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BioVision 2007, the World Life Sciences Forum, Set to Tackle Some of Today's Most Critical Health, Nutrition and Environmental Issues
December 21, 2006

-- The 5th edition of BioVision (March 11 - 14, 2007 in
Lyon, France) will 
gather leading international experts on health, nutrition
and environment 
issues to discuss, debate and agree actions for change.

    LYON, France, Dec. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- BioVision
today confirmed 
its broad ranging schedule for the fifth edition of
BioVision, the World Life 
Sciences forum. The 2007 event will review a number of
critical and topical 
issues: from the ethical and scientific conditions of
stem-cell research for 
regenerative cell therapies to the application of
nanotechnologies to health 
and environment fields, from the development of bio energy
solutions in 
response to global warming and water rarefaction. These are
just some of the 
key issues that representatives from science and business
have identified 
over the past 12 months for debate and action at BioVision,
in Lyon, France 
in March 2007.

    BioVision differs from other scientific and business
forums because of 
its unique approach to examining today's most important
scientific issues. 
The Forum brings together representatives from science,
politics and industry 
together with civil society representatives to debate key
issues our society 
faces, as far as health, nutrition and the environment are

    The industrial application of scientific improvements
fosters great hope 
in the struggle against rare pathologies, malnutrition and
pollution. But 
theses advancements are increasingly raising more and more
questions, concern 
and opposition, especially from societal groups. In order
to advance, these 
complex and often sensitive issues require both
transparency and cooperation 
between the main players: citizens, scientists,
industrialists and decision-

    "There are important views and opinions held by
these different groups 
and yet they frequently don't see eye to eye. BioVision
aims to break down 
barriers, create dialogue and foster greater understanding
among these key 
groups," said Philippe Desmarescaux, President,
    BioVision is a leading Life Sciences forum now entering
its fifth 
edition. In 2005, more than 4,100 participants from 70
countries attended, 
representing a 28% increase from the previous event. 

    BioVision 2007 differs from previous editions in a
number of ways and 
seeks to bring a new level of innovation to scientific and
business debate: 

    -- The event will focus solely on "The
Contribution of Life Sciences to 
       the Millennium Development Goals".  Among the
objectives set out for 
       2015 are: reducing by 50% the proportion of the
world's starving 
       population, reducing by two-thirds the rate or
mortality for under-
       fives, eliminating the spread of AIDS, overcoming
malaria and other 
       deadly diseases, making available and at affordable
prices all useful 
       medicines, ensuring a sustainable environment and
dividing in half the 
       proportion of the world's population that doesn't
have easy access to
       drinking water. Unfortunately, it is clear that
intermediary goals set 
       for 2015 are unlikely to be met in the concerned
countries if no 
       further efforts are made. 

    -- Ten pre-conferences were held during 2006. These
sessions have set the 
       stage for the debate and prepared the framework for
BioVision 2007 to 
       ensure that the Forum goes beyond stimulating
dialogue to examine 
       concrete and necessary actions. 

    -- The primary goal of BioVision, the World Life
Sciences Forum, 2007, is 
       to develop concrete recommendations and proposals,
leading whenever 
       possible, to constructive action.

    -- The "World Foundation for Life Sciences"
was founded to bring necessary
       financial means to help fund or achieve a number of
specific projects 
       arising from the conclusions drawn at BioVision.

    BioVision 2007: preliminary program highlights

    -- March 11th - afternoon: BioVision Nobel Laureates
    -- March 12th - morning: round-tables 
    -- March 12th afternoon and March 13th: debates and
       - Health:
                - Poverty diseases
                - Immunization for all
                - Cellular therapy
       - Agriculture/Food:
                - Integrated approaches to eradicate
                - Food for the future: north and south
                - Development of agriculture in saline and
unexploited areas
       - Environment/Energy:
                - Water 
                - Bio energy after oil
                - Nanotechnologies and life sciences
    -- March 14th - morning: Conclusions and
                    BioVisionaries Session

    Program and registrations

    The complete BioVision 2007, pre-conference reports and
further press 
information is available online at http://www.biovision.org
.  The system is 
now open for media accreditation.

    General information, official program, pre-conference
reports, agenda, 

    Debates and discussion on: 

    Media accreditation and materials 

    For more information, please contact:

    France and overseas

     Anna Adlewska / Clina Viollet
     Tel:   +33-1-56-69-75-00
     Email: anna.adlewska@edelman.com 

    United States       
     Jeff Picarello
     Tel:   +1-212-704-8244
     Email: jeff.picarello@edelman.com 

     Claire Eldred
     Tel:   +44-207-344-1200
     Email: claire.eldred@edelman.com 

     Virginie Palpacuer / Anna Gabotto
     Tel:   +33-4-72-00-35-86
     Email: virginie.palpacuer@kaelia.fr

    BioVision 2007 Team
     Andre de Marco
     Tel:   +33-6-13-53-32-39
     Email: andredemarco@yahoo.com
     Sophie L'Arnaud
     Tel:   +33-4-78-92-70-11
     Email: sophie.larnaud@biovision.org      

SOURCE  BioVision
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