2007年06月11日 パイオニア株式会社は、日本最大の屋外音楽フェスティバルであるフジロックフェスティバルを パイオニアの総合カーエレクトロニクスブランドである「カロッツェリア」が、新進気鋭のアーティストが多く出演することで知られる サイトの主なコンテンツは、ユーザー参加型のブログコミュニティ「FUJI ROCK LOVE! BLOG」(6月19日本格稼動予定)や、 このコンテンツはフジロックフェスティバルが開催される7月27日まで展開される予定。 ■フジロック応援特設サイト「Go!Go! FUJI ROCK!! FRF supported by carrozzeria」
【パイオニア株式会社 会社概要】

2007年06月11日 ワールド・ファミリー株式会社は、クイズに答えると抽選で総計1000名様にお子様のお名前と誕生日入り純金ミッキーやかわいいディズニー・ベビーグッズが当たる「ディズニー・ベビーグッズプレゼントキャンペーン」を6月20日(水)から実施します。
子どもたちに楽しい英語の世界を提供するワールド・ファミリー株式会社(本社:東京都新宿区、代表:マイケル R.バッテン)では、1977年より約30年の歴史を持つ「ディズニーの英語システム」を販売しており、60万人以上に愛され続けています。「ディズニーの英語システム」とは、0歳からを対象にディズニーキャラクターを採用した幼児英語教材で、英語をきちんと理解し、話せる力をしっかり身につける母国語方式を採用したトータルプログラムです。 ワールド・ファミリー株式会社では、2007年2月に30周年を迎えたことを記念し、クイズに答えてハガキまたはキャンペーンサイトから応募すると、抽選でお子様のお名前と誕生日入り純金ミッキー(50万円相当)やディズニー・ベビーグッズなどを総計1,000名様にプレゼントする「ディズニー・ベビーグッズプレゼントキャンペーン」を2007年6月20日(水)~2008年3月31日(月)の期間、実施いたします。オープンキャンペーン期間中は全国紙・主要雑誌等のマスメディア、インターネットを通じた告知広告展開を行います 【 「ディズニー・ベビーグッズプレゼント」キャンペーン実施概要】 ◆協賛企業:株式会社タカラトミー、タキヒヨー株式会社、株式会社テンヨー、パイロットインキ株式会社、富士フイルムイメージング株式会社、ユニ・チャーム株式会社、株式会社ヨシムラ 【本プレスリリースに関するお問い合わせ】 ワールド・ファミリー株式会社 |

2007年06月11日 新郎新婦のプロフィール紹介を結婚式などで楽しく紹介できて素敵な結婚式演出が実現できる「ブライダル新聞」の作成を行っております。「ブライダル新聞」とは、新郎新婦の経歴や結婚までの道のりを号外新聞風にして配布し、結婚式演出として会場を効果的に盛り上げることのできるアイテム。 |

2007年06月11日 ポートアイランドにある地域最大級の総合リサイクルショップです。 |

2007年06月11日 報道関係者 各位 2007年 6月 11日 ■会員ページサンプル:
地図コミュニケーションサイト『リブミー』の特徴は、弊社独自のシンクロ機能 口コミや店舗広告など情報が氾濫する中、好みの近い人の地図からスポットを参 今回のリニューアルでは、自分の地図の中心地(活動拠点)をみんなの地図上に また、Ajax技術を利用することにより、スポット登録が地図への直接書込みでき 【今後の展開】 ■営業展開

2007年06月11日 『月刊フューネラルビジネス』をはじめ各種経営情報誌を発行する綜合ユニコム株式会社では、2007年6月13日(水)・14日(木)にパシフィコ横浜(神奈川県横浜市)にて、第11回目となる葬祭サービス産業の総合ビジネスショー「フューネラルビジネスフェア2007」を開催いたします。 ■本プレスリリースの問い合わせ先 |

2007年06月11日 300日問題 民法 民法第七百七十二条には(嫡出の推定)と言う表題が付いていて、使用目的を制限しています。 (嫡出の推定)とは、 (嫡出の推定)は、子の父親が明瞭でない場合に、一応一定の状態にあるものとして判断を下すこと。 民法第七百七十二条に該当するには父親が明瞭でない場合に限られます。 民法第七百七十二条に該当させるためには父親が明瞭でない状況を作るため、父親の記入が錯誤または虚偽によるものであると証明する必要があります。 300日問題とされている問題は、民法第七百七十二条の前提条件である(嫡出の推定)を無視したために発生した、裁判官の錯誤によるものだと言わざるを得ません。 日本語の学者を交えた検証をお願いします。 |

2007年06月11日 この度、ベンチャー企業の事業創出・成長支援および人材支援を目的として、株式会社C&Iストラテジーズジャパンを設立致しましたので、下記の通りお知らせ致します。 1.新会社設立の目的 ①事業創造プラットフォームの提供 ②人材確保プラットフォームの提供 ③事業拡大プラットフォームの提供 また、新会社の企業理念、ミッション・ステートメントは次の通りです。 ◆ 企業理念 ◆ ミッション・ステートメント
2.株式会社C&Iストラテジーズジャパン会社概要 会社名 : 株式会社C&Iストラテジーズジャパン [お問合せ先] |

2007年06月11日 システムを開発・販売する株式会社キバンは、創業以来10年間に蓄積したシステム受託開発の経験を活かして、独自のeラーニングシステム「eLearning Manager 3.0」を開発しました。 キバンの新商品、「eLearning Manager 3.0」は、「eラーニングを、もっと楽しく、もっと簡単に」をモットーに開発された学習管理システム(LMS)です。日本eラーニングコンソシアムのSCORM※1適合試験で、最高レベルのLMS‐RTE3の認証を取得しており、国際標準規格への適合も保証されております。
■利用者にやさしい・つかいやすい ■システム管理者にやさしい・導入しやすい ■ぜひ、お試しください ■eLearning Manager 3.0価格表 ■サーバ・プログラムをレンタルされる場合価格表 ●eLearning Manager 3.0 製品紹介 ●eLearning Manager 3.0 ASPサービス |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
例えば、使いたいメーリングリストを staff@sugu.cc とすると、
新規作成時は、staff@sugu.cc にメールするだけで作成でき、
「ビデオポップ」( http://vpop.jp/ )を運営しておりますが、これからも
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ 関連URL
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ 会社概要
- ウノウ株式会社
資本金 :1億5000万円
代表者 :代表取締役 山田進太郎 石川篤
設立 :2001年8月1日
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ 問い合わせ先
ウノウ株式会社 sugu.CC 担当者:佐藤ハルキ
[TEL] 03-5766-3911 [FAX] 03-5766-3912
[Mail] info@unoh.net [URL] http://www.unoh.net/

