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Thomson Financial Launches peHub.com, Financial Blog Aimed at Venture Capital, Private Equity and Leveraged Buyout Professionals
November 08, 2006

    NEW YORK, Nov. 7 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Thomson
Financial, an operating unit of The Thomson Corporation
(TSX: TOC, NYSE: TOC) and leading provider of information
and technology solutions to the worldwide financial
community, this morning announced the creation of Private
Equity Hub, an interactive forum for the private equity
community catering to venture capitalists, buyouts
professionals, attorneys, bankers, entrepreneurs and MBA
candidates. peHub.com ( http://www.pehub.com ) is an
extension of Thomson Financial's PE Week Wire, created in
2002 and a must read for more than 34,000 private equity

    Our private equity strategy is to deliver tailored
market-specific information to clients in the business and
financial communities," said Matthew Burkley, head of
strategy at Thomson Financial. "peHub.com will provide
private equity professionals a meeting place tailored to
their needs and integrated with our market-leading
proprietary content."

    "With 34,000 users, PE Week Wire became
constrained by the structural limitations of e-mail, after
many of its readers demanded interaction," said Dan
Primack, peHub's editor and the editorial voice for PE Week
Wire since its inception. "peHub.com removes those
limitations and gives the Wire readers what they have been
asking for -- a forum to interact and be exposed to a wider
range of ideas."

    The website includes content from both the Thomson
Financial editorial staff and an invited group of more than
40 "Vox Populi" bloggers from throughout the
private equity market.

    "Our Vox Populi section allows PE professionals to
contribute when they have time and something to say,"
said Primack. "There are many financial blogs in
existence, but their content is mostly deal driven, as
opposed to peHub, which is driven by deals, personalities
and Thomson Financial's unparalleled collection of
financial data. And peHub is 100% dedicated to private
equity. No other firm knows the private equity industry as
well as Thomson Financial."

    peHub.com is free to read, but payment is required for
premium areas of the site, such as accessing the news
archives, posting a job opening, or purchasing a
"premium" event listing on the community

    PE Hub includes the following sections:
    * Editorial Blog:  Market analysis from Dan Primack and
the private equity 
      editorial team of Thomson Financial
    * Vox Populi:  An invited roster of guest bloggers from
across the private 
      equity universe
    * NewsWire:  Comprehensive news for the entire private
equity market
    * Careers:  Industry job postings and employment
    * Event Calendar:  Get out of the office, with our full
rundown of local 
      and national industry events
    * MBA Corner:  Message board for MBA candidates
interested in private 
      equity. Must be currently enrolled to participate
    * Search Archive:  Editorial content gong back to
January 2000, including 
      all content from PE Hub and PE Week Wire

    Thomson expects peHub.com to become the private equity
industry homepage -- something that doesn't exist today.
"How often have people read one of Dan Primack's
'Random Ramblings' and wanted to fire back on how right or
wrong he is?" said Jim Beecher, peHub.com's publisher.
"Now they can."

    About Thomson Financial

    Thomson Financial is a US$1.9 billion provider of
information and technology solutions to the worldwide
financial community. Through the widest range of products
and services in the industry, Thomson Financial helps
clients in more than 70 countries make better decisions, be
more productive and achieve superior results. Thomson
Financial is part of The Thomson Corporation (
http://www.thomson.com ), a global leader in providing
integrated information solutions to business and
professional customers. Thomson provides value-added
information, software tools and applications to more than
20 million users in the fields of law, tax, accounting,
financial services, higher education, reference
information, corporate e-learning and assessment,
scientific research and healthcare. With revenues of US$8.4
billion, The Thomson Corporation lists its common shares on
the New York and Toronto stock exchanges (NYSE: TOC; TSX:

    For more information, please contact:
     Sally Cates,
     Head of External Communications, 
     Thomson Financial
     Tel:   +1-646-822-2076
     Email: Sally.cates@thomson.com

SOURCE  Thomson Financial
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