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SourceCode Releases Beta 1 of Their Next Generation Platform, Code Named K2.net(R) 'BlackPearl'
December 21, 2006

    REDMOND, Wash., Dec. 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
SourceCode Technology 
Holdings, Inc. (SourceCode), the creator of the K2.net(R)
Enterprise Workflow 
Platform, today announced the first beta release of the new
version of 
K2.net, codenamed "BlackPearl" to a select number
of SourceCode partners and 
customers.  The complete commercial version is expected to
be released in 
early 2007.

    K2.net "BlackPearl" is a radical new vision
for satisfying currently 
unmet needs in the Business Process Management (BPM) space,
providing a set 
of tools that empower IT to help the business rapidly
assemble business-based 

    Dennis Parker, President K2.net, said, "K2.net
'BlackPearl' is the 
culmination of three years of development and will form the
platform on which 
we will launch our next generation process management
platform.  We have 
listened carefully to the needs of our customers and placed
an emphasis on 
common and recurring themes.  Major goals that we have set
for ourselves in 
the 'BlackPearl' platform include empowerment of business
users, improved 
line of business application integration, increased
enterprise scalability, 
and flexible and integrated reporting."

    Built on .NET 3.0, K2.net "BlackPearl"
provides a powerful set of design 
experiences tailored for broad participation in the
creation and deployment 
of process based applications.  These experiences are
surfaced in familiar 
tools that include Microsoft Visio, a web browser, and
Visual Studio.NET 
2005.  Users have the ability to create, store, reuse,
report on and 
personalize their experience to meet their individual

    The K2.net "BlackPearl" platform also gives
IT the new ability to surface 
objects that users can leverage in the creation of their
process based 
applications.  Through the "SmartObjects" and
"SmartFunctions" features in 
the platform, users are able to access and take action on
information stored 
across legacy informational silos without having to
understand where the 
information lives or how to retrieve it.

    With K2.net "BlackPearl," the business and IT
are empowered to work 
together in creating applications in ways not before
possible.  Additional 
capabilities will be announced throughout the beta term
until official 
product release. 

    About SourceCode

    SourceCode Technology Holdings, Inc. (
http://www.k2workflow.com ) 
develops the award-winning K2.net 2003 software.  K2.net
2003 is the 
leading .Net based enterprise workflow platform and enables
rapid solution 
assembly that optimizes interactions between people,
systems and process.

    SourceCode Technology Holdings, Inc. is headquartered
in Redmond, 
Washington and has offices in the United States, Canada,
the United Kingdom, 
France, Germany, South Africa, Australia, and Singapore. 

    NOTE:  SourceCode and K2.net are registered trademarks
or trademarks of 
SourceCode Technology Holdings, Inc. in the United States
and/or other 
countries. The names of actual companies and products
mentioned herein may be 
the trademarks of their respective owners.

    For further information, please contact:  

     Josh Swihart
     Tel:   +1-415-299-2860
     Email: josh@k2workflow.com

SOURCE  SourceCode Technology Holdings, Inc.
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