Blackacre Institutional Capital Management, LLC To Be Known As Cerberus Real Estate Capital Management, LLC NEW YORK, June 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Cerberus Capital Management, L.P., one of the world's leading private investment firms specializing in transforming undervalued companies into industry leaders for long-term success and value creation, today announced that the name of its real estate investment affiliate has changed to Cerberus Real Estate Capital Management, LLC. Formerly known as Blackacre Institutional Capital Management, Cerberus Real Estate Capital Management, LLC, is an industry leader in providing customized debt, equity and hybrid capital solutions for complex real estate and real estate-related assets and business opportunities. The name change symbolizes the goal to directly identify the real estate investment affiliate with Cerberus Capital Management. "At Cerberus, we focus on long-term investment opportunities where we can truly partner with corporate management teams and help them fully realize their potential by providing both financial resources and operational expertise. Changing the name of our real estate investment affiliate to Cerberus Real Estate Capital Management is meant to further communicate our commitment to real estate," said Mark Neporent, Cerberus' Chief Operating Officer and Senior Managing Director. Ron Kravit, Managing Principal of Cerberus Real Estate Capital Management, LLC, added, "For the past 12 years, we have delivered a range of customized capital solutions for a variety of real estate business opportunities. During this time, we have routinely partnered with Cerberus. Moving forward as Cerberus Real Estate Capital Management, LLC, we will maintain our solution-focused culture and continue to draw upon Cerberus' comprehensive, global expertise, resources and ability to create specific debt, equity and hybrid financing approaches that help sophisticated owners and borrowers achieve their strategic business goals, capitalize on market opportunities and create value." About Cerberus Real Estate Capital Management, LLC Cerberus Real Estate Capital Management, LLC is an industry leader in delivering innovative, customized solutions for the capital needs of real estate professionals and owners of complex real estate and real estate-related assets. Offering a variety of debt, equity and hybrid financing options that provide owners capital across all levels of an organization's capital structure, Cerberus Real Estate Capital Management draws upon its comprehensive, global expertise and resources to help sophisticated owners and borrowers achieve their strategic business goals, capitalize on market opportunities and create value. About Cerberus Established in 1992, Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. is one of the world's leading private investment firms. Cerberus specializes in providing both financial resources and operational expertise to help transform undervalued companies into industry leaders for long-term success and value creation. Cerberus is headquartered in New York City, with affiliate and/or advisory offices in Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, London, Baarn, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Osaka and Taipei. More information on Cerberus can be found at http://www.cerberuscapital.com . For more information, please contact: Sergio H. Morales Weber Shandwick Tel: +1-212-445-8018 Email: shmorales@webershandwick.com Web: http://www.cerberuscapital.com

National and local governments play significant role in attracting foreign investment DALLAS, June 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- New research from Alsbridge, the award winning outsourcing, offshoring and shared services advisory firm, says that China's next Top 10 cities show tremendous promise in the information technology outsourcing market. To view details of the city selection process, please visit: http://www.outsourcingleadership.com/chinesecities.jpg . The company has selected ten Chinese cities based on accessibility, population, education, resources and economic stability. These attributes complement the notion that China offers a wealth of outsourcing promise and that the larger cities such as Beijing, Dalian, Hong Kong and Shanghai are not the country's only outsourcing hubs. Outsourcing hotspots in China include: Chengdu, Shenyang, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Jinan, Nanjing, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Wuhan and Xian. With more than 1.3 billion people in China, these cities offer a substantial population of skilled IT professionals. Each city has several major universities and multinational companies such as HP, Microsoft, IBM and Siemens have already established outsourcing centers in these cities. This research found that although China is not yet fully competitive in the ITO and BPO sectors, it has great potential to achieve a significant position in the global outsourcing marketplace. One of the main reasons China competes well in the ITO market is that the economic vitality of the cities are most backed by local and national officials who encourage foreign investment. In pursuit of their goal to quadruple the country's outsourcing export by 2010, the Chinese government has supported the establishment of Hi Tech Development Zones and Software Parks in the several cities across the nation that are being developed as major outsourcing centers. Local government in these locations help the cities develop their capabilities and capacity in the ITO industry by providing incentives for foreign companies and investing in the infrastructure development. In all of these cities, the local governments support the efforts of the IT industry by providing incentives for companies that develop new business there. The governments, in turn bring attention to the investing desirability of these cities by building large industrial parks for software development and other IT operations, as well as strengthening the infrastructure currently in place to attract new investors. "China's potential is real and gaining momentum. The country is very technology oriented, and this benefits it greatly in the ITO space," said Ben Trowbridge, Alsbridge CEO. "However, more time is needed to assess China's capabilities as a BPO player." Free China Outsourcing Seminar Alsbridge is planning a free seminar on outsourcing in China. This seminar will include commentary by experienced off shoring experts and will focus on lessons learned as well as recent research on the most desirable locations. To register for the seminar, visit http://www.outsourcingleadership.com . The company is also planning a corporate site visit for executives looking to move forward with their outsourcing plans. The tour is scheduled for the first week in December. More information is available at this web address: http://www.outsourcingleadershipforum.com/worldtour2007china.html . About Alsbridge: Alsbridge is the award winning global advisory firm, providing unbiased advice and assistance on outsourcing, shared services and offshoring. Alsbridge consultants bring extensive vertical industry expertise and a practical knowledge of all areas within information technology and business process outsourcing. The firm's proven methodology incorporates proprietary collaborative sessions, bringing together executive teams from both the client and the provider in an environment that fosters collaboration. Alsbridge supports its recommendations and assistance through significant investments in proprietary benchmarking and ongoing research within the industry. For more information, visit http://www.alsbridge.com . Alsbridge and SAS are trademarks of Alsbridge, Inc. and Alsbridge Ltd. For more information, please contact: Reader Contact Information: North America 3535 Travis Street Suite 105 Dallas, TX 75204 Tel: +1-214-696-6410 Fax: +1-214-239-0698 Email: EnquiryUSA@alsbridge.com, Web: http://www.alsbridge.com Company Contact: Jeff Anderson Tel: +1-214-696-6410 Email: jeff.anderson@alsbridge.com PR Agency Contact: Alan Weinkrantz Tel: +1-210-820-3070 Email: alan@weinkrantz.com Web: http://www.alsbridge.com http://www.outsourcingleadership.com

