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Best and Brightest Talent Join Bleum
July 18, 2006

Bleum's Annual Graduate Trainee Program Commences
    SHANGHAI, China, July 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Last
week Bleum commenced its annual Graduate Trainee Program. 
The 15 participating graduates were recruited in November
2005 from some of China's most prestigious universities
including Fudan, Shanghai Jiao Tong, and Huazhong
University of Science and Technology. 

    Bleum's "Graduate Trainee Program" is an
intensive and rigorous 3-month course that combines
classroom work conducted by external and internal training
resources and covers five basic training modules.  These
include: Bleum Culture and Policy Training, Bleum Process
and Work Flow Training, Basic Technical Training, Internal
Team on the Job Training, and Pilot Project.  Key
components of the various training modules are CMMI Systems
and Processes and ISO 27001 Security Policies. 

    After the 3-month immersion, graduates will join their
allocated project teams.  Those successfully completing the
scheme will be offered formal appointments at the end of the
first year. 

    "Attracting, nurturing and retaining talent is one
of the biggest challenges for companies operating in
China," commented Eric Rongley, Bleum CEO and Founder,
"This is the fourth year that Bleum has run a Graduate
Trainee Scheme and it is proving a successful means of
attracting the best talent available in the market place. 
Some of our key staff at Bleum were, in fact, on the very
first Graduate Trainee Scheme we ran."  
    Investment in people and training is a key operating
policy at Bleum and apart from the "Graduate Trainee
Program," Bleum coordinates a comprehensive training
program for all staff including; "Weekly
Seminars," "In-house Technical Training,"
"Offsite Technical Training," and "English
& Cultural Awareness Training."  

    Bleum's commitment to hiring and training the best
translates into business advantages for the customers it

    To the editor:

    About Bleum 

    Bleum is a leading offshore software outsourcing
service provider in China with CMM Level 5 accreditation. 
The company combines world-class CMM Level 5 process with
the highest security practices, top talent from China and
strong English skills under the strategic direction and
guidance of international management.  Bleum is currently
practising ISO 27001 Security Policies and expects
accreditation in Q3 2006. 

    For further information please refer to
http://www.bleum.com .

    About Bleum's Annual Graduate Trainee Program

    Every year in November, Bleum participates in China
Universities' "Campus Recruiting" scheme.  During
the campus recruiting, Bleum hosts a "Bleum Recruiting
Seminar."  Interested students can submit their
resumes and attend the first-round written test at the
seminar.  Candidates who pass then go through several
rounds of interviews over a two-day period.  Offers are
made within a month.  The following July, post completion
of their degrees, selected students will start the Bleum
Graduate Trainee Program. 

    For further information, please contact:

     Jean Wylie
     Communications Director		  
     Tel:   +86-21-6282-1122
     Email: Jean.wylie@bleum.com         
     Mike Signorelli
     Senior Vice President Global Sales
     Tel:   +86-21-6282-1122
     Email: mike.sig@bleum.com/info@bleum.com

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