

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。



77 New Medicines Now in Development for HIV/AIDS
December 19, 2006

    WASHINGTON, Nov. 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Seventy-seven new
medicines and
vaccines are in development to treat HIV/AIDS and related
according to a survey released today by the Pharmaceutical
Research and
Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).

    (Photo: )

    Recent reports show AIDS has killed more than 25
million people and
infected an estimated 40 million people worldwide. As many
as 1.2 million
U.S. residents are estimated to have HIV infection.
    "We are greatly encouraged by the new,
critically-important medicines
in development to treat HIV/AIDS," said PhRMA
President and CEO Billy
Tauzin. "PhRMA member companies are leading the search
for vaccines and
treatments for this terrible disease."
    PhRMA's survey reveals that of the 77 new medicines in
researchers are studying 19 new vaccines and 35 antivirals.
These drugs are
either in human clinical trials or are awaiting approval
from the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA).
    Examples of other new HIV/AIDS medicines being
researched include:

    * One medicine, the first in a new class of drugs known
as integrase
      inhibitors, has been shown to decrease viral load in
patients with
      significant HIV drug resistance.

    * A vaccine combines DNA snippets from the AIDS virus
with a protein that
      boosts immune response. The vaccine may prevent
infection, limit the
      damage the virus causes, or both.

    * A medicine in development binds itself to a receptor
protein found on
      the surface of human cells and blocks the HIV virus
from entering the
    The survey also notes that 88 medicines to treat
HIV/AIDS and related
conditions have been approved since the virus that causes
AIDS was first
identified more than 20 years ago; the first such medicine
was developed in
1987, just six years after the HIV virus was identified.
The increased
availability and utilization of newer prescription
medicines has helped to
reduce the U.S. death rate from AIDS substantially in
recent years.
    Since the early 1990s, medicines also have
significantly reduced
mother- to-child transmission of HIV in the United States,
according to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And the
National Institutes of
Health (NIH) report that since the mid-1990s, when the
first protease
inhibitors (a class of anti-HIV drugs that prevent
HIV-infected cells from
producing new copies of the virus) were launched and
combination drug
therapy was introduced, the U.S. death rate from AIDS has
dropped about 70
percent. New treatments have also reduced hospitalization
and the total
cost of care, according to a 2001 New England Journal of
Medicine study.
    Despite astounding progress, AIDS remains a devastating
and growing
worldwide health problem in developing countries, and
particularly in sub-
Saharan Africa, China, Russia and India. An estimated 38.6
million people
worldwide were living with HIV at the end of 2005, with an
estimated 4.1
million people becoming newly infected with HIV last year,
according to the
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).
    From 1998 to 2004, pharmaceutical companies have
contributed more than
$4.1 billion to improve health care in the developing
world, according to
the Partnership for Quality Medical Donations. Projects
include building
HIV/AIDS clinics, AIDS education and prevention programs,
programs to
prevent mother- to-child transmission of HIV, and donations
of medicines
for AIDS and related diseases. Companies also are providing
AIDS drugs at
significantly reduced prices in 18 countries.
    "With HIV/AIDS medicines, a disease that was once
a virtual death
sentence can now be controlled and treated as if it were a
disease," added Tauzin. "And the new medicines
our scientists are working
on right now bring hope for even more promising results in
the future."
    To read the report on the PhRMA Web site, click on the
following link:
    The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of
America (PhRMA)
represents the country's leading pharmaceutical research
and biotechnology
companies, which are devoted to inventing medicines that
allow patients to
live longer, healthier, and more productive lives. PhRMA
companies are
leading the way in the search for new cures. PhRMA members
alone invested
an estimated $39.4 billion in 2005 in discovering and
developing new
medicines. Industry- wide research and investment reached a
record $51.3
billion in 2005.
    PhRMA Internet Address: http://www.phrma.org
    For information on how innovative medicines save lives,
    For information on the Partnership for Prescription
Assistance, visit:
    For information on the danger of imported drugs, visit:

SOURCE Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
77 New Medicines Now in Development for HIV/AIDS
December 19, 2006

    WASHINGTON, Nov. 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Seventy-seven new
medicines and
vaccines are in development to treat HIV/AIDS and related
according to a survey released today by the Pharmaceutical
Research and
Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).

    (Photo: )

    Recent reports show AIDS has killed more than 25
million people and
infected an estimated 40 million people worldwide. As many
as 1.2 million
U.S. residents are estimated to have HIV infection.
    "We are greatly encouraged by the new,
critically-important medicines
in development to treat HIV/AIDS," said PhRMA
President and CEO Billy
Tauzin. "PhRMA member companies are leading the search
for vaccines and
treatments for this terrible disease."
    PhRMA's survey reveals that of the 77 new medicines in
researchers are studying 19 new vaccines and 35 antivirals.
These drugs are
either in human clinical trials or are awaiting approval
from the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA).
    Examples of other new HIV/AIDS medicines being
researched include:

    * One medicine, the first in a new class of drugs known
as integrase
      inhibitors, has been shown to decrease viral load in
patients with
      significant HIV drug resistance.

    * A vaccine combines DNA snippets from the AIDS virus
with a protein that
      boosts immune response. The vaccine may prevent
infection, limit the
      damage the virus causes, or both.

    * A medicine in development binds itself to a receptor
protein found on
      the surface of human cells and blocks the HIV virus
from entering the
    The survey also notes that 88 medicines to treat
HIV/AIDS and related
conditions have been approved since the virus that causes
AIDS was first
identified more than 20 years ago; the first such medicine
was developed in
1987, just six years after the HIV virus was identified.
The increased
availability and utilization of newer prescription
medicines has helped to
reduce the U.S. death rate from AIDS substantially in
recent years.
    Since the early 1990s, medicines also have
significantly reduced
mother- to-child transmission of HIV in the United States,
according to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And the
National Institutes of
Health (NIH) report that since the mid-1990s, when the
first protease
inhibitors (a class of anti-HIV drugs that prevent
HIV-infected cells from
producing new copies of the virus) were launched and
combination drug
therapy was introduced, the U.S. death rate from AIDS has
dropped about 70
percent. New treatments have also reduced hospitalization
and the total
cost of care, according to a 2001 New England Journal of
Medicine study.
    Despite astounding progress, AIDS remains a devastating
and growing
worldwide health problem in developing countries, and
particularly in sub-
Saharan Africa, China, Russia and India. An estimated 38.6
million people
worldwide were living with HIV at the end of 2005, with an
estimated 4.1
million people becoming newly infected with HIV last year,
according to the
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).
    From 1998 to 2004, pharmaceutical companies have
contributed more than
$4.1 billion to improve health care in the developing
world, according to
the Partnership for Quality Medical Donations. Projects
include building
HIV/AIDS clinics, AIDS education and prevention programs,
programs to
prevent mother- to-child transmission of HIV, and donations
of medicines
for AIDS and related diseases. Companies also are providing
AIDS drugs at
significantly reduced prices in 18 countries.
    "With HIV/AIDS medicines, a disease that was once
a virtual death
sentence can now be controlled and treated as if it were a
disease," added Tauzin. "And the new medicines
our scientists are working
on right now bring hope for even more promising results in
the future."
    To read the report on the PhRMA Web site, click on the
following link:
    The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of
America (PhRMA)
represents the country's leading pharmaceutical research
and biotechnology
companies, which are devoted to inventing medicines that
allow patients to
live longer, healthier, and more productive lives. PhRMA
companies are
leading the way in the search for new cures. PhRMA members
alone invested
an estimated $39.4 billion in 2005 in discovering and
developing new
medicines. Industry- wide research and investment reached a
record $51.3
billion in 2005.
    PhRMA Internet Address: http://www.phrma.org
    For information on how innovative medicines save lives,
    For information on the Partnership for Prescription
Assistance, visit:
    For information on the danger of imported drugs, visit:

SOURCE Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America

77 New Medicines Now in Development for HIV/AIDS
December 19, 2006

    WASHINGTON, Nov. 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Seventy-seven new
medicines and
vaccines are in development to treat HIV/AIDS and related
according to a survey released today by the Pharmaceutical
Research and
Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).

    (Photo: )

    Recent reports show AIDS has killed more than 25
million people and
infected an estimated 40 million people worldwide. As many
as 1.2 million
U.S. residents are estimated to have HIV infection.
    "We are greatly encouraged by the new,
critically-important medicines
in development to treat HIV/AIDS," said PhRMA
President and CEO Billy
Tauzin. "PhRMA member companies are leading the search
for vaccines and
treatments for this terrible disease."
    PhRMA's survey reveals that of the 77 new medicines in
researchers are studying 19 new vaccines and 35 antivirals.
These drugs are
either in human clinical trials or are awaiting approval
from the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA).
    Examples of other new HIV/AIDS medicines being
researched include:

    * One medicine, the first in a new class of drugs known
as integrase
      inhibitors, has been shown to decrease viral load in
patients with
      significant HIV drug resistance.

    * A vaccine combines DNA snippets from the AIDS virus
with a protein that
      boosts immune response. The vaccine may prevent
infection, limit the
      damage the virus causes, or both.

    * A medicine in development binds itself to a receptor
protein found on
      the surface of human cells and blocks the HIV virus
from entering the
    The survey also notes that 88 medicines to treat
HIV/AIDS and related
conditions have been approved since the virus that causes
AIDS was first
identified more than 20 years ago; the first such medicine
was developed in
1987, just six years after the HIV virus was identified.
The increased
availability and utilization of newer prescription
medicines has helped to
reduce the U.S. death rate from AIDS substantially in
recent years.
    Since the early 1990s, medicines also have
significantly reduced
mother- to-child transmission of HIV in the United States,
according to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And the
National Institutes of
Health (NIH) report that since the mid-1990s, when the
first protease
inhibitors (a class of anti-HIV drugs that prevent
HIV-infected cells from
producing new copies of the virus) were launched and
combination drug
therapy was introduced, the U.S. death rate from AIDS has
dropped about 70
percent. New treatments have also reduced hospitalization
and the total
cost of care, according to a 2001 New England Journal of
Medicine study.
    Despite astounding progress, AIDS remains a devastating
and growing
worldwide health problem in developing countries, and
particularly in sub-
Saharan Africa, China, Russia and India. An estimated 38.6
million people
worldwide were living with HIV at the end of 2005, with an
estimated 4.1
million people becoming newly infected with HIV last year,
according to the
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).
    From 1998 to 2004, pharmaceutical companies have
contributed more than
$4.1 billion to improve health care in the developing
world, according to
the Partnership for Quality Medical Donations. Projects
include building
HIV/AIDS clinics, AIDS education and prevention programs,
programs to
prevent mother- to-child transmission of HIV, and donations
of medicines
for AIDS and related diseases. Companies also are providing
AIDS drugs at
significantly reduced prices in 18 countries.
    "With HIV/AIDS medicines, a disease that was once
a virtual death
sentence can now be controlled and treated as if it were a
disease," added Tauzin. "And the new medicines
our scientists are working
on right now bring hope for even more promising results in
the future."
    To read the report on the PhRMA Web site, click on the
following link:
    The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of
America (PhRMA)
represents the country's leading pharmaceutical research
and biotechnology
companies, which are devoted to inventing medicines that
allow patients to
live longer, healthier, and more productive lives. PhRMA
companies are
leading the way in the search for new cures. PhRMA members
alone invested
an estimated $39.4 billion in 2005 in discovering and
developing new
medicines. Industry- wide research and investment reached a
record $51.3
billion in 2005.
    PhRMA Internet Address: http://www.phrma.org
    For information on how innovative medicines save lives,
    For information on the Partnership for Prescription
Assistance, visit:
    For information on the danger of imported drugs, visit:

SOURCE Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
77 New Medicines Now in Development for HIV/AIDS
December 19, 2006

    WASHINGTON, Nov. 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Seventy-seven new
medicines and
vaccines are in development to treat HIV/AIDS and related
according to a survey released today by the Pharmaceutical
Research and
Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).