Easy-to-Use Consumer Video Technology Lets You See and Talk with up to Six People Simultaneously Anywhere in the World NEW YORK, June 11 /Xnhua-PRNewswire/ -- ooVoo, an innovator in the way people communicate online, today announced its free, real-time video technology that lets consumers experience face-to-face conversations over the Internet. ooVoo's new video communication service features clear, high-quality video and audio in real-time. By sharing a story, a smile and visible emotions with ooVoo, communication becomes more meaningful and fun. With ooVoo up to six people can connect on a call at the same time with high-quality audio and video that allows them to see one another, talk and share in the same way they would in person. Consumers only need a broadband internet connection, web camera, speakers and microphone. In addition to video, ooVoo lets consumers send video messages to both ooVoo and non-ooVoo users, Instant Message (IM), and share files, such as documents or pictures-for a complete communication experience. ooVoo gives consumers: - A meaningful and fun communication experience - An easy-to-use and free tool, that can be shared with friends and family around the globe - A high-quality technology for seeing, talking, IMing, sharing files, or sending video messages "ooVoo is dramatically changing the way people communicate on a daily basis, allowing them to share real conversations, real emotions and their true personality as though they were in the same room," said Philippe Schwartz, CEO of ooVoo. "Now when people say `I cannot wait to see you,' they can immediately share a moment and an actual smile from another continent, across the country or down the street." Communication comes alive with ooVoo's real-time video. Phone calls, emails and IM lack the ability to convey emotion and often lead to miscommunication. By reducing the latency issues that cause the blurring and delayed video quality often seen in other online video technologies, ooVoo breaks down barriers which have prevented more widespread adoption of video communications in the past. At the application's current peak of six-way multi-person video chat, ooVoo will only consume a portion of the bandwidth of a basic DSL (digital subscriber line) or cable connection. While IM and VoIP providers have incorporated video as an add-on feature, ooVoo was developed with video at its core, and delivers the highest-quality multi-party video communication online. "ooVoo offers a real time video telephony platform with quality audio and video functionality that's easy to use," said Rebecca Swensen, VoIP services research analyst at IDC. "ooVoo's platform enables users to maximize the value of the internet and have a connected experience that can improve communications with friends, family, and colleagues." To further enhance communication and adoption a link to an ooVoo user's profile can be embedded in an online social networking profile, website or email signature that can automatically launch an ooVoo conversation. ooVoo is a free and easy to install application available for download at http://www.oovoo.com . About ooVoo ooVoo provides free real-time video communication technology, delivering a new way for people to connect. ooVoo's technology enables people to experience a face-to-face connection and share emotions over the Internet in a way that no other communication medium permits. Delivering the highest quality video and audio, ooVoo provides a seamless and interactive communication experience. ooVoo enables any individual with a computer, broadband connection and a Web camera to communicate in real-time with friends, relatives and colleagues anywhere in the world. ooVoo is privately held and headquartered in New York, NY. ooVoo is available for free download at http://www.oovoo.com . For more information, please contact: Philip Robertson Tel: +1-212-984-1003 Email: Philip.robertson@ooVoo.com ooVoo id: philiprobertson Kyla Kenney Tel: +1-212-651-4227 Email: oovoo@fusionpr.com ooVoo id: kylakenney

SHANGHAI, China, June 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- SINA Corporation, a leading internet portal in China, and Google, the world's largest search engine company, announced today a strategic partnership in the areas of search, advertisement and news, in an effort to provide better search experience to Internet users in China. Under the strategic partnership, Google's web page search service will be embedded in SINA's search box, allowing users to easily and conveniently switch between online content and web page search. In the area of advertising cooperation, advertisers on SINA will be able to maximize their brand value, leveraging SINA's large traffic and Google's proven online advertising system and experience. Through this cooperation, SINA will increase its influence among Chinese portal users, and Google will continue to popularize its brand, products and services in China. In the near future, Google and SINA will expand their cooperation into news and other content areas to provide Chinese users with an ever improving search experience. "This partnership leverages the strong offerings of two Internet powerhouses to provide Internet users in China a better overall experience," said Mr. Charles Chao, CEO of SINA. "Google search is the most popular search engine in the world and we would like our large user base to enjoy the experience. SINA is the leading internet portal in China and SINA News is one of the most popular online sources for news in China. We are pleased that this cooperation will make SINA News even more easily accessible by more users. Through our strategic cooperation, online users as well as online advertisers stand to benefit from the leveraging of strong brands, traffic and technologies from the two companies. We believe this partnership will allow us to explore more opportunities for cooperation in the future." "SINA is the most influential portal in China and a household brand in China's Internet industry," said Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, Vice President of Google and President of Google Greater China. "Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Google focuses on meeting local user needs in China and is committed to providing Chinese users with the best products and services. The strategic partnership with SINA is just another example of Google's continuous localization efforts in China. The comprehensive cooperation will combine our resources and give full play to our respective advantages. With it, we will be able to provide more Chinese users with superior experience in search and news, and assist Chinese enterprises grow their businesses." About SINA SINA Corporation (Nasdaq: SINA) is a leading online media company and value-added information service (VAS) provider for China and for global Chinese communities. With a branded network of localized web sites targeting Greater China and overseas Chinese, SINA provides services through five major business lines including SINA.com (online news and content), SINA Mobile (mobile value-added services), SINA Community (community-based services and games), SINA.net (search and enterprise services) and SINA E-Commerce (online shopping). Together these provide an array of services including region-focused online portals, mobile value-added services, search and directory, interest-based and community-building channels, free and premium email, online games, virtual ISP, classified listings, fee-based services, e-commerce and enterprise e-solutions. About Google Google Inc. ( http://www.google.com ) has innovative search technologies that are providing information services to millions of users around the world. Google is a leader in all major markets of the Internet industry. Google offers targeted advertisement services with measurable results for enterprises of all sizes, with enhanced experiences for Internet users. Google has its headquarters in Silicon Valley, with offices across North America, Europe and Asia. Safe Harbor Statement This announcement contains forward-looking statements that relate to, among other things, SINA's strategic and operational plans. SINA may also make forward-looking statements in the Company's periodic reports to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, in its annual report to shareholders, in its proxy statements, in its offering circulars and prospectuses, in press releases and other written materials and in oral statements made by its officers, directors or employees to third parties. SINA assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements in this release and elsewhere. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about the Company's beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. A number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, SINA's limited operating history, the uncertain regulatory landscape in the People's Republic of China, the changes by mobile operators in China to their policies for MVAS, the Company's ability to develop and market other MVAS products, fluctuations in quarterly operating results, the Company's reliance on online advertising sales and MVAS for a majority of its revenues, the Company's reliance on mobile operators in China to provide MVAS, any failure to successfully develop and introduce new products and any failure to successfully integrate acquired businesses. Further information regarding these and other risks is included in SINA's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006 and its other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. For more information, please contact: Cathy Peng SINA Investor Relations Tel: +86-10-6262-8888 x3112 Email: ir@staff.sina.com.cn David Pasquale The Ruth Group Tel: +1-646-536-7006 Email: dpasquale@theruthgroup.com

