
office. In its two years of existence, the Singapore office
has more than tripled in size and continues to work on
numerous notable projects.

    Bill Reynolds, Senior Vice President of Energy
Marketing and Sales for R. W. Beck, says, "As a result
of the Singapore office, the breadth of our international
experience has expanded, and that experience, including
many state-of-the-art projects, enhances our work for all
of our clients."

    One project secured through the Singapore office is the
Universal Terminal project, one of the largest tank farms --
at 2.3 million cubic meters -- in Singapore. R. W. Beck is
serving as the Independent Engineer for the tank farm
project, which is a group of tanks on the same site used to
store oil. 

    Lance Hardesty, Vice President of the Singapore office,
says, "Since this project is a tank farm and not a
conventional power plant, it is both a challenging and
interesting project with which we are proud to be

    The Tha Toom Project is another significant project,
involving the refinancing of a biomass/coal co-fired power
plant in Prachin Buri, Thailand. "The most surprising
development to us has been the bio-fuels market. Much as in
the U.S., Southeast Asia is very interested in developing
bio-fuel projects," says Hardesty.

    According to Hardesty, "Our presence in the
Pacific-Rim allows us to pursue opportunities in locations
such as the United Arab Emirates, Mauritius, Cambodia and

    In response to the growing number of projects in the
increasingly robust Asian market, in the past year, the
staff of the Singapore office has increased to three
full-time consultants including Hardesty, Robert Schafish
and Mason Wallick.

    To celebrate its second anniversary, an evening
honoring R. W. Beck's clients, who have offered support,
advice and encouragement, is scheduled for October 6 at the
Fullerton Hotel in Singapore.

    Founded more than 60 years ago, R. W. Beck (
http://www.rwbeck.com ) is a technically based management
consulting and engineering firm providing services to both
public and private sectors in the areas of energy and
water/waste resources.

    For more information, please contact:

     Pamela Denahy
     Senior Public Relations Coordinator
     Tel:   +1-303-299-5232
     Email: pdenahy@rwbeck.com

SOURCE  R. W. Beck

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