    (Photo: )

    Recent reports show AIDS has killed more than 25
million people and
infected an estimated 40 million people worldwide. As many
as 1.2 million
U.S. residents are estimated to have HIV infection.
    "We are greatly encouraged by the new,
critically-important medicines
in development to treat HIV/AIDS," said PhRMA
President and CEO Billy
Tauzin. "PhRMA member companies are leading the search
for vaccines and
treatments for this terrible disease."
    PhRMA's survey reveals that of the 77 new medicines in
researchers are studying 19 new vaccines and 35 antivirals.
These drugs are
either in human clinical trials or are awaiting approval
from the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA).
    Examples of other new HIV/AIDS medicines being
researched include:

    * One medicine, the first in a new class of drugs known
as integrase
      inhibitors, has been shown to decrease viral load in
patients with
      significant HIV drug resistance.

    * A vaccine combines DNA snippets from the AIDS virus
with a protein that
      boosts immune response. The vaccine may prevent
infection, limit the
      damage the virus causes, or both.

    * A medicine in development binds itself to a receptor
protein found on
      the surface of human cells and blocks the HIV virus
from entering the
    The survey also notes that 88 medicines to treat
HIV/AIDS and related
conditions have been approved since the virus that causes
AIDS was first
identified more than 20 years ago; the first such medicine
was developed in
1987, just six years after the HIV virus was identified.
The increased
availability and utilization of newer prescription
medicines has helped to
reduce the U.S. death rate from AIDS substantially in
recent years.
    Since the early 1990s, medicines also have
significantly reduced
mother- to-child transmission of HIV in the United States,
according to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And the
National Institutes of
Health (NIH) report that since the mid-1990s, when the
first protease
inhibitors (a class of anti-HIV drugs that prevent
HIV-infected cells from
producing new copies of the virus) were launched and
combination drug
therapy was introduced, the U.S. death rate from AIDS has
dropped about 70
percent. New treatments have also reduced hospitalization
and the total
cost of care, according to a 2001 New England Journal of
Medicine study.
    Despite astounding progress, AIDS remains a devastating
and growing
worldwide health problem in developing countries, and
particularly in sub-
Saharan Africa, China, Russia and India. An estimated 38.6
million people
worldwide were living with HIV at the end of 2005, with an
estimated 4.1
million people becoming newly infected with HIV last year,
according to the
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).
    From 1998 to 2004, pharmaceutical companies have
contributed more than
$4.1 billion to improve health care in the developing
world, according to
the Partnership for Quality Medical Donations. Projects
include building
HIV/AIDS clinics, AIDS education and prevention programs,
programs to
prevent mother- to-child transmission of HIV, and donations
of medicines
for AIDS and related diseases. Companies also are providing
AIDS drugs at
significantly reduced prices in 18 countries.
    "With HIV/AIDS medicines, a disease that was once
a virtual death
sentence can now be controlled and treated as if it were a
disease," added Tauzin. "And the new medicines
our scientists are working
on right now bring hope for even more promising results in
the future."
    To read the report on the PhRMA Web site, click on the
following link:
    The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of
America (PhRMA)
represents the country's leading pharmaceutical research
and biotechnology
companies, which are devoted to inventing medicines that
allow patients to
live longer, healthier, and more productive lives. PhRMA
companies are
leading the way in the search for new cures. PhRMA members
alone invested
an estimated $39.4 billion in 2005 in discovering and
developing new
medicines. Industry- wide research and investment reached a
record $51.3
billion in 2005.
    PhRMA Internet Address: http://www.phrma.org
    For information on how innovative medicines save lives,
    For information on the Partnership for Prescription
Assistance, visit:
    For information on the danger of imported drugs, visit:

SOURCE Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
77 New Medicines Now in Development for HIV/AIDS
December 19, 2006

    WASHINGTON, Nov. 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Seventy-seven new
medicines and
vaccines are in development to treat HIV/AIDS and related
according to a survey released today by the Pharmaceutical
Research and
Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).

    (Photo: )

    Recent reports show AIDS has killed more than 25
million people and
infected an estimated 40 million people worldwide. As many
as 1.2 million
U.S. residents are estimated to have HIV infection.
    "We are greatly encouraged by the new,
critically-important medicines
in development to treat HIV/AIDS," said PhRMA
President and CEO Billy
Tauzin. "PhRMA member companies are leading the search
for vaccines and
treatments for this terrible disease."
    PhRMA's survey reveals that of the 77 new medicines in
researchers are studying 19 new vaccines and 35 antivirals.
These drugs are
either in human clinical trials or are awaiting approval
from the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA).
    Examples of other new HIV/AIDS medicines being
researched include:

    * One medicine, the first in a new class of drugs known
as integrase
      inhibitors, has been shown to decrease viral load in
patients with
      significant HIV drug resistance.

    * A vaccine combines DNA snippets from the AIDS virus
with a protein that
      boosts immune response. The vaccine may prevent
infection, limit the
      damage the virus causes, or both.

    * A medicine in development binds itself to a receptor
protein found on
      the surface of human cells and blocks the HIV virus
from entering the
    The survey also notes that 88 medicines to treat
HIV/AIDS and related
conditions have been approved since the virus that causes
AIDS was first
identified more than 20 years ago; the first such medicine
was developed in
1987, just six years after the HIV virus was identified.
The increased
availability and utilization of newer prescription
medicines has helped to
reduce the U.S. death rate from AIDS substantially in
recent years.
    Since the early 1990s, medicines also have
significantly reduced
mother- to-child transmission of HIV in the United States,
according to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And the
National Institutes of
Health (NIH) report that since the mid-1990s, when the
first protease
inhibitors (a class of anti-HIV drugs that prevent
HIV-infected cells from
producing new copies of the virus) were launched and
combination drug
therapy was introduced, the U.S. death rate from AIDS has
dropped about 70
percent. New treatments have also reduced hospitalization
and the total
cost of care, according to a 2001 New England Journal of
Medicine study.
    Despite astounding progress, AIDS remains a devastating
and growing
worldwide health problem in developing countries, and
particularly in sub-
Saharan Africa, China, Russia and India. An estimated 38.6
million people
worldwide were living with HIV at the end of 2005, with an
estimated 4.1
million people becoming newly infected with HIV last year,
according to the
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).
    From 1998 to 2004, pharmaceutical companies have
contributed more than
$4.1 billion to improve health care in the developing
world, according to
the Partnership for Quality Medical Donations. Projects
include building
HIV/AIDS clinics, AIDS education and prevention programs,
programs to
prevent mother- to-child transmission of HIV, and donations
of medicines
for AIDS and related diseases. Companies also are providing
AIDS drugs at
significantly reduced prices in 18 countries.
    "With HIV/AIDS medicines, a disease that was once
a virtual death
sentence can now be controlled and treated as if it were a
disease," added Tauzin. "And the new medicines
our scientists are working
on right now bring hope for even more promising results in
the future."
    To read the report on the PhRMA Web site, click on the
following link:
    The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of
America (PhRMA)
represents the country's leading pharmaceutical research
and biotechnology
companies, which are devoted to inventing medicines that
allow patients to
live longer, healthier, and more productive lives. PhRMA
companies are
leading the way in the search for new cures. PhRMA members
alone invested
an estimated $39.4 billion in 2005 in discovering and
developing new
medicines. Industry- wide research and investment reached a
record $51.3
billion in 2005.
    PhRMA Internet Address: http://www.phrma.org
    For information on how innovative medicines save lives,
    For information on the Partnership for Prescription
Assistance, visit:
    For information on the danger of imported drugs, visit:

SOURCE Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
77 New Medicines Now in Development for HIV/AIDS
December 19, 2006

    WASHINGTON, Nov. 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Seventy-seven new
medicines and
vaccines are in development to treat HIV/AIDS and related
according to a survey released today by the Pharmaceutical
Research and
Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).

    (Photo: )

    Recent reports show AIDS has killed more than 25
million people and
infected an estimated 40 million people worldwide. As many
as 1.2 million
U.S. residents are estimated to have HIV infection.
    "We are greatly encouraged by the new,
critically-important medicines
in development to treat HIV/AIDS," said PhRMA
President and CEO Billy
Tauzin. "PhRMA member companies are leading the search
for vaccines and
treatments for this terrible disease."
    PhRMA's survey reveals that of the 77 new medicines in
researchers are studying 19 new vaccines and 35 antivirals.
These drugs are
either in human clinical trials or are awaiting approval
from the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA).
    Examples of other new HIV/AIDS medicines being
researched include:

    * One medicine, the first in a new class of drugs known
as integrase
      inhibitors, has been shown to decrease viral load in
patients with
      significant HIV drug resistance.

    * A vaccine combines DNA snippets from the AIDS virus
with a protein that
      boosts immune response. The vaccine may prevent
infection, limit the
      damage the virus causes, or both.

    * A medicine in development binds itself to a receptor
protein found on
      the surface of human cells and blocks the HIV virus
from entering the
    The survey also notes that 88 medicines to treat
HIV/AIDS and related
conditions have been approved since the virus that causes
AIDS was first
identified more than 20 years ago; the first such medicine
was developed in
1987, just six years after the HIV virus was identified.
The increased
availability and utilization of newer prescription
medicines has helped to
reduce the U.S. death rate from AIDS substantially in
recent years.
    Since the early 1990s, medicines also have
significantly reduced
mother- to-child transmission of HIV in the United States,
according to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And the
National Institutes of
Health (NIH) report that since the mid-1990s, when the
first protease
inhibitors (a class of anti-HIV drugs that prevent
HIV-infected cells from
producing new copies of the virus) were launched and
combination drug
therapy was introduced, the U.S. death rate from AIDS has
dropped about 70
percent. New treatments have also reduced hospitalization
and the total
cost of care, according to a 2001 New England Journal of
Medicine study.
    Despite astounding progress, AIDS remains a devastating
and growing
worldwide health problem in developing countries, and
particularly in sub-
Saharan Africa, China, Russia and India. An estimated 38.6
million people
worldwide were living with HIV at the end of 2005, with an
estimated 4.1
million people becoming newly infected with HIV last year,
according to the
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).
    From 1998 to 2004, pharmaceutical companies have
contributed more than
$4.1 billion to improve health care in the developing
world, according to
the Partnership for Quality Medical Donations. Projects
include building
HIV/AIDS clinics, AIDS education and prevention programs,
programs to
prevent mother- to-child transmission of HIV, and donations
of medicines
for AIDS and related diseases. Companies also are providing
AIDS drugs at
significantly reduced prices in 18 countries.
    "With HIV/AIDS medicines, a disease that was once
a virtual death
sentence can now be controlled and treated as if it were a
disease," added Tauzin. "And the new medicines
our scientists are working
on right now bring hope for even more promising results in
the future."
    To read the report on the PhRMA Web site, click on the
following link:
    The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of
America (PhRMA)
represents the country's leading pharmaceutical research
and biotechnology
companies, which are devoted to inventing medicines that
allow patients to
live longer, healthier, and more productive lives. PhRMA
companies are
leading the way in the search for new cures. PhRMA members
alone invested
an estimated $39.4 billion in 2005 in discovering and
developing new
medicines. Industry- wide research and investment reached a
record $51.3
billion in 2005.
    PhRMA Internet Address: http://www.phrma.org
    For information on how innovative medicines save lives,
    For information on the Partnership for Prescription
Assistance, visit:
    For information on the danger of imported drugs, visit:

SOURCE Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
77 New Medicines Now in Development for HIV/AIDS
December 19, 2006

    WASHINGTON, Nov. 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Seventy-seven new
medicines and
vaccines are in development to treat HIV/AIDS and related
according to a survey released today by the Pharmaceutical
Research and
Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).

    (Photo: )

    Recent reports show AIDS has killed more than 25
million people and
infected an estimated 40 million people worldwide. As many
as 1.2 million
U.S. residents are estimated to have HIV infection.
    "We are greatly encouraged by the new,
critically-important medicines
in development to treat HIV/AIDS," said PhRMA
President and CEO Billy
Tauzin. "PhRMA member companies are leading the search
for vaccines and
treatments for this terrible disease."
    PhRMA's survey reveals that of the 77 new medicines in
researchers are studying 19 new vaccines and 35 antivirals.
These drugs are
either in human clinical trials or are awaiting approval
from the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA).
    Examples of other new HIV/AIDS medicines being
researched include:

    * One medicine, the first in a new class of drugs known
as integrase
      inhibitors, has been shown to decrease viral load in
patients with
      significant HIV drug resistance.