MILWAUKEE, June 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Your music video could be viewed by users from all corners of the globe. Unsigned singers from around the world can now upload original music videos at http://www.algeka.com, the Web's home for the coolest new music. ( Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070611/AQM016 ) On June 15, fans will begin casting their votes. The video with the most votes by Aug. 15, 2007 will be awarded $10,000. Music fans worldwide will cast their votes by downloading original works of their favorite unsigned artists: videos for $1.99 and DRM-free MP3 audio for 99 cents. Thirty second previews are free. The conclusion of the $10,000 international contest isn't the end of Algeka -- it is just the beginning. Algeka combines TV singing competitions, online music stores and Internet video sites. "Algeka is a worldwide community focused on promotion and exposure of unsigned singer songwriters -- we think this can be a huge opportunity for people in all countries with talent," said founder Norm Yerke. "Singers and music buyers from Asia, Europe, Australia, the Americas and Africa are showing great interest in the site." Algeka offers more: -- Singers Get Paid: Algeka supports emerging singers worldwide -- the videos chosen for Algeka are paid 20 percent of the proceeds from their downloads, even after the contest ends. -- You Create the Next Star: Each purchased music video download counts as a vote: two for video and one for audio. The singer of the video with the most votes by 11:59 p.m. GMT, August 15, 2007 wins a $10,000 cash prize. You decide who wins AND you get the hottest new music to keep. -- Unsigned Singers Only: Only singers with original songs and who have no record contracts are eligible. Algeka finds the best, the ones you don't know about yet. -- Truly Great Music: All music video submissions are reviewed before posting. Only the best make it to the site. The competition will award one international singer-songwriter $10,000. Algeka standings will be updated in 'real time' several times a day so fans can track the progress of their favorites. ABOUT ALGEKA ALGEKA is the place online for discovering the hottest new music videos from around the world. Visit http://www.ALGEKA.com for more information and contest rules. You create the next music video star. For more information, please contact: Colin Hutt Tel: +1-414-765-2311 Email: chutt@algeka.com Web: http://www.ALGEKA.com

HICKORY, N.C., June 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Corning Cable Systems, part of Corning Incorporated's (NYSE: GLW) Telecommunications segment, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Alcatel-Lucent to supply the company with its OptiTap(TM) Connector and Adapter for use in Alcatel-Lucent's gigabit passive optical network (GPON) system. The MOU outlines the terms of a multi-year agreement to be negotiated and signed by Corning Cable Systems and Alcatel-Lucent, by which Corning Cable Systems will become the exclusive supplier of OptiTap Connectors and Adapters for the Alcatel-Lucent system. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200612081746.jpg ) The Corning Cable Systems OptiTap Connector and Adapter provide the ideal solution for factory-terminated, environmentally sealed and hardened connectors for use in drop cable deployments in optical access networks. The hardened connector significantly reduces the terminal and drop cable installation time for subscriber connection, thereby reducing the total installed cost of deployment. GPON is a network architecture ideal for FTTx networks that provides bandwidth efficiency for both upstream and downstream Ethernet traffic. As a global leader in broadband access, Alcatel-Lucent was the first vendor to deliver a Full Service Access Network (FSAN) Group-compliant GPON system, and is currently engaged in more than 20 GPON projects worldwide. "As a market leader in GPON, we have a history of successfully collaborating with other technology leaders to create innovative products and solutions for our customers," said Mike Dobbs, senior vice president for Alcatel-Lucent's access network activities in North America. "Corning is one of the market leaders in outside plant solutions, and we are happy to continue this collaboration with them." "We are pleased to have Alcatel-Lucent's trust in our technology and service levels and look forward to working with them to further the deployment of FTTH networks," said Bernhard Deutsch, director of marketing and market development for Corning Cable Systems Public Networks. In addition to being the exclusive supplier of the OptiTap Connector for Alcatel-Lucent's GPON system, Corning Cable Systems will collaborate on system tests utilizing Alcatel-Lucent's GPON FTTH system and Corning Cable Systems' preconnectorized outside plant solution. The OptiTap(TM) Connector is part of Corning Cable Systems Evolant(C) Solutions. Through its Evolant Solutions for Access Networks, Corning Cable Systems offers specialized portfolios of innovative products and services that enable customers to cost-effectively deploy fiber in the last mile. For additional information on Corning Cable Systems products and services, contact a customer service representative at 1-800-743-2675, toll free in the United States, or +1-828-901-5000, international, or visit the Web site at http://www.corning.com/cablesystems . About Corning Incorporated Corning Incorporated ( http://www.corning.com ) is the world leader in specialty glass and ceramics. Drawing on more than 150 years of materials science and process engineering knowledge, Corning creates and makes keystone components that enable high-technology systems for consumer electronics, mobile emissions control, telecommunications and life sciences. Our products include glass substrates for LCD televisions, computer monitors and laptops; ceramic substrates and filters for mobile emission control systems; optical fiber, cable, hardware & equipment for telecommunications networks; optical biosensors for drug discovery; and other advanced optics and specialty glass solutions for a number of industries including semiconductor, aerospace, defense, astronomy and metrology. About Alcatel-Lucent Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) provides solutions that enable service providers, enterprises and governments worldwide, to deliver voice, data and video communication services to end-users. As a leader in fixed, mobile and converged broadband networking, IP technologies, applications, and services, Alcatel-Lucent offers the end-to-end solutions that enable compelling communications services for people at home, at work and on the move. With operations in more than 130 countries, Alcatel-Lucent is a local partner with global reach. The company has the most experienced global services team in the industry, and one of the largest research, technology and innovation organizations in the telecommunications industry. Alcatel-Lucent achieved adjusted proforma revenues of Euro 18.3 billion in 2006 and is incorporated in France, with executive offices located in Paris. [All figures exclude impact of activities transferred to Thales]. For more information, visit Alcatel-Lucent on the Internet: http://www.alcatel-lucent.com . For more information, please contact: Corning Cable Systems Contact: Lydia Lu Tel: +86-21-5467-4666-1900 Email: lulr@corning.com Dana S. McEntire Tel: +1-828-901-6910 Email: dana.mcentire@corning.com Alcatel-Lucent Contact: Denise Panyik-Dale Tel: +1-908-582-4897 Email: dpanyikdale@alcatel-lucent.com

