“キヤノンimageRUNNER iR W740/W740N”を発売
キヤノンは、設計・土木・建築関連企業や官公庁を主な対象として、赤黒ツインカラー出力、ファクス、フィニッシャー対応など充実した機能を搭載できる、A2サイズ対応のデジタル複合機“キヤノンimageRUNNER iR W740/W740N”を11月28日より発売します。
新製品“iR W740/W740N”は、解像度600dpi、256階調の高画質と、A2サイズで毎分14枚の出力スピードを備えた広幅対応のデジタル複合機で、コピーのほかスキャナーやプリンターとして利用することも可能です(※)。
なお、新製品“iR W740”は、コピー機能に特化したモデルで、“iR W740N”は、ネットワークプリンター・スキャナー機能を加えた自動原稿送り装置付きモデルです。
●オフィス文書からCAD データの出力まで、高いパフォーマンスを実現するプリンター機能(※)
キヤノンimageRUNNER iR W740 156万円
キヤノンimageRUNNER iR W740N 215万円
2機種合計 150台/月
(※) “iR W740”はオプションの「A2 コントローラ・タイプG2」と「ドキュメントボックスHDキット」が必要です。
・iR W740
コピー ○
プリント オプション
スキャン オプション
ドキュメントボックス オプション
ファクス オプション(※)
・iR W740N
コピー ○
プリント ○
スキャン ○
ドキュメントボックス ○
ファクス オプション
(※) インターネットファクス機能とPCFAX 機能を利用するためには、プリンタ・スキャナユニットが必要です。
また、保管している図面の赤い字のコメントや承認印、出図印などを、原稿そのままの赤色で出力するといった機能への強い要望がありました。キヤノンは、こうした市場の動向に対応すべく、定評のあるA2判デジタル複合機「iR700W/750W」(2003年3月発売)の後継機として、オプションを装着することで赤・黒の2色を同時コピーすることを可能とするとともに、ネットワークプリンターやスキャナーとしても利用可能な“imageRUNNER iR W740/W740N”を投入します。
TEL 050-555-90052(※)
(※) 海外からご利用の場合、または050からはじまるIP電話番号をご利用いただけない場合は、TEL 043-211-9626 にお問い合
キヤノンホームページ canon.jp
imageRUNNER ホームページ canon.jp/imagerunner
● 関連リンク
ヴァル研究所 高速バス探索機能、探索結果の印刷機能を強化し最新ダイヤ情報を収録した
製品名 駅すぱあとバージョンアップ(2006年12月)
標準価格 3,675円(税込)
発売日 12月6日(水)
備考 5,000本限定発売
一般の方 株式会社ヴァル研究所 営業部
E-MAIL: info@val.co.jp
● 関連リンク
株式会社カカクコム(東京都文京区 代表取締役社長 田中実、東証コード:2371、以下カカクコム)は、個人投資家の外貨投資意欲および、市場に与える影響力の高まりを背景に、11月8日(水)より、子会社の株式会社カカクコム・フィナンシャル(東京都文京区 代表取締役社長 木島俊哉)※1にて、ユーザー参加型の為替相場予想サイト『外為羅針盤』を新たに提供開始いたします。
参照URL: http://fx-rashinban.com/
※2:価格.com ID:無料で価格.com、食べログ.com等の全てのサービスが利用できるプラットフォーム、尚、閲覧に関しては登録の必要はありません。
(※ 関連資料を参照してください。)
【 株式会社カカクコム 会社概要 】
所在地:東京都文京区後楽1-4-14 後楽森ビル13F
代表取締役:田中 実
・情報コミュニティの運営 など
● 関連リンク
NEW YORK, April 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- FXDD, a global leader in online foreign currency exchange, today announced it is tightening spreads on many of its 20 currency pairs. FXDD will continue to offer 2-4 pips wide on the four major currency pairs (highlighted below). EUR/USD 2 pips CHF/JPY 4 pips USD/JPY 3 pips AUD/CAD 7 pips USD/CHF 3 pips EUR/JPY 4 pips GBP/USD 4 pips AUD/JPY 6 pips EUR/GBP 3 pips CAD/JPY 7 pips EUR/CHF 4 pips AUD/NZD 8 pips AUD/USD 4 pips EUR/AUD 8 pips NZD/USD 5 pips GBP/CHF 9 pips USD/CAD 5 pips EUR/CAD 10 pips GBP/JPY 8 pips USD/MXN 40 pips "In order to stay competitive in the retail market," commented Tom O'Reilly, SVP of sales, "we have tightened our spreads even further. By combining aggressive pricing with superior technology and customer service, we are confident that we are giving our clients the tools they demand and deserve." About FXDD FXDD, headquartered in New York City, is a leader of on-line foreign exchange. The Company provides retail (MetaTrader and FXDDTrader), institutional (PowerTrader) and automated trading platforms (FXDDAuto); 100:1 leverage for regular accounts and 200:1 leverage for mini accounts; tight spreads on its retail platforms (2-3 wide on most majors); and commission-free forex trading. For a free demo, please visit http://www.fxdd.com , or call toll-free in the U.S. at 1.866.FOR.FXDD or +1.212.791.3950. For more information, please contact: Jennifer Van Hofwegen Head of Marketing and Communications Tel: +1-212-791-6491 Tom O'Reilly SVP of Sales Tel: +1-212-791-3488
BEIJING, CHINA, April 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The second annual BRANDZ(TM) Top 100 Most Powerful Brands ranking published in cooperation with the Financial Times was announced today by leading global market research and consulting firm Millward Brown. Google has risen to the top of this year's ranking, taking the number one spot with a brand value of $66,434 million. This was followed by General Electric ($61,880 million), Microsoft ($54,951 million) and Coca-Cola ($44,134 million). (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200704231641.JPG ) Produced by Millward Brown Optimor, the firm's finance and ROI arm, the ranking identifies the most powerful brands in the world as measured by their dollar value. A full report will be published today, exclusively in the Financial Times. The aggregate value of all brands in the BRANDZ(TM) Top 100 increased by 10.6% in one year, from $1.44 trillion in 2006 to $1.6 trillion in 2007. "Success stories from this year's BRANDZ(TM) Top 100 demonstrate that winning brands leverage major market trends effectively to create business value," said Joanna Seddon, global CEO Millward Brown Optimor. "Strong brands are capable of extending into areas of opportunity to access new revenue streams and to help businesses respond to market changes." The most notable trends emerging from this year's BRANDZ(TM) Top 100 include: -- The rise of the East -- Today, consumers in emerging markets known as BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China) have more disposable income than ever before. In order to succeed in the BRICS, Western brands must offer products or services that fill a gap in the local market. Fast food brands such as KFC ($4,485 million) and McDonald's ($33,138 million) appeal to BRIC consumers looking for a Western dining experience. Apparel brands including Nike ($10,290 million), Levi's ($1,041 million) and Zara ($6,469 million) fill the gap between local brands and imported luxury brands by providing "affordable fashion" to young consumers. -- Converging technologies ¨C- Technology companies are extending their brands to respond to the trend of combining voice, data and video technologies. Known as convergence, this trend stems from consumer preference for all-in-one devices. Apple ($24,728 million) is venturing into the mobile phone category with the launch of its iPhone while Orange ($9,922 million) is entering the music download space. Like Apple and Orange, strong brands are able to stretch so parent companies can increase revenue streams by investing in high growth ventures. -- Delivering on Corporate Social Responsibility ¨C- Delivering on the promise of environmental responsibility helped boost the value of major brands including BP ($5,931 million), Shell ($4,679 million) and Toyota ($33,427 million). BP was the first major oil company to address climate change with its 'beyond petroleum' brand positioning. BP executed on that brand positioning to become one of the top three global suppliers of solar energy. Shell followed suit. Toyota's success with its hybrid model Prius contributed to its positive brand image and its continued leadership in the automotive sector. -- Fast food brands react to health conscious consumers ¨C- Rising concerns about healthy eating disrupted the fast food industry that had enjoyed continuous growth since the 1980s. Most fast food chains, including McDonald's ($33,138 million), repositioned themselves with the introduction of healthier food alternatives. Burger King ($1,401 million) took the opposite stance through marketing campaigns that called attention to the chain's original offering: the high-calorie and masculine hamburger. Burger King's brand value increased by 63% to prove that strong brands succeed whether they follow or defy market trends. Commenting on this year's BRANDZ(TM) Top 100 ranking, Eileen Campbell, global CEO of Millward Brown said: "It is a huge achievement to become one of the world's most powerful brands and Millward Brown congratulates all of the companies featured in this year's BRANDZ(TM) Top 100. These top performers demonstrate the real financial value that successful business and brand management can deliver. There are tons of actionable insights that can be derived from these rankings. They prove that a blend of good business leadership, responsible financial management and powerful marketing are an unbeatable combination that can be leveraged to create and grow corporate wealth." More Chinese brands, mostly bank brands, made it to the BRANDZ(TM) Top 100 Most Powerful Brands list of this year. Zhang Yixin, Director of Millward Brown Optimor China, said: "In accordance with the WTO commitment, the financial service market in China has been opening up to foreign players. Since December 11th, 2006, foreign banks are permitted to provide RenMinBi retail services in China, but they face strong competition from local banks, which have not only large number of branches, but also strong relationship with local customers as a result of long time brand presence in the market." Zhang added: "Many large Chinese corporations in other sectors, such as PetroChina, are also putting huge efforts into brand management in order to respond to the increasing competition and market changes. We believe that more and more Chinese brands will grow to be strong enough to compete with the world-class brands in their respective industries." The BRANDZ(TM) Top 100 is the only brand ranking to combine financials with solid measures of consumer sentiment derived from WPP's BRANDZ(TM) database, the world's largest repository of brand equity data. The BRANDZ(TM) study has interviewed more than one million consumers globally on an annual basis and covers 39,000 brands worldwide. The BRANDZ(TM) Top 100 is the first study to cover both business and consumer brands and to include predictive metrics of future brand performance. Market performance metrics and financial data were obtained from Datamonitor and Bloomberg respectively. The complete BRANDZ(TM) Top 100 report with category and regional breakdowns as well as additional analysis is available online at http://www.millwardbrown.com/mboptimor , http://www.brandz.com and at http://www.ft.com . About the BRANDZ(TM) Top 100 ranking Developed for WPP's operating companies by Millward Brown Optimor, the BRANDZ(TM) ranking of the world's Top 100 most powerful brands is based on data from the BRANDZ(TM) database. The BRANDZ(TM) study, conducted annually by Millward Brown, measures the brand equity of almost 40,000 global "consumer facing" brands, and interviews over 1 million consumers globally. Consumer perception of a brand is a key input in determining brand value because brands are a combination of business performance, product delivery, clarity of positioning, and leadership. In addition to utilizing BRANDZ(TM) data, the Top 100 ranking assesses Brand Value (using market and consumer research, in combination with financial data from Bloomberg and Datamonitor, to calculate and break-down intangible earnings), Brand Contribution (the brand's effectiveness in driving business earnings), and Brand Momentum (an index of expected short-term brand growth). The ranking takes into account regional variations since even for truly global brands measures of brand contribution might differ substantially across countries. About Millward Brown Millward Brown ( http://www.millwardbrown.com ) is one of the world's leading research agencies and is expert in effective advertising, marketing communications, media and brand equity research. Through the use of an integrated suite of validated research solutions -- both qualitative and quantitative -- Millward Brown helps clients build strong brands and services. Millward Brown has more than 70 offices in 44 countries. Additional practices include Millward Brown's Global Media Practice (media effectiveness unit), Millward Brown Optimor (focused on helping clients maximize the returns on their brand and marketing investments), Millward Brown Precis (PR measurement practice), Dynamic Logic (the world leader in digital marketing effectiveness), and KMR (provider of global Target Group Index [TGI] the world's leading media and market profiling tool). Millward Brown is part of Kantar, WPP's insight, information and consultancy group. About the Financial Times The Financial Times Group, one of the world's leading business information companies, aims to provide a broad range of business information and services to the growing audience of internationally minded business people. The FT Group includes The Financial Times, one of the world's leading business newspapers, recognised internationally for its authority, integrity and accuracy. Providing extensive news, comment and analysis, the newspaper is printed in 23 cities across the globe, has a daily circulation of 440,000 and a readership of more than 1.4 million people worldwide. The FT Group also includes FT.com, one of the world's leading business information websites, and the internet partner of the FT newspaper. The FT Group's pan-European network of national business newspapers and online services includes France's leading business newspaper and website, Les Echos and lesechos.fr. In February 2000, the FT launched a new German language newspaper, FT Deutschland, with a fully integrated online business news and data service. Through FT Interactive Data, the FT Group is one of the world's leading sources of securities pricing and specialist financial information to global institutional, professional and individual investors. The FT Group also includes Mergermarket Group, whose products and services provide the global advisory and corporate communities with intelligence and analysis. With regional head offices in London, New York and Hong Kong and 200 journalists in 46 locations worldwide, reliable and validated proprietary intelligence and historical data is provided via the mergermarket, dealReporter, Debtwire and wealthmonitor on-line platforms. BRANDZ(TM) Top 100 Most Powerful Brands # Brand Value ($m) % change in Brand Value 1 Google 66,434 77% 2 GE (General Electric) 61,880 11% 3 Microsoft 54,951 -11% 4 Coca-Cola (**) 44,134 7% 5 China Mobile 41,214 5% 6 Marlboro 39,166 2% 7 Wal-Mart 36,880 -2% 8 Citi 33,706 9% 9 IBM 33,572 -7% 10 Toyota 33,427 11% 11 McDonald's 33,138 14% 12 Nokia 31,670 19% 13 Bank of America 28,767 2% 14 BMW 25,751 8% 15 HP 24,987 27% 16 Apple 24,728 55% 17 UPS 24,580 13% 18 Wells Fargo 24,284 N.A. 19 American Express 23,113 23% 20 Louis Vuitton 22,686 16% 21 Disney 22,572 2% 22 Vodafone 21,107 -12% 23 NTT DoCoMo 19,450 0% 24 Cisco 18,812 -10% 25 Intel 18,707 -26% 26 Home Depot 18,335 -33% 27 SAP 18,103 N.A. 28 Gillette 17,954 1% 29 Mercedes 17,813 0% 30 Oracle 17,809 28% 31 HSBC 17,457 26% 32 Tesco 16,649 7% 33 ICBC 16,460 N.A. 34 Verizon Wireless 16,261 9% 35 Starbucks 16,057 45% 36 Honda 15,465 7% 37 Dell 13,903 -24% 38 Bank of China 13,689 N.A. 39 Royal Bank of Canada 13,624 N.A. 40 Porsche 13,372 11% 41 Deutsche Bank 13,210 1% 42 Yahoo! 13,201 -6% 43 eBay 12,927 -2% 44 Samsung 12,742 6% 45 Ford 12,627 -9% 46 L'Oreal 12,303 15% 47 Banco Santander 12,094 -4% 48 Pepsi (**) 11,756 2% 49 Carrefour 11,710 8% 50 Merrill Lynch 11,655 16% 51 UBS 11,591 21% 52 Target 11,560 88% 53 ING 11,539 N.A. 54 Canon 11,413 15% 55 Sony 11,389 22% 56 Morgan Stanley 11,204 6% 57 Chevrolet 11,202 -10% 58 Nissan 11,189 3% 59 Chase 11,182 15% 60 Motorola 10,787 19% 61 China Construction Bank 10,757 N.A. 62 Accenture 10,534 8% 63 Nike 10,290 -5% 64 Harley-Davidson 10,269 3% 65 Wachovia 10,035 -2% 66 Budweiser (**) 9,977 -15% 67 Orange 9,922 5% 68 Marks & Spencer 9,509 192% 69 FedEx 9,310 13% 70 Cingular Wireless 9,260 39% 71 Siemens 9,111 35% 72 State Farm 8,738 11% 73 H&M 8,711 9% 74 JP Morgan 8,490 20% 75 TIM 8,440 N.A. 76 Goldman Sachs 8,239 -7% 77 T-Mobile 8,047 -32% 78 Colgate 7,711 32% 79 Chanel 7,499 15% 80 Subway 7,433 N.A. 81 IKEA 7,373 2% 82 Royal Bank Of Scotland 7,200 N.A. 83 VW (Volkswagen) 7,033 4% 84 Cartier 7,021 27% 85 Hermes 6,939 44% 86 Best Buy 6,674 113% 87 Barclays 6,612 30% 88 Avon 6,558 -1% 89 Gucci 6,524 49% 90 Zara 6,469 27% 91 WaMu 6,126 31% 92 Amazon 5,964 0% 93 BP 5,931 8% 94 AIG 5,880 4% 95 ABN AMRO 5,617 72% 96 Auchan 5,570 4% 97 Asda 5,540 19% 98 Lexus 5,421 7% 99 Esprit 5,411 29% 100 Rolex 5,387 9% *Source: Millward Brown Optimor (including data from BRANDZ(TM), Datamonitor, and Bloomberg) ** The brand value of Coca-Cola includes Diet Coke, that of Pepsi Cola includes Diet Pepsi and that of Budweiser includes Bud Light For more information, please contact: Yixin Zhang, Director Millward Brown Optimor Tel: +86-10-8522-1001 Fax: +86-10-8522-1016 Email: yixin.zhang@cn.millwardbrown.com