    * A vaccine combines DNA snippets from the AIDS virus
with a protein that
      boosts immune response. The vaccine may prevent
infection, limit the
      damage the virus causes, or both.

    * A medicine in development binds itself to a receptor
protein found on
      the surface of human cells and blocks the HIV virus
from entering the
    The survey also notes that 88 medicines to treat
HIV/AIDS and related
conditions have been approved since the virus that causes
AIDS was first
identified more than 20 years ago; the first such medicine
was developed in
1987, just six years after the HIV virus was identified.
The increased
availability and utilization of newer prescription
medicines has helped to
reduce the U.S. death rate from AIDS substantially in
recent years.
    Since the early 1990s, medicines also have
significantly reduced
mother- to-child transmission of HIV in the United States,
according to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And the
National Institutes of
Health (NIH) report that since the mid-1990s, when the
first protease
inhibitors (a class of anti-HIV drugs that prevent
HIV-infected cells from
producing new copies of the virus) were launched and
combination drug
therapy was introduced, the U.S. death rate from AIDS has
dropped about 70
percent. New treatments have also reduced hospitalization
and the total
cost of care, according to a 2001 New England Journal of
Medicine study.
    Despite astounding progress, AIDS remains a devastating
and growing
worldwide health problem in developing countries, and
particularly in sub-
Saharan Africa, China, Russia and India. An estimated 38.6
million people
worldwide were living with HIV at the end of 2005, with an
estimated 4.1
million people becoming newly infected with HIV last year,
according to the
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).
    From 1998 to 2004, pharmaceutical companies have
contributed more than
$4.1 billion to improve health care in the developing
world, according to
the Partnership for Quality Medical Donations. Projects
include building
HIV/AIDS clinics, AIDS education and prevention programs,
programs to
prevent mother- to-child transmission of HIV, and donations
of medicines
for AIDS and related diseases. Companies also are providing
AIDS drugs at
significantly reduced prices in 18 countries.
    "With HIV/AIDS medicines, a disease that was once
a virtual death
sentence can now be controlled and treated as if it were a
disease," added Tauzin. "And the new medicines
our scientists are working
on right now bring hope for even more promising results in
the future."
    To read the report on the PhRMA Web site, click on the
following link:
    The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of
America (PhRMA)
represents the country's leading pharmaceutical research
and biotechnology
companies, which are devoted to inventing medicines that
allow patients to
live longer, healthier, and more productive lives. PhRMA
companies are
leading the way in the search for new cures. PhRMA members
alone invested
an estimated $39.4 billion in 2005 in discovering and
developing new
medicines. Industry- wide research and investment reached a
record $51.3
billion in 2005.
    PhRMA Internet Address: http://www.phrma.org
    For information on how innovative medicines save lives,
    For information on the Partnership for Prescription
Assistance, visit:
    For information on the danger of imported drugs, visit:

SOURCE Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw Launches Hong Kong Office
December 19, 2006

- Jeffrey H. Chen Hired to Spearhead the Firm's Asian
Securitization and 
Structured Finance Practice -

    HONG KONG, Nov. 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Mayer, Brown,
Rowe & Maw LLP 
has received its operating license from the Law Society of
Hong Kong and will 
officially open its doors in the Landmark Building of Hong
Kong's Central 
Business District on January 1, 2007.  Initially, the Hong
Kong office will 
focus on securitization and structured finance throughout
Asia, but will soon 
provide a broad range of legal services to local Asian
companies seeking 
advice regarding the U.S. and Europe, and to foreign
companies operating in 

    "Our primary goal is to provide clients with a
base in China to develop 
integrated growth between the United States, Europe and
Asia," said Ty 
Fahner, Chairman, Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw.
"Additionally, the firm intends 
to assist Chinese companies looking to grow
internationally.  It promises to 
be a rewarding endeavor for the firm and its current and
future global 
clients alike."

    Jeffrey H. Chen, formerly a partner with Jones Day in
Hong Kong, has 
joined Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw to grow the firm's
Asian capabilities. Mr. 
Chen, a finance partner specializing in securitization, is
recognized in the 
2007 directories of IFLR 1000 and Chambers Global as a
leading lawyer in his 
field.  He will work alongside senior London corporate
partner, Stephen 
Bottomley, who is relocating to Hong Kong.   

    "Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw is one of the top
securitization and structured 
finance firms in the world," commented Chen. 
"The firm is at the front line 
of every legal, regulatory and accounting development and
reform in the 
industry.  The firm has established an impressive network
of clients and 
contacts in the United States and Europe and the arrival in
Asia gives me an 
unparalleled opportunity to integrate my practice with this
structured finance firm." 

    Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw has pioneered
securitization and structured 
finance since the practice's inception in the 1970s.  The
firm has dominated 
the field in the U.S. and Europe where it has been a
leading force in every 
type of product innovation in developed markets and at the
vanguard of 
transactions in emerging markets of Eastern Europe, the
Middle East, Africa 
and Latin America. Attorneys at the firm authored The
Securitization of 
Financial Assets, the leading treatise on asset
securitization used by 
lawyers worldwide, and created and sponsor the highly
regarded website 
http://www.securitization.net .  The lawyers in the
securitization group are 
also experts in Basel II, Regulation AB and the Securities
Offering Reform. 

    "We are prepared to bring the entirety of Mayer,
Brown, Rowe & Maw's 
unmatched securitization expertise to the Asian
markets," commented Paul 
Maher, London Senior Partner and Vice-Chairman elect. 
"Part of the firm's 
strategy is to ensure that we are able to surpass our
clients expectations in 
locations that are increasingly important to their
business. We feel that 
having two highly respected partners in Jeff and Stephen
gives us the best 
possible start." 

    The Hong Kong office expands the firm's Asian
footprint.  For more than 
eight years Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw's Global Trade
Practice has operated a 
consulting office in Mainland China under the name MBP
Consulting.  The 
Global Trade Practice, which includes several former trade
negotiators and 
senior U.S. Government policy officials, including former
U.S. Secretary of 
Commerce Mickey Kantor, has provided support to a diverse
group of 
multinational clients ranging from real estate, financial
services and 
insurance to energy, pharmaceuticals and mining.  The group
advises in a 
variety of areas in China including developing market-entry
identifying local partners for joint ventures, identifying
opportunities, securing regulatory approvals, and
developing and executing 
strategies to address market access barriers. 

    "The Hong Kong office will significantly broaden
the capabilities we'll 
be able to offer both our U.S. and European clients,"
said Peter Scher, head 
of the Global Trade Group and chair of the firm's China
Task Force.  "We look 
forward to working closely with Jeff and Stephen to
identify key areas for 
growth throughout Asia." 

    The firm's license takes effect on December 1, 2006,
and the office 
expects to be fully operational early in the first quarter
of 2007.  

    About Jeffrey Chen and Stephen Bottomley:

    Jeffrey H. Chen has experience throughout Asia and the
U.S. working with 
both local and multi-national companies, focusing on
cross-border financing 
structures of all kinds and on engineering various types of
instruments. He is also experienced in various local laws
across Asian 
jurisdictions and coordinates local law compliance issues
such as netting and 
collateral across the region.  In recent years, Mr. Chen
has advised on a 
number of award-winning transactions out of South Korea,
Taiwan and China.

    Stephen Bottomley, a partner in the London office since
1988, advises on 
a wide range of corporate matters, specializing in
corporate finance, M&A and 
venture capital work and in particular advising on London
AIM admissions. He 
has been acknowledged as a leader in his field by both the
Chambers UK and 
The UK Legal 500 directories as well as being recommended
for corporate and 
M&A work in the PLC Cross-border M&A Handbook
2006/7.  Stephen will relocate 
to Hong Kong to head up the new office in January 2007.  

    Notes to editors:

    --  Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP is an
international legal practice 
        delivering advice to leading companies, financial
institutions and 
        multi-national businesses in 14 major cities
worldwide, including 
        London, Chicago, New York, Washington, Frankfurt
and Paris. 

    --  The international reach of the firm is further
enhanced through its 
        trade consulting office in Beijing, a correspondent
relationship in 
        Mexico and an alliance with a leading Italian law
firm giving access 
        to both Italian and Eastern European markets.

    --  The firm currently has over 500 partners and more
than 1,400 lawyers 
        working together to focus its global legal
provision around primary 
        industry and practice groups.  Working
collaboratively with clients to
        understand the business environment in which they
operate ensures 
        that they receive commercial legal solutions that
help them achieve 
        their objectives and success in their businesses. 

    --  The firm recently announced the creation of an
'Office of the 
        Chairman' to take effect from June 1, 2007, with
the appointment of 
        James D. Holzhauer as the firm's Chairman and
partners Kenneth S. 
        Geller and Paul Maher as Vice-Chairmen. 

    --  Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP is a combination
of two limited liability
        partnerships, each named Mayer, Brown, Rowe &
Maw LLP, one 
        incorporated in England and one established in
Illinois, USA.

    --  For further information please visit:
        or http://www.mayerbrownrowe.com/london .

    For more information, please contact:

     Stephen Bottomley, Partner
     Corporate Group, London
     Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP
     Tel:   +44-20-7782-8825
     Email: sbottomley@mayerbrownrowe.com 

     Peter Scher, Partner
     Global Trade Group, Washington DC
     Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP
     Tel:   +1-202-263-3360
     Email: pscher@mayerbrownrowe.com 

     Will Hulbert
     Head of Marketing Communications, London
     Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP
     Tel:   +44-20-7782-8804
     Email: whulbert@mayerbrownrowe.com 

     Aimee Jasculca
     Public Relations Manager, Chicago
     Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP
     Tel:   +1-312-701-8241
     Email: ajasculca@mayerbrownrowe.com 

SOURCE  Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP
; 42(5):585-594.
Certicom Collaborates with Texas Instruments for RFID Authentication and Encryption
December 19, 2006

Certicom Security for RFID Product Authentication protects
products against counterfeiting and ensures privacy

    DALLAS, Nov. 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Certicom Corp.
(TSX: CIC) today 
launched Certicom Security for RFID Product Authentication,
a solution that 
ensures authenticity and prevents counterfeiting of
high-value items as they 
move through the supply chain. In collaboration with Texas
Incorporated (NYSE: TXN) (TI) Certicom is using its
elliptic curve 
cryptography (ECC) expertise to add item-level RFID tag
security that 
protects product information and proves the legitimacy of
products, such as 
pharmaceuticals and other high-value consumer goods. For
products like these 
that require a high level of security, RFID solutions
providers can use 
Certicom security and TI's family of ISO 15693 RFID tags to
deliver product 
protection with authentication and encryption.  

http://www.xprn.com.cn:9080/xprn/sa/20061107170439-20.jpg )

    Certicom and TI are currently engaged with companies in
pharmaceutical supply chain where valuable medicines are
susceptible to 
counterfeiting, which can lead to significant asset losses
and patient 
consumer safety issues.  In tandem, they are addressing the
high-value goods 
industry where protection of brand integrity is imperative
to reducing 
product theft and diversion of goods for sale on the black
market.  Examples 
of these products range from brand-name apparel and
cosmetics to 
professionally signed baseballs, poker chips, printer ink
cartridges and 
legal documents.  

    Certicom uses standards-based and proven cryptographic
protocols for its 
RFID appliance, including a standardized public-key
cryptography scheme from 
IEEE 1363a. This efficient ECC-based digital signature
scheme enables a high 
level of security to be added to the tag without requiring
a lot of computing 
power and storage. For example, at 160 bits, ECC provides
the same level of 
protection as a 1024-bit RSA key but is approximately
one-third the size.  

    "By collaborating with Certicom, we demonstrate a
highly efficient, 
standardized security solution that delivers privacy
protection and 
authentication," said Joseph Pearson, business
development manager for TI 
RFID.  "A standardized approach is imperative to
provide a proven level of 
security, and to promote interoperability and compatibility
going forward."

