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Aplix Opens Platforms Development Center
April 03, 2006

300 Employees to Develop Middleware Frameworks
    TOKYO, April 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Aplix Corporation
(TSE: 3727) established a Platforms Development Center in
Tokyo's Shinjuku-ku, focusing on development of middleware
frameworks to help enhance the efficiency of developing
mobile phone software.

    The new Center is expected to have 200 developers by
this summer and total 300 eventually, dedicated on a
variety of mobile phone platforms, including hardware
integration with Linux and other operating systems.  The
Center will also develop middleware frameworks for other
consumer electronics devices as well in the future.
    Middleware used in today's multi-functional mobile
phones often takes up a lot of memory space.  Moreover, the
process for mobile phone manufacturers to develop and
integrate different software components with their own
middleware tends to get too long and expensive.

    To solve this problem, Aplix's Platforms Development
Center aims at creating frameworks to standardize many of
the modules involved in middleware to assure significant
improvement of the software development process of mobile
phones.  With such framework in place, phone manufacturers
can further expand their software functions easily while
optimizing both durability and flexibility. 

    Aplix currently works with over 90 partners, including
chipset manufacturers, operating systems, and content
providers, for the greater integration of their products
with Aplix's middleware frameworks.  Through close
collaborations with these partners, the Platforms
Development Center will take the lead to facilitate and
accelerate advanced development of middleware frameworks in
the future.

    Aplix's Platforms Development Center:

     1.  Location:  Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
     2.  Estimated Developers:  300 people
     3.  Beginning operation:  April 1, 2006

    About Aplix Corporation

    Aplix Corporation is the global leader in deploying
Java technology in mobile phones.  Aplix was first
established in 1986 and has been a Sun Java licensee since
1996.  Aplix was publicly listed on the Tokyo Stock
Exchange (Mothers) in 2003.  On August 24, 2004 Aplix and
the Taiwan based company iaSolution finalized the
integration of the corporations. 

    Headquarters: Tokyo

    Regional offices: San Francisco, Munich, Taipei,
Shanghai, Beijing,
                      and Korea (in progress)

    For more information, please visit:
http://www.aplixcorp.com and http://www.iasolution.net .

    About the JBlend Platform

    The JBlend platform is the de facto solution for
running Java applications and services in consumer
electronics devices, including mobile phones.  The platform
has been licensed by over 50 companies as of December 2005.

    JBlend technology:

     -- Sets the pace by maintaining market leadership
through innovation. 
     -- Has proven results, enabling first-to-market
deliveries for our 
     -- Over 170 million mobile phones and consumer
electronics devices 
        have been shipped with JBlend as of December 2005.

     -- JBlend and all related trademarks thereto are
trademarks or 
        registered trademarks of Aplix Corporation in Japan
and other 
     -- Java and all other Java-based marks are trademarks
or registered 
        trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United
States and other 
     -- All other product or service names are the property
of their 
        respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

     Akiko Sharp Doi,
     Aplix Corporation
     Tel:   +1-415-558-8800
     Email: pr@aplixcorp.com
     Web:   http://www.aplixcorp.com

SOURCE  Aplix Corporation
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