Global Supply Chain Experts Meet in Shanghai: Meeting the Challenges of a Booming Economy and Global Trade

July 28, 2006

SHANGHAI, China, July 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Hundreds of international logistics and supply chain management leaders will converge on Shanghai August 2-3, 2006 for China Conference 2006 sponsored by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP). Executives from leading companies in China, the US, and other countries around the world will exchange the latest logistics techniques and share best-world supply chain practices. "China has become the second largest trading partner with the US, so China is reshaping the world's supply chain structure," said Rick Blasgen, president and chief executive officer of CSCMP. "Consequently, China's logistics and supply chain industries are playing a key role in world business that no manager can afford to ignore." The two-day event entitled Transformation and Evolution of Logistics and Supply Chain Management in China will be held August 2-3, 2006 at the Pudong Shangri-la Hotel in Shanghai. Opening ceremonies begin at 9:00 am with representatives from the Shanghai Government, China Enterprise Association, and Rick Blasgen, president and CEO of CSCMP. On-site registration begins at 8:00 am. Speakers feature prominent Chinese and US business leaders and academics including: -- Guangyu Huang, president of GOME Electrical Appliances Holding Ltd., China's leading consumer electronics retailer -- Junj Liu, COO of Lenova Group, China's leading personal computer company -- Dr. Robert Yap, CEO and chairman of YCH Group, a leading third party logistics company working with Motorola and other top companies -- James Kellso, supply chain master, Intel Corporation, a global leader in semiconductors "Managing the supply chain is a vital corporate challenge," said Rick Blasgen. "It requires planning, technology, communication, and most importantly, collaboration." About CSCMP Founded in 1963 as the preeminent association for individuals involved in supply chain management and logistics, CSCMP provides educational, career development, and networking opportunities to its over 9,000 members and the entire industry worldwide. CSCMP's Asian office is in Beijing; its world headquarters is in Lombard, Illinois, USA. For more information about the Shanghai conference, visit http://www.cscmpchina.org . More information about CSCMP is available at http://www.cscmp.org . For more information, please contact: China Contacts: Calvin Fang Email: fangc@cscmpchina.org Phone: +86-10-6279-9595 x618 Leo Liu Email: liusy@cscmpchina.org Phone: +86-10-6279-9595 x608 Joyce Zou Email: admin@cscmpchina.org Phone: +86-10-6279-9595 x600 US Contacts: Madeleine Miller-Holodnicki Email: mholodnicki@cscmp.org Phone: +1-630-645-3487 Herb Ritchell Email: ritchell@earthlink.net Phone: +1-847-508-3518 SOURCE Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
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