    Certicom Security for RFID Product Authentication works
as a distributed 
system where there may not be dedicated Internet
connectivity to a database, 
to provide real-time authentication of a tagged product. A
simple application 
programming interface (API) enables developers to integrate
the product's 
components with RFID middleware and enterprise

    "The RFID industry is telling us that what is
needed is a security 
infrastructure that provides the smallest possible
standardized digital 
signatures, along with privacy protection features, with
integrated key 
management to meet the needs of the supply chain
constituency, especially the 
pharmaceutical manufacturers and retailers," said Jim
Alfred, director of 
product management for Certicom.  "TI has been
instrumental in providing 
their expertise and insight on the industry when it comes
to what is required 
for RFID product authentication.  This is what we are

    Certicom Security for RFID Product Authentication will
be demonstrated at 
TI's Booth #3015 at the RFID Healthcare Industry Adoption
Summit at the 
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C., November
12-15, 2006. The 
Summit is sponsored by National Association of Chain Drug
Stores and the 
Healthcare Distribution Management Association. 

    For more information on how TI and Certicom are
collaborating on RFID 
product authentication and to view the demonstration of
Certicom's new 
security product in action, please visit
http://www.ti.com/rfidvidcast .  For 
more information on the product visit
http://www.certicom.com/rfid .

    About Texas Instruments

    Texas Instruments is the world's largest integrated
manufacturer of 
radio frequency identification (RFID) transponders and
reader systems. 
Capitalizing on its competencies in high-volume
semiconductor manufacturing 
and microelectronics packaging, TI is a visionary leader
and at the forefront 
of establishing new markets and international standards for
applications. For more information, contact TI-RFid(TM)
Systems at 1-800-962-
RFID (7343) (North America) or +1 214-567-7343
(International), or visit the 
Web site at http://www.ti-rfid.com .

    Texas Instruments Incorporated provides innovative DSP
and analog 
technologies to meet our customers' real world signal
requirements.  In addition to Semiconductor, the company
includes the 
Educational & Productivity Solutions business.  TI is
headquartered in 
Dallas, Texas, and has manufacturing, design or sales
operations in more than 
25 countries.

    Texas Instruments is traded on the New York Stock
Exchange under the 
symbol TXN. More information is located on the World Wide
Web at 
http://www.ti.com .

    About Certicom

    Certicom protects the value of your content,
applications and devices 
with government-approved security. Adopted by the National
Security Agency 
(NSA) for classified and sensitive but unclassified
communications, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) provides
the most security 
per bit of any known public-key scheme. As the undisputed
leader in ECC, 
Certicom security offerings are currently licensed to more
than 300 customers 
including General Dynamics, Motorola, Oracle, Research In
Motion and Unisys. 
Founded in 1985, Certicom's corporate offices are in
Mississauga, ON, Canada 
with worldwide sales and marketing headquarters in Reston,
VA and offices in 
the US, Canada and Europe. Visit http://www.certicom.com .


    TI-RFid is a trademark of Texas Instruments.  All other
trademarks and 
registered trademarks are property of their respective

    For more information, please contact:

     Jamie Horton 
     Texas Instruments		
     Tel:   +1-214-567-2463
     Email: jhorton@ti.com

     Lisa Courtney Lloyd
     Certicom Corp. 	
     Tel:   +1-613-271-7512
     Email: lcourtneylloyd@certicom.com 

SOURCE  Texas Instruments
New Oriental Issues Statement in Response to Name Confusion
December 19, 2006

    BEIJING, Nov. 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- New Oriental
Education and 
Technology Group Inc. (NYSE: EDU), the largest provider of
educational services in China, today issued a statement to
clarify some 
market confusion between the name of the Company and the
privately held 
Oriental Standard.
    "To be clear, New Oriental has no affiliation with
Oriental Standard, 
which recently announced that it has raised a round of
venture capital 
financing," said New Oriental's Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer Mr. 
Michael Yu. Mr. Yu noted that Oriental Standard was spun
off from New 
Oriental Education and Technology Group in 2005. 

    About New Oriental
    New Oriental is the largest provider of private
educational services in 
China based on the number of program offerings, total
student enrollments and 
geographic presence.  New Oriental offers a wide range of
programs, services and products consisting primarily of
English and other 
foreign language training, test preparation courses for
major admissions and 
assessment tests in the United States, the PRC and
Commonwealth countries, 
primary and secondary school education, development and
distribution of 
educational content, software and other technology, and
online education.  
New Oriental's ADSs, each of which represents four common
shares, currently 
trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol

    Safe Harbor Statement
    This announcement contains forward-looking statements.
These statements 
are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of
the U.S. Private Securities 
Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  These forward-looking
statements can be 
identified by terminology such as "will,"
"expects," "anticipates," 
"future," "intends," "plans,"
"believes," "estimates" and similar 
statements. Statements that are not historical facts,
including statements 
about New Oriental's beliefs and expectations, are
statements.  Forward-looking statements involve inherent
risks and 
uncertainties.  Information regarding these risks and
uncertainties is 
included in our registration statement on Form F-1 and
other documents filed 
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  New Oriental
does not undertake 
any obligation to update any forward-looking statement,
except as required 
under applicable law.  All information provided in this
press release is as 
of November 29, 2006, and New Oriental undertakes no duty
to update such 
information, except as required under applicable law.

    For more information, please contact:

    In China:
     Ms. Sisi Zhao
     New Oriental Education and Technology Group Inc.
     Tel:   +86-10-6260-5566 x8203
     Email: zhaosisi@staff.neworiental.org

     Mr. Rory Macpherson
     Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide
     Tel:   +86-10-8520-6553
     Email: rory.macpherson@ogilvy.com

    In the United States:
     Mr. Thomas Smith
     Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide
     Tel:   +1-212-880-5269
     Email: thomas.smith@ogilvypr.com

SOURCE  New Oriental Education and Technology Group Inc. 
 information resources and 

New Oriental Issues Statement in Response to Name Confusion
December 19, 2006

    BEIJING, Nov. 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- New Oriental
Education and 
Technology Group Inc. (NYSE: EDU), the largest provider of
educational services in China, today issued a statement to
clarify some 
market confusion between the name of the Company and the
privately held 
Oriental Standard.
    "To be clear, New Oriental has no affiliation with
Oriental Standard, 
which recently announced that it has raised a round of
venture capital 
financing," said New Oriental's Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer Mr. 
Michael Yu. Mr. Yu noted that Oriental Standard was spun
off from New 
Oriental Education and Technology Group in 2005. 

    About New Oriental
    New Oriental is the largest provider of private
educational services in 
China based on the number of program offerings, total
student enrollments and 
geographic presence.  New Oriental offers a wide range of
programs, services and products consisting primarily of
English and other 
foreign language training, test preparation courses for
major admissions and 
assessment tests in the United States, the PRC and
Commonwealth countries, 
primary and secondary school education, development and
distribution of 
educational content, software and other technology, and
online education.  
New Oriental's ADSs, each of which represents four common
shares, currently 
trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol

    Safe Harbor Statement
    This announcement contains forward-looking statements.
These statements 
are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of
the U.S. Private Securities 
Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  These forward-looking
statements can be 
identified by terminology such as "will,"
"expects," "anticipates," 
"future," "intends," "plans,"
"believes," "estimates" and similar 
statements. Statements that are not historical facts,
including statements 
about New Oriental's beliefs and expectations, are
statements.  Forward-looking statements involve inherent
risks and 
uncertainties.  Information regarding these risks and
uncertainties is 
included in our registration statement on Form F-1 and
other documents filed 
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  New Oriental
does not undertake 
any obligation to update any forward-looking statement,
except as required 
under applicable law.  All information provided in this
press release is as 
of November 29, 2006, and New Oriental undertakes no duty
to update such 
information, except as required under applicable law.

    For more information, please contact:

    In China:
     Ms. Sisi Zhao
     New Oriental Education and Technology Group Inc.
     Tel:   +86-10-6260-5566 x8203
     Email: zhaosisi@staff.neworiental.org

     Mr. Rory Macpherson
     Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide
     Tel:   +86-10-8520-6553
     Email: rory.macpherson@ogilvy.com

    In the United States:
     Mr. Thomas Smith
     Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide
     Tel:   +1-212-880-5269
     Email: thomas.smith@ogilvypr.com

SOURCE  New Oriental Education and Technology Group Inc. 
 information resources and 

New Test Generators and Upgrades Enable HDMI(TM) v1.3 36-bit Deep Color Display Development and Manufacturing
December 19, 2006

    ELGIN, Ill., Nov. 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Quantum
Data(TM), a worldwide 
provider of video test equipment, today announced the
release of new video 
signal generators and upgrades supporting High-Definition
Interface (HDMI) version 1.3, enabling display
manufacturers to design and 
manufacture 36-bit deep color displays.

    HDMI is a prime digital interface for connecting
displays to home 
theatre, broadcast and gaming sources. HDMI version 1.3
(v1.3) of the 
interface is backwards compatible with previous versions
and adds options for 
wide-gamut color, faster pixel rates, cable equalization,
smaller connectors, 
advanced audio formats, and lip sync correction -- in
addition to deep color.

    Video test equipment is required to check HDMI
compliance and 
interoperability during development of displays and to
detect defects during 
manufacturing. Today, few displays support the latest HDMI
options available 
in v1.3, as manufacturers have had to wait for silicon and
video test 
equipment to catch up with HDMI specification enhancements
before proceeding. 

    Quantum Data's new model 881E and 882E generators,
built with the latest 
chips from Silicon Image, are capable of generating triple
colors in 4:4:4 sampling mode up to 165M pixels/second.
Added test images 
reveal "banding" in fine color transitions -- a
defect that is supposed to be 
eliminated by HDMI v1.3's new "deep color"
option. As with previous 
offerings, the new generators output any video format
on-demand, render test 
images, produce test tones, and perform a variety of
compliance tests.

    The new generators will begin shipping in limited
quantities in December 
2006, with full-production scheduled for Q1 2007. The
company also announced 
the availability of upgrades for converting existing 881C
and 882C generators 
to 881E and 882E generators.

    For a complete list of features and specifications of
the series 880, go 
to http://www.quantumdata.com/products/index.asp .
    About Quantum Data

    Headquartered in Elgin, Ill., Quantum Data, Inc. ( 
http://www.quantumdata.com ) designs, manufactures and
markets test 
generators for developing, manufacturing and servicing
video displays.

    HDMI(TM) and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are
trademarks or 
registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing, LLC in the United
States and other 

    For more information, please contact:

     Chuck Evans
     Quantum Data
     Tel:   +1-847-888-0450 x117
     Email: cevans@quantumdata.com

SOURCE  Quantum Data
Beijing QTC Announces a VoIP Telephone Agreement With Beijing Oriental Jiachuang
December 19, 2006

International, Inc., Forwarding to the 3GenisIP Integrated
Access System

    BEIJING, Nov. 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Bralorne
Mining Company 
(OTC Bulletin Board: BLNM) ("BLNM") today
announced that its 100% owned 
subsidiary company -- Beijing Quan Tong Chang Information
Service Limited 
("Beijing QTC") has signed a Voice over Internet
Protocol (VoIP) Telephone 
service agreement with Beijing Oriental Jiachuang
International Exhibition 
Inc. ("Beijing Oriental"), a leading exhibition
and conference holding 
company in China. According to the agreement, Beijing QTC
will deploy its 
3GenisIP Integrated Access System to Beijing Oriental to
support its VoIP 
Broadband Phone Network service with local, long distance
and international 
    3GenisIP Integrated Access System is launched and named
by Beijing QTC 
and has been already put into commercial use. It is a
multi-service of VoIP 
platform that is extremely flexible. This system combines
the benefits of IP 
networking with the rich features and high availability of
systems. Through its integrated VoIP gateway for stations
and networking, 
3GenisIP system allows integration of offices and companies
using in-place IP 
networks and, enables users to reduce costs significantly. 
    According to the agreement, Beijing QTC will provide
its 3GenisIP 
Integrated Access System to Beijing Oriental, including
VoIP enabled 
integrated access, a packet value-added service of
consultancy, account 
opening, daily query and rapid maintenance and, related
business training 
course. Authorized by two giant telecoms -- China Netcom
and China Telecom, 
Beijing QTC is the low cost primary authorized VoIP network
agent for some 
provinces and cities and, by offering an IP-based
convergence systems 
platform with the distributed technology of controlled
calling, including 
local, long distance, mobile, and international numbers,
Beijing QTC helps 
Beijing Oriental to avoid paying for both a broadband
connection and a 
traditional telephone line. 
    Mr. Zhang Feng Ming, President of BLNM, commented,
"Since its 
introduction to the market, 3GenisIP's leading technologies
and professional 
experience is helping our customers to enjoy high-quality
VoIP broadband 
phone network coverage and more diversified service. We are
confident that 
our service can meet Beijing Oriental's requirements and
help them deploy 
secure, reliable broadband networking and, we are excited
at the long-term 
prospects associated with this partnership."
    About Beijing Oriental Jiachuang International
Exhibition Inc.
    Beijing Oriental Jiachuang International Exhibition
Inc. ("Beijing 
Oriental") is a highly successful exhibition company
who has professional 
experience in organizing, planning and holding large
activities and 
conferences in China. It conducts its core businesses with
operating the 
excellent exhibitions and meetings to provide the
comprehensive designing 
project of the whole exhibiting procedure to its customers
and partners. 
Beijing Oriental believes by embracing the richest
information resources and 
uncompromising business integrity, it is committed to
consistently provide 
the innovative and customized service to an economic,
intellectual and social 
assets to each of our markets in which we operate.