Electronics Industry Veteran Peter Wong to Guide Strategy and Direction of the Business in the Region SINGAPORE, April 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Avnet Electronics Marketing Asia, a leading distributor of electronic components and a division of Avnet, Inc. (NYSE: AVT), has appointed Peter Wong as regional president of Avnet China. An electronics industry veteran with more than 20 years experience, Wong will provide the leadership, strategy and direction to take the business to a new level of performance in the region. In this role, Wong will report to Stephen Wong, president of Avnet Electronics Marketing Asia. He succeeds Raymond Leung, currently the regional president of Avnet China who is leaving the organisation to pursue his career interests. "The Asia market is a key focus for Avnet Electronics Marketing, and China in particular, plays an important role in contributing to our growth strategy. With Peter's proven track record and rich knowledge of North Asia, I am confident that he will take our China business to new heights," said Stephen Wong, president of Avnet Electronics Marketing Asia. Wong originally joined Avnet Electronics Marketing Asia in February 2006 as vice president of strategic planning. Over the past year, he helped the organisation develop regional strategies designed to achieve its long-term vision for Asia. He was instrumental in spearheading the development of Avnet Electronics Marketing Asia's commodity business to drive for profitable growth and superior return on working capital. He was also the acting regional president of the South Asia Region. Prior to joining Avnet, Wong ran his own company which provided professional consultancy services to electronics companies. His work experience also includes sales assignments with ON Semiconductor where he held the position of vice president, Greater China sales, and later, Asia Pacific distribution channel management, covering all Asia countries including Japan. In addition, he held various key positions with Motorola in sales and distribution marketing for the Asia Pacific region. Avnet Electronics Marketing has established a strong presence in China through its two operations -- Avnet China and Avnet Memec China. Each serves the market through an independent yet comprehensive team of management, marketing, sales and engineering professionals. Avnet Electronics Marketing has 20 offices in China and operates four logistic centres located in Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The company also offers one-stop-shop design services through design centres in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhen. About Avnet Electronics Marketing Avnet Electronics Marketing Asia is part of Phoenix-based Avnet, Inc. (NYSE: AVT), a Fortune 500 company with fiscal 2006 sales exceeding USD$14.25 billion. Serving customers in approximately 70 countries, Avnet is one of the world's largest technology marketing, distribution and services companies. Avnet Electronics Marketing has a significant presence in Asia-Pacific -- the fastest growing electronics market in the world. With its regional headquarters in Singapore, the company has 38 locations in 10 countries in Asia. It distributes semiconductors, interconnect, passive and electromechanical components to serve a wide range of customers including original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), electronic manufacturing services (EMS) providers, and small- to medium-sized businesses, and provides associated design-chain and supply-chain services. The company's web site is located at http://www.em.avnet.com Issued on behalf of Avnet Electronics Marketing by Euan Barty Associates Note to editors: this release can also be found on the EBA Web site at http://www.eba.com.hk . For enquiries on releases by email, please call Rosa Lee at (852) 2537 8022 or send a message to rosa@eba.com.hk . For more information, please contact: Jaime Chan Tel: +852-2410-2735 Email: jaime.chan@avnet.com Brian Peterson (EBA) Tel: +852-2537-8022 Email: brian@eba.com.hk
