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Stora Enso Acquires Mill Site Land at Beihai in China
April 28, 2007

    HELSINKI, April 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Stora Enso
has signed a mill site land acquisition agreement with
Beihai City Government in Guangxi, China.  The agreement
will provide Stora Enso a total of 250 hectares of
industrial land for possible future use as a mill site. The
mill site is by the sea in the Tieshangang Industrial Zone
of Beihai City in the north of Beibu Gulf in the South
China Sea, near Vietnam. The purchase price is about EUR 27

    Stora Enso's Board of Directors has taken no formal
decision concerning investment in a mill at Beihai.
However, this acquisition would facilitate a future
investment. A prerequisite for the investment decision is
that the acquisition of land use rights develops in a way
that will secure a sufficient fibre base.

    The area has suitable soil and a favourable climate for
eucalyptus plantations. It is intended to create a
sustainably managed fibre base of 160 000 hectares to
support establishment of an integrated pulp and paper/board
mill in Guangxi. Stora Enso's development of the plantations
in Guangxi began in 2002. 

    To ensure sustainable development of its plantations in
China, Stora Enso invited the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) to carry out an Environmental and Social
Impact Assessment (ESIA) of the Guangxi plantations in 2005
and 2006. The assessment found that there are no major
environmental or social issues that could have an impact on
Stora Enso's plantation project in Guangxi.

    BPrevious press releases concerning Stora Enso's
activities of Forest Pulp and Paper Integration Project in
China are available at http://www.storaenso.com/press .

    -- 25 September 2006: Stora Enso further expands 
       its plantations in Guangxi

    -- 20 June 2006: Stora Enso increases loan 
       facility for its operations in China

    -- 29 March 2006: Stora Enso to sign an agreement 
       for co-operation with UNDP China

    -- 10 November 2005: Stora Enso strengthens its 
       presence in Guangxi

    -- 10 June 2005: Stora Enso signs loan agreement 
       with International Financing Corporation

    -- 31 March 2005: UNDP to Assess Environment and 
       Social Impact of a Forestry Investment Project 
       in Guangxi, China


    About Stora Enso

    Stora Enso is an integrated paper, packaging and forest
products company producing publication and fine paper,
packaging board and wood products ¨C all areas in which the
Group is a global market leader. Stora Enso's sales totalled
EUR 14.6 billion in 2006. The Group has some 44 000
employees in more than 40 countries on five continents.
Stora Enso has an annual production capacity of 16.5
million tonnes of paper and board and 7.4 million cubic
metres of sawn wood products, including 3.2 million cubic
metres of value-added products. Stora Enso's shares are
listed in Helsinki, Stockholm and New York.  

    For more information, please contact:

     Wangqiu Song, President, 
     Stora Enso China
     Tel: +86-21-6335-3050

     Kari Vainio, EVP, 
     Corporate Communications
     Tel: +44-7799-348-197

     Keith Russell, SVP, 
     Investor Relations
     Tel: +44-7775-788-659

     Kari Tuomela, President, 
     Guangxi, Stora Enso Forestry 
     Tel: +86-139-786-61368

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