    About Bralorne Mining Company 
    Bralorne Mining Company was organized for the purpose
of acquiring and 
exploring mineral properties.  During February 1999, the
Company acquired a 
mineral claim for $1.00 from a related party, known as
"Golden" consisting of 
one 18 units metric claim situated within the Bridge River
gold camp near the 
town of Gold Bridge, British Columbia and has an expiration
date of December 
15, 2006.  During March 2003, the Company started an
exploration program on 9 
of the 18 units within the claim.  The other 9 units lapsed
on March 18, 2003 
and the Company has no further interest in them.  The
remaining 9 are in good 
standing until December 15, 2006.  On November 2, 2006, The
Company acquired 
all of the outstanding capital stock of Gold Profit (Asia)
Group Limited 
("Gold Profit"), which owns 100% of the
registered capital of Beijing Quan 
Tong Chang Information Service Limited ("Beijing
QTC"). Beijing QTC is a 
telecommunications service provider to deliver economical
voice and data 
services domestically and internationally throughout China.
It engaged in the 
business of distributing telephone services through public
pay phones and is 
also in the business of developing Internet phone solutions
for commercial 
customers, focusing on a convenient local, domestic and
international long 
distance call service with competitive price. Beijing QTC
will add 
international call forwarding to its lines of business in
the year 2007. 

    Forward-looking statements
    This report contains "forward-looking"
statements within the meaning of 
Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and
Section 21E of the 
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements
other than 
statements of historical facts included in this report are
statements. Forward-looking statements involve risks and
including, but not limited to, economic and political
factors; developments 
of the Chinese and North American markets and changes in
regulatory matters; 
our business strategies and future plans of operations; the
market acceptance 
and amount of sales of our products and services; our
historical losses; the 
competitive environment within the industries in which we
compete; and our 
ability to raise additional capital, currently needed for
    The Company cautions that forward-looking statements
are subject to 
certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual
results to differ 
materially from those indicated in the forward-looking
statements due to 
several important factors.

Bralorne Mining Company
pany                                 Investor Relations
Beijing QTC Announces a VoIP Telephone Agreement With Beijing Oriental Jiachuang
December 19, 2006

International, Inc., Forwarding to the 3GenisIP Integrated
Access System

    BEIJING, Nov. 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Bralorne
Mining Company 
(OTC Bulletin Board: BLNM) ("BLNM") today
announced that its 100% owned 
subsidiary company -- Beijing Quan Tong Chang Information
Service Limited 
("Beijing QTC") has signed a Voice over Internet
Protocol (VoIP) Telephone 
service agreement with Beijing Oriental Jiachuang
International Exhibition 
Inc. ("Beijing Oriental"), a leading exhibition
and conference holding 
company in China. According to the agreement, Beijing QTC
will deploy its 
3GenisIP Integrated Access System to Beijing Oriental to
support its VoIP 
Broadband Phone Network service with local, long distance
and international 
    3GenisIP Integrated Access System is launched and named
by Beijing QTC 
and has been already put into commercial use. It is a
multi-service of VoIP 
platform that is extremely flexible. This system combines
the benefits of IP 
networking with the rich features and high availability of
systems. Through its integrated VoIP gateway for stations
and networking, 
3GenisIP system allows integration of offices and companies
using in-place IP 
networks and, enables users to reduce costs significantly. 
    According to the agreement, Beijing QTC will provide
its 3GenisIP 
Integrated Access System to Beijing Oriental, including
VoIP enabled 
integrated access, a packet value-added service of
consultancy, account 
opening, daily query and rapid maintenance and, related
business training 
course. Authorized by two giant telecoms -- China Netcom
and China Telecom, 
Beijing QTC is the low cost primary authorized VoIP network
agent for some 
provinces and cities and, by offering an IP-based
convergence systems 
platform with the distributed technology of controlled
calling, including 
local, long distance, mobile, and international numbers,
Beijing QTC helps 
Beijing Oriental to avoid paying for both a broadband
connection and a 
traditional telephone line. 
    Mr. Zhang Feng Ming, President of BLNM, commented,
"Since its 
introduction to the market, 3GenisIP's leading technologies
and professional 
experience is helping our customers to enjoy high-quality
VoIP broadband 
phone network coverage and more diversified service. We are
confident that 
our service can meet Beijing Oriental's requirements and
help them deploy 
secure, reliable broadband networking and, we are excited
at the long-term 
prospects associated with this partnership."
    About Beijing Oriental Jiachuang International
Exhibition Inc.
    Beijing Oriental Jiachuang International Exhibition
Inc. ("Beijing 
Oriental") is a highly successful exhibition company
who has professional 
experience in organizing, planning and holding large
activities and 
conferences in China. It conducts its core businesses with
operating the 
excellent exhibitions and meetings to provide the
comprehensive designing 
project of the whole exhibiting procedure to its customers
and partners. 
Beijing Oriental believes by embracing the richest
information resources and 
uncompromising business integrity, it is committed to
consistently provide 
the innovative and customized service to an economic,
intellectual and social 
assets to each of our markets in which we operate.

    About Bralorne Mining Company 
    Bralorne Mining Company was organized for the purpose
of acquiring and 
exploring mineral properties.  During February 1999, the
Company acquired a 
mineral claim for $1.00 from a related party, known as
"Golden" consisting of 
one 18 units metric claim situated within the Bridge River
gold camp near the 
town of Gold Bridge, British Columbia and has an expiration
date of December 
15, 2006.  During March 2003, the Company started an
exploration program on 9 
of the 18 units within the claim.  The other 9 units lapsed
on March 18, 2003 
and the Company has no further interest in them.  The
remaining 9 are in good 
standing until December 15, 2006.  On November 2, 2006, The
Company acquired 
all of the outstanding capital stock of Gold Profit (Asia)
Group Limited 
("Gold Profit"), which owns 100% of the
registered capital of Beijing Quan 
Tong Chang Information Service Limited ("Beijing
QTC"). Beijing QTC is a 
telecommunications service provider to deliver economical
voice and data 
services domestically and internationally throughout China.
It engaged in the 
business of distributing telephone services through public
pay phones and is 
also in the business of developing Internet phone solutions
for commercial 
customers, focusing on a convenient local, domestic and
international long 
distance call service with competitive price. Beijing QTC
will add 
international call forwarding to its lines of business in
the year 2007. 

    Forward-looking statements
    This report contains "forward-looking"
statements within the meaning of 
Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and
Section 21E of the 
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements
other than 
statements of historical facts included in this report are
statements. Forward-looking statements involve risks and
including, but not limited to, economic and political
factors; developments 
of the Chinese and North American markets and changes in
regulatory matters; 
our business strategies and future plans of operations; the
market acceptance 
and amount of sales of our products and services; our
historical losses; the 
competitive environment within the industries in which we
compete; and our 
ability to raise additional capital, currently needed for
    The Company cautions that forward-looking statements
are subject to 
certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual
results to differ 
materially from those indicated in the forward-looking
statements due to 
several important factors.

SOURCE  Bralorne Mining Company 
pany                                 Investor Relations
Winner Medical Group Inc. Successfully Completes Second Phase of ERP Project
December 19, 2006

- SAP ERP System Will Facilitate Compliance with
Sarbanes-Oxley as Well as 
Help to Better Manage Future Growth -

    SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Winner
Medical Group 
Inc., "Winner Medical" (OTC Bulletin Board:
WMDG), has successfully completed 
the second phase of its Enterprise Resource Planning
("ERP") project, and the 
SAP ERP system is now fully implemented and operating
throughout Winner 
Medical and its subsidiaries.
    The Winner Medical ERP Project formally commenced in
January 2006, with 
Phase I of the project focused on effectively implementing
a SAP ERP system 
at the Winner Medical headquarters in Shenzhen.  Phase I
was completed in 
June 2006 and the system has run smoothly since inception. 
Phase II of the 
project commenced in July 2006 with the goal of
implementingthe ERP system 
throughout Winner Medical and its subsidiaries.  This phase
was completed 
earlier this month and is functioning well.
    "Winner Medical selected the SAP ERP system
because of its technical 
supremacy and ability to seamlessly integrate all of the
core business 
operations of each of our subsidiaries -- from production
to supply to sales 
and finally to financial records -- into one system,"
said Jianquan Li, Chief 
Executive Officer.  "It has proven to be an effective
and efficient solution 
for managing and improving our internal controls and
corporate governance.  
We believe the SAP ERP system will not only enable us to
better comply with 
Sarbanes-Oxley regulations, but also help us to manage
future growth and 
maintain our competitive advantage.
    "To ensure a smooth and timely implementation of
the SAP ERP system, 
Winner Medical engaged IBM consultants to manage the
process.  Their deep 
knowledge of business processes and wealth of experience in
problems in the area of business and systems integration
has proven 
invaluable," concluded Mr. Li.
    Winner Medical has commenced Phase III of the project
to implement the 
key components of the SAP ERP system in order to better
manage internal 
controls and facilitate compliance with Section 404 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act 
of 2002.  When completed, the SAP ERP system will enable
Winner Medical 
management to accurately assess and report, on an annual
basis, as to the 
effectiveness of Winner Medical's internal controls for
financial reporting 
and enable external auditors to confirm management's
    To date, Winner Medical has invested approximately $2.4
million on the 
implementation of the SAP ERP system throughout all its
companies.  This 
investment includes the cost of the IBM consultants, the
purchase of the SAP 
system implementation program, the purchase of IBM servers
and other 
machinery and the labor cost of more than 30 full time

    About Winner Medical Group Inc.
    Winner Medical is a holding company comprised of nine
wholly owned 
manufacturing and distribution facilities, two joint
venture factories and 
one trading company.  Winner Medical is primarily engaged
in the development, 
manufacturing and distribution of high-quality cotton
disposable medical 
dressings and disposable products.  Winner Medical's
products include 
surgical dressings, dressing packs, wound care dressings,
products, medical instruments, dental products and hygiene
products for the 
institutional and home care markets.  Winner Medical
products are 
manufactured in China and sold domestically and abroad, in
areas such as 
Japan, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, France, the United
States, South 
America, Africa and the Middle East.  The company is one of
very few Chinese 
companies licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
to ship finished, 
sterilized products directly to the US market.  To learn
more about Winner 
Medical, visit the company's web site

    Forward-Looking Statements
    This press release contains certain statements that may
include "forward 
looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A
of the Securities Act 
of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, 
as amended.  All statements, other than statements of
historical fact 
included herein are "forward-looking statements"
including statements 
regarding Winner Medical and its subsidiary companies'
business strategy, 
plans and objective and statements of non-historical
information.  These 
forward looking statements are often identified by the use
of forward-looking 
terminology such as "believes,"
"expects" or similar expressions, involve 
known and unknown risks and uncertainties.  Although Winner
Medical believes 
that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking
statements are 
reasonable, they do involve assumptions, risks and
uncertainties, and these 
expectations may prove to be incorrect.  You should not
place undue reliance 
on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of
the date of this 
press release.  Winner Medical's actual results could
differ materially from 
those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a
result of a 
variety of factors, including those discussed in Winner
Medical's periodic 
reports that are filed with and available from the
Securities and Exchange 
Commission.  All forward-looking statements attributable to
Winner Medical or 
persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in
their entirety by 
these factors.  Other than as required under the securities
laws, Winner 
Medical does not assume a duty to update these
forward-looking statements.