Fresh Approach to Destination Marketing in Asian Online Travel Gives Travelers New Resources to Plan Trips to Macau MACAU, April 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- GoMacau.com, a locally-based online destination marketing company dedicated to Macau, moved swiftly into the vanguard of destination travel in the region with the innovative Macau Travel Insider Blog. The Blog features off-the-cuff commentary, interactive features, Macau travel tips, exclusive insight into visiting Macau, and user-generated contributions which gives visitors unique access to one of Asia's premier entertainment and holiday destinations. Careful consideration of input from customers, decades of experience from GoMacau.com's team of travel industry experts, and growing e-commerce trends were central to the Company's decision to pioneer new approaches to travel in Asia. "The blog engages visitors on a personal level and permits individual interaction with blog authors and others interested in Macau," says GoMacau.com's CEO Christina Siaw. "Travelers are very discerning in the online information sources they trust. We want to informally communicate with people as fellow travel lovers and Macau insiders with knowledge to share. So far the feedback we've received is very positive." The blog candidly describes living in and traveling to Macau and is written in both English and Chinese by Macau residents in the travel industry. To support the campaign, GoMacau.com is linking with travel and destination blog communities in the Asia-Pacific region and offering bloggers and their readers the chance to win free hotel stays every week until the end of June 2007. The Blog is supported by a vibrant website with extensive information about all aspects of the Pearl River Delta and one-stop travel planning tools, including hotel booking engine, maps, special deals, and handy City Guide. Further development on the website is already underway and the near future will see deeper and wider transactional content as well as the implementation of a more powerful e-commerce platform to offer customers a greater variety of products and services. About GoMacau.com GoMacau.com is a locally-based Destination Marketing Company committed to serving the growing number of travelers interested in and wishing to visit Macau. To this end, the Company provides convenient web-based content and call center services to facilitate bookings, as well as extensive, up-to-the-minute travel and entertainment information about Macau. For more information, please contact: Carrel Ieong Email: cieong@gomacau.com Anders West Email: awest@gomacau.com Tel: +853-2875-3169 Fax: +853-2875-3173
Company Leverages Power Management and Design Expertise to Deliver WLAN Support to Hotly Anticipated Ultra Mobile PC Platform SANTA CLARA, Calif., April 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Marvell (Nasdaq: MRVL), the leader in storage, communications and consumer silicon solutions, today announced that the Company's industry leading WLAN products fully support the Intel(R) Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC) initiative (codenamed McCaslin). The Marvell(R) 88W8686 WLAN processor is an excellent solution for the UMPC platform with incredibly low total system power -- drawing less than 400mW -- and the smallest total WLAN footprint available -- less than 50 mm2. The 88W8686 WLAN processor also supports a variety of operating systems including Linux, Microsoft Windows Vista and Windows XP. (Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070411/SFW034LOGO ) The UMPC platform was designed to offer full PC capabilities and "always on" connectivity in a small, thin and light platform. The small footprint, ultra-low power of the 88W8686 WLAN processor will enable UMPC users to have the ultimate mobile experience with instant access to content and information in a perfectly portable formfactor. "We see a growing opportunity for the UMPC platform, bridging the gap between notebooks and high end smart phones," said Iain Gillott, principal analyst, iGR. "Since good battery life is critical to the success of any mobile device, UMPC devices will require low-power solutions such as WLAN chips from Marvell Semiconductor." "Marvell is thrilled to offer continued support for the Intel UMPC initiative," said Dr. Paramesh Gopi, Vice President and General Manager of the Embedded and Emerging Business Unit, Communications and Consumer Business Group at Marvell. "The UMPC platform represents a radical change in the level of productivity road warriors can expect. The Marvell 88W8686 WLAN gives our customers the ability to dramatically enhance battery life over traditional notebook designs." For further information about these products please contact a Marvell sales representative or distributor through the Company's website at: http://www.marvell.com/sales/index.jsp . About Marvell Marvell (Nasdaq: MRVL) is the leader in development of storage, communications, and consumer silicon solutions. The company's diverse product portfolio includes switching, transceiver, communications controller, wireless and storage solutions that power the entire communications infrastructure including enterprise, metro, home and storage networking. As used in this release, the terms "Company" and "Marvell" refer to Marvell Technology Group Ltd. and its subsidiaries, including Marvell Semiconductor Inc. (MSI), Marvell Asia Pte Ltd (MAPL), Marvell Japan K.K., Marvell Taiwan Ltd., Marvell International Ltd. (MIL), Marvell U.K. Limited, Marvell Semiconductor Israel Ltd. (MSIL), RADLAN Computer Communications Ltd., and Marvell Semiconductor Germany GmbH. MSI is headquartered in Santa Clara, California and designs, develops and markets products on behalf of MIL and MAPL. MSI may