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ChinaSense Receives Market Recognition for its Ability to Create Easier-to-plan, More Lastingly Meaningful and Enjoyable University Trips to China
April 04, 2006

    BEIJING, April 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -
China-international Business Collaborative (CBC) announced
its ChinaSense program -- a turnkey China study tour
service for universities -- has gained significant market
recognition for the value it brings Western universities in
their quest to better understand China's role in world

    Jennifer Pan, CBC's managing director, says,
"Unlike a couple years ago, people are no longer
asking `why go to China?'  Instead, people now ask `what's
the best way to come?'  After all, China has a 1/6 of the
world's population and consumes 40% of the world's concrete
and 25% of the world's steel."  Ms. Pan continues,
"During the past 20 years and for many years to come,
what happens in China will profoundly affect the rest of
world. International business schools are not only
realizing the importance of educating their students about
China but are also doing something about it. Presently, our
company is being showered with requests to help Western
universities plan their upcoming trips to China."

    With a strong belief in advanced planning, ChinaSense's
study tours include business lectures, company visits,
meals, entertainment, domestic travel, and lodging. 
Students and faculty not only gain first-hand experience in
understanding China's enormous market potential but also
have the chance to visualize their niche within all this
excitement.  Ms. Pan further explains, "We are
education facilitators and not a travel agency. We'll
assure students that they'll have an intimate view of China
and a better understanding of their own opportunities.  We
want this trip to be the beginning of their China
experience, not just an isolated event." 

    Typically lasting one to two weeks, ChinaSense study
tours visit up to three key cities.  In each city, students
will visit local companies key to your course of study,
participate in sessions with China's top lecturers, visit
famous local attractions, and best of all, establish long
lasting connections with local students, professors and
business leaders.

    About China-international Business Collaborative 

    China-international Business Collaborative (CBC) is a
membership based business "community of interest"
headquartered in Beijing, China.  CBC brings value to its
domestic and international members by serving as a landing
platform for international companies entering Chinese
markets and a "launch" platform that educates and
promotes promising Chinese companies in their quest to go

    For more information, please contact:

     Edward Snow,
     Marketing Director,
     China-international Business Collaborative
     Tel:   +86-10-8282-5358 (China) or +1-415-244-3382
     Email: es@cbcassociation.com 
     Web:   http://www.cbcassociation.com/ChinaSense.html 

SOURCE  China-international Business Collaborative

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