BEIJING, June 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- PacificNet, Inc. (Nasdaq: PACT), a leading provider of gaming technology, e-commerce and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) services in China, announced today that its subsidiary EPRO TechSoft has been selected by LG Hong Kong to deploy the TechnoSoft Human Resources Management Solution. Epro's TechnoSoft Human Resources Management Solution is a comprehensive and powerful system specially designed for diversified businesses with economy of scale, such as banking and finance, public utility, trading, manufacturers, servicing and agencies, and transportation, etc. The solution automates and streamlines various payroll accounting, MPF (Mandatory Provident Fund), tax, leaves, attendance and time- recording workflows. Personnel management reports such as staff turnover, age and services, salary analysis and other customized reports can also be easily prepared. The decision to go electronic with payroll using Epro's TechnoSoft HRM enables LG Hong Kong to improve the efficiency of their Human Resource operations. "We are proud to be retained by LG Electronics as their Human Resources Management Solution provider," said Joyce Poon, General Manager of PacificNet Epro's Consulting Division. "We value the opportunity to work with LG Electronics on this project. We are confident that our TechnoSoft solution will enable LG Hong Kong to improve its Human Resources Operations." About LG Electronics, Inc LG Electronics, Inc (Korea Stock Exchange: 657.SK) was established in 1958 as the pioneer in the Korean consumer electronics market. The company is a major global force in electronics and information and communications products with more than 64,000 employees working in 76 overseas subsidiaries and marketing units around the world. With annual total revenues of more than US $16.9 billion (non-consolidated), LG Electronics comprises three main business companies: Digital Display & Media, Digital Appliance, and Telecommunications Equipment & Handsets. About PacificNet PacificNet, Inc. (http://www.PacificNet.com) is a leading provider of gaming technology, e-commerce, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in China. PacificNet's gaming products are specially designed for Chinese and Asian gamers with focus on integrating localized Chinese and Asian themes and content, advanced graphics, digital sound effects and popular domestic music, with secondary bonus games and jackpots. PacificNet gaming products include: Multi-player Electronic Table Games - Baccarat, Sicbo, Fish-Prawn-Crab, and Roulette machines, Server-Based Games (SBG) with multiple client betting stations, slot and bingo machines, Video Lottery Terminals (VLTs), Amusement With Prizes (AWP) machines, gaming cabinet and client/server system designs, online i-gaming software design, and multimedia entertainment kiosks. PacificNet's gaming clients include the leading hotels, casinos, and gaming operators in Macau, Asia, and Europe, while ecommerce and CRM clients include the leading telecom companies, banks, insurance, travel, marketing and business services companies and telecom consumers in Greater China such as China Telecom, China Mobile, Unicom, PCCW, Hutchison Telecom, Bell24, Motorola, Nokia, SONY, TCL, Huawei, American Express, Citibank, HSBC, Bank of China, Bank of East Asia, DBS, TNT, China and Hong Kong government. PacificNet employs about 1,200 staff in its various subsidiaries throughout China with offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Macau and Zhuhai China, USA, and the Philippines. PacificNet Epro (http://www.EproTel.com.hk) is the industry leader and leading provider of outsourced call center, telemarketing, CRM, VAS and IVR services with over 15 years of field experience in greater China in the areas of outsourced call center services, training and consulting services, and call center management systems. PacificNet Epro's TechnoSoft HRM Solution is a Human Resource Management information software for diversified businesses, such as banking and finance, public utility, trading, manufacturers, servicing and agencies, and transportation, etc. It can handle multi-companies and multi-departments while cost-center operations with facilities solving jobs of payroll accounting and data integration, personnel administration, human resources management, tax, banks, leaves, attendance and recruitment, etc. Personnel management reports such as staff turnover, age and services, salary analysis and other customized reports can also be easily prepared. For more information on Epro TechnoSoft, please visit: http://www.eprotechsoft.com Contact: PacificNet USA office: Jacob Lakhany, Tel: +1-605-229-6678 PacificNet Beijing office: Ada Yu, Tel: +86 (10) 59225000 23rd Floor, Building A, TimeCourt, No.6 Shuguang Xili, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100028 PacificNet Shenzhen Office: Tel: +86 (10) 33222088 Room 4203, JinZhongHuan Business Center, Futian District, Shenzhen, China 518040 PacificNet Macau office: Tel: +853 28704154 Unit A-C, 12th Floor, Edificio Commercial I Tak, No. 126, Rua Da Pequim, Macau, China.