    For more information, please contact:

United States

    Company                                 Investor
    Richard Thomas                          Kathy Price
    Vice President                          The Global
Consulting Group
    Tel: +1 (843) 682-5001                  Tel: +1 (646)
    Email: rthomas@winnermedical.com        Email:


    Company                                 Investor
    Annie Chen                              Anne Pang
    Secretary of the Board                  Citigate Dewe
Rogerson - Hong Kong
    Email: annie.chen@winnermedical.com     Tel: +852 2533

SOURCE  Winner Medical Group Inc.

Nagasaki University (Japan) was a recipient of an NHMRC
Program Grant (2005-
Achievo Launches Redesigned Websites in English, Chinese, Japanese and German
December 19, 2006

Faster Access to Information on Company's Global Software
and IT Outsourcing 

    SAN RAMON, Calif., Nov. 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Achievo(R) Corporation, 
the leading global software and information technology
outsourcing provider 
with a local front-end and China back-end service model,
today announced the 
launch of four newly designed websites that provide faster
access to 
information on the company's software and IT outsourcing
services. Achievo'
s websites are located at http://www.achievo.com (English),

http://www.achievo.de (German), http://www.achievo.co.jp
(Japanese) and 
http://www.achievo.cn (Chinese).

    (Logo: ) 

    "Achievo's websites are representative of our
local front-end, China 
back-end service model," said Dr. Robert P. Lee,
Achievo's chairman and 
CEO. "The simultaneous launch of websites in four
languages illustrates the 
importance of seamless communications across cultures.
Visitors can view 
information in a language of their choice and gain access
to company and 
services information more quickly." 

    In addition to making it easier to navigate and find
information faster, 
web content has been updated to reflect the company's
operations. Achievo's 
new design makes information about the company more
accessible for existing 
and potential clients, industry and financial analysts,
partners and 
journalists. Additionally, the websites offer valuable
tools for evaluating 
software and IT outsourcing decisions, including case
studies and links to 
information about outsourcing in trade and business press. 

    "The website redesign offers clients information
and resources they have 
come to expect from us, with an easier and user-friendly
interface," said 
Brian K. Fawkes, Achievo's vice president of corporate
communications. "Our 
websites serve as the command center for information on our
global services 
and capabilities. As our websites evolve to meet the needs
of our clients, we 
will continue to update and add new content on an ongoing
basis. New content 
will include white papers, IT and outsourcing articles,
research, services 
documentation, and collateral materials such as customer
case studies. We 
recognize the importance of providing accurate and timely
information that 
educates and informs so viewers can access the information
they need when 
they need it."  

    About Achievo 

    Achievo is a global offshore software and information
outsourcing provider with a local front-end and China
back-end service model. 
With expertise in diverse technologies including Java/J2EE,
.NET and embedded 
platforms, the CMM-certified company offers improved
efficiencies, scale, 
diversification, and a combined talent pool to deliver
quality-centric, and scalable IT outsourcing services to
customers and 
partners worldwide. Customers include IBM, HP, Sun
Microsystems, Netgear, 
Cadence, Accela, China Academy of Sciences,
DaimlerChrysler, Ellie Mae, ESRI, 
Audi, Fujitsu, Mercedes Benz, Mitsubishi, Siemens, United
Way, Hitachi, NEC, 
Pioneer, NTT Data, Nomura, Toshiba and other Fortune 2000
Headquartered in the Silicon Valley, Achievo has offices in
the United 
States, Canada, Germany, Greater China and Japan. For
information on the 
company and its services, visit http://www.achievo.com .

    (C) 2006 Achievo Corporation. All rights reserved.
Achievo is a 
registered trademark of Achievo Corporation in the United
States and in other 
countries. All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

     Jayme Curtis
     Public Relations
     Achievo Corporation
     Tel:   +1-408-892-8661
     Email: jayme.curtis@achievo.com

SOURCE  Achievo(R) Corporation
ment and those improvements 
Super 8 China Exceeds Development Goal for Second Year
December 19, 2006

    BEIJING, Nov. 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Super 8 Hotels
(China) Co. Ltd. 
announced that it has exceeded its 2006 development
projection of 100 
properties either open or signed by year end by 10 percent
-- the second 
consecutive year the company has exceeded its development
goals -- due to 
continued strong growth in domestic demand for branded
economy lodging in 

    Super 8 Hotels (China) has 110 properties either open
or signed in 58 
cities across China, of which 32 are open and operating. 
In addition, the 
company announced it will open three properties this month,
including Beijing 
Fangzhuang Yi Ma Super 8 Hotel, Chuzhou Sitailou Super 8
Hotel, and Hohhot 
Yiju Super 8 Hotel.

    Mitchell A. Presnick, Super 8 Hotels (China) chairman
and chief executive 
officer, said he is "very satisfied" with his
company's development 
progress in 2006 and thanked his business partners,
employees, industry and 
government friends and guests.

    "We operate under the ideals of quality, value,
and international 
operations excellence," he said.  "Our mission
since 1974 has been to 
provide the Super 8(R) brand's `Clean and Friendly'
experience to our 

    "As an American brand, we hope to continue
learning from the domestic 
economy hotel sector and to contribute positively to the
stable development 
of the Chinese economy hotel industry."  Super 8
Hotels (China) is licensed 
by Wyndham Worldwide Corporation of Parsippany, N.J., to
develop the Super 8 
brand in China.

    Presnick noted that his company "strongly supports
the success of the 
2008 Beijing Olympics."

    Fang Guofan, Super 8 Hotels (China) senior vice
president, said his 
company has hotels properties open or under construction
"in all four 
corners and eight directions of China's vast geography.

    "Based on our current pipeline of signed deals,
our guests will be able 
to enjoy `Clean and Friendly' Super 8 hotels in China's
east, west, north 
and south, from Beijing to Urumqi, Hohhot to Shenzhen,
Lijiang to Shanghai, 
Shenyang to Xiamen and many places in between".

    The Super 8 brand, one of 10 lodging brands franchised
by Wyndham 
Worldwide (NYSE: WYN), entered China in April 2004. The
Super 8 brand is 
operated in China under license agreement with Tian Rui
Hotel Investment 
Corporation, master license holder for the Super 8 brand
for the Territory of 
China, including Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR.

    For more information, please contact:

     Melanie Li
     Marketing Director
     Super 8 Hotels (China)
     Tel:   +86-10-6580-2258 x8248
     Email: mli@super8.com.cn

     Super 8 Hotels (China)
     Room 818 Hua Pu International Plaza
     No. 19 Chao Yang Men Wai 
     Chaoyang District
     Beijing 100020
     Tel:   +86-10-6580-2258
     Fax:   +86-10-6580-2358
     Web:   http://www.super8.com.cn 

SOURCE  Super 8 Hotels (China) Co. Ltd.
pe and 
Heidrick & Struggles Opens Office in Chongqing, China
December 19, 2006

First Global Executive Search and Leadership Consulting
Firm to Open a Third 
Office in Mainland China

    SHANGHAI, China, Nov. 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Heidrick & Struggles 
International, Inc. (Nasdaq: HSII), the world's premier
executive search and 
leadership consulting firm, has announced the opening of
its third office in 
mainland China, strategically located in the heart of
Chongqing, a major 
industrial base in southwest China.

    Chongqing has attracted many multinationals in recent
years, including 
ABB, American Standard, Rockwell, Honda, Suzuki, Isuzu,
Yamaha, Mobil, 
Samsung, and Sony Ericsson. In 2005 Chongqing had a nominal
GDP that grew 
11.5 percent to 310 billion yuan (US$38.75 billion).
According to a 
spokesperson from the Chongqing Municipal Development and
Reform Commission, 
Chongqing is expected to double its per capita GDP in 2007,
three years ahead 
of the timetable set in China's 11th Five-Year Plan

    "With the demand for highly qualified senior
talent in fast developing 
regions across Asia, Heidrick & Struggles has
consistently moved with our 
client organizations into new markets. Our strategy is to
invest ahead of 
other executive search firms in opening new offices and
offering innovative 
leadership consulting services such as assessment and
talent management. In 
line with our growth strategy, we were the first foreign
executive search 
firm to be granted a JV license to operate in China, and we
were also the 
first to open multiple offices across China," said
Gerry Davis, Regional 
Managing Partner, Asia Pacific at Heidrick & Struggles.

    Added Steve Mullinjer, Managing Partner of Heidrick
& Struggles 
China: "Following the central government's China
Western Development 
strategy, many multinational companies consider Chongqing
to be 
China's 'Gateway to the West,' particularly with the
extensive infrastructure 
and transportation works currently underway in the city and
the completion of 
the Three Gorges Dam project in 2009. We have chosen to be
physically located 
in Chongqing as it is strategically important to many of
our clients. 
Initially, this office will focus on industrial, consumer
and technology 
clients who are investing in Chongqing and nearby Chengdu.
A central theme of 
our China strategy is to be where our clients need us

    About Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc.

    Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc. is the
world's premier provider 
of senior-level executive search and leadership consulting
including talent management, board building, executive
on-boarding and M&A 
effectiveness.  For more than 50 years, we have focused on
quality service 
and built strong leadership teams through our relationships
with clients and 
individuals worldwide. Today, Heidrick & Struggles
leadership experts operate 
from principal business centers in North America, Latin
America, Europe and 
Asia Pacific.  For more information about Heidrick &
Struggles, please visit 
http://www.heidrick.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Jennifer Tow 
     Manifesto Ltd
     Tel:   +852-2526-1972
     Email: jennifer@manifesto.com.hk

     Eric Sodorff
     Heidrick & Struggles
     Tel:   +1-312-496-1613
     Email: esodorff@heidrick.com 

SOURCE  Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc.

    For more information, please contact:
Sinovac Issues Corporate Update
December 19, 2006

    BEIJING, Nov. 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Sinovac Biotech
Ltd. (Amex: SVA), 
a leading provider of biopharmaceutical products in China,
issues a corporate 
update today. 

    Sales and Marketing

    The unaudited sales of third quarter 2006, second
quarter 2006, and third 
quarter 2005 were RMB 35,975,000 or USD$4,510,000, RMB
23,908,000 or 
USD$2,980,000, and RMB 16,198,000 or USD$1,987,000,
respectively. Third 
quarter 2006 sales increased 50% over second quarter 2006
and 122% over third 
quarter 2005. The third quarter 2006 sales results are
based on preliminary 
unaudited financials and the Company has filed its
financial results in the 
semi-annual report of 2006 on Form 6K with the Securities
and Exchange 

    The sales of Anflu started in September 2006. An
after-sales clinical 
trial of Anflu was recently conducted in the City of
Tianjin. A total 225 
healthy adults and elders were vaccinated with Anflu. The
result shows the 
vaccine is well tolerated. 

    Update on Panflu Clinical Trial 

    Sinovac was approved by China State Food And Drug
Administration (SFDA) 
to give the third shot to those who were vaccinated with
Panflu in Phase I 
clinical trial. The trial will further demonstrate the
tolerance of the 
vaccine and immune response after a booster. It will also
help on the 
determination on the relevant dosage with different
vaccination schedule. The 
trial will be initiated shortly. 

    Sinovac has filed the application with China State Food
And Drug 
Administration for the application to conduct a Phase II
human clinical trial 
on its Pandemic Influenza (H5N1) vaccine. Sinovac has been
granted fast track 
status for the application of pandemic flu vaccine.

