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First Annual Logistics M&A China Forum to take place in Shanghai on Apr. 4
March 01, 2006

    SHANGHAI, China, March 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- On
April 4, 2006, the China Supply Chain Council (C.S.C.C.),
in partnership with Supply Chain Asia, will organize the
first annual Logistics M&A China Forum, in Shanghai,
China, providing a platform for logistics and
transportation professionals to discuss and exchange views
on mergers, acquisitions, takeover and divesture strategies
in China.

    The past few weeks have seen a rise in M&A activity
in the logistics and transportation sector. 
Internationally, AP Moeller-Maersk bought P&O Nedlloyd;
Deutsche Bahn, which already owns Schenker, purchased Bax
Global; and Deutsche Post World Net, parent company of DHL,
has completed the acquisition of Exel plc.  Domestically,
TNT bought Huayu Logistics; more recently, FedEx acquired
Tianjin Datian W. Group. (DTW), and China Merchants has
taken over Sinotrans. 

    This timely event will also bring together key players
-- both local and foreign operators -- from the logistics
sector including 3PLs, freight forwarders, trucking and
warehouse operators.  It will act as a forum to meet and
exchange ideas with peers in this crucial but specialist
market segment, including advisors, investors and

    The summit will feature a general session and panel
discussions during the morning, followed by a half-day
workshop lead by BG Strategic Advisors that managed the
deal between PWC Logistics and Transoceanic (Geo-Logistics)
as well as Translink in Asia.  Benjamin Gordon, the Managing
Director and Founder of BGSA will be chairing the workshop.

    Confirmed speakers already include:

    -- Gary So, Vice-President, Kerry EAS
    -- Graham Matthews, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers
    -- Kim Woodard, CEO, Javelin Investments
    -- Michael Yang, Partner, GaoDe Investment Advisory 
    -- Qiang Li, China Counsel, Freshfields Bruckhaus
Deringer Shanghai

    Executives from Maersk, P&O, Schenker, Bax Global,
DHL, Exel, TNT, FedEx, DTW, China Merchants and Sinotrans
have also been invited to share their experience.

    A selected number of privately owned Chinese 3PLs,
freight forwarders, trucking companies and warehouse
operators have also been invited to the event and, if
required, matchmaking meetings will eventually be

    The Council hopes that by meeting local and foreign
logistics operator's face to face, attending presentations
and panels, and joining in the discussions, attendees will
leave with a deeper understanding of the current
opportunities for investing, acquiring or selling logistics
operations in China.

    If you have been involved in acquisitions, mergers or
integrating logistics businesses in China, and would like
to participate as a speaker or panelist, then please let us
know.  As a speaker or panelist, you will receive one
complimentary pass for the full day, five-star buffet lunch
and special invitations to a dinner and wine tasting.  In
addition, you may be featured in the special
"Logistics M&A" Shanghai Daily Supplement to
be published in March 2006.  For more information, contact
Max Henry, Founder & Executive Director, China Supply
Chain Council at mhenry@supplychain.cn or visit
http://www.supplychain.cn .

    For more information, please contact:

     Christine Shi
     China Supply Chain Council
     Tel:   +86-21-5102-1674 or +86-21-5102-1618 
     Fax:   +86-21-5258-3864 
     Email: cshi@supplychain.cn

SOURCE  China Supply Chain Council
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