Take Your Business Global: a New and Easy Way for Small and Medium Size Companies to Achieve a Successful International Development

January 25, 2007

Swensee Announced the Launching of an Innovative e-contactplace PARIS, Jan. 25 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Swensee is the first global e-contactplace fully dedicated to businesses involved in international trade. With a safe, trustful, user friendly and customised environment, Swensee's ambition is to bring internationalization within the reach of all businesses, especially to small and medium size companies whatever their nationality or sector, thanks to specially designed tools and a community grounded on mutual aid and trust among members. http://www.swensee.com is a breakthrough service at the center of multimedia convergence Blending latest networking and communication technologies, http://www.swensee.com is a breakthrough service at the center of multimedia convergence: the platform combines Web 2.0 compatible internet applications with phone expert services, to assist international players with getting qualified contacts, therefore speeding up their international expansion. Two web applications are available to subscribers, one for companies and the other for network leaders to lead and coordinate their networks, building up a platform which is both an online community and a collaborative tool. Qualified contacts are decisive to a successful international development Matthieu Delouvrier, former French banker and founder of the company Swensee, said that "these qualified contacts are decisive to a successful international development, allowing a better knowledge of markets, understanding of behaviors and identification of business opportunities. Swensee is a documented system where you can get to know people and double-check their story before committing to a face-to-face meeting because finally, building personal relationships is critical to the achievement of real business transactions." A collaboration with world leaders Some services have been specifically designed by Swensee in collaboration with Altares, the exclusive French member of the D&B WWN, world's leading source of business information, with Dow Jones Newswires, the world's leading independent provider of real-time business and financial news, and with SVP, leader in providing professional consulting by phone to businesses. Agreements with other leaders are under negotiation. Swensee: a focused business solution for globalization Swensee brings Web 2.0 to professional B2B applications. During an experiment made with two groups of French and German businessmen, Swensee revealed the immense potential of business opportunities between themselves. In the march to globalization, others are your hidden fortune and Swensee helps you get it. For more information, please contact: Matthieu Delouvrier Tel: +33-153-531-500 Email: md@swensee.com SOURCE Swensee
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