be contacted at (408) 222-2500 or at http://www.marvell.com. Safe Harbor Statement Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This release contains forward-looking statements based on projections and assumptions about our products and our markets, including the features and benefits of the Marvell 88W8686 WLAN product. Words such as "anticipates," "expects," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates," "may," "will," "should," and their variations identify forward-looking statements. Statements that refer to, or are based on projections, uncertain events or assumptions also identify forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of results and are subject to risks and uncertainties. Some risks and uncertainties that may adversely impact the statements in this release about the products described in this release include, but are not limited to, the performance, capabilities and customer acceptance of products including the 88W8686. For other factors that could cause Marvell's results to vary from expectations, please see the sections titled "Additional Factors That May Affect Future Results" in Marvell's annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended January 29, 2006 and Marvell's subsequent reports on Form 10-Q. We undertake no obligation to revise or update publicly any forward-looking statements. Marvell(R) is a registered trademark of Marvell or its affiliates. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. For Further Information Contact: Diane Vanasse Marvell Public Relations Tel: +1-408-242-0027 Email: dvanasse@marvell.com
WICHITA, Kan., Apr 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. (NYSE: SPR) will release its first quarter 2007 financial results at 6:30 a.m. (CST), on Thursday, April 26. President and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Turner and Chief Financial Officer Rick Schmidt will participate in a conference call presentation to securities analysts about first quarter 2007 results and company outlook at 10 a.m. (CST). The presentation will be broadcast via the Internet. It will include charts and a question-and-answer session. The company's news release detailing the results will also be available. The live audio stream and slide presentation can be accessed on Thursday, April 26, at http://www.spiritaero.com/investor.aspx . Individuals are urged to check the website ahead of time to ensure their computers are configured for the audio stream and slide presentation. On the web: http://www.spiritaero.com For more information, please contact: Philip Anderson Investor Relations Tel: +1-316-523-1797 Sam Marnick Corporate Communications Tel: +1-316-526-3153
FriendsAsia.com has become a completely free Asian dating site that requires no bank card or credit card information at all SINGAPORE, April 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Asian Dating Site FriendsAsia.com and its sister site FriendsAsia.com.cn announced today that they are now completely free Asian dating sites. "Making FriendsAsia.com a 100% free Asian dating site was the best way we could think of to thank the members of our online community for their continued support," says Mr. Lee H. Teo, Director of Friends Asia Pte Ltd. (Visit the websites at http://www.friendsasia.com and http://www.friendsasia.com.cn ) As a completely free Asian dating site that requires no bank card or credit card at all to make full use of the site, FriendsAsia.com makes it 100% risk-free for Asian singles to find love. Lots of dating sites "insist that their members submit their bank card or credit card information," observes Mr. Teo. "And that can be risky for the members." Information Cannot Be Stolen Not only the members have to worry about the dating sites mishandling their card details, they also have to worry about not receiving the service after making the payment. "At our 100% free Asian dating site, there are never any dubious charges or the need to dispute a bill because there are no charges to begin with," says Mr. Teo. In light of recent credit card security breaches, people are again concerned about online security, fearful that hackers may break in and steal their numbers. "Since our members don't enter their bank card or credit card information at all to use our site, they never have to worry that it may be stolen and misused," reports Mr. Teo. "At FriendsAsia.com, we make it safe and simple." Every Member Deserves a Good Match "There's nothing to keep anyone from enjoying our system," explains Mr. Teo. "Members are able to create profiles, upload photos, browse profiles, and contact any members that interest them...all without paying a fee or entering any card information." Mr. Teo notes that while membership fees have been eliminated, FriendsAsia.com continues to provide a high quality experience for Asian singles as before. Profiles are still screened and reviewed prior to posting. "All members on our site enjoy all our privileges completely free," says Mr. Teo. This is in contrast to other Asian dating sites that limit full access to only premium status members. "They make it difficult; we make it easy." Free Membership Information FriendsAsia.com is a 100% free Asian dating site for adults age 18 and older. For information and to enroll as a free member, you may visit http://www.FriendsAsia.com (English), http://www.FriendsAsia.com.cn (simplified Chinese). Press Contact: Lee H. Teo Tel: +86-21-5129-2068 (Shanghai) / +65-6559-9079 (Singapore) Email: press@friendsasia.com