SHENZHEN, China, June 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- China Ritar Power Corp. (Ritar) (OTC Bulletin Board: CRTP.OB) today announced that it will be expanding its manufacturing capabilities for the production of lead plates, a major component of lead acid batteries, Ritar's main product. In April, Ritar entered into an agreement with the Administrative Committee of Songmu Industrial Park, Henyang City, Hunan Province, to purchase land use rights for approximately 266,667 square meters of land at a cost of $9.35 per square meter, for the purpose of building a manufacturing facility for lead acid battery plates. The project is expected to proceed in three phases, extended over a four-year period, which began this past April. Although the agreement requires investments in an aggregate estimated amount of $103 million over a four-year term, the first phase, now underway, will require only approximately $15.7 million in funding. Ritar has already invested $2.5 million under the agreement on April 20, 2007. Ritar intends to finance the remaining portion of the cash necessary for the project through a combination of its own internally generated cash and bank financing. According to Ritar, the timing of the next two phases of the project will depend on market demand, the price of lead and the availability of capital. Ritar intends to reach a point where capacity ultimately could be as high as 85,000 metric tons of lead acid battery plates with an annual output value projected to be over $300 million. The four-year project term is a non-binding timeline and no penalties will be imposed on Ritar if it fails to make the investments required by the agreement within this timeframe. Ritar expects that once the facility becomes operational, which is expected to be in October 2007, the initial rated capacity will be at least 21,600 metric tons of lead acid battery plates annually. According to President and CEO Jiada Hu, "This is a great opportunity to allow Ritar to measurably lower operating costs by backward integration, while freeing us from dependency on suppliers of a product that historically has been 60% to 70% of our cost of goods. We believe this move to be an important step in helping us to maintain our competitive edge." About China Ritar Power Corp. Ritar designs, develops, manufactures and markets environmentally friendly lead-acid batteries with a wide range of applications and capacities, and has a strong presence in the light electrical vehicle (LEV) segment world wide, with high concentration in that product category throughout China. Ritar sells, markets and services 6 series and 197 models of Ritar-branded, cadmium- free valve-regulated lead-acid or VRLA batteries. In addition the company offers a range of batteries for varying applications including uninterrupted powers source (UPS) devices and equipment used in the harvest of solar and wind energy. FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS This release contains certain "forward-looking statements" relating to the business of Ritar and its subsidiary companies, which can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "believes, expects" or similar expressions. Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including all business uncertainties relating to product development, marketing, concentration in a single customer, raw material costs, market acceptance, future capital requirements, competition in general and other factors that may cause actual results to be materially different from those described herein as anticipated, believed, estimated or expected. Certain of these risks and uncertainties are or will be described in greater detail in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Ritar is under no obligation to (and expressly disclaims any such obligation to) update or alter its forward looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Contact: Mr. Sheldon Saidman (719-548-9963)

LONDON, June 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The 10 members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) bound by the group's output agreements produced an average 26.64 million barrels per day (b/d) in May, a Platts survey showed June 8. This is an increase of 70,000 b/d from April's 26.57 million b/d and is above the group's production targets. Total production from all 12 members, including Iraq which does not participate in OPEC output pacts and Angola which joined the group at the beginning of this year, rose by 100,000 b/d to 30.29 million b/d from April's 30.19 million b/d, the survey showed. Increases from Algeria, Iran, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Angola totaling 190,000 b/d were partly offset by 90,000 b/d in decreases from Nigeria, where some shut-in production was restored as other outages occurred, and Iraq. "The good news for consumers is that higher prices do appear to be spurring concurrent increases in production. But the bad news remains the continuing situation in Nigeria, where production is down again, largely due to continued rebel activity in the Niger Delta," said John Kingston, Platts global director of oil. "The loss of several hundred thousand barrels a day of production from that key country is going to provide support to prices for the foreseeable future." The May average of 26.64 million b/d for the OPEC-10 leaves them overproducing their 25.8 million b/d target by some 840,000 b/d. OPEC agreed late last year to remove a total 1.7 million b/d from actual oil supply. At a meeting in Vienna in March, it decided to maintain the 25.8 million b/d target output level for the OPEC-10 and not to meet again until September 11. The West's energy watchdog, the International Energy Agency, has urged OPEC to boost supply so as to allow depleted consumer oil stocks to build. But OPEC officials have insisted that there is no shortage of crude and that oil prices have risen because of a host of other factors, including concerns about the adequacy of summer gasoline supplies in the US, the ongoing situation in the Niger Delta which has resulted in large volumes of crude production being shut in, and geopolitics. On Tuesday, OPEC Secretary General Abdalla el-Badri said OPEC would only raise official limits if it saw changes in fundamentals, including a "constant" draw in consumer oil inventories and oil prices at high levels for a sustained period. Country May April March February January Cut Algeria 1.350 1.330 1.330 1.330 1.340 0.084 Indonesia 0.840 0.840 0.850 0.840 0.860 0.055 Iran 3.850 3.800 3.800 3.800 3.850 0.249 Kuwait 2.420 2.410 2.410 2.410 2.460 0.142 Libya 1.680 1.680 1.680 1.680 1.690 0.102 Nigeria 2.130 2.200 2.150 2.250 2.250 0.142 Qatar 0.800 0.790 0.790 0.790 0.800 0.050 Saudi Arabia 8.610 8.600 8.600 8.600 8.750 0.538 UAE 2.540 2.500 2.500 2.490 2.500 0.143 Venezuela 2.420 2.420 2.430 2.430 2.450 0.195 OPEC-10 26.640 26.570 26.540 26.620 26.950 1.700 Angola* 1.630 1.580 1.570 1.550 1.500 N/A Iraq 2.020 2.040 2.000 2.010 1.660 Total 30.290 30.190 30.110 30.180 30.110 * Platts estimates ** Angola joined OPEC on January 1, 2007. For more information on OPEC, go to the "Platts Guide to OPEC" at http://www.opec.platts.com . About Platts: Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP), is a leading global provider of energy and metals information. With nearly a century of business experience, Platts serves customers across more than 150 countries. From 14 offices worldwide, Platts serves the oil, natural gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical and metals markets. Platts' real time news, pricing, analytical services, and conferences help markets operate with transparency and efficiency. Traders, risk managers, analysts, and industry leaders depend upon Platts to help them make better trading and investment decisions. Additional information is available at http://www.platts.com . About The McGraw-Hill Companies: Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP) is a leading global information services provider meeting worldwide needs in the financial services, education and business information markets through leading brands such as Standard & Poor's, McGraw-Hill Education, BusinessWeek and J.D. Power and Associates. The Corporation has more than 280 offices in 40 countries. Sales in 2006 were $6.3 billion. Additional information is available at http://www.mcgraw-hill.com . For more information, please contact: Europe: Shiona Ramage Tel: +44207-1766153 Asia: Casey Yew Tel: +65-653-06552 Kathleen Tanzy Tel: +1-212-904-2860 Email: Kathleen_tanzy@platts.com Web: http://www.platts.com http://www.opec.platts.com http://www.mcgraw-hill.com

