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Grand Opening of SHANGHAITEX 2007
June 01, 2007

The Largest Exhibition on Textile Industry in Asia in 2007

    SHANGHAI, June 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The 13th
International exhibition on textile industry (Shanghaitex
2007) will be held between June 1st to June 4th, 2007 at
the Shanghai New International Exhibition Center.  The
exhibition is sponsored by the Shanghai Textile Holding
(Group) Co., CCPIT Shanghai Branch and China International
Chamber of Commerce Shanghai Branch and undertaken by the
Shanghai International Exhibition Co. Ltd., Shanghai
Textile Technology Service Exhibition Center and Adsale
Exhibition Services Ltd.  As an international textile
industry exhibition with more than twenty years' history,
Shanghaitex has been dedicated to creating business
opportunities for both domestic and overseas suppliers and

http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/20061108114544-37.jpg )

    Being the largest exhibition ever, the scale of this
exhibition reaches 120,000 square meters which is an
increase of 20% to that in 2005.  The exhibition has
developed into one of the most representative exhibitions
of the global textile industry.  In order to meet the
developing trend of dyeing and finishing technology of the
textile industry, the focus point of this exhibition will
be the dyeing and finishing equipment technology which
accounts for 30% of the whole exhibition.  

    The exhibition attracts more than 1,400 manufacturers
from 23 provinces in China and more than 20 countries and
regions including Austria, Denmark, Brazil, the
Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, India,
Italy, Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan,
Singapore, Switzerland, Spain, Turkey, and the United
States of America.  More than 900 domestic participants and
more than 500 overseas exhibitors are involved.  It includes
famous enterprises like Asia Kingdom (Taiwan Province),
BRAZZOLI (Italy), Cheng Fu (Taiwan Province), CLARIANT
(France), DTC(Hong Kong), FONG'S(Hong Kong), GOFRONT(Hong
Kong), Hangzhou Dong Lin (PR China), COGNIS OLEOCHEMICALS
GLOBAL/DUPOND(USA), O&G(PRChina), Santex (Switzerland),
TANATEX(Netherlands), THIES (Germany), TUNG SHING (PR
China), YEMAN (Hong Kong), and CHEMTAX (Hong Kong).  

    As a self-innovative national brand, Shanghaitex
possesses a 24-year experience.  Trade shows are of high
strategic value in the global textile industry, and
specialists from more than 60 countries and areas have
expressed their interest in this year's exhibition by means
of internet reservations and so on.  In addition, not only
the country pavilions from several countries and areas,
including India, Thailand, Indonesia, Pakistan, Vietnam,
Bengal, Turkey and so on, but also the textile industry
committee and commercial union of domestic provinces,
municipals and industry-intensive areas will come to visit.
 It is predicted that there'll be more than 1,200 million
professionals to present in this exhibition.

    As a feature and highlight of Shanghaitex, trade
liaisons have drawn more and more attention from
exhibitions, buyers and organizers.  The organizers
appointed a trade liaison group several months ago to visit
Hubei province, Henan province and Shandong province for 2
weeks, in an attempt to understand the short-term strategy
and median and long-term strategy of the relative industry
committee, large enterprises and new developing area,
introduce the up-to-date information of the exhibition and
collect the advice from them. Moreover, the host held a
trade negotiation meeting before the exhibition in order to
make full preparation for business during the exhibition. 

    During the period, the organizers will create a trade
liaison office which can assist exhibitors to deal with
relative procedures of sales of exhibits after the
exhibition, and an intellectual office which helps solve
relative legal problems.  Additionally, onsite clinics,
free shuttle buses, mobile rest rooms and other
human-oriented service measures are prepared by the

    Before the opening of the exhibition, the organizers
employed an online registration system for the audience.
Thus, people who are interested in the exhibition can make
a reservation on the internet, and get the ticket directly
from the reservation pass without filling in a form and
waiting in line at the exhibition center. 

    1,400 participants are gathered in nine indoor
exhibition halls and three temporary exhibition halls for
this event.  Professional exhibition areas are separated
according to different equipment and technology for the
first time:

     -- Professional areas for knitting machines and
hosiery machines;
     -- Professional areas for printing machines and dyeing
and finishing 
     -- Professional areas for spinning machines,
industry-used cloth machines  
        and non-weaving machines;
     -- Professional areas for weaving machines; and
     -- Professional areas for spare parts.

    In order to make both participants and visitors feel
convenient, comfortable and easy, and to meet the different
needs among professional audiences from the world, to most
extent, the host broke the former boundary between the
overseas exhibition areas and domestic areas, formed
exhibition halls with clear structures and employed
eye-catching direction boards.  These lead to a perfect
performance of exhibiting the basic service concept of the

    2007 is a critical year for the Chinese textile
industry under the eleventh five-year plan.  The textile
industry has stepped into a stage of strengthening
self-innovation, advancing technological progress,
upgrading, and boosting gradient transition by focusing on
key programs for technological development and
industrialization.  As one of the most important trade
events in the textile industry, Shanghaitex 2007 will offer
professional exchange opportunites by hosting several
professional forums on the lastest techniques, equipment
and technology in the industry, as well as the professional
seminars on new equipment, technology and products of
new-style spinning, new technology for dyeing and
finishing, environmental protection chemicals and so on.

    SHANGHAITEX, beginning with 11,500 square meters in
1984 to an event with exhibition area of 120,000 square
meters this year, has developed into one of the most
influential professional exhibitions in Asia.  It is the
largest-scale textile industry exhibition in Asia in 2007
and is regarded as a professional, authoritative and
prospective trade exchange meeting by the others in the

    For more information, please contact:

    Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd.
     Ms Zhang Liping
     Tel£º   +86-21-6247-2349
     Fax£º   +86-21-6545-5124
     Email£º mariaz@siec-ccpit.com
    Shanghai Exhibition Center of Textile Technology
     Mr Liu Weiping
     Tel£º   +86-21-6277-5353
     Fax£º   +86-21-6227-0002
     Email£º stsec@online.sh.cn
    ADSALE Exhibition Serve Co., Ltd
     Mr. Zhong Zhixian/ Ms. Cai Shuwen
     Tel£º   +852-2516-3345 / 2516-3341
     Fax£º   +852-2516-5024
     Email£º textile@adsale.com.hk
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