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First American Title Insurance Company Expands Operations in People's Republic of China
May 07, 2007

As China Passes Private Property Law, First American Offers
Expanded Escrow and Settlement Services 

    SANTA ANA, Calif. and BEIJING, May 7
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- First American Title Insurance
Company's International Division today announced the
establishment of First Title (Beijing) Real Estate Guaranty
Co., Ltd., the first wholly foreign-owned enterprise dealing
with real estate guaranty in China.

    First American has appointed Jinqiang Shi (Gene Shi) as
managing director and president of the new company, which
provides banks, real estate professionals, developers and
others with the Chinese version of escrow products and
services necessary to bring peace of mind to local real
estate practitioners, as well as home buyers and sellers.

    China passed a new Private Property Law on March 16,
2007, which will go into effect in October and covers the
creation, transfer and ownership of property in mainland
China in an effort to protect the private assets of its
citizens.  That law's passage, combined with the Chinese
government's open-door policy to foreign enterprises in the
financial services sector, made the timing right for First
American to make escrow services more widely available to
the Chinese people.

    "With an estimated 80,000 resale transactions
taking place in Beijing in 2006, we are well positioned to
help better communicate both the value of homeownership and
the steps necessary to attain it to the prospective local
homebuyers," said Tony Lee, vice president of Asian
operations for First American Title Insurance Company. 
"We will work in conjunction with local real estate
professionals to make homeownership a reality for the local
community and help them achieve the Chinese version of the
American dream."

    In addition to a comprehensive presence across the
United States, First American Title Insurance Company has
pioneered operations in more than a dozen countries,
including Korea, Australia, Mexico, Poland, Hungary and
Turkey.  Today, First American continues to explore new
international opportunities and work with government
officials and community leaders to craft legislation that
protects landowner rights and secures a stronger local

    About First American Title Insurance Company

    First American Title Insurance Company, the largest
subsidiary of The First American Corporation (NYSE: FAF),
traces its history to 1889.  One of the largest title
insurers in the nation, the company offers title services
through more than 1,800 offices and an extensive network of
agents throughout the United States and abroad.  The company
has its headquarters in Santa Ana, Calif.  Information about
The First American Corporation's subsidiaries and an archive
of its press releases can be found on the Internet at
http://www.firstam.com .

    For more information, please contact:

    Media Contact:                        Investor
    Carrie Gaska                          Donna Dolan
    Corporate Communications              Investor
    The First American Corporation        The First
American Corporation
    +1(714)250-3298                       +1(714)250-3677
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