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Buongiorno, Sharp First Quarter Growth: Revenues up 81% and EBITDA 195%
May 11, 2006

-- Net Income amounted to Euro 2 million
-- The Company Expects to Exceed 2006 Targets
    MILAN, Italy, May 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Board
of Directors of Buongiorno Vitaminic S.p.A. (MTAX STAR,
Borsa Italiana: BVIT), a multinational operating in the
market of multimedia content via telephone and digital
channels, approved today the figures for the first quarter
2006, drafted in accordance with the international
accounting standards (IAS/IFRS).

    Value of Production in the first quarter 2006 increased
79% compared to the year-before period, from Euro 28.3
million to Euro 50.6 million, confirming Buongiorno as
market leader with first quarter growth visibly higher than
average market growth.  Core business revenues for the
quarter increased by 81% compared to Q1 2005 and by 18%
compared to Q4 2005 and amounted to Euro 50.4 million.

    The geographic breakdown shows that the sharp increase
in revenues was driven by the United States where revenues
in the first quarter 2006 alone equaled the 2005 total. 
Growth was sustained also in the Iberian peninsula and
South America, up 33%.  Revenues in central Europe were
also up a solid 43% year-on-year, boosted by acquisitions
made in the second half of 2005; in northern Europe, while
Consumer Services grew significantly, Market Services were
sharply downsized, especially the CD Premium segment, in
accordance with the Industrial Plan, leading to an overall
15% contraction in revenues in the region.

    The breakdown by business lines shows Consumer Services
making the biggest contribution to core business revenues,
amounting to Euro 47.6 million in the first quarter 2006,
accounting for 95% of the total, a 111% increase, compared
to Euro 22.5 million in the first quarter 2005.

    In the first quarter 2006, Buongiorno delivered
approximately 295 million "digital objects"
against payment compared to 95 million in the same period
of 2005, at an average unit price of 16 eurocents to over
28 million end users (unique mobile phone numbers).

    The complete press release is available at: 

    For more information, please contact:

     Monica Montefusco
     Global PR & Events Manager
     Email: monica.montefusco@buongiorno.com

SOURCE  Buongiorno Vitaminic S.p.A. 
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