Story Highlights - Company unveils enhancements to its product suite - Captaris CEO speaks to a record number of attendees and technology partners - Special training on Fax over IP solutions will be offered - Eighteen technology partners demonstrate their complementary solutions KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, April 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Captaris, Inc. (Nasdaq: CAPA), a global provider of software products that automate document-centric business processes, is holding its annual International Partner Conference in beautiful Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, from 22-26 April. The five-day event held at the Hilton Hotel is a unique knowledge-sharing opportunity for leading solutions providers from around the globe who focus on business process automation for end-user organizations looking to better manage risk, compliance and productivity around inbound and outbound documents. A record attendance of over 250 people is expected from Asia Pacific, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, the United Kingdom, and Latin America. The conference will inform them of the company's strategic goals for the coming year and of key trends in the market, will educate partners on the latest Captaris product updates and about success stories shared by other partners, and will honor outstanding partner achievements. The keynote address will be presented at 0930 Monday 23 April (Malaysia time) by David P. Anastasi, President and Chief Executive Officer of Captaris. Success stories will also be presented by Captaris partners from around the globe, and throughout the conference there are dozens of business and technical tracks hosted by Captaris executives, managers and partners to share vital information with the attendees. In addition, 18 technology partners of Captaris will demonstrate their complementary solutions in an exhibition area. Several important Captaris product updates will also be discussed at the conference: -- Fax over IP using Captaris RightFax. Introduced late last year, the RightFax FoIP solution enables companies to slash the total cost of faxing by easing deployment with an all-software fax server solution and centralizing and consolidating fax services to reduce remote administration costs. At the conference, Captaris managers will discuss the roadmap for upcoming integrations with Cisco Call Manager and other industry-leading messaging platforms. A full-day technical training class on Fax over IP will also be offered on Thursday 26 April. -- Captaris Workflow 6.5. This upcoming major release of the leading Microsoft .NET compatible workflow product will include support for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and a new version of the Workflow Simulator based on Microsoft's Windows Workflow Foundation. -- Captaris Alchemy 8.2 Service Pack 4. This upcoming release of the imaging and archiving product includes support for Microsoft Office 2007 and Vista, and a new external database lookup feature to improve indexing efficiency and accuracy. "The record attendance at the 2007 conference reflects the ongoing success of our global expansion strategy," said Matthew Brine, vice president of international operations for Captaris. "We are also very pleased that 18 of our valued technology partners including Fuji Xerox, Cantata, ABBYY and DICOM Group are co-sponsoring the conference, and we thank our local Malaysian partner Matrix Binary for their assistance in putting on this event." About Captaris, Inc. Captaris, Inc. is a leading provider of software products that automate business processes, manage documents electronically and provide efficient information delivery. Our product suite of Captaris RightFax, Captaris Workflow and Captaris Alchemy is distributed through a global network of leading technology partners. We have customers in financial services, healthcare, government and many other industries, and our products are installed in all of the Fortune 100 and many Global 2000 companies. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, Captaris was founded in 1982 and is publicly traded on the NASDAQ National Market under the symbol CAPA. For more information please visit http://www.Captaris.com . The following are registered trademarks and trademarks of Captaris: Captaris, Alchemy, RightFax and Captaris Workflow. All other brand names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Ms. Stani Varenica International Marketing Manager Captaris Inc. Tel: +31-3473-24-224 Email: stanivarenica@captaris.com Web: http://www.captaris.com
~ 玄関先やイベント会場でも、おサイフケータイ(R)でお支払い可能に! ~
三井住友カード株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:月原 紘一)は、株式会社NTTドコモ(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:中村 維夫)のおサイフケータイを活用したケータイクレジット「iD(アイディ)」で決済可能な松下電器産業製の「モバイル型iD対応クレジット決済端末」を導入し、今後はデリバリーサービスなどで順次展開いたします。なお、11月9日(木)から12日(日)まで開催する三井住友カード主催のゴルフトーナメント「三井住友VISA太平洋マスターズ」にて利用を開始します。
