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The world's first Chinese-English Email Portal Chinglish.com Live
October 31, 2006

Writing in Chinese online, sending it out in English, and vice versa, bridges the language barrier between China and the West
    AMSTERDAM, the Netherlands, Oct. 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/
-- Chinglish.com is live.  It is the world's first truly
bilingual Chinese-English internet portal with specialized
language tools.  Messages can be written and translated
online in Chinese or English. 

    Bilingual webmail

    Chinglish.com is the world's first bilingual e-mail
developed to meet the market demands of increased
communication between Chinese and English speaking
communities.  One of the flagship features is a web-based
Chinese Input Method Editor (IME) that provides users the
ability to write e-mail in Chinese online.  With its
innovative solution, Chinglish addresses the needs of
millions of international businesspeople, foreigners
studying Chinese, Chinese students studying abroad, and
Chinese tourists travelling to the West.  Previously, these
users encountered situations where computers were not
equipped with a Chinese IME or not configured properly. 

    Language tools

    Chinglish bilingual e-mail also boasts a variety of
other language tools, most notably automated translation. 
Messages can be translated in real-time from Chinese to
English and vice versa.  By offering translation and
Chinese IME within a webmail application, Chinglish.com
overcomes the communication barrier separating China and
the West. 

    Chinese and English: the major languages of the future

    Marius van Bergen, CEO of Chinglish.com explains:
"Currently 300 million Chinese people are learning
English and 30 million non-Chinese speakers are studying
Chinese.  These numbers will continue to grow and
Chinglish.com sees its mission in facilitating
communication between speakers of Chinese and English.  I
would even venture to say that Chinglish.com has a unifying
role to play within the Chinese community itself, because it
supports simplified Chinese, which is used in the People's
Republic of China and Singapore, and traditional Chinese,
used in Taiwan and Hong Kong.  As far as we are concerned,
international organizations will only have two official
languages of work in the future: Chinese and English. Our
portal can save billions of dollars in translation and
interpretation costs."

    About Chinglish

    Chinglish BV is a Dutch company that was founded with
venture capital in 2004 by Marius van Bergen.  Chinglish's
mission is to promote linguistic and cultural exchange
between China and the West by creating a virtual internet
community in which Chinese and English coexist and enrich
each other.

    For more information, please contact:

     Tang Qian
     PR Officer Chinglish BV
     Tel:   +31-40-2300790
     Email: tangqian@chinglish.com
     Web:   http://www.chinglish.com

SOURCE  Chinglish BV
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