    About Sinovac 

    Sinovac Biotech Ltd. is a China-based biopharmaceutical
company that 
focuses on the research, development, manufacture and
commercialization of 
vaccines that protect against human infectious diseases.
Sinovac's vaccines 
include Healive(TM) (hepatitis A), Bilive(TM) (combined
hepatitis A and B) 
and Anflu(TM) (influenza). Sinovac is currently developing
human vaccines 
against the H5N1 strain of pandemic influenza, Japanese
encephalitis and 
SARS. Additional information about Sinovac is available on
its website, 
http://www.sinovac.com . To be added to our distribution
list, please email: 

    Safe Harbor Statement 

    This announcement contains forward-looking statements.
These statements 
are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of
the U.S. Private Securities 
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking
statements can be 
identified by words or phrases such 
as "will," "expects,"
"anticipates," "future,"
"intends," "plans,"
 "estimates" and similar statements. Among other
things, the business outlook 
and quotations from management in this press release
contain forward-looking 
statements. Statements that are not historical facts,
including statements 
about Sinovac's beliefs and expectations, are
forward-looking statements. 
Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and
uncertainties. A number 
of important factors could cause actual results to differ
materially from 
those contained in any forward-looking statement. Sinovac
does not undertake 
any obligation to update any forward-looking statement,
except as required 
under applicable law.

    For more information, please contact:

     Helen G. Yang
     Sinovac Biotech Ltd.
     Tel:   +86-10-8289-0088 x871
     Fax:   +86-10-6296-6910
     Email: info@sinovac.com 


     Stephanie Carrington / Janine McCargo
     The Ruth Group
     Tel:   +1-646-536-7017/7033
     Email: scarrington@theruthgroup.com /

SOURCE  Sinovac Biotech Ltd.
in experienced significant improvements in 
Study Shows Pregabalin Effective in Difficult-to-Treat Nerve Pain
December 19, 2006

Results Offer Hope to Patients with Excruciating Chronic

    SYDNEY, Australia, Nov. 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Findings from a new 
study published today in the journal Neurology demonstrate
that the oral 
medication pregabalin is significantly effective in
relieving central 
neuropathic (nerve) pain and improves pain-related sleep
disturbance and 
anxiety in patients with spinal cord injury.  Conducted by
researchers at the 
Pain Management Research Institute in Sydney, the study is
the largest 
controlled clinical trial ever of patients with spinal cord
injury who suffer 
from central neuropathic pain, a particularly persistent
and severe pain 

    Results from the study showed that patients using
pregabalin (150-600 
mg/day) experienced significant improvements in symptoms as
early as the 
first week of treatment and those improvements were
sustained throughout the 
study.  Patients taking pregabalin experienced a
significant reduction in the 
average intensity of their pain and significant
improvements in pain-related 
sleep interference as well as a reduction in anxiety
compared to those taking 

    "Historically it has been extremely difficult to
manage patients with 
central neuropathic pain due to a lack of effective
treatments and many 
people with spinal cord injury have excruciating
pain," said Prof. Philip 
Siddall, lead investigator of the study and Clinical
Associate Professor at 
the Pain Management Research Institute in Sydney. 
"The study demonstrates 
that pregabalin is an effective and well-tolerated therapy
for treating a 
range of symptoms that can negatively impact overall
quality of life.  This 
study is an important step forward for clinicians trying to
improve the lives 
of patients suffering from difficult-to-treat nerve

    Approximately two-thirds of patients with spinal cord
injury often suffer 
from severe central neuropathic pain(1,2), which is caused
by a lesion or 
dysfunction in the central nervous system(3).  Patients
often describe the 
symptoms of their pain as burning, tingling, stabbing,
shooting, pricking, 
scalding and freezing(4,5,6).  Chronic pain following
spinal cord injury may 
limit a patient's ability to perform daily activities(7). 
quality of life may be impaired(8).  Central neuropathic
pain can occur in 
patients with spinal cord injury, stroke, multiple
sclerosis and neoplasia.

    Pregabalin is believed to work by calming hyper-excited
neurons or nerve 
cells which may be an underlying cause for various types of
nerve pain.

    Based on the results of this study, pregabalin recently
became the only 
therapy to receive European regulatory approval in central
neuropathic pain.

    About the Study

    The study, sponsored by pregabalin (Lyrica(R))
developer Pfizer Inc, was 
a multicentre, parallel-group, double-blind, randomised
clinical trial 
comparing pregabalin with placebo over a 12-week treatment
period in patients 
with spinal cord injury who had central neuropathic pain as
defined by the 
International Association for the Study of Pain
classification.  The 12-week 
treatment period was preceded by a 1-week baseline period
during which 
baseline data were collected.  Patients were randomised to
receive either 
flexible dose pregabalin (150-600 mg/day) (n=70) or placebo
(n=67) taken 
twice daily.  The primary endpoint of the study was mean
pain score as 
measured by patient pain diary assessments which were
completed daily.  
Patients also rated the extent to which pain interfered
with sleep in a daily 
diary.  Changes in anxiety were evaluated using the
Hospital Anxiety and 
Depression Scale (HADS).

    Results from the study showed that:

    * Patients receiving pregabalin experienced significant
improvements in 
      symptoms as early as the first week of treatment and
those improvements 
      were sustained throughout the study

    * Patients receiving pregabalin experienced a
significant reduction in   
      the average intensity of their pain and significant
improvements in 
      pain-related sleep interference (p<0.001) as well
as a reduction in 
      anxiety (p<0.05) compared to those taking placebo

    * More than 40 percent of patients had greater than a
30 percent 
      reduction in pain as compared to 16 percent of
patients on placebo 

    * At the end of the study, three times less patients
had severe pain in 
      the pregabalin group compared with the placebo group

    * Pregabalin was associated with a rapid and
significant reduction in 
      pain-related sleep interference (p<0.001) as well
as a reduction in 
      anxiety (p<0.05) compared to those patients taking

    * The most common adverse events were somnolence and
dizziness, which 
      were typically mild to moderate and transient.

    About the Pain Management Research Institute

    The Pain Management Research Institute (PMRI) is headed
by Professor 
Michael Cousins and brings together around 40 researchers
and 40 clinical 
staff who are involved in pain research and management ( 
http://www.pmri.med.usyd.edu.au ).  The Institute also has
a strong focus on 
education and has a number of staff involved in the
delivery of a 
postgraduate degree program in Pain Management through the
University of 
Sydney.  This course is delivered on-line and accessible to
internationally.  In 2004 the PMRI Educational Program
received an 
international award as an "Exemplary Educational
Program". Since 2005, the 
education program has been available to European and North
American students 
through collaborations with the University of Edinburgh and
the University of 
California, San Francisco.

    The pain research program of the PMRI has a broad scope
and has a number 
of teams investigating various aspects of pain
epidemiology, neurobiology, 
psychology and treatment and has gained international
recognition for its 
work in several areas including pain following spinal cord
injury.  In 1998, 
the Centre gained one of only eight National Health &
Medical Research 
Council (NHMRC) of Australia awards as a "Centre of
Clinical Excellence in 
Hospital Based Research".  In 2005, the PMRI, in
collaboration with the 
University of Queensland (Australia), University College
London (UK) and 
Nagasaki University (Japan) was a recipient of an NHMRC
Program Grant (2005-
2009).  Also in 2005 PMRI was the top level funded
institution for a Program 
Grant from the NSW Health to investigate "Mechanisms
and Treatment of Pain 
Associated with Spinal Cord Injury" (2005-2008).

    The Pain Management & Research Centre (PMRC) is the
clinical arm of the 
PMRI and conducts clinical treatment programs in acute
pain, cancer pain and 
chronic non cancer pain.  PMRC comprises a group of approx
multidisciplinary health care practitioners who evaluate
all aspects of each 
patient's pain and recommend treatment options based upon a
approach.  PMRC currently provides approx 40,000 episodes
of patient care per 
annum.  Each year at least four internationally funded
Fellows spend a year 
of training with PMRC.  To date Fellows have been drawn
from more than 20 

    1  Bonica JJ. Introduction: Semantic, epidemiologic and
       issues. In: Casey KL, ed. Pain and Central Nervous
System Disease. New 
       York: Raven Press, 1991:13-30.

    2  Siddall PJ, Taylor DA, McClelland JM, Rutkowski SB,
Cousins MJ. Pain 
       report and the relationship of pain to physician
factors in the first 
       6 months following spinal cord injury. Pain

    3  Merskey H, Bogduk N, eds. Classification of chronic
pain. Descriptions 
       of chronic pain syndromes and definitions of pain
terms. Seattle: IASP 
       Press, 1994:209-212.

    4  Cruz-Almeida Y, Martinez-Arizala A, Widerstrom-Noga
EG. Chronicity of 
       pain associated with spinal cord injury: a
longitudinal analysis. J 
       Rehabil Res Develop. 2005; 42(5):585-594.

    5  Finnerup N, Johannesen I, Fuglsang-Frederiksen A,
Bach FW, Jensen T. 
       Sensory function in spinal cord injury patients with
and without pain. 
       Brain. 2003; 126:57-70.

    6  Siddall P, McClelland JM, Rutkowski S, Cousins M. A
longitudinal study 
       of the prevalence and characteristics of pain in the
first 5 years 
       following spinal cord injury. Pain. 2003;

    7  Ravensscroft A, Ahmed YS, Burnside IG. Chronic pain
after SCI: a 
       patient survey. Spinal Cord. 2000; 38:611-614.

    8  Stensman R. Adjustment to traumatic spinal cord
injury: a longitudinal 
       study of self-reported quality of life. Paraplegia.
1994; 32:416-422.

    For more information, please contact:

     Sejal Sedani
     Resolute Communications
     Tel:   +44-20-7357-8187 x125
     Email: Sejal.sedani@resolutecommunications.com

     Lisa O'Sullivan
     Resolute Communications
     Tel:   +44-20-7357-8187 x134
     Email: Lisa.osullivan@resolutecommunications.com  

SOURCE  Pain Management Research Institute

Eurail Adds New Countries to Its Rail Pass Range: More Options for Customers to Explore Europe in Depth
December 19, 2006

    UTRECHT, Netherlands, Nov. 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
G.I.E. is offering its customers even more choice in
European rail travel by 
increasing its product range to include new passes and
country combinations 
from 2007.

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20061127/235893 )

    Eurail's popular National Pass range, offering
travellers the 
possibility to discover a single country in depth, will
have more countries 
in its portfolio with Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands and
Croatia, Ireland, Italy and Portugal available from January
1, thereby 
increasing the total number of passes to 15.

    In addition, the Eurail Regional Pass, created three
years ago to allow 
unlimited travel in two bordering countries, will also have
new countries 
combinations on offer.  In 2007, customers will be able to
choose Austria and 
Hungary or Italy and Spain in addition to the 16 other
passes already 

    "Eurail is adapting its pass range to match the
way many overseas 
visitors travel today," says Rene de Groot, Eurail's
Director. "With holidays abroad getting shorter and
more frequent, many 
travellers have less time for extended journeys throughout
Europe, and our 
National and Regional passes will allow them to comfortably
explore one or 
two countries in depth in one trip. By adding these pass
options, we are 
offering our customers increasingly more choice and value
for money."

    In addition to the Eurail National and Regional Passes,
Eurail continues 
to offer the Eurail Select Pass, valid for 3, 4 or 5
bordering countries 
chosen by the traveller, as well as the original Eurailpass
(renamed to 
Eurail Global Pass), covering a total of 18 countries, for
people wishing to 
discover as much of Europe as possible.

    The EURAIL Group comprises 27 railways and shipping
lines, as well as 
several bonus partners. For more information about Eurail
and rail travel in 
Europe, go to http://www.Eurail.com .

    All Eurail products are available direct from
Eurail.com, from travel 
agents and from our authorized sales agents worldwide:

    * ACP Rail International, http://www.eurail-acprail.com
    * Flight Centre, flightcentre.com,
http://www.flightcentre.com ;
    * Gullivers Travel Associates,
http://www.gta-travel.com ;
    * Rail Europe, http://www.raileurope.com (North
    * Rail Europe 4A, http://www.raileurope.fr/wheretobuy
(rest of 
      the world)

    For more information, please contact:

     Mrs Ana Dias e Seixas 
     Eurail Group G.I.E.
     Marketing Manager
     Tel:   +31-30-850-0125
     Fax:   +31-30-750-8390
     Email: a.diaseseixas@eurail.nl

SOURCE  Eurail Group G.I.E.
apability in the 
Find and Be Found -- Worldwide: eTrade Center Opens International Cooperation Platform
December 19, 2006

    HEIDELBERG and BERLIN, Germany, Nov. 28
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Germany 
based Empanada Group has launched an international and
cooperation platform at http://www.etradecenter.com .
Sellers and buyers, 
manufacturers and dealers, service providers and
freelancers from all over 
the world can find national and international business
partners, offer their 
products and services, and check up on those of others
quickly and precisely.

