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SourceCode Announces K2.net Integration With the 2007 Microsoft Office System, Exchange Server 2007 and Windows Vista
December 04, 2006

K2.net BlackPearl will empower businesses to transcend people, systems, and distance
    REDMOND, Wash., Dec. 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
SourceCode, the creator of the K2.net Enterprise Workflow
for the .NET Platform, today announced that it will release
the next generation of the K2.net product line, which works
with the 2007 Microsoft Office system, Exchange Server 2007
and the Windows Vista operating system to provide customers
with increased visibility and manageability of their
business processes to help increase profitability, reduce
costs, maintain compliance efforts, while increasing
customer satisfaction and shareholder value. 

    "We have architected our K2.net BlackPearl
offering to maximize the capabilities of the 2007 Office
system, Windows Vista and Exchange Server 2007.  As a
global launch participant we are highlighting the 200+ new
and enhanced features we have built into the K2.net
BlackPearl offering. Our goal is to allow our mutual
customers to achieve a faster time to value with their
enterprise workflow solutions," said Dennis Parker,
President, SourceCode. "We're very excited about the
business opportunities ahead -- this launch signifies a new
age of computing and SourceCode is in a prime position to
respond to the needs of today's demanding business

    "We are very pleased that SourceCode has built its
K2.net business process management and advanced workflow
offering to maximize the capabilities of the 2007 Office
system, Exchange Server 2007 and Windows Vista," said
Kurt DelBene, Corporate Vice President of the Office
Business Platform Group at Microsoft Corp.
"SourceCode's continued commitment to innovation
highlights the power and flexibility of these Microsoft

    About SourceCode

    SourceCode Technology Holdings, Inc. develops the
award-winning K2.net(TM) 2003 enterprise workflow offering.
 K2.net 2003 is the leader in business process management
for .NET through its enablement of rapid solution assembly
to optimize interactions between people, systems and
process.  Customers derive significant value from their
Microsoft investments by leveraging K2.net 2003 and its
powerful, proven and seamless integration across a range of
products including: Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Office
InfoPath 2003, SharePoint Portal Server 2003, Microsoft
Office Project Server 2003, Microsoft Content Management
Server 2002, Live Communications Server 2005, BizTalk
Server 2004, Exchange Server 2003, and Visual Studio.NET. 
In conjunction with its global partner network, SourceCode
has developed solutions to help manage and monitor
processes that are designed to help customers increase
profitability, reduce costs, improve customer satisfaction,
and maintain compliance efforts. 

    SourceCode Technology Holdings, Inc. is headquartered
in Redmond, Washington and has offices in the United
States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, South
Africa, Australia, and Singapore. 

    SourceCode and K2.net are registered trademarks or
trademarks of SourceCode Technology Holdings, Inc. in the
United States and/or other countries.  The names of actual
companies and products mentioned herein may be the
trademarks of their respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

     Media & Analyst Relations
     Jeff Shuey
     SourceCode | K2.net
     Tel:   +1-425-922-8056
     Email: jeff@k2workflow.com 

SOURCE  SourceCode
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