WISeKey ELA Reaches Significant Milestones in its Cooperation with Microsoft Spain and IT Deusto to Accelerate the Mass Market Deployment of Digital Identities in Spanish Speaking Countries

November 16, 2006

MADRID, Nov. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- WISeKey ELA, the WISeKey Affiliate for Spain and Latin America announces today in Madrid a Strategic Partnership with Microsoft and IT Deusto for the deployment of the CertifyID BlackBox line of security solutions. This announcement follows WISeKey's recent nomination by Microsoft as a global Lead Partner for eID Solutions. Microsoft Spain, WISeKey ELA and IT Deusto will jointly develop plans to address specific vertical market segments with attractive eID solutions. Both the public sector and the private sector in Spain and Latin America are looking to upgrade their Identity Documents (from national ID cards to employee badges) so as to address higher security requirements to protect and prevent against identity theft, online counterfeiting and criminal misuse of information. Microsoft, WISeKey ELA and IT Deusto enable individuals, organizations and governments to leverage their current server infrastructure investment by adding functionalities of secure electronic identities through the CertifyID infrastructure in a straightforward, quick and cost effective way. "Having partnered with Microsoft since 2004 and as an active member of the Government Leaders Forum, we are very pleased to extend our cooperation to IT Deusto in Spain. Joining forces with other European ISV innovators will allow WISeKey ELA to accelerate the rate of adoption of these new eID solutions and contribute to make our enterprises more competitive and our societies more advanced," commented Carlos Moreira, Founder and Chairman of WISeKey. "This is the right time to address the Spanish market given the launch of the National eID project. Suppliers like WISeKey can complement this initiative and build on the wide acceptance of eID solutions to address the requirements of any kind of user communities, both in the public sector and especially also in the enterprise market," commented Victor Canivell, CEO, WISeKey ELA. Abel Linares, CEO, IT Deusto, said: "The cooperation with WISeKey reinforces IT Deusto's penetration in the security space with possible extension to international markets due the high visibility of the WISeKey brand." Hector Sanchez, Director Corporate Security, Microsoft Spain, said: "We are fully committed to projects and technologies aimed at strengthening identity and authentication processes in corporate environments. WISeKey's technologies enable and facilitate the use of Microsoft technologies in these processes with the necessary security and reliability levels." Geoffrey Lipman, UNWTO Assistant Secretary-General, said: "UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization) firmly believes in the need for increased security and decreased hassle for travellers and have a SAFE (Security And Facilitation Enhancement) strategy to this end. A central component is the increased use of secure internet and identity management capabilities valid for tourists, tourism providers and tourism authorities worldwide. This is especially important for developing countries who need to also be provided with the financing and technology capacity to join in the global network as partners. UNWTO based in Madrid is working in the framework of its PPP with Microsoft with WISeKey, to explore solutions to this challenge." (More on the UNWTO PPP at http://www.microsoft.com/emea/presscentre/pressreleases/GLFAfrica2006Day2PR_1 172006.mspx ) For more information, please contact: Daniel Ybarra VP Corporate Communications WISeKey Tel: +41-22-594-3000 Email: dybarra@wisekey.com SOURCE WISeKey
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