以 上
● 関連リンク
株式会社東京スター銀行(東京都港区、代表執行役頭取CEO タッド・バッジ)は、住宅金融公庫がフラット35を買取対象としている非預金等受入金融機関(以下「モーゲージバンク」といいます)からの住宅ローン債権買取業務を開始いたします。モーゲージバンクからの買取業務の開始により、フラット35を補完する機能をモーゲージバンクに提供するとともに、当行の住宅ローン・ポートフォリオの多様化と拡大を図っていくものであります。
東京スター銀行は、今後、銀行の持つ不動産金融におけるノウハウや証券化といったリスク管理および資金調達の機能に加え、東京スター銀行の関連会社である株式会社TSBキャピタル(東京都新宿区、代表取締役社長 福田 隆)やTSB債権管理回収株式会社(東京都港区、代表取締役社長 小川 憲彦)と協働して、効果的に住宅金融市場の発展に努力して参ります。
【 背 景 】
【 スキーム 】
今後も東京スター銀行は、「Financial Freedom(ファイナンシャル・フリーダム=お客さま一人ひとりをお金の悩みから解放する)」という発想のもと、モーゲージバンクとの協調を通じて、新しいサービスの展開に積極的に取り組んで参ります。
● 関連リンク
富士重工、スバルインプレッサ「WRX STI spec C TYPE RA-R」を発売
スバルインプレッサ「WRX STI spec C TYPE RA-R」を発売
富士重工業のモータースポーツ専門会社であるスバルテクニカインターナショナル*1は、STI独自の仕様、装備を施したスバルインプレッサ「WRX STI spec C TYPE RA-R」を本日発表し、11月15日より全国スバル特約店を通じ販売する。
「WRX STI spec C TYPE RA-R」は、軽量ボディなどにより優れた運動性能を持つ「WRXSTI spec C」をベースに、STIがこれまでモータースポーツ活動などで培ってきたノウハウを活かして独自の仕様装備を施し、サーキットのスポーツ走行などにおける速さと走る愉しさを追求したスポーツモデルである。
スバルインプレッサ「WRX STI spec C TYPE RA-R」
300台限定(受注生産) *「アストラルイエロー」(50台限定色)を含む。
【メーカー希望小売価格<消費税含む>】( )は消費税含まず
車種:スバルインプレッサ「WRX STI spec C TYPE RA-R」(AWD/6MT)
価格:4,284,000 (4,080,000)
AWD:All Wheel Drive
なお、読者からのお問い合わせについては、最寄りの販売会社、またはSTI 0422-33-7848 までお願いいたします。
サイレックス・テクノロジー株式会社(本社:大阪府東大阪市、社長:河野剛士、以下silex)は、ディジ インターナショナル株式会社(本社:渋谷区、日本法人代表:根津嘉明)と株式会社アットマークテクノ(本社:札幌市、社長:実吉智裕)と共同で、組込み用途向けワイヤレス対応Linuxボード「WA3000」を開発いたしました。本製品の出荷は2007年1月を予定しており、販売はアットマークテクノ及び同社の代理店が担当します。
なお、本製品は11月15日から3日間にわたってパシフィコ横浜で開催される「Embedded Technology 2006」においてsilex展示ブース(E-20)及びアットマークテクノ展示ブース(D-48)に出展いたします。
このたび共同開発したワイヤレス対応Linuxボードは、米国Digi Internationalのネットワークプロセッサ、NetSilicon NS9750(ARM926EJ-S)200MHz MPUをベースに、802.11abg規格準拠のsilex製無線LANモジュール、SX-10WAGを搭載し、アットマークテクノがボードの全体設計、Linuxの実装を行ったものです。
家電をはじめとして、FA機器、医療機器、防犯機器などは、機器内部にハード・ソフトを組込むことにより、ワイヤレスネットワークに対応することが今後一層求められるものと思われます。このたびの共同開発・共同マーケティングは、組込み用途を想定して設計したsilexの無線LANモジュールと、ディジ インターナショナルの組込みネットワークプロセッサが、組込みLinux分野で経験と実績のあるアットマークテクノによる設計・実装によって、日本のカスタマー・ユーザが使いやすいボードタイプでの組込み用途向けワイヤレスソリューションを提供するのが狙いです。
【組込み用途向けワイヤレス対応Linuxボード WA3000】
●ディジ インターナショナルからのコメント
このたびの3社の共同開発は、各社の新しいテクノロジーに対する強みを出し合うものであり、これらをオールインワンパッケージで提供することで、カスタマーは組込みワイヤレス製品の市場への短期投入が可能になります。これにより、今後さらに機器ネットワーク化が加速し、M2Mのマーケットが拡大することを期待しております。(コーポレート マーケティング&エンベデッド ビジネス ゼネラルマネージャ 江川将峰)
これまで当社ではできなかったワイヤレスニーズへの対応が、今回の共同開発により実現できました。組込み用ボードにワイヤレスモジュールにデバイスドライバまで揃っているソリューションは他社にはなく、Linuxの豊富なソフトウェア資産を多くのユーザが活用できるよう、今後ニーズにきめ細かに対応する製品のシリーズ化を進めていく計画です。(代表取締役 実吉智裕)
なお「Embedded Technology 2006」では、silexのネットワーク事業を中心とした組込みソリューションに対する取り組みをご理解いただくために、本製品に加え、下記製品群を出展いたします。
無線LANモジュール Wireless LAN Module (IEEE802.11a/b/g, IEEE802.11b/g)
ネットワーク映像伝送システム UWB & Ethernet Digital signage system(参考)
デバイスサーバ USB Device Server, Serial Device Server(参考)
無線ブリッジ Ethernet Bridge(参考)
組込みミドルウェア Embedded Network Software Suite(参考)
silex Products USBデバイスサーバ、Wireless Dock for iPod(参考)、プリントサーバ 他
バイオメトリクス 組込用デバイス内指紋認証モジュール
サイレックス・テクノロジーについて <ホームページ http://www.silex.jp/japan/index.php>
ディジ インターナショナルについて
コールセンターをはじめ、Web、Eメールなど様々な顧客コンタクトメディアを活用したCRMサービスを提供する株式会社テレマーケティングジャパン(本社:東京新宿区 代表取締役社長兼CEO:宮澤 孝夫、以下TMJ)は、法人営業支援系アウトバウンド(発信)サービスの一環として、『企業データベース提供サービス』を開始しました。
『企業データベース提供サービス』は、データベースマーケティングを支援する専門会社である株式会社ランドスケイプ(本社:東京都新宿区 代表取締役社長:高岡 亮、以下ランドスケイプ)が自社構築した日本最大級の企業情報データベース750万件の中から、企業の利用目的に応じた販促用リストをご提供するサービスです。
・設 立 :1992年4月
・代表者 :代表取締役社長兼CEO 宮澤 孝夫
・資本金 :3億円((株)ベネッセコーポレーション100%出資)
<株式会社ランドスケイプ概要> (http://www.landscape.co.jp/)
● 関連リンク
(※ 関連資料を参照してください。)
● 関連リンク
以 上
プラネックスコミュニケーションズ株式会社(代表取締役社長:久保田克昭、本社:東京都渋谷区、JASDAQコード6784)は、10GbEスロット付24ポートギガビットL2インテリジェントスイッチ「SF-2420GX」を12月上旬より全国の主要代理店およびPLANEX Directを通じて発売いたします。なお、この製品の発売につきましては、当期業績予想に折り込み済みとなっております。
■ 10GbE
10GbE の通信が可能ですので大容量データの高速転送が可能です。(オプションのSF-XFPとXFPモジュールが必要です。)
■ MiniGBIC
■ インテリジェントスイッチ
10GbE通信を行うための「10GbE I/O モジュール(XFPスロット)」も12月上旬に発売予定となっております。
製品型番: SF-2420GX(JANコード4941250157372)
発売時期: 12月上旬
価格: オープンプライス
10GbE I/O モジュール(XFPスロット)
製品型番: SF-XFP(JANコード4941250158430)
発売時期: 12月上旬
価格: オープンプライス
PLANEX Direct 0120-415-978
● 関連リンク
契約数合計 94,077,600
対前月比増減率 0.3%
対前年同月比増減率 5.3%
契約数合計 81,827,500
対前月比増減率 0.3%
対前年同月比増減率 5.6%
2.PHS(Personal Handy-phone System)
契約数合計 4,890,600
対前月比増減率 0.2%
対前年同月比増減率 8.7%
契約数合計 98,968,200
対前月比増減率 0.3%
対前年同月比増減率 5.4%
携帯電話・PHS合計 77.5%
携帯電話 73.6%
PHS 3.8%
契約数合計 461,800
対前月比増減率 -0.8%
対前年同月比増減率 -16.4%
● 関連リンク
「おろしステーキソース」 新発売
「ステーキソース しょうゆ味」・「ステーキソース あらびき黒胡椒味」 リニューアル発売
モランボン株式会社(本社:東京都府中市 代表取締役社長:ジョン・ピョンヨリ)は、精肉売場向け商品として好評発売中の「ステーキソース」シリーズに「おろしステーキソース」を新たに追加し、また従来からある「ステーキソース しょうゆ味」「ステーキソース あらびき黒胡椒味」も味わいをさらにおいしくリニューアルいたします。
また、従来から人気の高いしょうゆ味、あらびき黒胡椒味に加えて、「おろしステーキソース」を新発売し、需要の高まるあっさり志向に対応していきます。いずれも化学調味料・保存料 無添加で仕上げました。
おろしステーキソース 225g
ステーキソース しょうゆ味 90g、225g
ステーキソース あらびき黒胡椒味 90g、225g
●おろしステーキソース 225g
●ステーキソース しょうゆ味 90g、225g
●ステーキソース あらびき黒胡椒味 90g、225g
● 関連リンク
光学10倍、デジタル10倍ズーム 有線・無線LAN対応
プラネックスコミュニケーションズ株式会社(代表取締役社長:久保田克昭、本社:東京都渋谷区、JASDAQコード6784)は、有線・無線LAN対応ネットワークカメラ「CS-WMV03G」を11月下旬より全国の主要代理店およびPLANEX Directを通じて発売いたします。なお、この製品の発売につきましては、当期業績予想に折り込み済みとなっております。
■ 光学10倍、デジタル10倍ズーム
■ 30万画素CCD搭載
■ 動体検知機能
■ パン・チルト機能
■ アラーム静止画送信機能
■ 内蔵マイク
(※ 関連資料を参照してください。)
【 有線・無線LAN対応 ネットワークカメラ 】
製品型番:CS-WMV03G(JANコード 4941250158201)
価 格:オープンプライス
< 読者からのお問い合わせ窓口 >
< ユーザ直販ページ >
PLANEX Direct 0120-415-978