Financial and Cultural Strains of an International Assignment Take Their Toll on Spouse, Children and Families, According to GMAC Global Relocation Services OAK BROOK, Ill., June 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Driven by a booming global economy, more than two-thirds (69%) of multinational corporations reported an increase in the number of international assignments in 2006, the highest percentage in the history of the Global Relocation Trends Survey, published annually by GMAC Global Relocation Services. Continuing the optimistic tone, 65% of companies intend to send even more employees on assignment in 2007 as compared to 2006. ( Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070611/CLM006LOGO ) With the share of total revenue generated from outside of a company's headquartered country rising (according to 41% of companies responding to this survey), the demand for experienced international management talent has never been greater. However, the worldwide survey of 180 companies points out that employees are increasingly turning down international assignments, making the job of finding suitable candidates one of most critical business challenges for companies today. Companies rely heavily on expatriates to achieve a number of business objectives, such as filling critical skills gaps, transferring technology and corporate culture, launching new endeavors, and developing business relationships. In addition, nearly a quarter (23%) of the survey respondents reported that the primary purpose of their international assignments is to build management expertise. "Every year, the Global Relocation Trends survey uncovers new and interesting data and information about important global mobility issues, and provides companies throughout the world with invaluable insights into current and emerging trends," said Rick Schwartz, president and CEO of GMAC Global Relocation Services. Since it began in 1993, the annual Global Relocation Trends Survey has been the definitive study of companies' global employee-relocation practices, policies and projections. And as it does each year, the survey paints a comprehensive picture of evolving trends and emerging issues facing companies of all sizes that rely on an international workforce. For information on how to receive the survey, go to http://www.gmacglobalrelocation.com/grts06.html "The survey provides useful information for companies that operate in the global marketplace," Schwartz added. "On one hand, companies that conduct business internationally are confident as a growing number are expecting to increase their global workforces this year. On the other hand, there are warning signs about the potential impact international assignments have on couples and their families. Our hope is that companies review these findings as a whole, and then use them to re-examine and, if necessary, refine their relocation programs and policies to ensure they are putting their programs and their employees' best interests first and foremost." This year's survey findings identify three major issues responsible for much of the resistance to accepting an overseas assignment Family concerns: (including children's education, family adjustment, partner resistance, difficult location, cultural adjustment, assignment length and language): These challenges can be overcome by cross-cultural training and a successful transition to the new culture. Unfortunately, only 21% of the companies surveyed require cross-cultural training for their assignees. Even more ironic is the fact that 77% of companies surveyed said cross-cultural training has great or high value. Year after year and survey after survey, cross-cultural training is perceived as critical to the success of international assignments and yet many companies do not insist on higher levels of participation in such programs. Spouse's or partner's career: When asked to identify the chief reasons for refusing an assignment, concerns about a spouse's or partner's career was cited as the second-highest reason for assignment refusal, behind family concerns. While 82% of employees were accompanied by their spouse or partner on international assignments, an overwhelming majority of these spouses or partners put their own careers and aspirations on hold during their time overseas. Fifty-nine percent of spouses or partners were employed before their significant other accepted an international assignment, a mere 8% were employed during the assignment, the lowest percentage since 2000. This trend may be increasing financial pressures and straining relationships before, during and after the assignment. Career Aspirations: International assignments can have wide-ranging effects on a career. However, what those effects are seem to be one of the least understood phenomena of international mobility. Career aspirations were cited third by respondents as a reason for refusing to accept an assignment. This would seem to indicate a negative perception of international assignments on the part of employees. However, human resources professionals tend to believe international assignments actually have a positive effect on employees' careers. For example, 31% of human resources professionals surveyed reported that an international assignment leads to faster promotion; 27% reported that it makes it easier to obtain a new position in the company; and 26% reported that expatriates change employers more often - commenting that expatriates are attractive recruitment targets because of their international experience. "The truth probably lies somewhere in the proverbial 'gray area,'" said Schwartz. "That's what's so intriguing. The survey raises several new questions as we continue to explore the myriad opportunities and challenges involved with international assignments." The survey also found that: -- More women are accepting assignments overseas. Twenty percent of expatriates were female; the historical average is 15%. -- Ten percent of assignments were not completed due to expatriates returning from their assignments prematurely. Asked to name the principal reasons for early returns from assignments, family concerns (32%) topped the list, followed by accepting a new position within the company (23%), early completion of the assignment (14%), career concerns (6%), and cultural adjustment challenges (4%). -- Twenty-four percent of expatriates left their company during an assignment; 28% left within a year of returning. -- Sixty-nine percent of companies said they supported spouses with language training, 36% sponsored work permits and 30% provided education/training assistance. -- Forty-three percent of companies required a cost-benefit analysis to justify the international assignment. -- Twenty-eight percent of respondents were considering outsourcing international assignment management within two years. -- China, India and Russia were the primary emerging destinations-and also were cited as the most challenging locations for expatriates. The following issues were mentioned frequently: housing and living costs; immigration challenges; payroll and employment. About the Survey The 2006 Global Relocation Trends Survey Report is the 12th report issued by GMAC Global Relocation Services (GMAC GRS). Issued since 1993, these reports have come to be regarded as one of the most reliable and respected sources of global mobility data and trends. The longevity of this survey enables the company to compare each year's results with "historical averages," which help gauge the relative importance of annual variations. This year's survey contained 107 questions answered by 180 respondents representing small, medium, and large organizations with offices located throughout the world. Together, these companies managed a worldwide employee population of more than 8.4 million. For 48 percent of the respondents, the company headquarters were located in the Americas while 49 percent of respondents worked for companies with headquarters located within EMEA. Three percent were from Asia Pacific nations. For additional information on how to receive the 2006 Global Relocation Trends Survey, go to http://www.gmacglobalrelocation.com/grts06.html . About GMAC Global Relocation Services GMAC Global Relocation Services, LLC (GMAC GRS) ( http://www.gmacglobalrelocation.com ) is a leading, full-service outsourcing partner of end-to-end employee relocation, assignment management and mobility consulting services for multinational organizations worldwide. The company serves corporations in 110 countries and manages more than $1 billion in relocation-related transactions. GMAC GRS is a business unit of GMAC ResCap (Residential Capital, LLC), a leading real estate finance company, focused primarily on the residential real estate market in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and Latin America. GMAC ResCap ( http://www.gmacrescap.com ) is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of GMAC Financial Services. GMAC Financial Services is a global, diversified financial services company that operates in approximately 40 countries in automotive finance, real estate finance, insurance and commercial finance businesses. GMAC was established in 1919 and currently employs about 31,000 people worldwide. At Dec. 31, 2006, GMAC held more than $287 billion in assets and earned net income for 2006 of $2.1 billion on net revenue of $18.2 billion. For more information, please go to http://www.gmacfs.com . For more information, please contact: Brett Weinberg GMAC ResCap Tel: +1-952-857-6859 Email: brett.weinberg@gmacrescap.com Hugh Siler Siler & Company PR Tel: +1-949-646-6966 Email: hugh@silerpr.com Web: http://www.gmacglobalrelocation.com/grts06.html http://www.gmacglobalrelocation.com http://www.gmacrescap.com http://www.gmacfs.com

