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Atos Origin and Axiom Systems Announce Strategic Alliance for End-to-End Service Fulfillment
April 26, 2006

    LONDON, April 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Atos Origin, a leading
IT services company, and Axiom Systems, a market leader in
service fulfillment software have announced a strategic
partnership to provide telecommunications providers with a
solution to manage the end-to-end service fulfillment
processes for services such as broadband (DSL/LLU), Triple
Play, IPTV, VOIP and IPVPNs.

    The alliance between the two companies stems from their
collaboration on customer projects which have proved
successful in terms of efficiency, simplicity, transparency
and cost. Key to each project's success has been the cost
control measures with improved levels of customer service
which have enabled clients to gain tangible and sustainable

    Atos Origin will integrate Axiom Systems' solutions as
part of their end-to-end Operation Support System (OSS)
solution offering and developing an enhanced deployment and
support methodology. This will enable service providers to
take advantage of the award winning AXIOSS(R) Suite
currently used by Tier 1 carriers around the world such as
TeliaSonera, TDC and Telecom New Zealand.

    Atos Origin's industry leading OSS knowledge and
implementation skills will be utilized to develop and
implement integrated solutions, particularly in areas of
network integration and network operation, key to the
success of today's Carriers. Atos Origin are unique in that
they offer experience in differing business models including
the outsourcing of facilities management which appeals to
the varying range of Service Providers around the globe.

    Mark Becker, managing director of Media, Telecoms and
Utilities at Atos Origin says, "Having worked on
successful projects with Axiom Systems before we have built
up a working relationship which has left our customers in no
doubt that they are choosing a Service Fulfilment platform
which provides best in class management for all aspects of
broadband fulfillment. In addition, it also delivers a high
capacity value add data services activation, and a services
organization that has the skills and expertise required by
today's competitive Service Providers."

    About Atos Origin

    Atos Origin is an international information technology
services company. Its business is turning client vision
into results through the application of consulting, systems
integration and managed operations. The company's annual
revenues are EUR 5.5 billion and it employs over 47,000
people in 40 countries. Atos Origin is the Worldwide
Information Technology Partner for the Olympic Games and
has a client base of international blue-chip companies
across all sectors. Atos Origin is quoted on the Paris
Eurolist Market and trades as Atos Origin, Atos Euronext
Market Solutions, Atos Worldline and Atos Consulting.

    For more information, please visit the company's web
site at http://www.atosorigin.com

    About Axiom Systems

    Axiom Systems(R) is the leader in software for the
design and delivery of wireline and wireless services for
communications providers. Axiom Systems provides customers
with advanced solutions that include IPTV, VoIP, IP VPN and
Triple Play. The company provides the AXIOSS(R) Suite of
operational solutions for order management, service
inventory and service activation. More Service Providers in
Europe use AXIOSS for IP and broadband fulfillment than any
other vendor. Global customers include -- Cable &
Wireless, Deutsche Telekom, TeliaSonera, Wanadoo, AOL,
Telekom Austria, TDC, Telecom New Zealand, NTL, Telecom
Italia and TelMex.  The company is headquartered in the UK,
with regional offices in Rome, Munich, Paris, Madrid,
Budapest, Seattle, WA, Sydney and Singapore.

    For more information, please contact:

     Caroline Crouch,
     Tel:   +44-20-7830-4233

     Martine Parsons,
     Tel:   +44-118-9294133
     Email: mparsons@axiomsystems.com 
     Web:   http://www.atosorigin.com 

SOURCE  Axiom Systems Ltd
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