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Breakthrough in Sports Viewing -- Follow Race on Your iPod
May 15, 2006

Free Video Updates Now on iTunes from Virtual Spectator
    NEW YORK, May 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- For the first
time, sailing fans have their sport in the palm of their
hands.  In a dramatic breakthrough in sports viewing,
Virtual Spectator announces free Video iPod podcast
downloads on iTunes ( http://www.itunes.com ).

    "VS Report with Gary Jobson" gives Volvo
Ocean Race viewers a first hand, in-depth look at the
around-the-world race with comprehensive expert commentary
by America's Cup-winning sailor and Emmy-winning journalist
Gary Jobson, video footage from aboard the racing Volvo 70s
and cutting-edge graphic animation from Virtual Spectator's
3D VS Raceviewer. 

    "This caliber of coverage is an exciting
improvement for fans, particularly in sailing where video
coverage tends to be light," said Douglas L. King,
visionary CEO and Chairman of Virtual Spectator. 
"We're pushing the envelope in sports entertainment by
bringing global sailing fans innovative programming through
the Internet and now though the iPod."

    Virtual Spectator recently launched the website
http://www.vssailing.com where sailing fans can download
the 3D VS Raceviewer, allowing users to experience the race
in 3D, watch "VS Report with Gary Jobson"
streaming from the Internet, and download the updated and
archived VS Reports to their iPod from iTunes.

    Virtual Spectator is quickly changing how sports can
adapt to provide content to a global base of fans around
the world.  With the advent of mobile entertainment such as
the iPod, users can download podcasts like the "VS
Report with Gary Jobson," and enjoy quality sports
programming from virtually any location. 

    World-class sailor turned award-winning broadcaster
Gary Jobson said, "What Virtual Spectator has done
with the Volvo Ocean Race is a model for our sport as a
spectator event.  In our mobile society, to take a race of
this size and magnitude and offer unique video highlights
to keep fans around the world entertained and updated
through their iPods is an incredible opportunity no
sporting event should ignore." 

    Curtis Worthy of Virtual Spectator stated, "Gary
Jobson is a legend in sailing.  His expertise and insight
provides depth and excitement to the race that'll have fans
using their iPods for sailing as well as music."

    Sailing is now added to the VS family of sports
available as a podcast on iTunes.  Last month, Virtual
Spectator released "VS Reports: Squash" with the
"Voice of Squash" Robert Edwards for the Virtual
Spectator Bermuda Masters. 

    Virtual Spectator(TM)'s (
http://www.virtualspectator.com ) award-winning animation
and graphics products have also been chosen for the PGA
Tour, Wimbledon, World Rally Championship, Formula 1,
America's Cup, ECB, Cricket Australia, The King Edward VII
Gold Cup, and the Olympic Games.  Virtual Spectator(TM) is
a member of the Investors Guaranty Global Alliance.

    For more information, please contact:

     Fred Winters of George Arzt Communications Inc.
     Tel:   +1-212-608-0333
     Curtis Worthy of Image Action, Ltd.
     Tel:   +1-411-296-4483 x1021

SOURCE  Virtual Spectator

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