TIANJIN, China, June 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Hundreds of international logistics and supply chain management leaders will converge on Tianjin June 13 for the CSCMP China 2007 Conference sponsored by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP). Executives from leading companies in China, the US, and other countries around the world will exchange the latest logistics techniques and share best-world supply chain practices. "China is the second largest trading partner with the US, and China's logistics and supply chain industries are playing a huge role in global commerce," said Rick Blasgen, president and chief executive officer of CSCMP. "This is our third major conference in China and we are delighted to provide a forum for so many important organizations to network and collaborate." The two-day event entitled Achieving Competitiveness through Supply Chain Innovation will be held June 13-14 at the Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel & Convention Centre, Tianjin, China. Opening ceremonies begin at 9:00 am with Jinhua Chen, Chairman of CEC; Xianglong Dai, Mayor of Tianjin; Xinqian Ou, Vice Commissioner, National Development and Reform Commission; and Rick Blasgen, President and CEO of CSCMP. On-site registration begins at 8:00 am. Speakers feature prominent Chinese and US business leaders and academics including: -- Gang Fan, Director, National Economic Research Institute China Reform Foundation, PRC -- Victor Fung, Group Chair, Li & Fung Group, Hong Kong, PRC -- John T. Mentzer, Distinguished Professor of Logistics & Supply Chain Management, The University of Tennessee, United States -- Roger Lo, Vice President of Manufacturing and Supply Chain Operations, Otis Elevator, Tianjin, PRC For more information about the Tianjin conference, visit http://www.cscmpchina.org or http://www.cscmp.org. About CSCMP Founded in 1963 as the preeminent association for individuals involved in supply chain management and logistics, CSCMP provides educational, career development, and networking opportunities to its over 9,000 members and the entire industry worldwide. CSCMP's Asian office is in Beijing; its world headquarters is in Lombard, Illinois, USA. More information about CSCMP is available at http://www.cscmp.org. For more information, please contact: Madeleine Miller-Holodnicki, U.S. Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals Tel: +1-630-645-3487 Email: mholodnicki@cscmp.org Herb Ritchell, U.S. Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals Tel: +1-847-508-3518 Email: ritchell@earthlink.net Web: http://www.cscmpchina.org http://www.cscmp.org

LAS VEGAS, June 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Antigua has threatened to act against U.S. trademarks, copyrights and intellectual property rights, in response to the U.S. position in the World Trade Organization dispute regarding internet gambling. The WTO decision, however, does not reveal the extent of the issues relevant to cross border wagering. Around $100 million has been won from U.S. players through abuse of U.S. intellectual property rights by most Antigua internet casinos. For example, the most popular proprietary casino table game is Three Card Poker. The right to offer Three Card Poker to U.S. players has never been granted to any Antigua internet casino. Yet most Antigua internet casinos offer Three Card Poker to U.S. players, and in the process, knowingly infringe U.S. patents related to Three Card Poker. Ironically, Antigua seeks relief from the WTO, while contrary to WTO principles Antigua fails to rectify infringement of patents and other intellectual property rights. An independent internet gambler survey conducted in the U.K. in April 2006 revealed the following -- Question Should internet casinos get permission from the inventors of games before using their games? Answer Yes 83% No 6% Don't Know 11% This response is so clear that no comment is needed. Antigua is proposing to act against U.S. intellectual property rights as retaliation against the U.S., whilst ignoring that most Antigua internet casinos already abuse U.S. intellectual property rights to deceptively and unethically generate revenue from U.S. players. As a priority Antigua should compel the internet casinos that have obtained funds through abuse of U.S. intellectual property rights to disgorge and repatriate those funds. If a method of funds disbursement to players is impractical, then funds should be transferred to a U.S. government agency for the dedicated purpose of addressing problem gambling. No WTO action in respect of compensation by the U.S. should be considered until after this transfer of funds from Antigua to the U.S. has taken place. While hypocrisy exists in the U.S. position, Antigua is at least equally inconsistent. Any change in U.S. policy towards internet gambling, through either of the pending Frank or Wexler proposals, should incorporate a solid defense of U.S. intellectual property rights and protection of players from abuse of those rights. No entity, whether internet site owner, gaming software provider, an associated revenue-sharing affiliate or the enabling regulatory body, should be allowed to profit from legal U.S. internet gambling without first disgorging and repatriating misappropriated funds. Prime Table Games creates and provides casino game content based on a portfolio of over 30 granted U.S. patents. The first game we created was Three Card Poker. In a recent U.S. Federal Civil Anti-Trust case against PGIC we won our first litigation as Plaintiffs. The damage award of $39 million is the highest award ever in a gambling intellectual property dispute. We are also claiming legal costs of nearly $5 million that will be adjudicated on at a future post-trial hearing. For more information, please contact: Derek Webb Prime Table Games Email: derek@primetablegames.net