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u-blox to Showcase Ultra Fast Galileo-Ready A-GPS Chip at CeBIT
March 05, 2007

    THALWIL, Switzerland, March 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
u-blox AG, the leading Swiss provider of GPS receiver
technology, will showcase u-blox 5, a Galileo-ready A-GPS
chip featuring an acquisition performance of less than one
second, at the 2007 CeBIT trade show in Hanover, Germany. 

    CeBIT, which runs from March 15-21, is the world's
leading ICT show and is expected to attract nearly half a
million visitors and over 6000 exhibitors this year. This
makes it the largest marketplace for digital IT and
telecommunications solutions, providing a unique
opportunity for product manufacturers, service providers
and distributors to meet, exchange views and do business. 

    u-blox will be promoting its u-blox 5 chip at the
event. The new technology boasts an acquisition and
tracking sensitivity of -160 dBm that enables indoor
coverage, a 50-channel engine and a power consumption of
less than 50 mW. Its energy efficiency and tracking
sensitivity make it ideal for GPS-enabled battery-operated
portable devices that operate in difficult indoor
environments like shopping malls, train stations and urban
    "Our ultra fast u-blox 5 chip, with its low power
consumption and indoor performance, enables a whole new
range of innovative GPS-enabled applications, from handheld
navigation devices to smart phones," said Thomas
Seiler, u-blox CEO. 

    u-blox will also showcase recent innovations like
AssistNow(R), u-blox' end-to-end A-GPS solutions that
enhance receiver performance, enabling instant positioning
anywhere, at anytime. AssistNow services make the long
waiting times usually associated with standard GPS
acquisition performance a thing of the past, even in
difficult signal conditions. The recently introduced
AssistNow Offline provides assistance data valid for up to
14 days, which is stored in the GPS receiver. This enables
the receiver to compute a position instantly without having
to connect to a mobile network at start-up to download the
data, as is the case with typical A-GPS services. 

    u-blox' booth is located in Hall 11, C09.  
    (A high-resolution picture can be downloaded from  
     http://www.u-blox.com/news/u-blox_5.jpg ) 
    About u-blox
    u-blox is an international company headquartered in
Switzerland, with sales organizations in the Americas,
Europe and Asia. Founded in 1997, u-blox develops leading
positioning technology, products and services based on
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), including GPS
and Galileo, for the automotive and mobile communications
markets. For more information, please visit
http://www.u-blox.com .  

    For more information, please contact:

    u-blox Contacts
     Georg zur Bonsen
     Marketing Services 
     Tel:   +41-44-722-74-44
     Email: georg.zurbonsen@u-blox.com  
     Alicia Montoya
     Marketing Communications  
     Tel:   +41-44-722-74-86
     Email: alicia.montoya@u-blox.com 

SOURCE  u-blox 

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