    "Covering 380 trade sectors in 250 cities and 60
countries, eTrade Center 
is a central information platform for global development,
and therefore one 
of the biggest directories for international
business," explained eTrade 
Center's CEO, Cyriacus Schultze, at the opening. "Our
motto is >>trade 
smartly<<: keep searches to a minimum and find things

    The search for potential business partners can be done
in German, English 
or Spanish. Other language versions, e.g. Russian, Arabic
and Mandarin are 
already in the pipeline. Contrary to traditional contact
platforms, eTrade 
Center is free of charge and absolutely commercial-free.

    An Internet B2B platform can, of course, never replace
the personal 
contact between business partners. But the eTrade Center
enables selective 
filtering of interesting business opportunities and
provides unbureaucratic 
contact possibilities within minutes. The savings in both
time and money are 
substantial and obvious.

    The eTrade Center is an enterprise of the Empanada
Group, with its 
headquarters based in Heidelberg (Germany), and offices in
Berlin and Zurich. 
The company has been successfully developing international
eCommerce projects 
for over 10 years. During the next few months, while the
database is being 
stocked with content and offers, use of the eTrade Center
is free of charge. 
From mid-2007, members will be charged a monthly membership
fee, but the 
first thousand registered companies can continue to enjoy
free use of the 
eTrade Center until end 2008.

    For more information, please contact:
     Cyriacus Schultze, Empanada Group
     Hoehenweg 33, D-69250 Schoenau, Germany
     Tel:   +49-6228-912600
     Fax:   +49-6228-911598
     Email: press@etradecenter.com
     Web:   http://www.etradecenter.com 

SOURCE  Empanada Group
apital to fund the enlarged 
Atex Agrees to Buy Unisys Media
December 19, 2006

Creating The Largest Digital Content Management and
Multi-media Software 
Delivery Capability in the World

    READING, England, Nov. 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Atex
Group Limited 
(Atex), backed by the Norwegian investment company Kistefos
AS, a leading 
provider of software solutions and services to the global
media industry, 
has today agreed to acquire the business assets of Unisys
Media, a part of 
Unisys Corporation (NYSE: UIS). 

    Unisys Media provides large-scale news production, wire
management and digital asset management solutions to
leading publishing 
organizations around the world. Its installed base includes
more than 225 
newspapers in 15 countries. 

    John Hawkins, Atex Group CEO, said, "Atex is
delighted to have reached 
agreement with Unisys on this strategic acquisition. It
will strengthen our 
market penetration, especially in those parts of the world
where, to date, 
we have not been as strong as we would have wished. Both
companies share 
almost identical product road maps and this deal will
enable us to 
accelerate development of solutions for the benefit of all
our publisher 

    "We will confidently offer ten-year support
contracts, including 
upgrades for current products, guaranteeing long-term value
of all clients' 
software investments.

    "We did not take this decision lightly,"
stated Glenn James, president, 
Unisys Global Communications & Media. "We wanted
to make sure that Unisys 
Media will be going to a safe pair of hands, and it is.
Atex has a more than 
thirty-year history in providing publishers with robust,
content management, advertising, circulation and business
systems. The 
synergy between the organizations, SOA technologies,
skills, and shared 
vision of the people, will make this agreement beneficial
for all concerned. 
It also provides our clients with the security of knowing
that they will be 
in partnership with the world's largest publishing software

    "Under John Hawkins' leadership, the enlarged Atex
will be able to bring 
to market even more quickly the technologies and services
the industry needs 
in order to meet its many challenges," added Mr.

    Atex has raised in excess of $50 million US dollars to
fund the Unisys 
Media acquisition, providing adequate working capital to
fund the enlarged 
group and ensuring the effective integration of the two
businesses. Going 
forward, Atex will be looking at further acquisitions that
fit its strategy, 
namely, to be the No. 1 global vendor to the Media

    Together with all of the Unisys Media employees set to
transfer to Atex, 
the company will employ nearly 500 people, creating the
largest digital 
content management and multi-media software delivery
capability in the 
world, generating global revenues in excess of $90 million
US dollars.

    Unisys had previously announced plans to divest
businesses not central 
to its core strategy. 

    "As publishing organizations continue to
consolidate, Atex has the 
strength and desire to continue to consolidate the vendor
community," John 
Hawkins concluded. "Publishing groups worldwide need,
more than ever, the 
benefit of an innovative, truly global and strong
cross-media technology 
partner. Atex is that partner."

    About Atex Group Limited:
    Atex, backed by Kistefos AS for the last 10 years, has
been a leading 
provider of software solutions and services to the global
media industry for 
more than 30 years. The company has over $300 million USD
of software 
installed worldwide, and supports in excess of 500
publishers, and thousands 
of titles, in more than 30 countries. 

    As well as significant investment in R&D, the
company partners with 
world-leading complementary solutions providers, including
Inc. and IBM Business Consulting Services, adding tight
integration, Web 
services, and long-term support from a global network of
located local offices. Atex is headquartered in Reading,
UK, and may be 
found on the Web at: http://www.atex.com .

    About Unisys:
    Unisys is a worldwide technology services and solutions
company. Its 
consultants apply Unisys expertise in consulting, systems
outsourcing, infrastructure, and server technology to help
its clients 
achieve secure business operations. Unisys builds more
secure organizations 
by creating visibility into clients' business operations.
Leveraging the 
Unisys 3D Visible Enterprise approach, the company makes
visible the impact 
of their decisions - ahead of investments, opportunities,
and risks. For 
more information, visit http://www.unisys.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     John Hawkins, CEO,
     Atex Group Limited  
     Tel:   +44-118-945-0128
     Email: jhawkins@atex.com

SOURCE  Atex Group Limited 

Atex Agrees to Buy Unisys Media
December 19, 2006

Creating The Largest Digital Content Management and
Multi-media Software 
Delivery Capability in the World

    READING, England, Nov. 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Atex
Group Limited 
(Atex), backed by the Norwegian investment company Kistefos
AS, a leading 
provider of software solutions and services to the global
media industry, has 
today agreed to acquire the business assets of Unisys
Media, a part of Unisys 
Corporation (NYSE: UIS). 

    Unisys Media provides large-scale news production, wire
management and digital asset management solutions to
leading publishing 
organizations around the world. Its installed base includes
more than 225 
newspapers in 15 countries. 

    John Hawkins, Atex Group CEO, said, "Atex is
delighted to have reached 
agreement with Unisys on this strategic acquisition. It
will strengthen our 
market penetration, especially in those parts of the world
where, to date, we 
have not been as strong as we would have wished. Both
companies share almost 
identical product road maps and this deal will enable us to
development of solutions for the benefit of all our
publisher partners.

    "We will confidently offer ten-year support
contracts, including upgrades 
for current products, guaranteeing long-term value of all
clients' software 

    "We did not take this decision lightly,"
stated Glenn James, president, 
Unisys Global Communications & Media. "We wanted
to make sure that Unisys 
Media will be going to a safe pair of hands, and it is.
Atex has a more than 
thirty-year history in providing publishers with robust,
content management, advertising, circulation and business
systems. The 
synergy between the organizations, SOA technologies,
skills, and shared 
vision of the people, will make this agreement beneficial
for all concerned. 
It also provides our clients with the security of knowing
that they will be 
in partnership with the world's largest publishing software

    "Under John Hawkins' leadership, the enlarged Atex
will be able to bring 
to market even more quickly the technologies and services
the industry needs 
in order to meet its many challenges," added Mr.

    Atex has raised in excess of $50 million US dollars to
fund the Unisys 
Media acquisition, providing adequate working capital to
fund the enlarged 
group and ensuring the effective integration of the two
businesses. Going 
forward, Atex will be looking at further acquisitions that
fit its strategy, 
namely, to be the No. 1 global vendor to the Media

    Together with all of the Unisys Media employees set to
transfer to Atex, 
the company will employ nearly 500 people, creating the
largest digital 
content management and multi-media software delivery
capability in the world, 
generating global revenues in excess of $90 million US

    Unisys had previously announced plans to divest
businesses not central to 
its core strategy. 

    "As publishing organizations continue to
consolidate, Atex has the 
strength and desire to continue to consolidate the vendor
community," John 
Hawkins concluded. "Publishing groups worldwide need,
more than ever, the 
benefit of an innovative, truly global and strong
cross-media technology 
partner. Atex is that partner."

    About Atex Group Limited:

    Atex, backed by Kistefos AS for the last 10 years, has
been a leading 
provider of software solutions and services to the global
media industry for 
more than 30 years. The company has over $300 million USD
of software 
installed worldwide, and supports in excess of 500
publishers, and thousands 
of titles, in more than 30 countries. 

    As well as significant investment in R&D, the
company partners with world-
leading complementary solutions providers, including
Mediaspectrum, Inc. and 
IBM Business Consulting Services, adding tight integration,
Web services, and 
long-term support from a global network of strategically
located local 
offices. Atex is headquartered in Reading, UK, and may be
found on the Web 
at: http://www.atex.com .

    About Unisys:

    Unisys is a worldwide technology services and solutions
company. Its 
consultants apply Unisys expertise in consulting, systems
outsourcing, infrastructure, and server technology to help
its clients 
achieve secure business operations. Unisys builds more
secure organizations 
by creating visibility into clients' business operations.
Leveraging the 
Unisys 3D Visible Enterprise approach, the company makes
visible the impact 
of their decisions - ahead of investments, opportunities,
and risks. For more 
information, visit http://www.unisys.com .

    For more information, please contact:     

     John Hawkins, CEO,
     Atex Group Limited
     Tel:   +44-118-945-0128
     Email: jhawkins@atex.com

SOURCE  Atex Group Limited 
SORL Auto Parts Completes $31 Million Follow-On Offering at $7.25 Per Share
December 19, 2006

    ZHEJIANG, China, Nov. 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- SORL
Auto Parts, Inc. 
(Nasdaq: SORL), a leading manufacturer and distributor of
commercial vehicle 
air brake valves as well as other auto parts in China,
today priced its 
follow-on offering of 4,285,714 shares at $7.25 per share. 
Net proceeds 
after underwriters' commissions and non-accountable will be
$28.352 million. 
    The net proceeds will be used to fund capital
expenditures including 
construction of a new plant and equipment purchases, to
expand research and 
development efforts, to build out the international sales
network and for 
working capital and other general corporate purposes
including for possible 
strategic alliances.
    Maxim Group LLC acted as the sole book runner and
Chardan Capital 
Markets, LLC acted as a co-manager of the offering.

    About SORL Auto Parts, Inc.
    As China's leading manufacturer and distributor of
automotive air brake 
valves, SORL Auto Parts, Inc. ranks first in market share
in the segment for 
commercial vehicles weighing more than three tons, such as
trucks and buses. 
The Company distributes products both within China and
internationally under 
the SORL trademark.  SORL ranks among the top 100 auto
component suppliers in 
China, with a product range that includes 40 types of air
brake valves and 
over 800 different specifications.  The Company has three
international sales centers in Australia, United Arab
Emirates, and the 
United States, with additional offices slated to open in
other locations in 
the near future. For more information, please visit
http://www.sorl.cn . 

    Safe Harbor Statement
    Statements made in this press release that are not
historical fact 
are "forward-looking statements," which are based
on current expectations 
that include a number of risks and uncertainties.
Additional factors that 
could potentially affect the Company's financial results
may be found on the 
Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange
Commission ( 
http://www.sec.gov ).

    For more information, please contact:

     David Ming He
     SORL Auto Parts, Inc. 
     Tel:   +86-577-6581-7720 
     Email: davidhe@sorl.com.cn 

     Christopher Chu
     The Global Consulting Group
     Tel:   +1-646-284-9426
     Email: cchu@hfgcg.com

SOURCE  SORL Auto Parts, Inc. 
and believe that this will drive the Company to 
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